3 minute read

Better Ruined

by Samantha (Riehl) Culliton ’13

and eventually full-time accounting role at the Anne Carlsen Center and aspirations of becoming a CPA and pursuing a fastmoving career in public accounting.

Fast forward 10 years, I am a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom to four wonderfully energetic boys. If you would have told me this would have been my life when I graduated, I wouldn’t have believed you. As I consider where life has taken me since my time at Jamestown College, there is no better way to describe what the Lord has done with my plans but “better ruined.” And although the dreams and plans and expectations have changed, there are a couple foundational elements from my time at Jamestown College that have proved foundational: a standard of excellence in whatever I pursue, and continuous learning through community.

A Standard of Excellence

Although I no longer have a full-time job that is financially motivated or filled with external recognition and acclaim, I have an amazing opportunity to now serve my family and community in ways that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

When I worked in the professional workplace, I held to the Biblical truth that we should do all things for the glory of Christ

(1 Cor. 10:31). Though I now do most of my work in the home, there is still a standard of excellence that was not only reinforced in college but comes from a deep faith in my Lord and Savior.

On many days, this looks like approaching my day knowing that it will not be easy. There is not only the hard work of maintaining a household of little boys with more energy than I know what to do with, but the harder work of knowing that I am affecting how my children see their God by what I say and do. By homeschooling, I am working to provide an education to my children that allows them to see how their Creator orchestrated and holds all things together while hopefully instilling in them a love of learning as they explore how their world works.

While I developed skills in college juggling part-time jobs, classes, and extra-curriculars, I now use these skills to manage my home, serve within our local church, and even do some accounting work on the side. We are all limited human beings which leads us to doing these things imperfectly, despite our best intentions. But I pray daily that Christ is reflected not by my perfection, but striving to what He has called me to do through His strength.

Continuous Learning through Community

When we have received our diploma at the end of our educational years, the learning has truly just begun. In all aspects of our lives, we will never come to a point where we cannot still learn more. I still use my accounting degree as I work with small businesses and our church in part-time accounting work. As a musician, I am allowed to grow in ways of leading congregational worship, musicianship, and songwriting. As I work within my home, I am constantly having to learn and relearn as each child is unique comes with his own set of “challenges.”

Being a gracious host, a patient teacher, a forgiving parent… these are all things that our natural self is not inclined to be. In order for us to continue learning, we must be surrounded by those who not only encourage us in a Godly manner but who spur us on to love and good works that ultimately glorify Christ. In Prov. 27:17, it states that “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Through my church family, I am given daily encouragement and discipleship that allows me to serve those alongside me. For me, this looks like pouring most of my time and energy into my immediate family. I currently stay at home and work to create an atmosphere of learning as I teach my children daily in academia and the Word of God, hospitality as we welcome friends and family into our space and ultimately hope to display Christ as they enter our doors. The community that I once found in college is now found by Christian friends as we walk alongside each other, spurring each other on in the things of Christ.

In whatever stage you may find yourself, I pray that you are encouraged to continuously keep learning and use your knowledge to serve those who surround you. May you rest knowing that where and how the Lord leads and guides you, may also your plans be better ruined for His glory.

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