James Park Portfolio 2010

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My Portfolio contains design work from the past three years at the Cleveland Institute of Art. These projects shows my process as a designer. From initial research to the final design.






BRANDFOCUS. Brand focus is a project in which we were given the task of designing a portable listening device for the brand of our choice. Our designs needed to have the look and the feel of the particular company we designed for.


There is a lack of style forward MP3 players on the market. Most electronic devices are not designed to go with the fashion of clothes or shoes.




Aldo is a shoe company that believes in making quality and professional footwear. Aldo has forward styling, quality material, and overall comfort in their products.


I started out drawing simple block like forms that did not relate to the Aldo’s styling. It was hard to break out of the ipod mold. I moved on to more fluid asymmetric forms that directly related to some of Aldo’s shoes.

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The leather flap allows the user to control the MP3 player even when it is inside the user’s pockets, purse, or backpack. There are two imputes on the bottom of the MP3 player; one is used for the USB cord and the other is used for the headphone jack. The MP3 player fits comfortably into the user’s hand. The device can be operated easily using only one hand. The buttons are able to be pushed easily. This allows the user to quickly and easily flip through their library of music.

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FINALDESIGN The final design is a rubber molded player wrapped in brown leather. The screen is an asymmetric surface that wraps around to the back of the player.


DESIGNLANGUAGE Design Language consists of visual elements that are intended to harmonize groups of products, graphic materials, environments, or other touch points of a brand for the purpose of communicating to customers and users.

Bose Products have outdated and boring styling and design. Bose does not offer an all-in-one listening device.





The design language is following materials and style guides. 01. Wood detail 02. White plastic 03. Grey rubber 04. Orange accent color

RESEARCH/ INSPIRATION. I was inspired by clean simple design features. This would allow for the design and function to easily be understood by many users.


Ideation for the Bose product was focus on clean simple forms that did not stand out or become an eye sore. I wanted the look of the product to be easy to understand. In short I wanted the Bose device to be heard and not seen.


FINALDESIGN The Bose Home Portable Speaker is a portable music device that is used within the home. The Bose speaker is designed with two speakers and a simple touch screen interface that lights up only when in use.




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The Bose Device can be hung onto any wall of the house using the wall peg. This allows the user to keep there their tables clear of clutter.

The Bose Device can also sit on a table of the user’s choice. It has a weighted bottom so it stand upright.

WIRELESSTRANSFER The user’s music library can be transferred on to the Bose Home Portable Device using wireless technology.

TOUCH SCREEN INTERFACE The Bose Device uses a touch screen interface. This interface allows the user to quickly scroll through the controls.

THE PEG The peg is designed to hold the Bose speaker onto the wall. An easy way to think of how the peg works is; click pen plus nail equals the peg.







The Peg easily fits into the back of the Bose Device. It hangs much like a picture frame, and because the back is a triangle so it is easy to center.


SENIORPROJECT Our senior project was based on anything we wanted it to be. Narrowing down the choices was not easy, but when I did I ended on Professional and Consumer Painting. Having been involved with painting for a large portion of my life I felt this was an area that could use a quality product.



KNOWLEDGE. Painting products are meant to be thrown out which creates a large amount of waste. Many consumers of paint products don’t actually know or understand the correct way to use Painting products and tools. So in short the problem is to much waste and a general lack of knowledge.

RESEARCH GOAL. I wanted to find out the difference between the professional painter who paints for a living, and the consumer who only paints when they need too. I researched what aspects of painting are sustainable and what causes the most waste. Also going through a job site systematically so I could better understand the details of painting.

START JOB. The first step is getting the tools and setting up a shop. Second is the cover up, this is done with plastic, tape, and drop clothes. Covering up helps keep everything clean, and makes the job go quicker and easier.

PREP. Once everything is covered, one can now start prepping the surfaces he/she is going to work on. The process starts with sanding, filling holes, and then priming. Usually this work is repeated until the prep work is done and the user is ready to start the finish paint.

FINISH. Finish paint takes a steady hand and a nice smooth surface to apply the paint. Whether the user is painting woodwork or a wall, it usually takes two coats of paint to get the smooth finish that is desired. Also in between each coat a light buffing( sanding) needs to occur, this is done with a higher grit sand paper( like 220).

CLEAN UP. The last step is cleaning up the mess. This means remove and clean everything in the house. Also clean out brushes and tools. Finally throw away all the trash or just load up the truck and start the next job.

CONCEPT CARDS. These cards were the beginning to my overall concept process. I was able to separate my concepts into six different areas: Cover up, prep. work, paint application, clean up, paint storage, and lastly a section that involved creating systems.


The how much paint tool is a device that would measure the exact amount of paint needed by measuring the area of a wall or surface.

Creating multiple hand layouts helped me understand what hand placement would make sense for the product.

CONCEPT IDEATION. The next step was going deeper into the ideation process. Now that I had my direction I needed to figure out things like function, ergonomics, interface, and styling.

DIRECTION 1. For my first completed direction I wanted to design a product that would seem natural to the user. So I used design cues from a power drill.

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01. The trigger 02. The handle and grip. 03. A removable battery for easy charging. Ultimately this design became to bulky, and overcomplicated. So next step was to take and simplify the product.

FINAL DIRECTION. My final design direction incorporated a D shape to the overall look of the product. This allows the product to stand upright anyway it is laid down. I took away the removable battery because this is not a product that would be used every day like a power drill. I also simplified the interface to less buttons an a screen that angles to the user. Overall this is a much more simple easy to use design.

FINALDESIGN The Equal paint tool is designed with two main functions. 01. Using lasers Equal can measure any wall or surface area and translate that into amount of products needed for the job and dimensions of the users home. 02. Using a color scanner Equal can scan any object to provide accurate color swatches



Equal’s front glass panel is protected by a thin rubber gasket. This allows for the scanner to grip when pushed up against any surface.



Equal is designed to easily stand on its own. The bottom and the sides are protected by rubber bumpers.


Equal comes with a USB port to easily transfer all the data collected from measuring and scanning your home.


Equal’s gives the user a safe and reliable feels because it uses rubber grips at four points around the handle.


Equal’s scanning feature allows the user to scan any object then equal takes that scan and turns it into color swatches.

MEASUREMENT EQUALS Area measurement equals knowledge for the user. Equal takes the area and calculates anything from the amount of paint needed to the number of rolls of tape off the measurements taken.


INTERFACE DESIGN AND CONTROLS This button represents the area measurement function. Once this button is selected the user can measure any wall or surface.


This button represents the object color scan function. Once this button is selected the user can scan any object to get the color swatches they want.

The plus button allows the user to add onto the measurements or color scans.

This is the directional button to help the user navigate through different options.

The minus button allows the user to subtract measurements (like doors or windows) and color scans.

This is the select button.

SKETCHING When I think of design I think of sketching. I enjoy the sketching process over any other in design. Sketching is an easy way to translate any thought or idea to reality. Here are some sketches from other projects.

Sketches from my ergonimics project redesigning the caulk gun.

These are sketches from a knee brace I designed to run off the energy of its own movement

Sketches from initial concepts on our Fisher Price project.

Refinement sketches from the Fisher Price project.

THANK YOU JAMES PARK jamesvpark@yahoo.com 440.785.0377

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