Progressive Era

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PROGRESSIVE ERA (1890s -1920s)


A political movement in response to significant economic, social, and political inequalities. Though Progressives advocated for many different reforms, the central, shared idea was that the government should

Society’s ILLS included:  Gaps between the rich and poor  Environmental Issues  Social Welfare  Working Conditions

Gaps between the rich and poor DISEASES – Tuberculosis and Yellow Fever

Crowded Areas

Sanitation issues

Many Progressives believed that reforming the tenements would help CIVILIZE the city dwellers dwelled in these

So who mostly tenements with poor living conditions?

Environmental Issues Industrial Pollution

Unregulated use of natural resources

Social Welfare Jim Crow Laws

Inequalities for women and minorities

Do what’s best for society Racism

Rise in social groups for justice

Working conditions Dangerous and unsafe

Most workers were

Write a LETTER to A President Roosevelt highlighting on a social ill you find the most URGENT to deal with. 1. Think about what is IMPORTANT to you. 2. Think about why it’s important. 3. Who does it benefit? 4. What are some challenges America may face? 5. How can it help America? Lastly, in another paragraph, explain a present day ill that America is facing. You have TEN MINUTES to complete this. Turn it into the top slot under first period.


The Jungle Video Read the EXCERPT and answer the questions for HOMEWORK!

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