Jamie's America - Wyoming preview

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ISBN 978-0-718-15476-9

www.jamieoliver.com 9 780718 154769

photography: david loftus

JA Jacket MJ V2 Final.indd 1


03/07/2009 02:19

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29/6/09 22:34:51

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29/6/09 22:35:04

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29/6/09 22:34:02

One of the cowgirls I met said she struggled for ideas at mealtimes because the men weren’t overly keen on eating veg. However, she did say one of the things they would eat was broccoli salad. Every diner and restaurant in Cody seemed to have one on the menu, so I created this version, which is absolutely delicious and hits all the right spots. When I cooked it for a group of ranchers there was none left by the end of the night. Success!

Serves 6 as a side Use a small knife to remove the broccoli florets and cut them up into smaller ones. Basically, this is your opportunity to make the broccoli really delicate and more salady-looking, so spend a bit of time doing this. You’ll be left with the stalk, so discard the thick dry base, then cut the remaining stalk in half lengthways and finely slice. Blanch your broccoli florets and sliced stalks really quickly in boiling salted water for 60 seconds, just long enough to soften the broccoli but still leave it with a bit of a bite. Drain it in a colander, then spread it around a clean tea towel to steam dry (this is important because it will help the dressing cling to the broccoli). Once completely dry, transfer to a serving dish. Fry the bacon on a medium heat with a small splash of olive oil until crisp and golden, then spoon most of the bacon bits over your broccoli. Any leftover fat in the pan can be used in your salad dressing. Pour it into a mixing bowl with all the other dressing ingredients and whisk. Add the sliced tomatoes and chopped chives to your broccoli and bacon bits. Dress it all really well, and check the seasoning. If it needs pimping up, add a splash more vinegar. If you’ve got any chive flowers, sprinkle those over the top and serve straight away. It’s beautiful on its own or served next to any grilled or roasted meat or fish.

2 large heads of broccoli 8 rashers of smoked streaky bacon, the best quality you can afford, finely sliced olive oil 3 firm red tomatoes, halved, deseeded and finely sliced a small bunch of fresh chives (with flowers if you can get them), finely chopped, flowers reserved

For the dressing ½ a clove of garlic, peeled and finely grated 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Wine suggestion: Italian white – a Falanghina from the south

PS: I also like to toss things like diced feta cheese or chopped fresh chilli through this salad. Different-coloured cherry tomatoes are really nice too.


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1/7/09 22:24:40

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29/6/09 22:34:23

Marcy Tatarka, an absolutely lovely cook I met in Wyoming, was full of all sorts of local food knowledge. She told me that people in this part of America are really into their pasties! Turns out that in the 1920s and 30s, miners from Cornwall came over to work in Montana and it wasn’t long before the locals developed a taste for the good old Cornish pasty. Their recipes haven’t evolved radically since, but they do embrace local ingredients like chicken, squash and sage. Pastry isn’t exactly health food, but a delicious pasty once in a while won’t hurt you. If you like, you can make a slightly ‘skinnier’ pasty by reducing the butter to 200g and adding 50ml of olive oil. But frankly, if I’m making these I just go for it old-school style.

Serves 8 Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/ gas 4. Bring your butter and water to the boil in a large pan, then take the pan off the heat. Stir the flour and salt into the mixture bit by bit with a spatula, until you’ve got a dough. Tip it on to a floured surface and use your hands to shape it into a smooth ball. Put the ball of dough into a floured bowl, dust the top with flour, then cover with clingfilm and chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes while you make the filling. Meanwhile, get a large pan and fry your chopped onion in a lug of olive oil for 10 minutes or until softened. Add the diced chicken and fry for 5 minutes until brown, then add the rest of the chopped vegetables and herbs. Fry for another 5 minutes, then add 3 or 4 good gratings of nutmeg. Season well with salt and pepper, then pour in the chicken stock and Worcestershire sauce. Stir in the flour and simmer on a medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes, until most of the stock has cooked away and you’re left with nice thick gravy. Dust a clean surface and a rolling pin with flour, then divide your pastry dough in half and roll each half out until it’s slightly thinner than 0.5cm. Use a cereal bowl (about 15cm in diameter) to cut 4 circles out of each half, so you end up with 8 circles. You may need to cut out 2 or 3 circles from each half first, then re-roll the remaining pastry to make the rest. Dust the circles with flour, and spoon your filling into the middle of each one. Brush the edges of the pastry with some of the beaten egg, then fold each circle in half over the filling and crimp the edges with your finger and thumb to seal them. If you want to see how this is done, check out the video on www.jamieoliver.com/how-to. Line 2 baking trays with greaseproof paper, scatter a handful of cornmeal or polenta over the paper, and place your pasties on top. Brush the pasties all over with more of the beaten egg and sprinkle over a little more cornmeal. Bake in the hot oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until golden, and serve straight away with a fresh green salad. A taste of Cornwall in the Wild West – who’d have thought it!

For the pastry 250g butter 300ml hot water 500g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 1 tablespoon sea salt 1 large egg, preferably free-range or organic, beaten a handful of medium ground cornmeal or polenta For the filling 1 red onion, peeled and finely chopped olive oil 4 skinless, boneless chicken thighs, preferably free-range or organic, cut into 2cm dice ½ a small butternut squash (approx. 250g), peeled and cut into 1cm chunks 1 carrot, peeled and roughly chopped 1 medium potato, peeled and cut into 1cm chunks 6 sprigs fresh sage or thyme, leaves picked and chopped nutmeg sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 300ml chicken stock, preferably organic 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon plain flour Wine suggestion: Italian red – a Barbera d’Alba


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29/6/09 22:34:26

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29/6/09 22:38:56

Even though it has a strong British heritage, America has embraced the apple pie to the point that it’s now considered a quintessentially American dessert. American pies often look like the ones from those Desperate Dan comics – big, robust and full of attitude. The crumble-like topping sprinkled over my pie is an idea I’ve been playing about with, and I think it helps make it unique. Because huckleberries grow wild in Wyoming, I felt it was only right to use them, but feel free to use fresh or frozen blueberries in their place for equally delicious results. Assembling your pie is dead easy, and I’ll talk you through it step by step, but if you’d like to see how it’s done before you start, check out my website, www.jamieoliver.com/how-to, for a demonstration.

Serves 10–12 You can make your pastry by hand, or simply pulse all the ingredients in a food processor. If making by hand, sieve the flour, icing sugar and salt from a height into a large mixing bowl. Use your fingertips to gently work the cubes of butter into the flour and sugar until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Transfer a handful of this mixture to a separate bowl, rub it between your fingers to get larger crumbs, then put aside. Add the eggs and milk to the main mixture and gently work it together until you have a ball of pastry dough. Don’t work it too much at this stage – you want to keep it crumbly and short. Sprinkle a little flour over the pastry, then wrap it in clingfilm and pop it into the fridge to rest for 1 hour. Meanwhile, put the apples into a large pan with the zest and juice of 1 orange, a splash of water and 5 tablespoons of caster sugar. Cover the pan and simmer on a medium heat for 10 minutes, until the apples have softened but still hold their shape. Remove from the heat and leave to cool. Scrunch a handful of berries in a bowl with the remaining caster sugar and the zest and juice of your remaining orange. Add the rest of the berries. Toss the cooled apples and their juices in a large bowl with the berries and the flour, then put aside. Preheat your oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. Take your ball of pastry out of the fridge and let it come up to room temperature. Get yourself a pie dish around 28cm in diameter. Flour a clean surface and a rolling pin. Cut off a third of your pastry and put that piece to one side. Roll the rest into a circle just over 0.5cm thick, dusting with flour as you go. Roll the circle of pastry up over your rolling pin, then gently unroll it over the pie dish. Push it into the sides, letting any excess pastry hang over the edge. Tip in the fruit filling and brush all around the edge of the pastry with some of the beaten egg. Roll out the smaller ball of pastry about 0.5cm thick and use your rolling pin to lay it over the top of the pie. Brush it all over with more beaten egg, reserving a little. Sprinkle over the reserved crumble mixture and the demerara sugar.

optional: good-quality vanilla ice cream, cream or custard, to serve

For the pastry 500g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 100g icing sugar a pinch of sea salt 250g unsalted butter, chilled and cut into cubes 2 large eggs, preferably free-range or organic a splash of milk For the filling 10 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and halved, 3 sliced juice and zest of 2 oranges 7 heaped tablespoons caster sugar 400g huckleberries or blueberries 1 heaped tablespoon plain flour 1 large egg, preferably freerange or organic, beaten a small handful of demerara sugar Wine suggestion: Italian sweet white – a Moscato d’Asti from Piemonte

Fold the scruffy edges of pastry hanging over the sides back over the pie, sealing the edge by twisting or crimping it as you like. Brush these folded edges with your remaining beaten egg. Using a small, sharp knife, cut a cross into the middle of the pie. Place on the bottom of the oven and bake for 45 to 55 minutes, until golden and beautiful. Serve with ice cream, cream or custard.


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1/7/09 22:52:57

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www. j ami eol i ver . com/ books

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