Imagine the result
Underground Underground Construction Construction Living structures for a sustainable society Living structures for a sustainable society
Statement of Qualifications Statement of Qualifications
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | Positioning
ARCADIS is an international consulting company that delivers consulting, engineering and project management services for infrastructure, environment and facilities. Focused on mobility, sustainability and quality of life. Staffed with proficient, professional and dedicated people who provide beneficial solutions to government entities and private infrastructure system owners and operators, infrastructure construction companies, water management authorities and mine exploitation industries. We are committed to their long-term success. We understand the challenges of our clients. We truly deliver value and provide tailormade services.
There are 14,000 of us: results-oriented, continually investing in our skills, accumulating knowledge and experiences, to maximize client value while creating viable solutions that assure your success. We have home market positions in Europe, The United States and South America and know the local conditions. Local presence, combined with extensive experience and fresh perspectives that we share across borders, enable us to offer unique integrated solutions. From feasibility studies, design, engineering, project and process management to implementation and maintenance, as well as associated legal and financial services. Practical and feasible solutions. Think and act. We have a clear vision of developments in society and we work together with our clients to redefine the realities of today. To be prepared for the future. ARCADIS looks ahead. Takes the lead. Develops. Delivers results.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | Table of Contents
Table of Contents The challenge
Imagine a company
What we deliver
Consultancy in the development of underground infrastructure Project and Program Management Project Design and Engineering Surveys Maintenance Risk management Geotechnics and foundations techniques Geotechnical investigations and surveys TBM excavated tunnels Conventionally excavated tunnels Cut and Cover tunnels Immersed tube tunnels Underground Spaces / Caverns Mechanical and Electrical installations Safety Testing and commissioning Public-Private Partnerships Simulation and software tools
5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 15
How to contact us
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | The challenge
The challenge … for the Society At the beginning of the 21st century, societies all over the world are confronted with the multiple challenges connected to the globalization of trading and human relations in general, which create a growing need for fast operating, efficient, economic and safe infrastructure systems. The key is balancing increased demands for sustainable development with the pressure to expand and improve infrastructure networks. Today underground construction is a key element in international, regional and local infrastructure networks, allowing economic development and exchange as well as a recovery and revaluation of surface space previously occupied by infrastructure installations.
… for Tunnel owners Finding sufficient funding for a tunnel project in order to install and maintain an efficiently operating infrastructure link or water conveyance facility is a key issue for tunnel owners. At the same time the tunnel owners are responsible for the safety standard of their installations and have to comply with environmental regulations. The owners have to find a balance between these vital project issues and economic restraints. In this context, risk identification, analysis and management as well as the contracting concepts become even more important tools leading towards a safe, balanced and economically optimized solution.
… for Contractors Contractors face increased responsibility and risk as new contract types are introduced. Design & Build contracts, long-term maintenance obligations, design optimizations to reduce costs while maintaining quality and safety are all challenges that affect the way the underground construction sector contractors operate today.
… for Concessionaires More and more underground projects are developed using a public-private partnership (PPP) concession. In PPP projects such as Design-Build-FinanceMaintain (DBFM) and Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), risk management and inventive solutions are expected to secure profit margins while stimulating sustainable developments.
… for Regulatory and Local authorities and Emergency Service organisations Large underground construction is not a daily practice for regulatory and local authorities. But when confronted with the development of underground infrastructure in their region, the authorities need to have a clear vision on the required safety aspects of their system installations and must be able to check and evaluate the design during the approval phase.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | Imagine a company
Imagine a company - That understands underground construction design and risk management and has over 30 years of in-depth experience on world class projects - With worldwide based experienced engineers and technicians providing an excellent track record of successful projects for all type of underground construction - That uses the synergy of its global knowledge network to deliver a maximum return of experience from numerous worldwide underground construction projects as well as the application of innovative, yet practical and safe methods - With experts leading or taking part in national and international working groups, setting technical standards for underground construction technology and participating in research and development; for example in the framework of the ITA (International Tunneling Association), AFTES (French Association for Underground Construction) or the COB (Dutch Center for Underground Construction) - That takes responsibility for seamless consulting and project management delivery, design and supervision services - That can deliver a one-stop-shop for the development of underground infrastructure - That knows how to identify and address risks, eliminate inadmissible risks and optimize time and costs by applying a comprehensible, innovative risk management strategy from Day One - That completes high-quality underground construction projects on time and within budget with a single point of contact
ARCADIS – Imagine the result
East-West subway line EOLE underneath Paris business district THE CHALLENGE: Two new underground stations and a tunnel connection between them in the heart of Paris’ busiest business district in already heavily occupied underground (metro tunnels, sewer galleries etc.). The underground structures are located in alternating rock and soil conditions. THE APPROACH: Minimizing surface installation and disturbance. Application of several different excavation, support and lining technologies to build the stations caverns and the running tunnels, the latter excavated with a tunnel boring machine. THE RESULT: A highly functional inner-city connection of two major railway stations helping to successfully cope with the growing numbers of commuters coming in to Paris’ business district via the Gare St Lazare and Magenta stations and to avoid congestion of the commuter lines during rush hour. Fast, modern, safe and efficient.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
What we deliver The basis for our consultancy is constantly being redefined. ARCADIS employees are value driven, cooperative, creative and willing to share responsibility. Value driven, because our focus on total project management and creative solutions results in your desired end result. Cooperative because we work with you to provide seamless delivery. Creative because we are always pushing boundaries. Willing to share responsibility, because we are experts in what we do. Our quality in underground structure services has been proven for more than 30 years. Our experience with the design and construction of tunnels ranges from tunnels for highspeed trains, heavy rail, light rail, metro and trams, highways, conveyance systems of all kinds, cyclists and pedestrian. See what we can do for you:
Consultancy in the development of underground infrastructure -
Strategic infrastructure development studies Traffic previsions Feasibility studies Safety requirement studies Preliminary design studies Risk analysis and management Cost/benefit analysis Alignment and environmental impact assessments Management of regional planning and approvals Consulting, management and support in privatization processes
Project and Program Management -
Cost estimating and cost management Scheduling / programming Project management of the design and approval phase Risk Management Preparing of tender documents Bid evaluation Tender procedure management Contract management Construction Management and supervision Project and procurement management of the construction phase Dispute and Claim management Quality management services
Project Design and Engineering -
Design management Preliminary design studies Detailed and Final design studies Tender design Design of safety concept and installations Design of mechanical and electrical installations Independent design checking Consulting and expertise during the design
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Surveys -
Geological, geophysical and geotechnical surveys Hydrological studies, hydrogeological studies Topographical surveys Environmental impact studies Mapping of working sites and buildings Design and implementation of geological, geophysical, geotechnical, hydrogeological and environmental investigations Definition and execution of special in-situ tests Longitudinal profiles containing all data and the assumptions made on geology and geotechnics, based on the accuracy of surveys and measurements Geological and geotechnical work control Conception and installation of the instrumentation for monitoring a structure, underground and on surface
Maintenance -
Equipment and information systems maintenance Technical assistance and expertise Inspections Damage assessments Rehabilitation concept
MERVAL Project, Chile THE CHALLENGE: To completely revamp a 43 km light railway line between the port of Valparaiso and Limache, a town in the hinterland of central Chile. The essential challenge was to design and build a 5 km tunnel across downtown Viña del Mar, along existing tracks in the middle of the busiest avenue of this resort city without disturbing city traffic or interrupting the train service. Satisfy all project constraints including poor geotechnical conditions and earthquake risks. THE APPROACH: A Cut and Cover solution with 25 m deep diaphragm walls in saturated sandy soils with a final reinforced concrete lining. Strict application of design criteria and standards ensures worker’s safety during construction, passenger safety during operating and continuity of service even after a severe earthquake. THE RESULT: An improved light railway service, with a 5 km urban tunnel, liberating surface space and fostering urban renovation along a new 45m wide avenue, a true new asset for the tourist resort of Viña del Mar.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Risk management Management of geotechnical risks during underground construction mainly consists in optimization of project requirements in order to reach the highest possible standard in quality, safety and economic efficiency. Risk management has become a significant component of our service offerings. In project design and construction, engineering risk is a key economic factor and can be defined as a combination of occurrence probabilities for undesirable effects during construction and the tangible consequences of such events. Engineering risk management steps consist of: - risk identification - definition of the acceptable risk levels - existing risks quantification - design and implementation of a program for existing risks reduction - monitoring effectiveness of program implemented - possible corrections of the program implemented with the aim of further risk reduction
Geotechnics and foundations techniques ARCADIS’ worldwide presence brings extensive geotechnical know-how, the foundation for every underground construction project. Expertise in soil and rock mechanics, in foundation and support techniques, in ground improvement as well as in monitoring and instrumentation are very important for cost-effective solutions especially under difficult conditions and project constraints.
Geotechnical investigations and surveys ARCADIS provides a wide range of geotechnical investigation and monitoring services. Geotechnical investigations and surveys are of vital importance for a safe design and construction of underground structures. Field investigations including cored drillings and laboratory testing allow to properly define the ground conditions that will be encountered and evaluate the geological risks inherent in the construction. The results of these investigations become part of the contractual documents in the framework of the Geotechnical Data and Baseline Reports, prepared by ARCADIS. During the construction, ARCADIS’ mission continues with the monitoring of the structure itself and neighbouring and surface structures, especially all types of buildings, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the results.
Tunnel monitoring Czech Republic
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
TBM excavated tunnels Since the beginning of mechanized tunnel construction, ARCADIS has been among the leading experts for this technology and has completed numerous key projects using Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs). ARCADIS continually added value to the TBM technology with its worldwide knowledge network. TBM expertise, coupled with extensive analysis and risk management approach contributed significantly to the success of many flagship TBM tunnel projects, from inception to completion of construction. ARCADIS expertise covers rock, soil and mixed ground TBM excavated tunnels.
The Channel Tunnel, Great Britain / France THE CHALLENGE: A project that has intrigued generations for more than 200 years. Making a dream come true. An ultimate engineering challenge. Building the longest tunnel in the world and make it safe. THE APPROACH: Developing new technologies, advance and apply existing technologies. Finding solutions for challenging engineering problems like large cross-over and TBM installation caverns. Choosing a well-thought innovative safety concept, allowing only rail traffic in the tunnel and providing an escape route via a service tunnel. THE RESULT: A century project and a technological breakthrough, setting the pace for a whole new generation of challenging underground projects.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Conventionally excavated tunnels The conventional tunnelling method comprises of excavation techniques using drill and blast or mechanical excavation in combination with a preliminary support consisting of rock bolts, shotcrete and steel arches and a final concrete lining. In this environment, where the ground behaviour plays a decisive role and unknown and variable geological conditions exist, ARCADIS delivers the best expertise to their clients. This includes the choice of methods, excavation, support and lining design and ground stabilization measures that are based on detailed geotechnical risk analyses during design and construction.
Mrázovka Tunnel, Prague, Czech Republic THE CHALLENGE: Diverting traffic from residential areas. Building an inner city double tube road tunnel with a 160 m² cross section per tube in very difficult geological conditions underneath a residential area, with numerous buildings sensitive to settlement and with minimum distance between the tunnel crown and the foundation level. THE APPROACH: Identifying and evaluating the risks for each surface structure and applying a sound risk management. Defining protective measures from an exploration gallery and adapting the excavation methods. Close monitoring of the tunnel and the surface structures and constant verification of the assumptions. THE RESULT: Maximum safety for the adjacent owners and inhabitants and the tunnel workers. Minimal inconvenience, noise and vibration during construction and largely reduced traffic after the completion. All this reached with a perfect balance between safety considerations and economical optimization.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Cut and Cover tunnels ARCADIS offers significant experience in the conception and realisation of cut and cover of tunnels in all geological and hydrogeological conditions. Depending on the project constraints and geological conditions a cut and cover tunnel, consisting of an open cut section which is later covered with a concrete slab, is an economic and safe solution for underground infrastructure projects. Responding to highly variable project constraints, we have developed extensive expertise in applying different support techniques for the open cut section, from very light to heavy support, and from typical to most innovating.
Immersed tube tunnels ARCADIS specialists have unique experience with immersed tube tunnels due to the involvement in projects in the Netherlands, where a large number of immersed tube tunnel project concepts have been developed and realized. Whenever there is a need to cross water, an immersed tunnel should be considered. Such a tunnel is constructed from tunnel elements that are individually built on a dock, and then immersed in a controlled way within a dredged trench. Almost any cross section can be accommodated, making immersed tunnels particularly attractive for wide highways and combined road/rail tunnels. An immersed tunnel can be placed immediately beneath a waterway. This allows the tunnel approaches to be shorter and/or approach gradients to be flatter, an advantage for all tunnels, but especially so for railways.
Piet Hein Tunnel Amsterdam, The Netherlands THE CHALLENGE: Creating the infrastructure for new city developments in Amsterdam. Finding a way to do that in densely built up areas with numerous important shipping channels, the arteries of Amsterdam’s economic life. Make it safe. THE APPROACH: Use of the immersed-tube technology well proven in Dutch soil conditions. Precast tunnel segments which include the road tubes and a service/emergency tube, which guarantees passenger safety in case of a calamity. Precast the tunnel segments in a dock which has sufficient dimensions. THE RESULT: Shipping in the tunnel segments from an existing dock in Antwerp, Belgium via the North Sea. Building a safe and modern tunnel without unnecessarily disrupting ship traffic. Open up new development opportunities for the city of Amsterdam.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Copper Mine Mill Cavern, Chile THE CHALLENGE: To maintain production of Codelco’s Andina copper mine under all weather conditions at the place where you find the ore: at 3.800 m above sea level in a narrow valley in the Central Andes mountains of Chile. THE APPROACH: A sound geological assessment and risk analysis, an innovative approach and a dash of audacity in the geotechnical design of large enough caverns to accommodate the huge semiautogenous mills and the concentrator plant. An underground facility that could operate independently of weather conditions is the only real possibility to have a year round operating mill and concentrator plant. THE RESULT: Amazingly large caverns, built inside the massive Andes mountains that provide safe housing for the SAG mill* and concentrator facilities, allowing their continuous year round operation - and a perfect stage for a concert held at the inaugural ceremony before the plant installation. * Semi-Autogenous Grinding Mill
Underground Spaces / Caverns Space is a precious good in the town centres of large agglomerations. Consequently, the third dimension offered by means of underground construction is a solution under these circumstances. The conception of subway stations, car parks or even public spaces as underground shopping facilities, libraries and theatres have multiple challenges. Large caverns also benefit projects in many other areas where surface construction is not favourable for different reasons. ARCADIS has applied the knowhow in this area as one of the major contributors for the conception of the Channel Tunnel “cross-overs” on the French side and for the design of large underground spaces for the mining industry in Chile.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Mechanical and Electrical installations Safety is one of the most important issues that must be addressed when using underground space for infrastructure projects. ARCADIS is aware of this and has extensive knowledge of tunnel safety concepts, and necessary mechanical and electrical installations for ventilation and lighting to meet the strict standards and codes, using the most advanced technological developments.
Schiphol tunnel, Amsterdam airport, The Netherlands THE CHALLENGE: Congestion of Highway 4 crossing Schiphol airport called to increase the capacity for crossing under the runway. New tunnels, one exclusively for bus and slow traffic, were planned. Moreover the existing Schiphol tunnel does not comply anymore with the latest safety and signalling standards. THE APPROACH: Safety risk scenarios were evaluated for the new and existing tunnels, leading to a safety system requirement program for the design. The installations included an MTM* road signalling system, dynamic route information system, CCTV** observation system, speed detection system, matrix signallers, lighting, drainage pumps, fire extinguishing systems and ventilation, designed by ARCADIS, who also prepared the tender documents and was responsible for supervision of installation and project management for both tunnels. THE RESULT: Congestion on Highway 4 is a thing of the past. Traffic can pass the runway of Schiphol airport through tunnels with sufficient capacity and stateof-the-art safety systems. * Motorway Traffic Management
** Closed Circuit TeleVision
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Tunnel for LGV Lyon – Turin through the Alps THE CHALLENGE: A truck pulls its weight up from the deep valley on the winding road. The start of a long and difficult run. Over the snowy peaks of the Alps. A hard battle to win. On the other side, the sun awaits. Reachable. Quicker and safer would be nice. THE APPROACH: A tunnel through the Alps. Travellers rushing to their destinations in high-speed trains. Freight moved by trains and trucks through rather than over the Alps. Safe? We’re working on it. Studying the safety requirements in and around the tunnels to determine their ability to reduce the effects of calamities. Advising what additional measures are needed to guarantee safety. In the meantime producing the technical design of the trajectory. THE RESULT: A vital and safe link in the European rail network. Two multipleuse rail tunnels on the track between Lyon in France and Turin in Italy. The first trains will use the tunnel in 2015. Faster and safer.
Safety We work daily on projects involving hazardous materials so safety is a leading concern. As a company, we also consult to public and private sector clients on social safety, dealing with crime and terrorism, fire prevention in buildings and even coastal defence issues. For our infrastructure projects, safety is a main issue too. Not only during supervision of the construction work, while implementing safety norms and standards, but also during preliminary study phases of the design. ARCADIS performs extensive risk and safety analysis for tunnels. We study the possible effects of an accident or human-related events inside the tunnel to determine the required safety measures inside and around the tunnels to mitigate the effects of such events. These studies include fire safety and evacuation analysis.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Testing and commissioning At the final stage of each tunnel project, whether new or renovated, or newly implemented subsystem project, all systems must be tested and commissioned to guarantee safe operation. ARCADIS has a large team of specialists using high-tech equipment and advanced software, which are highly trained for these activities.
Public-Private Partnerships All around the world public tunnel owners and operators, due to tight public funding, look for private-sector funding to meet their investment goals. On the other hand investors have an increasing interest to invest in assets that deliver a long-term guaranteed return. ARCADIS can identify and scope the possibilities for PPP’s, assess the value of assets and structure the outsourcing of operations to private parties. In addition, the company can play a role in the formation of PPP and BOT projects, bringing engineering expertise within Consortiums, and even take the lead in new project developments.
Busan-Geoje Fixed Link, South Korea THE CHALLENGE: Linking Busan with the island Geoje with project constraints that are particularly demanding: weak soil, seismic risk with the possibility of tsunamis and extreme weather related conditions caused by typhoons. The project comprise of two cable-stayed bridges and an immersed tunnel. Once completed, the immersed tunnel at 50 m below the sea level will be the deepest immersed tunnel in the world. THE APPROACH: Checking all engineering design and calculations of the construction JV to ensure quality, functionality, durability and safety of the works. This is the first time that an independent design team has been appointed in South Korea. THE RESULT: A greatly improved design which is safe and durable to withstand the forces of nature for decades to come.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
Pannerdensch Kanaal Railway Tunnel, The Netherlands THE CHALLENGE: A cargo-line from Rotterdam Port to the German hinterland markets, the Betuweroute, crosses the Pannerdensch Kanaal in an area of high natural value which must be protected. The alternative: build the crossing as a tunnel. The constraints for the tunnel design: river influence, poor ground conditions and crossing a 30 m deep former sandpit. THE APPROACH: Design a tunnel using the materials available taking into account all environmental aspects. Especially strong segments were developed to make a single pass lining possible in weak clay deposits. To enable TBM passage the deep former sand pit was refilled, partially using excavated material of the shield tunnel itself. THE RESULT: A safe tunnel, which was built with minimum hindrance to the public and the environment and which resulted in an increased natural value of the area. The former sand pit was made into a naturally valuable wetland.
Simulation and software tools ARCADIS uses and has developed several simulation and software tools using decennia of experience. Some examples: “Plaxis” is a finite element program intended for 2D and 3D analysis of deformation, stability and groundwater flow in geotechnical engineering and underground structures. “Cesar” is a finite element program complementary to “Plaxis” and widely used for 2D and 3D deformation and stability analysis in geotechnical engineering and underground structures. “GeoSlope 2004” is a suite of applications for geotechnical and geoenvironmental modelling. This software is used for slope stability analysis, seepage analysis, stress and deformation analysis, dynamic earthquake analysis, contaminant transport analysis and geothermal analysis. “Solvent” is a Computational Fluid Dynamics tool for simulation of smoke and heat development in case of fire in tunnels and the design of the ventilation concept. “Xandra” is a simulation tool that focuses on the operation of a railway network and the interaction of the power supply system. It can for example verify the air conditioning requirements of subway tunnels and deep underground stations.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | What we deliver
A86 Highway Tunnel – Ringroad Paris, France THE CHALLENGE: Complete the highway ring road around Paris. Optimize travel time in the western suburbs. Building a tunnel under residential areas, parks and important infrastructures in variable geologic formations. A tunnel large enough to take the traffic and guaranteeing maximum safety standards. THE APPROACH: A single tube, two-storey tunnel, one storey for each traffic direction, designed according to the latest safety standards with emergency exists every 200 m. Minimizing surface interventions. Developing a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) design which allows adapting the excavation front support according to the changing geological conditions. THE RESULT: A safe and highly functional highway tunnel closing the last remaining gap in the Paris ring road. Making travelling and commuting easier in the western suburbs of Paris and at the same time preserving residential and recreational areas.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
References TBM excavated tunnels Location
Lyon France
Czech Republic
Antwerp Belgium
Brussels Belgium
Detroit United States
La Réunion Island Indian Ocean France
The Netherlands
Lyon subway, line B, Oullins extension Double tube subway tunnel, 1,850 m long, 6,50 m diameter, crossing the Rhône river and 3 subway stations in cut and cover; geotechnical analysis, technical assistance for tunnelling conception and design during bid phase
2007 2008
Bouygues TP, Contractor
Prague – Beroun new railway connection Prague – Beroun section of 3rd transit railway modernization corridor (Prague – German border), double tube railway tunnel, 25,000 m long; geotechnical consultant, supervision of geotechnical data preparation, route selection assessment, preparation of geological risk documents.
2007 – 2009
Správa železniční dopravní cesty (Czech Railway Infrastructure Administration)
Liefkenshoek Railway Link Double tube railway freight tunnel, 5,500 m long, 8,40 m diameter crossing the Antwerp harbour and the river Schelde; geotechnical analysis, technical assistance for tunnelling conception and design during bid phase
2006 2008
THV Besix – Eiffage TP – AB, Construction JV
Diabolo Railway Tunnel Double tube railway tunnel, 1,060 m long, 8,25 m diameter, passing underneath several runways of Brussels’ airport; geotechnical analysis, technical assistance for tunnelling conception and design during bid phase
2006 – 2007
THV Besix – Eiffage TP – AB, Construction JV
Upper Rouge River CSO Tunnel Combined Sewer Overflow tunnel, 11,300 m long, diameter 9,14 m, 25 m diameter pump shaft, Outfall connection shafts Shaft and tunnel design (in JV), design of hydraulic structures and equipment, assistance in construction management
2006 2010
City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Department
Combined Tramway-Train line – Infrastructure between La Possession and St. Denis Alignment studies including tunnels and large structures; double tube, single track tunnel, total tunnel length between 4,000 and 12,000 m, TBM and conventional method; Variant studies, geotechnical consultant, preliminary and basic design
2005 2006
SR 21 - Regional Authority for sustainable development and regional cooperation
SATURN (Züblin, Dura Vermeer), Construction JV
Statenweg Tunnel Double tube railway tunnel, 2,400 m long, 6,30 m diameter; settlement calculations and advice for steel and concrete lining segment design.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
TBM excavated tunnels (continued)
Location Mantes-la-Jolie France
France / Spain
Detroit United States
Toulouse France
Moscow Russia
Amsterdam The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Piquettes-Bûchelay Waste water sewer 1,80 m inner diameter, 965 m total length, pipe jacking with slurry TBM, longest pipe jacked section 680 m; geotechnical analysis, conception, complete design and construction management services
2004 2007
Agglomeration Community Council of Mantes-la-Jolie
LGV Perpignan – Figueras, Tunnel Le Perthus Transborder railway tunnel 8,400 m length, double tube, of which 7,400 m in France and 1,000 m in Spain, TBM with 9.96m diameter; detailed geotechnical project studies, work supervision for the French side and the tunnel
2004 2008
Construction JV GEIE TEP (Eiffage TP- ACS POC- Dragados OPForclum and Cobra)
Railway line Frankfurt – Fulda, Tunnel Schlüchtern Construction of a second tube, L= 3,995 m, inner diameter 8,80m planned with precast segmental lining next to an existing double track railway tunnel constructed in 1909; project management, checking of documents, quality assurance
2004 2009
DE-Consult, Frankfurt
Detroit River Outfall 2 Tunnel Sewer outfall tunnel, 1,890 m long, 8.72 m diameter Geotechnical data analysis and alternative concept for completion of the previously abandoned tunnel, now using a confined TBM; the new concept was adopted for the project completion RFP
City of Detroit, Water and Sewerage Departement
Toulouse Subway Lot 3, 4 and 5 Technical assistance in phase of invitation to tender - TBMs using Earth Pressure Balance, compressed air and slurry methods and cut and cover for stations
2001 2002
Construction JVs
Tunnel Lefortovo Triple lane highway tunnel, technical assistance, geotechnical analysis for a 14,22 m diameter TBM
2000 2001
North-South Metro Amsterdam Tender design for a 3,500 m bored tunnel underneath the old inner city of Amsterdam, in close co-operation with a contracting firm as part of a "design and construct" contract, lining design for precast concrete segments and SGI-segments, escape shaft design and design for the cross passages between the running tunnels
COMOL, construction JV
Groene Hart Tunnel Design review for air pressure waves caused by highspeed trains, design for cross-passages, escape shafts, pressure relief shafts and lining segments, advice on construction methods and tendering procedure for a 7,000 m long bored tunnel for high speed trains
1998 2005
Projectbureau HSLZuid, NS Railinfrabeheer and Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
TBM excavated tunnels (continued)
Location Amsterdam The Netherlands
Buenos Aires Argentine
Cairo Egypt
Wiesbaden Germany
The Netherlands
Rotterdam The Netherlands
Berlin Germany
The Netherlands
Rennes France
Rotterdam The Netherlands
Schiphol Airport Underground Logistic Transport System Alignment design, tunnel construction and shaft design of a bored tunnel of 4,000 m, 5.00 m diameter
1998 2001
Centre for Underground Construction
Riachuelo Left Bank collector TBM 4.50 m diameter – 13,000 m length; assistance to the project manager
1998 2001
El Azhar Road Tunnels Audit of the project for the aspects Civil Engineering and Slurry TBM, 9.42m diameter and length of 2 x 1,700 m
1998 2001
High-Speed Railway Line Cologne – Frankfurt, Tunnel Wandersmann Single-track, double-tube railway tunnel, L= 900 m, 10.70 m diameter, low to very low cover, open shield with backhoe; checking of final design including all drawings and supervision of deformation monitoring program
1998 2000
Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA), Frankfurt (German Railway Authority)
Sophia Railway Tunnel Preliminary design for a 4,200 m long, 9.45 m diameter, bored railway tunnel under a river
SATURN, construction JV
A86 Western loop highway near Paris 2 storey tunnel, length 10,115 m, convertible Herrenknecht mix-shield TBM (Slurry pressure/earth pressure) 11 m in diameter; geotechnical consultant. geotechnical synthesis
1996 2002
SOCATOP, construction JV
Botlek Railway Tunnel Preliminary design for a 1,835 m long, 9.45 m diameter, bored railway tunnel under a river
1996 1997
SATURN, construction JV
Utility gallery BEWAG 380 KV Audit of the TBM and lining behavior, TBM using compressed air and slurry pressure
1996 1997
Tunnel Pannerdensch Kanaal Preliminary design, detailed design, tender documents, construction supervision and project management for a bored railway tunnel of 2,700 m, 8.65 m diameter under a branch of the river Rhine
1995 2004
Management Group Betuwe Route, NS Railinfrabeheer (Dutch Railway)
Metro Rennes Geotechnical consultant Earth Pressure Balance TBM, diameter 7.65 m, L = 3,500 m
1995 2000
Ville de Rennes
EZH-B Triangle Tunnel Design studies, tender documents, construction supervision and project management for a bored tunnel of 800 m, 3.26 m diameter under the river Rotte
South-Holland Power Company (EZH)
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
TBM excavated tunnels (continued)
Location Switzerland
Canton China
Lille France
Paris France
Lyon France
The Netherlands
Paris France
Taipei Taiwan
Lötschberg Tunnel 35,000 m of tunnel under up to 2,200 m of rock cover; geotechnical studies, evaluation of the in-situ constraints, studies of the lining concept. Conventional excavation drill and blast and TBM
1994 2005
Metro Canton - Line 1 Geotechnical consultant. Geotechnical synthesis. Participation in the preparation of the tender documents. Evaluation of the bids. Studies of the construction methods, 2 slurry shields and 1 EPB shield, 6.2 m diameter
1994 1995
Metro Lille - Line 2 - Lot 3 Geotechnical consultant. Conceptual design for tunnels and break-in/out of the stations. Instrumentation in the tunnel. EPB-shield 7.65 m diameter
1993 1996
City of Lille, SOFRETU
METEOR – Paris Metro Line 14 In-situ tests. Geotechnical synthesis. Calculations with the finite element method. EPB-shield 8.6 m diameter
1992 1995
Lyon – Metro Line D Geotechnical investigation. Geotechnical synthesis. Design assistance. EPB-shield, 6,27m diameter, L = 2 x 900m
1992 1995
Westerschelde Tunnel 7,000 m long bored road tunnel, diameter 11.00 m, under the Westerschelde estuary; study, preliminary design and project coordination
Bilfinger & Berger, contractors, Germany
RER (regional Paris railway) - Line EOLE Tunnels connecting the metro stations Haussman-St Lazare and Magenta, slurry shield with 7.4 m diameter, L = 2 x 1,670m; Preliminary and detailed design studies, preparation of tender documents, geotechnical synthesis, construction supervision
1991 1997
Taipei Subway - Chungho Line Design Lot 181, EPB-shield 6.2 m diameter, L = 2,200m; diaphragm walls for the cut & cover sections; detailed design and construction follow-up
1991 1994
Department Of Rapid Transit System, Taipei
1986 1991
1986 1987
France/Great Britain
Channel tunnel Geotechnical consulting, conceptual design, FEM-calculations, geotechnical follow-up; service tunnels EPB-shields approximately 5.7 m diameter, railway tunnels approximately 8.7 m diameter; conventional method for the construction of the cross-overs
Caracas Metro - Lot PSO1 Technical assistance; Lovat EPBshield, 5.7 m diameter; L= 2 x 1,564m
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
TBM excavated tunnels (continued)
CERN-LEP – particle collision tunnel 3 Wirth TBM’s, 4.5 m diameter, L= 19,386m; studies of construction method, FEM-calculations. Construction drawings (1000 drawings)
TGV Atlantique - Villejust Tunnel Bade and Thelen TBMs, 9.25 m diameter, L = 2 x 4,800m; railway tunnel design and development of the tender documents, FEM calculations
1985 1987
1983 1989
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Conventionally excavated tunnels Location Lyon France
Prague Czech Republic
Toulon France
Czech Republic
Prague Czech Republic
Drôme County France
Croix Rousse Tunnel Complete renovation and refurbishment of existing, four lane road tunnel and construction of 1,850 m long safety and rescue gallery including connecting galleries between the tubes; geotechnical analysis, design and design assistance during bid phase
Razel, Contractor
Kateřinská cable tunnel 132 m cable tunnel with 8.7 m² cross section (diam. 3 m) and two shafts; geotechnical supervision, convergence measurements, monitoring of cracks in buildings, monitoring office management
2007 2009
PRE distribuce, a.s.
Rock tunnel for mineral transport belt Tunnel for mineral transport with conveyor belt in the Andes mountains; basic design, geotechnical analysis, geomechanical design, tunnel support design, time and cost estimation, tender design, support during construction phase
2007 2008
Anglo American Sur S.A.
Toulon Tunnel Highway A57 Second tube of a double tube, 1,820 m long double lane highway tunnel, beneath the Toulon city centre; support design and final lining design control
2006 2010
Bouygues TP Contractor
Klimkovice Tunnel Double tube road tunnel on D47 motorway between Lipník and Ostrava, 1,088 m long; monitoring management, convergence measurements, support and permanent lining, digitalization, administration and archiving of data
2005 2007
Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic
Slivenec Tunnels Double-lane tunnel 1,252 m long, triple-lane tunnel 1,302 m long, Prague ring road ; geotechnical monitoring, convergence, inclinometric and extensometric measurements, surveying of surface and building, seismic and dynamometric measurements
2005 2009
Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic
Grands Goulets Tunnel Single tube double lane road tunnel, 1,650 m long, excavated section 70m²; complete execution design including rock support design at tunnel attack points
2005 2007
Drôme County Council, Bouygues TP Contractor
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Conventionally excavated tunnels (continued)
Location La Réunion Island Indian Ocean France
Paraíba / Pernabuco Brazil
Prague Czech Republic
São Paulo Brazil
Combined Tramway-Train line – Infrastructure between La Possession and St. Denis Alignment studies including tunnels and large structures, double tube, single track tunnel, total tunnel length between 4,000 and 12,000 m, conventional method and TBM ; variant studies, geotechnical consultant, preliminary and basic design
2005 2006
SR 21 - Regional Authority for sustainable development and regional cooperation
2005 2009
Brazilian Ministry of National Integration
2004 2010
SŽDC – Construction Administration
2004 2006
2004 2006
National Road Administration for Romania
2004 2006
2003 2006
Road and Highway Directorate of the Czech Republic
RFF (French Railway Net Owner)
Rio São Francisco Project 27,800 m in 5 tunnels, 340 km of canals, 2,600 m in 13 aqueducts, 27 3 reservoirs (580 m ), project management for implementation of the 1st phase of the Rio São Francisco Integration Program to integrate the river with watersheds of the Northeastern region of this country
Nové Spojení Tunnel Two double-track railway tunnels, total length of 2,401 m, new Prague Central railway station connections project; geotechnical consultant, geotechnical monitoring
São Paulo Metro – Line 2 (lots 1, 2, 3) Connection between Ana Rosa Station and Alto do Ipiranga Station with 1,710 m single track tunnels, 1,409 m double track tunnels and 215 m cut and cover; Technical/specialized engineering services for the construction supervision
National Road No. 6 Tunnel Double lane, single tube road tunnel, L= 782 m Feasibility study and detailed design
Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte Metro line 2 and 3 Geotechnical survey, geologicgeotechnical studies, design and tender documents of 16,500 m of tunnels and 18 underground stations
Czech Republic
Panenská Tunnel – Highway D8 Double tube highway tunnel for the Ustí nad Labem – Dresden (Germany) highway link, approx. 2,000 m long, cross section between 84 and 127 m²; geotechnical consultant, complex geotechnical monitoring, geotechnical supervision
LRNVS – ELEONOR Normandy – Seine Valley rail link, prolongation to Charles de Gaulle airport, infrastructure consultant during preliminary project phase and comparative analyses of single and double tube solutions - excavation by road header
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Conventionally excavated tunnels (continued)
Pyrenees Mountains
Butte d’Osse Tunnel, Aspe Valley Road tunnel in the French Pyrenees, leading to the Somport pass; Geotechnical consultant, preparation of tender documents, construction management
Santiago de Chile, Chile
Prague Czech Republic
São Paulo Brazil
Juvisy sur Orge France
Paris France
Czech Republic
Metro de Santiago de Chile, Line 4 Detailed Engineering for the construction of 4,500 m of tunnel and 4 underground stations for new Line 4, construction method based on conventional tunnelling in compact gravel Prague Metro – track IV C2 Double track metro tunnel, three cut and cover built stations, total length of 4,600 m, extension from Ládvi station to Latňany Geological-geotechnical documentation and interpretation, assessment of remaining rock pillar stability, surface settlement assessment, geotechnical monitoring Tietê II Project 3,650 m of tunnels, 19,360 m of interceptors in concrete, diameter of 1.20 to 3.60 m, 8,711 m of interceptors in concrete, diameter 1.80 to 2.00 m; project management support to implementation of Phase II of the River Tietê clean-up project Connection Villejuif Aragon- Athis Mons - Juvisy Preliminary feasibility study for light railway tunnel, recommendations for the construction methods Paris Metro line 12 Extension from Aubervilliers town hall to La Chapelle. Advice for the feasibility study for a double track tunnel Lyon Turin transalpine rail link. Assistance to the project manager, geotechnical studies; project manager for the Modane drill & blast excavation Mlčechvosty Railway tunnel Tunnel with 110m² cross section in the framework of the Kralupny nad Vltavou – Vraňany line modernization Geotechnical supervision, complex geotechnical monitoring
2003 2006
Regional Transport and Road Administration
2002 2005
Metro de Santiago, Chile
2001 2008
Public Transport Company of the Capital City of Prague
2001 2006
SABESP – São Paulo State Sanitation Company
2001 2002
2001 2002
2000 2006
2000 2002
Czech Railways
High-Speed railway Line Cologne – Frankfurt, Tunnel Niedernhausen Double-track railway tunnel, L= 2,765 m, Damage event analysis
2000 2001
“Egnatia Odos”, Tunnel T8 Two double lane highway tunnel tubes in northern Greece, L= 2,400 m, 120 m rock cover; geological-geotechnical design, final design for the tunnel including access cut slopes
2000 2001
Allianz Insurance Company, Frankfurt, Germany
Egnatia Odos A.E.
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Conventionally excavated tunnels (continued)
Hong Kong
Tunnel Tai Lam Technical consultant, drill and blast excavation
Utility tunnel for high-rise tower PB6 Geotechnical Studies; project manager for design and execution
Metro de Santiago
DB Netz AG (German Railway)
1999 2001
Chilean Ministry of Public Works
1999 2001
SNCB (Belgian railway)
1999 2000
City of Santiago de Chile
1999 2000
Public Transport Company of the Capital City of Prague
1998 2002
Prague Municipality
La Défense France Santiago de Chile Chile
Hanau Germany
Seattle United States Valparaiso Chile
Santiago de Chile Chile
Prague Czech Republic
Prague Czech Republic
Metro de Santiago Construction Method Studies for Underground Works to establish design criteria for tunnels and underground station based on the experience in foundation design; definition of characteristic parameters on the basis of retro analysis High-Speed railway Line Hanau – Nantenbach Double-track High-Speed Railway tunnel, L= 1,800 m and 2,600 m, 130 m rock overburden; Tender documents, offer analysis and evaluation, geotechnical consultant Seattle Metro Technical assistance for tender design, excavation by road header Tunnel Project La Polvora 3 tunnels, 6,000 m total length; continuous advice in design and construction aspects in the Road tunnel and access to the Valparaiso Port Tunnel Soumagne Highspeed railway line Brussels – German Border, tunnel length L = 6,405 m Assistant to project manager, technical audit Blanco Encalada Ave. – Arica Street, Road Connection Basic and detailed design of a tunnel under the rail tracks arriving in Alameda Station. Double tunnel solution with a 140 m² cross section Prague Metro – track IV C1 Underground metro extension of track from Nádraži Holešovice to Ládvi, double and/or single track tunnel, cut and cover section under Vltava river, total length 4,000m Geological-geotechnical survey of most complicated tunnel sections including geophysical methods Mrázovka Road Tunnel High capacity, six lane double tube road tunnel, 1,000 m long, crosssection 165 to 324 m² Expert assessment of the structural calculation for the final lining, geotechnical risk management, construction monitoring, geotechnical supervision, monitoring interpretation, compensating grouting, surface subsidence prediction and analysis
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Conventionally excavated tunnels (continued)
Tunnel du Pays de la Reyssole Road Tunnel, inspection, evaluation, preliminary design for the tunnel rehabilitation
Los Palembres Diversion Tunnel Basic, detail design and field inspection of a 5,230 m long tunnel for diverting water
Lajout Tunnel Railway tunnel, L = 843m; Geotechnical survey, geotechnical feasibility study
Tunnel Markusbierg Road tunnel, 2 tubes, L = 1575 m excavation by roadheader; consultant in bidding phase and during construction
Gypsum quarry exploitation tunnel Geotechnical studies. Project management during conception and construction Excavation by roadheader
Chile / Argentina
Corsica France
Cristo Redentor transandean tunnel Chile/Argentina Studies for alternative solutions and preliminary design for transandean tunnels between 15,000 and 20,000 m length connecting Chile and Argentina, including ventilation, lighting construction systems, preliminary structural design Tunnel Saltu au Prete Road tunnel geological documentation, final design studies Cairo Metro – Line 2 Geotechnical consultant
Local infrastructure administration
Cia. Minera Palembres
1997 2001
Contractor JV, lead: RAZEL
1997 2001
1997 1998
Chilean Ministry of Public Works
1997 1998
Metro de Santiago de Chile
1996 1998
Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA), Frankfurt (German Railway Authority)
1995 – 1996
METREXPO (Construction JV)
Egypt Santiago de Chile Chile
Frankfurt Gemany
Lisbon Portugal
Metro de Santiago de Chile, Line 5 Review and validation of the Basic design and detail engineering of Santiago subway line 5 tunnels Highspeed Railway Line Cologne – Frankfurt, Tunnel “Frankfurter Kreuz” Double-track railway tunnel, 150 m² cross-section, very low overburden in loose soil underneath a major highway intersection under soilcrete jet grouting protection; geotechnical checking of final design, construction supervision including monitoring program Lisbon metro line D Station Olivais Sul Technical consultant, design studies
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Conventionally excavated tunnels (continued)
Pennes-Mirabeau Tunnel TGV Méditerranée, railway tunnel, L= 1,530 m; Geotechnical survey, Design and tender documents, Checking of construction documents, construction supervision
Marseille France
Paris France
Limeil France Paris France
Paris France
Paris France
1994 1998
1994 1998
1993 1995
High-Speed Railway Line Ebensfeld – Erfurt 22 railway tunnels from L= 600 m to L= 8,341 m, a total of 41,000 m of doubletrack, single tube railway tunnels; geotechnical consultant, geotechnical and hydrogeological survey, hydrogeological modeling
1992 1995
PBDE, Berlin (Railway Construction Society “German Unity”)
TGV railway connection - Tunnel de Limeil Brevannes Geotechnical synthesis, conception studies; Finite Element calculations
1992 1994
RER (regional Paris railway) - Line EOLE - lot 36 Connection with the Haussmann-Saint Lazare station, connecting spaces excavated from sidewall galleries with roadheaders; assistance in tender, geotechnical consultant, final design for galleries, single and double track tunnels excavated in full section
1992 1994
RER (regional Paris railway) - Line EOLE – Lots 33 and 35B Southern and northern connection with the Gare Magenta station, connecting spaces excavated from sidewall galleries with roadheaders with divided section; geotechnical synthesis, assistance in all project phases including tendering; running tunnels with single or double track;
1991 1997
RER (regional Paris railway) - Line EOLE - Lot 32 Tunnel North, 9,40 m diameter, L=444 m, excavated by roadheaders with divided section; Geotechnical synthesis, assistance in all projects phases including tendering
1991 – 1997
1990 1991
Exxon / Disputada Mine
Marseille Tunnel TGV Mediterranean, railway tunnel, L= 5,414 ;, Geotechnical survey, Design and tender documents, Checking of construction documents, construction supervision
Paris Metro Connection between lines 13 (Gare St Lazare - Invalides) and 14, excavation with divided sections and exploration gallery, excavation by roadheader; Geotechnical consultant, construction supervision
Los Bronces Expansion Project 5,400 m of tunnels; structural design and consulting during construction for Vizcachas and Los Bronces-Dolores tunnels
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Conventionally excavated tunnels (continued)
Prado – Carenage Tunnel Inner city road tunnel, L = 2,500 m Construction supervision, instrumentation, technical assistance to construction JV
Vienne France
Caracas Venezuela
Railway tunnel Geotechnical survey, geotechnical assistance, Finite Element calculation, project management assistance High Speed train Lyon - Meyssiez Tunnel L = 1,780 m, Large tunnel (width 12.6 m); geotechnical survey and synthesis; assistance for conception study and tender documents, choice of methods, Finite Element calculations, assistance during construction Caracas Metro - Lot CP04 Technical assistance to contractors, final design studies; Excavation with roadheader
Chilectra Alfalfal Power Station Geological-geotechnical studies of Colorado Olivares and common tunnels, total length of 23,500 m in the Central Andes near Santiago de Chile
1989 1991
1988 1998
1988 1992
1987 1988
1985 1986
Chilectra Generacion
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Cut & Cover tunnels Location Utrecht The Netherlands
Amsterdam The Netherlands
Darmstadt Germany
Antwerp Belgium
The Netherlands
Amsterdam The Netherlands
Toulouse France
Marseille France Valparaiso Chile
A2 highway roofed-over construction Covering of the 2x5 lane A2 highway on 1,600 m length; 4 tunnel tubes with 80 m total span, integrated escape channel between the tubes, pile foundation of the cover structure; integral tunnel and roofed-over construction design; Tender- basic and detailed design
2005 2010
DODO combination (Besix, Dura Vermeer, GTI)
Zuid-as Metro line Evaluation of several design options for building tunnels for 4 metro tracks, 6 railway tracks and 2 x 6 traffic lanes, including an underground metro station and an underground railway station. On top of the tunnels 1 million m² of real estate will be developed
2005 2006
Projectbureau Zuid-as
North-East Darmstadt Bypass 2 cut & cover tunnels, combined length 1,850 m, 2 lanes; geotechnical survey, geotechnical consultant during the design
2003 2005
Obermeyer, Aschaffenburg
Amam Tunnel Cut & cover tunnel in the framework of the renovation of the “Leien” quarter in Antwerp, tunnel to collect and channel traffic from secondary roads, underneath the new Court House, 2 x 3 lanes (ca. 20 m width), height of 4,60 m Complete tunnel study including safety aspects
2001 2007
AWV Antwerp, Flemish District
Pijnacker Verdiept Preliminary and detailed design, tender documents and shop drawings for a regional metro tunnel, including an underground station
2001 2007
Randstad Rail
De Ruijterkade tunnel Preliminary, detailed design, tender documents, construction supervision and project management for a double tube traffic tunnel along the embankment of the IJ river next to the Central Station
2001 2006
Municipality of Amsterdam
Toulouse Metro Cut & cover tunnel and open trench; geological investigations, hydrogeological engineering, geotechnical engineering
2001 2002
Public transport authority of the Toulouse Agglomeration
Major Tunnel Road tunnel project management during construction (in joint venture)
2000 2001
City of Marseille
MERVAL project Architectural designs, structural designs, preliminary and detailed design, tender documents for tunnel construction, road diversions and mechanical and electrical installations, construction supervision of a 5,000 m long railway tunnel through the city of Viña del Mar. The project includes 4 underground railway stations
1998 2005
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Cut & Cover tunnels (continued)
Location São Paulo Brazil
Arles France Grenoble France
The Netherlands
Voorburg The Netherlands Amsterdam The Netherlands
The Hague The Netherlands
Leiden The Netherlands Amsterdam The Netherlands
Marseille France Ile de France Region France
Metro São Paulo – Linha 5 Construction management of supplementation of 2,240 m of subway line including: 1,200 m of viaducts and bridges, 1,040 m of underground stretch (800 m cut and cover and 240 m conventional method)
1998 2002
CPTM – Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos
Underground crossing of Arles Motorway tunnel (tunnel on land as well as at sea), technical feasibility study
Local Road Administration
Grenoble, underground expressway, East-West connection Approximately 4000 m situated in sandy alluvium (plain of Isere) and in rock (hill of the Bastille); preliminary design study
1997 1998
Local Road Administration
Urban Railway Tunnel Best Preliminary, detailed design, tender documents, construction supervision and project management for this tunnel accommodating four tracks through the built-up area of the town including an underground railway station
1996 2002
NS Railinfrabeheer
Tunnel Sijtwende Planning, preliminary and detailed design for an urban road and public transport (busses and trams) tunnel
1995 2002
Sijtwende v.o.f./Van Hattum and Blankevoort contractors
Second Schiphol Tunnel Design, tender documents, construction supervision and project management of a traffic tunnel on Highway no. 4 under a runway of Schiphol Airport and upgrading of the existing tunnel
1995 1999
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Tramway Tunnel Grote Marktstraat Preliminary and detailed design, tender documents and construction supervision for the tram tunnel of 1250 m with 2 underground stations and an underground car park
1994 2001
Municipality of The Hague
Stationplein Tunnel Design, tender documents, construction supervision and project management for a traffic tunnel
1994 1997
Municipality of Leiden
Tunnel section Rapid Tramway Central Station Feasibility study, preliminary design, detailed design, tender documents, construction supervision and project management for a 15 m deep excavation, partly under the platforms of the Central Station
1993 1996
NS Railinfrabeheer
Underpass Dames-Joliette Participation in the design studies and assistance to the project manager
1993 1994
City of Marseille
Ile de France region high speed train connection – Villecresnes cut & cover tunnel 2,800 m of cut & cover with soldier piles and logging plus tension members construction final design
1992 1993
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Cut & Cover tunnels (continued)
Railway tunnel Betuwe Cargo Line Feasibility study for a railway tunnel near Gorkum as part of the Betuwe railway line between Rotterdam and the Ruhr Industrial Area in Germany
The Netherlands
Abcoude The Netherlands
Rouen France
Rotterdam The Netherlands
Zwolle The Netherlands
Lyon France
Rijswijk The Netherlands
The Hague The Netherlands
Municipality of Gorkum
National Road 13 - Carantan Canal Crossing 2 ramps of 120 m and one concrete frame with a length of 70 m underneath the canal, sheet pile support; Conceptual studies, tender documents, project management assistance
1991 1995
Local Road Administration
Railway tunnel Study into the feasibility and viability of constructing a tunnel to accommodate the rail doubling to four tracks in this urban area; Tender documents, quality control and review of the contractors detailed design
1991 – 1994
NS Railinfrabeheer
Light railway for the Rouen agglomeration Several support systems for the shafts, preliminary studies and construction studies
1991 1994
GIROUEN, construction JV
Metro crossing and station Lombardijen Design, tender documents, construction supervision and project management for Lombardijen station, with three track levels, including a 80 m long metro tunnel
1990 1996
NS Railinfrabeheer and Municipality of Rotterdam
Karnebeek Tunnel Preliminary and detailed designs, tender documents and construction supervision for a tunnel for public transport busses, cyclist and pedestrians
1990 1991
NS Railinfrabeheer and Municipality of Zwolle
Lyon Metro, line D, Gorges du Loup – Vénissieux Slurry wall, prefabricated, anchored walls, soldier pile and lagging, jet grouting Final design studies
Soletanche / Bachy, Construction JV
Urban Railway tunnel Planning, preliminary and detailed designs, tender documents and construction supervision for this 1,500 m long tunnel accommodating four tracks and an underground station
1989 1996
Municipality of Rijswijk and NS Railinfrabeheer
Tramway-tunnel Hollands Spoor Planning, preliminary and detailed designs, tender documents and construction supervision for a 130 m long tram tunnel under railway station yard comprising 10 tracks
1989 1995
NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen and Municipality of The Hague
2001 2005
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Cut & Cover tunnels (continued)
Location Taipei Taiwan
Brussels Belgium
Taipei metro- Hsintien line - lot 162, 2,600 m cut & cover tunnel (soldier pile and lagging), two stations 200m long (soldier piles and lagging) ; terminal stop station with four storey underground parking garage conceptual studies, tender documents, control of final design documents, technical assistance with project management
1989 1995
Singapore Central Expressway Inner city highway with 2 x 3 and 2 x 4 lanes, including 2,800 m of cut & cover tunnels and a river crossing ; final design; Cut & cover constructed with soldier piles and lagging, composite soldier piles and lagging, highly inert sheet piles, slurry walls, concrete soldier piles and lagging
1988 1989
BORIE SAE / COGEFAR / L&M, construction JV
Belliard Tunnel 2150 m cut & cover tunnel under the Belliardstreet one of Brussels’ main exit roads; connection to existing tunnels Technical equipment and safety design, including the use of new resistant materials and an innovative pedestrian rescue path concept
1986 1994
Belgian Government Authorities
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Immersed Tube Tunnels Location Amsterdam The Netherlands
Busan South Korea
Friesland The Netherlands
South Holland The Netherlands
Mombassa Kenya Papeete Tahiti
Havanna Cuba
Amsterdam The Netherlands
Rotterdam The Netherlands
2nd Coentunnel 1,200 m long immersed tube tunnel on the A10 Amsterdam ringroad and refurbishment of the existing tunnel; Tender-, basic and detailed design
2006 2013
Coentunnel Construction JV
Busan-Geoje Fixed Link Independent design checker for a 3,600 m immersed tube tunnel, offshore islands and production facilities
2003 2009
GK Fixed Link
Galamadammen Aqueduct Preliminary and detailed designs, tender documents, shop drawings, construction supervision, project management and quality control of an immersed tube tunnel crossing an inland waterway
2002 2007
Province of Friesland
High Speed Line South Tender design for the contractor, detailed design of the tunnel, shop drawings for the concrete works of two 2,500 m long railway tunnels crossing the rivers Oude Maas and Dordtsche Kil
1999 2003
Construction JV Drechtse Steden
Tunnel Mombassa Feasibility study and preliminary design for an immersed-tube tunnel under a river near Mombassa
1997 1998
Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands
By-pass road Papeete Feasibility study for a by-pass for the agglomeration of Papeete. The road section consisted of 3 immersed tube tunnels: 2 tunnels of 250 m and 275 m length for the crossing the channels of the Papeete lagoon, 1,425 m length tunnel for the crossing under the Papeete master key
1997 1998
Tunnel of the Havanna Bay Rehabilitation (structures) and modernization (equipment) of immersed tube road tunnel of 2 x 2,733 m length between Havana and Cabana; Project management of the works in collaboration with CETU
1996 2001
Ministry of Transport
North-south Metro line Planning, preliminary and detailed designs for the metro-line crossing with Amsterdam Central Station
1995 2010
NS Railinfrabeheer
Second Benelux Tunnel Design of an immersed traffic and tram tunnel of approximately 1,300 m under a river, and support of supervision of construction
1995 2002
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Immersed Tube Tunnels (continued)
Location Paris France
Amsterdam The Netherlands
METEOR – Metro Line 14 - Lot M16 River crossing with an immersed tube tunnel; Geotechnical advice and technical assistance during construction
1992 1994
Piet Hein Tunnel under “het IJ” Planning, preliminary and detailed designs, tender documents, construction supervision, project management and quality control for this 1,875 m long tunnel comprising four traffic lanes and two tram lines under a harbor basin and a shipping channel
1989 1999
Municipality of Amsterdam
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Underground Space Location Czech Republic
Mendoza, Argentina
Czech Republic
Middelburg The Netherlands The Hague The Netherlands Rotterdam The Netherlands ‘s-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands Paris France
Prague Metro – track IV C1 – Kobylisy station Underground metro station, 148 m long, 220 m² cross section Geotechnical consultant, design consulting, 3D modelling, geotechnical monitoring
2001 2004
Prague Public Transport Company
Andina Mine Expansion Project Tunnels and Cavern Detail Engineering for the design of all underground works, such as transportation tunnels, milling caverns and the study of spatial arrangement and geomechanical interaction of big caverns with nearby cavities
2001 2002
Codelco Chile
Porterillos Irrigation Dam Project Tunnels for controlling the Mendoza River and the related electric power plant. Basic, detail and construction engineering for: diversion tunnel of 13 m diam., outlet tunnel of 14 m diam., 4,000 m long approach tunnel of 4,50 m diam., slanted shaft tunnel of 500 m, operations cavern of 30mx20mx30m
2001 2002
Empresa Mendocina proyecta porterillos S.A.
Přibram underground natural gas storage Gas storage at 1,000 m depth, 45,000 m of tunnels, storage volume of 620 000 m3 Monitoring and inspection, evaluation of data including seismic risk assessment
1998 2007
Transgas a.s.
Andina Copper Mine Large underground cavern at the Andina Copper Mine installation 3,800 m above sea level built to take the mill and concentrator facilities for year round operation Detailed design for tunnels and caverns
1998 1999
Codelco Andina Copper Mine
State Archives Structural advice on underground archives, next to a historical building
1995 1999
State Archives Middelburg
Underground Parking Area ‘Laakhaven’ Structural design for an underground parking area for 1,400 cars
1995 1997
Municipality of The Hague
Beursplein Project management for the construction of an underground shopping area of 11,000 m²
1994 1996
Multi Development Corporation B.V.
Undergound Parking Area ‘Stationsplein’ Structural design for an underground parking area for 1,400 cars
1994 1995
Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch
RER (regional railway) - EOLE Line Assistance for a tender design for the underground Station Hausmann-St. Lazare which has a width of 53 m and a length of 225 m, geotechnical consultant, studies for constructability, detailed design.
1994 1995
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Underground Space (continued)
Location Amsterdam The Netherlands
Czech Republic
Paris France
France/Great Britain
Geneva Switzerland
Underground Parking Area ‘Museumplein’ Structural advice for an underground parking area for 600 cars, bus station and super market. Co-ordination of underground and above ground building activities
1993 1999
ING Bank – Vastgoedontwikkeling
Underground radioactive waste disposal Revision of historical mine map, design of permanent sealing, geotechnical investigation, assessment of mine walls stability
Institute for Research, Development and Production of Radioisotopes, Prague
RER (regional railway) - EOLE Line Magenta underground station 53 m width and 225 m length, construction by conventional method, preliminary gallery and active arch, treatment by jet grouting of the lower half-section of the galleries; Geotechnical analysis, assistance, preliminary and tender design, tender documents and checking of final design
1991 1997
Underground railway station Conceptual design, establishment of specifications. Finite element Calculations for station openings from 16 to 22 m.
1988 1998
1986 1991
TML Eurotunnel
1985 1987
Channel tunnel « Cross-over » French side (connection between the railway tunnels) length 170 m, width 19 m and height 18 m Geotechnical consultant, studies for construction concept, FEM calculations, geotechnical follow-up and monitoring CERN-LEP particle collider Study for working methods, finite element calculations for 6 underground caverns of 22 m width, 15 rooms carried out by conventional excavation methods
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Equipment and Safety Location France
Antwerp Belgium The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Amsterdam The Netherlands
Rotterdam The Netherlands
Best The Netherlands
Landgraaf The Netherlands
Amsterdam The Netherlands
Amsterdam The Netherlands
Lyon – Turin transalpine rail link Risk assessment for the civil works, rolling stock and dangerous goods transport
2004 2005
Oosterweel tunnel Preliminary design for tunnel installations and safety systems, specifications for tender
2003 2006
NV Beheersgroep Antwerpen Mobiel
Tunnel Pannerdensch Kanaal Design, tender documents, supervision of installation and project management for all installations of a railway tunnel
1997 2004
Management Group Betuwe Route, NS Railinfrabeheer
Wijker Tunnel Collection of system data for all installations and input in the maintenance system Moobis (dBase III format)
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Second Schiphol Tunnel Design, tender documents, supervision of installation and project management for all installations of a traffic tunnel on Highway No. 4 under a runway of Schiphol Airport and renewing of the installations of the existing tunnel
1995 1999
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Second Benelux Tunnel Design, tender documents and supervision of installation for all equipment of a traffic and tram tunnel under a canal
1995 2002
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Urban Railway Tunnel Design of mechanical and electrical installations, tender documents, tendering and supervision of installation for a 2,000 m long railway tunnel, including a 200 m long underground station
1994 2002
NS Railinfrabeheer
Waste Disposal Facility Landgraaf Advice and design of installation management system and of the electrical installations and operating system for a 600 m long tunnel for percolation water under a 30 m deep excavation
1994 1995
District of Oostelijk Zuid-Limburg
Piet Hein Tunnel Design, tender documents, supervision of installation and project management for all mechanical and electrical installations for a 1,875 m long traffic tunnel in the city
1992 1997
Municipality of Amsterdam
IJ Tunnel Renovation Works Design of control building and of new technical installations for the tunnel, including planning and cost estimates
1991 1996
Municipality of Amsterdam
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction | References
Equipment and Safety (continued)
Valkenburger Tunnel Design of mechanical and electrical installations for a new tunnel
1991 1992
Ingenieursbureau Amsterdam
Parama - Salamina Crossing Preliminary design of all tunnel installations
Delta Marine Consultants
Aktio - Preveza Crossing Preliminary design of all tunnel installations
Delta Marine Consultants
Underground Tramtunnel Grote Marktstraat Design of mechanical and electrical installations, tender documents, tendering and supervision of installation for a 1,250 m long tram tunnel, 2 underground stations and an underground parking area
1989 2001
Municipality of The Hague
Urban Railway Tunnel Design of mechanical and electrical installations, tender documents, tendering and supervision of installation for a 1,450 m long railway tunnel, including an underground station
1989 1996
NS Railinfrabeheer
Drecht Tunnel Design and monitoring of the renovation of the installations to upgrade the tunnel to the requirements for transport of dangerous goods
1984 1993
The Netherlands
Parama - Salamina Greece Aktio - Preveza Greece The Hague The Netherlands
Rijswijk The Netherlands
Dordrecht The Netherlands
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Statement of qualifications – Underground Construction | Why ARCADIS
Why ARCADIS Whether you require a “one-stop shopping” solution, advice on approvals or technical matters, top-notch project management, cost management, or specific solutions for troubling projects, we go the extra mile to accommodate your special requirements. Wherever you need us, our well-trained, motivated and experienced staff will meet (and exceed) the demands of your projects.
Speed Once started, projects are planned and implemented with a sense of urgency and coordinated by a single ARCADIS project manager with full authority to marshal and coordinate resources globally.
Cost efficiency One of the reasons for ARCADIS’ success is our focus on cost-effective solutions. Our long-standing integration of cost management methodology and systems into our design and planning procedures and our project and cost management experts allow us to offer specialized construction management services.
Quality Our international programs ensure consistent service delivery in each country in which we are active. All documents are reviewed by the project manager and are subject to ARCADIS’ strict quality assurance / quality control program.
Experience ARCADIS was established in 1888. We did not begin with underground construction projects but have performed countless single projects in this industry since our inception. Many of our people have project experience from all over the world. This experience guarantees solutions that will help minimize risks, optimize performance and strengthen your public image.
Statement of qualifications – Underground Construction | Why ARCADIS
Communication The design and project management process of complex projects can be dynamic, making the timely transfer of information crucial. To facilitate communication, ARCADIS established multinational groups to maintain networks of key project managers throughout the ARCADIS global network. All project team members are in constant communication with our project managers, who in turn keep our clients informed on issues that could have an impact on their projects. Our clients need to be aware of potential issues as they arise not when a report is issued.
Advocacy We continually strive to excel in this area. During every step of a project, we represent our clients’ best interests. When you retain ARCADIS, you can be confident that we view ourselves as an extension of your organization. Your goals become ours.
Statement of qualifications – Underground Construction | How to contact us
How to contact us
Head office ARCADIS NV Nieuwe Stationsstraat 10 P.O. Box 33 6800 LE Arnhem The Netherlands Phone +31 26 377 89 11 Fax +31 26 351 52 35 Principal offices
Belgium ARCADIS Belgium Clara Snellingsstraat 27 2100 Antwerpen Belgium Phone +32 3 3608300 Fax +32 3 3608301
Brazil ARCADIS Logos Engenharia Rua Libero Badaró, 377-6° andar CEP 01009-906, São Paulo Brazil Phone +55 11 311 73 171 Fax +55 11 311 77 351 Enerconsult S.A. Rua Libero Badaró, 377-14° andar CEP 01009-906, São Paulo Brazil Phone +55 11 322 63 400 Fax +55 11 322 63 446
Chile ARCADIS Geotécnica Av. Eliodoro Yañez 1893 Providencia, Santiago Chile Phone +56 2 3816000 Fax +56 2 3816001
Czech Republic ARCADIS CZ a.s. Na Strži 1702/65 140 62 Praha 4 Czech Republic Phone +420 296 330 111 Fax +420 224 236 313 SG-Geotechnika Geologicka 988/4 152 00 Praha 5 Czech Republic Phone +420 234 654 111 Fax +420 234 654 112
ARCADIS Consult Europaplatz 3 64293 Darmstadt Germany Phone +49 61513880 Fax +49 6151388999
ARCADIS Eurométudes Strada Gheorge Manu, nr. 20, Sectorul 1 71106 Bucarest Romania Phone +40 - (0)213122699 Fax +40 - (0)213122697
ARCADIS Homola Voltastrasse 31 60486 Frankfurt Germany Phone +49 69 79590-0 Fax +49 69 79590-590
France ARCADIS ESG 9, avenue Réaumur 92354 Le Plessis Robinson France Phone +33 - (0)1 46 23 77 77 Fax +33 - (0)1 46 01 35 85
Italy ARCADIS SET S.r.l. Via Riva Di Sotto, 39 39050 San Paolo di Appriano (BZ) Italy Phone +39 - 0471 631100 Fax +39 - 0471 637702
The Netherlands ARCADIS Nederland BV Piet Mondriaanlaan 26 P.O. Box 220 3800 GV Amersfoort The Netherlands Phone +31 - (0)33 4771000 Fax +31 - (0)33 4772000 PRC Goudseweg 181 P.O. Box 1051 2410 CB Bodegraven The Netherlands Phone +31 172 631414 Fax +31 172 611902
Poland ARCADIS Polska Sp.zo.o. ul. Pulawska 182 02-670 Warsaw Poland Phone +48 - (0)22 203 2000 Fax +48 - (0)22 203 2001
United Kingdom ARCADIS G&M International Craven Court Wille Snaith Road Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7FA United Kingdom Phone +44 1638 674767 Fax +44 1638 668191 AYH 10 Furnival Street London EC4A 1YH United Kingdom Phone +44 20 7216 1000 Fax +44 20 7216 1001 VECTRA Group Ltd 28 Grays Inn Road Third Floor London WC1X 8HR United Kingdom Phone +44 20 7269 5980 Fax +44 20 7269 5981
United States ARCADIS 630 Plaza Drive, Suite 200 Highland Ranch Colorado 80129 United States Phone +1 720 3443500 Fax +1 720 3443535 ARCADIS BBL 6723 Towpath Road P.O. Box 66 Syracuse New York 13214 United States Phone +1 315 4469120 Fax +1 315 4490017 RTKL Associates 901 South Bond Street Baltimore Maryland 21231 United States Phone +1 410 537 6000 Fax +1 410 276 2136
Statement of Qualifications – Underground Construction - May 2009