COMINIG HOME TO NEM The rumble of the road. From behind the seat, I hear a tinkle.; she's gone. Dust rolls. Cattle grids. Cattle graze. Floodways. Pleasant days. Dream. We're almost there! Last grid. Creek bed. Our own favourite forest. Find the drive. Feel alive. Cross the creek, Up the bank; stop, At the gate. As the passenger; I have the gate key. I open the door. She will move quickly. Clambering; a silent clamour. I feel her as she moves past me; bounding home. It took a life time to find it. Now she can play here; along the creek bed, amongst the trees, Hidden in the grasses, in the valley, on the hills; Hunting lizards with abandon. Now she can live here forever, In the home she loves And in our hearts. James W. Barnes July 19, 2012