Seth Godin's Purple Cow meets Linchpin

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Purple You

Your New Career

Purple You : Your New Career

The Book

Seth Godin; Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?; Penguin Group; New York; 2010.

Speed RAP

Seth Godin’s earlier book Purple Cow suggests in the internet world an average product for an average person was no longer effective. Instead, you needed a Purple Cow - a product remarkable enough to get people talking naturally about it. Now, it’s your turn. In Linchpin, Seth says YOU need to be remarkable or indispensable to be successful in your career. It’s time for Purple You!

The Big Idea

Todays Digital/Internet/Knowledge Era is redesigning work and organizations. The Industrial Age birthed factories and gave us standardized jobs making standardized products for standardized customers. Todays office is a mere factory extension - the production line has become a row of cubicles. And, that’s about to change. The flip from standard to custom is creating unique organizations relying on the unique abilities of it’s unique employees to create unique solutions for its unique customers. This is your chance to shine!

Your Challenge

Be You! More specifically: be Purple You! It’s time to jump start your career, raise your game and share your full self. Step 1: Choose to be an artist rather than a cog. Step 2: Identify and acknowledge your genius. Step 3: Overcome your natural resistance. Step 4: Let yourself go. Your future wellbeing depends on it. RESOURCES : anything you use to generate wealth. ACTIONS : an act of will, a deed completed. PROFITS : to gain an advantage or benefit.

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 2

Contents : Purple You

Book Rapper Issues are not direct summaries of the books we review. We take what we consider to be the most important ideas from the book. We then re-package these key ideas so you can easily digest them in about 30 minutes. We also make it clear how you can take decisive action to benefit from these insights. In some parts we follow the book closely and in others we add our own models and interpretations. Given the Book Rapper Issue is much smaller than the book we may not cover each chapter. If you want more details than what’s in this issue then ‘buy the book’.

BR Review : Linchpin RAP1 : The New World of Work RAP2 : How You Became a Cog RAP3 : Your Choice RAP4 : Your New Job RAP5 : Your Art

Read this too...

RAP6 : Your Gifts

Seth Godin’s Purple Cow

RAP7 : Your Tribe RAP8 : Your Resistance Companion Pieces BR Context : Business and Work Map

The Linchpin philosophy extends the thinking in this book. Seth suggests you need a remarkable product to succeed in our digital internet world. Now, you need to be remarkable too!

Actions: Be Purple You!

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 3

BR Review : Linchpin

Seth Godin; Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?; Penguin Group; New York; 2010.


SEth Godin

It’s not enough just to show up at your job anymore. The world of work and commerce has become too competitive for that. A Linchpin is the vital, essential, pivotal element that holds things together. You need to be this in your organization. You need to be indispensable.

In short, Seth Godin is a best-selling author who seems to understand the internet and marketing better than most. He’s writes about the web, marketing and causing change. And takes he takes action too with a bunch of seriously great projects! Rather than tell a big long story about who Seth is here’s a bunch of links for you to find out more...


• The usual riffs, rants and refreshing gems from Seth. • It’s a bigger than usual book from Seth - 240 pages. • A killer Bibliography. • Lots of stories, examples and anecdotes. • Simple, easy to read and impactful.


Are you in charge of your career or at the mercy of your boss, the economy or whatever? This book is big picture career advice for everyone wanting to thrive in our Digital/ Internet/Knowledge age.

Who’s It’s For

Start here at Wikipedia - it includes a list of his books: My Favourite Seth Video for anyone who wants to write a best selling book: Founder, Change this: Founder, Squidoo: Seth’s Website: Seth’s Blog: It’s a must read for your digital diet...

It’s for anyone with a career. Hey, that’s you! More specifically, it’s really for you if you’re up for the biggest game in town: to be your genius self and make your best contribution.


Book Rapper Thinks... When Seth writes you’ve got to take note. Or at least I do. When he publishes a new book, I always get emails from people wanting me to RAP it so they don’t have to read it. To be cool and up with the RAP pack, you need to know what Seth says. So I dutifully grabbed a copy of Linchpin and started reading. And, I’m even more impressed than usual. This is Seth’s best. The best of his best sellers. That’s the biggest RAP I can offer! PS: Personally, it’s great confirmation that Book Rapper is on the right career path. Art > Gift > Freedom. I’m enjoying the gift phase.

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 4

RAP1 : The New World of Work

PROFIT : Work has changed. The old system relied on average people turning up and completing average work to create average products. In our global hyper-competitive digital online world, average is invisible. Today we need to be remarkable to be noticed and talked about: Remarkable products made by remarkable people doing remarkable work.

Factories & Cubicles The Industrial Revolution was built upon the premise that production could be broken down into tiny, simple and straightforward tasks. Simple work meant you could employ low-paid, low-educated people who didn’t have to think much to get things done. The lower the pay and the higher their output, the more money the factory owner made. Cheap efficiency ruled. Workers were an easily replaced commodity in this equation - mere cogs in the machine. Previously, a business gained an advantage if they could do it cheaper - which usually meant automation and stripping away the features of a product to make it more ordinary. More recently, this has also meant outsourcing and going offshore to seek cheaper labour.

Today, things have become about as cheap as they’re going to get. The margin to improve here is so slim it’s not worth playing for anymore. Instead, today’s advantage is gained if the company can be faster, more remarkable and more human.





And that’s why our work has changed. Today, there are no great jobs where someone tells you precisely what to do. Instead, to forward our careers we need to be, as Seth Godin calls them, Linchpins. These are people who care, are willing to lead, risk, create, connect, think and get things done. These are the people you can build a team around. These are the people who are the key players in your organization. This is your new career path whether you are employed or self-employed. You need to make yourself indispensable.


The old system was represented by two parties: those that owned the means to production and those who ran it. In Marx’s terms: the Bourgeoise and the Proletariat, or management and labour. The owners had the power because they controlled the capital, the machines and ultimately the jobs the workers needed to make a living. If you wanted a job you needed to fit in, become a cog in the bigger machine and do what you were told.


In the new system the game has turned inside out. The means to production is now mostly in our hands in the form of our laptops. We get to choose what to create; how to organize ourselves, who to connect with and we have access to capital. We still need to piggyback the infrastructure of software, internet access and search. And, for these platforms to flourish they need us: the creators, connectors and leaders, the Linchpins.

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 5

RAP2 : How You Became a Cog

PROFIT : “Do well at school and you’ll get a good job.” Were you sold this line too? It worked for a while and it no longer does. There are no longer great jobs where someone tells you specifically what to do. Now, it’s up to you to turn your job into great work.

The Two Scams

Sometimes we’re unwittingly lead astray. A game is set up for us to play yet the rules are stacked against us so we cannot win. Here’s two scams that turned you into a cog in the machine...

1 Education

2 Consumption

The first scam: Be good at school and you’ll get a good job.

Capitalism needs compliant workers and it needs consumers too. And, that’s the second scam: Consume lots of goods so we can avoid over-production and keep the economy growing.

This was okay during the Industrial Revolution when we needed to convert farm hands into factory workers. We were taught just enough to get the job done. And, not too much where we’d start to think independently and upset the system. So, sit down, shut up and listen. And, if you fit in, follow the rules and pass our standardized tests we’ll promote you. Does that remind you of school? Work?

We’ve been so well-trained in this we still buy stuff to be happy even though we know it doesn’t fulfil us. Want to go shopping?

Control Protect


And it applies to both factory workers and office workers. Our place on the assembly line simply got swapped for a cubicle. Work is still planned, controlled and measured for you. At least you now have air conditioning!

You have a choice... You can either control and protect the existing system or expand it and explore new possibilities. What’s it going to be? Choose!

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 6

RAP3 : Your Choice

PROFIT : Are you a Cog or a Linchpin? Unfortunately, there are not a lot of good cog opportunities around anymore. Whereas, being indispensable and a Linchpin is necessary in every organization. Yes, it takes more effort and that’s what makes it more satisfying.

I Am A Genius. Making the choice to become a Linchpin revolves around this fundamental question: Are you willing to accept that you are a genius? All of us have been a genius on at least one occasion. Can you remember your magic moments? Most of us don’t think of ourselves as a genius because we expect to be that all the time. Clearly, a genius doesn’t run late for meetings, lose their car keys or sit on their sunglasses. None of us are born indispensable. We need to make ourselves and train ourselves to be Linchpins. Your choice is to either suppress or express your natural inclinations. What’s it going to be? Choose!

Protect Restrict



Show up Be average + mediocre Faceless Conform and comply Wait for instructions Commodity Suppress yourself Keep your head down Replaceable Earn less Suck it up Do what you’re told Do what you have to Contribute just enough Physical/mental work

Create art Be remarkable Personality + attitude Stand up + stand out Create the map Artist Express yourself Connect others Indispensable Earn more Make it happen Make judgement calls Do what you care about Contribute all of you Emotional work

Your Worldview How do you see the world? Do you play to protect and restrict and ultimately maintain the status quo? Or are you actively playing to enlarge the pie for everyone? Are you living in scarcity? Do you hang onto, hide and hoard your best ideas? Do you see a limited range of opportunities or are they bountiful? Are you stingy or generous? The generous spirit shares their gift. They create and innovate to produce better results for everyone. And the more they contribute the more rewards come their way. Who do you choose to be in the future? Scarce or generous? A cog or a Linchpin? Choose!

Share GIFT

Better Rewards

Create Innovate

Maintain Better Results

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 7

RAP4 : Your New Job

PROFIT : Being a Linchpin is not about quitting your job. It’s about being an artist and doing great work in your current job, your future job and your own business. Here’s some Linchpinning (someone had to turn it into a verb!) rules for making your job work.

Artists don’t just talk about things - unless that’s their art. You’ll need to spend the time, commit your emotions and devote yourself fully to your work. Anything less wouldn’t be worthy of a true artist. Not all artists can draw. Some dance, some sing, some talk, some get things done, some make it happen, some connect others, some say what others won’t. What’s your gift? Define your genius and create your art.

Do you need a CV to get your next prized role? Well, that depends on the job you’re applying for.

Ship! Work



Turning up to work is not enough. You need to bring your whole body, mind, heart, soul, attention, intention and emotions to your work. Start caring, daring and baring it all at work. Art is created by humans for humans. Rehumanize your work!

To CV or not to CV?

Steve Jobs once said ‘Real Artists Ship’. They get things done, they work things out and they deliver. What are you shipping and when is it going out?

Stand out because you’re willing to stand up. That’s your new work motto. Hold true to your values, don’t sell out, voice your thoughts and be willing to cause the results that’s needed.



NOW! Change

Be bold, be brave and be a catalyst for change. If there’s no change, there’s no art. Be the designer who is deliberately creating the future you want to see rather than being at the effect of the one imposed upon you.

Real artists don’t paint by numbers. They start with a blank canvas. Throw out the instruction manual & start creating your own map. Yep, this one might just get you into trouble and into your art. At some point to truly be an artist you’ll need to create a fresh path.

Artists are artists. They don’t turn it on and off like a light switch. And they don’t blame their tools. They use what’s in front of them to make art. That’s why it’s art! If you’re waiting for the right time, tools and place you’re resisting!

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 8

If it’s a standardized role that many cogs could fill, it’s likely you will need one. That’s because a standard job will have a standard application process that requires the standard CV. It’s much easier for the recruiters to slash the applicants down to the chosen few this way. If this is the case for your next role, then you need to ask, ‘Am I applying for the right role?’ And, ‘If I got this role, is there going to be room for me to practise my art and share my gifts?’ If you’re in HR and getting poor candidates, check your process. To really get a great job you’ll need to stand out so instead of a CV... • Write a compelling blog. • Get three extraordinary letters of recommendation. • Create a list of great projects you’ve worked on. • Build a reputation that precedes you.

RAP5 : Your Art

PROFIT : What’s your special talent, your genius, your gift, your artistry? The ancient greek aphorism ‘Know Thyself’ is the clue you need to revealing your great talent. And here’s eight suggestions for you to uncover what your artfulness is made of.

Can you inspire, motivate and excite your team to make things happen? Are you the one that connects, identifies and revels in interacting with your customers? Do your customers respect, follow and admire you?

Are you the bridge, the interface & the connection between management and workers or company and customers?





Do you possess a superpower talent like Superman? Perhaps, you’re unstoppable, have laser-like focus or you’re invincible in the face of opposition...

Can you manage situations of great complexity? Do you stand tallest when the crisis is the deepest?




Are you truly the creative one with the insight, courage and generosity? Do you turn ideas into things that ship?

Can you combine deep domain knowledge with smart decision making in an inclusive way?

Are you the open, kind and generous one who can see a situation for what it is without the filter of arrogance?







The Industrial Revolution revolved around handmade goods being replaced by machine made ones.

The Digital and Internet Revolution has enabled customized goods to be made as easily as standardized ones.

This prompted the rise of standardization and predictable products. And, industrial marketing followed suit.

Plus, it has given access to production to everyone with a laptop.

Factories needed workers to be cogs in their bigger machine.

The resultant flood of output and creative energy has literally turned the game inside out.

If you were an artist making your own handmade, personalized contributions you were pushed to the outer.

To be noticed you need to be different, special and remarkable. The work of the artist has returned to centre stage.

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 9

RAP6 : Your Gifts

PROFIT : The way we interact with each other is changing. Central to the capitalist system is giving to get. In contrast, the internet is emerging as a gift culture where giving freely is normal. And, this is the intent behind sharing your art.

The Gift Culture When Shepard Fairey created the Obama Hope poster he set out to make some money and support his political beliefs. From his initial print run, he sold 350 copies and gave away another 350. By October 2009, he’d printed 300,000 posters and sold only 2000 of them. The rest were given away. (Source: Wikipedia ) To give away 99% of your product doesn’t sound like good business practice. Think of all the money he left on the printing table. Yet, from that one poster, Fairey’s career is now firmly established. His poster became the icon of the Obama campaign, was acquired by the Smithsonian for the National Portrait Gallery and he now has an international reputation. He’s also become the poster-child (sic) of the gift culture built on generosity.

To Give

Giving gifts was traditionally seen as an expression of power. ‘You must be powerful if you can afford to give things away.’ And, in a tribal culture giving was an important part of enabling others to flourish. Gifting is returning in importance in the digital economy because it is so much cheaper to be generous with your gift and let your ideas spread.

To Get

A couple of centuries ago, money and structured society flipped the tradition of giving. Rather than give a gift, it became a sign of power to receive. To receive gifts meant ‘you must be important’ because people would only give gifts to gain your trust and favour.

The gift culture is growing in importance for three important reasons: ➊ The internet promotes a gift culture because the cost to give away a digital product is so low. ➋ To be an artist you need to create the work for it’s own sake. To create it with money in mind is to pollute it. ➌ The act of giving quietens the resistance of your lizard brain and frees you up to do your best work. To be a Linchpin you need to be indispensable. To be indispensable you need to create your best work. And, the key to this is to free yourself from the results it will produce. An artist works for art’s sake. And, a true artist’s work is always a gift. Turn your contribution into a gift for art’s sake.

To Give and Get

To Give and Get is not a true gift. This is a trade or an exchange. This has become the basis for the capitalist system. I get your product if I give you enough money in return. Reciprocity is a form of give and get, it’s an expectation that if I give you something now I will get something back later.

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RAP7 : Your Tribe

PROFIT : Previously commerce was centre stage because it was more profitable to produce average products for average people. Art was marginalized. Today, art is central. Your new model for success is: Create art first, a tribe will likely follow and commerce will fall out of this.

Performing Your Art Consider a busker performing in the street. Some passers by will stop, others won’t. Some will applaud, others won’t. Some will tip a coin into their hat, others won’t. If the busker doesn’t ply his art, there is no performance, no fans, followers, tribe or commerce. It all begins with the busker’s art. By being the artist and sharing their gift, the opportunity is created for tribes to congregate and ultimately for commerce to occur. Now, there’s an obvious ‘maybe’ in this approach. There’s no guarantee anyone will want to pay for your art. An alternative approach is to design your art for an audience. However, as soon as you take this route you’re not doing your art anymore. You’ve contaminated it. Either way, you have choice: To do your art or not. Once you’ve created your work then invent a way to monetize it.


Commerce Tribe



Freemium and Gifts There is a parallel to the ‘Freemium’ business model here. A ‘Freemium’ model suggests you give away a basic version of your product or service and sell a ‘Premium’ or full featured service. For example, Skype enables free web to web calls and charges for calls to landlines or mobiles. Typically, 90% of your customers will accept the free service.

Previously, commerce was the centre of our world and the role of the artist was demoted to the fringes of attention.

When you perform your art, you will attract some fans who may become followers and part of your tribe. When your tribe grows to sufficient size some tribe members may want to buy your art. Now, in this framework, commerce remains important and its no longer your first intention.

The advantage of offering a free service is to attract a bigger audience who sample, use and advocate your service. Freemium is a business model. Seth’s Linchpin model is for your personal career. The big difference is intent. To be an artist, you have to create art first. This is the gift. Whereas Freemium is not intended to be art, it’s business - it’s a reciprocity deal.

In one of his earlier books, Tribes, Seth Godin spoke about the need for leadership as a new form of marketing. And leadership revolves around connecting like minded people into tribes.

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RAP8 : Your Resistance

PROFIT : Faced with a new challenge, it’s likely you’re going to come face to face with your lizard brain. It’s going to jump to attention and try to talk you out of doing anything new or different. To create your art you’re going to need to address this. Here’s some clues...

Your Lizard Brain

To Resist or Ship

Making Time to Ship

Our brain is like a modern city built over the top of a medieval one. The leftovers of the past continue to shape our current actions.

Shipping is the opposite of resisting.

Internet Diet : Stop checking your email every five minutes. Instead limit it to five times a day. The same applies to social media...

In particular our lizard brain is programmed to keep us safe, alive and fed. Whereas the rest of our brain is designed to keep us happy, successful and part of society. At times they’re competing forces. And, to be a Linchpin requires you to quieten the cries of anxiety from our lizard brains.

Quietening The Lizard There are two clear methods for managing your resistance to being an artist.

The reason we start anything is to finish it. And, the only way to create a masterpiece is to finish. It’s not a guarantee to master-piecedom and it is essential. The world moves and changes when we publish. Without it we only have wonderings. Wondering what might be... To be a Linchpin we need to put our art out there and into the world. We need to ship.

The first way is to seek reassurance. If you fear you have left the oven turned on and your house is going to burn down, then go and check the oven. By rewarding your anxiety it will quieten down - at least for now. Unfortunately, you just trained it to show up again next time. The second way is to sit with it. That’s right, just notice it, acknowledge it, say ‘hello anxiety’ and become it’s friend. At first, this may make it worse. However, if you can be with it long enough it will burn itself out and quietly disappear. Eventually, the anxiety will diminish and run out of steam.

Stay the same

Blitz : Go flat out for a short sprint and get things done. When you go fast there’s no time to be anxious! Employ infrastructure : Use existing platforms to amplify your idea and results. For instance, use a publisher to get your book out quickly.

Ship and Grow

Use Seth’s Strategy ➊ Highlight the date you’ll ship. ➋ Take notes: use post-it notes, index cards or whatever to record every thing you can do about your idea. ➌ Thrash out the idea with your team. ➍ Collect your cards and discuss them with your team ➎ Put the cards into a database ➏ One person reviews the database and creates a complete project description ➐ Take the blueprint from step ➏ and get approval to proceed ❽ When you get a clear and decisive approval then start work.

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 12

Companion Pieces

If you want to expand your reading further, here’s four other Book Rapper issues that discuss the changing nature of work...

The Four Hour JOLT! Rules and strategies for changing your work. Including the promotion and retirement of the 40 hour work week. Derived from: Timothy Ferris, The Four Hour Work Week

How to Think Right How left brain work is being outsourced. And why your right brain skills are becoming increasingly important for your future career. Derived from: Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind

Design Advantage Of particular interest is the Knowledge Funnel - a potent model for reviewing three important types of work. Derived from: Roger Martin, The Design of Business

Web Line How to succeed online. Presents a similar view to Seth around being generous, giving gifts and the limits of quid pro quo. Derived from: Chris Brogan and Julian Smith, Trust Agents

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BR Context : Business and Work Map

Lets draw some loose threads together... Linchpin is another piece in the puzzle that we’ve been tracking at Book Rapper through most of our issues. It revolves around two questions: What does ‘work’ look like in the digital age? And, what does an ‘organization’ look like in the digital age? The starting point for this conversation is: If you were designing work/organizations from scratch today, what would you create? How would it look? Here’s eight design principles for todays work and organizations linked back to the Book Rapper issues that discuss these topics.


Command and control leadership styles have flowed from the military. In a decentralized world, they no longer works. For instance, you can’t control the internet. To be a leader here you need to build trust, respect and reputation. Lighthouse Leadership is a very different way of looking at the world and interacting with people. And, with generational change, the old leadership styles are less tolerated, further prompting new styles. References • Leaderful (Decentralized leadership) • Web Line (The shift to online leadership)

Decentralized Design






NOt For Profit Connection

Traditional organizations were composed of various elements. Marketing sat over there, sales was here, production down there and management upstairs. No more. The internet and digital technologies dissolves the boundaries between these internal divisions. It also promotes co-operation between suppliers at an unprecedented level and with crowdsourcing the line is blurred between customer and company. Add the ability to connect with people globally and you have a huge opportunity to work in new ways. References • The Great Business Gestalt (Building ecosystems) • Global Glue (The power of connection technology) • Google Think (Rethinking your organizational architecture)


The internet is the defining and all pervasive structure of modern society. Any new organization would reflect this and be decentralized in its design and structure - or at least a fusion of centralized control and decentralized flexibility. There are two basic ways of doing this: Either separate business units that run independently of it’s parent company, like GE. Or you can decentralize the customer experience, like Ebay. This presents significant benefits with regard to building to scale through network effects especially through internet technologies. References • Leaderful (Decentralized organizations) • The Great Business Gestalt (Network effects)


We can no longer rely on corporations and governments to address social concerns such as climate change, the homeless or poverty. New organizations will focus on fulfilling social needs. Aligning to social causes is the key to branding. And, it’s the lesson learnt from tribes forming on the internet. Corporate Social Responsibility is mere icing on a stale cake. Social Orientation designs the organization to create a profit that is channelled to fulfil the social need. The younger generations won’t be interested without it. And, through social media the means to connecting around events and causes is quicker and easier than ever before. References • Brand Worship (The potency of a cause in branding)

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BR Context : Business and Work Map, continued Leisure

Not for Profit

The work modes of the Industrial Age reflected the machinery of the time. We did standardized jobs in fixed locations and set blocks of time to produce standardized products marketed in standardized ways. In the Information/Knowledge/Digital Age we can work wherever our brain is and whenever we feel like it on stuff that appeals to us. The customized niche of designing your own work and lifestyle is the promise of the Leisure Age. It’s the Leisure Age not because we are doing nothing, it’s because when we work in our passion/gift our work becomes our pleasure and leisure. References Design • The Four Hour JOLT! (The 40 hour work week retires) • How to Think Right (The outsourcing of left-brain work) • Make Money From Niches (the long tail of niches) • Purple You (The demise of standardized work) Leisure


Previously, owning the means to production was the key to making profits. And there was a clear distinction between who owned it and who were the workers who ran it. This line has blurred and possibly evaporated. Now, via the internet the tools of production are in the hands of everyone with access. As a direct result the pursuit of profit changes. Even a so-called not-for-profit organization needs to pursue profit to fund the future. The big difference is the need to make profit to fund a future and then make profit on top of that to feed shareholders. Take away the shareholder level, add the freemium models and the Decentralized gift economies and all of a sudden the pursuit of profit and ultimately capitalism changes. Leadership References • The Great Business Gestalt (Blurring of customer/company) • Make Money From Niches (Change in digital economics • Web Line (Shift in access to production Social • Purple You (Shift in access to production)



Traditional big-media technologies like TV, newspapers, NOt For Profit advertising and PR promoted one-way conversations. The internet and digital technologies have replaced this with two-way conversations. This is a significant shift that requires organizations to be re-designed to listen, initiate, enable and participate in conversations internally and externally with customers and suppliers. This is crucial for getting things done. References • Talk With Me (How to have Organizational Conversations) • Brand Worship (Involving customers in brand building) • We Blog (Another pathway for talking with your customers) • Twittergy (Conversing with customers in new ways)


In an era of dramatic change and global hyper-competition, the need for design, innovation, growth and learning within an organization is crucial. A decentralized structure allows innovation to be embedded in the DNA of the organization through crowdsourcing and micro-business units. Crowdsourcing is also central to brand building as it engages the customer almost to the point of ownership. And, building a design thinking culture and work practices unites internal teams. References • The Bees Wees (Multiple examples of crowdsourcing) • Brand Worship (Involving customers in brand building) • Design Advantage (The Importance of Design Thinking)

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 15

Actions : Be Purple You!

PROFIT : Enough talk. Unless your genius is saying the right thing that makes the difference. It’s time for action. It’s time to take the steps to create Purple You. Here’s four simple questions to ask to get you started...

1 Choose

Do I want a career as a Cog or an Artist? (RAP 2 + 3)

2 Define

What’s my gift? My art? My talent? My special ability? (RAPs 4 + 5)

3 Overcome

What will I need to do to overcome any resistance within myself and from others? (RAP 8)

4 Gift

What will I start giving away to share my talent, make a difference and build my reputation? (RAPs 5 + 6)

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 16

More info... About the Author

Hi! And thanks for reading Book Rapper! Book Rapper has become my art and my gift. It began as a natural extension to what I was already doing.

Purple Me!

I love reading books through my helicopter bigpicture lens and mapping them as diagrams and visual models. This mirrors my natural way of sorting, mind-mapping and designing information for my own use. And my inherent laziness that wants to get an idea as quickly and easily as I can. Book Rapper and it’s little brother extend this so others can get it quickly too. My first career was as an architect. And in hindsight I can see how modelling ideas for Book Rapper parallels what I loved about designing buildings. Today I’m working as the Ideas Architect which includes creating Book Rapper, Twit Rapper, designing custom board game and other info products. Cheers, Geoff (McDonald)

Creative Commons License This RAP is free and does not contain affiliate links. Share it with the world under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Feel free to share it as it is, no changes, no re-selling.

About Book Rapper DIY : This document is our ‘DIY’ solution. We suggest the actions you could take and you personalize them to your situation. Ideas Lunch : Discuss this issue, eat a luscious lunch and meet some interesting people - available in Melbourne and Sydney. More: Custom : We also design custom solutions for your unique situation. Delivery : This can be delivered in a variety of ways depending upon what you need. This might be oneon-one coaching or mentoring, or group events such as keynote presentations, facilitating strategic planning meetings or creating projects to achieve specific outcomes. Home Base : We’re based in Melbourne, Australia and with the clever use of technology we can virtually be anywhere.

Want More? Share it : If you like this issue, share it with your friends and colleagues. Discuss the issues to expand your thinking. Take Action : The best way to learn more is to put these ideas into practice. Read the Book : If you want more detail about this particular issue, buy the book. We only select 12 books a year, so a book’s got to be good for us to RAP it. Get more RAPs : If you want to read RAPs on different topics/books, visit our website.

© Geoff McDonald 2010 • For More Info click on these links • Blog • Email the Author • Other issues freely available at: • Page 17

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