The nurture of nature children's recovery center 2015

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The Nurture of Nature THE CHILDREN’S RECOVERY CENTER JAMIE HSIN-CHIEH HSU Academy Thesis Project Spring 2015 | Graduate School Interior and Architecture Design Academy of Art University

Table of Contents


Abstract Thesis Summary InspiraƟon



Social Issues About the Site Project Building Users Profile Clients and Partnership


Precedent Studies Deyang School Randall children’s hopspital Ronald McDonald House Tropism of Wild Flower


Development Concept Development Program Development Space Planning


Feature Areas Landscape Design Center Lobby Dinning Area Hydrotherapy Room Group Therapy Rooms Family Rooms The Healing Garden

About Biography Resume Bibliography



| Abstract | 7


Below Design Process Sketch

Building reuse and remodeling usually accompany the demands of society or the increased resources of a local district. These days, one societal problem is the unequal distribution of medical resources for different ages. The birth rate trend towards having fewer children leads to the inadequate medical attention for children, children’s hospitals lack in Taiwan. Most of the pediatrics departments are located in the downtown area of cities. Traveling between other sub-districts and a city is very inconvenient for children and teenagers who are sick and tired. This problem is not only for the children but also for their parents and their grandparents. Moreover, the limited land resources present significant issue for expansion of health facilities. Along with the development of the times and progress of the society, healthcare design is

more and more popular for nowadays. The environment will influence their emotion and the emotions affect their health directly. Designing a space for the children with the elements of natural will help them, and their parents leave away from depressed feelings. The primary drive of the project is to design empty spaces to satisfy local demand and improve healthcare environment for children. However, children in the long-term treatment process need a place that could treat their physical and mental health. In addition, children can have more space to develop relationships with parents, friends, and self-confidence. Therefore, giving a new life to the old building is the same meaning of giving a new life to the children fighting the disease.

| Abstract | 9

Inspiration Bring Outside in, Bring Children out More healthcare space requests the natural elements in the building. “Bring outside in” is the most important concept for my project. Being close to the natural environment is a best and easy way to relax our physical body and release their depressed and pressure, natural elements are Indispensable. A natural plant “orchid” which has a similar growing process with

Below Garden Abstract

the treatment of children, which inspires this project. The point of views from orchid growing environment, the requests of conditional growing, and the pose of flowers presents the base of the concepts for this project. Orchid not only symbolizes the natural elements but also symbolizes the way of treatment for children who need a better medical environment.

| Abstract | 11


Below Orichid Flowers Face Page Using the images to show the similarity between orchid and children grow up with parents. Orichids start growing on the tree trunk. The image of parent’s hand with chidren.

The Moth Orchid is among the most renowned , exceptional, and scarce flowers in Taiwan. Its petals that look like a butterfly’s wings that is different from other flowers with its distinct growing process, and that is why it is rare and valuable name it. Here are the reasons that they are different from other plants. The first and the most important point is that it is an epiphyte, which is a plant that grows non-parasitically upon other plants. It needs other plants such to support its body, but it does not absorb the nutrient from them. It can grow by itself. Second, it grows very slowly. It spends a lot of time from germination to blossom. Third, it needs a unique environment with abundant sunlight, humid air, and fungus to grow. It is frail without any one of them. However, it will have a stable life when it has

successfully become a blooming plant. Similarly, the illness in children imitates the Orchid. They all need special space to help them recuperate. Much as the Moth Orchid needs other plants to survive, children need their parents, especially when they have to undergo long-term treatment and live in the hospital. They not only need their parents to assist them but also need medicines and equipment to support their lives. Children with chronic illnesses are not as active as other normal children because their bodies need to take a lot of time to fight the illnesses. However, that does not mean they do not have a chance to recover; therefore, taking care of their physical and mental health proves imperative. These children will have more willpower when they are well taken care of by special environment and proper care.


| Research |15

Social Issues The Low Birth Rate Lead Unequal Distribution Of Children’s Medical Resources

Taipei China


These years, the trend towards fewer children is one of the most important point in Asian, a concept that culminates into poor medical quality for children. Because there are not as many children as before, there lack pediatrics department or children’s hospitals around each district or cities in Taiwan. Most of the children’s hospitals moved to main cities, and it is a way to centralize the medical resources. Therefore, more parents need to go back and forth between the city and suburban district for the treatment of their children. On the other hand, the city’s hospital always has problem example, there are not enough patient beds especially children’s beds in the hospital. Worse still, the children who have a disease such as cancer have to go to city’s hospital to do the treatment and then transfer back to suburban hospitals for care. However, the population’s birth rate is dropping progressively. We cannot give up each of the children’s life because they all have the potential to be people in the society. Giving them better life or greater space is one of the ways to help them to grow up better. This is not just for the children but also for their parents. Most of the depression cases occur on parents because of the pressures of children’s condition, and the need to take care of the children.

Changhua Taiwan

Right From Top Taipei Children’s Hospital of Mackay Memorial Hospital Taichung Children’s Hospital of China Medical University Hospital

Above The points show the number and location of the Children hospital in Taiwan.

Children’s Hospital Changhua Christian Hospital Taipei Children’s Hospital of Taiwan University Hospital

| Research |17

About the Site Zhongshan District The building located at the Zhongshan District in the Taipei. Named after Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) who is Father of the Republic. This area’s history dates to the year 1945. Before this year, Taiwan was in the Japanese era. This area has been developed for 1895 year that was during the Japanese period. There are many buildings built by Japanese style architecture such as museums, temples, Sun Yat-sen memorial hall, etc. The first foreign doctor Mr. Mackay who cared for children’s health issues came to Taiwan by that time. After 1945 period, the area into a business and industry section. started developing de This area is not only the most prosperous areas in Taipei earlier but bu presents a high business value for Taipei. According to the history of Zhongshan, many monAccord ument or historical places have been kept in Japanese styles or some old buildings have been abandoned. Nowapeople expect different life styles in this area. More days, peo and more cultural activities or exhibitions get into this pay close attention to this area than before. area. People Peo Many new style-building programs have been added to Zhongshan District. Zhongsha

Below Zhongshan districbution located in Taipei city on the north of Taiwan

Taipei City Zhongshan

Right from the top Museum Residential Restaurant Temple Hotels

| Research |19

Climate it is humid for four seasons in Taiwan because Taiwan is an island state. It rains for almost half and a year, According to the topography of Taiwan; there are many high mountains in the center that leads rain and water to inconveniently and not easy collection. However, how to saving water and collecting rain are the people need always to think about it. The drainage system is also the important issue as well. For north of Taiwan, the highest relative humidity occurs in summer. The strong wind speed is during the fall season. The most hours of sunshine are during in fall. The highest temperature is in the summer time.

Below The Average Annual Rainfall On North of Taiwan

Taipei Right From Top The Average Annual Climate Statisitc chart Relative Humidity Wind Speed Temperature Sunshine

| Research |21

Transportation and Zoning

M R T Staion Red Line: Minguan west road staƟon Shuanglian staƟon


This area combine the residential, commercial, hospitality and mix-used buildings. The district is near the Taipei train station, and zone is well developed that there are many stores, banks, hotels and offices nearby. For transportation, there are highways and express pass through, therefore they are easy for people go through this area. Furthermore, the subways and buses besides make the location more accessible. Christian Mackay Memorial Hospital, one of biggest hospital in Taiwan, is only two blocks away from the building. Children may get better medical resources owing to the geographical advantages.


Brown Line: Zhongshan elementary school staƟon XingƟan temple staƟon Below Transportation Map of Project Building

Bus Number: 518, 226, 227, 261, 290, 811, 208 42, 211, 246, 638, 606, 820, 220, 218, Red33


Right From Top Location of hospital is only two blocks away from the buiding Zoning of Residential Zoning of Commercial Zoning of Mixed-Use


| Research |23

Project Building Building History Project building built in 1930 by Taiwan Offset Printing Co., Ltd. 1946, Taiwan Administrative Office took over the management of this building to the Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau. The Original pictures showed four buildings on the landscape. 1999, they demolished the three buildings since the business of Tobacco and Wine shut down. It has been abandoned from 2002. The building is classified as Urban Regeneration Station (URS) by Taipei government in 2011. There is an art and architecture exhibition company stay inside from 2011 to 2014. Now it is after the exhibition.

Urban Regeneration Station (URS) Below Current Building Front Door

URS21 is the name of current building by Taipei government. Urban Regeneration Station is a plan of reuse of the building to renew the programs of building and create another function for residents. The meaning of URS is reborn with the similar meaning of the project users is. Giving a new life to the old building is the same meaning of giving a new life to children who are fighting the disease. Reusing the building to the health care center for children who are near the hospitals in the city is a good way to increase the children’s patient rooms and medical resource for Taiwan’s pediatrics or children’s hospital.

Taiwan Offset Printing Co., Ltd

Above Time Line of Project Building

Taiwan Tabacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau

Demolish three bulding behined


URS21 Exhibition Place

URS21 Empty Exhibition Place Close

| Research |25


Right From Top

Building Elevation From Front Door

Current Floor Plans Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

0 5



20 feet

0 5



20 feet

Building Square Footage Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Total Square Footage

11112.47 12428.47 12428.47 35968.41

Building LocaƟon : Taipei, Taiwan ROC DN

Building Address : No.21, Sec. 1, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104,Taiwan.

Building age : Since 1930 - 2015, 85 years old


0 5



20 feet

| Research |27

Below Left From Top

Below Office of Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Back of Building

Interior Spaces Enter Building From Ramp Back of Building

| Research |29


Client and Partnership

Target Users

Mackay Memorial Hospital

The children who need recovery and rest for their physical, mental health or children from other areas in need of temporary space for rest on their treatments. They are inpatient children who have overcome the operation or get a long-term observation. The common disease of children who need to stay in the recovery center are Down’s syndrome, Motor Neuron Disease, cancer ( leukemia etc) ,hereditary disease ( hemophilia etc) ,cancer patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation, congenital heart diseases etc. Alternatively, as indicated for further treatment further treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, rehabilitation for physical or mental disabilities. Second Target Users A person who has an ill child is usually depressed than even the child itself. They have one of hardest mission in their life. Looking after the children makes people mentally and physically exhausted. Parents are in great need of relaxation and have a good rest for their bodies. They are usually nervous than their child. They have to spend lots time traveling between hospital and home if they are not living in the city. Moreover, parents want to stay with their children while their children need to live in the hospital. Staying with a child is the important thing for the relationship of parent-child.

Mackay Memorial Hospital, under the jurisdiction of the Presbyterian Church in the country Taiwan, was honored in memory of Dr. George Leslie Mackay who followed in the footsteps of his prededecsesor Chief by ariiving to Taiwan with the message of salvation for all men. Even in those initial and inception, Dr. Mackay was concerned for the whole comprehensively and ministered to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each patient.

The Department of Paediatrics The Pediatric Department founded in 1957 is one of the largest domestic pediatrics. Currently the department is subdivided into neonatology, pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Pediatric Allergy, Immunology Section, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, pediatric nephrology, pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric genetic families. Children with severe medical emergency Branch and Child care Emergency Medicine.

Partnership The Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders was founded to provide support and care for rare disease patients, who are the minority among minorities of Taiwan society. They need the support and collaboration of theTaiwan government and the public in order to protect and enhance their health rights. Above Mackay Memorial Hospital

Above The children who are fighting with ilness

Pediatric Department The Logo of Taiwan Foundation For Rare Disorders

Precedent Studies

| Precedent Studies |33

Deyang Children’s School Program Study

Architects: China Southwest Architectural Design and Research InsƟtute Corp. Ltd LocaƟon: Deyang, Sichuan, China Architect In Charge: Liu Yi Design Team: Tang Minghao, Yang Jing, Huang Wei, Tang Rongping, Zou Min, Hu Dajian, Yao Yuan Area: 7998.0 sqm Year: 2012 Photographs: Liu Yi

Deyang School for Deaf & Intellectually Disabled Children is a charitable, educational institution, supporting kids with conversation and kid with hearing incapacities or mentally retarded pupils. The school includes teaching, sports, and accommodation facilities. ‘Home’ is like the model and the make the make, expressing the unique concerns for the children on campus. By dividing the school into small-scale sloped-roof different-sized buildings around a central courtyard, they form a small village. The rooms in each building are oriented towards the atrium that following the connection of ‘Rooms’-atrium-courtyard’ to create multi-level interactions between private and public spaces, which respect not only the pupils mental needs but also their activity routines. The ideas of sloped roofs and square windows are originally from children’s drawings, which denotes to their imaginations of homes that are expressing the warmth’s and belonging from their hearts. The atriums, courtyards, as well as the different-sized windows provide various opportunities for those special children to explore the world from different heights, inspiring them to enhance the connections with each other and discover the nearby world together, which helps developing intelligence better. Architecture is becoming the tool of education.

Project Insight The design of the building with lots opening to gain the sun light into the building. The windows design employs different materials to create the scale of opening. The atrium makes building have a fresh air and the soft light. Using sunlight create the “home” feeling for the space.

Facing Page Building facade Right From Top Atrium from the top Outdoor Space Building Perspective

| Precedent Studies |35

Randall Children’s Hospital Program Study

Architects: ZGF Architects LocaƟon: 2801 North Gantenbein Avenue, Portland

Designing a healing environment for children and families under stress is a unique opportunity. At the outset of the project, work sessions were held with Randall Children’s Health facilty management to create “Guiding Principles” for the design of the new hospital; 10 “values” were identified and later which inspired and even informed all design decisions. The overarching goal was to create a place full of inspiration, with a sense of unexpected and finding thoughtful interferences, in an environment that is comfortable for all ages.

Project Architect: Halliday Meisburger Architects In Charge: Adam ChrisƟe, JusƟn Brooks, Randy McGee, ScoƩ Tarrant, Nick Micheels Area: 334,000 square feet Year: 2012 Beds: 165

Project Insight The design of the interior is wooden and dark green. The materials create the comfortable feeling from nature. The building is huge and has high ceiling to create the more specials rooms. The individual space is suitable for both parents and children. The openings from the floor are invited by the nature light to the basement.

Facing Page Building facade Cafe Area of Hospital Right From Top Working Space LIght Tube For Indoor Lounge Area of Hopital

| Precedent Studies |37

Ronald McDonald Houses Program Study

Architects: EGM architecten LocaƟon: Dordrecht, The Netherlands Project Year: 2011 Photographs: Courtesy of EGM architecten Client: Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds

The Ronald McDonald Family Room in Utrecht is located on the roof of the Wilhelmina Children’s and Hospital entry hall. The Family Room is a place where parents and siblings of young patients can withdraw and compltelty unwind from the realities of the medical world.The design was put together by the desire to escape temporarily the hospital environment. This is easily accomplished by entering the ‘tree house’: a freestanding house in the classic design. A house with a pointy roof, as if a child drew it. The tree house, a revered structure owes its distinctive slanted form to the fact that it is positioned precisely above the forest of columns in the main hall just underneath. Where the little house is situated close to the hospital, the facade provides protection and is finished in tints of warm gray and orange. The northern façade is fully constructed with excelllent glass and mounted in sturdy wooden frames, overlooking the hospital’s courtyard. Even the interior has surprisingly contrasting combinations with lofty heights and inviting corners. Open walls of wooden aaannnd the columns that alternate between providing a good hiding space or merely a bit of transparency. Because of the wooden interior, the tree house’s atmosphere is warm, friendly, and personal. In addition, the white aural ceilings absorbs sound and provide the rest. Simply put, the Ronald McDonald Living Room makes a significant contribution to a pleasant encounter in the hospital.

Facing Page Perspective of Seating Area Right From Top Window Design Atrium

| Precedent Studies |39

Tropism of Wild Flower Program Study

Architects: L’EAU design LocaƟon: 49-27 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea Architect In Charge: Dongjin Kim Year: 2012 Photographs: Park Wan-soon ConstrucƟon: E-ECO ConstrucƟon Site Area: 202.20 m2 Building Area: 99.03 m2 Gross Floor Area: 598.05 m2 Landscape Area: 14.30m2

A City is a community filled with diverse discrete entities, and a silhouette appears by the establishment of a city, a standardized system for the mutual co-existence of all entities. It is the Architecture that id fundamental for their living environment within this unknown disorder among the city’s entities. Architecture is a multi-layered, three-dimensional object within the Urban Ecosystem. If the architecture is seized by the judgment of the bargain and hardens to a solid object and cannot react flexibly to the variety of changes and the environmental stimulus. This building t from the structural background tried to show the client’s business motives and the liberation of various buildings while introducing a new interpretation and an alternative to coexist harmoniously with the surrounding environment. We prospect this procedure will tremendously communicate to not create massive forms of structure which only conforms to the standard regulations but to create a structure designed by an unforeseen relationship.

Project Insight The design illustration displays the concept process of the building. For nature inspiration, the idea of different layers of the architecture. With the point of the life, more and more building and interior connect natural plant and system into the environment for design. The lifestyle is changing which means people want to close to the natural environment than before.

Facing Page Building Abstract Right From Top Below Design Process of Concept

Interior of Building Interiror of Meeting Room Building Facade


| Development |43

Concept Development Inspiration development From the plant’s growing process, the process of children‘s growth has the same idea with natural elements such as sunlight, water, fresh air, proper temperature, etc. The particular things from orchid’s growing process are that it needs other plants to survive, a way to live just as children need parents to grow up. The project concept underlying comes from different stages of developing process such as the beginning of orchid growth that they need tree trunk to support their body to stand up. The tree trunk will symbolize parent’s support for the children in this project. Besides, according to the interviews of researching, sunshine goes to interior and patient’s room is important such as the full of sunshine is in need for a plant. There are some diagrams to shows the ideas from the process. Below Concept Development

Below Growing Process of Orchid

| Development |45

Program Development Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs Touching nature environment is the easiest and directly way for people’s health needs. Looking for the basic and the simple programs for children’s space will help them to live happier for daily life and rebuild their confidents in current society directly. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, the levels of needs from the basic physiology needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. The theory shows people’s mental feeling of grow up process. Applying to the project, the programs could have different therapies and functions to satisfy children’s needs. Using natural elements or the meaning of orchid growing process to create the health and comfort feeling for each therapy.

Therapies of Project

Left Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Triangle shape shows the proportion of needs from Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory.

Self-actualization Needs

The Therapies Development of Project

Esteem Needs

Belonging Needs

Safety Needs

Physiological Needs

Education Therapy

Group Therapy

Individual Therapy | Family Support

Food Therapy | Hydrotherapy | Naturopathy

The project will provide different treatments of space including the naturopathy for healing garden, hydrotherapy for water pool space, group therapy for community space, education therapy for reading area, individual therapy and sense of security for the family rooms, and having food also is a therapy for dining area. The levels from the level one to level three. Compare to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the needs of the program are from the physical health to the mental health. The health therapies of the program will go from building from the bottom to the top.

Below Section of building to show where the therapies location of the building. Color Code From Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

| Development |47

Space Planning First Level For efficient use of the building, the building is combined with the three levels of main building and the two levels small building at the left of main building. According to the Maslow’s theory and the therapies of the project. The first level will provide physiological needs space for users such as dining area and hydrotherapy area. The building is divided into two wings. The left wing including the offices, reception, meeting room and back of the house. The right wing including the hydrotherapy room, dining area, and kitchen area. In the middle, there is an atrium lobby space from first floor to roof top. The atrium will provide sunlight and air from the rooftop.

1 15 1 17

2 1

1 13

1 14

1 16

1 12

1 11

1 4 1

3 1

6 1

1. Center Lobby

9. Storage

2. Reception

10. Restroom For Staff

3. Locker

11. Meeting Room I

4. Hydrotherapy Pool

12. Meeting Room II

5. Dining Area

13. Work sapce

6. Outdoor Dining Area

14. Restrooms 15. Doctors Office

Facing Page

7. Kitchen

First Floor Plan

8. Food Bar

Above Space Planning Process

5 1

8 1

7 1

16. Office

9 1

1 10

17. Housekeeping Room

| Development |49

Second Level The second level of the project will provide mental needs space for users. The left wing of building including the group therapy rooms that are the place for children’s treatment from group activities or group relationship. Children will be encouraged from not only the doctors, nurses and other children or people. Another therapy for left wing is education therapy or reading area, which offer the space for reading and for a place for learning. The right side of building is a quiet area which includes the family rooms which provide the second bed for parent who want to stay at the center for their children because of children’s sense of security from their family. In addition, the nursing station in the wing’s middle will be accessible and provide the shortest distant for nurses to service for each room.

3 1

2 1

2 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 1

1. Seating Area

1 4 4 1

2. Group Therapy Room I 3. Reading Area For Children 4. Family Rooms Facing Page

6 1

4 1 4 1

5. Single Rooms 5 1

Second Floor Plan

4 1

Above Space Planning Process

5 1

| Development |51

Third Level The Third level of building will be a quiet level for the building. Both the left wing and right wing includes the rooms for children and parents. Owing to the level is the nearest roof top, this level will have full sunshine and fresh air. Because of the garden and the green view at the right side, most of the rooms are at right wing. Since children are visually oriented, big windows and outdoor will provide their visual sense.

1 5

5 1

5 1

2 1 1 4 1 4 1

5 1

5 1

1. Seating Area 4 1

2. Staff Restroom 3. Nursing Station

5 1

3 1 5 1

4. Family Rooms 5. Single Rooms

Facing Page

4 1

1 5

5 1

1 4

Third Floor Plan Above Space Planning Process

5 1

| Development |53

Roof Top The program of rooftop is a training day option for an indoor garden. The idea from the greenhouse for plant the flower in the glass room. The indoor green area also provides the planting service for the patient. No matter the weather I, people can go to the garden for daily life. Sustainability of This Project

1 2 1

2 1

1. Roof Top Indoor Garden 2. Roof Top Green Path

Facing Page Roof Top Above Space Planning Process

| Development |55

Sustainable Of This Project

Circulation of Space

Because of the humid climate for this location, collecting rainwater is the issue for people living here. Sustainability of the project will be using the rain garden to collect the rainwater into the catchment containers. The collected water supplies the extra water for the building as toilet flush and irrigation on garden plants. Rain garden provide the water collection and support the plants and flowers to survive. Moreover, it is the central feature for the garden.

The flow of the building is from noise level to the quiet level. There will be more activities on the first level. Circulation in the building is from the middle entrance and extends to left and right wings. The target users use center elevators to go upstairs and move to right or left to their rooms or the therapy spaces. For the workers, the activities area occurs on the left wing that is back of house area on the first level. It is a simple and direct path to healthcare building, which is easy to understand for patient and parents.

Main Adjacency Floor Circulation

Right Rain Garden Section The section shows how the Rain Garden works.

Left Building Circulation

Feature Areas

| Feature Area |59

Landscape Design Owing to the health care building, the creation of an easy way for the cars and an ambulance is essential. The slope of the driveway makes people use the car to raise three feet high to arrive the building front door conveniently. Especially for wheel chair’s car, the same level as the floor with hard materials makes the circulation easier. For cars parking, people could drive to the back of building for the parking area. Besides, there is a secondary entrance for people who are after parking to get into making directly. Furthermore, the trees around the side of the driveway for the outdoor seating and the waiting area.

Left Building Facade and Front Door Entrance

| Feature Area |61

The Nurture of Nature The landscape for this building is a real benefit to creating a healing garden for children and their parents. It is precious for this project because more health care properties would like to have the green area around the building. It is a good condition of the healthcare building and provides a garden for patients who cannot go a further away to feel the nature environment.

Below Site Plan of the Project Reusing the Soil from the rain garden to make the hills and creates the slope of drive way.

Below Site Perspective Sketch

+3 +2 +1 DN


-1 -2

+2 +3 +3

+2 DN


0 5 10





| Feature Area |63

The Healing Garden

Below Site Rendering of Landscape Design

The landscape for the project provides the healing garden for families. The functions of healing garden for the children are “Play.” Play at outdoor space for children not only to make them happier but also can help them forget the body pains from their treatments. Moreover, some of the parents are the first time be a parent. They usually do not know how to deal with their children and are uncomfortable with illness. The parents who are dejected and more than their kids when their child have to go to the hospital. Many of mantel’s illness complications are accompanied with the treatments and the pressures. The healing garden will not only for the children but also for their parents to relax and create a natural space to encourage the relationship between parents and children.

Left Clockwise The Elements Of Garden

| Feature Area |65

Center Lobby

The lobby waiting area is thinking about orchid seating on the tree. The tree trunk symbolized the support power for illness children. According orchid is growing on the tree trunk. Seating on the tree trunk will support their body to stand up and to give they nurture by tree skin. On the other hand, under the shade of tree leaves is better than under the sunlight directly. The proper temperature and the having soft light is the reason orchid needs the shade by tree leaves. The same meaning for health care space, nature lighting is always an important element in the space. For children, they need the support from their family to encourage their heart and body. Being support and be loved are the energy for the people who are fighting and facing with diseases.

RIght Lobby Floor Plan Face Page Design Sketches

| Feature Area |67

The design for the lobby is an atrium from the first level floor to the rooftop. Using tree trunk’s shape and the images of leaves shade. Making the opening of the tree tube, and the organic forms of opening on the tube wall will provide the sunlight go into every floor of center building. People can see through from higher level to the first level as well.

Facing Page Seating Area at Center of the building

Left From Top Design Process of Tree Trunk Left Clockwise Images of concept : Shadow of the Tree Nature Light Go through Tree Shading Tree Trunk

| Feature Area |69

The green wall design on the tree tube surface symbolizes the new sports of the plants and the new live for the baby. Green wall also provides the smelling and touch feeling for people. Moreover, the plant, Golden Photos, is one of the air plants that can clean air. Their air roots can wrap on the wall and another surface. The fresh air with cleaner plant will provide the batter environment for patient and the people who are living or working in this building.

Facing Page Seating Area at Lobby Right Clockwise Golden Pothos plant is an air clear plant for interior. It usually grows at mountain and hill place, it also has been used for designing virticle indoor garden. Materials for Floors and the Atrium.

| Feature Area |71

Left Perspective Sketch of Lobby Below Perspective View of the Tree Trunk

Right The Perspective View from Second Floor to the First Floor inside of the tree trunk

| Feature Area |73

Dining Area

The dining area is a place for food storage and having the real nurture home. Observing from orchid’s leaves, the leaves room the nurture and water for a whole flower. Orchid is an air plant that has very thickness and large leaves to support the food for blooming time.

Facing Page Dining Area Design Sketches Right Dining Area Floor Plan

| Feature Area |75

Below Dining Area for Group or Family. The curve ceiling represents the leaf shape of orchid.

Since orchid is new sport is growing from the bottom stem where is under the leaf, the new spurt protects by large leaf. The leaves are not only for storage the food but also be a cover shape for protecting the new spurts. Just like the new baby who need lots nurture and stay in a safe and private environment for having food without disturbance from other people. Different from other flowers, orchid’s leaves are long, broad, and thickness. Enlarge the scale of the shape to create a ceiling for the impressive design of dining area. The level will make people together, and lighting will reflect the curve shape of the roof. The reflection light balls will create the indirect light from the top of lighting fixture. Furthermore, the sunlight will go through the glass curtain wall into interior to increase nature light from two side of this area.

Left From Top The Sketches for lighting fixture Design The leaf of Orchid are thick and fat

| Feature Area |77

Below Group Dining Area The ceiling represents the shape of Orchid leaf

Right Clockwise Wood Finish White Leather Dining Table Dining Chair Yellow Dining Chair White Group Dining Table Fluorescent Light

| Feature Area |79

Bottom Dining Area Corner The ceiling lighting fixtures design is from the shape of orchid’s leaf. Green seating represents the color of the leaf.

Considered to the circulation of dining space, the curve shape divides the space into the group and small group seating area. In addition, it is easy for people go through from dining entrance to the outdoor space. Changing the scale of leaf’s shape of ceiling for lounge seating area for small group or two people. In addition, the room with green flannel symbolizes the color of plant’s leaves. The design color from pale yellow, yellow to green colors. Those different yellow colors will improve people who are possible cannot enjoy the meals desire for food.

Right Design Sketch for Dining Area

| Feature Area |81

Below Dining Area

Right From Clockwise Lounge Chair Handless Chair Reflective light Ball Green Flannelet White Oak Wood Finish Recessed Light Lounge Table

| Feature Area |83

Hydrotherapy Treament

Hydrotherapy is a water-based exercise, physical rehabilitation, or other therapist attended treatment. The ideas for hydrotherapy room from orchid plant’s air roots. The functions of the air roots absorb water from the air that make the plants does not need the water all the time since they will get the humid from the air. Expanding the room to outdoor space is creating the green sense and water feeling from the outdoor area. People will embrace the nature by large French windows.

Right Floor Plan of Hydrotherapy Room Facing Page Perspective view of Hydrotherapy Room

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Below Perspective view of Hydrotherapy Room

With the sustainable point, sunlight will go into the water pool in the morning until noontime. It will increase the temperatures for water because the sun light is a natural energy. The warm water provides a comfortable temperature for people who will do the treatment in the afternoon.

Left Clockwise The roots of Orchid Orchid’s Grwoing Beginning Orichid’s Sprout

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Right Top Sketch for Hydrotherapy Room Right Clockwise Lounge Chair Light Weight Seating Chair Mosaics Yellow Mosaics Light Green

Left The outdoor view from the seating area. of hydrotherapy room

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Group Therapy Rooms

The big lighting fixture ideas come from one of the structures of orchid flower that is the stem. The stem has the functions with transport the water and nurture to flowers. In addition, the stem is like the communicate part between roots and flowers. Orchid’s stems connect many flowers with one stem. A structure groups the flowers to make a string. For group therapy room, design by stem’s functions. Enlarge the stem’s scale for lighting fixtures to create a gathering space. According the floor plan and the building structure, using the column to make a drawing area whiteboard material.

Facing Page Group Therapy Room For Children’s Activities Right Group Therapy Room Floor Plan

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Base on the flower’s organic shape, design the furniture for children seating. The materials are the leather for surface and soft material inside. Because of the petals are from one flower’s shape. The each seating could collect or spare to individual accommodation. The soft material provides safety for children. Since materials are all lightweight, they are easy to move as well.

Below Organic Shape Window Provides Nature Lighting For Group Therapy Room.

Right From Top Sketches for design, showing the idea from the stems and flowers of orchid plant. String of Orchid Flowers

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Below Perspective View For Group Theropy Room Of Group Learning

Right From Top The Sketches For Group Therapy Seating Furnitures The Group Seating Furnitures Design Sketches From the sahpe of Flower The material of furniture is FEEK which can make any shape depend of the needs,. in this project it is used for children’s seating.

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Family Rooms

According to a flower’s level of clean, flower part is the most cleanest of the whole structure. The level of rooms is also at the clean and quiet area. For design, children are as if the blooming flowers that with brighter color in the middle and with white color petals. Such as kids are swimming with passions and thinking in the simple way. With this point, the bright colors present the passions of the children’s emotion. Simplifying furniture from three-dimensional to two-dimensional that shows the function for children.

Facing Page Room Perspective View Right Family Room’s Floor Plan

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Below Design Headboard of the Bed

Base on the concept of orchid, children need parent’s support. Most of patient room provides the second bed for the parent. For saving the space for the room, the second bed is movable. At daytime, the small bed could put under the table. At nighttime, the parent could easy pull out the bed for sleeping. Extend the table to the column, lower stage provides the seating beside the window. Therefore, children are the visual people. The impressive big organic shape windows gain the view of garden and sunlight into the room as well.

The 2D shape of the headboard and table top represents the idea of simplify

Left The Sketches of 3D shape transforms to 2D headboard of bed design. The purpose of the design involves with simplify and visualize the furniture for children easier to use.

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Below The night time of the room. The 2D lighting fixture provides the night lamp for users. Facing Page The second bed for parents to live with children which is moveable and save the space for the room.

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For parents, combining the working area for the patient room will supply the space for working with their children. The long table not only for the parent but also for children’s desk for individual therapy in the private room. The sink in the outside bathroom for people who sit in the wheelchair for the natural use of water in the room.

Facing Page The perspective view shows the working Space for parents. Right Fron Clockwise Fabric for Curtain Painting Color Green Yellow White Wood finish Fabric for small bed

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The Healing Garden

The healing garden of the project has two parts. One is the rain garden in the center of the garden for solving the problem of rain. In addition, it creates the water feature with aquatic plants. The trees around the water that invites the people seating under the trees along the water feature. Moreover, there is a path on the hills that provide the secret places and the hiking feeling in the garden. Both of sides along the way are planting trees and flowers make the children and parents involved into the healing garden. The hard materials provide the way for people who sit in the wheelchair to natural roll the wheels. The soft materials provide the people walking on the hills to gain the feeling with nature. Furthermore, the bamboo wind chimes make some noise for the garden and create the sounds for the garden.

Facing Page Rain Garden Pespective View

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Facing Page Trails For Garden Area The bamboo handrail creates the noise for healing trail space. Right Clockwise Red brick tiles provide the soild pathway for wheel chair people get easier access when they are in healing garden.


| About |111


Bibliography Articles "Ronald McDonald Family Room / EGM Architecten." ArchDaily. N.p., 08 Oct. 2012. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. "Naturopathy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. "Educational Therapy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

My name is Jamie Hsu; I am from Taipei. Taipei is a place full of culture. Growing up, I learned so much from this place. When I was a child, I always opened interior design books and the magazines and tried to understand the floor plans in the book. I also love to observe people who are around me. Even though I majored in business, I have decided to pursue my passion of being an interior designer. I believe that being an interior designer allows others to see their life through different lens and perspectives; ultimately, it gives people different inspirations. For me, interior designing is a way to express how I feel. So much of our moods are influenced by our surroundings. I know when I am not feeling well, I want to be in a peaceful atmosphere. That place can let me calm down peacefully. That is how the magical interior environment can change people’s feeling. There are many ways to express ourselves when we try to speak about one thing. Writers use words, painters use color and lines to express their notions and ideas, directors tell stories through motion, and singers sing the emotion with voice, and interior designers give people a sense of space for one place. Interior design helps people to reach their desired level of comfort and functionalities. Everyone needs to be able to have a space where they can feel comfortable. Often, in order to be comfortable entails functionality. This is where my expertise as a designer can help to reach their clean comfort zone.

"Angelica Dahurica (Chinese Angelica, Bai Zhi)." Angelica Dahurica, Ashitaba, Angelica, Buy Angelica for Sale, Buy Ashitaba for Sale. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. "Educational Therapy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. “How Natural and Built Environments Impact Human Health.” Outreach & Extension. Department of Design & Environmental Analysis at Cornell University. n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. "The Nurture of Nature: Natural Settings and Their Mental Health Benefits." Minding Our Bodies. Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. “The Problems of Taiwanese Children Medical System.” Education Parenting Family Lifestyle. Common Wealth. n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. Information "MacKay Memorial Hospital." The Presbyterian Church In Taiwan. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. Retrieved from "Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorder." Legal Foundation. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. Retrieved from “Cadastral Map Information System.” Department of Lan Administration M.O.I. Retrieved from “Taipei Bus system.” Department of Transportation of Taipei City. Retrieved From “Taipei Metro System.” Department of Transportation of Taipei City. Retrieved From “JUT Foundation For Art and Architecture.” JUT Foundation For Art and Architecture. Retrieved From “Village Taipei.” Village Taipei. Retrieved From

| Reference |113

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