Jamestown News - December 16, 2020

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YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1978 w w w. j a m e s t o w n n e w s . c o m


DECEMBER 16-22, 2020 vol 42 No 51 | 1 Section | 6 Pages

'Christmas Star' to appear on Monday By CAROL BROOKS FreeLANCe WrIter cab1hp@gmail.com

The world will have a chance to witness something on Dec. 21 that has not happened since the Middle Ages. Some are calling this the “Christmas Star,” reminiscent of the star the wise men followed to visit the baby Jesus. This rare occurrence happens when the orbits of two planets, Jupiter and Saturn, align so closely it appears one planet is on top of the other. Some astronomers

believe that the “star of Bethlehem” in the Nativity story was an earlier alignment, technically a conjuction, of Jupiter and Saturn, along with Mars. “Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to be to one another,” Patrick Hartigan, an astronomer at Rice University, told Forbes magazine. This year’s version probably will not be the star-

shaped glow typically portrayed as the Star of Bethlehem. Rather, it will be a bright dot in the sky, larger than other stars or planets. The account of the wise men following a star is only recorded in Matthew 2:1a3, 9-11: “… wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him. … After hearing what the king had to say they set out;

Photo courtesy of the Weather Channel


The “Christmas Star” appears as the largest and brightest in the sky.

The celebration of Christmas continues By NORMA B. dENNIS FreeLANCe WrIter ndworddesign@gmail.com Riding through Jamestown after dark on Dec. 12 was enough to brighten anyone’s outlook. The streets were lined with luminaries all aglow with the warmth of the holiday. A special Christmas on Main committee, along with the Jamestown Business Association and Jamestown Rotary Club planned the event to help keep the spirit of Christmas alive in the community. Businesses were open to the public and Mendenhall Homeplace on West Main featured tours of the house, all following current health guidelines. The highlight for the young and young-at-heart, however, was most likely a drive-thru visit with Santa who was stationed at the front of Jamestown Town Hall. Although no one could

A living gift By NORMA B. dENNIS FreeLANCe WrIter ndworddesign@gmail.com Christmas will be extra special for some people this year, not because of any gift they receive for the holiday, but because of a gift given to them during the summer. The gift was a kidney, presented from the heart. The following is the first in a series about kidney donors with past connects to the greater Jamestown area.

Photo submitted

At a special invitation from the Jamestown Rotary Club, Santa stopped by the town Saturday to chat with people as they drove by his sleigh in their cars. sit on Santa’s lap this year, he listened attentively to requests made from car windows, taking mental note of each so he would know how to pack his sleigh on Christmas Eve.

The scene may have looked different as Santa waved and chatted to passersby in vehicles, but the twinkle in his eyes was just as bright.

Photo submitted

danielle Cannon is among only Danielle Cannon’s gift inside a few non-directive kidney Danielle Cannon has been a donors. blood donor since she was a student at Ragsdale High School years ago. Cannon saw a sign on a car that She is also on the bone-marrow said, “My dad needs a kidney. Call donor list. When her dad was diag- this number.” Although she did not nosed with Type II diabetes about call, the message resonated with 20 years ago, Cannon knew if he her. It was one she could not forget. ever needed a kidney she would be “I knew I could be the one to willing to give him one. make a difference to someone else,” She refers to helping others – she said. “I talked it over with my something she learned from her husband Kit and at Christmas told mother Jenny Naples – as “the a family member in Virginia what I gift inside,” noting it is something wanted to do. everyone has. During the summer of 2019, SEE gIFT, PAGe 4

blue rock Pizza set to open in shopping center By CAROL BROOKS FreeLANCe WrIter cab1hp@gmail.com


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Adams Farm Shopping Center will soon be rocking when Blue Rock Pizza and Tap opens in the space formerly occupied by McPherson’s. Owner Paul Riggan hopes to open Dec. 18 but fingers crossed – definitely before Christmas. “We’ve passed all the inspections and now we just have to wait for the ABC [license],” Riggan said. “There was a need for some more restaurants in Adams Farm. We could use a few more,” he added. Photos by Carol Brooks “The area’s growing. I Blue Rock Pizza will open soon in the Adams Farm Shopping Center in the space formerly occupied by SEE PIZZA, PAGe 4 McPherson’s. (Above) Not your parents’ juke box.

Local News



December 16, 2020

Brooks wins Golf Professional of the Year By CAROL BROOKS freelance writer cab1hp@gmail.com

Sedgefield Country Club has a major PGA honor to boast about – Rocky Brooks, director of golf, was recently named 2020 Golf Professional of the Year by the Carolinas PGA, the highest honor paid to a PGA professional. The award honors excellent overall performance as a golf professional, level of service to the Section, leadership ability, image, the ability to inspire fellow professionals, and promotion of the game of golf. Brooks was nominated by his peers and was surprised at his win, even though he had been nominated several times in the past. “I’m not motivated by plaques on my walls,” Brooks said. “The recognition by your peers is the most rewarding thing by far. You get a little emotional.” Similar to several PGA tournaments, like the Masters, the Carolinas PGA gave him a nice sport coat and a ring – and a plaque for his wall.

Photo courtesy of Sedgefield Country Club

Rocky Brooks When he graduated from Barton College (formerly Atlantic Christian), Brooks figured he would enlist in the Air Force, following in his father’s footsteps. But a friend from his golf team asked him to work with him at a golf course for the summer. “Nearly 36 years later, here I am,” Brooks said. Brooks has been a professional since 1986 but says his current duties don’t give him much of a chance to

get out on the course to play and his game has suffered for it. But whether he’s playing golf or directing all the aspects of the sport, “You get in the business because you love playing the game,” he said. He has been at Sedgefield for nearly 20 years, “molding Sedgefield into what it is today,” according to the Carolinas PGA announcement. In addition to his duties there, he has been a member of the CPGA Section Board for 10 of the last 14 years and a member of the PGA for nearly 30 years. While those duties keep him busy, he is still active in community outreach programs such as The First Tee of the Triad and, of course, working with the PGA on the Wyndham Championship. Brooks is not the only golf professional in his family. His brother Bob is the director of golf at Gillespie Park in Greensboro. Due to the coronavirus, the annual Carolinas PGA award ceremony was not held, but the group plans to honor all award winners throughout 2021 in many ways.


continued from front

there before them was the star they had seen rising, and it went ahead of them until it stopped above the place where the child lay. They were overjoyed at the sight of it and, entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother and bowed low in homage to him.” The “wise men,” who came several months after the birth, have been identified as magi, or astronomers, so they would be interested not only in the birth of Jesus but in the star. Matthew tells us they saw the star in the East. The song “We Three Kings” relates that the Magi also came from the East, or the Orient: “We three kings of Orient are Bearing gifts we traverse afar. Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star. O star of wonder, star of night, Star of royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to thy perfect light.” Some scientific explanations say the Magi actually saw a nova or supernova explosion, a comet or a stationary point of Jupiter that happens every year, but this time stopping over Jesus. Although the planets appear to be on top of each other, they are actually millions of miles apart. Dec. 21 is the Winter Solstice and on that date the “Christmas Star” may be seen with an unobstructed view low on the western horizon about 45-60 minutes after sunset through binoculars or a small telescope. That is when the planets will be closest together but astronomers say the phenomenon will be visible to some degree all week in the southwest. Try to get a glimpse this year of this phenomenon. It won’t happen again until 2080.

Allan Gurganus takes us back to Falls What is going on in Falls, North Carolina? It is an insiders’ question, but don’t be put off. I am going to explain and bring you into the fold. Falls is a fictional small town near Rocky Mount where famed North Carolina author Allan Gurganus grew up. Although Gurganus has built a legacy of great writing, art, and advocacy, he is still best known for his debut novel, “Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All.”

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That book, set in Falls, came out in 1989 and rushed to the top of the New York Times bestseller list where it stayed there for months. Gurganus has taken his readers back to Falls on a regular basis. The town is the setting for several stories in his latest book, “The Uncollected Stories of Allan Gurganus,” which comes out next month. One story in the new book, “The Deluxe $19.95 Walking Tour of Historic Falls (NC),” takes a hard look at the town from a tour guide’s perspective. Here is part of her pitch to her customers. “Moving along nicely. No stragglers, please. Incorporated in 1824, almost immediately made the county seat, Falls still boasts five thousand local souls. We’re down from our peak seven-thousand during the commercial boom of ’98, 18--98. See that arched bridge? Some

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Gurganus wrote this story for NPR’s All Things Considered in 2004 and read it on the program. He has rewritten it regularly. Last year it made its way into print in a limited edition that sold out quickly. The story’s inclusion makes certain the new book will be a family treasure. Perhaps the book’s most timely story is “The Wish for a Good Young Country Doctor,” which was published first in The New Yorker in April. Set in a rural village in the Midwest during a cholera epidemic in 1850, a young doctor does his best to save its citizens. But when many die, the doctor is blamed. How did Gurganus manage to time his story to coincide with the current pandemic? Gurganus says he finished the story early this year, “on the day that coronavirus appeared for the first time

in The New York Times. And the context was completely changed. I sent it to my agent who sent it to The New Yorker, which bought it in a day and it appeared two weeks later.” These stories and six more will remind us of the talented North Carolinian’s ability to laugh painfully at ourselves and our neighbors, holding us in waiting for Gurganus’s promised, but long delayed, opus, “An Erotic History of a Southern Baptist Church.” Note: You can listen to 2004 reading of “A fool for Christmas” on NPR at https://www.npr.org/ templates/story/story. php?storyId=4244370

D.G. Martin hosts “North Carolina Bookwatch,” Sunday 3:30 pm and Tuesday at 5:00 pm on UNC-TV. The program also airs on the North Carolina Channel Tuesday at 8:00 pm and other times.

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say that yonder tour of Falls River Lithium forms the basis accounts for for another both our citiengaging Gurzens’ soothed ganus tale. temperaments The new and for how book includes hard we find one of my leaving home. favorites. In “A Few local stuFool for Christdents, matricmas” Vernon ulating up Ricketts, a pet By d.g. martin north, last long store manager One on one there.” in a mall near The guide, Falls, is the who is the lead character story’s narrator explains, and narrator. He is the fool “On the cheap tour, I lead for Christmas who cannot Yankees straight to Town resist a call to take care of Hall right past secret sites a homeless teenager, keep of major vigilante mishaps. her warm, and help her hide Mind you, I withhold noth- from the security officer, ing out of laziness. I simply who is dedicated to getforesee which group is his- ting such undesirables out torically minded—like you of the mall. The teenager all are.” is pregnant, and Gurganus’s Longtime fans of Gurga- story draws on the Biblical nus will appreciate the inside account of Christ’s birth in a look at his favorite town. way that brings out the same Newcomers will find that the sort of deep feelings.

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hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before March 3, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above named Administrator. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. Dallas B. Edmonds, Administrator Estate of Lorine F. McHone AKA Lorine Francis McHone Justin N. Plummer, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of JIMMY WILLARD WILSON, deceased, late of Guilford County, Noith Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 3, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned, This the 2nd of December, 2020. Donna Jean Wilson Garcia, Executor of the Estate of JIMMY WILLARD WILSON, Deceased

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JOHN L. IRVIN aka JOHN LAFAYETTE IRVIN of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before February 25, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day of November, 2020. Nancy B. Irvin, Executor of the Estate of John L. Irvin aka John Lafayette Irvin 4100 Well Spring Drive Apt. 2206 Greensboro, NC 27410 Ronald P. Johnson Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 W. Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720 November 25; December 2, 9, 16, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of PATRICIA PROCTOR GRANT (aka PATRICIA P. GRANT), late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at PO Box 5945, High Point, North Carolina 27262, on or before the 25th day of February, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day of November, 2020. Kay Grant Collins, Executor Estate of Patricia Proctor Grant (aka Patricia P. Grant) PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262 Kevin L. Rochford, Attorney Estate of Patricia Proctor Grant (aka Patricia P. Grant) PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262 November 25; December 2, 9, 16, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Eric Nelson Welder, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of DAVID ALLEN WELDER, deceased, a resident of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or his attorney on or before February 26, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 25th day of November, 2020. Eric Nelson Welder Executor Dennis J. Toman, Attorney at Law The Elderlaw Firm 403 W. Fisher Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 336-378-1122 November 25; December 2, 9, 16, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against TROY LEE DOBY, JR., now deceased, are notified to present them to LINDA P. DOBY, Executor of the decedent’s estate, in care of the undersigned attorneys at their address, on or before February 25, 2021, at 3493 Forestdale Drive, Suite 103, Burlington, North Carolina 27215, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased please make immediate payment. Dated this 19th day of November, 2020. LINDA P. DOBY, Executor of the Estate of TROY LEE DOBY, JR. (18-E-3208) Geoffrey K. Oertel Oertel, Koonts & Oertel, PLLC 3493 Forestdale Drive, Suite 103 Burlington, NC 27215 Telephone: (336) 524-0355 November 25; December 2, 9, 16, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BARBARA ANN BUMPER, late of 1509 South Benbow Road, Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at 2016-A New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410, on or before the 2nd day of March, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 2nd day of December, 2020. Winfred Lamonteaire Bumper, Executor Of the Estate of Barbara Ann Bumper 1137 Dogwood Forest Drive Marietta, GA 30068 404-606-5422 Anthony P. Donato, Attorney Donato Law, PC 2016-A New Garden Rd Greensboro, NC 27410 (336) 235-0888 (336) 271-4750 (fax) December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Dallas B. Edmonds, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of LORINE F. MCHONE AKA LORINE FRANCIS MCHONE, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina,

Keith A. Wood, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of BETA VALETTE CAESAR, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 2, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. James Crawford Davis 5407 Laurent Drive Durham, NC 27712 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of TORI KIM ASAY, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 2, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. Brian Asay aka Brian Kevin Asay 3902 Southeast School Road Greensboro, NC 27408 Law Office of James B. Weeks 232 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of LINDA KIRK JAMES, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 2, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. Amber Sierra James 1580 Sugarmaple Lane SW Conyers, GA 30094 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARILYN JEAN STELLA of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 2, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. William Hamilton, Executor of the Estate of Marilyn Jean Stella 519 Deer Trail Road Chicago Heights, IL 60411 Davis McDonald Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BENJAMIN GEORGE MORRELL of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 2, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. Ell Jonathan Morrell, Executor of the Estate of Benjamin George Morrell 860 Paddle Creek Road Bristol, Tennessee 37620 Martha T. Peddrick Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARY JO MOREY, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 2, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. Sari Elizabeth Eddy aka Sari Elizabeth Morey 5209 Ventura Drive Greensboro, NC 27406 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of VERNON LEE INGOLD, JR., Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 3, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This, the 2nd day of December, 2020. Walter Lee Ingold, Executor 5689 Liberty Grove Road Liberty, N.C. 27298 W. Scott Brannan THE FIRM AT FISHER PARK 314 North Church Street Greensboro, N.C. 27401 Telephone: (336) 478-3272 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against WALTER GEORGE STUKA, now deceased, are notified to present them to LORI LAFFERTY, Executor of the decedent’s estate, in care of the undersigned attorneys at their address, on or before March 2, 2021, at 3493 Forestdale Drive, Suite 103, Burlington, North Carolina 27215, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased please make immediate payment. Dated this 30th day of November, 2020. LORI LAFFERTY, Executor of the Estate of WALTER GEORGE STUKA (20-E-3036) Geoffrey K. Oertel Oertel, Koonts & Oertel, PLLC 3493 Forestdale Drive, Suite 103 Burlington, NC 27215 Telephone: (336) 524-0355 December 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of DELOIS G. SIDDLE aka DELOIS ALFREDA SIDDLE, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 9, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Jeffrey Gilreath aka Jeffrey Dewayne Gilreath 6 Woodlea Ridge Court Greensboro, NC 27406 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of NANCY P. WARE aka NANCY E. PETERS WARE, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 9, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Jennifer Roberts 8311 Mapleway Lane Greensboro, NC 27455 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD

of the Estate of Leroy Bennett Sponholz By: Jonathan M. Parisi Attorney at Law Spangler Estate Planning P.O. Box 5994 Greensboro, NC 27435 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of JONITA LATHAN aka JONITA TYRENA LATHAN aka JONITA HUNTER LATHAN, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 9, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Teresa H. Neal 6109 Colwyn Court Greensboro, NC 27455 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against JANET F. COLLINS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of December, 2020. TILDEN REED Personal Representative Post Office Box 20583 Greensboro, NC 27420 R.A. WELLS LAW Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 20583 Greensboro, NC 27420 Telephone: (336) 317-1933 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MILDRED DEBERRY aka MILDRED C. DEBERRY, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 9, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Veverly D. Lofton 521 Airlie Road Wilmington, NC 28403 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BETTY JEAN COX HANNER HUNTER AKA BETTY H. HUNTER, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before MARCH 10, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Gwendolyn Sue Hanner, Executor of the Estate of Betty Jean Cox Hanner Hunter aka Betty H. Hunter 207 East North St. Tampa, FL 33604

The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the ESTATE OF RAY LANG JEFFERSON, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate to present such claims to the undersigned at his address given below on or before the 9th day of March, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This the 9th day of December, 2020.

N. BLANE STANALAND Teague Rotenstreich Stanaland Fox & Holt, P.L.L.C. 101 South Elm Street, Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: (336) 272-4810 Fax: (336) 272-2448

Richard Lang Jefferson, Executor Estate of Ray Lang Jefferson 20-E-3117, Guilford County 905 Merrill Drive Greensboro, NC 27410

The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JAB NELSON HIGGINBOTTOM, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 9, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020.

Charles Winfree Law Offices of Adams & Winfree 100 South Elm Street, Suite 430 Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: (336) 273-8998 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Personal Representative of the Estate of RITA VETTER SCEARCE, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 11, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 9th day of December, 2020. Brian Thomas, Personal Representative of the Estate of Rita Vetter Scearce 12421 Schoolhouse Street Raleigh, NC 27614 Attorney: John W. Kirkman, Jr. 100 S. Elm Street, Suite 410 Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 274-7898 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MARYADILOU HAYNES, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 9, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Phillip Lee Henry 206 Cloverbrook Drive Jamestown, NC 27282 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of LEROY BENNETT SPONHOLZ, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Box 5994, Greensboro, North Carolina 27435, on or before the 9th day of March, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Craig A. Sponholz, Executor


Nelson Dee Higginbottom 305 Rollingwood Drive Jamestown, NC 27282 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as the Personal Representative of the Estate of SHIRLEY MAE RAMSEUR, Deceased, of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 11, 2021, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Katherine Elizabeth Robinson 172 Mickleson Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 Gerald S. Schafer Attorney at Law 220 Commerce Place Greensboro, NC 27401 Tel. (336) 273-9309 December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of GARNETT L. HUGHES (a/k/a GARNETT LEWIS HUGHES), deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 9, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 9th day of December, 2020. Martha Hughes-James, Executor Garnett L. Hughes (a/k/a Garnett Lewis Hughes) Deceased J. Aaron Bennett, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street (27401) Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 December 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of RUBY W. PARRISH AKA RUBY WORKMAN PAR-



DECEMBER 16, 2020 RISH of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 17, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Jan Parrish Pugh, Co-Executor of the Estate of Ruby W. Parrish aka Ruby Workman Parrish 10401 Dominion Valley Drive Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Darrell T. Parrish, Jr., Co-Executor of the Estate of Ruby W. Parrish aka Ruby Workman Parrish 473 Betty Craven Drive Denton, NC 27239 Leigh Anne Kasias Wyatt Early Harris Wheeler, LLP 1912 Eastchester Drive High Point, NC 27265 Telephone: (336) 884-4444 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JAMES RONALD COMBS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Cheryl Vanhoy Combs Executor Tracy Williams Barbour & Williams P.O. Box 258 Oak Ridge, NC 27310 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as CoExecutors of the Estate of HELEN GREESON REYNOLDS aka HELEN EVELYN REYNOLDS aka HELEN REYNOLDS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Deborah Pruett aka Debbie Ann Pruett Co-Executor Melody Brown Volland aka Melody Lynn Brown Co-Executor Ashley Fox, Attorney W.G. Alexander & Associates, PLLC 3717 Benson Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of RAYMOND S. DICKSON AKA RAYMOND SHIELDS DICKSON, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before MARCH 18, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Elizabeth K. Dickson, Executor of the Estate of Raymond S. Dickson aka Raymond Shields Dickson 109 Penny Rd APT 135 High Point, NC 27260 N. BLANE STANALAND Teague Rotenstreich Stanaland Fox & Holt, P.L.L.C. 101 South Elm Street, Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: (336) 272-4810 Fax: (336) 272-2448 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of ANGEL F. VARGAS aka ANGEL FERNANDO VARGAS ZUNIGA late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to present them to the undersigned attorney for the estate on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations in debted to the said estate are requested tomake immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Judith Maria Solorzano aka Judith Maria Vargas Zuniga Administrator Adam G. Kerr Kerr Law, PLLC PO Box 10941 Greensboro, NC 27404 Telephone: (336) 808-5028 Fax: (336) 464-2819 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of PERRY ERNEST LOWE III late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to present them to the undersigned attorney for the estate on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations in debted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Susan Lowe Gillespie aka Susan Lynne Gillespie Administrator Adam G. Kerr Kerr Law, PLLC PO Box 10941 Greensboro, NC 27404 Telephone: (336) 808-5028 Fax: (336) 464-2819 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of CORNELIUS DICKENS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

Felicia Townes Dickens 1744 North Hamilton Street Unit C High Point, NC 27262 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of PATRICIA G. KENERLEY a/k/a, LORRAINE PATRICHIA KENERLEY a/k/a LORRAINE PATRICHIA GARNER KENERLEY deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

Paula Kenerley Faircloth, Executor of the Estate of Patricia G. Kenerley 11093 Randleman Road Randleman NC 27317 Jennifer Noble Fox Rothschild LLP P.O. Box 21927 Greensboro, NC 27420-1927 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD

Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of MARK I. FREEDMAN deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

Howard Freedman, Administrator of the Estate of Mark I. Freedman 107 East 38th St. Apt. 5A New York, NY 10016 Jennifer Noble Fox Rothschild LLP P.O. Box 21927 Greensboro, NC 27420-1927


The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of CLARA S. OZMENT aka CLARA SELF OZMENT of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

LuAnne O. Honeycutt, Executor of the Estate of Clara S. Ozment aka Clara Self Ozment 5305 Bancroft Road Greensboro, NC 27405 Ronald P. Johnson Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720


The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of NICHOLAS J. BARTIS aka NICHOLAS JAMES BARTIS of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

Stephanie Maria Bartis, Executor of the Estate of Nicholas J. Bartis aka Nicholas James Bartis 400 McAdoo Avenue Greensboro, NC 27406 Ronald P. Johnson Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD

The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JAMES D. CROSLAND aka JAMES DRAKE CROSLAND of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

James Drake Crosland, Jr., Executor of the Estate of James D. Crosland aka James Drake Crosland 1605 Gracewood Drive Greensboro, NC 27408 Ronald P. Johnson Johnson, Peddrick & McDonald, PLLC 440 West Market Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone: (336) 574-9720 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD

The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of CARL WAYNE SMITH, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Wednesday, March 17, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Jane Younts, Executor Carl Wayne Smith, Deceased Keith A. Wood, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street (27401) Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402


The undersigned, Elisabeth A. Hauser, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of ROSEMARY A. HAUSER, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before March 17, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corpo-

From the Front



December 16, 2020


CONtINUeD FrOM FrONt In January of 2020, Cannon contacted Duke and Wake Forest hospitals and started the process of becoming a living kidney donor. The family member she had talked to shared a post from social media telling of a young girl who needed a kidney. Cannon contacted the University of Virginia Hospital, which was coordinating her transplant, about being a donor. “I felt whom better to help than a young child,” Cannon said. “In February I began testing to see if I was a match. Much of the testing could be done in Hickory where I currently live. I want to give a shout out to all the doctors and nurses there who helped

with the tests I had.” But testing involves more than one’s health and general match indicators. It also accesses one’s ability to live a life for the short and long term with one kidney. A team from the University of Virginia Hospital – consisting of a doctor, psychologist, social worker and donor coordinator – walked Cannon through each step of the process. Cannon acknowledged it was long and challenging. “I believe all people have gifts inside them,” Cannon said. For some it may be time, hard work or money. For me, it was an organ. “When I learned I was not a match for the child, I went home to wait. I just wanted to put out my kidney in the

universe to make a difference. I was what is called a non-directed donor. At the University of Virginia Hospital there are only about two donors a year like me.” In July, Cannon received a call from her coordinator asking if she could have surgery on Aug. 6. The hospital had found a match. Cannon has had other surgeries so was not afraid to have this one. Her biggest fear was telling her mother about her decision to donate a kidney. She put that off until she learned she was actually going to be a donor. “I did not want Mom to worry in case I could not be a donor candidate,” she said. “My husband recommended I wait so by the time I got to the point of having sur-

gery I would have answers to all her questions. One of Mom’s biggest worries was having surgery in the middle of a pandemic, but she remembered I had said years ago I was willing to donate a kidney. “I never had any doubts about what I was doing. My husband said I was very determined.” During pre-op discussions, Cannon received a notebook detailing what to expect before, during and after surgery. She also learned the recipient was about her age and was on dialysis three times a week for four hours each. On the morning of surgery, Cannon scrutinized every patient she saw at the hospital, trying to figure out

Now Here's A Tip * B.B. in Massachusetts writes: “I have a rubber disc (used for taking covers off jars) that I keep in my shower. When showering, I put the disc over the drain so the water can accumulate, then I soak my feet at the same time.” * To save yourself some time and aggravation, make a safety set of keys that match your current set exactly. You will never have to go looking for your keys when you are in a hurry, and you won’t have to determine if the key you need is on the ring. It is! * “Re: your recent tip about storing heirloom quilts in a cedar chest: No, no, a thousand times no! Nothing is worse for quilts — heirloom or otherwise — than storing them in cedar chests. Acids will not only stain them but break down the fabric over time.” — B.R. in Washington. Thanks B.R. Although my grandmother did store quilts and other fabric items in her cedar chest, according to sources at the National Quilters Circle, the best place for an heirloom quilt may be on a bed. You can stack them, but rotate so that no quilt gets too much sun. — JoAnn * “For squeaky door hinges, forget about graphite, WD-40 or any of those other messy lubricants that may last for only a few months. Pull the hinge pins, wipe them clean with a dry rag, and then apply a thin coating of Vaseline with your finger. Properly done, your hinges should remain free of squeaks for at least a year.” — F.B. in Colorado * “If you live in a cold area where you might experience icy sidewalks and you have a dog or cat, don’t forget to protect your pet’s feet from the salt and/or chemicals that are frequently used to melt ice. Be sure to wipe down your pet’s feet after a walk outside.” — F.F. in Alaska Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. ©2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

4 Wednesday, December 16, 2020 | Jamestown News

Elisabeth A. Hauser, Executor Estate of Rosemary A. Hauser Justin N. Plummer, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of JACK BROWN JENKINS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate

ney and I feel grateful, too, that I was able to improve her life.” Cannon has already resumed donating blood, another gift she feels strongly about giving. But it is the gift of a kidney of which she is most proud. “I feel in my core it is an honor to be healthy enough to be able to donate a kidney,” Cannon said. “Although this was the right thing for me, I understand it is not for everyone. I would encourage others to look within themselves to see what they could do to make someone’s life better.”

(Next week see how Jessica Gentle proved to be a match for her mate in more ways than one.)




rations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above named Executor. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

who was getting her kidney. She was told a meeting could be coordinated in three months if both agreed. “Meetings are very emotional things,” Cannon admitted. “The hospital waits before arranging them to make sure the organ will be accepted.” Cannon’s meeting was held virtually in November. She learned the recipient was a single mother of four who had been told it would take 3-5 years to find a donor. Because of Cannon’s generous gift, she found out within a month she would get a kidney. “We have contacted each other often by email,” Cannon said. “I think our relationship will continue. She is very grateful to get a kid-

Gordon Clark Jenkins 730 Worthville Road Randleman, NC 27317 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of RAYMOND CARSON CLAPP aka RAYMOND CARSON CLAPP JR., deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.

Date of Sale: December 17, 2020 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Guilford County Courthouse, Greensboro, NC Description of Property: EXHIBIT “A” BEGINNING at a point located south 04 degrees 25’ 30” East 125.29 feet and South 29 degrees 25’ 30” East 241.24 feet from an existing iron pipe, said existing iron pipe being a common corner between Toben Albright and Murph (the westernmost corner of the property conveyed to Daisy Murph in Book 2738, Page 6); thence South 53 degrees 32’ 45” East 1,498.99 feet to an existing iron pipe (the southernmost corner of the property conveyed to David L. Ledford and wife in Book 2738, Page 8 and the northernmost corner of the property conveyed to Hazel Hilton in Book 2795, Page 931); thence with the western boundary of Hazel Hilton’s property the following courses and distances: South 35 degrees 49’ 05” West 84.95 feet to an existing iron pipe, South 35 degrees 42’ West 349.82 feet to an existing iron pipe, and South 35 degrees 52’ West 140.11 feet to an existing iron pipe in Albright’s line; thence with Albright’s northerly line the following

Photos by Carol Brooks

The bar at Blue Rock will have 24 beer taps. Architectural drawings took two months longer than anticipated. Construction also was slowed during with the coronavirus but has picked up in recent weeks. Blue Rock Pizza supports local schools and will proudly display a Ragsdale High School football jersey in the restaurant. Riggan plans to have local events to support the school’s booster club. The restaurant will be

open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. With the current Covid restrictions, the restaurant will close at 10 p.m. and stop selling alcohol at 9. This is Riggan’s Blue Restaurant Group’s first venture outside of High Point except for one in Wilmington. His first, Blue Water Grille, opened around 2002, followed by Blue Zucchini, Blue Bourbon Jack’s, Blue Rock Pizza, Lulu & Blue and Magnolia Blue. Riggan

has since sold Blue Zucchini and BBJ’s. As for the “blue” theme, Riggan said it tied in with seafood at Blue Water Grille and he decided to continue for the other restaurants. Covid has affected all of the restaurants and Riggan noted that several of them had to close for a while. Blue Rock in High Point, however, had just begun delivery so it was able to stay open.


payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020.


think this is going to be a good area.” Riggan and his crew gutted the McPherson’s space, turning it into a familyoriented restaurant, similar to the one in High Point with the same name, offering craft-style pizza and craft beer, and decorated in a rock-and-roll theme. He has installed 24 beer taps and will also offer wine. “It’s going to be a fun, upbeat environment,” Riggan said, adding that a magician will be on-site visiting diners one night a week. “We’re excited.” While the menu will be similar to that in High Point, the Adams Farm location will also feature several pasta options. There is a private dining room with TV and several other semi-private seating areas for a total of 125 seats. There is also an outside patio that can seat 32. With the Covid restrictions, that maximum number is currently lower. There is a modern jukebox that can be synced to your personal mobile phone.

Chad Everett Clapp 4719 Endwell Road Gibsonville, NC 27249

Jaren G. Dickerson, Esq. LLOYD & NASH, PLLC 110 John Wesley Way Greensboro, NC 27401 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of RONALD G. SILFIES, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all parties having claims against said estate to present them to the attorney for the undersigned at P.O. Box 904, Kernersville, NC 27285-0904, on or before March 16, 2021, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at the above address. This the 10th day of December, 2020. Mildred Silfies, Executor Estate of Ronald G. Silfies Julie R. Whatley Attorney at Law

Whatley Law, PLLC P.O. Box 904 Kernersville, NC 27285-0904 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Jean L. York, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of FRANK W. YORK, Deceased, late of Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having any claim against the Estate of said decedent to present such claims to the undersigned c/o Howard L. Williams, Esq., Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P., P.O. Box 26000, Greensboro, NC 27420, on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned Executor. This, the 11th day of December, 2020. JEAN L. YORK, Executor of the Estate of Frank W. York, Deceased

Howard L. Williams, Attorney Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P. PO Box 26000 Greensboro, NC 27420 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of KAREN MARIE KRONE, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day of December, 2020. Kurt Alan Krone 1045 Frontier Lane Greensboro, NC 27406 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021

courses and distances: North 51 degrees 09’ West 32.18 feet, North 40 degrees 52’ West 277.23 feet, North 40 degrees 46’ West 186.94 feet, North 41 degrees 00’ West 519.79 feet, North 27 degrees 36’ West 94.54 feet, North 13 degrees 57’ 30” West 180.64 feet, North 06 degrees 50’ 30” West 173.73 feet, and North 29 degrees 20’ 30” West 185.79 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 12.68 acres, more or less.

Dated: January 6, 1999 Grantors: Terry L. Abernathy - Separated Original Beneficiary: First Greensboro Home Equity, Inc.

TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO the rightsof-way for ingress, egress and regress described in Book 3425, Page 303, Book 3425, Page 305, Book 2738, Pages 6, 7 and 8, Book 2061, Page 227, and Book 3875, Page 200.

This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes and superior liens or encumbrances of record and assessments, if any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale is also subject to any applicable county land transfer tax, and the successful third party bidder shall be required to make payment for any such county land transfer tax.

This conveyance is made subject to rights-of-way, restrictions and easements of record, and ad valorem taxes for the year 1992, 1993, and 1994. Parcel ID: 0107416 Property Address: 6819 Long Meadow Dr., Whitsett, NC 27377 Record Owners: Terry L. Abernathy Address of Property: 6819 Long Meadow Drive, Whitsett, NC 27377 Deed of Trust: Book: 4800 Page: 264

CONDITIONS OF SALE: Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1).

A cash deposit of 5% of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30 (d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law.


Having qualified as Executor of the ESTATE OF WILLIAM W. PEGG, JR., late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate of said Decedent to present them to the undersigned Executor or Attorney on or before March 16, 2021, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Decedent or Estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 16th day of December, 2020.

Teresa Pegg Darr, Executor 6512 Zack Rd Oak Ridge, NC 27310 ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR: Peter J. Miller Higgins Benjamin, PLLC PO Box 20570 Greensboro, NC 27420 336-273-1600 December 16, 23, 30, 2020; January 6, 2021

Residential real property with less than 15 rental units, including single-family residential real property: an order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.

Philip A. Glass Substitute Trustee Nodell, Glass & Haskell, L.L.P. December 9, 16, 2020

coffee break



December 16, 2020

Salome’s Stars ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although taking advice isn’t always easy for the headstrong Sheep, you might want to consider what someone you respect says about an upcoming decision. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A new offer is tempting, but don’t be bullied into a quick decision. Rely on your keen Bovine business sense to alert you to anything that might be questionable. GEMInI (May 21 to June 20) Your Gemini Twin nature rallies to help you deal with this week’s hectic schedules, both in your personal and professional lives. One caution: Watch your diet. CAnCER (June 21 to July 22) Avoid rushing to make up for time lost on a stalled workplace operation. Best to set up a schedule and pace yourself. Welcome the help of colleagues. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Despite those glittering holiday

distractions you love so well, be side tries to do. A third party’s sure to keep your feline sens- advice just might prove helpful. es set on high to alert you to CAPRICORn (December 22 anything that might require fast to January 19) Reach out to ease action. any tensions caused by home VIRGO (August 23 to Sep- or workplace pressures before tember 22) Making an effort they threaten the relationshipto restore fraying relationships building progress you’ve made. proves to be more successful AQUARIUS (January 20 to than you dared hope. The holiFebruary 18) You often go out days also bring new friends into of your way to show kindness to your life. others. So, don’t be surprised if LIBRA (September 23 to other people want to do someOctober 22) Private and pro- thing nice for you this week. fessional matters compete for your attention. Be honest in your PISCES (February 19 to assessment of which should get March 20) People in your life more of it, and for how long. respect your Piscean wisdom, so don’t hesitate to speak up about SCORPIO (October 23 to a matter that you feel isn’t being November 21) A seemingly end- handled quite the way it should less list of must-do tasks is best be. handled by tackling them one by one, and taking energy-restoring BORn THIS WEEK: Your timeouts between each job. personal warmth helps you make friendships, and your sense of SAGITTARIUS (November fair play helps you keep them. 22 to December 21) A vexing relationship seems destined to ©2020 King Features Synd., Inc. deteriorate no matter what each

Couch Theatre By AMy ANdERSON December is the month of holidays — there’s Hanukkah, the first day of winter, Christmas, Kwanza and New Year’s Eve, but my favorite December holiday is my birthday. While some people might choose to begin playing down their birthday after something-something years, not me. In fact, here’s a little birthday fun: I’m going to list some of my favorite fun movies, and let’s see if you can guess my age.

minister, and Andrew Lincoln’s unrequited love for Juliet? Each time I watch it, I identify with a different character, sometime for worse, but mostly for better.

Better Off Dead — John Cusack stars as sad highschooler Laine Meyer, who’s obsessed with his girlfriend Beth. Diane Franklin is Monique, the Warner Bros. neighboring French forScene from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban eign exchange student, who’s attempting to escape King Arthur: Legend of the suffocating attentions and disarming comedy. of her host family’s son, Sean William Scott plays the Sword — Is it because Doug Glatt, a softie with Charlie Hunnam is in the Love Actually — Yes, Ricky. a serious protective streak lead role as Arthur, a tough it’s a Christmas film — Goon — It’s easy to and a mean punch, who is orphan who is raised in actually, it’s my annual write off this movie as tagged as an enforcer for a a brothel before he pulls “watch while wrapping the gifts” movie — but you can trash — the filthy language semi-pro hockey team after Excalibur from the stone watch it anytime of year. is on overload — but I find defending the honor of his and learns of his royal destiny? Or perhaps it’s Jude Who doesn’t love Hugh the “misfit who finds his brother. Law as Arthur’s vicious Grant as the dashing prime destiny” story to be sweet

Strange But True By LUCIE WINBORNE * Doc Martens come in all different colors and sizes now, but the first pair was created using old tires. * There actually aren’t “57 varieties” of Heinz ketchup, and never were. Company founder H.J. Heinz thought his product should have a number, and he just happened to like 57. * March 3 is known as “What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day.” * The number of permutations within a deck of cards is mind-bogglingly large: an 8 with 67 zeroes after it. That means there are more card combinations than stars in the Milky Way, which amount to as many as 400 billion! * Cataract surgery was possible as early as the 6th century B.C. * Barbie’s physical appearance was inspired by a German doll named Bild Lilli, created in 1952 and based on a highend call girl named Lilli who was featured in the comic strip “Bild-Zeitung.” She was sold as an adult novelty in bars and tobacco shops — definitely not as a children’s toy.

Barbie inventor Ruth Handler saw the doll while vacationing in Europe and brought it home. * Sunsets on Mars are blue. * The Gate Tower Building in Osaka, Japan, has a highway that passes through the building, between the fifth and seventh floors. * A Paris morgue needed help identifying bodies in the 1860s, so decided to open its doors to the public. They probably underestimated people’s morbid curiosity, though, as soon 40,000 people a day were coming to look at corpses. * Mob boss Vincent Gigante would wander around New York in his bathrobe to convince the police he was insane, and thus avoid capture. Thought for the Day: “Life is mostly froth and bubble. Two things stand like stone. Kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own.” — Adam Lindsay Gordon ©2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

Sudoku & Crossword Answers

uncle Vortigern, who would sacrifice anything for more power. Maybe it’s Guy Richie’s stylistic direction. Critics hated it, but not all of them — just check my Netflix watch history. Harry Potter and the ... — I love the entire Harry Potter series of films, top to bottom. In case you’re wondering, my favorite is “Prisoner of Azkaban,” with the introduction of both Gary Oldman as Sirius Black, and David Thewlis as Professor Lupin, two of Harry’s dad’s besties. Steel Magnolias — This movie never ages nor tarnishes. A group of Southern women prepare for the wedding of Shelby and follow her through moth-

erhood and beyond. No matter how many times I watch it, I will always root for Shelby, and cry at M’Lynn’s cemetery soliloquy.

Serenity — A final bequest to fans of the canceled TV series “Firefly,” writer/director Joss Whedon takes us on a space adventure with a Western bent. Captain Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion) heads a rebellious crew who err on the shady side of business, but one of their own is relentlessly tracked by the Alliance. The only cure is a good-old fashioned showdown to out the truth and set them all free. ©2020 King Features Synd., Inc.



December 16, 2020


Christmas tradition gets a modern twist By angela shelf medearis the kitchen diva

It seems like I was just planning and preparing our Thanksgiving dinner and now Christmas is upon us. If you want to change things up a little for your Christmas dinner, try modernizing an old traditional recipe. Recently, I’ve been reading about Christmas customs and holiday meals in Europe. I discovered a tradition called The Feast of the Seven Fishes, along with several delicious recipes for preparing fish. The fish is often used as a symbol of Christianity. Because of the persecution faced by the early church, when a Christian met a stranger in the road, the Christian sometimes drew one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt. If the stranger drew the other arc, both believers knew they were in good company. Preparing and eating seafood on Christmas Eve in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is an old European tradition with Italian roots. Many families abstain from eating meat and serve only fish or other types of seafood on Christmas Eve. This traditional holiday meal is called The Feast of the Seven Fishes. A typical feast features cod, eel, octopus, calamari, mussels, clams, shrimp and lobster. This year, you might want to create a holiday dinner menu based on a variation of the Feast of the Seven Fishes. These recipes are budget-friendly ways to incorporate an ancient holiday tradition into a simplified, modern Christmas Eve dinner using just one pot or pan. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya’ll! CHRISTMAS EVE SEAFOOD PAELLA 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil 8 ounces (16 to 20) shelled, deveined shrimp 8 ounces squid (bodies), rinsed, patted dry and sliced into rounds 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon paprika 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 can (14 ounces) fire-roasted diced tomatoes, drained 1/4 teaspoon red chili flakes or cayenne pepper 3 cloves garlic, chopped 1 1/2 cups Arborio rice 3 1/2 cups seafood, chicken or vegetable broth 1 bottle (8 ounces) clam juice 12 littleneck clams, scrubbed Parsley and lemon wedges, for garnish

1. In a deep 12-inch cast iron skillet, heat oil on medium-high until hot but not smoking. Add shrimp, squid, 1/2 teaspoon of the salt, 1/2 teaspoon of the turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon of the paprika. Cook 2 minutes or until shrimp start to brown, stirring once. With slotted spoon, transfer the shrimp and squid to medium bowl. 2. Reduce heat to medium. Add the onion, tomatoes and the remaining salt, turmeric, paprika and the chili flakes or cayenne pepper. Cook 8 minutes, stirring often. Add garlic; cook 2 minutes. Add rice; cook 2 minutes, stirring. 3. To skillet, add broth and clam juice, stirring to distribute rice evenly in pan. Heat to boiling on medium-high. Boil, without stirring, 15 minutes. 4. Gently press the shrimp, squid and clams on top of the rice. Cover skillet with lid or foil; cook another 10 to 16 minutes or until the clams open and rice is just tender. Remove from heat. Let stand, covered, 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with parsley and lemons. Makes 6 servings.

2 teaspoons minced garlic Juice and zest of 1/2 lemon 2 cups frozen corn kernels 1 jar (24 ounces) pasta sauce 1 1/2 teaspoons ground turmeric 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 1/2 cups seafood stock or clam juice, or chicken or vegetable broth, or water 1 pound sea scallops, dry-packed or bay type, or 1 pound thin white fish filets (sole or flounder), fresh or frozen and thawed 1 pound uncooked shrimp (31-40 per pound); thawed, peeled and deveined 1 cup chopped parsley leaves 2 large lemons cut into wedges

SPICY SEAFOOD STEW 2 pounds potatoes, peeled and diced (new potatoes, fingerling potatoes, red bliss or Yukon Gold) 1 pound carrots, sliced 1 small yellow onion, chopped 3 stalks celery, sliced

1. In a 5 quart slow cooker, combine the potatoes, carrots, onion, celery, garlic, lemon juice and zest, corn, pasta sauce, turmeric, cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper. Stir to combine. Cook, covered, on low until potatoes are tender, 4 1/2 to 5 hours. 2. Stir in stock, broth or water, and the

Make marbleized paper at family wrap party By donna erickson Donna's Day: Creative Family Fun

each color of paint into the containers. 2. Drop a marble in one of the paint containers. Shake the container gently until the marble is thoroughly coated with paint, or use a spoon to move the marble around in the paint. With a spoon, drop the marble in the box and shift the box back and forth so the marble rolls in all directions, leaving paint on the paper. Repeat the process, using a different marble for each color of paint desired. Here’s the fun: 2. When the colorful, abstract design 1. Cover your work surface with is complete, remove your paper of newspaper. Cut open the paper bags modern art and let it dry. and trim a sheet to fit the bottom of the box. (Or, if using construction paper or TIP: For smaller packages, “shake butcher paper, cut to size.) Place the and create” gift wrap using a clean, paper inside. Pour a small amount of large cylindrical potato-chip can with

TIP: If you’re peeling and deveining your shrimp, use the shells to make shrimp stock. Place the rinsed shrimp shells, 1 chopped carrot and stalk of celery, the onion skin and parsley stems in a large saucepan. Cover with 2 cups of cold water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes while preparing the recipe. Use the shrimp stock according to directions above.

Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is “The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook.” Her website is www.divapro. com. To see how-to videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis. ©2020 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis

Good Housekeeping Holiday Eggnog Rich, creamy — and safe, because it starts with cooked eggs. 12 large eggs 1 1/4 cups sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 quarts whole milk 1 cup dark rum (optional) 2 tablespoons vanilla extract 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg plus additional for sprinkling 1 cup heavy or whipping cream

Whether we’re children or adults, we all like to feel useful and part of the holiday festivities. Now’s the time to enlist the kids in the fun and creative job of gift-wrapping. But before you go out and purchase rolls of wrap, save money by making a beautiful batch for this year’s gifts. Gather big paper bags from your recycling bin, plus marbles and bright poster paint, and you’ll be ready for family fun. Here’s the stuff you’ll need: ∙ One large, sturdy cardboard gift box approximately 12 by 18 inches, or similar container with sides ∙ several marbles (one for each paint color) ∙ liquid poster paint in several colors ∙ spoons (one for each color) ∙ plain brown paper grocery bags, construction paper or butcher paper ∙ recycled deli or margarine tubs ∙ scissors ∙ newspaper

scallops or fish, and shrimp. Cook, covered, until scallops are opaque, and shrimp turn pink, about 4-6 minutes longer. 3. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with lemon wedges and warm crusty bread. Make 9 servings (about 2 quarts).

a lid. Loosely roll a sheet of paper inside the can so that it lines the interior. Using one color at a time, roll a marble or two in paint (as described above) and drop in the can. Snap on the lid, shake a few times, remove the lid and put the marble or marbles onto newspaper. Repeat with a marble or two in another color. Remove the paper to reveal your art. You might want to paint jingle bells along with the marbles for a fun, festive sound while shaking. Find more family fun in Donna’s book “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” ©2020 Donna Erickson. Distributed by King Features Syndicate

1. In heavy 4-quart saucepan, with wire whisk, beat eggs, sugar and salt until blended. Gradually stir in 1 quart milk and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon well, about 25 minutes (mixture should be about 160 F, but do not boil or it will curdle). 2. Pour custard into large bowl; stir in rum, if using, vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg and remaining 1 quart milk. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled, at least 3 hours. 3. In small bowl, with mixer at medium speed, beat heavy or whipping cream until soft peaks form. With wire whisk, gently fold whipped cream into custard mixture. 4. To serve, pour eggnog into chilled 5-quart punch bowl; sprinkle with nutmeg for garnish. Makes about 16 cups or 32 servings. * Each serving: About 125 calories, 5g protein, 11g carbohydrate, 7g total fat (4g saturated), 0g fiber, 98mg cholesterol, 90mg sodium. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-recipes/. ©2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved


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For additional locations, details or to join, visit ymcagreensboro.org/WinterY Ragsdale YMCA: 900 Bonner Dr., Jamestown • 336.882.9622

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