Jamestown News - January 2, 2019

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YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1978 w w w. j a m e s t o w n n e w s . c o m


Jan 2-8, 2019

Vol. 41 No. 1 | 1 Section | 8 Pages

Bypass construction well underway BY CAROL BROOKS freelaNce writer cab1hp@gmail.com

It’s begun. Motorists have noticed that construction of the Jamestown Bypass is underway, and has been for several months, most noticeably along Dillon, Oakdale and Harvey roads. Now clearing is taking place on Vickrey Chapel Road where the 3.5mile bypass will intersect with Jamestown Parkway,

the Greensboro, or B, segment of project U-2412. It will join I-74/Hwy. 311 near the Five Points area in High Point. The estimated cost is over $48 million. The most dramatic section is along Dillon Road. Traveling north, the cleared section shows a decidedly downhill slope to the Riverwalk Townhomes. Riverwalk owners have had several meetings with the DOT because the bypass will directly impact their

community, with a planned traffic light at Dillon Road very close to the entrances to both the townhomes and condominiums, among other changes. At the most recent meeting, in March, major concerns were the closeness of the new road to their homes, home values, compensation for possible damage, construction noise and dirt, loss of common Photo by Carol Brooks areas, extra traffic and dif- The view from the southern end of Misty Waters Lane in the Riverwalk Townhomes subdivision, is now a huge wall of dirt as ground is leveled for construction of the See BYpASS, Page 3 Jamestown Bypass.

Rain does not deter guests at Holiday Tour of Homes

Medications disposal drop box now at local sheriff’s office

BY NORMA B. DeNNIS freelaNce writer ndworddesign@gmail.com

BY NORMA B. DeNNIS freelaNce writer ndworddesign@gmail.com

The fifth annual Holiday Tour of Homes, sponsored by Sedgefield Colony Garden Club, proved to be a success despite the fact it was delayed a week by 12-plus inches of snow and hindered on the day of the tour by rain. Torrential rain Dec. 20 may have damped bodies, but not the spirit of the occasion. As guests traveled from one home to another, they were warmed by the festive holiday decorations, cheery fires in fireplaces and the smiling faces of garden club members. Homes in the tour included those of Mr. and Mrs. Donnis Corn and Mr. and Mrs. Todd Gillenwater. “We knew Sedgefield has some Photos by Norma B. Dennis older homes and wanted to see if In spite of dreary weather on the day of the Sedgefield Colony Garden we could get ideas for renovations,” Club’s Holiday Tour of Home, the smiling faces of club members and said Carolyn Swaim, who came beautifully decorated houses made the tour a happy occasion. pictured from left are Sedgefield Colony Garden Club Member Kathy Benson, homeowner Brandy Gillenwater and her son Trent Gillenwater. See TOuR, Page 3

Guilford County is committed to reducing the harm created by opioid overdoses, including opioidrelated deaths. Officials and emergency medical services say there were over Photo by Norma B. Dennis 700 opioid overCapt. David pruitt assists dose reversals Jamestown Mayor Lynn and 100 verified Montgomery as she disposes of opioid deaths in unused prescription medications Guilford County for herself and a friend. during 2017. Statistics are not yet available for the year 2018. Jamestown Mayor Lynn Montgomery attended a program in September about the state of the opioid crisis in North Carolina. One of the speakers, Jim Albright, director of Guilford County Emergency Services, discussed the collection of old, unused medications and Montgomery’s first reaction was to find out if there was a place in Jamestown where drugs could be taken when no longer needed. Although this area sponsored an annual collection, according to Capt. David Pruitt of the District III Sheriff’s Office, the Jamestown office had no permanent collection site like the other two districts. Pruitt determined to learn why. The biggest program was the small lobby at the Jamestown office that did not allow room for a collection box. “We decided to make a place for a box,” Pruitt said. “As of December, a box has been bolted into place in another part of the office and a sign (telling what not to include) installed above it. We do not take the drugs from people, but watch them place what they bring into the box. “To have a place to get rid of drugs when they are no longer needed is important,” he added. “Most people do not lock up their medicines and anyone, including kids, neighbors or guests could get to them. Access can be the start of addiction.” See DROp BOx, Page 3

Odd new Year’s traditions from around the world

BY CAROL BROOKS freelaNce writer cab1hp@gmail.com

Photo courtesy list25.com

The color of your undies can indicate your financial state in the Photo courtesy of Pinterest new year in South and Central America. Breaking plates are a New Year’s tradition in Denmark. isn’t as damaging because the Irish hit the walls in their house with bread. Some South Africans also like to get rid of possessions on New Year’s as they throw old furniture out of the window.

Similar to baking the baby (small doll) into a King Cake during Mardi Gras, Bolivians and Greeks bake coins into cakes and other sweets. Whoever finds the coin has good luck in the upcoming year.

The Greeks have an odd custom. This next custom would be right In this country, an onion is hung on at home on Halloween: sleeping in the front door of homes, symbol- the cemetery on New Year’s Eve. izing rebirth. To continue the cus- This practice goes on in Chile. tom, children wake on the first day If you see an effigy burning of the new year as their parents tap them on the head with the onion. See TRADITIONS, Page 2

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What color is your underwear? If you have on red or gold/yellow undies, you can join the residents of Central and South American countries in a special celebration on New Year’s Eve. Red symbolizes love in the new year and yellow or gold is thought to bring money to the wearer. Green undies signify health and wellbeing while your tighty-whities bring prosperity and success. That money might be used in Denmark to purchase new dishes and plates, following the Danes’ custom of shattering such items against the doors of their friends and families on New Year’s Eve. This is supposed to banish bad spirits. A similar custom in Ireland




January 2, 2019

Performance and Play: Pioneering a new Method of Learning in Lloyd international Honors College By nils skudra In the contemporary world of academia and the job market, there is a widespread perception that studying and work are not something to have fun with; they are things you just have to do in order to achieve success. But at Lloyd International Honors College of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Dean Omar Ali and his ‘ensemble’ (professional staff, comprising a budget and operations manager, an administrative assistant, two assistant deans, and four academic advisors) are creating a new kind of performative culture which challenges this prevailing assumption. Drawing upon the work of the developmental psychologist and educator Dr. Lois Holzman, currently serving as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow, they intentionally perform and play both as a means of instruction for Honors College students and as a guiding method for their respective job roles. The idea of ‘performing’ is applied in the curriculum, in extracurricular activities, and during the day-to-day work of running the Honors College—as during weekly ‘ensemble’ meetings in which Dean Ali and his staff discuss the work of the Honors College. In all these spaces, they infuse the improv theatre technique of “yes, and” to cultivate an open and playful working and learning environment. The method is simple: acknowledge and accept ‘offers’ (what people say or do) and build on these positively. In doing this, the Honors College is redefining commonly held notions about how we learn, grow, study, and work, providing both students and staff with a new lens into how they approach their respective roles and what they bring to those roles. For some of the staff Max Kendall Lumber & Tin members, performance as part of the job hasNC been an Stokesdale, 9mi. North of Greensboro Airport empowering and creative at the int. of Hwy 158 &68 experience. “I’m people WE MAKE OUR OWNaMETAL person,” DunMETALsays Linda Buy Direct ROOFING & Save Galvalume Max Kendall

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(above) dean ali, with Honors student and sGa President samaya roary, and Provost dana dunn. (top right) ‘Monday Play!’ is one of a number of experiential opportunities for Honors College students to learn how to improvise. (at right) Honors College course ‘afro-latin america: africa, iberia, and the americas’. ston-Stacey, the Budget and Operations Manager for the Honors College, “but not everyone is.” “Coming to the Honors College made me realize that there was a framework for what I do and that my intentionality now had some words to it.” Ms. Dunston-Stacey’s reflections illustrate how the concept of performance redefined—or gave clarity to—the work that many of her colleagues were engaged in, giving it new meaning and purpose. We can be intentional in our actions. We can choose to be present, or not. We can try new ways of being, even if we are not all, as Ms. Dunston-Stacey is, a ‘people-person.’ The Honors ensemble will often play games at the start of meetings as a way of practicing being deliberate at yes-anding each other, having fun together, and building connectivity. An example would be the ‘oneword story game,’ in which an individual adds onto the sentence with one word initiated by the previous person next to them, followed by the next staff member, creating a story together on a given subject. Another such game is the ‘questions game,’ in which participants, one at a time, go around, asking a question about a given subject while building on what the person next to them asked. These various games help to create an open and creative atmosphere. For Professor Spoma Jovanovic, who teaches in the Department of Communication Studies and offers an Honors seminar, the task of higher education “is to

solve the world’s problems,” and therefore “I take seriously the things that I teach, and the ways in which I interact with students are really to better prepare them to tackle the complexities of the world in which we are all living.” She considers this pertinent to the current cultural atmosphere in the United States since, she maintains, “I’m worried that students are growing up in a culture where standing back and not participating is seen as okay… I feel that we need to teach democracy since it doesn’t really exist in our public sphere too much.” For Professor Jovanovic, having conversations is a kind of performance, and one that is much needed at this moment in the nation’s history. Another Honors faculty member, Professor Nadja Cech, from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, reflects that “the context in which my students learn is critical for their ability to engage effectively with content.” She notes that “[s]ometimes we play games related to chemistry, such as chemistry charades, where some of us act out a complicated chemistry term (such as ‘spectrophotometry’) and the rest of us attempt to guess what it is.” Such game-playing helps to create a culture in her classrooms and labs where scientists-in-the making build a sense of community and get some laughs in. “Any activity that allows us to connect with each other is relevant to the subject,” she maintains, “because the human relationships are as important to the learning process

as is the subject matter.” Dean Ali, who teaches history and was selected in 2016 as the Carnegie Foundation North Carolina Professor of the Year, echoes Professor Cech’s sentiment. “What is the sense of having a classroom if we don’t connect with each other?,” he asks. “‘Yes-and’ helps us do this … by focusing on and building our relationships with students and the class as a whole, we are ever-more effective in helping students stretch and learn,” Ali notes. He concludes, “I’m an environmentalist, and not just the tree-hugging kind! I’m talking about being attentive to social environments. To the extent we attend to social relationships and building classroom environments where students can take intellectual risks, which can sometimes be hard emotionally, we support our students develop and grow in all kinds of ways.” With respect to the effectiveness of performance in the classroom, many faculty and students of the Honors College regard it as highly beneficial to the process of learning and discovery. As Dr. Cech notes, the practice of chemistry involves a degree of play and impro-

on New Year’s Eve, you are probably in Panama, where the custom signifies driving off evil spirits for a fresh start to the new year. Residents of Ecuador have a similar tradition of burning scarecrows stuffed with paper in the hopes of good fortune. Colombians like to trav-


el so much that they carry empty suitcases around in hopes of traveling in the upcoming year. These people also put three potatoes under their beds. At midnight, they reach under the bed and pull out one potato. If it’s peeled, they will have financial problems. Unpeeled indicates

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abundance and half-peeled is just an average financial forecast. The Swiss celebrate by dropping ice cream on the floor, apparently on purpose. A small village in Peru celebrates “out with the old year, in with the new” with a fistfight to settle differences, starting the new year fresh.


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but must first present a gift for luck to the homeowner. Japanese hold “forget-theyear” parties to say farewell to problems brought on in the previous year. How do you celebrate the new year? Maybe you could start a new tradition by trying out some of these from around the world.

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Let’s hope a fistfight doesn’t break out during the “first-footing” portion of Hogmanay in Scotland. After midnight on the first day of the new year, family and friends visit each other’s homes. The owner of the “first foot” to cross a threshold has the honor of predicting the new year’s fortune,

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Nils Skudra is a freelance writer, Honors College Research Assistant, Civil War historian, and UNC Greensboro alumn (M.A., History, 2018), who you can find serving up a hot cup of coffee at A Special Blend in Greensboro, North Carolina.

traditions continued from front

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visation—that is, students ‘performing’ as scientists, as well as the activity of experimentation, which is inherent to the scientific process. “Successful chemistry experiments require creativity and a willingness to follow up on scientific curiosity,” she maintains. “When doing chemistry research, we’re often doing something that’s never been done before. It’s important to allow for failure in this process. You can’t be afraid to try because the experiment may fail, you try it anyway. In essence, this is a type of improvisation.” Honors College students recognize the effectiveness of performance in their academic and work lives. Honors student Samaya Roary, who also works and serves as UNC Greensboro Student Body President, states that sometimes she has to show up at meetings when she is tired or feels underqualified, but she knows that she must step into the role and be confident. “Performance plays a role in my life because it’s very de-stressing to realize that at the end of the day it’s just a play, we’re all figuring it out together… and to know that we’re all going through this ‘performance of life’ can be very reassuring,

especially because college can get very stressful.” She recognizes that performance can be a challenge as well because it is something she is “constantly growing in.” As a word of advice to students, she states: “Go outside of your comfort zone, try something new and do something different. See if you like it… Be willing to learn from others that you might not consider quoteunquote ‘experts.’ You might be surprised!” In conclusion, the concept of performance has been highly instructive and beneficial as a teaching and work tool for students, faculty, and staff in the Honors College, and in a wide variety of ways. After all, their motto is “Ludite, Explorate, Perficite!” (“Play, Experiment, Perform!”), as Assistant Dean Dr. Rebecca Muich, a classical philologist helped to create two years ago with the support of the university’s provost, Dr. Dana Dunn. As a form of pedagogy, performance enables faculty to engage students and encourage their participation; as a workplace tool, it provides staff members with creative skills for dealing with moments of pressure and administrative challenges; and for Honors College students, the practice of performance has proven to be a vital asset. In Roary’s view, performance equips students with the academic, social, and professional development skills that are necessary for their success as they move from university into their careers.


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From the Front from Randolph County for the tour. Her daughter-inlaw Denise Swaim and son recently purchased an older home and the ladies thought seeing others might be helpful. The Gillenwater home was built in 1924 a couple of years before the Sedgefield clubhouse. “We have done little in the way of renovations,” Brandy Gillenwater said. “We added a bar area and floor-to-ceiling windows to brighten that spot, but other than that have left everything as we brought it two years ago.” Guests at the Corn home also enjoyed seeing decorative touches by home decorator Madge Megliala. Paige Knight, who has participated in the tours for several years, says seeing all the beautiful decorations is an inspiration for decorating her own home. First-time visitor Kiristin Ryan liked the idea that the tours raise funds for worthy causes. New this year was The



January 2, 2019


continued from front Christmas Cottage. Once used as a hunting lodge, it is now a guesthouse at the home of Don and Teresa Cain. Participants in the tour could enjoy a hot drink and snack as they enjoyed looking over items vendors were selling to aid guests in their holiday shopping. Although vendors were new to the tour, Sedgefield Colony Garden Club members also conducted their traditional bake sale and craft sale to help raise funds for the charities the club is supporting with the 2018 home tour fundraiser. Proceeds will be divided between two organizations. One is Sedgefield Presbyterian Church’s Angel Tree, a ministry that supports children and families from Sedgefield Elementary School at Christmas. Funds will also be used for the Alight Program at Cone Health, which provides educational materials, emergency funds, peer monitoring and outreach offered to breast cancer patients and their families.

Photo by Carol Brooks

Construction equipment signals the start of bypass construction at the Vickrey Chapel Road intersection at Jamestown Parkway.


continued from front

Ragsdale Wrestling

ficulty getting in or out of their community with the new traffic light on Dillon Road, which will be widened to allow a turn lane. With an estimated 30,000 vehicles on the new 45 mph four-lane divided bypass, noise is certain to be a problem and residents are hoping new plans include noise abatement walls. It appears 17 townhomes on the west side of Dillon Road and 18 single-family homes on the east side will be impacted by the new roadway and accompanying widening of Dillon Road at the intersection, mostly by DOT right of way into the common areas of the developments. There are 49 units in the Riverwalk community and some will back up to the new road and widening. Residents along the route of the bypass will have to contend with approximately three years of work. When the Riverwalk communities were constructed approximately 20 years ago, new owners – and subsequent owners – were informed about the bypass plans. Talk of the Jamestown Bypass (U-2412-A) began in the 1980s, heated up in the early 1900s, but stalled because of funding disagreements between Jamestown, Greensboro and High Point. Interest picked up again in the early 2000s, with initial construction to start in 2030.

Submitted Photo by Donna Blizard

Ragsdale wrestlers competed at the Tiger Holiday Classic in Chapel Hill in december. Teams competing were from north Carolina, Virginia and Florida. Ragsdale had 11 wrestlers who competed and 4 placers, Cameron Blizard (3rd), dustin Cook (4th), nigel Freeman (6th), Tommy nguyen (5th).

Photo by Norma Dennis

Guard rails now line Oakdale Road at the bypass site. nCdOT plans to construct a bridge over Oakdale Road.

dROP BOx continued from front Guilford County has gone one step further than simply providing a way to dispose of old, unused medications. In March of 2018, the county began the Guilford County Solution to the Opioid Problem (GCSTOP). Funding from the State General Assembly has been used to implement a Rapid Response Team (RRT) that helps prevent repeat overdoses. The program serves people at high risk of overdosing or opioid-related deaths by counseling persistent users to enter treatment or reduce harmful drug-related practices. They provide a syringe exchange, harm-reduction training and community overdose education. A member of the RRT – which includes social workers, peer support specials and law enforcement personnel – contact those who have experienced an overdose within one-three days. They provide information about available services to help with future opioid-related problems, as well as connect people to these services.

The program’s goal is to reduce opioid overdose deaths. On Dec. 19, during the annual Celebration of Life tree-lighting ceremony outside the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office in Greensboro, names listed included those who lost their lives due to opioid overdose. “We have had the tree-lighting ceremony for several years to honor those who lost their lives because of traffic accidents, but this year Sheriff (Danny) Rogers expanded it to remember those killed by domestic violence and addition,” Pruitt said. “Each light on this year’s tree represents a life lost in 2017.” The sheriff’s office requests that individuals help reduce access to unused drugs by disposing of them properly. Residents in Jamestown and surrounding areas can now take unused medications to the District III Sheriff’s Office at 211 Hillstone Drive from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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JaNuary 2, 2019

Play the famous North Carolinian game this New Year’s Eve One of my favorincludes the followite things about the ing: David Brinholiday season is kley, Shirley Caethe arrival of “The sar, John Coltrane, World Almanac and Rick Dees, ElizaBook of Facts.” beth Hanford Dole, Its thousand pages Dale Earnhardt Sr., of fine print are a John Edwards, Ava valuable resource. Gardner, Richard But there is a probJordan Gatling, lem. When I gave a Billy Graham, Andy By d.g. martin copy the other day Griffith, O. Henry, One On One to a friend, he took Andrew Jackson, a look, shook his Andrew Johnson, head, and said, “I can’t read a Michael Jordan, William Rufus word of its tiny text.” King, Charles Kuralt, MeadowBut crammed into all that fine lark Lemon, Dolley Madison, print are so many things my Thelonious Monk, Edward R. friend should know. Murrow, Richard Petty, James K. This year’s edition includes Polk, Charlie Rose, Carl Sandresults of last month’s elections, burg, Enos Slaughter, Dean including House, Senate, and Smith, James Taylor, and Thomgubernatorial races and informa- as Wolfe. tion about past elections. There Not a bad list, I guess, though are summaries of other top news some of these folks are not as stories, history, sports results, famous as they once were. population figures, and much If you are looking for a way to more. entertain guests at a New Year’s I quickly go to the North Caro- party, here is an idea: share the lina section for its short summary almanac list with your friends, of our history and economy. I look give each a pencil and pad, and for the section called “Famous ask them to write down 10 people North Carolinians” to see who they think should be added to the made the list. The new almanac list. Then have everybody share

lists and explain their thinking. Julius Chambers, revered civil Here are some people who rights lawyer. should be in contention: Erskine Bowles, chief of staff for President Bill Clinton. From history: Mick Mulvaney, who grew up Virginia Dare, the first child of in Charlotte, acting chief of staff English parents born in the new for President Donald Trump, and world. William Barber, Goldsboro Blackbeard, the pirate Edward minister and national civil rights Teach. leader. Daniel Boone, who spent much of his early life in North CaroFrom sports: lina. Stephen Curry, NBA player. Chang and Eng Bunker, the Jim Valvano, even more original Siamese twins. famous in death. Mike Krzyzewski and Roy From music: Williams, rival Duke and UNC Nina Simone, singer and song- basketball coaches. writer Joe Gibbs, football coach and Doc Watson, blind musician NASCAR team owner. and songwriter. Earl Scruggs, bluegrass. Of course, you and your friends Arthur Smith, country music will have other candidates. If performer and songwriter. your group gets tired of coming up with new names, give them From politics and public life: the task of crossing out a number Josephus Daniels, founder of of people from the almanac’s list. the News & Observer and secreFor instance, most people tary of the navy. would say they never heard of Sam Ervin, U.S. senator. William Rufus King. They would Jesse Helms, five-term U.S. suggest that his name come off senator. the list. Jim Hunt, four-term North King was born in North CaroCarolina governor. lina in 1796. After he moved to

Alabama, he was elected to the U.S. Senate and in 1852 was elected vice president. He died on April 18, 1853, after serving for only six weeks. King and future president James Buchanan, both unmarried, were close friends and lived together for many years. Some historians suggest that they were more than friends. Will your friends keep King on the list? Whether they do or not, I wish you and them a happy, and informed, New Year.

Send me your suggestions of famous North Carolinians to add to World Almanac’s list at nceateries@yahoo.com and I will forward your message to the almanac staff.

D.G. Martin hosts “North Carolina Bookwatch,” Sunday 11:00 am and Tuesday at 5:00 pm on UNC-TV. The program also airs on the North Carolina Channel Tuesday at 8:00 pm and other times. To view prior programs: http://video.unctv. org/show/nc-bookwatch/episodes/

Resolve to spend more time with pets By Sam mazzOtta PAW’S COrner DEAR PAW’S CORNER: One of my top resolutions is to spend more time with my Australian shepherd, “Ash.” I feel that I haven’t given him the time or attention he needs since he arrived six months ago. — Barry in White Plains, New York DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My New Year’s pet resolution is to find a companion for my senior cat, who is 14 years old. He isn’t the most “snuggly” cat, but he was very social with my neighbor’s cat, who visited all the time until he passed away

earlier this year. — Janine aloof quite often, but they are actually very social S., via email animals. Still, finding a DEAR BARRY AND companion for your cat JANIE: These resolutions may take some time. A are pretty fantastic. I’m trial visit of a few days glad you’re both looking can determine whether a for ways to keep your pets second cat is a good fit for your senior cat. If they from being lonely. Australian shepherds don’t get along well from are, like most herding the start — that probably dogs, notoriously energet- won’t improve over time. ic and can get into all sorts Meanwhile, spend more of mischief if they get time with him so that he bored. I hope you’ll spend has your companionship. a lot of that time working Readers, what New with Ash on basic behavior training. And once he Year’s resolutions have responds to that, consider you made for your pet? doing some agility train- Let me know at ask@ ing with him — a great pawscorner.com or on way to burn off more of Twitter @PawsCorner. that energy. Janine, cats may seem ©2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

“The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused.” — Shirely MacLaine ©2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

The insufferable James Comey By riCH LOWry USPS-457-850 - ISSn 1074-5122

The Community’s Best Source of Local Information Locally Owned & Operated Since 1978 Freelance Writers - Carol Brooks & norma B. Dennis Legal Advertising/Writer - Jane Whitehorne For All Display Advertising Charles Womack - 336-316-1231 maiL SUBSCriPtiOn: In Guilford Couty: $25 per year, $16 per 6-months aLL OtHEr arEaS: $33 per year, $22 per 6 months, $53 per year in foreign countries Published every Wednesday by Womack newspapers Periodical postage paid at Jamestown, nC 27282 Postmaster: Send address changes to Jamestown News P.O. Box 307, Jamestown, nC 27282 nEW Office: 5500 Adams Farm Lane, Suite 204, Greensboro, nC 27407 Phone: 336-841-4933

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Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinion of this publication. Copyright 2017 by Womack Newspapers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without written permission is prohibited.

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Never before has a former FBI director boasted about taking advantage of an administration’s disorganization for his own ends. But never before has a former FBI director been as self-satisfied as James Brien Comey Jr. In an interview at the 92nd Street Y in New York City, Comey delighted his audience with his tale of how he exploited the Trump White House’s disarray in its initial days to send two FBI agents to talk to then-national security adviser Michael Flynn without honoring the usual processes (e.g., working through the White House counsel’s office). He said that in a different administration, it was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with.” Comey is a bigger political figure than ever before, but has revealed himself to be exactly what critics always said — a politically savvy operator who matches his bureaucratic skills with an impregnable sense of self-righteousness. The conundrum of James Comey was that he deserved to be fired, but firing him — certainly the way Trump did it — was the worst mistake of Trump’s presidency. It would have been better to have Comey inside the tent leaking and maneuvering for his own advantage, than to have him outside leaking and maneuvering for his own advantage. Comey is a smart and capable man. In many ways, he was a good FBI director. His fault was always being too clever by half and keeping too keen an eye out for his own image and political interest. He bent over backward to get to the conclusion that President Barack Obama and his Justice Department wanted in the Clinton email investigation, then decided

to speak out lest people think his decision was politically tainted. Comey thus ignored the law in the Clinton case, and ignored Justice Department rules in talking about it. After Trump fired him, Comey gave one of his memos to a friend so he could share its contents with The New York Times in the hopes that it would catalyze the appointment of a special counsel. Sure enough, we got a special counsel. A special-counsel probe is an act of punishment against any administration subjected to it. It will cause distraction, legal fees and heartache — in the best case. A practiced Washington player, Comey knew all of this. That he’s so deft makes his slipperiness about inconvenient matters related to the investigation all the more telling. Consider a little item from Comey’s recent congressional questioning. Thenchief of staff Reince Priebus asked Comey if a conversation they were about to have was private. Comey said it was, despite the fact that he would write a memo about their talk, and it would — of course — make it into the press. Comey is acting under extreme provocation when he blasts Trump and calls for his defeat, but seems unaware that his pronouncements as a private citizen cast a pall over his public service when he wielded some of the most sensitive powers of government. None of Trump’s attacks on Comey has been as damning as the supposedly by-thebook FBI director admitting he did an end run around process in the Flynn interview, and soaking up laughter and applause for it.

Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. ©2019 by King Features Synd., Inc.

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against DONALD RAY WRIGHT, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are hereby notified to present them to Phillip G. Wright, as Administrator of the decedent’s estate, on or before March 12, 2019, in care of the undersigned’s attorney, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 12th day of December, 2018. Phillip G. Wright, Administrator of the Estate of Donald Ray Wright Steven W. Arrington, Esq. The Arrington Firm, P.C. P.O. Box 4753 Greensboro, NC 27404 December 12, 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARGARET ANN BOREK JOHNSON aka MARGARET ANN JOHNSON aka MARGARET A. BOREK DANZER, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 12, 2019, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of December, 2018. Richard R. Ruppel, Jr., Executor Estate of Margaret Ann Borek Johnson aka Margaret Ann Johnson aka Margaret A. Borek Danzer, Deceased J. Aaron Bennett, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 December 12, 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of EVELYN J. THOMPSON, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 12, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of December, 2018. Carolyn T. Brockmann 1702 Maryfield Court High Point, NC 27260 December 12, 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JANNA DEA EDWARDS, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at PO Box 5945, High Point, North Carolina 27262, on or before the 13th day of March, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of December, 2018. Eugenia Cashwell Moore, Executor Estate of Janna Dea Edwards PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262 Kevin L. Rochford, Attorney Estate of Janna Dea Edwards PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262 December 12, 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against TED C. THOMPSON, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before March 15, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 12th day of December, 2018. VICKIE T. STEWART Personal Representative 214 Commerce Place Greensboro, NC 27401 GABRIEL BERRY & WESTON, LLP

Attorneys at Law 214 Commerce Place Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: (336) 275-9381 December 12, 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of EMILY ANN MINTER, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of their attorney at 110 Oakwood Drive, Suite 300, Winston-Salem, NC 271031958, on or before the 12th day of March, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 12th day of December, 2018. Philmore R. Minter, Administrator Estate of Emily Ann Minter Craige Jenkins Liipfert & Walker LLP 110 Oakwood Drive, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 December 12, 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of KENNETH W. MILLER, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 19, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of December, 2018. Sheryl K. Miller 100 Southbridge Court Jamestown, NC 27282 December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BARBARA J. BEAN aka BARBARA BEAN, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 19, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of December, 2018. Robert T. Reece 461 Montgomery Shores Drive Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Limited Personal Representative of the Estate of MARILYN CLARKE TAVARES a/k/a MARILYN MCKENZIE ROBERTS, deceased, of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 19, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of December, 2018. Jessey Orangel Tavares Limited Personal Representative of the Estate of Marilyn Clarke Tavares a/k/a Marilyn McKenzie Roberts 1403 Cyril Lane Greensboro, NC 27401 Margaret Robison Kantlehner Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720 December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JUDITH FUTRELL MINCHER, AKA JUDITH F. MINCHER, Deceased, late of GUILFORD County, North Carolina, the undersigned individual hereby gives notice to all persons, firms and corporations having any claim against the Estate of JUDITH FUTRELL MINCHER, AKA JUDITH F. MINCHER, Deceased to present such claims to him as Executor c/o William G. McNairy, Esq. at Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P., P.O. Box 26000, Greensboro, NC 27420, on or before March 25, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to JUDITH FUTRELL MINCHER, AKA JUDITH F. MINCHER, Deceased are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned Executor. This, the 19th day of December, 2018. THOMAS D. MINCHER, SR. Executor of the Estate of JUDITH FUTRELL MINCHER, AKA JUDITH F. MINCHER, Deceased William G. McNairy, Attorney Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P. P.O. Box 26000 Greensboro, NC 27420 December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of CHARLES P. SCOTT, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of March, 2019, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of December, 2018. Ann Patterson Scott, Executor of the Estate of Charles P. Scott 4307 Galax Trail Greensboro, NC 27410 Carole W. Simms Fox Rothschild, LLP P.O. Box 21927 Greensboro, NC 27420-1927 December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 9,

NOTICE OF TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT Town of Jamestown, NC Notice is hereby given that a retreat will be hosted by the UNC School of Government for the Town Council of the Town of Jamestown. The retreat will be held on January 12th at 9:00 am at the Piedmont Triad Regional Council (PTRC) building, 1398 Carrollton Crossing Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284. The Town Council may discuss various budget items and potential CIP projects for fiscal year 2019/2020. They may also discuss the possibility of staggering Council Member terms. The public is invited to be present at this important meeting. Katie McBride Town Clerk Town of Jamestown January 2, 2019

2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, James Robert Fields and Carole Fields Gibson, having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of BARBARA DIXON FIELDS aka BARBARA ANN DIXON FIELDS, deceased, a resident of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or their attorney on or before March 23, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of December, 2018.

December 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 16, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of HELEN SNYDER FARRAR, deceased, of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before April 2, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of January, 2019. William M. Lyon, Executor of the Estate of Helen Snyder Farrar 3916 Katie Drive Greensboro, NC 27410

James Robert Fields, Co-Executor Carole Fields Gibson, Co-Executor Dennis J. Toman, Attorney at Law The Elderlaw Firm 403 W. Fisher Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 336-378-1122

Ronald P. Johnson Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720

December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 2019

January 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, James Roberts Fields and Carole Fields Gibson, having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of JAMES RICHARD FIELDS, deceased, a resident of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or their attorney on or before March 23, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of December, 2018. James Robert Fields, Co-Executor Carole Fields Gibson, Co-Executor Dennis J. Toman, Attorney at Law The Elderlaw Firm 403 W. Fisher Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 336-378-1122

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of R.T. HARRELSON (aka RALPH HARRELSON), deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all parties having claims against said estate to present them to the attorney for the undersigned at P.O. Box 904, Kernersville, N.C., 27285-0904, on or before the April 2, 2019, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at the above address. This the 20th day of December, 2018. Willard W. Shields, Executor Estate of R.T. Harrelson Julie R. Whatley Attorney at Law Whatley Law, PLLC P.O. Box 904 Kernersville, NC 27285-0904 January 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019

December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JOYCE L. BLAKE (a/k/a JOYCE LOUISE BLAKE), late of Guilford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of Ingersoll & Hicks, PLLC, Post Office Box 25167, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27114, on or before March 19, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 19th day of December, 2018. Donna Carol Blake Executor Marc W. Ingersoll, Attorney Ingersoll & Hicks, PLLC December 19, 26, 2018; January, 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of NORMAN SWIDER a/k/a NORMAN JOSEPH SWIDER, deceased, of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 26, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 26th day of December, 2018. Stanley J. Swider, Executor of the Estate of Norman Swider a/k/a Norman Joseph Swider 1359 Mission Circle Clearwater, FL 33759 Davis McDonald Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720 December 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 16, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD I, MARY ANN BOHI, have qualified as Executrix of the Estate of EUGENE H. BOHI, deceased, formerly of Guilford County. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to present them to me at the address shown below on or before March 28, 2019, or your claim will be barred pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 28A-193. I hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations indebted to the decedent to make immediate payment to me. This the 14th day of December, 2018. Mary Ann Bohi, Executrix Estate of EUGENE H. BOHI Post Office Box 2608 High Point, North Carolina 27261 Grant W. Almond KEZIAH GATES LLP Post Office Box 2608 Suite 400 300 North Main Street High Point, North Carolina 27261 (336) 889-6900 December 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 16, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of SHIRLEY TURNER ARCHIBALD, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 26, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 26th day of December, 2018. Stanley C. Archibald, III 1218 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28207

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of HALLY LEE K. RANKIN aka HALLY LEE RANKIN, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before April 2, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of January, 2019. David L. Simel aka David Lee Simel Executor Jillian E. Brevorka, Esq. Brevorka Law Firm, P.C. 1501 Highwoods Blvd., Suite 100 Greensboro, NC 27410 January 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD I, SUSAN B. CULP, have qualified as Executrix of the Estate of ROBERT G. CULP, III, deceased, formerly of Guilford County. This is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to present them to me at the address shown below on or before April 4, 2019, or your claim will be barred pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 28A-19-3. I hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations indebted to the decedent to make immediate payment to me. This the 21st day of December, 2018. Susan B. Culp, Executrix Estate of ROBERT G. CULP, III Post Office Box 2608 High Point, North Carolina 27261 Charles E. Lynch, Jr. KEZIAH GATES LLP Post Office Box 2608 Suite 400 300 North Main Street High Point, North Carolina 27261 (336) 889-6900 January 2, 9, 16, 23, 2019

NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 18 CVD 8394 JOSEPH SPACEK, Plaintiff(s), vs. EVAGELIA EUSTATHIOU, Defendant(s). TO: MS. EVAGELIA EUSTATHIOU TAKE NOTICE that a Complaint for Absolute Divorce has been filed against you in the above-entitled action. You are required to make defense to such pleadings no later than forty (40) days from the first publication of this notice; and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought therein. This the 12th day of December, 2018. Thomas F. Roupas, Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff Roupas Law Firm, PLLC NC State Bar No. 24490 119 N. Greene Street, Suite 100 Greensboro, NC 27401 Phone: (336) 272-7272 Fax: (336) 275-0999

December 26, 2018; January 2, 9, 16, 2019

December 19, 26, 2018; January 2, 2019



Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of SARAH C. ARMSTRONG (aka) SARAH CULBRETH ARMSTRONG, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at PO Box 5945, High Point, North Carolina 27262, on or before the 27th day of March, 2019, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 26th day of December, 2018. John Humphrey, Executor Estate of Sarah C. Armstrong (aka) Sarah Culbreth Armstrong PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262 Kevin L. Rochford, Attorney Estate of Sarah C. Armstrong (aka) Sarah Culbreth Armstrong PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262




JANUARY 2, 2019 Court for Guilford County, Greensboro, NC, in the above-entitled special proceeding. The Petition relates to a male child born on January 29, 2009, in The Women’s Hospital, Greensboro, North Carolina. The birth mother’s name is Natasha Ann Graham. TAKE NOTICE that you are required to make defense to such pleading no later than forty (40) days after the date of the first publication of this notice, exclusive of such date. Upon your failure to do so, the Petition-

ers will apply to the Court for relief sought in the Petition. Any parental rights that you may have will be terminated upon the entry of the decree of adoption. This the 2nd day of January, 2019. ABIGAIL E. PEOPLES Attorney for Petitioners NC Bar #39981 5415-A W. Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27410 January 2, 9, 16, 2019

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY 18 SP 1745 Date of Sale: January 3, 2019 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Guilford County Courthouse Description of Property: Exhibit A

BEING all of Lot 11, Block H, Section 3, Guilford Heights Subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 51, at Page 4, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina. Record Owners: Daniel E. Van Horn and Susan Van Horn Address of Property: 5808 Tysinger Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 Deed of Trust: Book: 5623 Page: 632 Dated: September 6, 2002 Grantors: Daniel E. Van Horn and Susan Van Horn Original Beneficiary: The CIT Group/Consumer Finance, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes and superior liens or encumbrances of record and assessments, if any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale is also subject to any applicable county land transfer tax, and the successful third party bidder shall be required to make payment for any such county land transfer tax. A cash deposit of 5% of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30 (d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law.

Residential real property with less than 15 rental units, including singlefamily residential real property: an order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: 12/06/2018 Posted on 12/06/2018

Philip A. Glass Substitute Trustee Nodell, Glass & Haskell, L.L.P. December 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY 18 SP 1705

Date of Sale: January 3, 2019 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Guilford County Courthouse Description of Property: Exhibit A Being all of Lot 11, Jackson School Heights Subdivision, a plat of which is recorded in Plat Book 82, Page 103, Guilford County Registry Record Owners: Heirs of Troy L. Culler, Jr. Address of Property: 5415 John Washington Road, Browns Summit, NC 27214 Deed of Trust: Book: 6188 Page: 623 Dated: October 11, 2004 Grantors: Ruth A. Culler and Troy L. Culler, Jr., Husband and Wife Original Beneficiary: Home Equity of America, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes and superior liens or encumbrances of record and assessments, if any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale is also subject to any applicable county land transfer tax, and the successful third party bidder shall be required to make payment for any such county land transfer tax. A cash deposit of 5% of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30 (d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law.

Residential real property with less than 15 rental units, including singlefamily residential real property: an order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: 12/06/2018 Posted on 12/06/2018



Under and by virtue of the power of sale and authority contained in that certain Declaration for Vantage Point Association, Inc. and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County, North Carolina in Book 3178, Page 499, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by Claim of Lien 16 M 3128 and pursuant to an Order entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court for Guilford County, North Carolina, entered in this foreclosure proceeding, the undersigned Trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the Courthouse of Guilford County, in the City of Greensboro, North Carolina at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, all that certain lot or parcel of real es-

6 Wednesday, January 2, 2019 | Jamestown News

tate, including all improvements and fixtures located thereon, situated, lying and being known as 3911-G PIONEER WAY, GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27407, more particularly described as Unit No. 1 3911-G Vantage Point Condominium (the Unit) as described in the Declaration and as shown on the Plan of Condominium which is recorded in Condominium Plat Book 2, Pages 42-46, Guilford County Registry. The present record owner of the property is E & P Investment Properties LLC. The terms of the sale are that the property will be sold for cash to the highest bidder and a cash deposit not to exceed the greater of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) may be required at the time of the sale. The property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “As Is, Where Is”. Neither the Trustee nor the owner and holder of the indebtedness make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed. The property will be sold subject to restriction and easements of record, any unpaid taxes, prior liens and special assessments, any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure, and any tax required to be paid by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a) (1). The sale will be held open for ten days for upset bids as required by law. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days’ written notice to the landlord. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Issued the 20th day of December, 2018. Margaret M. Chase, Esq., Trustee of the Foreclosure, 301 N. Elm Street, Suite 800, Greensboro, NC 27401. Tel: (336) 273-1600. December 26, 2018; January 2, 2019 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 17SP1977 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JOHN DAVID SPEARS AND KIMBERLY MICHELLE SPEARS DATED FEBRUARY 14, 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 6266 AT PAGE 1422 IN THE GUILFORD COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 3:30PM on January 18, 2019 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Guilford County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 in Section “A” of the Lake Property Subdivision, a plat of which is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina in Plat Book 14 at Page 65. And Being more commonly known as: 807 Creek Ridge Rd, Greensboro, NC 27406 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are John David Spears and Kimberly Michelle Spears. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is December 18, 2018. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ 17-095029 January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 18SP1493 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY JAVAS REID DATED FEBRUARY 18, 2005 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 6267 AT PAGE 936 IN THE GUILFORD COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on January 18, 2019 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Guilford County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Those certain premises comprising a portion of Charlestowne Square Condominium, said Condominium having been established under Chapter


47-A of the North Carolina General Statutes (Unit Ownership Act) and the Declaration of Condominium dated February 28, 1985, and recorded March 15, 1985 in Book 3432, Page 1816, Office of the Registers of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina (the “Declaration”), the premises hereby conveyed being more particularly described as follows: 1. Unit No. 29, in Phase I-B of Charlestowne Square Condominium (the “Unit”), as described in the Declaration and as shown on the Plan of Condominium which is recorded in Condominium Plat Book 3, Pages 3 & 4, Guilford County Registry. 2. A 3.1250 percentage undivided interest appurtenant to the Unit in all Common Areas and Facilities of the Condominium, including the buildings and the improvements on the land described in the Declaration and as shown on the Plan of Condominium recorded in Condominium Plat Book 3, Pages 3 & 4, Guilford County Registry. And Being more commonly known as: 5613 Hornaday Rd M, Greensboro, NC 27409 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Javas L. Reid. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is December 18, 2018. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ 18-101437 January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 18SP1605 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY GWENDOLYN M. CELMER DATED OCTOBER 22, 2004 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 6196 AT PAGE 1068 IN THE GUILFORD COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on January 18, 2019 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Guilford County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: All that certain parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of GUILFORD, State of NC, to-wit: ALL OF LOT 7, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT ENTITLED “GEORGETOWNE VILLAGE TOWNHOMES” AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 94, PAGE 31, IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Being that parcel of land conveyed to Gwendolyn M. Celmer, unmarried from Pierce Roif Corporation by that deed dated 08/29/1989 and recorded 08/30/1989 in Deed Book 3757, at page 1902 of the Guilford County, NC Public Registry. And Being more commonly known as: 4201 Edith Ln Apt 107, Greensboro, NC 27409 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Gwendolyn M. Celmer. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time

notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is December 18, 2018. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ 18-101806 January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 18SP1431 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY EDWARD D. ASHWORTH AND DORIS ASHWORTH DATED SEPTEMBER 18, 2004 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 6175 AT PAGE 2830 IN THE GUILFORD COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 3:30PM on January 18, 2019 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Guilford County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING AT AN IRON STAKE MARKING THE SOUTHEAST POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE PROPERTY LINES OF WENDELL STREET AND FAIRMONT AVENUE, RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF WENDELL STREET, SOUTH 85 20’ EAST 90 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE; THENCE SOUTH 04 WEST 150 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE; THENCE NORTH 85 20’ WEST 90 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE IN THE EAST SIDE OF FAIRMONT AVENUE, NORTH 4 40’ EAST 150 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. And Being more commonly known as: 1402 Wendell Ave, High Point, NC 27260 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Doris Ashworth. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is December 18, 2018. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ 18-097485 January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 18SP1643 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY CHARLIE ANAST DATED SEPTEMBER 8, 2006 AND RECORDED IN BOOK R 6598 AT PAGE 1144 AND MODIFIED BY AGREEMENT RECORDED ON APRIL 19, 2016 IN BOOK 7804, PAGE 1508 IN THE GUILFORD COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on January 18, 2019 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Guilford County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Lying and being in the City of Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina containing n/a acres, more or less, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING ALL of Lot 304, Section 4, Shannon Woods Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County in Plat Book 43, at Page 59. And Being more commonly known as: 518 Tipperary Dr, Greensboro, NC 27406 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are The Unknown Heirs of Charlie Anast. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibili-

ties or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is December 18, 2018.

Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ 18-101804 January 2, 9, 2019 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY 17SP760


Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on January 18, 2019 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Guilford County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:

BEING all of Lot 32, Gramercy Park West - A Single Family Detached Cluster Development, per plat and survey thereof recorded in Plat Book 168, Page 73, Guilford County Registry, North Carolina, reference to which plat is hereby made for a more particular description of same. And Being more commonly known as: 3688 McGinty Dr, Greensboro, NC 27406

The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Demond Everhart and April N Everhart, husband and wife.

The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is December 19, 2018.

Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 http://shapiroattorneys.com/nc/ 17-089959 January 2, 9, 2019 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 16 SP 1919

Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by James I. Wentz, aka Cedar Street Associates, a sole proprietorship (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): James I. Wentz dba Cedar Street Associates) to James R. Manion, III, Trustee(s), dated the 23rd day of January, 2003, and recorded in Book 5730, Page 175, in Guilford County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse, West Door U-G Level in the City of Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:45 AM on January 16, 2019 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Guilford, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows:

Coffee Break



January 2, 2019

Salome’s Stars ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Romantic aspects are high at this time for single Lambs looking for love. Warm and fuzzy feelings also are at enhanced levels for Rams and Ewes in paired relationships. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) This week favors what Taureans dote on — namely, love and money. Look for more meaningful relationships for both singles and pairs, as well as an improved financial outlook. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) All lingering shreds of that recent bout with boredom are dissipated as you eagerly accept a challenging offer. Your positive mood persuades others to join you in this venture. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might need validation for a possible solution to a situation involving someone close to you. Consider asking a trusted friend or relative to help you with this problem. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Investigate carefully before agreeing to assist a friend or colleague with a personal

problem. There might be hidden fac- it fails, it will do so without a push tors that could emerge later that will from you. create problems for you. CAPRICORN (December 22 to VIRGO (August 23 to September January 19) Working with a trusted 22) Your decision to work with an colleague could open your mind to associate rather than go it alone, as exploring some considerations you preyou first proposed, brings an unex- viously dismissed out of hand. The pected bonus. Be careful not to be weekend brings news from a loved one. judgmental. Allow for free and open discussion. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Resolving a recent probLIBRA (September 23 to October lem leaves you in a good position 22) A loved one’s health problem to strengthen your influence on how could, once again, make demands on things get done. But continue to encouryour time and attention. But this time, age ideas and suggestions from others. make some demands of your own, and insist that others pitch in and help. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A new friend suggests an interesting SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem- opportunity. But check it out before ber 21) This is a good time for the you snap at it. It might be a good deal traditionally staid Scorpion to plan for some people, but it might not work adjustments in your day-to-day sched- in helping you reach your goals. ules. Be more flexible and allow for more impromptu, off-the-cuff actions. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a way of helping people solve their probSAGITTARIUS (November 22 to lems, making you a most-respected December 21) Avoid creating unnec- counselor and trusted friend. essary fuss over a situation you don’t approve of. If it’s going to work, it ©2019 King Features Synd., Inc. will do so despite your objections. If

Couch Theatre by amy anderson “Bad Times at the El Royale” (R) — A quartet of emotionally damaged guests and one enigmatic hotel employee converge at a mysterious motel with a dubious past in 1969. The El Royale sits literally on the state line between California and Nevada, a murky mixture of risk and gambles and lush excess. Each guest weaves his or her own thread of deception into the tapestry — a home-supplies salesman who is an undercover FBI agent, a songbird who is no delicate thing, a noble kidnapper, a priest who is not a priest. All of them under surveillance by the bellhop, ordered by the “management.” The twists and turns are as delightful as the art

Kevin Hart in “night school”

and fights the system. In this instance, it’s a robot dog — whose moniker “A.X.L.” stands for “attack, exploration and logistics” — found by gentle-hearted teen Miles (Alex Neustaedter) while out riding his dirt bike. He “pairs” with the pup, and the two go forth and adventure, at least until A.X.L.’s former owners come calling. Then it’s a race to save themselves and the pooch, whose steel heart is intelligent, loyal and good. The little kids probably will like it. Adults can take a pass.

in shenanigans after shenani- bilities and intelligent techgans. nology that they don’t quite understand and then lose it “A-X-L” (PG) — The somewhere to be found by “scientists” have done it a kind but slightly rebelagain — created a robotic lious and brave individual being with dangerous capa- who bonds with said robot

“Very, Very Valentine” (NR) — Danica McKellar and Cameron Mathison head up this Hallmark Channel Valentine offering. McKellar plays shy florist Helen, whose buddy Henry Hart is a

direction and soundtrack. “Night School” (R) — Teddy Walker (Kevin Hart) is a successful grill salesman and a lucky groom to be, with a successful and beautiful fiance. After an accident puts him out of work and prospects, he’s forced to confront the truth: He never finished high school. To find a job that’ll keep his lifestyle, he must secretly go to night school to prep for his GED — along with a cascade of other comedic misfits — led by high-school teacher with a heart of gold Carrie, played by Tiffany Haddish (a comedian, although you wouldn’t know it in this film). The school’s principal (Taran Killam) is a former rival classmate of Teddy, and the group butt heads with him

Universal Pictures

LEGAL NOTICES Beginning at a point in the eastern margin of North Elm Street, which said point is 153.30 feet southwardly from the point of intersection of the southern margin of South Park Drive and the eastern margin of North Elm Street, and running thence South 86 degrees 00 minutes East 150.00 feet to an iron post; thence South 04 degrees 00 minutes West 74.00 feet to an existing iron post; thence North 86 degrees 00 minutes West 150.00 feet to an iron nail in the eastern margin of North Elm Street, thence North 04 degrees 00 minutes East 74.00 feet to the point and place of beginning, same being Lot 9 in Block 13 of the Subdivision as Fisher Lands on map of survey of said lands as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 60, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 632 North Elm Street, 632-1 North Elm Street, 632-2 North Elm Street, 632-3 North Elm Street, 632-4 North Elm Street, Greensboro, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/ security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability

to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Case No: 1168339 (FC.FAY) January 2, 9, 2019 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 18 SP 451 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Treav Korng and Savoeun Sun (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Treav Korng) to W. Hayes Foster, Trustee(s), dated the 2nd day of January, 2004, and recorded in Book 6012, Page 2594, in Guilford County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment

botanist in charge of the New York Botanical Gardens, and he invites her to a masquerade at the gardens. There she meets a masked man who steals her heart and runs away mysteriously — much like a reverse Cinderella. She recruits Henry to help her track down the missing mystery man. It turns out that love can bloom in the most surprising places. NEW TV RELEASES “Happy Holidays Garfield” “Frontline: The Pension Gamble” “SuperWhy: Triple Feature” “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: Daniel Goes Camping/Tiger Family Trip” ©2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

Jamestown News | Wednesday, January 2, 2019

of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse, West Door U-G Level in the City of Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:45 AM on January 16, 2019 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the County of Guilford, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the western margin of Langley Street 50 feet north of T.L. Cheek’s corner; said beginning point being located 267 feet measured norhtwardly along the eastern margin of Langley Street from the northwestern corner of the intersection of Langley Street and Memphis Street (formerly Martin Street); and running thence eastward parallel with Cheek’s line 170 feet to a stake; thence northward parallel with Langley Street 100 feet to a stake in the eastern margin of Langley Street; thence with the east margin of Langley Street 100 feet to the point of Beginning. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 2115 Langley Street, Greensboro, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/ security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold

subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.

If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property

An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold.

Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Case No: 1228507 (FC.FAY) January 2, 9, 2019

be informed! read Public notices in tHis neWsPaPer or online!





January 2, 2019

Healthy Living

3 moves you can make to be more patient in 2019 With just a little effort, you can find more balance in life “Accepting your reality in that frustrating moment comes with being kind to yourself.” For instance, when her car was blocked in, Sanders accepted her situation and took the time to decide what was best for her. It didn’t mean stomping from store to store to find out the driver in question, but rather choosing to sit and enjoy the moment of stillness she had.

novant health Grace Sanders was returning to her car in a parking lot recently and could hardly believe what she saw. Another driver had blocked her in and left. She was stuck. And she was furious. How long was she going to be stuck here? Sanders, 55, is a psychotherapist who spends her days helping others to control their emotions and roll with the punches. And yet here she was, seething. “I panicked at first because I felt completely trapped,” Sanders said. But her next move is one we can all learn from. “This moment turned into an opportunity for taking a deep breath,” said Sanders, who counsels patients at Novant Health Midtown Family Medicine. So she sat in her car, turned on some music and waited it out until she could drive off. But if a professional like Sanders with 25 years of experience struggles with patience now and then, do the rest of us stand a chance? The answer, she said, is yes. She joins a crowd of philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists who all say

Grace sanders that there are many benefits to slowing down. Here’s her advice for maintaining your balance and happiness when we’ve grown accustomed to demanding and rewarding instant gratification in every corner of our lives. 1. Focus on yourself instead of others When you find yourself in frustrating situations that push your buttons, one helpful way to practice patience is to ask yourself, “How can I take a breath, right now?” Often, taking just a moment is the best form of self-care. And patience, she said, is a lot about what you don’t do in the moment. “It’s so easy to worry about others and get caught up with” the urge to respond or lash out, Sanders said.

2. Remind yourself that patience is a habit Some things in life just aren’t worth rushing through. If you scan through some of the happiest memories you’ve had, for instance, it becomes clear that a lot of valuable moments have taken time. “The world around us has ushered us into cultivating a culture of consumers who are constantly looking for meaning in life, yet we are encouraged to become shallow consumers of information,” Sanders said. That Netflix show you enjoyed, for instance? It took months, if not years to create. If one thing we know, a lot of our favorite things and experiences have taken a while to make. When you understand that life is worth enjoy-

ing and slowing down for, you’re already on the right path to becoming more patient. Once you start practicing, you’ll develop new habits and leave the old ones behind. 3. Smartphone apps can help If you’d like to consistently to practice patience, consider trying apps that help you slow down. There are many free or low-cost meditation apps you can download and start using. Even the act of taking the time out of your busy day to listen to a guided meditation is one way of practicing patience. “I recommend to my clients that when they feel overwhelmed in public they can always reach for their pocket and tune into apps with soothing music and calming voices that can help you slow down and regain control,” Sanders said. The bottom line: Most of us are impatient, but there’s hope for everyone who wants to make it a practice, Sanders said. “Just remind yourself to be patient with being patient — everything takes time,” Sanders said with a smile. The payoff, she said, is that you’ll be a happier person.

Rare cardiomyopathy ends football season By keith roach, M.d. to your good health DEAR DR. ROACH: My 18-year-old grandson has just been informed that he has left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy. He has been VERY active his whole life, playing football, baseball, basketball and soccer all through high school. He had no symptoms. This was found when getting a physical for college, where he was supposed to play football, and he has been told that is now out of the question. The doctors are saying it’s a very rare condition, and they want to put in a defibrillator ASAP. — Anon. DEAR ANON.: Left ventricular noncompaction is a cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle) that is rarely diagnosed, but it probably has been under-recognized. It can run in families, so it’s recommended to examine relatives for the condition. It is diagnosed by echocardiogram, and some cases can be identified through genetic analysis. LVNC can lead to heart failure, arrhythmias and stroke. There is no specific treatment for LVNC, so people with the condition are treated for the manifestations of their disease. For people with heart failure, this means they are treated with the appropriate medications, which hopefully will prevent or at least slow down any damage to the heart. Management also can include an automated internal cardiac defibrillator (AICD) if the heart muscle is seriously weakened. People with LVNC and a history of serious arrhythmias should get an AICD as well. Since arrhythmias are very common in LVNC, AICDs may be used more frequently than with other causes of heart failure. Also, it is likely that your grandson’s doctor has more expertise than I in managing this condition, and certainly has more knowledge about his heart, so I would take the recommendation for AICD very seriously. It is strongly recommended he avoid competitive endurance sports and weightlifting. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. ©2019 King Features Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved


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