INGILBY of Lawkland MSS

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Reference Code: WYL826 Ingilby of Lawkland Creation dates: 1593-1939 Creator(s): Ingilby family of Lawkland, West Riding of Yorkshire Extent and Form: 407 Files Held at: West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds Scope and Content Title Deeds Austwick WYL826/1 - 76 Clapham WYL826/77 - 89 Lawkland WYL826/90 - 114 Various Townships (Yorkshire) WYL826/115 - 127 Coxhoe (Co. Durham) WYL826/128 Miscellaneous and Unidentified WYL826/129 - 134 Manorial WYL826/135 - 139 Estate Records Accounts WYL826/140 - 145 Correspondence WYL826/146 - 148 Leases and Tenancy Agreements WYL826/149 - 163 Survey WYL826/164 Maps WYL826/165 - 166 Enclosure WYL826/167 - 169 Minerals WYL826/170 - 173 Wood WYL826/174

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Family Records Wills and Executorship Papers (Ingilby and Related Families) WYL826/175 - 207 Executorship Papers (Other Families) WYL826/208 - 214 Personal Accounts WYL826/215 - 218 Correspondence WYL826/219 - 227 Miscellaneous WYL826/228 - 229 Legal Papers WYL826/230 - 238 Christopher Ingleby, Solicitor WYL826/239 - 251 Schools and Charities WYL826/252 - 258 Brown Family Records Estate Papers WYL826/259 - 260 Wills WYL826/261 - 264 Correspondence WYL826/265 - 334 Executorship of Rev. James Brown WYL826/335 - 359 Recipes WYL826/360 - 372 Miscellaneous WYL826/373 - 374 Literary and Antiquarian WYL826/375 - 378 Miscellaneous Wills WYL826/379 - 382 Miscellaneous WYL826/383 - 384 Additional (Court books) WYL826/385 - 387 Additional (deeds) WYL826/388 - 407 Administrative History The Ingilbys of Lawkland were a cadet branch of the Ingilbys of Ripley. John Ingilby of Acomb Grange who purchased Lawkland from Peter Yorke was the third son of William Ingilby of Ripley, Esq., and a younger brother of Sir William Ingilby, treasurer of Berwick. He married Anne, daughter of William Clapham of Beamsley.

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Until soon after 1745 the Ingilbys of Lawkland were strong Catholic recusants. One of them, Charles Ingilby of Austwick, a barrister, was legal adviser to many Catholic families. At their property at Hutton Rudby in the North Riding (see no. 164) the religious community founded by Mary Ward spent a short time before moving to Heworth. Index Terms Lawkland, Clapham, West Riding of Yorkshire Austwick, Clapham, West Riding of Yorkshire TITLE DEEDS


Reference: WYL826/1 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 8 May 1627 Scope and Content From Christopher Nicholson of Old Eldroth, bachelor, to Richard Hargraves of Lanshaw, yeoman, of estate, right, title etc., in 2 closes near the river called Ketlesbeck called the Holmes or Ketlesbeck Holmes and the Hill and 3 closes next the river called Yeadon Closes in Austwick

Reference: WYL826/2 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 30 May 1657 Scope and Content From James Marser of Austwick, husbandman, to Charles Ingilby, youngest son of Mary Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, widow of John Ingilby, in consideration of money paid by Mary of all estate, right, title etc., in pasture in Austwick in a place called Orcaber belonging to 13s. 4d. ancient rent

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Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 2 Dec. 1659

Reference: WYL826/3 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 11 May 1666

Scope and Content From John Knipe of Austwick, yeoman, Richard Metcalfe of the Cosh in the parish of Arncliffe, yeoman, Lancelot Metcalfe of Austwick, yeoman and Agnes now his wife to Mary Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, widow of John Ingleby deceased of a close in Austwick called Grimes Ing. Attached is bond for performance Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 14 May 1666

Reference: WYL826/4 Settlement by bargain and sale Creation dates: 4 May 1667

Scope and Content From Mary Inglebie relict of John Inglebie late of Lawkland, esq., to Charles Inglebie her son of Gray's Inn, gent., of her estate in a close purchased from John Knipe, Richard Metcalfe, Lancelot Metcalfe and Agnes his wife and called Grymes Ing and assignment of a parcel in Slaindale bought from Christopher Place, clerk, for the remainder of a term of 2,000 years, Charles to enter these premises after Mary's death Endorsed is admittance in Austwick manor court 12 Dec. 1667

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Attached is Christopher Place's bond to Mary Inglebie for performance of covenants 29 Dec. 1666

Reference: WYL826/5 Lease Creation dates: 10 Nov 1671

Scope and Content From John Downeham the younger of Austwick, husbandman, to William Knipe of Austwick, cordwainer, of a parcel of ground in the town-fields of Austwick at a place called Tarriecroft for 1500 years. Attached is Downeham's bond for performance

Reference: WYL826/6 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 10 Nov 1671

Scope and Content From John Downeham the younger of Austwick, husbandman, to William Knipe of Austwick, cordwainer, of all his right, title etc., in 3 parcels of arable in the Holme in Austwick. Attached is Downeham's bond for performance Endorsed is admittance in Austwick manor court 27 May 1674

Reference: WYL826/7 Bargain and sale

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Creation dates: 15 Feb 1675

Scope and Content From Robert Johnson the younger of Austwick, husbandman, to William Knipe of Austwick, husbandman of all interest, title of tenantright etc., in a parcel of arable in a place called Holme in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 5 May 1675

Reference: WYL826/8 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 5 Jan 1680

Scope and Content From William Battersby of Greenclose in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, to William Knipe of Austwick, shoemaker, of all his title, interest, etc., in a parcel of arable within the townfields of Austwick in a place called Holme Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 12 May 1684

Reference: WYL826/9 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 7 Mar 1683

Scope and Content From Thomas Remington the younger of Wharfe, husbandman to William Knipe of Austwick, shoemaker, of all right, title, etc., in a parcel of arable in the townfields of Austwick in a place called Holme. Attached is Remington's

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bond for performance Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 18 May 1683

Reference: WYL826/10 Grant Creation dates: 18 Dec 1686

Scope and Content By William Knipe of Austwick, cordwainer, To Richard Foster of Stainforth, yeoman, Elizabeth his wife and Robert their son of a parcel of arable in the Holme in Austwick, in exchange for 2 parcels in the Holme

Reference: WYL826/11 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 17 Apr 1688

Scope and Content From Richard Mitton of Austwick, husbandman, and Agnes his wife to Charles Ingilby of Sergeants Inn, esq., sergeant at law, of all right, title, customary hold of tenant right etc., in a parcel of arable on a place called Kelber, a parcel of enclosed meadow called Grymeing and as much grassing on Austwick Thwaite as extends to 3 cattlegates, all in Austwick. Attached is Mitton's bond for performance Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 5 May 1688

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Reference: WYL826/12 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 9 Feb 1697

Scope and Content From Robert Bentham of Austwick, carpenter, to Columbus Ingleby of Clapdale, gent., and Sir Charles Ingleby, Kt. of the parish of St. Andrews, Holborne, of all estate etc., in parcels of arable (abutments) in a place called Spittle in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 30 Sept. 1698

Reference: WYL826/13 Exchange Creation dates: 10 Sep 1698

Scope and Content By which Richard Jackson of the Cross in the township of Austwick, yeoman, grants Sir Charles Ingleby, knight, serjeant at law, a parcel of land on Thackaber in Austwick and a parcel in the Flass and Ingleby grants Jackson 2 parcels on Skirchinber in the manor of Austwick

Reference: WYL826/14 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 19 Dec 1698

Scope and Content From George Capestick of Orcaber in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, and Christopher Capestick of Austwick, yeoman, his son and heir to Francis Ingleby of the Crow Nest in the parish of Clapham, gent., of 3 closes called

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Battersby Flass Close, Beecroft Flass Close and Spittle Close in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland with Feizor manor court 17 May 1699

Reference: WYL826/15 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 17 Feb 1700

Scope and Content From John Howson of Overstick Bridge, Tatham, Lancs., yeoman, to Francis Ingilby of Crownest in the parish of Clapham, gent., of a close of meadow called Flass-Close in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 4 Dec. 1700

Reference: WYL826/16 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 23 Feb 1700

Scope and Content From John Allen of Orcaber, yeoman, and Ellen his wife to Francis Ingilby of the Crow Nest, gent., of their messuage at Orcaber, closes called Flass Close, Great Close, Midleton Close, New Close, and the Reed and a parcel of ground in the Flass, all in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland cum Feizor manor court 1 Nov. 1704

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Reference: WYL826/17 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 10 Oct 1700

Scope and Content From Francis Ingilby of the Crow Nest in the parish of Clapham, gent., to Sir Charles Ingilby, knight, sergeant at law, of a close called the Spittle Close Endorsed are surrenders in Lawkland manor court 14 Nov. 1700 And Austwick manor court. 4 Dec. 1700

Reference: WYL826/18 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 15 Nov 1700

Scope and Content From Thomas Bentham of Skirtoe Gate in the parish of Clapham, freemason, to Francis Ingilby of the Crow Nest in the parish of Clapham, gent., of a close called the Reed in the manor of Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 4 Dec. 1700

Reference: WYL826/19 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 28 Aug 1703

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Scope and Content From Robert Foster of Stainforth under Bargh, yeoman, to Sir Charles Ingleby of Serjeants' Inn, knight, of all estate, title etc., in a close of meadow called Great Waters Close, a dale called Bownaber Dale, a close called Lower Fenbecke Close, a parcel called Higher Fenbecke, 2 parcels on the Spittle, herbage on Austwick Thwaite rated at 2 cattlegates and herbage on Oxenber, Ingleborrow and Dovinanter belonging to 2s. 1d. ancient rent, all in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 12 Nov. 1703

Reference: WYL826/20 Settlement by bargain and sale Creation dates: 21 Apr 1704

Scope and Content From Francis Ingilby of the Crow Nest in the parish of Clapham, gent., to Edward Nowell of the Birks in the parish of Clapham, gent., and Richard Jackson of Clapham, gent., of a farm called Orkaber in Austwick in trust to pay an annuity of ÂŁ12 to Constance Ingilby, Francis' wife, for life, paying the residue of the profits to Francis and his heirs, in recompense of dower, Constance having joined in a sale of the Crow Nest estate, debarring herself of dower in that

Reference: WYL826/21 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 20 Oct 1705

Scope and Content From Thomas Bentham of Skirthaw Yate in the parish of Clapham, mason, to Sir Charles Ingleby of Sergeants' Inn, London, knight, of estate, tenant right, etc., in a parcel of meadow lying amongst Sir Charles's lands and

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called the Spittle in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 20 Oct. 1705

Reference: WYL826/22 Grant Creation dates: 8 Sep 1707

Scope and Content From Richard Jackson the elder to Sir Charles Ingleby, knight, serjeant at law, of a close of meadow called Spittle-gap and a parcel of meadow on a place called Spittle in exchange for parcels on Bigbank and Bigbanke Side

Reference: WYL826/23 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 12 Mar 1709

Scope and Content From Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, esq., to Sir Charles Ingleby of Serjeants' Inn, London, knight, of his estate, right, title of tenantright etc., in a close of meadow called Spittle Close in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 4 Nov. 1709

Reference: WYL826/24 Grant

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Creation dates: 10 Oct 1712

Scope and Content From Emanuell King and Isabel King of Austwick to Sir Charles Ingleby, knight, sergeant at law, of a close of meadow in Austwick called Howson Fenbeck Close in exchange for 2 parcels of meadow at a place called the Acres

Reference: WYL826/25 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 19 Jun 1717

Scope and Content From Richard Jackson the elder of Austwick, yeoman, and Thomas Redmayne of Austwick, husbandman, to William Knipe of Austwick, husbandman, of a close in the Holme and 4 dales in the Reed in Austwick Endorsed is a surrender in Austwick manor court 19 June 1717

Reference: WYL826/26 Grant Creation dates: 8 Apr 1721

Scope and Content From James Banks of Orcaber near Austwick, yeoman, to Thomas Ingleby of Austwick Hall, esq., of a parcel of arable in a place called the Flasse in exchange for 3 pieces of arable in Flass Bottom and Flasse Hill

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Reference: WYL826/27 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 11 Feb 1723

Scope and Content From Richard Jackson of Clapham, gent., to Thomas Bancke of Austwick, yeoman, of a messuage called Orkaber and closes called Little Croft, Midleton Close, Johns Close, Ellis Close, New Close, Rough Close, Allans Great Close, Horse Close, Benthams Reed, Allens Reed, Allens Flasse Close, Clark Close, Battersby's Close, Howsons Close, Grandsires Close, Johns Close, Beecroft Close, Brireton Parke and a parcel in Lawkland Moss in the manors of Austwick and Lawkland

Reference: WYL826/28 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Mar 1723 Physical characteristics: (Damaged.)

Scope and Content From Thomas Ingleby of Coxhoe, co. Durham, gent., to Thomas Banks of Austwick, yeoman, of a messuage at Orcaber in Austwick with land etc.. Endorsed is receipt for purchase money

Reference: WYL826/29 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 31 Dec 1730

Scope and Content From Brian Hasleton of Brackenbottom in the parish of Horton in

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Ribblesdale, gent., John Jackson of Austwick in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, and Christopher Jackson of Feizor his son to Elizabeth Ingleby of Austwick Hall, widow, of a close called Orcaber Close (abutments) in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 7 June 1732

Reference: WYL826/30 Mortgage by assignment Creation dates: 25 Dec 1732

Scope and Content From Elizabeth Ingleby of Austwick, gentlewoman, to Thomas Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of right, title etc., in a close called Orcaber Close to secure ÂŁ30

Reference: WYL826/31 Lease Creation dates: 16 Apr 1743

Scope and Content From George Jackson of Clapham, yeoman, Thomas Banks of Orcaber, yeoman, and Laurence Peacock of Lawkland, yeoman, devisees of John Jackson late of Clapham, clerk, in trust to sell, to Thomas Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of a parcel of arable in a place called the Flass in the township of Austwick for 10,000 years at a red rose rent

Reference: WYL826/32 Feoffment

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Creation dates: 29 Jan 1747

Scope and Content From William Stalman of Newby in the parish of Clapham, tailor, to Thomas Banks of Orcaber in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, of 2 dwelling houses in Austwick, a turfhouse, moiety of a garden at the upper end of the dwelling houses and a dale in Orcaber Moss and Mosshead

Reference: WYL826/33 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 30 Jun 1750 Physical characteristics: (Damaged)

Scope and Content From Thomas Ingleby of Austwick, gent., to Thomas Ingleby his second son of a messuage called Orcaber and lands in the township of Austwick

Reference: WYL826/34 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 16 Feb 1751

Scope and Content From Joseph Hudson of Horton in Ribblesdale, clerk, a trustee to convey lands to purchasers, and Charles Ingleby of Austwick Hall, esq., to George Jackson of Austwick, yeoman, of 5 roods of arable in Flass - Close in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 19 June 1751

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Reference: WYL826/35 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 23 Mar 1751 Physical characteristics: (The deed has been cut in 3 vertically.)

Scope and Content From William Ash of Austwick, yeoman, to Thomas Ingleby the younger, second son of Thomas Ingleby the elder of Austwick, gent., of a parcel of arable in the Open Flass and a close in the Reed in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 19 June 1751

Reference: WYL826/36 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 3 Feb 1752

Scope and Content From John Willis the younger of Austwick, tailor, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of a close called Forelands in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 12 Feb. 1752

Reference: WYL826/37 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 3 Feb 1752

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Scope and Content From John Willis the younger of Austwick, taylor, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of a messuage etc., in Austwick, as security for a close called Forelands against his wife's dower, to be void if she releases her claim

Reference: WYL826/38 Mortgage by bargain and sale Creation dates: 22 Feb 1752

Scope and Content From Charles Ingleby of Austwick Hall, esq., to the Hon. Sir Lionel Pilkington of Stanley, Bart., of a messuage called Gateclaps, closes called Jackson's Close, the Waters, the Meadows adjoining the grounds of Giles Batty Inn Gateclaps and Out Gateclaps and part of Austwick Moss to secure ÂŁ200

Reference: WYL826/39 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 5 Jun 1755

Scope and Content From Thomas Ingleby the younger, second son of Thomas Ingleby the elder, to Columbus Ingleby of Northcote in the parish of Burnsall, gent., of a parcel of arable in the Open Flass and a close in the Reed in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 6 June 1755

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Reference: WYL826/40 Schedule of deeds, 1656/7 - 1750 Creation dates: 16 Jun 1754

Scope and Content With receipt for money paid to Charles Ingleby by way of mortgage by Charles Lambert Note on back that these were delivered to Rev. Richard Dawson Feb. 1788

Reference: WYL826/41 Mortgage by bargain and sale Creation dates: 2 Feb 1757

Scope and Content From Charles Ingleby of Austwick, esq., to Charles Lambert of Lancaster, gent., of a messuage called Baynes's House in which Ingleby lives at the lower end of Austwick and lands (field-names) in Austwick to secure ÂŁ600 Endorsed are a further charge 15 Feb. 1760 And admittances of Charles Lambert in the manor courts of Austwick and Lawkland 30 Nov. and 16 Dec. 1773 Attached are Ingleby's bond to secure ÂŁ100 15 Feb. 1760 And a letter from Wm. Carr, Settle, to Mr. Shepherd, attorney, Lancaster, asking for a copy of this mortgage, and concerning payment

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12 Jan. 1788

Reference: WYL826/42 Reconveyance by bargain and sale Creation dates: 11 Feb 1757

Scope and Content From Sir Lionel Pilkington of Stanley, Bart., to Charles Ingleby of Austwick, esq., of closes called New Closes, Grimes Ing and Spittle in Austwick, a messuage called Gateclaps and closes called Jackson's Close, The Waters, the Meadows adjoining Giles Batty's grounds, Inn Gateclaps and Out Gateclaps in Austwick, and closes called Fletcher Ing, Small Raynes, Dikelands and Skelber, an uninclosed parcel on Watelands or Wetlands, a parcel called Watelands or Wetlands, a parcel formerly called Watelands or Wetlands Bottom and a parcel called Tanpit Close in Austwick, reciting 3 separate mortgages and an assignment

Reference: WYL826/43 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 29 Mar 1757

Scope and Content From Isabel Sedgwick of Austwick, widow of Matthew Sedgwick late of the same place, woollen weaver, and John Bowker of Thin Oaks in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, and Alice his wife, Alice being Matthew's only daughter and heir, to John Knipe of Middleber, yeoman, of a close in Austwick called the Lower Parrocke Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 30 Nov. 1757

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Reference: WYL826/44 Release Creation dates: 11 Feb 1761

Scope and Content From William Banks of Orcaber in the parish of Clapham, gent., only son of Thomas Banks formerly of the same place but late of Austwick, deceased, to Columbus Ingleby now of Neals Ing parish of Giggleswick, gent., of a close called Greenber Close and a parcel called Greenber Hill in Austwick

Reference: WYL826/45 Bond Creation dates: 11 Feb 1761

Scope and Content Of William Banks of Orcaber, parish of Clapham, gent., to Columbus Ingleby now of Neals Ing, gent., in ÂŁ50 to indemnify him against any claim of Elizabeth Banks, William's wife, for dower

Reference: WYL826/46 Notification of grant Creation dates: 5 Feb 1762

Scope and Content From William Hall of Settle, mercer, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of 4 acres 37 perches on Wetherber and Longlands, a close called Fenneber Close adjoining Gayclaps and ÂŁ4. 13. 9. in exchange for 2 acres 5 perches on the south of a line of marks between Thovin Croft corner and Whitelands and 5 cattlegates on Austwick Thwaite

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Reference: WYL826/47 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 9 Jun 1763

Scope and Content From George Jackson of Austwick, yeoman, to Agnes Ingleby wife of Charles Ingleby of the same, esq., and George's eldest daughter, of all his messuages and lands in Austwick, except those conveyed to Richard Clapham, husband of George's daughter, Ann Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 10 June 1763

Reference: WYL826/48 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 27 Jun 1764

Scope and Content From Richard Clapham of Wharfe in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, to William Knipe of Austwick, yeoman, of a close called Holme Close (abutments) part of the open townfield of Austwick formerly called the Holme and now divided and enclosed Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 27 June 1764

Reference: WYL826/49 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Feb 1766

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Scope and Content From Charles Ingleby of Austwick esq., and Agnes his wife to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of a dale in Crooklands and a dale in Orcaber Moss in Austwick

Reference: WYL826/50 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Feb 1766

Scope and Content From William Banks of Orcaber in the township of Austwick, yeoman, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of dales in Orcaber Moss in Austwick, estimated as 2½ full horse grasses and a tenth of another Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 4 June 1766

Reference: WYL826/51 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 16 Feb 1767

Scope and Content From James Hardwick of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, yeoman, and Ann his wife, Thomas Speddy of Austwick, linen weaver, eldest son of Richard Speddy and Rosamond his wife, and Henry King of Austwick, yeoman, to Columbus Ingleby of the same, gent., of a dale in Orcaber Moss in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 10 June 1767

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Reference: WYL826/52 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 1 Dec 1776

Scope and Content From Henry King of Austwick, gent., and Thomas Bentham of Bentham, yeoman, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of a dale or parcel of meadow called the Tram in a close of pasture now belonging to Columbus called Orkaber Moss in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 9 Dec. 1778

Reference: WYL826/53 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 22 Feb 1782

Scope and Content From Richard Dawson of Austwick, yeoman, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of a close called the Rains, formerly 2 closes called the Rains and the Croft Foot, in the manor of Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 22 Feb. 1782

Reference: WYL826/54 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 11 Jun 1784

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Scope and Content From Richard Dawson of Austwick, yeoman, to Thomas Banks of the same place, yeoman, of Holme Close in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 11 June 1784

Reference: WYL826/55 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 22 Nov 1787

Scope and Content From William Banks of Orcaber in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, to Thomas Banks of Austwick Townhead in Austwick, yeoman, of a piece of ground called the Holme or Holme Close in Austwick Endorsed is admittance in Austwick manor court 5 Dec. 1787

Reference: WYL826/56 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 4 Dec 1787

Scope and Content From Thomas Banks of Austwick Townhead, yeoman, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, gent., of a close, formerly 2 closes, called the Holme or Holme Close in Austwick Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 5 Dec. 1787

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Reference: WYL826/57 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 13 Feb 1799

Scope and Content From Richard Clapham of Austwick and Ann his wife, Thomas Burrow of Kendal, Westmorland, and Elizabeth his wife and John Abbotson of Wharfe in the parish of Clapham, and Margaret his wife to Thomas Ingilby of Austwick, esq., of a close called Old Holme Close in Austwick, devised by William Knipe to Robert Rimington and by him to Ann, Elizabeth and Margaret Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 17 May 1799

Reference: WYL826/58 Feoffment Creation dates: 24 Mar 1810

Scope and Content From Charles Ingleby and William King of Austwick, esqs., and John Foster of Armitstead, esq., to Robert Waddington of Crow Nest in the parish of Clapham, esq., of the barn near the bottom of the town of Austwick called the Tithe Barn to hold for the lives of William Loxham Farrer and John Foster the son to the use of Charles Ingleby, mentioning a lease from the Bishop of Chester of the rectory of Clapham, and reciting other deeds

Reference: WYL826/59 Bargain and sale

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Creation dates: 13 Feb 1799

Scope and Content From Richard Clapham of Austwick, yeoman and Ann his wife, Thomas Burrow of Kendal, Westmorland, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife and John Abbotson of Wharfe, yeoman, and Margaret his wife to George Clapham of Eldroth, yeoman, of a messuage in Austwick and a close called the Croft in trust to use of such person as Ann Clapham appoints, or Ann Clapham herself Endorsed is surrender in Austwick manor court 17 May 1799 Attached is admittance of George Clapham by descent from his mother Ann Clapham 16 Dec. 1818

Reference: WYL826/60 Abstract of title Creation dates: 1831

Scope and Content Of the devisees in trust of the late Richard Wilson to a close called Addack Mire in Austwick, 1799-1817

Reference: WYL826/61 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 13 Feb 1835

Scope and Content From John Clapham of Austwick, yeoman, and William Talbot of Hollings in

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the chapelry of Preston Patrick, Westmorland, gent., to Thomas Redmayne of Taitlands in Stainforth, esq., of a messuage in Austwick, an inclosure called the croft and 4 sheepgates on Oxenber, reciting earlier deeds Attached is admittance in Austwick manor court 12 June 1835

Reference: WYL826/62 Abstract of Thomas Halton's title, 1798-1836 Creation dates: 1836

Scope and Content To a close of meadow called Gamblesbutt near the village of Austwick sold to Charles Ingleby, esq Enclosed is a copy of the will of Lawrence Halton of Austwick, Made 12 Mar, proved 10 May 1798

Reference: WYL826/63 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 11 Nov 1836

Scope and Content From Thomas Halton of Kellet, Lancs., yeoman, Betty Halton of Kellet, widow of Thomas Halton, grandfather of the present Thomas, and John Flasby Yeats of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, cooper, to Charles Ingleby of Austwick, esq., of a close of meadow in Austwick called Gamblesbutt Endorsed is admittance in Austwick manor court 22 Dec. 1836

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Reference: WYL826/64 Papers concerning the purchase by the North Western Railway Company of land in Austwick Creation dates: 1847

Scope and Content Including draft and copy conveyances and related deeds, copy agreement for sale and purchase, copies of admittances of members of the Ingilby family in Austwick manor court

Reference: WYL826/65 Account of succession in real property Creation dates: 5 Nov 1863

Scope and Content Of Henry Redmayne of Taitlands near Settle on death of Thomas Redmayne, including valuation of property in Stainforth, Austwick, Langcliffe and Settle

Reference: WYL826/66 Abstract of Title to Lot 3 Creation dates: 1868

Scope and Content Being parcel of the Austwick Estate late belonging to Mr. Henry Redmayne deceased' 1835-68

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Reference: WYL826/67 Account of succession in real property Creation dates: 10 Dec 1868

Scope and Content Of Mary Sedgwick on the death of Henry Redmayne, including valuation of property in Settle, Austwick, Stainforth and Langcliffe

Reference: WYL826/68 Requisitions on title to property being conveyed by the Sedgwicks to Ingleby Creation dates: 2 Jan 1869

Scope and Content With answers

Reference: WYL826/69 Assignment Creation dates: 6 Jan 1869

Scope and Content From Henry Hawkesley Capes of Knaresborough, gent., James Sedgwick of Borough-bridge, surgeon, and Mary his wife to Christopher Ingleby of Harden Cottage, Austwick, of a messuage in Austwick, close called the Croft and tithes, Joseph Stubbs of Boroughbridge, wine merchant, and John Marriner Redmayne late of Tynemouth, Northumberland, and now of Saltwell Dene near Gateshead on Tyne, co. Durham, manufacturer, also being parties, reciting earlier deeds Enclosed is admittance in Austwick manor court

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21 May 1869

Reference: WYL826/70 Copy certificate of examination of Mary, wife of James Sedgwick Creation dates: 6 Jan 1869

Scope and Content Concerning a deed between Mary (sic) Hawkesley Capes, James and Mary Sedgwick, Joseph Stubbs and John Marriner Redmayne and Christopher Ingleby

Reference: WYL826/71 Statutory declaration of Mary Stubbs of Borough-bridge, widow Creation dates: 5 Feb 1869

Scope and Content Concerning the family of Thomas Redmayne late of Taitlands near Settle, who died 23 Feb. 1862

Reference: WYL826/72 Statutory declaration of Henry Hawksley Capes of Knaresborough, gent Creation dates: 6 Feb 1869

Scope and Content Concerning legacies under the will of Thomas Redmayne late of Taitlands, raised partly by the sale of real estate in Austwick

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Reference: WYL826/73 Schedule of deeds 1799-1869 given by the Sedgwicks to Christopher Ingleby Creation dates: 1869

Reference: WYL826/74 Lawyer's bill Creation dates: 1872

Scope and Content From William Hartley to Christopher Ingleby for the expenses of a purchase from Baines' trustees of property in Austwick

Reference: WYL826/75 Bill Creation dates: 1872 and 1873

Scope and Content From William Hartley to Christopher Ingleby for costs of admittances in Austwick and Lawkland Courts on conveyance from Margerison and Smith

Reference: WYL826/76 Conveyance Creation dates: 13 Dec 1877

Scope and Content From the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Christopher Ingleby of Harden

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Cottage, esq., of the Tithe Barn in Austwick


Reference: WYL826/77 Mortgage by lease Creation dates: 28 Apr 1569

Scope and Content From George Clapham of Clapham, gent., to William Lister of Thornton, esq., of the manor house called Clapdale, land and meadow in Clapham and Clapdale, pastures called Rayside, Overfall and Netherfall and common for 400 sheep and 100 cattle in Clapham and Clapdale for 10 years to secure ÂŁ184

Reference: WYL826/78 Exemplification of a fine Creation dates: Easter Term 1573

Scope and Content Between John Ingleby, esq., querent, and George Clapham, esq., deforciant, of a watermill in Clapham

Reference: WYL826/79 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 7 May 1573

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Scope and Content From George Clapham of Beamsley, esq., and Gressham Clapham his son and heir, gent., to John Ynglebye of Acomb Grange, esq., Anne his wife and Thomas Ynglebye his son and heir of the manor of Clapham and all messuages, lands etc

Reference: WYL826/80 Quitclaim Creation dates: 1 Nov 1576

Scope and Content From John Clapham of Beamsley, gent., son and heir of Robert Clapham of Clapham, deceased, to John Ynglebye of Acomb Grange, esq., and Thomas Ynglebye his son and heir of the manor of Clapham and appurtenances in Clapham, Clapdale and Keasden

Reference: WYL826/81 Quitclaim Creation dates: 1 Sep 1606

Scope and Content From John Nicolson, schoolmaster, to Thomas Ingilbie of Lawkland, esq., of a garden next the place called Mylne Yeat in Clapham and a close in a place called Flat in Clapham

Reference: WYL826/82 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Oct 1625

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Scope and Content From William Clapham of Maleinskale (Melding Scale) gent., and George Clapham his son and heir apparent to John Inglebie of Lawkland, esq., of inclosures containing 4 acres in the townfields of Clapham

Reference: WYL826/83 Assignment Creation dates: 26 Feb 1628

Scope and Content From William Carr of Dobdale in the Forest of Gisburn, yeoman, to Robert Carr of Clapham, yeoman, of all his title to a messuage and lands in Clapham

Reference: WYL826/84 Mortgage by lease Creation dates: 26 Apr 1656

Scope and Content From Arthur Ingleby of Lawkland in the parish of Clapham, esq., to Reginald Nicholson of Clapham, yeoman, of the capital messuage called Clapdale Hall in Clapham with appurtenances and closes called Overfield, Netherfield and the wood in Clapdale for 6 years to secure ÂŁ17 annually

Reference: WYL826/85 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 18 Jul 1676

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Scope and Content From Henry Radcliffe of Clapham, yeoman, to Arthur Ingleby of Lawkland, esq., of a messuage in Clapham, garth and barn, 3 parcels on Hurrey Banck, a close near Crosse haw called Bernard Scarr Close, a close called Ingber End, a little close called Hawes and common on the out commons called Ingleburrowe and Dovinanter or Bolland Knottes belonging to 6s. 8d. annual rent. Also Radcliffe's bond for performance

Reference: WYL826/86 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Sep 1698

Scope and Content From Arthur Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, esq., to Sir Charles Ingilby knight, sergeant at law, of 6 cattlegates on a stinted pasture called Clapham Thwaite and Side, or pasture according to 12 shillings ancient rent, within the manor of Clapham and held in the nature of glebe land

Reference: WYL826/87 Mortgage by bargain and sale Creation dates: 10 Apr 1732

Scope and Content From George Jagger of clapham, yeoman, to Richard Smirthwaite of Bottom Boat, gent., and Mary his wife, of a messuage in Clapham called Blew Bell with out-buildings, garden etc., to secure ÂŁ50

Reference: WYL826/88 Feoffment

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Creation dates: 2 Jun 1738

Scope and Content From John Jackson of Clapham, clerk, to John Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., of all estate etc., in John Ingleby's field called Great Brow in the township of Clapham

Reference: WYL826/89 Declaration Creation dates: 1 Oct 1743

Scope and Content By James Carr of Stackhouse, gent., that the sum of ÂŁ400 mentioned in a mortgage from John Stephen Ingilby to him of farms called Clapdale and George Jaggers Farm was the money of Margery Ann Ingilby


Reference: WYL826/90 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 6 Aug 1572

Scope and Content From the right worshipful Peter Yorke of Middlesmoor, esq., to John Banke of the Layne End in Lawkland within the lordship of Austwick, yeoman, of a farm at the Layne End in Lawkland in the lordship of Austwick called the Borwens

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Reference: WYL826/91 Defeasance of a conveyance Creation dates: 4 Jul 1688

Scope and Content From William Guy of Birkes in the parish of Clapham, gent., and Jane Guy his mother to Arthur Ingilby of Lawkland of Knott Closes in Lawkland, if Guy pays ÂŁ100

Reference: WYL826/92 Defeasance of a bargain and sale Creation dates: 19 Feb 1691

Scope and Content From Thomas Lawson of Lawkland, husbandman, and Agnes his wife to Thomas Willson of Beecroft Hall, gent., of 3 closes of pasture in Lawkland called Towne Closes, if Lawson pays ÂŁ50

Reference: WYL826/93 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 13 Nov 1691

Scope and Content From William Peacock of Lawkland, husbandman, to Arthur Ingilby of the same, esq., of all right, title, etc., in a close of pasture in Lawkland called Timery Gill. Attached is Peacock's bond for performance

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Reference: WYL826/94 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 29 Sep 1699

Scope and Content From John Ash of Lawkland in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, Roger Armitstead of Lawkland, yeoman, and Agnes Armitstead his wife to John Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, gent., of 2 closes called Great Bleathwaite and Litle Bleathwaite in Lawkland Endorsed is surrender in the manor court of Lawkland cum Feizor 18 Oct. 1699

Reference: WYL826/95 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 9 Dec 1743

Scope and Content From William Lupton of Lawkland, yeoman, son and heir of John Lupton late of Lawkland, deceased, to James Carr of Stackhouse, gent., of a close in Lawkland formerly in 3 closes called Gaitbriggs and Tymmeragill

Reference: WYL826/96 Declaration by James Carr of Stackhouse, gent Creation dates: 3 Feb 1744

Scope and Content That sums of money mentioned in 3 recited indentures were the money of John Stephen Ingilby of Lawkland, esq., and covenant for better assurance

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to Ingilby of premises in Clapham and Lawkland

Reference: WYL826/97 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 9 Jun 1778

Scope and Content From John Stephen Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., lord of the manor of Lawkland, Henry Waddington of Crow Nest, gent., William Foster of Armitstead, gent., Robert Stackhouse of Lawkland Green, yeoman, Laurence Peacock of Lawkland, yeoman, and Robert Maudsley of Cranarigg within the parish of Giggleswick, yeoman, constable and surveyor of the township of Lawkland, to John Nicholson of Lawkland Green, house carpenter, of a piece of vacant land containing 14 perches on Lawkland Green (abutments) Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland with Feizor manor court 11 June 1778

Reference: WYL826/98 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 16 Jun 1791

Scope and Content From John Bradley of Eldroth, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, only daughter and heiress of Michael Bradley late of Eldroth, yeoman, deceased, to John Abbotson Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, gent., of a parcel of meadow called Clapham Pitts and a close of meadow called the Round Close in Lawkland Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland with Feizor manor court 16 June 1791

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Reference: WYL826/99(a) Bargain and sale Creation dates: 31 May 1792

Scope and Content From Lawrence Peacock of Lawkland, yeoman, to John Abbotson Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, gent., of 2 closes called Barris Dales and Bank End Moss or Pitts in Lawkland Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland manor court 31 May 1792

Reference: WYL826/99(b) Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Feb 1832

Scope and Content From George Clapham of Austwick, yeoman, to Thomas Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., of a messuage, closes called Crofts, Chapman Beck Ing and Barrows and 2 dales on the part of Lawkland Moss called Low Moss all in Lawkland and a share of trust money for procuring renewed leases of tithes Endorsed with presentment in Lawkland manor court 14 June 1832

Reference: WYL826/100 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 16 May 1793

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Scope and Content From John Nicholson of Lawkland Green, parish of Clapham, house carpenter, to Francis Nicholson his son, now of Blackburn, Lancs., house carpenter, of his messuage at Lawkland Green, turfhouse and 2 gardens and a dale on Lawkland Moss called Granny Dale Endorsed is surrender in the court of Lawkland with Feizor 23 May 1793

Reference: WYL826/101 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 10 Apr 1794

Scope and Content From William Lawson of Gray's Inn, gent., to John Abbotson Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., of a close of meadow called Little Ing in Lawkland Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland with Feizor manor court 28 May 1795

Reference: WYL826/102 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 18 Apr 1797

Scope and Content From John Knight of Long Preston, yeoman, and Jonathan Wolfenden late of Lingthwaite but now of Borwins in the township of Lawkland, yeoman, to John Abbotson Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, gent., of a customary messuage, outbuildings, garden and croft at Borwins in Lawkland Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland with Feizor manor court

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8 June 1797

Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Feb 1810

Scope and Content From Anthony Clapham of Hornby, Lancs., yeoman, and John Woes of Ulverston, Lancs., gent., to John Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., of a messuage and buildings at Borrans in the manor of Lawkland, the Croft behind the House called Pumpgarth, small Croft behind the Barn, Kilnhaw, Long Close, Out Bank, Holkers or Hooker Meadow and a Mossdale on Lawkland Moss, formerly the estate of Arthur Wigglesworth Endorsed is note of production of this deed in Lawkland manor court 14 June 1810

Reference: WYL826/103 Will of Lawrence Spencer of Borrens within the township of Lawkland, yeoman Creation dates: 9 May 1800

Scope and Content Leaving estates to Robert Peel, but subject to an annuity to Mary Towler

Reference: WYL826/104 Copy will of Arthur Wigglesworth of Wharfe in the parish of Clapham, yeoman Creation dates: Proved 17 May 1800

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Scope and Content Made 28 Oct 1797, leaving estate at Borrins in Clapham to Anthony Clapham son of his late cousin Thomas Clapham

Reference: WYL826/105 Admittance Creation dates: 28 Mar 1801

Scope and Content Of Agnes Clapham wife of George Clapham, daughter of William Stackhouse, son and heir of Robert Stackhouse by Agnes his wife who was eldest sister of John Lawson deceased father of William Lawson late of Gray's Inn, London, gent., to all premises in the manor of Lawkland with Feizor which belonged to William Lawson

Reference: WYL826/106 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 28 Mar 1801

Scope and Content From George Clapham of Eldroth, yeoman, and Agnes his wife, eldest daughter of William Stackhouse who was eldest son of Robert Stackhouse by Agnes his wife, eldest sister of John Lawson who was father of William Lawson late of Gray's Inn, gent., deceased, to John Foster of Armitstead, gent., of messuages and lands in Lawkland and Austwick in trust to convey them to the use of George Clapham

Reference: WYL826/107 Bargain and sale

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Creation dates: 28 Mar 1801

Scope and Content From John Foster of Armitstead in the parish of Clapham to George Clapham of Eldroth in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, of messuages in Lawkland and a moiety of messuages called Duns, Hebers and Badsdale and lands in Lawkland and Austwick, conveyed to Foster in trust by George and Agnes his wife, subject to the life estate of Ann Stackhouse in the second premises mentioned. Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland manor court

Reference: WYL826/108 Part of mortgage Creation dates: 1 Jul 1801

Scope and Content From Francis Nicholson to William Carr of a messuage and a dale in Lawkland Moss. The deed has been cut in 2 or 3 pieces vertically, and only the extreme left of it has been found

Related Material See also Acc. 2065: 3 further fragments found in Austwick Church Hall where they had apparently been used in amateur theatricals.

Reference: WYL826/109 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 7 Jan 1809

Scope and Content From Francis Nicholson of Lawkland, house carpenter, to John Nicholson of

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the same place, house carpenter, of a piece of land on Lawkland Green (The signatures have been cut out)

Reference: WYL826/110 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 21 Feb 1809

Scope and Content From Robert Peel of Borwens in Lawkland, yeoman, to John Abbotson Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., of a messuage and land in Lawkland, subject to an annuity to Mary Towler Endorsed is note that this deed was allowed in Lawkland manor court 25 May 1809

Reference: WYL826/111 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 14 Feb 1816

Scope and Content From Francis Nicholson of Lawkland Green, house carpenter, to Thomas Ingleby of Settle, esq., of a messuage now occupied as 2 messuages with barns, stables, shops etc., at Lawkland Green, 2 inclosures and a dale in Lawkland Moss called Grannydale Endorsed is surrender in Lawkland with Feizor manor court 29 May 1816

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Reference: WYL826/112 Covenant Creation dates: 21 Jan 1842

Scope and Content By Thomas Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., the elder, to stand seised of Kendal Closes in Lawkland to the use of Thomas Ingleby, a student of St. John's College, Cambridge, esq., the younger, his son

Reference: WYL826/113 Covenant Creation dates: 19 Jan 1846 Access Conditions Withdrawn 1968

Scope and Content By Thomas Ingleby the elder of Lawkland Hall, esq., to stand seised of the inclosure in Lawkland called Brunton Pasture to the use of Christopher Ingleby late of the same but now of Knaresborough, gent., his son Conveyance from Christopher Ingleby of Harden Cottage near Clapham, esq., to Arthur Ingleby of Trinity College, Cambridge, esq., of Brunton Pasture 11 Dec. 1873

Reference: WYL826/114 Conveyance Creation dates: 27 Apr 1860

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Scope and Content From John Procter of Kirkby Malham, gent., and George Hartley of Settle, gent., to Christopher Ingleby of Harden Cottage in Austwick, esq., of a dale on Lawkland Moss


Reference: WYL826/115 Agreement Creation dates: 22 Mar 1568

Scope and Content Between Peter Yorke, esq., son and heir of Sir John Yorke, and Elizabeth his wife on one part and Thomas Sandes and Alexander Lollye on the other, that Sandes and Lollye will bring a recovery against Peter and Elizabeth concerning the manor or capital messuage called Lawkland Hall and appurtenances in Austwick and Lawkland to make good a lease to Thomas Inglebye of Acomb Grange and after its expiry to be to the use of Peter and Elizabeth and their heirs

Reference: WYL826/116 Exemplification of a fine Creation dates: Michaelmas Term 1570

Scope and Content Between John Inglebye, esq., querent, and Peter Yorke, esq., and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of premises in Eldroth, Lunehead (?), Austwick and Clapham

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Reference: WYL826/117 Exemplification of a common recovery Creation dates: Michaelmas Term 1579

Scope and Content Brought by George Swaile, gent., against John Ingleby, esq., concerning premises in Austwick and Lanshaw in the parish of Clapham, Peter Yorke, esq., being vouched to warranty

Reference: WYL826/118 Copy settlement before the marriage Creation dates: 23 Sep 1701

Scope and Content Of John Ingleby, gent., son and heir of Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, esq., and Troath Bradshaigh daughter of William Bradshaigh of Bishop Middleham, co. Durham, esq., by release from Columbus Ingleby, Margery Ingleby of Lawkland, widow of Arthur Ingleby and Roger Cansfield of Lawkland, yeoman, to Robert Scarisbrick of Scarisbrick, Lancs., esq., and William Dawson of Langcliffe Hall, gent., of the manor of Lawkland, Lawkland Hall estate in Lawkland, Austwick, Eldroth, the Highmoor, Lanshaw and Feizor in the parishes of Clapham and Giggleswick and the manor of Thorp in the parish of Wycliffe to hold, subject to annuities to Margery, Columbus and Ann his wife, to the use of John for life, then Thorpe as jointure for Troath, otherwise to the use of first son etc., but subject to an annuity to Troath from estates in Clapham, Nicholas Kennet of Coxhoe, co. Durham, esq., and Valentine Farrington, gent., of Shaw Hall, Lancs., gent., being further trustees to raise portions for daughters (Copied 1742)

Reference: WYL826/119

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Copy settlement after the marriage Creation dates: 1 - 2 Mar 1709

Scope and Content Of John Ingleby son and heir of Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, esq., and Troath, daughter of William Bradshaigh now or late of Bishop Middleham, co. Durham, by lease and release from Margery Ingleby, widow of Arthur Ingleby of Lawkland, Columbus Ingleby and John Ingilby and Troath his wife, Robert Scarisbrick of Scarisbrick, Lancs., esq., William Dawson of Settle, esq., Nicholas Kennet of Coxhow, co. Durham, esq., Valentine Farrington of Preston in Amunderness, Lancs., doctor in physic and Roger Cansfield of Lawkland, yeoman, with the consent of William Bradshaigh to Ralph Banes of Mewith Head, gent., and Henry Nowell of Cappleside, gent., of the manor of Lawkland, Lawkland Hall and estate in Lawkland, Austwick, Eldroth, the Highmoor, Lanshaw and Feizor in the parishes of Clapham and Giggleswick and the manor of Thorpe in the parish of Wycliffe in trust, part to the use of Margery for life as jointure but subject to annuities to Columbus, Ann his wife and Thomas his younger son, the manor of Thorpe as jointure for Troath, otherwise to the use of John for life, then first son etc., William Farrington of Shaw Hall, Lancs., gent., and William Dawson of Halton Gill, gent., being trustees to raise portions for daughters, reciting a settlement before the marriage, which was altered after being executed (Copied 1742)

Reference: WYL826/120 Bond Creation dates: 1 Sep 1730

Scope and Content Of John Ingleby of Old Elvet, Durham, esq., son and heir of Columbus Ingleby late of Austwick, esq., deceased, to John Stapylton of Myton, Yorks., Bart., in ÂŁ800 to secure payment of ÂŁ400 and perform conditions of a mortgage

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Reference: WYL826/121 Settlement by lease and release Creation dates: 6 Oct 1739 Accruals Lease for a year added 1977, acc 2065

Scope and Content From John Ingilby of Lawkland, esq., Troath his wife and John Stephen Ingilby of Lawkland, gent., his son and heir, to Josias Dawson of Halton Gill, gent., and William Carr of Stackhouse, yeoman, of the manor of Lawkland, Lawkland Hall and tenements in Lawkland, Austwick, Eldroth, Highmoor, Lanshaw, Feizor and Clapham in the parishes of Clapham and Giggleswick (except a messuage and named closes) and the manor of Thorpe in the parish of Wycliffe, as tenants to a common recovery to be brought by William Dawson of Langcliffe, esq., and John Foster of Armitstead, gent., to be to use of John Ingleby for life, subject to an annuity to Thomas his brother, then Thorpe to be to the use of Troath for life, otherwise to the use of John Stephen but subject to an annuity to Troath for life

Reference: WYL826/122 Exemplification of a common recovery Creation dates: 12 Feb 1740

Scope and Content Brought by William Dawson, esq., and John Foster, gent., against Josias Dawson, gent., and William Carr concerning the manors of Lawkland and Thorpe and premises in Lawkland, Eldroth, Highmoor, Lanshaw, Borwins, Austwick, Feizor, Clapham and Thorpe, John Ingilby, esq., and Troath his wife and John Stephen Ingilby, gent., being vouched to warranty

Reference: WYL826/123

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Declaration Creation dates: 5 Aug 1743

Scope and Content By John Stephen Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, gent., son and heir of John Ingilby of Lawkland, esq., and Troath his wife that the manor of Lawkland and premises in Lawkland, Austwick, Eldroth, Highmoor, Lanshaw, Feizor and Clapham in the parishes of Clapham and Giggleswick, which were the subject of a common recovery, will be to the use of John Stephen

Reference: WYL826/124 Assignment Creation dates: 6 Aug 1743

Scope and Content From Sir Miles Stapylton of Myton, Bart., eldest son and administrator of Sir John Stapylton by the direction of John Ingilby of Lawkland, esq., and John Stephen Ingilby of Lawkland, gent., his son and heir, to William Carr of Stackhouse, yeoman, and John Bailes of Wycliffe, gent., of the manor of Lawkland, Lawkland Hall and tenements in Lawkland, Austwick, Eldroth, the Highmoor, Lanshaw and Feizor and the manor of Thorp or West Thorp and tenements there or elsewhere in the parish of Wycliffe, for the remainder of a term of 99 years to hold Thorp in trust for Christopher Wilkinson of Thorp Hall, esq., the residue in trust to attend several uses now in being

Reference: WYL826/125 Copy of release Creation dates: 2 Apr 1817

Scope and Content From John Abbotson Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., to Thomas Ingleby of

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Settle esq., his son and heir, of a barn called the New Barn and closes called Newfound England, Barn Field, Rough Field or Woodend Gate Stone, Warren Browfield, New Meadow, Wood Close with the barn, Hall Close, Midge Hole, Parkinson Closes and Parkinson Hole Meadow in Lawkland and 60 sheepgates on Cosh Knot in the parish of Arncliffe, assignment of 2½ beastgates on Green Bank, both belonging to the Cosh and a close called Low Moor in the parish of Horton in Ribblesdale for the remainder of a term of 450 years and bargain and sale of a messuage called Lower Birkwith and land in the parish of Horton in Ribblesdale and manor of Newby (Copied 1853)

Reference: WYL826/126(a) Deeds and other papers concerning the Kilnsey Hall Estate Creation dates: 1842-1847

Scope and Content Comprising copy mortgage to Mrs. Hannah Wilcock 8 Feb 1843, abstract of title and schedule of deeds, sale particulars and plan, instructions for mortgage, and agreement for sale to John Robert Tennant

Reference: WYL826/126(b) Deeds and other papers concerning the Lawkland Hall Estate Creation dates: 1847-1849

Scope and Content Comprising mortgage to John Robert Mills and William Mosley Perfect, (10 Feb 1848) extracts from deed of 6 Oct 1739, schedules of deeds, copy certificates, declaration of Charles Ingleby of Austwick, bill of costs of negotiating loan, bill for surveying land wanted by North Western Railway, 1847 and draft transfer of mortgage to Arthur Ingleby, 1849

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Reference: WYL826/127 Conveyance Creation dates: 4 Feb 1848

Scope and Content From Thomas Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., and Margaret Ingleby of the same, widow, to Thomas Bairstow of Royd Hill in the parish of Kildwick and John William Foster of Clapham, esquires, of property which came to Thomas or Margaret on the death of Thomas Ingleby deceased and any other property belonging to Thomas and goods, stocks etc., in trust to pay debts and legacies, with power to sell, with a schedule of land at the end Endorsed is assignment of all property to Christopher Ingleby 7 Jan. 1853


Reference: WYL826/128 Mortgage by release Creation dates: 18 Dec 1717

Scope and Content From William Ingleby now of the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex and late of the city of Durham, gent., and Humphrey Arrowsmith now or late of Coxhoe, co. Durham, yeoman, to Marmaduke Norcliff of the parish of St. Andrew Holborn, surgeon, of the manor or lordship of Coxhoe to secure ÂŁ420, reciting earlier deeds


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Reference: WYL826/129 Declaration Creation dates: 1 Jul 1658

Scope and Content By Arthur Ingleby of Clapham, esq., and Margery his wife and John Tompson of Lawkland, gent., and Ann his wife that a fine of Easter Term 1658 of the capital messuage called Ragill is to the use of Christopher Clapham of Stamford, Lincs., esq

Reference: WYL826/130 Bond Creation dates: 10 Sep 1694

Scope and Content Of Thomas Atkinson of Bradford, shoemaker, to Columbus Ingleby of Clapdale Hall in the parish of Clapham, gent., in ÂŁ15 to perform covenants of a deed poll

Reference: WYL826/131 Bond Creation dates: 24 Apr 1711

Scope and Content Of Thomas Howson of Lower Birkwith in the parish of Horton in Ribblesdale, yeoman, to Robert Mason of Lower Birkwith, gent., in ÂŁ200 to perform the covenants of an assignment

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Reference: WYL826/132 List of wills, deeds and legacy receipts, 1782-1853 Creation dates: mid 19th cent

Reference: WYL826/133 List of wills, legacy receipts and deeds, 1782-1862 Creation dates: 19th cent

Reference: WYL826/134 Covenant Creation dates: 1 Mar 1864

Scope and Content By James Farrer of Ingleborough, esq., M.P., with Christopher Ingleby of Harden Cottage, Austwick, esq., for the production of an indenture dated 11 Jan 1844 concerning Moor Closes and other property


Related Material See also WYL826/385-387

Reference: WYL826/135 Account of Christopher Ingleby with George Hartley for business of Lawkland Manor

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Creation dates: 1860-1861

Reference: WYL826/136 Account of Christopher Ingleby lord of the manor of Lawkland with George Hartley Creation dates: 1862-1863

Reference: WYL826/137 Copy account of Christopher Ingleby lord of the manor of Lawkland with William Hartley Creation dates: 1867-1869

Reference: WYL826/138 Account of Christopher Ingleby lord of the manor of Lawkland with William Hartley Creation dates: 1869-1873

Scope and Content For rents, court expenses etc

Reference: WYL826/139 Account of the steward of the manor of Lawkland with Rev. A. Ingilby Creation dates: 1918-1919

Scope and Content For fines and holding court


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Reference: WYL826/140 Accounts of payments by Christopher Ingleby, Harden Cottage Creation dates: 1851-1888

Scope and Content For estate and personal expenses

Reference: WYL826/141 Account book of stock bought and sold Creation dates: 1852-1859

Scope and Content Beginning with a valuation of the late Mrs. Ingleby's stock, taken Mar 1852 Enclosed is a receipted bill for Highland stirks bought at Storis Farm April 1888

Reference: WYL826/142 Receipts, notices, correspondence and summaries of apportionment Creation dates: 1877-1888 Physical characteristics: Withdrawn 1979

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Scope and Content Concerning tithe rent charge for premises in the townships of Lawkland and Austwick due from Christopher Ingilby

Reference: WYL826/143 Bill from Edward Webb & Sons, Seed Growers and Manure Manufacturers, Wordsley, Stourbridge Creation dates: Mar 1891

Scope and Content To Mrs. Ingleby, Harden Cottage, Clapham for vegetable and flower seeds, addressed to Wm. Brown, gardener

Reference: WYL826/144 Accounts of charges on income and income from property Creation dates: 1905-1921 Extent and Form: 4 Items

Scope and Content 2 undated

Reference: WYL826/145 Rough accounts of charges on income and income from property Creation dates: 1924 & 1927 Physical characteristics: Part torn off

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Reference: WYL826/146 Letter book of Christopher Ingleby, Harden Cottage Creation dates: 1875-1879 Archival History Withdrawn 1979. Returned 1994

Scope and Content Containing copies of letters on local affairs, including parish business, schools and charities, estate business and personal matters, with index

Reference: WYL826/147 Correspondence Creation dates: 1877-1878 Archival History Withdrawn 1979. Returned 1994

Scope and Content Concerning the expiry of Christopher Ingilby's lease of Austwick Tithe Barn from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners

Reference: WYL826/148 Letter book of Christopher Ingleby, Harden Cottage Creation dates: 1880-1885

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Archival History Withdrawn 1979. Returned 1994

Scope and Content Containing copies of letters on local affairs including charities and alterations to Austwick Church, estate business and personal matters including complaints to the Postmaster General and the Midland Railway Co., with index


Reference: WYL826/149 Lease Creation dates: 9 Aug 1739

Scope and Content From John Ingleby of Lawkland, esq., to William Pattison of Thorpe Moor House, yeoman, of Heads Farm and a field called Ramfield at West Thorp for 21 years at ÂŁ58 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/150 Lease Creation dates: 5 Jun 1740

Scope and Content From John Ingilby of Lawkland, esq., to John Foster of Armitstead, gent., of a farm called Thomas Brownes Farm, 2 closes called Parkinson Close and Bottom and 4 beastgates on the stinted pasture called Brunton in Lawkland

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for 21 years at £9 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/151 Lease Creation dates: 8 Jun 1748

Scope and Content From John Stephen Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, esq., to William Nelson of Israel in the parish of Clapham, husbandman, of a messuage called White Cragg in Lawkland and closes called White Cragg Meadow, Rough Hill and Green Close for 21 years at £3. 5s. annual rent

Reference: WYL826/152 Lease Creation dates: 9 Jan 1769

Scope and Content From John Stephen Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., to John Jaques of Black Bank in the parish of Clapham, yeoman, of the messuage called Black Bank with lands, etc., and lands called White Cragg consisting of closes called White Cragg Meadow, Rough Close and Green Close for 14 years at £42 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/153 Lease Creation dates: 25 Jan 1774

Scope and Content

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From John Stephen Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., to Thomas Clapham of Borrens in the township of Lawkland, yeoman, of a messuage, outbuildings, garth and garden at Borrens, Two Out Banks, Heyla (?), Ridding, Little Closes, barn and shippen at the Hall, Pond Ings, Great Ings, Little Hawksmire, Fenbeck Ing, Two Barks with a barn called Bark Barn, winter rake in the Brown Bark for cattle at Bark Barn, herbage in Hall Moss, Two Wood Closes with a barn called Wood House, Brigs Close, Little Wood, Wood End, Town Closes, Petty Brows and Knot Copy in Lawkland for 13 years at ÂŁ28 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/154 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 1 Jun 1847

Scope and Content Between Thomas Ingleby and Jonathan Morphet for a flag or slate quarry called Dry Ridge Quarry on Swarthmoor in the parish of Clapham for 5 years at ÂŁ7 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/155 Draft tenancy Creation dates: 1848

Scope and Content Agreement between Thomas Ingleby and John Bullock for a stone quarry at Eldroth Knotts in Lawkland

Reference: WYL826/156 Draft tenancy agreement

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Creation dates: 1848

Scope and Content Between Thomas Ingleby and William Mercer for a stone quarry above the house called Melding Scale in the parish of Clapham

Reference: WYL826/157 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 1848

Scope and Content Between Thomas Ingleby and Messrs. John Carr and James Simpson for a farm called Black Bank in the parish of Clapham for 7 years at ÂŁ155 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/158 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 1849

Scope and Content Between Thomas Ingleby and Edward and James Hodkinson for farms called Melding Scale and Brocklebank in the parish of Clapham for 7 years at ÂŁ98 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/159 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 1849

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Scope and Content Between Thomas Ingleby and John Winskill for a stone quarry at Eldroth Knotts in Lawkland

Reference: WYL826/160 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 1849

Scope and Content Between Thomas Ingleby and Thomas Kendal for a farm in Lawkland for 14 years at ÂŁ250 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/161 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 28 Jan 1851

Scope and Content Between Christopher Ingleby and William Beecroft Abbotson for a farm called Gayclaps and closes in Austwick

Reference: WYL826/162 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 1851

Scope and Content Between Christopher Ingleby and John Carr for a farm in Austwick, altered

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as draft for agreement concerning a farm called Cragg Bank in Lawkland

Reference: WYL826/163 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: 1851

Scope and Content Between Christopher Ingleby and Stanley Harrison for a farm in Lawkland


Reference: WYL826/164 Survey of the rectory or manor of Hutton Rudby Creation dates: Written 1699

Scope and Content Made by William Mason giving areas of houses and garths, areas and names of meadow grounds, arable land and pasture and details of farms, including lands in open fields. Paper book with parchment cover 1628 At the back are memoranda by Arthur Ingleby concerning births and deaths of members of the Ingleby family, and the Rudby estate


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Reference: WYL826/165 Ordnance Survey 6" map of Lawkland and Giggleswick Creation dates: c.1910

Scope and Content With part of Lawkland parish outlined in red Sheet 131 S.E. ed. 1910

Reference: WYL826/166 Ordnance Survey 6" map of Austwick Creation dates: 1910


Reference: WYL826/167 Agreement Creation dates: 19 Jan 1756

Scope and Content By John Stephen Ingleby, Henry Waddington, William Banks, Francis Lupton, Richard Clapham the younger, John Armitstead, Thomas Carr on behalf of Levet Harris, John Clapham, John Peacock, Richard Clapham and Richard Routledge for the division of the stinted pasture called Brunton or Bruntin in Lawkland Award of William Bradley, Hugh Hall, Thomas Clapham and Thomas Armitstead 7 Dec. 1756

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Endorsed is award concerning maintenance of fences 22 Oct. 1765

Reference: WYL826/168 Lawyer's bill for Chancery suit Creation dates: 1757-1758

Scope and Content Of John Burton Doctor in Physic v. John Stephen Ingleby, esq., Troth Ingleby, widow, William Dawson, esq., Margaret Howson an infant, Adam Hardacre and Thomas Howson, concerning the proposed division of Birkwith Moor, for which a Chancery Bill was thought necessary, as one of the proprietors was an infant

Reference: WYL826/169 Papers concerning Horton Inclosure Creation dates: 1815-1822

Scope and Content Notice from Alexander Calvert of boundaries fixed by him 11 July 1815 List of names with sums of money and numbers opposite (calculation of beastgates from ancient rents?) endorsed 'Fawcet Moor' n.d Notice to Thomas Ingleby that he is entitled to 7 sheepgates 29 March 1821 Notices to Thomas Ingleby of his share of assessments for the inclosure

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May & Nov. 1821 Notices to Mrs. Isabella Clapham of her share of assessments May & Nov. 1821 Letter from Alexander Calvert to Mrs. Clapham, Clapham, that Mr. Ford of Lancaster has entered 2 appeals against accounts and Calvert's proceedings as commissioner generally and that he will attend at the Golden Lion, Settle on 27 Mar with accounts and vouchers for inspection by the proprietors 28 Feb. 1822


Related Material For quarries, see also Leases and Tenancy Agreements

Reference: WYL826/170 Lease Creation dates: 10 Mar 1735

Scope and Content From John Ingleby of Lawkland, esq., to William Dawson of Langcliffe, esq., Charles Harris, esq., and Anthony Lister, gent., of Giggleswick, Robert Tatham of Stainforth, gent., John Lister, mercer, William Birbeck (signed Birkbeck) the elder and William Birbeck the younger of Settle, John Ridley of Lawkland, servant to John Ingleby and Thomas and Anthony King of Eldroth, yeomen, of coal royalty in the manor of Lawkland with Feizor for 15 years paying 2s. 6d. for every 100 horseloads of coal annually after the first 3 years

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Reference: WYL826/171 Lease Creation dates: 20 Mar 1735 Archival History Counterpart withdrawn 1992. Returned 1994

Scope and Content From John Ingleby of Lawkland, esq., to Charles Nowell of Giggleswick, esq., and Anthony Stoney of Austwick, yeoman, of royalty of lead in the manor of Lawkland with Feizor for 14 years, yielding a twelfth dish, share or part of lead. Also counterpart (with signatures cut off)

Reference: WYL826/172 Lease Creation dates: 6 Feb 1740

Scope and Content From John Ingilby of Lawkland, esq., to John Ridley of Lawkland, yeoman, and Thomas Armitstead of Studfold, husbandman, of mines, delfs and quarries of blue slate in the manor of Lawkland for 7 years, yielding 10 shillings the first year, ÂŁ1. 1s. the next 2 years and ÂŁ3. 3s. annually thereafter

Reference: WYL826/173 Lease Creation dates: 30 Oct 1744 Archival History Withdrawn 1992. Returned 1994

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Scope and Content From John Stephen Ingilby of Lawkland, esq., to Richard Wilson of Malham Moor, miner, and Robert Hardcastle of Settle, shoemaker, of lead mines in any of Ingilby's lands in the manor of Lawkland for 21 years yielding a twelfth of lead, ore, tin etc


Reference: WYL826/174 Bargain and sale Creation dates: 13 Apr 1702

Scope and Content From Margery Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, widow of Arthur Ingleby and John Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, gent., to John Moore of Eldroth, yeoman, James Hall of Settle, Robert Twisleton of Sherwood House and Robert Procter of Mearbeck, tanners, of 303 trees except 27 in Lawkland Wood



Reference: WYL826/175 Copy will of Arthur Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, esq

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Creation dates: 5 Jun 1701

Scope and Content Referring to marriage settlement of his nephew (and heir) John Ingilby and appointing sums of money mentioned there, otherwise if the marriage does not take place leaving estates to John and legacies to nieces (Copied 1715)

Reference: WYL826/176 Probate copy will of Margery Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, widow of Arthur Ingleby Creation dates: 3 Jan 1712 Access Conditions Act of probate missing.

Scope and Content Endorsed is receipt for ÂŁ13 part of a legacy of ÂŁ25 15 March 1716

Reference: WYL826/177 Act of probate of Dame Mary (sic) Ingleby, late of Lawkland Hall, widow Creation dates: 15 Sep 1713

Scope and Content Granting administration to Mary Ingleby her daughter

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Reference: WYL826/178 Probate copy of the will of Charles Abbotson of North Cote in the parish of Burnsall, yeoman Creation dates: 8 Apr 1734

Scope and Content Made 24 Nov. 1719 leaving legacies to sons and daughters

Reference: WYL826/179 Probate copy of the will of John Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, esq Creation dates: 1 Dec 1743

Scope and Content Made 8 Sept. 1743, charging estates with sums of money

Reference: WYL826/180 Will of Troath Ingilby, widow of John Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, esq Creation dates: 2 Mar 1755

Scope and Content Leaving goods, clothes and jewellery. Written in her own hand

Reference: WYL826/181 Copy will of Richard Hodgson of Westhouse in the parish of Thornton in Lonsdale, gent Creation dates: 28 Jan 1783

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Scope and Content Leaving estates in Thornton in Lonsdale and his interest in coalmines in the manor of Burton in Lonsdale to his son Richard, and providing for his other children and his wife

Reference: WYL826/182 Probate copy of the will of John Stephen Ingleby of Lawkland Hall in the parish of Clapham, esq Creation dates: 25 Feb 1789

Scope and Content Made 24 May 1782, leaving estates to his sister Margery Ann Ingleby of Lawkland Hall for life, and then to his cousin Columbus Ingleby of Austwick

Reference: WYL826/183 Codicil to will of Columbus Ingleby of Austwick Creation dates: After 1789

Scope and Content Leaving Thwaite Copy to his youngest son Arthur and concerning legacies to his daughters. First page only

Reference: WYL826/184 Probate copy will of Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, esq Creation dates: 23 Dec 1801

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Scope and Content Made 17 March 1789, leaving estates to his eldest son John Abbotson Ingleby and reciting deeds

Reference: WYL826/185 Release Creation dates: 23 Nov 1802

Scope and Content From Agnes Ingleby of Austwick, spinster, to John Abbotson Ingleby of legacies and actions, reciting part of the will of Columbus Ingleby

Reference: WYL826/186 Release Creation dates: 23 Nov 1802

Scope and Content From Ellen Abbotson Ingleby of Austwick, spinster, to John Abbotson Ingleby, her brother, for a legacy from her father, Columbus Ingleby

Reference: WYL826/187 Release Creation dates: 23 Nov 1802

Scope and Content From Isabella Clapham of Clapham, widow, one of the daughters of Columbus Ingleby late of Austwick, esq., deceased, to John Abbotson Ingleby of

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legacies and actions, reciting part of Columbus Ingleby's will

Reference: WYL826/188 Legacy receipt from Robert Ingleby for legacy from John Abbotson Ingleby Creation dates: 20 May 1832

Reference: WYL826/189 Legacy receipt from Columbus Ingleby for legacy from John Abbotson Ingleby Creation dates: 30 May 1832

Reference: WYL826/190 Receipts to Thomas Ingleby Creation dates: 1836, 1843 & 1845 Extent and Form: 3 items

Scope and Content For legacies under the will of John Abbotson Ingleby from Edward and Betsey Cox, John and Agnes Miller and Margaret Ingleby

Reference: WYL826/191 Memorandum of receipt by (Stephen?) Ingleby of £30 from Thomas Ingleby and a further £10 Creation dates: 20 Mar 1838

Scope and Content Also: Receipt from B. Ingleby to Thomas Ingleby for £50 money laid out for B. Ingleby's son William

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2 July 1838 Authorisation by William Ingleby to Thomas Ingleby, executor of John Abbotson Ingleby, to retain ÂŁ50 from a legacy due to him and pay it to his mother, it being the amount paid by her for his maintenance 12 July 1838

Reference: WYL826/192 Probate copy of will of Isabella Clapham of Clapham, widow Creation dates: 17 May 1843

Scope and Content Made 23 Dec. 1837 leaving legacies to her sister, Ellen Abbotson Ingleby, brothers Charles and Arthur Ingleby, nephews, nieces, servants and the poor of Clapham and Newby

Reference: WYL826/193 Legacy receipt from William Lawson Creation dates: Sep 1843

Scope and Content For a legacy under the will of Isabella Clapham

Reference: WYL826/194 Legacy receipts Creation dates: Sep 1843 & Jan 1844

Scope and Content

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From Elizabeth Ingleby, Charles Ingleby and Arthur Ingleby and from Thomas Ingleby for William Lawson's legacy retained in trust for legacies under Isabella Clapham's will. Attached are receipts from Ellen Ingleby and Ann Gifford for legacies. Enclosed is a brief account of residuary legacies

Reference: WYL826/195 Probate copy will of Christopher Clapham of Clapham, gent Creation dates: 5 Mar 1794

Scope and Content Made 19 Feb. 1789 leaving estates in trust for his son Christopher and legacies Executorship papers of Isabella Clapham including extracts from her will, accounts of legacies, rent and funeral expenses, balance sheet, residuary accounts and legacy receipts for legacies retained in trust 1844

Reference: WYL826/196 Papers relating to Thomas Ingleby, deceased Creation dates: 1846-1886 Reference: WYL826/196(a) Bill from George Hartley to Thomas Ingleby, esq., executor of Thomas Ingleby deceased Creation dates: 1846-48

Reference: WYL826/196(b) Notice from Legacy Duty Department requesting account of Thomas Ingleby's estate and payment of legacy duties

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Creation dates: 7 Jun 1848

Reference: WYL826/196(c) Residuary account of Thomas Ingleby late of Lawkland Hall who died 6 Dec 1846 Creation dates: 9 Sep 1848

Reference: WYL826/196(d) Residuary account of Thomas Ingleby late of Lawkland Hall who died 17 Feb 1850 Creation dates: 1886 Scope and Content And whose administration was granted to his brother Christopher Ingleby on 3 March 1882

Reference: WYL826/197 Release Creation dates: 7 Jan 1853

Scope and Content From Thomas Bairstow of Royd Hill in the parish of Kildwick, esq., and Elizabeth his wife formerly Elizabeth Ingleby, John William Foster of Clapham, esq., and Ann his wife, formerly Ann Ingleby and Margaret Ingleby of Lawkland Green, spinster, to Christopher Ingleby of legacies under the will of Thomas Ingleby, Christopher's father

Reference: WYL826/198 Residuary account of Arthur Ingleby late of Austwick who died 21 May 1852 Creation dates: 1853

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Scope and Content With list of legacies attached

Reference: WYL826/199 Grant Creation dates: 12 Nov 1853

Scope and Content From Christopher Ingleby of Lawkland Hall, esq., to Agnes Powell, wife of Samuel Powell the younger of Harrogate, solicitor, of an annuity of ÂŁ200, bequeathed to her by Arthur Ingleby, charged on closes in Austwick called The Croft, Bull Bank Pasture, Bull Bank Meadow, Rains, Delicate Park, Backhouse Close, Pinder Ing, Cartmell, Crowlake Hill, Thackaber, Near Flass, Far Flass, High Orcaber, Low Orcaber, Doctor Close, Flass, Spittal, Grimes Ing Meadow, Homestead, Gambles Butt, Town Croft and Low Holme

Reference: WYL826/200 Legacy receipt Creation dates: Feb 1862

Scope and Content For legacy to Christopher Brown under will of John Abbotson Ingleby, who died Oct. 1831

Reference: WYL826/201 Release Creation dates: 12 Jul 1838

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Scope and Content From William Ingleby late of Lancaster but now of 340 Strand, London, mercer and draper, one of the 4 children of Arthur Ingleby late of Lancaster, gent., deceased, and a legatee under the will of John Abbotson Ingleby, to Thomas Ingleby of legacy and actions, reciting part of John Abbotson Ingleby's will Enclosed is letter from Farrer, Drury & Farrer, 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields to Geldard and Charlesworth, solicitors, Settle, asking for this deed to be sent to Messrs. Sharp 12 Aug. 1864

Reference: WYL826/202 Grant Creation dates: 3 Mar 1882

Scope and Content To Christopher Ingleby of the administration of Thomas Ingleby late of Lawkland Hall, his brother

Reference: WYL826/203 Grant Creation dates: 8 Aug 1882

Scope and Content To Christopher Ingleby of the administration of the unadministered personal estate of John Abbotson Ingleby who died 21 Oct 1831 with copy of will dated 16 May 1825 annexed

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Reference: WYL826/204 Instructions by Margaret Ingleby for her funeral Creation dates: 23 Jan 1894

Scope and Content And for notices to be inserted in the Yorkshire Post and a Harrogate paper before and after the funeral, addressed to Miss Esther Foster

Reference: WYL826/205 Probate copy of the will of Margaret Ingleby of Harrogate, spinster Creation dates: 30 Jan 1895

Scope and Content Made 23 Jan. 1894 leaving legacies to Esther Foster and Dr. Dimmock and the residue of her estate to her nephew Arthur Ingilby

Reference: WYL826/206 Residuary account of Margaret Ingleby late of Harrogate who died 22 Dec 1894 Creation dates: 1895

Reference: WYL826/207 Receipt for duty on personal estate of Margaret Ingleby late of Harrogate Creation dates: 25 Mar 1895


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Reference: WYL826/208 Probate copy of the will and codicil of Isabel Shirburne of Stonyhurst, Lancs., widow Creation dates: Made 8 and 28 Mar 1694

Scope and Content Leaving goods to be sold and the money bestowed on an inheritance, of which half to be for the town and parish of Burnley, half for the town and parish of Lawkland, and bequests of money, clothes etc., to various, including 'my Brother and Sister Ingleby'. Act of probate missing Attached is query and opinion of W. Ferrers that the money should be applied to the township of Lawkland alone, not shared among the townships in the parish of Clapham 28 May 1726

Reference: WYL826/209 Draft lease Creation dates: Apr 1709

Scope and Content From John Ingleby son and heir of Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, esq., to Columbus Ingleby of lands called Knot Closes, Overmore Close, Petty Brows, Great Knot, Town Closes, Tenter Ing and White Cragg purchased by Arthur Ingleby in Lawkland and Feizor for 99 years as indemnity against payments due to the poor of Burnley, Lancs., and Clapham, Yorks., under the will of Isabel Sherburn of Stonyhurst, of which Arthur and Columbus were executors, John, on whom Arthur's real estate has been settled, having undertaken to pay this money

Reference: WYL826/210 Probate copy of will of Thomas Mason of Clapham

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Creation dates: Made 22 Sep 1746

Scope and Content Leaving leasehold estate to Archelaus Chapman, and legacies to various, including Ann Ingleby and the churchwardens and overseers of Clapham, and appointing Thomas Ingleby his executor. Act of probate gone Endorsed is receipt for legacy for the poor of Clapham 17 Dec. 1750

Reference: WYL826/211 Probate copy will of Ann Husband widow of John Husband late of Grenerig in the parish of Giggleswick Creation dates: 8 Nov 1852

Scope and Content Made 10 May 1751, appointing Ann and Thomas Ingleby her executors

Reference: WYL826/212 Deed of indemnity Creation dates: 1876-77

Scope and Content From Hannah Geldard of Giggleswick, spinster, to Christopher Ingleby of Harden Cottage in the parish of Clapham, esq., concerning the investment of proceeds from the sale of an estate in Litton in the parish of Arncliffe devised by Elizabeth Geldard, 15 Apr 1876, with statement of proceeds, valuation, receipts for a dividend, and for costs of investment and solicitor's letter concerning documents re Mrs. Geldard's Trust

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Reference: WYL826/213 Account of Christopher Ingleby Creation dates: Nov 1884

Scope and Content Surviving trustee under the will of Elizabeth Geldard, concerning the Litton estate, which has been sold, with receipts for payment of proceeds

Reference: WYL826/214 Opinion of counsel Creation dates: Nov 1884 Physical characteristics: (Damaged)

Scope and Content Concerning Elizabeth Geldard's trust involving the Arncliffe estate, with covering letter from William Hartley, solicitor, Settle, to Christopher Ingleby


Reference: WYL826/215 'An account of ye money Mama Gave me since she pd me ye ÂŁ10.10s. which was ye first she gave since papa dyed' Creation dates: Nov 1745 - May 1748

Scope and Content Recording payments to buy clothes, help pay for a house at 'ye borrings'

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bought from Robert Stackhouse, etc., apparently written by a woman

Reference: WYL826/216 Bond Creation dates: 13 May 1880

Scope and Content Of Christopher Ingleby of Harden Cottage, Austwick, esq., to Margaret Ingleby of Harrogate, spinster, in ÂŁ5,000 to secure her an annuity of ÂŁ140 for life Attached is a memorandum that a note of this has been made in the books of the Legacy and Succession Duty Office 4 March 1895

Reference: WYL826/217 Receipt Creation dates: 28 May 1881

Scope and Content From Ellen Jennings to Rev. Arthur Ingilby for principal and interest on a promissory note of the late Christopher Ingleby

Reference: WYL826/218 Bills and vouchers Creation dates: 1890

Scope and Content

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To Arthur and Mrs. Ingleby, the Parsonage, Oban, and Mrs. Ingleby, Harden Cottage, for personal and household expenses, carriage, etc


Reference: WYL826/219 Letter from Arthur Ingilby, Royal Highland Yacht Club, Oban Creation dates: 18 Sep 1890

Scope and Content To his mother, Harden Cottage, Clapham, hoping she will not be dull and asking if there is no one young who will stay with her, giving news of family, friends and a new horse

Reference: WYL826/220 Letter from Arthur Ingilby, Oban Creation dates: 25 Sep 1890

Scope and Content To his mother, about designs, a trip he has made, Ella Ward and shooting at Austwick

Reference: WYL826/221 Letters From Arthur Ingilby, Oban Creation dates: 1 & 4 Oct 1890 Extent and Form: 2 Items

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Scope and Content To his mother at Harden Cottage, Clapnam, giving news of friends and reporting that he has a 'gathered toe'

Reference: WYL826/222 Letter from Arthur Ingilby, Oban Creation dates: 8 Oct 1890 Access Conditions Withdrawn 1979

Scope and Content To his mother, concerning an injured foot, the expiry of Watkins' lease of Lawkland Hall and family news, with a suggested inscription for a memorial to Christopher Ingleby

Reference: WYL826/223 Letters from Alice and Mabel Foster, Coombe Pyne Creation dates: 26 & 28 Dec 1890

Scope and Content To their 'Aunt Ingleby' Mrs. Ingleby, Harden Cottage, Austwick, thanking her for books and telling her what other presents they have

Reference: WYL826/224 Letter from 'Kathleen', 24 Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, S.E

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Creation dates: 2 Jan 1891

Scope and Content To her Aunt Anne, Mrs. Ingleby, Harden Cottage, Clapham, thanking her for a present and giving family news

Reference: WYL826/225 Letter from Miss B. Campas, Glenflochan, Oban Creation dates: 2 Jan 1891

Scope and Content To Mrs. Ingleby, Harden Cottage, Clapham, sending best wishes for the coming year, and concerning amateur theatricals and news of family and friends

Reference: WYL826/226 Letter from Arthur Ingleby, Oban Creation dates: 8 Jan 1891

Scope and Content To his mother, Harden Cottage, Clapham, concerning a saddle and harness and the effects of the railway strike, and giving news of various people

Reference: WYL826/227 Letter from Arthur Ingilby, Oban Creation dates: 16 Jan 1891

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Scope and Content To his mother at Harden Cottage, Clapham, about family doings


Reference: WYL826/228 Visitors' book Creation dates: 1896 - 1920

Reference: WYL826/229 Picture postcard Creation dates: 1929

Scope and Content Showing lectern in memory of Rev. Arthur Ingilby, addressed to Miss Ingilby, Harden, Austwick


Reference: WYL826/230 Letter from James Farrer, attorney, Clapham Creation dates: 23 Feb 1760

Scope and Content

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To John Stephen Ingleby, esq., Lawkland, with a copy of a letter from his London agent, concerning the defendants' bill of costs in re Ingleby, esq., and Leeming and others

Reference: WYL826/231 Copy declaration in suit in Common Pleas Creation dates: Michaelmas Term 1786

Scope and Content Brought by Thomas Calverley against Edmund Bolland on a plea of trespass on the case, alleging that Edmund has had his oats ground elsewhere than at Thomas's mills called Kettlesbeck Mills in Lawkland, where they ought to have been ground

Reference: WYL826/232 Letter from T. Eastham, Kirby Lonsdale Creation dates: 27 Feb 1841

Scope and Content To Thomas Ingleby, Lawkland Hall, concerning the hearing of a case in which he thinks they will be able to present evidence satisfactorily establishing the claim of a right of common

Reference: WYL826/233 Letter from T. Eastham, Kirkby Lonsdale Creation dates: 1841

Scope and Content To Thomas Ingleby, Lawkland Hall, referring to Dawson's case, with an extract

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from his agent's letter about the venue of another suit related to Dawson's. Torn

Reference: WYL826/234 Copy decree of Duchy of Lancaster in 1573 Creation dates: 19th cent

Scope and Content Concerning leases of customary land or of Skew and Lickerhead in the manor of Newby, and copy inquisition made 12 Apr 1833 that Thomas Ingleby of Lawkland is heir and devisee of John A. Ingleby. Marked: 'require the admittance of Mr. Dudgeon'

Reference: WYL826/235 Formal note from Mr. Dudgeon, Settle Creation dates: 7 Apr 1841

Scope and Content To Thos. Ingleby, returning deeds lent to him

Reference: WYL826/236 Letter from T. Eastham, Kirkby Lonsdale Creation dates: 1 May 1841 Physical characteristics: Part torn off.

Scope and Content To Thomas Ingleby, Lawkland Hall, explaining what happened in a case against 'Dawson' over common right for cattle and saying that the undersheriff was wrong to give a certificate that the action was brought to try a right, besides the right

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to recover damages

Reference: WYL826/237 Letter from --------, Bentham Creation dates: 3 Sep 1855

Scope and Content To John Ingleby, Lawkland Hall, referring to a Mr. Eastham, who is thinking of 'disturbing the award' and W. Kilburn who is 'dreadfully harrassed'

Reference: WYL826/238 Case and opinion of John Forbes Creation dates: 1875

Scope and Content Concerning right to cut pea-sticks, hedge and gather nuts on Oxenber Pasture, reciting part of the Enclosure Act


Reference: WYL826/239 Letter book of Christopher Ingleby, Settle Creation dates: 1848-50

Scope and Content

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Containing copies of letters, mainly on legal business with some on his brother's estate affairs and the manor of Lawkland, of which he was steward, with an index

Reference: WYL826/240 Draft lease Creation dates: 7 Dec 1847

Scope and Content From Thomas Crook of Liverpool, accountant, Thomas Ainsworth Crook of Rochdale, wine merchant and John Blackburn of Liverpool, woollen draper, devisees in trust of Thomas Woods late of Lancaster, ironmonger, to John Johnson the elder of Paley Green in the parish of Giggleswick farmer and John Johnson the younger of Huntworth in the parish of Giggleswick, farmer, of a farm called Gildersleets in the parish of Giggleswick for 7 years at ÂŁ150 annual rent

Reference: WYL826/241 Draft conveyance Creation dates: 1848

Scope and Content From Jane Watkinson of Halifax, spinster, to Jane Knowles of Gargrave, spinster, of 4 dales on Lawkland Moss

Reference: WYL826/242 'A Copy of Voters in the several parishes at full length that voted for Denison' Creation dates: 1848

Scope and Content

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Recording the results of canvassing in Horton in Ribblesdale, Lawkland, Clapham cum Newby and Austwick

Reference: WYL826/243 Schedules of creditors, debtors, property etc Creation dates: 10 Feb 1849

Scope and Content Of John Slinger, in Lancaster Prison as an insolvent debtor

Reference: WYL826/244 Draft tenancy agreement Creation dates: May 1849

Scope and Content Between John Dawson and Anthony Cragg for Brunton House in the parish of Clapham

Reference: WYL826/245 Draft memorial for registration at Wakefield of a deed Creation dates: 10 Sep 1849

Scope and Content Between John Robert Mills and William Mosley Perfect of the first part, Thomas Bairstow and John William Foster of the second part, Thomas Ingleby of the third part and Arthur Ingleby of the fourth part concerning the manor of Lawkland

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Related Material (See WYL826/126)

Reference: WYL826/246 Draft apprenticeship indenture Creation dates: Dec 1849

Scope and Content Binding Daniel Lancaster son of Daniel Lancaster of Settle, tanner, apprentice to Darius Janson of Settle, tinner and iron plate worker

Reference: WYL826/247 Draft assignment Creation dates: 1849

Scope and Content From - Gornal and Agnes his wife to Betty Batty of Knight Stainforth and John Batty of the same place of an annuity of ÂŁ5 bequeathed to Agnes Gornal by John Batty

Reference: WYL826/248 Draft assignment Creation dates: 8 Jan 1850

Scope and Content From James Gornall of Studfield in the parish of Horton in Ribblesdale, farmer and Agnes his wife to Betty Batty of Knight Stainforth, widow, and John Batty of

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the same, farmer, of an annuity of ÂŁ5 bequeathed to Agnes Gornal by John Batty

Reference: WYL826/249 Draft will of Mary Sedgwick of Stainforth, spinster Creation dates: 1850

Reference: WYL826/250 Draft will of William Baxter of Austwick, yeoman Creation dates: 1852

Reference: WYL826/251 Draft agreement Creation dates: 1864 Access Conditions Withdrawn Photocopy available

Scope and Content Between Francis Marsden of Austwick, joiner, and Thomas Clapham, John Ingleby and Christopher Ingleby, esquires, concerning alterations to Austwick School


Reference: WYL826/252 Extract from will of W. Ellis Creation dates: Copied 1796 or after

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Access Conditions Withdrawn 1992

Copies Information photocopy available

Scope and Content Leaving a messuage called Newby Hall in Clapham and lands to trustees for the maintenance of the minister of Clapham parish church, payment of a schoolmaster or mistress and buying books for the scholars

Reference: WYL826/253 Copy opinion of R. Richards, Lincolns Inn Creation dates: 27 May 1809 Access Conditions Withdrawn 1992

Copies Information photocopy available

Scope and Content Concerning the will of 'Mr. Ellis' who left an estate to trustees to endow a charity

Reference: WYL826/254 Copy draft declaration Creation dates: 1 Oct 1831 Access Conditions

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Withdrawn 1992

Copies Information photocopy available

Scope and Content By Rev. John Clapham of Giggleswick, clerk, James William Farrer of Ingleborough, esq., one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery, Oliver Farrer of Ingleborough, esq., Charles Ingleby of Austwick, esq., Ellen Abbotson Ingleby of the same, spinster, Arthur Ingleby of Crow Nest, esq., and Thomas Redmayne of Austwick, gent., that Thomas Clapham of Giggleswick, esq., son of John Clapham, James William Farrer, Oliver Farrer, Charles Ingleby, Arthur Ingleby and Thomas Redmayne hold a sum of ÂŁ520 subscribed by the parties of the first part in trust to invest it at interest and apply it for the education of 13 children of Austwick, with provisions for appointment of schoolmaster, subjects to be taught, nomination of children, auditing of accounts and new trustees

Reference: WYL826/255 Accounts of charities for the poor of Lawkland Creation dates: 1844-1882 Access Conditions Withdrawn 1992

Copies Information photocopy available

Scope and Content With a note of interest from Lawsons Charity paid to Eldroth School (n.d.) and a receipt for money belonging to the trustees of Eldroth School (1848). The entries up to 1851 have evidently been copied from another account book

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Reference: WYL826/256 Letter from William James Farrer, 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields Creation dates: 19 Apr 1882 Access Conditions Withdrawn 1992

Copies Information photocopy available

Scope and Content To Rev. M. F. Farrer, Cunismore Gardens, South Kensington, concerning the money belonging to Austwick School

Reference: WYL826/257 Letter from M. F. Farrer, Ingleborough Creation dates: 3 Aug 1882 Access Conditions Withdrawn 1992

Copies Information photocopy available

Scope and Content To 'Ingleby' concerning the trusteeship of Austwick school and the improbability of his purchasing the Newby Hall (Vicarage Farm) Estate

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Reference: WYL826/258 Appointment by Charity Commission Creation dates: 1882 Physical characteristics: Printed. Access Conditions Withdrawn 1992

Copies Information photocopy available.

Scope and Content Of the vicar and churchwardens of Clapham as trustees of the Sunday School Fund and Elizabeth Clapham's Charity


Administrative History James Batty Brown married Ellen Ingleby in 1814. Their son Christopher died intestate in 1886. Among his next of kin were Christopher Ingleby and the other surviving children of Thomas Ingleby and Margaret Brown, who were therefore cousins on both the paternal and maternal sides.

Index Terms Brown family of Ipswich, Suffok, and Stainforth, West Riding of Yorkshire

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Reference: WYL826/259 Survey of Christopher Brown's estates in Stainforth, Cowside, Sherwood House and Capponhaw (Capon Hall) Creation dates: 1796 Physical characteristics: Paper book.

Scope and Content Giving field-names, areas by customary and statute measure and accounts of land tax and assessments

Related Material See also DW 674

Reference: WYL826/260 Note of land tax and poor sess Creation dates: Late 18th cent

Scope and Content Payable by Mr. Brown, with some calculations


Reference: WYL826/261 Copy will of Christopher Litton of Hill Top in the parish of Horton in Ribblesdale, yeoman

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Creation dates: 11 Dec 1737

Scope and Content Leaving freehold estate in the parish of Horton in Ribblesdale to his grandson Christopher Clapham, and customary estate in the same parish, part of the manor of Newby, to his grandson John Batty (Copied 1798)

Reference: WYL826/262 Copy will of Christopher Brown of Stainforth, esq Creation dates: 13 Nov 1834

Scope and Content Leaving premises called Cowside and Goaskers to Thomas Ingleby and William Howson in trust to maintain his nephew Christopher Brown until he is 23

Reference: WYL826/263 Copy will and codicil of Isabella Brown of Stainforth under Barge, widow Creation dates: 27 Feb and 13 Dec 1838

Scope and Content Leaving money

Reference: WYL826/264 Summary of will of Christopher Brown

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Creation dates: n.d. c. 1839

Scope and Content Leaving estates to A. Stackhouse and T. Ingleby in trust for his sons


Reference: WYL826/265 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 4 Oct 1771

Scope and Content To his brother, Thomas Brown, Stainforth, concerning the affairs of their late brother

Reference: WYL826/266 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 23 Jul 1779

Scope and Content To his nephew Christopher Brown, Stainforth, concerning weather, crops and cattle

Reference: WYL826/267 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 2 Oct 1782

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Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning his (Christopher's) marriage and asking for a copy of his (James') brother Thomas's will

Reference: WYL826/268 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 25 Nov 1782

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) thanking him for copying a will, and saying that the journey on horseback to Stainforth would be too much for him and that Col. Harvey's West Riding Yorkshire Militia are there

Reference: WYL826/269 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 14 Feb 1783

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) saying that he sees little prospect of being able to visit him this summer and asking about horses

Reference: WYL826/270 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 21 Apr 1783

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Scope and Content To his nephew, Christopher Brown, Stainforth, saying that he has been thinking of selling out his stock in public funds and buying an annuity

Reference: WYL826/271 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 19 May 1783

Scope and Content To his nephew, Christopher Brown, Stainforth, concerning annuities and stock

Reference: WYL826/272 Letter from (Christopher Brown) Stainforth Creation dates: 20 Jun 1783

Scope and Content To his uncle, Rev. Mr. Brown, Ipswich, saying that he is willing to grant him an annuity and discussing security and the remittance of the money

Reference: WYL826/273 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 27 Jun 1783

Scope and Content To his nephew, Christopher Brown, Stainforth, concerning the purchase of

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an annuity

Reference: WYL826/274 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 30 Jul 1783

Scope and Content To his nephew Christopher Brown, Stainforth, concerning financial affairs and the purchase of an annuity and explaining the difficulties for him of a journey to Settle

Reference: WYL826/275 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 10 Sep 1783

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the purchase of an annuity and the way in which he will send money by post and wishing his nephew joy of his son

Reference: WYL826/276 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 14 Jan 1784

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning a letter enclosed for Mr. Carr and the weather. Some calculations on the back

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Reference: WYL826/277 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 26 Mar 1784

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning notes and the difficulty of obtaining franks Inside is a draft letter to Rev. James Brown concerning bills which have gone astray 3 Aug. 1786

Reference: WYL826/278 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 26 May 1784

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) saying that he is glad the notes arrived safely, that he has heard a deed has been executed and has been busy with elections and the Bishop's primary visitation and concerning the weather

Reference: WYL826/279 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 23 Jul 1784

Scope and Content

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To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning turnips and black fly and the paying of his annuity

Reference: WYL826/280 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 27 Feb 1784

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the weather, cattle and payment of money

Reference: WYL826/281 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 5 Jan 1785

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the remittance of money by frank, and the weather

Reference: WYL826/282 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 28 Feb 1785

Scope and Content To his nephew, Christopher Brown, Stainforth, acknowledging receipt of a draft for part of his annuity and suggesting how a dog might be taken to him by Mr. Taylor and Mr. Fountain who are going to the north in the

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Reference: WYL826/283 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 29 Jul 1785

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning the remittance of bills and wishing him joy of his second son

Reference: WYL826/284 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 27 Jan 1786

Scope and Content To his nephew, Christopher Brown, Stainforth, complaining that although he has sent a frank, he has received neither a bill for part of his annuity, nor a letter to let him know why a bill is not being sent

Reference: WYL826/285 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 28 Jun 1786

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning bills, the weather and crops

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Reference: WYL826/286 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 29 Jul 1786

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the sending of money by post, the weather and crops

Reference: WYL826/287 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 13 Nov 1786

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) saying that he has had an offer of an estate of ÂŁ60 a year on mortgage and asking who has bought Stainforth Hall

Reference: WYL826/288 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 7 Mar 1787

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) sending him a frank, and asking about a John Peart of Settle, who wants to purchase a Mr. Layton's estate near Otley

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Reference: WYL826/289 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 14 May 1787

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning his (the nephew's) sister's death, money, and the living of Blaxall

Reference: WYL826/290 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 16 Jul 1787

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the remittance of James Brown's annuity, the weather, and turnips

Reference: WYL826/291 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 24 Aug 1787

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) acknowledging bills in payment of his annuity, and concerning the price of hay

Reference: WYL826/292 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 4 Jan 1788

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Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning notes, a loan he has made and weather On the back are a note of payments to or by Matthew Loftas and some calculations 1788

Reference: WYL826/293 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 7 Apr 1788

Scope and Content To his nephew, Christopher Brown, Stainforth, concerning a bill on which payment was refused and the cattle market

Reference: WYL826/294 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 21 May 1788

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) hoping that the failures in Lancashire have not affected him and wondering if he has found a horse

Reference: WYL826/295 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich

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Creation dates: 1 Aug 1788

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the purchase of a horse and his mare which has had a fall

Reference: WYL826/296 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 19 Sep 1788

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning a mare and a horse and suggesting that something be given to Mr. Batty's son

Reference: WYL826/297 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 1 Dec 1788

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) mentioning interest rates and his horse

Reference: WYL826/298 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 4 Feb 1789

Scope and Content

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To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the sum to be given to 'young Mr. Batty' asking for bills at the beginning of Apr and concerning the weather and the mare

Reference: WYL826/299 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 13 Apr 1789

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) acknowledging receipt of notes for part of his annuity and concerning the mare, the weather and its effects

Reference: WYL826/300 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 7 Aug 1789

Scope and Content To his nephew (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the weather, turnips and harvest

Reference: WYL826/301 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 28 Aug 1789

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) acknowledging receipt of

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notes in payment of his annuity and concerning the weather

Reference: WYL826/302 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 22 Jan 1790

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, mentioning the death of his (the nephew's) mother, the birth of his daughter, the weather and crops

Reference: WYL826/303 Letter from James Brown to his nephew Creation dates: Feb ?ND

Scope and Content Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning his sister's death and the Post Office. Inside are notes of some accounts and calculations. The date has been torn off

Reference: WYL826/304 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 26 Feb 1790

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, acknowledging receipt of notes, referring to 'Betty's' death and concerning a horse

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Reference: WYL826/305 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 12 Jul 1790

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning crops and weather and referring to a county election

Reference: WYL826/306 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 16 Aug 1790

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning notes due to him, the weather and crops On the back are accounts of payments for rent

Reference: WYL826/307 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 8 Oct 1790

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) saying that 2 notes have arrived paying his annuity to 12th May and concerning the harvest and the weather

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Reference: WYL826/308 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 17 Jan 1791

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the weather and his money

Reference: WYL826/309 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 7 Feb 1791

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning a mortgage, weather and turnips

Reference: WYL826/310 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 4 Mar 1791

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) acknowledging receipt of bank bills in payment of his annuity and referring to a loan On the back is a letter from Christopher Brown, Stainforth, to his wife 19 June 1791

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Reference: WYL826/311 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 4 Jul 1791

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning drought, crops, the prospect of putting out money on a mortgage and the drawing of notes

Reference: WYL826/312 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 16 Jan 1792

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the number of new banks and the weather

Reference: WYL826/313 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 6 Aug 1792

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning the weather and harvest, asking if he can dispose of ÂŁ500 in his neighbourhood, and referring to a decrease in the value of money

Reference: WYL826/314 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich

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Creation dates: 7 Sep 1792

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning payment of his annuity and his horse which he has now sold

Reference: WYL826/315 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 26 Sep 1792

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning the way he has been advised to remit money

Reference: WYL826/316 Letters from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 22 Oct and 7 Dec 1792 Extent and Form: 2 Items

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning the remittance of money to the Craven Bank in Settle, loans, mortgages and interest

Reference: WYL826/317 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 23 Nov 1792

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Scope and Content To his nephew, acknowledging receipt of a note and saying that he has paid his bank ÂŁ300 to remit to the Bank in Settle

Reference: WYL826/318 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 22 Feb 1793

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) acknowledging receipt of a note for ÂŁ500 and concerning the price of turnips and hay

Reference: WYL826/319 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 29 Jul 1793

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, condoling with him on the death of his son and concerning the weather, crops and money

Reference: WYL826/320 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 6 Jan 1794

Scope and Content

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To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning finance, the weather and the price of turnips

Reference: WYL826/321 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 24 Jan 1794

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning business with the bank, and saying that the majority in both Houses for continuing the war should raise the value of money

Reference: WYL826/322 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 5 Feb 1794

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning money paid into the Craven Bank

Reference: WYL826/323 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 21 Feb 1794

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) acknowledging receipt for part of his annuity and interest on a note, and giving his views on how

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children should write

Reference: WYL826/324 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 25 Jul 1794

Scope and Content To his nephew, concerning payment of his annuity, the weather and its effect on crops

Reference: WYL826/325 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 22 Aug 1794

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, saying he has had a draft from the Craven Bank paying his annuity up to Mayday and concerning the weather and turnips

Reference: WYL826/326 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 30 Jan 1795

Scope and Content To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning interest rates

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Reference: WYL826/327 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 27 Feb 1795

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, acknowledging receipt of Mr. Ingilby's note which pays his annuity and interest and supposing that Ingilby is not of the same family as their relations in Austwick

Reference: WYL826/328 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 27 Jul 1795

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning crops

Reference: WYL826/329 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 7 Sep 1795

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning a scarcity and the harvest

Reference: WYL826/330 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 18 Sep 1795

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Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, acknowledging receipt of a note

Reference: WYL826/331 Letter from J. Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 25 Nov 1795

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning the putting out of money, which J. Brown thinks should be at 5% interest

Reference: WYL826/332 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 19 Feb 1796

Scope and Content To his nephew, Mr. Brown, Stainforth, acknowledging receipt for a note in payment of his annuity, interest on a bond and other notes and concerning the weather

Reference: WYL826/333 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 16 May 1796

Scope and Content

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To his nephew, (Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning annuities, the weather and barley

Reference: WYL826/334 Letter from James Brown, Ipswich Creation dates: 24 May 1796

Scope and Content To his nephew, Christopher Brown, Stainforth, acknowledging receipt of a bill in payment of part of his annuity and referring to the election


Reference: WYL826/335 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 6 Sep 1796

Scope and Content To Mr. C. Brown, Stainforth, informing him of his uncle's death and the terms of his will. Also another version, only slightly different, sent by frank

Reference: WYL826/336 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 14 Sep 1796

Scope and Content

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To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning Brown's uncle's will and his funeral

Reference: WYL826/337 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 1 Nov 1796

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning the proving of the will (of James Brown) stock and other financial affairs concerning Brown's estate

Reference: WYL826/338 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 11 Jan 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning the living of Blaxhall and the house purchase

Reference: WYL826/339 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 27 Jan 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning accounts and a conveyance

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Reference: WYL826/340 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 1 Feb 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning the purchase money for the house, valuation of fixtures and funeral and other expenses

Reference: WYL826/341 Notes and queries by William Layton on Rev. James Brown's estate Creation dates: n.d [1797]

Scope and Content And whether his executor is liable for duty, with instructions that Mr. Brown ask Mr. Carr's opinion, and have a case made for counsel's opinion if necessary

Reference: WYL826/342 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 24 Feb 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, enclosing a draft and stamp office receipts and saying that he has sent for counsel's opinion

Reference: WYL826/343 Extract from account of Rev. Wm. Layton as executor of Rev. James Brown

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deceased Creation dates: Feb 1797

Scope and Content Showing payments to Brown and Stackhouse with a reference to a conversation at Ipswich

Reference: WYL826/344 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 27 Apr 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning a mortgage on the Allington Estate with a copy of a letter from Wm. Pearson to Layton about this

Reference: WYL826/345 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 14 Jul 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, enclosing drafts and notes and concerning the weather and prices

Reference: WYL826/346 Formal note from Mr. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 14 Jul 1797

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Scope and Content To Mr. James Batty Brown, Stainforth, concerning a book selected by him for his late friend's godson

Reference: WYL826/347 Letter from William Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 14 Aug 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning a Stamp Office Receipt which he has not received

Reference: WYL826/348 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 25 Aug 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning his sister's visit to Kirkby Moorside, their inability to accept Brown's invitation, the death of a friend and Mr. Taylor's health

Reference: WYL826/349 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 4 Sep 1797

Scope and Content

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To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, saying that he is promised ÂŁ700 on one of the mortgage securities at Old Michaelmas

Reference: WYL826/350 Letter from Marianne Layton, Kirby Moorside Creation dates: 8 Sep 1797

Scope and Content To Mrs. Brown, Stainforth, declining an invitation to visit Stainforth

Reference: WYL826/351 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 9 Oct 1797

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, saying that he and his sister have returned home, with some account of the journey, and that he encloses 2 drafts and a Stamp Office Receipt to be signed

Reference: WYL826/352 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 7 Feb 1798

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainworth, concerning his account, annuities and a mortgage

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Reference: WYL826/353 Copy of S. Ribbans's bill, for funeral expenses (of James Brown) 1796 Creation dates: 7 Feb 1798

Scope and Content And copy of memorandum given by James Brown to Mr. Fonnereau, 12 Nov 1794, concerning great tithes of Tudenham, sent to Mr. Brown, Stainforth

Reference: WYL826/354 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 22 Mar 1798

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning payment of an annuity to Brown and Stackhouse, giving instructions for endorsing Bank Post Bills and applying for a power of attorney

Reference: WYL826/355 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 13 Aug 1798

Scope and Content (To Christopher Brown, Stainforth) concerning James Batty Brown's handwriting, the death of Mr. Taylor, the advowson of Blaxhall, the weather, crops and prices

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Reference: WYL826/356 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 20 Sep 1798

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, asking him to seal an enclosed document and forward it to Mr. Abbotson and concerning a vacant living the payment of the annuity and a mortgage

Reference: WYL826/357 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 19 Oct 1798

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, concerning Rev. Charles Brooke's presentation to Blaxhall on Agnes Ingleby's presentation, drafts of ÂŁ784 each for Brown and Stackhouse, his sister's health and the barracks at Ipswich

Reference: WYL826/358 Letter from Wm. Layton, Ipswich Creation dates: 10 May 1799

Scope and Content To Mr. Brown, Stainforth, explaining that he is unable to send a final statement of his account this week, saying that his sister has been unwell, giving prices of meat and mentioning floods in Cambridgeshire

Reference: WYL826/359

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Letter from Lord Chedworth Creation dates: n.d

Scope and Content (To Christopher Brown) thanking him and Mr. Stackhouse for his (Brown's) late uncle's books


Reference: WYL826/360 Recipe book containing recipes for wines, cakes, biscuits, puddings etc Creation dates: 1814

Reference: WYL826/361 Recipe book Creation dates: n.d. [19th century]

Scope and Content Containing recipes for wines, puddings, cakes, gingerbread, roast kidney, cure for back ache etc

Reference: WYL826/362 Recipe for macaroons, addressed to Mrs. Brown, Stainforth Creation dates: 1813 or later

Reference: WYL826/363 Recipe for 'Strengthening Medicine'

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Creation dates: 1827

Reference: WYL826/364 Recipe for making yeast Creation dates: 1838 or later

Reference: WYL826/365 Recipe for a pickle for beef, pork, etc Creation dates: Early 19th cent

Reference: WYL826/366 Recipe for wine from planetree juice Creation dates: Early 19th cent

Scope and Content Addressed to Mrs. Brown, Stainforth

Reference: WYL826/367 Recipes for wine from planetree juice and 'Buiscuit Cake' Creation dates: Early 19th cent

Reference: WYL826/368 Recipe apparently for dandelion wine Creation dates: Early 19th cent

Reference: WYL826/369 Recipe for ginger beer Creation dates: Early 19th cent

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Reference: WYL826/370 Recipe for lemon cheese Creation dates: Early 19th cent

Reference: WYL826/371 Recipe for crisp biscuits Creation dates: Early 19th cent

Reference: WYL826/372 Recipe for lemon drops Creation dates: Early 19th cent


Reference: WYL826/373 Receipted bill for candles bought by Mrs. Brown from Peter Skirrow, Settle Creation dates: 29 Feb 1828

Reference: WYL826/374 Pedigrees of Brown family 1782-1886 and of Ingilby family, 1764-1886 Creation dates: 1887

Scope and Content In paper re Christopher Brown, deceased, son of James Batty Brown and Ellen Ingleby. Addressed to Christopher Ingleby, Harden Cottage, Clapham

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Reference: WYL826/375 Copy of the poem 'Journey of John Gilpin' etc Creation dates: Late 18th cent

Reference: WYL826/376 'Sunday School Instruction, for the Use of Hambledon, Bucks.' Creation dates: 1819

Scope and Content Printed at Henley-on-Thames by G. Norton. Marked: 'Isabella Ingleby the gift of her Aunt Ellen Ingleby'

Reference: WYL826/377 Translations of several religious documents Creation dates: Early 19th cent Archival History Withdrawn 1979. Returned 1994

Scope and Content Comprising a letter allegedly written by Christ and found 18 miles from Iconium, with an account of its discovery, King Agbarus's letter to Christ and Christ's reply and Lentules's epistle to the Roman Senate

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Reference: WYL826/378 Notes of Columbus Inglebie's trial for the murder of Brian Redman, 1662, taken from the depositions in York Castle Creation dates: ND

Scope and Content And of lists of recusants from Austwick, Clapham, Horton, Slaidburn, Stainforth and Broughton confined in York Castle, 1666. Marked 'Something to read while smoking your pipe. With E. Clayton's kind remembrances.'


Reference: WYL826/379 Probate copy of the will of Francis Gale of Acomb Grange, esq., made 28 Nov 1561 Creation dates: 9 Dec 1561

Scope and Content Bequeathing his soul to God and St. Mary, leaving money to 'my Curat' and the parish clerk, silver to his wife and son, a 15 year lease of his house in York to his 'brother' Sir William Malorie, a lease of land in Catton to his 'brother' Ralph Hall and land and rents in Wilberfoss and Newton to his children

Reference: WYL826/380 Will of Robert Pullaine of Kilnsey in Craven, yeoman Creation dates: 28 Apr 1674

Scope and Content

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Leaving estates in Kilnsey in trust to pay legacies to George, Lawrence and Richard Armistead and Bartholomew, Margaret and Robert Armistead

Reference: WYL826/381 Probate copy of the will of Obadiah Parkinson of Charnock Richard, Lancs Creation dates: Will made 24 Mar 1747

Scope and Content Leaving effects to wife and son and various legacies, and appointing Roger Scarisbrick and John Bolton his executors. Act of probate missing

Reference: WYL826/382 Probate copy of the will of George Scarsbrick of Skerton, Lancs., made 1 May 1752 Creation dates: 11 Dec 1752

Scope and Content Leaving an annuity, rents and sums of money, proved in Skerton manor court


Reference: WYL826/383 Bond Creation dates: 17 May 1787

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Scope and Content Of Richard Hodgson of Westhouse in the parish of Thornton-in-Lonsdale, gent., to Isabella Remington of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, widow, in ÂŁ400 to secure payment of ÂŁ200

Reference: WYL826/384 Plan of the proposed Cheltenham, Oxford and London Junction Railway Creation dates: ND [19th century]

Scope and Content Showing the line of the railway between Cheltenham and Didcote, and proposed line to Maidenhead, and railway network from Brighton, Southampton, London and Bristol as far as Liverpool and Manchester


Copies Information Also available on microfilm

Reference: WYL826/385 Court book for manor of Lawkland (with Feizor) Creation dates: 1850 - 1895

Reference: WYL826/386 Court book for manor of Lawkland (with Feizor) Creation dates: 1858 - 1925

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Reference: WYL826/387 Court book for manor of Lawkland (with Feizor) Creation dates: 1895 - 1935 Immediate Source of Acquisition (Accession 2065, acquired by Col.Field from Mr. Hyslop's office at Settle).


Immediate Source of Acquisition Accession 2065 Deposited by Lt-Col. G.W.H.Field in 1977.

Archival History Some of these records were formerly in the office of Mr. Hyslop, solicitor at Settle, and some were found in Austwick Church Hall (as indicated). The remainder were acquired by Col. Field from an unidentified local source.

Related Material The deposit also included a court book for the manor of Lawkland with Feizor, for which see the original list.

Reference: WYL826/388 Deeds relating to premises in Giggleswick, Austwick and Feizor, mostly belonging to the Lupton family Creation dates: 1593 - 1664 Extent and Form: Portfolio of 8 deeds Physical characteristics: Repaired but further damaged by subsequent exposure

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to damp. Reference: WYL826/388/1 Bargain and sale of lands in Austwick called Somerbanke to be held in trust Creation dates: ?16 May 1593 Scope and Content Thomas Hale of Giggleswick, chapman, to Thomas Stackhowse and William Carr of Lanckelyff, yeoman Schedule of trusts attached Repaired; fragments of seal only in bag Abstract on H.M. Govt. paper attached

Reference: WYL826/388/2 Grant of lands (described) at Austwick Creation dates: ?7 Jun 1593 Scope and Content Reciting a grant of 1570 by George Walker to William Lupton and Christopher his son John alias Jack Ashe and Jane his wife (daughter of the late Christopher Lupton) of Lawkland, to Thomas Ashe of Lawkland Repaired Abstract on H.M. Govt. paper (mildewed) attached

Reference: WYL826/388/3 Grant of premises at Paley Greene, Giggleswick (described) Creation dates: 3 Dec 1607 Scope and Content For the residue of a term of 6000 years under an indenture of 8 Dec 1607 between Thomas Paley and Francis Lupton of Feizor Thomas Paley, clerk, of Paley Greene, to Gilbert Watson of Knightstainford, gent, John Bankes of Giggleswick, Hugh Stackhouse of the same and Richard Armetsteade of Banforde (?) in Lakelonde, yeomen Repaired, but probably damaged again later by mildew Abstract on H.M. Govt. paper attached

Reference: WYL826/388/4

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Bargain and sale of premises (described) at Feizor Creation dates: 1636 Scope and Content John Lupton of Feizor, husbandman, to Anthony Clapham of Feizor Repaired, but subsequently damaged again by mildew Typed abstract attached

Reference: WYL826/388/5 Bargain and sale of premises (described) in Austwick Creation dates: 18 Sep 1638 Scope and Content Roger Stalman the younger, yeoman, and Isabell his wife (daughter of James Walker of Austwick, lately deceased) of Austwick to Francis Lupton of Feizor, yeoman Repaired Abstract of H.M. Govt. paper attached

Reference: WYL826/388/6 Bond to observe specified covenants Creation dates: 23 Mar 1639 Scope and Content Francis Lupton of Feizor, yeoman, to Richard Clapham of Feizor, yeoman Repaired Abstract of H.M. Govt. paper attached

Reference: WYL826/388/7 Bargain and sale of lands at Austwick (described) now or lately in the tenure of Francis Lupton Creation dates: 22 Apr 1657 Scope and Content Robert Walker the elder of Austwicke to Francis Lupton of Feizor Repaired Typed abstract attached

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Reference: WYL826/388/8 Grant of lands (described) in Austwick to trustees in bankruptcy of Francis Lupton of Feizor Creation dates: 1 Feb 1634 Physical characteristics: Repaired. Scope and Content Abstract on H.M. Govt. paper attached

Reference: WYL826/389 Bundle of deeds relating to various properties in Austwick Creation dates: 1569 - 1698

Scope and Content (Including Longlands, Sandilands, Greenshawe, Wetherber, Crosshaw, Streetclose and Wharfe) It includes a copy of an inspeximus of the Chancery enrolment of a confirmation of the customs of the manor of Austwick (1569) Rough schedule enclosed

Reference: WYL826/390 Quitclaim of interest in meadow at Heslehawe in Lawkland Creation dates: 30 Nov 1685 Physical characteristics: Mutilated. Archival History Found in Austwick Church Hall.

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Scope and Content John Peell of Crownest in Lawkland, gent to Arthur Ingleby of Lawkland, esq

Reference: WYL826/391 Bargain and sale of lands at Clapham Creation dates: 6 Sep 1698 Archival History Found in Austwick Church Hall.

Scope and Content Robert Nicholson of Clapham, yeoman, to Arthur Ingilby of Lawkland Hall, esq Consideration: ÂŁ25.10s

Related Material (As in WYL826/86).

Reference: WYL826/392 Deeds relating to various premises in Austwick Creation dates: 1701 - 1799 Extent and Form: 4 Bundles

Scope and Content Rough schedule included


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arranged chronologically

Reference: WYL826/393 Bond for observance of arbitration Creation dates: 27 Apr 1728

Scope and Content Christopher Wetherherd of Knigh Stainforth, gent, to Thomas Clapham and Edward Green, both of Feizor

Reference: WYL826/394 Bargain and sale of tenant right over pasture called the Reed at Austwick Creation dates: 25 Sep 1734 Archival History Found in Austwick Church Hall.

Scope and Content Thomas Foxcroft of Austwick, cordwainer, and Isabel his wife to Elisabeth Ingleby of Austwick Hall, Widow

Reference: WYL826/395 Lease for a year of New Closes, a barn, Grimes Ing and Spittle in Austwick Creation dates: 21 Feb 1752 Archival History Found in Austwick Church Hall.

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Scope and Content Charles Ingleby to Sir Charles Pilkington of Stanley (Yorks), bart

Related Material Cf. 38.

Reference: WYL826/396 Agreement between proprietors Creation dates: 30 Jun 1753

Scope and Content For prosecution of miners for failing to fill in shafts and clear debris on Brunton Pasture in the manor of Lawkland

Reference: WYL826/397 Copy proceedings and order by the Master of the Rolls for the division of Low Moor, Horton in Ribblesdale Creation dates: 6 Dec 1758

Reference: WYL826/398 Mortgage by bargain and sale of premises at Lawkland now or late in the possession of William Stackhouse Creation dates: 31 May 1787 Archival History Formerly in Mr. Hyslop's office at Settle.

Scope and Content

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James Chaplin of Lawkland Hall, gent, to Columbus Ingleby of Austwick, esq To secure ÂŁ200

Reference: WYL826/399 Answer to Mr. Alcock's case Creation dates: n.d. (18th. cent)

Scope and Content Re tithes on 3 pastures crossed by the road from Arncliffe to Settle, apparently in connection with an unidentified enclosure

Reference: WYL826/400 Deeds and settlements relating to various premises at Austwick and Lawkland Creation dates: 1800 - 1863 Physical characteristics: Somewhat damaged by damp and mildew.

Scope and Content The bundle contains a schedule of household goods of Richard Haythornthwaite of Slated House, Lawkland, distrained on behalf of Thomas Ingleby (1839) and a letter to Mr. Dudgeon from Thos. Nicholson about Austwick Lord's Rents Rough schedule enclosed

Reference: WYL826/401 Copyhold admittance of William Carr to premises in the manor of Lawkland with Feizor Creation dates: 7 Jun 1838

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Archival History Formerly in Mr. Hyslop's office at Settle.

Reference: WYL826/402 Copy of memorial registered at the West Riding Registry of Deeds Creation dates: 9 Aug 1905 Archival History Formerly in Mr. Hyslop's office at Settle.

Scope and Content Of enfranchisement of Orchaber Farm and two dales on Austwick Moss, in the manors of Austwick and Lawkland with Feizor (1) Bryan Farrer of Lincoln's Inn, Middx., barrister, and Arthur Richmond Farrer of 66 Lincolns Inn Fields, solicitor, as trustees (2) James Anson Farrer of Ingleborough, esq (3) Rev. Arthur Ingilby of Harden, Austwick (4) John Cryer Hartley of Laycock, Keighley, farmer Plan

Reference: WYL826/403 Deed of enfranchisement with release of freehold rents in respect of premises in the manor of Austwick Creation dates: 16 Mar 1906 Archival History Formerly in Mr. Hyslop's office at Settle.

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Scope and Content (1) Bryan Farrer of Lincolns Inn, Middx., barrister, and Arthur Richmond Farrer of 66 Lincolns Inn Fields, solicitor (2) James Anson Farrer of Ingleborough (3) Rev. Arthur Ingilby of Harden, Austwick

Reference: WYL826/404 Mortgage of farms called Town End and Gayclaps at Austwick Creation dates: 29 Mar 1906 Archival History Formerly in Mr. Hyslop's office at Settle.

Scope and Content Rev. Arthur Ingilby to Walter Bairstow of Towcester, Northants., esq Schedule and 2 plans (3 chains to 1 inch) Memoranda of sale and redemption endorsed (1929)

Reference: WYL826/405 Agreements for compensation for extinction of manorial incidents for properties in the manor of Lawkland with Feizor Creation dates: 1912 - 39 Extent and Form: Bundle Archival History Formerly in Mr. Hyslop's office at Settle.

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Reference: WYL826/406 Press cutting re probate of will of Christopher Ingilby of Harden Cottage, Austwick Creation dates: n.d.(1889-90)

Reference: WYL826/407 Photographic negatives of Austwick, Austwick Hall and the Clapham family Creation dates: early 20th. cent Extent and Form: 7 Items

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