31 minute read


Ronald Russell Pelham Burn was born in Edinburgh on the 11th of October 1910. As a Captain during the Second World War, he was captured by the Germans at St Valéry­en­Caux in 1940 while in command of D Company, 4th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders. He escaped immediately, and although he was soon recaptured his defiant spirit endured as he was moved between various camps. He was imprisoned at Oflag VII B from September 1942, where he maintained clandestine communications with the War Office. It would appear that his interest in medal collecting had its genesis while he was in captivity, as he obtained books on the subject –as well as on heraldry – via the Red Cross. He then formed his collection in the later 1940s and 1950s. His Military Cross was gazetted in October 1945.


The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil Division): a Companion’s breast badge (C.B.), 18 carat gold, by Garrard, early type suspension with loop joined to the bar by a threaded post, with ribbon buckle, London 1864, extremely fine or nearly so.

Provenance: The collection of Major R.R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 11th July 1946



The Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George: a Companion’s neck badge (C.M.G.), silver­gilt and enamel, enamel damage to centres, otherwise good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 11th July 1946



The Royal Victorian Order: a Commander’s neck badge (C.V.O.), silver­gilt and enamel, reverse officially numbered ‘C417’, with a short section of miniature width ribbon, good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 11th July 1946



The Order of the League of Mercy: a lady’s shoulder badge, silver­gilt and enamel, with bow ribbon, very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946



The House Order of Saxe­Ernestine: Commander’s neck badge, gold and enamels, with short neck ribbon; and breast star, the four pointed silver star with gilt and enamel centre, minor enamel damage to the badge, otherwise both extremely fine or nearly so. [2]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.


The Distinguished Service Order: a Victorian Companion’s breast badge (D.S.O.), gold and enamel, faint discolouration to enamel close to centre, otherwise about extremely fine and rare.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 11th July 1946


55 (Indian) Order of Merit (Military Division): 1st type (1837­1912), 1st class, Reward of Valor, gold and enamel, reverse engraved on three lines ‘1st Class “Order of Merit”‘, centre retained by a flush fitting nut, good very fine and rare.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 11th July 1946



A Royal Red Cross 1st Class, George V, silver­gilt and enamel, with bow ribbon, good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Distinguished Service Cross, George V, unnamed as issued, hallmarked for Garrard, London 1918, very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 4th July 1946



An Air Force Cross, George V, unnamed as issued, original type ribbon with horizontal stripes, about extremely fine and toned.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 4th July 1946



The Distinguished Conduct Medal (King’s African Rifles) to Sergeant Karonga, 1/1 King’s African Rifles, George V (34 .SJT KARONGA. I/I K.A.R.), extremely fine, reverse lightly toned.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th September 1946

Notes: D.C.M.: E.A. Force GRO No 1284 31/12/1917; Nyasaland Gazette 31/01/1918

Sergeant Karonga served in the Operations in Somaliland 1908­10 as a Corporal. His Great War service commenced 17/08/1914. His D.C.M. deed took place during fighting near Mponda in Nyasaland 08/09/1917:

“At MIRANDA [sic] on 8th Sept. 1917, Both these NCOs (with 31 Sgt. Kumisa) behaved in a most gallant manner, covering the retirement of wounded when compelled to fall back before a strong counter attack. Their officer was wounded and there were a number of other casualties. Sgt. Karonga was wounded but remained in the firing line and took command of his platoon, assisted by Sgt. Kumisa.”



A Kaisar­I­Hind Medal, George V, 1st class in gold, 1st type, extremely fine or nearly so.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 11th July 1946



The Great War Group of five awards to Lieutenant Colonel Christian Frederick George William de Falbe, O.B.E., T.D., Hertfordshire Yeomanry and Norfolk Regiment: The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Officer’s breast badge (O.B.E.), Britannia type, silver­gilt, London 1919; 1914­15 Star (MAJOR C. F. G. W. DE FALBE. HERTS. YEO.); British War Medal 1914­20; Victory Medal with tailor’s copy Mention in Despatches emblem (LT. COL. C. F. G. W. DE FALBE.); Territorial Decoration, George V, London 1919, mounted for wearing, good very fine or better. [5]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



Alexander Davidson’s Medal for the Nile 1798, gilt­bronze, unnamed as issued, solder­fitted with a slim bar for suspension, good very fine or a little better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



Honourable East India Company: Seringapatam Medal 1799, silver­gilt, 48mm, Soho Mint, solder­fitted with a loop for suspension, nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Military General Service Medal to Private William Sutherland, 92nd (Highland) Regiment, clasp: Egypt (W. SUTHERLAND, 92ND FOOT), good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Naval General Service Medal 1793­1840 (George Scott), clasp: 4 NOVR 1805, good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 3rd November 1959

Notes: Appears on the roll as Ordinary Seaman H.M.S. Caesar. The action of 4th November 1805 resulted in the capture of four French ships of the line (which had escaped after the Battle of Trafalgar) by a British squadron led by Commodore Sir Richard Strachan. After a lengthy chase, the French were forced to form a line of battle, against which H.M.S. Caesar, an 80 gun third rate ship of the line, led the successful attack.



A Military General Service Medal 1793­1814 to Private Timothy Joynes, 5th (Northumberland) Regiment of Foot, 8 clasps: Roleia, Vimiera, Corunna, Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, Orthes, Toulouse (TIMOTHY JOYNES, 5TH FOOT.), some edge bruising, otherwise good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. Ex. Hume Collection 1923 (ref. Mullen).



A Military General Service Medal 1793­1814 to Private Thomas Cartwright, 10th Hussars, unofficial clasp combination* of Sahagun & Benevento, Vittoria, Orthes and Toulouse (T. CARTWRIGHT, 10TH HUSSARS.), carriage altered to accommodate the clasps, otherwise at least very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: * The medals roll confirms only Vittoria, Orthes and Toulouse for this man. £400­500


A Waterloo Medal 1815 to Private Thomas Radford, 3rd Battalion 14th Foot, (THOMAS RADFORD, 3RD BATT. 14TH REG. FOOT.), later straight bar suspension, edge bruising, near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



An Army of India Medal 1799­1826 to Lieutanant Charles Harington Graeme, 5th Light Cavalry, clasp: Ava (LIEUT CHAS H. GRÆME, 5TH LT CAVY), short hyphen reverse, officially impressed, edge knock at 5 o’clock, otherwise good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: As a Captain, Charles Graeme was to part in the Kolhapur Campaign of 1844. Leading the 5th Madras Light Cavalry he played a prominent role in the storming of the fortress of Samanghur, preventing the escape of the defenders after a breach was stormed, and swiftly engaging a defeating a large force that attempted to come to their aid. He was slightly wounded in this battle.

Sources: Hayward (pub.), ‘The Army of India Medal Roll 1799­1826’; The Indian Mail, December 6th 1844 (No 20).



A Naval General Service Medal 1793­1840 to James Smith, 2 clasps: Navarino, Syria (JAMES SMITH.), good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Ghuznee Medal 1839, reverse field engraved (Private Jordan 13 Regiment), good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th July 1946



A Candahar medal 1842, edge engraved in running script (Sepoy Davie Sing 42nd Regt N.I.), steel clip and straight bar suspension, very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Cabul Medal 1942, officially re­impressed (WM. DESMOND 31ST REGT.), naming style similar to China Medal 1842, steel clip and straight bar suspension, good very fine

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Ghuznee Cabul Medal 1842, engraved in running script (Gunner Robert Reardon 3rd Compy 2nd Battn Bengal Foot Arty), steel clip and straight bar suspension, good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 4th October 1946



A Jellalabad Medal 1841­42 to James Watts, 13th Foot, second type (winged Victory), officially impressed (JAS. WATTS 13TH REGT.), about very fine and scarce.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.


A Gwalior Star 1843 to Private Charles Abbott, 40th Foot, Maharajpoor centre, original hook replaced by a German silver straight bar suspension (Private Charles Abbott H.M. 40th Regt.), very fine or nearly so.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 12th June 1946

£250­350 77

A New Zealand Medal 1845­66 to Able Seaman William Dingle, H.M.S. Castor, reverse dated 1845 to 1846 (WM DINGLE A. B. HM.S. CASTOR), officially impressed, brush marks to obverse, otherwise good very fine or better with toning to the reverse.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th July 1946

Notes: 69 medals with this reverse to H.M.S. Castor, out of approximately 160 to the Royal Navy

£800­1,200 78

A Sutlej Medal 1845­46 to Gunner T. James, 3rd Brigade Bengal Horse Artillery, Moodkee reverse, 2 clasps: Ferozeshuhur, Sobraon (GUNNER T: JAMES 3RD BRIGADE H: AY), officially impressed, at least very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 3rd November 1959



A Sutlej Medal 1845­46 to Private William Fishwick, 31st Foot, Moodkee reverse, 3 clasps: Ferozeshuhur, Aliwal, Sobraon (WILLIAM FISHWICK 31ST REGT), officially impressed, suspension post and carriage slightly loose, some contact bruising, otherwise very fine or nearly so.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Possibly ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th September 1946

Notes: The roll confirms clasp entitlement to 2375 Private William Fishwick. The muster rolls give the alternative spelling ‘Fhiswick’, and indicate that he joined his regiment at Umballa, 12/03/1844, and that though he spent a certain amount of time sick in hospital, he was on duty for the period of the conflict.



A Sutlej Medal to Lieutenant J. Gordon, 59th Bengal Native Infantry, Sobraon reverse (LIEUT J: GORDON 59TH REGT N:I:), brush marks and some bruising, otherwise very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Probably ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 12th June 1946



A Punjab Medal 1848­49 tp Lieutenant and Adjutant A. B. Church, 9th Bombay Native Infantry, clasp: Mooltan (LIEUT A. B. CHURCH, ADJT 9TH REGT N.I.), officially impressed, light brush marks, otherwise nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 28th August 1946



An India Medal 1849­95 to Gunner James Crosbie, Horse Artillery, clasp: Pegu (GUNNER JAS CROSBIE. HORSE ARTY), impressed, near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Possibly ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 9th October 1946



A South Africa Medal 1834­53 to Private George Richie, 72nd (The Duke of Albany’s Own Highlanders) Regiment, (G. RICHIE. 72ND REGT.), some evidence of cleaning, very fine or a little better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th September 1946

Notes: Served with the 72nd in the 6th Xhosa War 1834­35, and numbered 526 on the roll. 128 medals to the regiment for this campaign.



A Crimea Medal 1854­56, unnamed as issued, 2 clasps: Azoff, Sebastopol, light contact marks, about very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th July 1946



A Crimea Medal 1854­56 to Henry J. Collom, H.M.S. Arethusa, no clasp (H. COLLOM. H.M.S. ARETHUSA), engraved in serif capitals, cleaned, near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Entered on the roll for H.M.S. Arethusa as a Calker’s Mate, his medal was sent to H.M.S. Dragon 15/02/1856. The roll also appears to show that a Sebastopol clasp was later sent to this man, and this was presumably never fixed to the medal.



A Crimea Medal 1854­56 to J. Cole, 63rd Foot, 4 clasps: Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebstopol (J. COLE. 63RD REGT.), officially impressed, brush marks, very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946

Notes: 3385 Private James Cole, confirmed on the rolls for these clasps, died at Scutari 21/02/1855



A Baltic Medal 1854­55, privately engraved in serif capitals (JS. KENNEDY. R.N.), suspension post slightly loose, near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: The roll appears to include three claimants corresponding to the name on this medal: James Kennedy, A.B., H.M.S. Blenheim; James Kennedy, Ord., H.M.S. James Watt; James Kennedy, A.B., H.M.S. St George.



A Baltic Medal 1854­55, unnamed as issued, suspension post loose, test scratches to edge, otherwise about very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Turkish Crimea Medal attributable to Private John Greaves, 5th Dragoon Guards, privately impressed (NO 1490 PT. JNO. GREAVES. 5TH DRAGOON GDS..), fitted with a scrolling silver suspension bar, good fine or a little better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Confirmed on the roll for the British Crimea Medal. Does not appear to have been present for the Battle of Balaklava.



A China Medal 1856­60, unnamed as issued, 4 clasps: Fatshan 1857, Canton 1857, Taku Forts 1858, Taku Forts 1860, lustrous tone to obverse and clasps, light surface marks but otherwise nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Possibly ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 9th April 1947



An Indian Mutiny Medal 1857­59 to Private William Briley, 1st Battalion 8th (The King’s) Regiment of Foot, 2 unofficial clasps: Delhi, Relief of Lucknow (WM BRILEY, 1ST BN 8TH REGT), about very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 28th August 1946

Notes: Examination of the roll indicates that Private Briley (therein spelt ‘Breley) was entitled to a no­clasp medal only, having been employed at “Serhampore” ­ possibly Srirampore which was close to Barrackpore on the Hoogley. Discharged at Depot, Leamington.



Arctic Medal 1857, unnamed as issued, light cleaning marks, otherwise extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



Arctic Medal 1857, unnamed as issued, light cleaning marks, otherwise about extremely fine and lightly toned.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A New Zealand Medal to Private Robert Fakes, 1st Battalion 12th (East Suffolk) Regiment of Foot, 1863 to 1866 reverse (736. ROBT FAKES, 1ST BN 12TH REGT), some pitting to the edge, otherwise good very fine or a little better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946



A Canada General Service Medal 1866­70 to Colour Sergeant Antoine Lebeau, 6th Battalion Hochelaga Light Infantry, 2 clasps: Fenian Raid 1866, Fenian Raid 1870 (Cr. Sgt. A. Lebeau, 6th H.L.I.), impressed upper and lower case letters, light brush marks, otherwise extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th July 1946

Notes: Served from 3rd to 18th June 1866 at “Stottsville” (possibly Stittsville Ontario) and from 24th May to 3rd June 1870 at St John’s.



A Canada General Service Medal to Private John Coleman, 2nd Battalion 17th (Leicestershire) Regiment of Foot, clasp: Fenian Raid 1866 (680. Pte. J. Coleman. 2/17th. Rgt.), impressed in upper and lower case letters, about extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 12th June 1946

Notes: Roll indicates service at St Stephens and St Andrews (New Brunswick).



An Abbysinia Medal 1867­68 to Private Thomson Appleby, 26th (Cameronian) Regiment of Foot, (1118 T. APPLEBY 26TH REGT), officially embossed reverse, soldered repair to suspension, near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th September 1946



An Ashanti Medal 1873­74 to Private William Byrne, 2nd Battalion The Rifle Brigade, clasp: Coomassie (2211. PTE W. BYRNE. 2. BN RIFLE BDE 1873­4), officially engraved, suspension slightly loose, good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A South Africa Medal 1877­79 to Private Thomas Hughes, 88th Regiment of Foot, clasp: 1877­8 (1094 PTE T. HUGHES. 88TH FOOT), engraved in upright serif capitals, very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Appears on the medal roll as number 1074, shown as engaged against the “Gaikas, Galekas and other Kaffir Tribes 1877­78”, but also shown as Entitled to “Medal without Clasp under Para IV”. Clasp confirmed in published roll (Dutton)



A South Africa Medal 1877­79 to Trooper Louis Rosenthal, Diamond Fields Horse, clasp: 1878 (TPR L. ROSENTHAL, DIAMOND FDS HORSE), engraved in slightly sloping capitals, light brush marks, better than very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th November 1959

Notes: Confirmed on the roll as having been engaged against the Griquas 1878.



A South Africa Medal 1877­79 to Private Thomas Bagnall, 80th Regiment of Foot, clasp: 1878­9 (779. PTE T. BAGNALL. 80TE [sic] FOOT.), engraved in upright capitals, good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th November 1959

Notes: Confirmed on the roll as having been engaged against Sekukuni in 1879



A South Africa Medal 1877­79 to Private William Haystaff, 1st King’s Dragoon Guards, clasp: 1879 (2086. PTE W. HAYSTAFF. 1ST DN GDS), good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: The roll confirms that Private Haystaff was engaged against the Zulus in 1879.



An Afghanistan Medal 1878­80 to Private Angus Goldwyre, 72nd Highlanders, 4 clasps: Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar (1441, PTE A. GOLDWYRE, 72ND HIGHRS), engraved in slightly sloping capitals, nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th September 1946

Notes: Also entitled to the Kabul to Kandahar Star.



An Afghanistan Medal 1878­80 to Drummer James Jacobs, 1st Battalion 17th Regiment of Foot, no clasp (1281. DRUMR J. JACOBS. 1/17TH REGT), engraved in slightly sloping capitals, nearly extremely fine, obverse and edges toned

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 26th September 1946

Notes: Embarked for England 24/01/1881. Discharged 22/03/1881



A Kabul to Kandahar Star to Private H Clark, 9th Lancers (1703 PRIVATE H. CLARK 9TH LANCERS), very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 26th September 1946



A Cape of Good Hope General Service Medal 1880­97 to Private A. Schenck, Malmesbury Burghers, clasp: Basutoland (PTE A SCHENCK. MALMESBURY BURGS), engraved in upright capitals, good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Probably ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 4th October 1946

Notes: The published roll by indicates only two claimants for this clasp from the Malmesbury Burghers (out of a total of 16 medal claimants from the unit). (ref. D.R. Forsyth, 1975)



A North West Canada Medal 1885 to Sergeant William Metcalfe, 10th Battalion Royal Grenadiers, clasp: Saskatchewan (SERGT W. METCALFE, 10TH BATT. R. G.), privately engraved in plain capitals, about extremely fine and lightly toned.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Probably ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 28th August 1946

Notes: Served with 2nd Company 10th R.G. Received a grant of 320 acres of bounty land for his service in suppressing the rebellion.



An East and West Africa Medal 1887­1900 to Private W. Samuels, 1st Battalion West India Regiment, 5* clasps: 1887­8, 1892, 1893­94, 1897­98, Sierra Leone 1898­99 (2646. PTE W. SAMUELS. 1/W.I. RGT), engraved in serif capitals, punch mark to forehead of bust, discolouration to lower half of obverse, otherwise good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Possibly ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 28th August 1946

Notes: * A search of the rolls has only confirmed entitlement in the case of the 1887­8 and 1893­94 clasps, and although a similar man in the 2nd battalion (646 Pte. W. Samuels) appears on the roll for the 1897­98 and Sierra Leone 1898­99 clasps, conflating the two would seem to involve a duplication of medals.



An India General Service Medal 1849­95 to Private Arthur Lakin, 2nd Battalion Derbyshire Regiment, clasp: Sikkim 1888 (1099 Pte A. Lakin 2d Bn Derby. R.), engraved in running script, very fine or nearly so.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 9th October 1946

Notes: Confirmed on the roll as having served between 21/08/1888 and 27/09/1888



A Central Africa Medal to Sergeant Major Ali Kiongwe, Native Contingent British Central Africa Armed Forces, first type with ring suspension (SGT: MAJ: ALI KIONGWE. NATIVE CONTGT), engraved in serif capitals, some contact bruising to edges, near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 15th August 1946

Notes: Served in the second expedition against the slaver trader Makanjira in the vicinity of Lake Nyassa, November 1893­January 1894.



A British South Africa Company Medal to Sergeant E. Slater, Victoria Column, Matabeleland 1893 reverse (SERGT E. SLATER. VICTORIA COLUMN), engraved in plain capitals, nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th June 1946

Notes: Confirmed on the roll, present at the Shangani and the Bembesi.



An East and West Africa Medal to Gunner T. Berridge, Royal Navy, clasp: Gambia 1894 (T. BERRIDGE, GUNNER R.N.. H.M.S. RALEIGH.), impressed in serif capitals, good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 16th October 1946



A scarce Defence of Chitral pair to Sepoy Champa, 4th Kashmir Rifles: India Medal 1895­1902, first type, clasp: Defence of Chitral 1895 (728 Sepoy Champa 4th Kashmir Rifles), near very fine; Jummoo and Kashmir Medal, bronze, clasp: Chitral 1895 (728 SEPOY CHAMPA 4TH KASHMIR RIFLES), unevenly impressed in plain capitals, suspension post loose and some edge bruising, otherwise near very fine. [2]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



An East and West Africa Medal 1887­1900 to Sepoy Mir Ahmad, 24th Bombay Infantry, edge impressed Mwele 1895­6 to either side of the suspension post, no clasp (272 Sepoy Mir Ahmad, 24th Bo Infy), engraved in cursive script, nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 16th October 1946

Notes: Confirmed on the roll of troops engaged in the “Expedition against the Mazrui Rebels British East Africa”. This man was engaged 17/03/96 to 31/05/96.



An Ashanti Star 1895­96 to Lance Corporal A. Kearns, 2nd Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, reverse regimentally inscribed (3451 L. CPL A. KEARNS 2. W. YORKS R.), very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th June 1946



A British South Africa Company Medal to Private F. Burgess, 7th Hussars, Rhodesia 1896 reverse, no clasp (4225

PTE. F. BURGESS ­ 7TH HUSS), engraved in plain capitals, about extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 12th June 1946



A British South Africa Company Medal to Trooper P Weinthal, British South Africa Police, Mashonaland 1897 reverse, no clasp (NO 76. P. WEINTHAL. B.S.A.P.), engraved in plain capitals, good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 28th August 1946

Notes: Could not be verified on roll.



An East and Central Africa Medal to Private Badrudin Khan, 4th Bombay Rifles, clasp: 1898 (509 P’TE BADRUDIN. KHAN. 4/BOM: RIF:.), near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Queen’s Sudan Medal 1896­98 re­engraved to Sergeant Frank Knowles, 21st Lancers, (3402, SERGT F. KNOWLES. 21/L/CERS.), personal details re­engraved in official style serif capitals, unit details officially engraved, about very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Possibly ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 12th June 1946

Notes: Frank Knowles, A Company, 21st Lancers, took part in the famous charge of his regiment at the Battle of Omdurman, September 1898. A Lance Corporal at that time, he was promoted to Sergeant 01/04/1900. It is possible that this re­engraved medal is an honest, though unofficial, replacement for his original medal, reflecting his later rank.



An East and West Africa Medal to Private Egunjobi Oyo, Niger Coast Protectorate Force, clasp: 1899 (728 PTE EGUNJOBI OYO. NIGER C.P. FORCE), impressed in plain capitals, some edge bruising, otherwise near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Possibly ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 16th October 1946

Notes: Participated in the Central Division Expedition of February and March 1899.



A Queen’s South Africa Medal to W. J. Pitt, Mafeking Town Guard, second type, clasp: Defence of Mafeking (W. J. PITT. MAFEKING TOWN GD:), impressed in plain capitals, brush marks, very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 16th October 1946



Three medals to orassociated with Private F. C. Treadwell, 1st Loyal North Lancashire Regiment: Queen’s South Africa, first type (b), faint ghost dates, 3 clasps: Defence of Kimberley, Orange Free State, Transvaal (4596 PTE F.C. TREADWELL, 1ST L.N. LANC: REGT); King’s South Africa, two dated clasps (4596 PTE J. TREADWELL. L.N. LANC: REGT); Kimberley Star, unnamed as issued, Birmingham 1902; good fine or better. [3]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th September 1946

Notes: A J. Treadwell appears on the roll for the QSA with the regimental number 4303, whereas 4596 is the number given for an F Treadwell on the same roll. These three medals were bought by the collector as a group from Baldwins in 1946



A Queen’s South Africa Medal to Private J. Farrell, 1st Battalion King’s Royal Rifle Corps, first type (b), clear ghost dates, 5 clasps: Talana, Tugela Heights, Relief of Ladysmith, Transvaal, Laing’s Nek (692 PTE J. FARRELL, K.R.R.C.), impressed in plain capitals, small dent to obverse rim at 6 o’clock, otherwise good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 9th October 1946

Notes: Served with the 1st Battalion K.R.R.C. and wounded at Farquhar’s Farm (aka the Battle of Lombard’s Kop) 30/10/1899. Clasps for Transvaal, Talana and Laing’s Nek confirmed on roll dated August 1901. Tugela Heights and Relief of Ladysmith confirmed in a later claim of 23/06/1903 while serving with the 2nd Battalion.



A Queen’s South Africa Medal to Private T.S. Curtis, 5th Lancers, first type (b), ghost dates, 4 clasps: Elandslaagte, Defence of Ladysmith, Orange Free State, Transvaal (4773. Pte. T. S. CURTIS. 5/Lcrs:), engraved in serif upper and lower case letters, some contact marking to edge and rims, scratches to obverse field and bust, otherwise near very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 9th October 1946

Notes: Later claim made for a Cape Colony clasp (not extant). Also entitled to the King’s South Africa Medal.



A Queen’s South Africa Medal to Private J. Richardson, 2nd Battalion King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, first type (b), ghost dates, 4 clasps: Belmont, Modder River, Transvaal, Wittebergen (5819 PTE J. RICHARDSON, 2: YORK: LT INF:), officially impressed, very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 9th October 1946

Notes: Killed in an accident at Balmoral, South Africa, 16/08/1901



A Queen’s South Africa Medal to Private A. G. Caines, 2nd Battalion The Rifle Brigade, fist type (b) with faint ghost dates, 2 clasps: Tugela Heights, Relief of Ladysmith (259 PTE A. G. CAINES, RIFLE BRIGADE), officially impressed and with official correction to the name, brush marks, very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Wounded at Ladysmith 23/02/1900. Entered on the medal roll with the initial “J”, hence the official correction to the naming, which involves the rank, initial, and first letter of the surname. ‘Cains’ on the casualty roll.



A Queen’s Mediterranean Medal to Private W. Machin, 3rd Battalion King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, (6044 PTE W. MACHIN. YORKS: L.I.), good very fine or better

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Transport Medal 1899­1902 to J. T. Gambell, Chief Officer, SS Bavarian, clasp: S. Africa 1899­1902 (J. T. GAMBELL), officially impressed, at least good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: S.S. Bavarian was a passenger liner built by William Denny & Bros. of Dumbarton, and launched in May 1899. She was owned and operated by Allan Line S.S. Co. Ltd. and was broken up in 1907.



A St John Ambulance Brigade Medal for South Africa 1899­1902 to Private J.H. Cowan, Penrith Division, (624. PTE J. H. COWAN PENRITH DIV.), engraved in large plain capitals, some tarnishing to obverse, otherwise good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Served in 11th General Hospital attached R.A.M.C.. Also entitled to the Queen’s South Africa Medal with clasps Cape Colony and South Africa 1901



An Ashanti Medal 1900 to Private Kanyengo, 1st Central African Regiment (later 1st (Central Africa) Battalion King’s African Rifles), high relief obverse die, clasp: Kumassi (61 PTE KANYENGO. 1ST K.A.R.C.), good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Served in B Company of 1st Battalion.



An Africa General Service Medal 1899­1956 to Mr R. Morrisey, (attached) Southern Nigeria Regiment, 3 clasps: S. Nigeria 1902, S. Nigeria 1902­03, S. Nigeria 1904 (R. MORRISEY. S.N. REGT), impressed in plain capitals, some edge bruising, otherwise good very fine and scarce to a civilian.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th November 1959

Notes: An R. Morrissey [sic] appears in The Colonial List for 1904 as a Travelling Commissioner in the Political and Administrative Department of Southern Nigeria.



A Tibet Medal 1903­04 to Private E. Hornblow, 1st Battalion Royal Fusiliers, clasp: Gyantse (6352 Pte E Hornblow 1st Bn Ryl. Fuslrs), very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th June 1946



An Africa General Service Medal 1899­1956 to Private David Adio, Southern Nigeria Regiment, clasp: West Africa 1906 (196 PTE DAVID ADIO. S. N. REGT), good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 30th November 1959



A Natal Medal 1906 to Corporal J. S. Crook, Natal Medical Corps, clasp: 1906 (CPL: J. S. CROOK, NATAL MEDICAL CORPS.), impressed in plain capitals, scratches to obverse field, otherwise good very fine or better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: This unit received 123 medals, of which 104 were awarded with the clasp.



A Natal Medal 1906 to Trooper T. H. Lee, Natal Police, clasp: 1906 (TPR: T. H. LEE, NATAL POLICE.), impressed in plain capitals, good fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



Three medals to Sergeant Ernest Alfred Grace, Royal Marine Light Infantry: Naval General Service 1909­62, first type, clasp: Persian Gulf 1909­1914 (C.H. 6943 SERGT E. A. GRACE, R.M.L.I. H.M.S. HIGHFLYER), impressed in serif capitals, nearly extremely fine; Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct, George V (CH. 6943 E. A. GRACE, SERGEANT, R.M.L.I.), impressed in serif capitals, nearly extremely fine; Naval Good Shooting Medal, Edward VII, no bar (CH. 6943 SGT. E. A. GRACE, H.M.S. BLENHEIM, 1908. 6PR. Q.F.), impressed in plain capitals, very fine. [3]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 28th August 1946

Notes: Born in Walmer, Kent 15/09/1878. Worked as an errand boy before enlisting at Walmer aged 15, 20/04/1893. Advanced to Sergeant by 1906. Naval good shooting medal awarded in 1909. Character and ability usually rated as ‘Very Good’ ­ rarely only ‘Good’ ­ throughout his career. Discharged Dead from H.M.S. Highflyer while on anti­gun running patrol in the Persian Gulf, 28/03/1913.



A Naval General Service Medal 1909­1962 to Petty Officer 1st Class Frederick Hugh Flint, Royal Navy, first type, clasp: Persian Gulf 1909­1914 (139728. F. H. FLINT, P.O. 1CL., H.M.S. HYACINTH), impressed in serif capitals, slight contact damage and mark to hair of bust, otherwise about very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Born in Hitchin in Herefordshire, 06/11/1891, and enlisted in the Navy as a Boy on his 12th Birthday. Also entitled to a 1914­15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.



A Territorial Force War Medal 1914­19 to Lieutenant Colonel Edward Hugh Bedford­Pim, Royal Artillery, (LT. COL. E. H. BEDFORD­PIM R.A.), nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Commanding Officer of 3rd Wessex Brigade R.F.A. (T.F.). Served in India from 04/08/1914.



An Africa General Service Medal 1899­1956 to Sergeant Maglass, 1st Battalion King’s African Rifles, second type, clasp: Nyasaland 1915 (533 SJT: MAGLASS. ‘F’ COY I/K.A.R.), impressed in plain capitals, edge bruising and pitting, fine or a little better.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 18th September 1946



A Khedive’s Sudan Medal 1910­22, second type, clasp: Mongalla 191516, unnamed as issued, nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A General Service Medal 1918­62 to Private Charles Becket, Royal Berkshire Regiment, first type, clasp: N.W. Persia (5328723 PTE. C. BECKETT R. BERKS. R.), nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



An India General Service Medal 1908­35 to Private H. Ochiltree, 1st Battalion the Suffolk Regiment, second type, clasp: Malabar 1921­22 (5820295 PTE. H. OCHILTREE, SUFF. R.), about extremely fine and lightly toned.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



An India General Service Medal 1908­35 to Private E. Parker, 1st Battalion the Welch Regiment, second type, clasp: Waziristan 1921­24 (3949225 PTE. E. PARKER. WELCH. R.), uneven toning, otherwise about extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. £60­80


An India General Service Medal 1908­35, third type, clasp: Mohmand 1933 (KHIT. MOHD. YUSUF.), edge abrasion at 8 o’clock, otherwise nearly extremely fine.



An India General Service Medal 1908­35 to Private J. E. Hodgson, 2nd Battalion the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, third type, clasp: North West Frontier 1935 (4609647 PTE. J. E. HODGSON. D.W.R.), about extremely fine and toned.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Naval General Service Medal 1909­62 to Private C. B. Weaver, Royal Marines, second type, clasp: Palestine 1936­1939 (PO/X. 815 C. B. WEAVER. MNE. R.M.), hairlines to fields, otherwise nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



Two medals to Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer M. Hayes, Royal Navy: Naval General Service 1909­62, second type, clasp: Palestine 1936­1939 (M. 30701 M. HAYES. S.B.C.P.O. R.N.), hairlines and a few deeper marks to obverse, very fine or better; Royal Naval Long Service and Good Conduct, George V (M. 30701 M. HAYES. L.S.B.A., H.M.S. VIVID.), very fine. [2]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. £100­150


Two medals to Private R. Bellamy, King’s Own Scottish Borderers: Korea 1950­53, first type (22274823 PTE. R. BELLAMY. K.O.S.B.), near very fine; United Nations Korea 1950­54, unnamed as issued, near very fine. [2]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. £100­150


A Naval General Service Medal 1909­62 to Able Seaman A. Perks, Royal Navy, fifth type, clasp: Near East (P/JX. 918866 A. PERKS. A.B. R.N.), nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



An Army Meritorious Service Medal to Quartermaster Sergeant R. Rourke, Royal Artillery, Edward VII (QR:MR:SERJT: R. ROURKE. R.A.), extremely fine or nearly so and scarce.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946



An Army Meritorious Service Medal to Corporal (Acting Staff Sergeant) Leslie Joseph Main, Royal Army Medical Corps, George V (510221 CPL ­ A.S.SJT ­ L. J. MAIN. R.A.M.C.), extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 12th June 1946

Notes: M.S.M. London Gazette 16/10/1919 “for valuable services rendered in connection with the War”



A Royal Naval Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Boatswain’s Mate Henry Durham, Victoria, wide suspension (HY DURHAM BOATSNS MTE H.M.S. RACER 21 Yrs), extremely fine and scarce.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946

Notes: Henry Durham was born in London 18/05/1828. He signed on as Boy 2nd Class in H.M.S. Eagle 02/09/1844, and served thereafter in H.M.S.s Caledonia and Vengeance. He engaged for ten years continuous service in Vengeance 25/07/1853 and served in the Crimean War in this ship (entitled to a no­clasp Crimea Medal. He entered a further continuous service engagement in H.M.S. Racer 29/06/1864, subsequently serving in H.M.S.s Otter, Archer, Flying Fish and Osprey



A Royal Naval Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Chief Writer F. J. Johns, Edward VII (128411 F. J. JOHNS, CH. WRITER, H.M.S. VERNON), extremely fine or nearly so.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D. Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946



An early Victorian Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Gunner and Driver James Ferguson, Royal Artillery, second type obverse (J. FERGUSON, GUNNER & DRIVER ROYAL ARTILLERY.), officially impressed, privately fitted with a straight bar suspension in place of the original steel clip, some wear and edge bruising, about very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Served with 9th Battalion Royal Artillery. Recommended 26/08/1846 and received his medal in Canada 05/10/1846. Served 21 years and 60 days including 4 years foreign service.



An Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Sergeant W. Havard, 11th Hussars, Edward VII (3368 SJT: W. HAVARD. 11/HRS.), good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946



An Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Sergeant J. W. Mann, Royal Garrison Artillery, George V (95951 SJT: J. W. MANN. R.G.A.), nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 25th June 1946



A Rocket Apparatus Volunteer Long Service Medal to Bartholemew Naylor, George V (BARTHW. NAYLOR), uneven toning, otherwise about extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Ex. A.H. Baldwin & Sons, 9th August 1946

Notes: Served at Bray Lifeboat Station in the Kingston Division. Awarded his medal 11/05/1911.



An Imperial Yeomanry Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Bandsman C. Fewings, Royal North Devon Imperial Yeomanry, (171 BNDSMN: C. FEWINGS. R.N. DEVON I.Y.), edge bruising, otherwise good very fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Confirmed on the roll for February 1905



A Militia Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Gunner J. Morrow, Antrim Royal Garrison Artillery, Edward VII (1450 GNR. J. MORROW, ANTRIM R.G.A. (MIL.)), about extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.

Notes: Confirmed on the roll for May 1907



A Special Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to Private J. Dillon, 4th Royal Irish Rifles, Edward VII (6124 PTE J. DILLON. 4/RL. IRISH RIF.), about extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



An Empress of India Medal 1877, silver, unnamed as issued, slight bruise to rim at five o’clock, otherwise extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A South Africa Police Good Service Medal, first type (NO 544 (F) DET HEAD CONST. J. A. VOWELL.), irregular toning, nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Jubilee Medal 1887, silver, clasp: 1897, unnamed as issued, nearly extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Jubilee Medal 1887, bronze, unnamed as issued, tarnished finger marks, otherwise extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



Two Medals to Police Constable P. Taylor, V Division Metropolitan Police: Jubilee (Police) Medal 1887, bronze (P.C. P. TAYLOR ­ V. DIVN.); Coronation (Police) Medal 1902, bronze (P.C. P. TAYLOR. V. DIV.), both engraved in serif capitals, both at least very fine; together with another Jubilee (Police) Medal 1887, bronze (PC, W. BENNETT. E. DIVN), engraved in serif capitals, good very fine. [3]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A collection of three Police medals, bronze issues, comprising: a Visit to Ireland Medal 1900 to Police Constable J. Cox, Dublin Metropolitan Police (P.C. J. COX. D.M.P.); a Visit to Scotland Medal 1903 to Police Constable F. Petrie (P.C. F. PETRIE); and a Visit to Ireland Medal 1903 to Constable M. Rochford, Royal Irish Constabulary (C. M. ROCHFORD. R.I.C.); all very fine or nearly so. [3]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



Edward VII: Coronation Medals (3): Coronation Medal 1902, silver; Coronation Medal 1902, bronze; Coronation Medal (Mayors and Provosts) 1902, silver; all unnamed as issued, all good very fine or better. [3]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A Delhi Durbar Medal 1903, silver, unnamed as issued, extremely fine.

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



George V: Coronation medals (6): Coronation Medal 1911, silver, unnamed as issued, good very fine; Coronation (Police) Medal 1911, Metropolitan Police (P.C. L. HODSON), good very fine or better; Coronation (Police) Medal 1911, City of London Police (P.C., T. DOBBS.), rim bruise at 4 o’clock, otherwise nearly extremely fine; Coronation (Police) Medal 1911, St John Ambulance Brigade (PT. F. BOND.), nearly extremely fine; Visit to Ireland Medal 1911, unnamed, extremely fine; Delhi Durbar Medal 1911, silver (NO 4339 PTE J. W. MILNE MANCH RGT), good very fine. [6]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.



A quantity of medal ribbons, lengths varying from approximately 5 to 9 inches, including: D.C.M., M.M. Burma Medal, ‘India’ ribbon, South Africa Medal, Baltic Medal, Africa General Service Medal, Natal Medal, M.S.M., L.S.G.C., and many others. [qty]

Provenance: The collection of Major R. R. Pelham Burn, M.C., T.D.


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