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The GALE Family of Scruton Hall in the County of Yorkshire James Gale =?

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Born c1460; died >1523; seated at Thirntoft nr Scruton in the Hundred of East Gilling N Yorks

Oliver Gale = Ellen Marshall Born c1485 Thirntoft

Of Richmond N Yorks

M allory

Gale George Gale = Mary Lord Born c1510 Thirntoft Yorks; Lord Mayor of York 1534 & 1546; died 2 Jul 1557

Daughter of Robert Lord of Kendal

Robert or Francis Gale (2) = Anne Clapham Of Akeham or Acomb Grange, York; married 1590

Daughter of William Clapham of Beamsley or Beamondsley; she married (1) Thomas Thwaites of Marston York; and (3) John Ingleby of Lawkland Hall York (and brother of Sir William Ingleby of Ripley; see INGLEBY of Lawkland Hall and INGLEBY of Ripley Castle)

John Gale = Jane Frank Born 1575; died 1624

Eldest daughter of John Frank of Pontefract; she died 1624

James Gale =? Resided for some time in Spain and then settled in Ireland, whence his descendants during the rebellion there (1595-1603) transplanted themselves to Whitehaven

THOMAS GALE, who d.s.p; ISABELLA GALE, married Ralph Hall, Lord Mayor of York; ANNE GALE, married Robert Peacock, Lord Mayor of York; ALICE GALE, married Christopher Clapham; DOROTHY GALE, married (1) John Rokesby; and (2) Sir Thomas Fairfax, father of Thomas, Lord Fairfax; ELIZABETH GALE, married Thomas Garbray of Beverley; URSULA GALE, married (1) Sir William Mallory of Studley (see MALLORY and AISLABIE of Studley Royal); and (2) Henry Bellasis

ROBERT GALE, of Akeham Grange; he married a daughter of Mr Dutton and had issue: MATTHEW GALE; GEORGE GALE; ROBERT GALE, of Akeham Grange; married Elizabeth Langdale (daughter of William Langdale); had issue: FRANCIS GALE; ROBERT GALE, married Anne Thorold (daughter of Edmund Thorold of Hough-on-the-Hill Lincs); JOHN GALE; BARBARA GALE, married Richard Mallett; JANE GALE; MARY GALE; MARY GALE, married (as his 2nd wife) Thomas Meynell of North Kilvington

Additional information from Burke’s Commoners & Burke’s Landed Gentry; see also http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/a/l/Carolyn-S-Gale/index.html

The BRADDYLL Family of Conishead Priory (see below)


C lapham

Christopher Gale = Frances Conyers Of Scruton; born 1597

Died 1656

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RALPH GALE, born c1600; Citizen of London; he left 2 daughters; JOHN GALE, born 1601; was in the Low Country Wars under Count Mansfield during the reign of James I; resided for many years at Farnley Hall Yorks; he married Joanna Dodson (daughter of Miles Dodson Esq of Kirkby Overblow nr Harrogate Yorks); he left issue: HENRY GALE; FRANCIS GALE; MILES GALE, A.M., was in Holy Orders and Rector of Kighley anno 1712; he married Margaret Stones (daughter of Rev Christopher Stones DD, Chancellor of York); had issue: CHRISTOPHER GALE, born June 1680; he read Law under an Attorney in Lancashire before emigrating to North Carolina c1698/9; he settled in Bath [at Kirby Grange Plantation] and made his fortune trading with the Indians; in 1703 Proprietary Governor Robert Daniel appointed Gale to serve as a Justice of the General Court, the Supreme Court of the colony and in 1704 was appointed concurrently Attorney General of NC; following the upheaval of Cary’s Rebellion in 1708 Gale was removed from office as Chief Justice by Governor William Glover; Gale subsequently travelled to London where the Lords Proprietors of the colony were meeting, to lay his case for reinstatement before them; he was immediately reinstated; Gale was a capable explorer and was slated to go with John Lawson and Baron Christoph de Graffenried (1661-1743) on their fateful 1711 expedition into Indian territory. De Graffenreid and Lawson were captured by Tuscarora Indians and Lawson was killed. Gale was unable to join them due to his wife Susan's illness. Gale later reflected that her illness likely saved his life. Later that year Governor Edward Hyde sent him to Charleston, South Carolina to secure military aid for the war against the Tuscarora Indians. On his return trip, Gale was captured by the French who held him briefly as a prisoner of war on Martinique. Finally arriving home in July 1712, Gale was rewarded for his service with a re-appointment as Chief Justice. He held that office, with only brief interruptions, until 1731, during which time he obtained commissions as collector of customs at the ports of Beaufort, Currituck, and Roanoke successively. He also briefly served as the absentee Attorney General of the Bahamas. In 1729, Gale was appointed to a commission to determine the boundary between North Carolina and Virginia along with Colonel John Lovick and William Little. he married (1) in 1702 to Sarah Harvey (widow of Governor Thomas Harvey and daughter of Benjamin & Juliana Laker; she died 1730); he married (2) c1733 Sarah Isabella Ismay; he died 1735 in Edenton NC and left issue by (1): MILES GALE, born c1706 Yorks; married 1723 Hannah; Sheriff of Chowan Co NC (1755); he died 1761 and left issue: SARAH GALE, born 1729; she married William Skinner; died 1795; THEOPHILIS GALE, born 1708 Yorks; PENELOPE GALE, born 22 Feb 1702 Yorks; she married 1726 to William Little (son of Lt Isaac Little & Bethiah Thomas; born 27 Feb 1691/2 Marshfield Plymouth Co MA); had issue: WILLIAM LITTLE; GEORGE LITTLE; PENELOPE LITTLE; ELIZABETH GALE, born 1704 Yorks; married Henry Clayton (Provost Marshall NC); had issue: MARY CLAYTON, born 1725; died 1768 THOMAS GALE, Rector of Linton; EDMUND GALE; JOHN GALE; MARY GALE; MARGARET GALE; DOROTHY GALE

The Rev Thomas Gale DD = Barbara Pepys Thomas Gale was a divine critic and antiquary of distinguished erudition; he was born at Scruton in Yorkshire in 1636 and received his education at Westminster School and at King’s College Cambridge, taking the degree of BA in 1658 and MA in 1662; appointed Professor of Greek in 1666 and in 1671 published a collection of the ancient Mythological Writers entitled Opuscula Mythologica Ethica et Physics, Greece et Latine. In 1672 he was appointed High Master of St Paul’s School London, in which situation he was employed to write the inscriptions now remaining on the monument to the Great Fire; in 1676 appointed Prebendary of St Paul’s; in 1677 a Fellow of the Royal Society; in 1697 Dean of York; died 28 Apr 1702

Daughter of Thomas Pepys of Impington Cambridgeshire and a direct descendant of Samuel Pepys; she died 1689

Roger Gale = Henrietta Raper

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Of Scruton; born 1672; author of Registrum Honoris de Richmond; MP for the Borough of Northallerton; Commissioner of Excise; first Vice-President of the Society of Antiquaries and Treasurer of the Royal Society; died 25 Jun 1744

Daughter of Henry Raper of Cowling Hall, Yorks; she died 29 Sept 1720

CHARLES GALE, in Holy Orders; Rector of Scruton; married Cordelia Thwaits (daughter of Thomas Thwaits of Burrell; she died 1721); he died 1738 and left issue: THOMAS GALE, Rector of West Rounton and of Scruton; married Eleanor Crowle (daughter of George Crowle of Fryston); he d.s.p. 7 Jul 1746; CHARLES GALE, d.s.p; SAMUEL GALE, d.s.p; ROGER GALE, married Jane Conyers and left issue; SAMUEL GALE, born 17 Dec 1682; a reviver of the Society of Antiquaries in 1717 and its first Treasurer; he died 10 Jan 1754 and buried at St George’s Queen Square London; THOMAS GALE, d.s.p; ELIZABETH GALE, married Rev William Stukeley (Rector of All Saints Stamford; born at Holbeach Lincs 7 Nov 1697; educated at the Free Grammar School Holbeach and Corpus Christi College Cambridge obtaining his MB; subsequently studied medicine at St Thomas’s Hospital London and set up practice in Boston in 1710; became a Fellow of Royal Society (FRS 1717) and member of the Society of Antiquaries (1718); obtained his MD in 1719 and in 1720 became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; a Freemason and Vicar of All Saints’ Church Stamford (1730-47); a pioneer of archaeology he investigated the prehistoric sites of Avebury and Stonehenge; he died 3 Mar 1765)

Roger Henry Gale = Catherine Crowe Born 1710; married 1740; died 1768 Scruton Yorks

Daughter of Christopher Crowe of Kiplin Yorks

Henry Gale = Mary Dalton Born Scruton 1744; married 1779; died 1821

Daughter of Francis Dalton of Hawkeswell

ROGER GALE, died young; CHRISTOPHER GALE, died unmarried 1805; SAMUEL GALE MA, Rector of Everingham and Precentor of Llandaff; died 1746; HARRIET GALE, married Capt John Atkinson Blanshard; had issue; CATHERINE GALE

Harriet Gale = Lt Col Foster Lechmere Coore Of Scruton Hall Yorks; married 1816

Of Firby NR; the eldest son of John Coore and Ann Lechmere he succeeded his uncle Col Thomas Coore in 1821 (whose father Foster, son of Alderman Thomas Coore of Liverpool, married in 1736 Eleanor, only daughter of John Heaton of Firby)

HENRY COORE, born >1816; MARY COORE, born >1816; SOPHIA COORE, born >1816; AUGUSTA COORE, born >1816; CHARLOTTE COORE, born >1816


T hwaites of M arston




The BRADDYLL Family of Conishead Priory in the County of Lancaster William Gale = Margaret Richmond

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Of Whitehaven; descended from James Gale, brother of George Gale (see above); died 1773

Isabella Gale = Henry Curwen

John Gale = Sarah Wilson

Of Workington Hall

Portrait of Wilson Gale Braddyll (1756-1818) – Sir Joshua Reynolds P.R.A © Philip Mould Ltd

Sister and co-heir of Henry Richmond of High Head Castle Cumberland & daughter of Christopher Richmond of High Head Castle and Catterlen, who was the son of Christopher Richmond by Mabel, his 1st wife, daughter and co-heir of John Vaux of Catterlen; born c1690; died 1759

Of High Head Castle and Catterlen

Eldest daughter & co-heir of C. Wilson of Bardsea Hall Lancashire by Margaret, his wife, co-heir of THOMAS BRADDYLL of Conishead Priory – representative of the ancient family of BRADDYLL of Braddyll and Brockhole

Wilson Gale Braddyll = Jane Gale

The CURWEN Family of Workington Hall in the County of Cumberland

Of Conishead Priory Lancs & High Head Castle Cumberland; High Sheriff of Lancashire 1778; MP for Lancaster (1780-4) & Carlisle (1790); Col 3rd Royal Lancs (Prince Regent’s Own); Groom of the Bedchamber 1809; married 20 Jan 1776; died 19 Nov 1818

Col Thomas Richmond Gale Braddyll = Frances Chester Of Conishead Priory & Bardsea Hall Lancashire and High Head Castle Cumberland; born 14 Nov 1776; married 6 Aug 1803; Lt Col in Coldstream Guards; Magistrate & Deputy Lieutenant for Lancashire; High Sheriff 1821

EDWARD STANLEY BRADDYLL, born >1803; married 7 Dec 1837 to Sophia Frances Anne Hulton, 2nd daughter of William Hulton of Hulton Park Lancashire; had issue: HENRY JOHN BRADDYLL; EDWARD SOTHERON BRADDYLL; HARRIETT GEORGIANA BRADDYLL; CLARENCE BRADDYLL, for whom King William IV stood Godfather; FRANCES BRADDYLL; MARGARET FREDERICA BRADDYLL; SARAH JANE BRADDYLL

4th daughter of Charles Bagot Chester (brother of William, 1st Lord Bagot) by Catherine Legge, his wife, daughter of the Hon Baron Legge, 2nd son of William 1st Earl of Dartmouth


Daughter & heir of Matthias Gale of Catgill Hall Cumberland (only son of Matthias Gale by Dorothy, his wife, daughter of John Ponsonby of Hale Hall); she died 1819

JANE BRADDYLL, married Admiral Frank Sotheron of Kirklington Hall Notts; MARGARET BRADDYLL, married Gordon Forbes, eldest son of General Gordon Forbes; CHARLOTTE BRADDYLL, died unmarried; HARRIETT BRADDYLL, married George Vernon of Clontarf Castle, Co. Dublin


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