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arts center fans!
The Arts Center depends on the generosity of many people and businesses to bring you great programs year round. Gifts can be large or small. You can make a simple online contribution at: www.jamestownarts.com—OR consider becoming an Arts Center Member. Member dollars provide a dependable, on-going revenue stream for general operation and creative programming. Members receive some great perks too… like discounted tickets!
Become an Arts Center Member Today!
CITY: _______________________________ STATE: ______ ZIP:
EMAIL: o I would like to receive the newsletter by e-mail.
Membership Level:
o $500 - PATRON o $100 - SUPPORTING o $50 - ADULT o $250 - ASSOCIATE o $80 - HOUSEHOLD o $25 - SENIORS & ARTISTS
In addition to supporting our community programs, members receive discounted tickets to concerts, performances, theater shows, special events and reduced tuition for art classes. Members also receive an $15 Arts Center gift card each year.
THANK YOU! Please return your completed form to The Arts Center at 115 2nd Street SW, Jamestown, ND 58401 or simply scan the QR code or visit our website at www.jamestownarts.com.
The Arts Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contribution may be deductible. Check with your tax representative for details.