MALLORY and George Washington

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The Mallory & Washington Family Connection Lords of Washington Manor Washington Manor, which is now known as Washington Old Hall, is situated in Washington Village, Tyne Wear, England. The Norman Manor House, which was built by William de Wessynton I, was both inherited and inhabited by his direct male descendants and their families until the death of his great-great-greatgreat-grandson Sir William de Wessington V in 1399. Unfortunately he did not have a male heir.

Sketch of Washington Manor

The property therefore passed into the hands of the Tempest Family when Sir William de Wessington V’s daughter Eleanor married her kinsman Sir William Tempest of Studley Royal, Yorkshire. The Tempest family had acquired Studley through the marriage of Richard Tempest to Isabel, daughter and heir of Sir Richard de Bourne of Studley in 1355. This was his second marriage. Upon his first marriage to Joan, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas de Hertford, he acquired the Manor of Hertford in Yorkshire.

Studley Royal Water Garden. Studley Royal became part of the Fountains Abbey Estate in 1767.

However, as Sir William Tempest also died without leaving a male heir, Wessington Manor passed into the hands of the Mallory Family when his daughter, Dionisia, married Sir William Mallory around 1430. At the time of their marriage Sir William Mallory was Lord of Hutton Conyers in Yorkshire which was merely a

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fortified manor, illustriously known as a “Robbers’ Castle”, whose purpose was to extract tributes from the people of Ripon. Upon his marriage he became Lord of Hutton Conyers and Lord of Wessington. In 1443 when Dionisia inherited Studley and Trefford from her brother William, Sir William Mallory also became Lord of Trefford and Lord of Studley Royal.It was indeed a very advantageous marriage for Sir William Mallory. The Mallories were Lords of Wessington Manor for almost 180 years, until it was sold to the Blakiston Family around 1606/7 by Sir John Mallory, a descendant of the original Sir William Mallory and Dionisia Tempest. Sir William Blakiston of Gybsette, Gibside, County Durham (1562 - 1641) married Jane Lambton, daughter of Robert Lambton and Frances de Eure, grand-daughter of Lord Ralph Eure and great-niece of Anne (Eure) Mallory and Sir John Mallory of Washington Manor.

The Washington Old Hall today

The Sale of Washington Manor and the Virginia Connection. Sir John Mallory’s sale of the Washington Manor coincides with the 1606 voyage to Virginia. This possibly suggests that the sale of the manor helped finance Sir John Mallory’s support of the First Virginia Charter. He signed the Second Virginia Charter in May 1609. Similarly the Washington Family sold Sulgrave Manor in 1610. Coincidence? Perhaps. The sale of Washington Manor would have been no great loss to the Mallory Family as they were, for the most time, absentee landlords, their main family seat being located at Studley in Yorkshire, a known Templar holding. Robert Mallory was a Grand Prior of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem and of Rhodes from 1433 to 1440.

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Sir John Mallory and his wife Anne (Eure) Mallory The theory has been proposed that Sir John Mallory, his wife Anne (Eure) Mallory and Lord Ralph Eure were in Virginia, on the east coast of North America in 1607. Lord Ralph Eure and Anne Eure were brother and sister. Lord Ralph Eure and Sir John Mallory, whom some consider to have been in Virginia in 1607, were brothers-in-law. However there is no evidence of the family being in Virginia at this time. They are not recorded as passengers on the 1606 voyage of the “Discovery”, “Susan Constant” or “Godspeed” which reached Virginia in Spring 1607. Moreover all 104 passengers on these merchant ships are recorded as being male. Furthermore, titled gentlemen did not venture on the early voyages. Rather an untitled relative went in support of their financial interests. For example, George Percy who was the brother of the Earl of Northumberland, was a passenger on the “Discovery”, arriving in Virginia in 1607.

Lumley Castle situated about three miles from the Washington Manor, towards Chester-le-Street.

Jane Mallory and Peter Mallory There is a lot of confusion concerning the parentage of Jane (Mallory) Ingram and Peter Mallory. Many claim them as brother and sister, but they were not siblings. Sir John Mallory is recorded as the father of Peter Mallory, but this was not Jane (Mallory) Ingram’s brother, as is often stated. He was her Uncle Peter, a younger brother to her father, John. Peter Mallory did have a sister, Jane, but this was not the Jane Mallory who married Arthur Ingram. This Jane Mallory was Jane (Mallory) Ingram’s Aunt Jane, a younger sister to her father, John. Jane Mallory, daughter of Sir John Mallory, was born about 1638 and died in 1693. She married Arthur Ingram III of Barrowby Hall, Lincolnshire. Arthur Ingram’s maternal (great) grandmother was Mary Percy, of the Northumberland Percys. His ancestors included the Neville, Beaufort and Spencer families. However, this Sir John Mallory who was the father of Jane and Mary, was not the Sir John Mallory who supported of the First Virginia Charter, signed the Second Virginia Charter in May 1609 and sold

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Washington Manor. Rather he was the Royalist Sir John Mallory who held Skipton Castle for three years against Oliver Cromwell in the English Civil War of 1642 – 1648. As he died in 1666 without leaving a male heir Studley Manor passed into the hands of the Aislabie family, through the marriage of his younger daughter Mary to George Aislabie. Jane Mallory and her younger sister Mary Mallory were coheirs of Sir John Mallory. Sir John Mallory the Elder and Anne (Eure) Mallory, thought to have been married some time before 1579, are considered to be the parents of John, William, Triphena and Peter Mallory, besides another twelve children. However there is some dispute over this, as in some circles it is thought that Anne Eure was firstly the wife of Rafe Mallory, then after his death she became the wife of John Mallory in 1592. Rafe Mallory was the son of Peter Mallory and Frances Estrey, while John Mallory was the son of William Mallory and Ursula Gale. Rafe Mallory’s date of birth in 1582, discredits this theory. Rafe Mallory married Grace Neal in 1608. They had at least five children, one of whom was named after his grandfather, Peter. This Peter Mallory married Susan Weedon 19th April 1636 and sold Shelton Hall to William Busby in 1667. Their two eldest children were Susan and William. This is NOT the Peter Mallory who went to Virginia and signed the Planters’ Oath at New Haven on 5th August 1644. Unfortunately the precise date of birth Peter Mallory, son of Sir John Mallory and Anne (Eure) Mallory is not recorded. Neither is his marriage recorded in the Washington Marriage Index of 1603 onwards, or in the Yorkshire indices. It is known for certain that his brother William Mallory married Alice Bellingham in 1599 and his eldest sister, Triphena Mallory of Ripon, was baptised 10th August 1583 and married William Warcop 15th September 1610. Also taking into account Anne (Eure) Mallory’s child bearing age this would place Peter Mallory’s date of birth anywhere between 1580 and 1610. However, considering that the Peter Mallory who signed the Planters' Oath at New Haven on the 5th August 1644 , died in 1699, it is unlikely (though not impossible) that this is the same Peter Mallory. Sir John Mallory, who married Anne Eure, did have a brother Peter who was born 16 April 1576 in Ripon, Yorkshire. Again this is too early a date for the Peter Mallory who signed the Planters’ Oath in 1644 and died in 1699. However as the father of Peter Mallory who signed the Planters’ Oath the timing is perfect. Unfortunately no details are available concerning his marriage or children. Sir John Mallory, who married Anne Eure, also had a brother William who reportedly had a son Peter Mallory around 1623. It was this William Mallory who married Alice Bellingham in 1599, but she died in 1611. Unfortunately no details have come to light concerning his second marriage and subsequent children from that marriage. Interestingly, Peter Mallory signed the Planters' Oath at New Haven on the 5th August 1644, the same year as John Mallory was holding Skipton Castle against a Parliamentary Siege. The Eure-Mallory-Lambton-Lumley-Sandys-Hylton-Winslow-Davenport Connection in County Durham, England Anne (Eure) Mallory’s grandfather was Sir Ralph Eure. It was Sir Ralph’s daughter Frances Eure who married Robert Lambton about 1551. Robert Lambton’s mother was a Lumley. Frances Eure was sister to Anne Eure’s father, William Eure. Thus Frances and Robert Lambton were Anne Eure’s aunt and uncle. Richard Lumley, who was born around 1589, married Elizabeth Cornwallis. Her first husband was Sir William Sandys, who was born about 1563. (Henry Sandys and his brother Edwin Sandys were signatories of the Third Virginia Charter on 12th March 1611/12. Their father was Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York. Sir Thomas Sandys was a stockholder in the Virginia Company of London and in the Bermuda Company of London. The Sandys / Forster connection goes back to the early 1520’s when Elizabeth Sandys married Humphrey Forster. Their son William Forster married Jane Hungerford.) It was Robert Lambton’s widowed mother who married Sir Thomas Hylton of Hylton Castle. Hugh Hylton, aged 36, arrived in Virginia on the “Edwin” in May, 1619.

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In 1621, William Hylton of Biddick Hall, Washington, sailed on the second Pilgrim Ship, the “Fortune”, to the Americas. His wife’s kinsman, John Winslow, accompanied him. Other Winslow Family members had arrived on the "Mayflower" in 1620. Interestingly in the ship’s records William Hylton is listed as coming from London! Why the subterfuge?

Hylton Castle, the seat of the Hylton Family. Situated about three miles from Washington Manor, towards Sunderland.

In a letter sent to his cousin after his arrival, William requested that his wife and children join him.

Cousin, At our arrival at New Plymouth, in New England, we found all our friends and planters in good health, though they were left sick and weak, with very small means; the Indians round about us peaceable and friendly; the country very pleasant and temperate, yielding naturally, of itself, great store of fruits, as vines of divers sorts, in great abundance. There is likewise walnuts, chestnuts, small nuts and plums, with much variety of flowers, roots and herbs, no less pleasant than wholesome and profitable. No place hath more gooseberries and strawberries, nor better. Timer of all sorts you have in England doth cover the land, that affords beasts of divers sorts, and great flocks of turkeys, quails, pigeons and partridges; many great lakes abounding with fish, fowl, beavers, and otters. The sea affords us great plenty of all excellent sorts of sea-fish, as the rivers and isles doth variety of wild fowl of most useful sorts. Mines we find, to our thinking; but neither the goodness nor quality we know. Better grain cannot be than the Indian corn, if we will plant it upon as good ground as a man need desire. We are all freeholders; the rent-day doth not trouble us; and all those good blessings we have, of which and what we list in their seasons for taking. Our company are, for the most part, very religious, honest people; the word of God sincerely taught us ever Sabbath; so that I know not any thing a contented mind can here want. I desire your friendly care to send my wife and children to me, where I wish all the friends I have in England; and so I rest Your loving kinsman, William Hilton Two years later, in 1623, his wife, Mary (nee Winslow) Hilton, and their two children, William aged 5, and Mary aged 3, followed him. They travelled on the “Anne”. It was this same William Hylton who, in 1663, discovered Hilton Head Island, which bears his name. Mayflower passengers included John Winslow’s two brothers Edward and Gilbert Winslow, and Elizabeth (Barker) Winslow wife to Edward.

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Locally William Hylton is known as “The Biddick Pilgrim”. Biddick Hall was part of the Hylton Estates, having been built by Baron Hylton as a Dower House for his mother in the 1500’s. It was only in 1966 that the Hall was demolished due to subsidence from the coal workings in the area. The Biddick was strategically placed at the lowest point of the River Wear where it could be crossed by a ferry. Control of the ferry crossing (which was subject to the tides) meant that The Biddick was a safe haven in times of political unrest in England. Moreover, it was only a short hop across the sea to Holland.

Biddick Hall, situated about two miles from Washington Manor,was extended over the centuries. It was also known as Cook's Hall after its last owners. The photograph shows Cook's Hall before it was demolished in 1966.

Photo by Winnie Fletcher

In 1623, just prior to the arrival of William Hylton’s family, the land belonging to the colony of New Plymouth was divided up among the Pilgrims, in the amount of one acre per family member. William Hylton is recorded in the “Records of the Colony of New Plymouth” as receiving one acre. John Davenport, a founder of the New Haven Colony, had been employed as a preacher by Lady Mary Hylton of Hylton Castle, from 1615 to 1619. He later preached before the Virginia Company of London, and in 1622 became a member of the Company. He married Elizabeth Wooley.

The Chapel at Hylton Castle.

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The decline of the Hylton fortunes began in the reign of Elizabeth I when Baron William Hylton spoke out against his Queen and De La Pole. The Eure-Percy Connection George Percy was the brother of the Earl of Northumberland. At the age of 27 he was a passenger on the “Discovery”, arriving in Virginia in 1607. Later that year he married Anne Floyd. Their daughter Anne Percy was born in Jamestown the following year, 1607. She was later to marry John West, Governor of Virginia. In 1609 George Percy was appointed President of the Council, a position which he maintained until 1619. He eventually returned to England where he died in 1632. The Percy and Eure families were connected through the marriage of Constance Percy to Sir William Eure in the 1470’s. Moreover Jane Mallory was married to Arthur Ingram III, whose maternal grandmother was Mary Percy. The Eure family, the Lambton family, the Hylton family, the Lumley family and the Mallory family all lived within a few miles of each other in and around Washington. William Lambert’s name is recorded in the Jamestown Census of people who died between April 1623 and February 16 1624. His arrival date has not yet been determined. Capt. George Lamberton, a sea captain, was one of the merchant gentleman who founded the colony of New Haven. Together with his wife, Margaret (Lewen) Lamberton, whom he married in London in 1629, he was allotted land in Block 7 and owned over 266 acres. Captain Lamberton died at sea in 1646. The Washington-Argall Connection Sir Samuel Argall, an English sea captain, also played a prominent role in the early settlement of Virginia. He commanded voyages to the colony in 1609 and 1610, and is said to have kidnapped Pocahontas in 1613 while on an expedition up the Potomac. He commanded the Virginia Company expedition in 1613 against a rival French settlement at Mount Desert Island, and in the following year he headed an expedition against Port Royal. He became Deputy Governor of Virginia in1617 and was knighted in 1623. Most importantly however, Samuel Argall was the step-son of Lawrence Washington., Registrar of Court of Chancery. Lawrence Washington married Mary Argall (nee Scott), widow of Richard Argall who died in 1588 leaving eleven children. Upon this marriage Samuel Argall (Argyll) became the step-son of Lawrence Washington. Lawrence Washington had a nephew named after him: Lawrence Washington, 1568 to 1616. Two of this Lawrence Washington’s daughters married into the Sandys Family: Margaret Washington married Sir Myles(?) Sandys and Alice Washington married his brother Robert Sandys. Their grandfather was Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York. His fourth son, the Reverend Lawrence Washington, was the father of John Washington who sailed to Virginia in 1656 in search of new opportunities in the tobacco trade. He was not only the mate and voyage partner of Edward Prescott who owned the “Sea Horse”, he was also the ancestor of George Washington, the First President of the United States of America. With Thanks to Audrey Fletcher

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George Washington, First President of the United States of America

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