Jamie Lewis – Portfolio 2020

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Seaview Accounting Adobe Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Wordpress HTML5 SEO Amazon AWS Development and Networking

A local bookkeeper needed a new brand, website, and print collateral for their freelance bookeeping business. I worked with them to create a brand and website that suited their vision, with a social content strategy in the works. seaviewaccounting.ca

Cloudberries & Sunshine Adobe Illustrator Wordpress HTML5 SEO Amazon AWS Development and Networking

A local food blogger needed branding and a blog for their website. I worked with them to create a brand that reflected their bespoke recipes and food photography, and helped them with their writing, Wordpress training, SEO, and social media strategy. cloudberriesandsunshine.com

The Journey Project Adobe Illustrator Photoshop InDesign

The NL Sexual Assault Crisis and Prevention Centre along with the Public Legal Information Association of NL connected with me about creating a series of custom infographics to use in an impact report for The Journey Project – a partnership between the two organizations providing free legal advice to survivors of sexual assault in Newfoundland and Labrador. I created a series of custom illustrations and infographics fthat I then laid out in an 8-page report, which debuted at their 2019 AGM and was well recieved by stakeholders.

Three Sisters Pub & Eatery Adobe Illustrator Photoshop InDesign I was thrilled when the owner of the Three Sisters Pub approached me about creating a new brand and accompanying assets – food and hospitality being one of my favorite industries to create work for. I worked with owners and managers to create a family of logos that is not only well-suited to their existing clientele, but appealing to new customers and tourists visiting the Placentia Bay area. thethreesisters.ca

Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache Club Adobe Illustrator

I love working with and donating my time to not-for-profit organizations, so I was happy to create this pro-bono logo and poster design for the Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Mustache club. They’ve since gone on to do some amazing things for our community!

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Concept Nutrition Adobe Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Wordpress HTML5 SEO Amazon AWS Development and Networking Copywriting

The work I’ve created for Concept Nutrition is extensive, ranging from a an e-commerce website and branding to social media calendars, copywriting, and print collateral. The company’s business has increased significantly since I began working with them to effectively market and promote their programs and services. conceptnutrition.ca

CareGivers Wordpress HTML5 SEO Amazon AWS Development Copywriting

I worked with the owners, board members and stakeholders of CareGivers, a homecare agency, to create a new web presence. caregiversnl.com

ArtForce (For the Love of Learning) Adobe Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Wordpress HTML5 SEO Amazon AWS Development and Networking Copywriting

I’ve worked extensively with For the Love of Learning as a designer, curater, and project co-ordinator. Recently their board settled on a new logo and website design, which was launched last fall. artforcenl.org

“Wake Up Inspired” event branding

Appraisal Services Limited Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign DSLR Photography Copywriting Wordpress Development SEO Amazon AWS Development

Appraisal Services was looking for a more intuitive and cost-effective solution to boost their online presence. I worked with the owner to refresh their brand, and write compelling copy that would drive new visitors to their website and business. The resulting website has already given them a number of leads on new work. appraisalservicesNL.com.

Captain Jack’s B&B and Adventures

Illustrator Indesign

Copywriting DSLR photography video production Web Development

Static and video social media advertisements.

Pathways Foundation Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign DSLR Photography Copywriting Wordpress Development SEO Amazon AWS Development

This local not-for-profit organization needed a new look and feel for their upcoming events and announcements. I worked with their board to create a new brand, web presence, and compelling copy for their stakeholders. Their site can be viewed at www.pathways-foundation.com.

Kimchi & Sushi Adobe Illustrator DSLR Photography

This restaurant was looking for a brand refresh, and photography for their new menu. I worked with the new chef and owner to create a brand that represented their new style of food and service.

Bountiful Bowl llustrator Indesign

This start-up restaurant in the greater Toronto area approached me after having several designers attempt to create a logo for them, with no success. I worked in tandem with the chef and partners in to create a logo that suited their needs. moving forward i will be working on designing their menu, flyers, and business cards. this logo was hand-drawn and then scanned to a vector format for digital use.

Adapt Mentorship llustrator Indesign Copywriting

Premiere Pro

Adapt Mentorship is a revolutionary mentorship customization program. The founder approached me with the need for a logo and brand materials, social media setup and calendar, and a brand guidelines book. The brand launched on social media in early March of 2018.

Iconography Design.

SaucySaucy MouthMouth food truck. food truck.

llustration ndesign Illustration llustrator Indesign


“Saucy Mouth” is an idea that was dreamed up by two locals from St. John’s– a food truck in “Saucy Mouth” is an idea that was dreamed upfood. by two locals from St. John’s– a food truck in Bonavista that serves noodle bowls and Korean-style street They needed some llustration Bonavista for their pitch namely a concept illustration showing the space to some thatdeck– serves noodle bowls and Korean-style street food. they Theyhope needed create, andillustration illustrationsfor fortheir theirpitch menu.deck– Allyson and Brad reachedillustration out to me showing in late November namely a concept the space they hope to of last yearcreate, to help and them with their pitch on a tight turnaround. illustrations for their menu. Allyson and Brad reached out to me in late

November of 2018 to help them with their pitch on a tight turnaround.

Vector site illustration.

Vector site illustration.

Vector Menu Illustrations.

Vector Menu Illustrations.

Young Farmer’s Guide Illustration Indesign Photoshop

This informational booklet on farming was created for Ray Agency, and contains a number of custom farming and agricultural illustrations.

Canadian Celiac Association

Illustrator Photoshop Indesign Copywriting

A new logo and brand identity guideline developed for the Canadian Celiac Association. I created these pieces during my contract with Ray Agency.

Pawsology Pawsology Pawsology is a federally registered charity that trains psychiatric ser-

vice Pawsology dogs for those who needregistered them–think individuals with psychiatric debilitatingseris a federally charity that trains mental such as autism andthem–think mood disorders. Initallywith the debilitating foundviceilnesses dogs for those who need individuals er approached me with a as fewautism simpleand projects, I soon went into mental ilnesses such moodbut disorders. Initally thefull foundon planning and strategy mode upon realizing how much need there er approached me with a few simple projects, but I soon went into full is foron this service and in our community. founders have a joy to there planning strategy modeThe upon realizing howbeen much need workiswith, andservice most of I’ve worked on for have thembeen have abeen for this inthe ourprojects community. The founders joy to pro-bono. They’re a new organization but have big plans for the work with, and most of the projects I’ve worked on for them have been future, and I’m thrilled be aorganization part of their but volunteer team. pro-bono. They’re to a new have big plans for the No.

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Thrive CYN Outcomes Report

Illustrator Photoshop InDesign

This annual report booklet was designed for Thrive CYN. The design includes custom illustrations and infographics.

Optique Boutique

Illustrator Photoshop Web Development

Logotype, signage, and web design for local optician Optique Boutique.

True North Seafood. Illustrator InDesign Photoshop

These advertising materials were created for True North Seafood during my internship with Ray Agency.

North Market Seafood. Illustrator Indesign Photoshop

These advertising materials were created for North Market Seafood during my internship with Ray Agency.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.