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Philosophy Vision AND

In the simplest of description, our long-term goal is to bridge the divide in the Red Angus breed between correctly structured “phenotype” cattle with a disadvantage in the availability of genetic data and information, with the typical, number-chasing U.S. Red Angus cow; genetic history and contemporaries of plenty, with a compromised foot structure that has simply been overlooked for far too many years.

In our extensive travels, we have seen herds of all different shapes and sizes, priorities and unimportance’s, trends and age-old beliefs. Many, not all, of the cattle that appear to be the most elite in the Red Angus database, are in actuality some of the poorest footed, worst structured cattle in the breed that have compromised longevity. We are led to believe it’s because decisions have been made in a swivel chair, and not in the middle of their cowherd. Breeders that have mated cows based on the Planned Mating calculator on the Red Angus website have looked past the visual appraisals that HAVE to take place. Top 1% doesn’t mean guaranteed to breed for 5 years. More times than not, their feet are genetically debilitating and you find them shuffling in when the cow herd is gathered in the fall because their toes have grown crossed and they’re in pain.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, we’ve found cattle that prove their longevity. Feet are not trimmed, cows live through their entire productive life and actually make you a greater return on that initial investment. BUT, if you were to look at their EPDs on paper, you may find yourself saying, “Why would I breed to this cow-killing, nanny-goat performing creature with the marbling of a Belgian Blue?” In reality, these cattle calve, perform, and grade equal to or even better than the data-focused cattle that clearly display a strong advantage in their genetic profile. Our thought is, why would I buy a bull perceived to be in the Top 1% for the Herdbuilder Index, when his toes are mal-shaped and I’m going to have to worry about him breeding enough cows to keep me in business?!

In closing, our goal is the crossover of these distinct sectors of the breed. Our cattle may never be Top 1% for a certain trait, but if they prove to have longevity and sire calves that guarantee the buyer gets a solid return on his investment, then that’s when we know we are headed down the correct path. We are following that path now; identifying and utilizing certain bulls or cows that we know provide enough problem-free longevity and profitability for a solid ROI. However, it takes time; lots of time to identify those individuals. And it’s our goal here at Niobrara Red Angus to be able to offer that kind to you.


Cattle producers sell their feeder and slaughter cattle based on what they actually weigh on a scale. When investing in seedstock, it is important to be provided with actual performance data rather than only computer generated projections that change weekly, can fluctuate dramatically and are only as relevant as the accuracy values behind them. EPDs are a selection tool but alone do not create great cattle; real breeding progress requires breeding beyond the numbers for real-world production traits. Selections and matings based on feet, udders, fertility and pounds; that has created consistency, progress, and lessened the cost of mistakes.

The RAAA Database may have identified his genetic potential to be among the breed’s best in weaning and yearling performance, proportionately adjusting up his BW EPD. But make no mistake, Reputation’s exceptional calving ease is Inherited, Proven, and Problem Free. This is as Curve-Bending a bull as I’ve ever witnessed. – Garrett Knebel

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