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W elcome
Welcome to the 10th annual Spring Select Simmental Bull and Female Sale. How time flies…it seems like only a few calving seasons ago our first set of sale bulls were being walked by local cattlemen. The continued support in our program by Cowboys and Cowgirls alike is without a doubt the driving motivation behind our progression in the seedstock industry and grounds our program to solid, “no assembly required” cattle, the sort that get out, go to work, and make you money. The Spring Select Sale is once again on the first Saturday in March, at VJV Dawson Creek. Phone order bidding and live internet bidding will be available this year if you cannot attend. We also have videos of the animals this year so please see our website www.fallentimberfarms.com for links to those.
As our industry evolves, the cattle in production seem to get better and better each year, and with the fall run being a strong one, Cattlemen are realizing financial gain for their efforts. Trends come and go, in cattle but the common denominator is unchanged; cattle that come and keep easy, and weight up without extra input or effort, are the margin efficient animals that make the money in the fall. We take this approach with our own females and work to present progeny for sale that share those traits.
The 10th Spring Select Sale also marks an exciting new consignor entering the Seedstock industry, with a great set of coming 2-year-old Purebred Simmental Bulls from Joe and Lindsay Loomis of Polar Farms on offer. The bulls are big on quality and are some of the most even-tempered animals I have been around, so take a good long look at the lots on offer. We are also pleased to welcome a long-time supporter of our Program – The Day Family from Gordondale, who are bringing an outstanding set of replacement Simmental commercial females to town. The Day’s have been long time friends and supporters of our program, and are astute cattlemen with good cattle that wean big calves, so please buy with confidence on these front pasture replacements.
The 2023 class of FTF bulls is an even set with something that will fit into most any herd. A stellar set of Fullblood “Madden” calves (Crude Son) are certainly worth a long hard look, along with a new edition of consistent solid red and baldy bulls from the $26,000 Ultra/HayValley Freedom 2C sire which deserve some analysis. We lost Freedom at the front end of his 2nd breeding season so these will be his only natural sired calves on offer. Those soggy deep hairy $20,000 sired Rendezvous “North Star” bulls that have herd sire written all over them will definitely get a few stars besides their lot pictures, with a special edition son (FTF KING 955K) that is possibly the thickest bull we have raised. No FTF sale would be complete without a representative offering from our go to Whisky and Daredevil bulls, and our black Deeg son sired by the infamous “McDavid”. In the calving ease division, our final set of Rendezvous “Ron” calves are on offer and this calving specialist did it again for the 2023 class, with a few rascals that are smooth made and easy on the eyes.
Our animal handling philosophy remains unchanged, a no/low pressure work environment when handling cattle, with a one-way ticket to town for the bad actors. The bulls are grown slow on a high forage diet, and are hand fed daily a soybased pellet formulated for optimal bull development, along with whole oats. This control allows us to dial in the percentage of daily intake, and monitor the bulls real time. The balance of the program hinges on home grown grass hay and alfalfa and oat/barley silage. We continue to believe in growing our animals with longevity in mind, and want to show the growth potential in a specimen while maintaining health.
We pride ourselves on repeat business and welcome new buyers to visit the ranch, learn about our operation, and visit for a while. We are truly grateful for all buyers and bidders, new and repeat, along with those simply interested in our program.

Chet, Jamie, Taos, Rhett & Nash Jans
FALLEN TIMBER FARMS a: Box 223, Groundbirch, BC, V0C 1T0 h: 250-780-2141 c: 250-219-8008 (Jamie) c: 250-219-8200 (Chet) e: info@fallentimberfarms.com www.fallentimberfarms.com
Ftf Jurassic 924j
Regno# 1387995 | FTF 924J | 27-Dec-21 | Horned Fullblood