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Music Heals: From Tradition to Medical Innovation 5-6 JULY, universitI putra Malaysia LIST OF PRESENTERS, PRESENTATIONS, & WORKSHOPS Note: (RP) = Research Presentation, (W) = Workshop DAY 1 PROGRAMME (FRIDAY 05/07/19) Photo





CONFERENCE OPENING (8:30-9:00am) Registration begins at 8:00am Assistant. Prof. Dr. Lori Gooding, (Medical Music Therapy Professor, Florida State University) Dr. Gooding is Past President of the Southeastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association and a member of the Board of Directors for the American Music Therapy Association. She has presented nationally and internationally, and currently serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Music Therapy. She has also received research grants from organizations like AARP, the National Institute on Aging, the Awesome Foundation, and the NEA/Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.

Keynote 1

9:00am-10:30am Al Farabi Hall

Music and Medicine at the Intersection of Healing & Treatment Music is used globally by a variety of healthcare professionals to facilitate improved functioning, health, and wellbeing. This presentation will explore why music is an effective intervention, how music intersects with healthcare, and the range of professionals who provide music applications in healthcare.

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