Hu focus group 7 27 05

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Paltalk: Welcome Bruthas, please feel free to join the conversation and let us know what you would like to see on the net. (8:30 PM) Paltalk: =================================== You should SEE what you've been missing!!! Get a Paltalk subscription NOW and you can get fast motion video in ANY group! And as an added bonus you get NO banners and NO popups! ========================================== (8:50 PM) Paltalk: =================================== Click banners to visit our sponsors. ========================================== (8:54 PM) *** Lil_Mook has joined the group *** Harlem United X007: welcome (8:54 PM) Lil_Mook: hello

Glad you made it.. to be here Harlem United X007: welcome, I am just waiting for a few more participants to join us before we begin... if you will just bare with me... (8:55 PM) Lil_Mook: no problem Harlem United X007: can you access my camera? (8:58 PM) Lil_Mook: how? Harlem United X007: ok, in the room window... you will see an icon that says "view video" Harlem United X007: from there, you can choose from a list of cameras... Harlem United X007: let me know if you see me... (9:04 PM) Lil_Mook: ok Harlem United X007: ok.. (9:04 PM) Lil_Mook: now what am i looking for Harlem United X007: here we go... first lets click on the "view video" icon, itz between the "raise hand icon" and the "add to favorites" icon.. (9:06 PM) Lil_Mook: it says view picture but ok Harlem United X007: hmmm... Harlem United X007: ok, if you view picture, it should show you a shot of ME... live in da van... (9:08 PM) Lil_Mook: please wait while video loads Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: once it loadz, you should see me... (9:09 PM) Lil_Mook: long process i see Harlem United X007: and since you're here now, I would like to get started, even if its just you because I dont want to take up too much of your time... (9:09 PM) Lil_Mook: k Harlem United X007: its is a long process because we have "black names"... if you participate in the focus groups, we will purchase a membership for you that will allow you to see full motion videos... Harlem United X007:

(8:55 PM) Lil_Mook: glad

Harlem United X007:


that will allow you to go to other rooms and see whats going

Harlem United X007: (9:10 PM) Paltalk: =================================== Please support our sponsors by clicking on banners. ========================================== (9:10 PM) Lil_Mook:

but just for your time now, we will send you two movie passes via email for participating now... Harlem United X007: so I will get started with you now... if that is ok with you... (9:11 PM) Lil_Mook: thats whats up Harlem United X007: ok, so I am going to begin and should people join us, I will just fill Harlem United X007:

them in...

(9:11 PM) Lil_Mook: aiight

i see you finally lol... hope it aint a shot of me with my mouf wide open or something crazy... (9:12 PM) Lil_Mook: nah but you killing the Harlem United X007: HAHAHAHAHA, ok.... Harlem United X007: Now, before we begin do you have any question about the email you recieved? (9:13 PM) Lil_Mook: nah Harlem United X007: Ok, so then we shall begin... (9:14 PM) Lil_Mook: fa sho lets get it in Harlem United X007: If there is ANYTHING that is unclear, please stop me... My first question to you is: What have you seen in the way of prevention messages on the internet? (9:16 PM) Lil_Mook: to be honest not much (9:16 PM) Lil_Mook: just the average use condoms Harlem United X007: Cool, and when you DO say any messages, what do you think of? Harlem United X007: say=see... please escuse the typos... Harlem United X007: lol (9:18 PM) Lil_Mook: protecting myself is the first thing Harlem United X007: ok Harlem United X007: now, if you could choose the testing services you wanted, what would they be and how would you like to recieve them? Where would you like to get them? (9:22 PM) Lil_Mook: i would like to get them in a confidential place.. reason god forbid i had something .. the services i would want would be free, easy, and accurate Harlem United X007: Ok... now... we have a mobile testing unit that travels all over the city... what are your thoughts about getting testing brought to you... in your own area? (9:24 PM) Lil_Mook: that would be good because you have to go to another town where i am at Harlem United X007: ok, just a few more questions... (9:25 PM) Lil_Mook: no problem Harlem United X007: Do you know where young men go when they want to have sex? (9:26 PM) Lil_Mook: i mean i know where i go Harlem United X007: and if you dont mind, would you share where that is? (9:26 PM) Lil_Mook: cant speak for to many others (9:27 PM) Lil_Mook: hotels , my spot , jump off spot , car , park .. you know get in where you fit in Harlem United X007: ok, so if we were talking about a PARK, what park... and if we were talking about a car, where would you bring ya car?... and just explain to me what the "jump off spot" is and where... and I think that will rap up the focus group question... Harlem United X007: then I will just ask you a few more questions to make sure you get your movie tickets (9:30 PM) Lil_Mook: i mean any park none specific, i would bring the car to any place that didnt have any lights and no traffic, jump off spot would be the person crib who i am getting it in with Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007:

(9:30 PM) Paltalk: =================================== To visit our sponsors, click on banners! ========================================== Harlem United X007: so is there a park in NYC that people talk about (9:31 PM) Lil_Mook: not

Harlem United X007:


that i know of hell they all the same

more then others?

Harlem United X007:

now, just a few questions about this program...

(9:32 PM) Lil_Mook: aiight

once you downloaded it... was it user friendly? Did you have any trouble finding this room? Harlem United X007: or understanding the instructions on how to use this? (9:32 PM) Lil_Mook: lol..... at first but it was easy Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: and would you come to this room to talk to other people about sexuality and other related issues? (9:33 PM) Lil_Mook: sure Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: let me review my sheet to make sure I have asked you all the questions I needed to... Harlem United X007: and again, THANK YOU for participating... (9:34 PM) Lil_Mook: not a problem anytime Harlem United X007: I know there are better thing that peeps could be doing online... (9:35 PM) Lil_Mook: true but we need things like this to raise awareness Harlem United X007: I think that we have covered the things I needed to... I will be contacting you via email to confirm your movie tickets, they will be purchaced from Harlem United X007:

our offices and then sent to you to print and your off... (9:37 PM) Lil_Mook: (9:37 PM) *** MrJay2u has joined the group *** Harlem United X007: Welcome Mr. Jay (9:37 PM) MrJay2u: hi

there everyone

(9:38 PM) Lil_Mook: hello

Welcome to Harlem Bruthas United... so what would you like to know? Harlem United X007: we are conducting this focus group to get a feel from the community about what kind of prevention services they would like to recieve.. (9:40 PM) MrJay2u: ok maybe not just HIV testing STD screenings also not to sure if they are implementing this already or if its in the works but it is an idea. Harlem United X007:

(9:38 PM) MrJay2u: cool

(9:40 PM) *** Cutfriendz has joined the group *** Harlem United X007: Ok, Lil_Mook and I were

talking about what pervention messages that you see online.. (9:40 PM) Cutfriendz: Wassup good room? Harlem United X007: if you would tell me, what kind of prevention messages that you see online... Harlem United X007: Welcome Cutfriendz (9:41 PM) *** Lil_Mook has left the group *** Harlem United X007: welcome... (9:41 PM) Cutfriendz: thanx...

(9:41 PM) MrJay2u: prevention

msgs such "crack is wack' dont recall seeing any (9:41 PM) MrJay2u: hmm..not to many (9:42 PM) MrJay2u: we prolly r gonna need our own pop up ads (9:42 PM) Cutfriendz: none at all really Harlem United X007: Ok, so in the way of HIV prevention messages online, you dont see any? (9:42 PM) MrJay2u: i agree (9:42 PM) MrJay2u: nada... (9:42 PM) Cutfriendz: no...not online Harlem United X007: ok.. . (9:42 PM) MrJay2u: first place to start would be the sites (9:41 PM) Cutfriendz: I

(9:42 PM) Cutfriendz: Where

do U intend on placing these messages? 4 now sites Harlem United X007: If someone was to create messages online for prevention, what would you imagine them to look like? (9:43 PM) Cutfriendz: somthing inviting to get your attention (9:43 PM) Cutfriendz: so that U stop and look Harlem United X007: we are planning to launch a site specifically for prevention... but in order for it to be effective, we wanted to get direct community input... (9:43 PM) MrJay2u: definitely..maybe some could highlight testing site Harlem United X007: ok, lets talk about testing sites... (9:44 PM) MrJay2u: it would definitely have to a FAQ's portion on the site Harlem United X007: do you think blk men would go to the "current" testing site? if not, why not? (9:44 PM) MrJay2u: because the bois always have questions... (9:45 PM) MrJay2u: I think if they could remain anonymous then they would definitely use it to obtain info Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: what about a mobil testing unit. it would be a unit where people could set up appointments and have the tests brought to them... (9:46 PM) Cutfriendz: yeah I think so my experiences have been plesant & hassle free Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: good to hear! (9:47 PM) Cutfriendz: thats a good one cause somting people wont go on their own...and if they are with friends when a mobile unit shows up it could benefit more people Harlem United X007: Based on what you have abserved about the blk community... what are some of the obsticules for blk men to get services or even inquire about them? (9:47 PM) Cutfriendz: *somtimes (9:48 PM) Cutfriendz: not knowing where to go Harlem United X007: ok Harlem United X007: is that the only obsticle you have noticed? (9:49 PM) MrJay2u: fear of being noticed/exposed (9:50 PM) MrJay2u: I agree with cut about the mobil unit comment (9:42 PM) MrJay2u: the

(9:50 PM) Cutfriendz: Harlem United X007:

ok, now... what about being "noticed or exposed"...

Harlem United X007: explain that a little if you will.. (9:50 PM) Paltalk: =================================== Please visit our advertisers by clicking on banners. ========================================== (9:51 PM) MrJay2u: closeted/dl men have a fear of being found out

if they are going in for hiv testing or counseling..a lot that stemming from internal insecurities of their own. (9:51 PM) MrJay2u: the secure gay black men would have no problems with this Harlem United X007: ok, so if we were to target a group, in your opinion, which would need more attention? (9:53 PM) Cutfriendz: Im not so sure...especially if the person has rason to believe they are positive Harlem United X007: based on your comment about "closeted/dl men" (9:53 PM) Cutfriendz: openly gay or DL Harlem United X007: ok, Cutfriendz: what do you think would help someone who suspect they are positive to actually move into getting testing and knowing for curtain? (9:54 PM) MrJay2u: true you can come as a group but the testing should part should be one on one Harlem United X007: well, when I say group, I was talking more in the terms of Openly

Gay men vrs Closeted and DL men... (9:54 PM) Cutfriendz: should there be some type of privacy....yes, if thats what your asking (9:55 PM) MrJay2u: oh ok Harlem United X007: which group do you believe have a harder time accessing services and why do think that is? (9:55 PM) Cutfriendz: DL probably because they are already in a form of denial (9:56 PM) Cutfriendz: alot of black men wont get tested because if they are positive they will have to tell their families how the contracted it (9:56 PM) Cutfriendz: "DL" that is Harlem United X007: ok... so do you think havin a place online that they could talk would help the DL population and why? (9:57 PM) Cutfriendz: yes...I think they will finally ahve a voice, because most dont identify with the gay community (9:58 PM) MrJay2u: yes because just like in chat rooms and chat sites we are hiding behind our keyboards with no pics just least at this point they can get the info they need (9:58 PM) Cutfriendz: I agree (9:58 PM) MrJay2u: without revealing themselves Harlem United X007: ok, why do you think that DL men dont identify with the gay community @ Cutfriendz... Harlem United X007: this question is to the both of you... do you think its helpful to have an "outreach person" online that people can identify and talk to? (9:59 PM) Cutfriendz: because of society, and how it portrays gay men, especially gay black men.....most DL men dont fit the sterotype, so they dont and wont place themselves in that category (9:59 PM) MrJay2u: yes Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: So, lets talk a little bit on a website that people can come to to get answers, ask questions and socialize for a minute. What images would you like to see on the site? (10:03 PM) Cutfriendz: gay men of all walks of life Harlem United X007: could you explain what that means @ cut Harlem United X007: ooh, and before I forget, I want to REALLY THANK YOU GENTLEMEN for participating in this focus group... I know there are tons of things you could have been doing on the net... this is MOST apprieciated... (10:05 PM) Cutfriendz: ok for example...a young business man, a Thug, an athlete, etc so that when people see it they will feel that this website includes them and can help them Harlem United X007: and once we are done, I will explain the incentive process and how you could further participate in this project... (10:05 PM) MrJay2u: i agree Harlem United X007: thank you @ cut... (10:06 PM) Cutfriendz: ok Harlem United X007: so more images of "average people"? (10:06 PM) MrJay2u: yep (10:06 PM) Cutfriendz: yeah Harlem United X007: now, I want to ask, what do you feel about the current images of "us" on the web now? how do you feel about them? (10:07 PM) MrJay2u: most of the images Ive seen are nude and on sex sites (10:07 PM) MrJay2u: or dating sites Harlem United X007: ok... and what are your feelings about that?

(10:08 PM) MrJay2u: I think that we can be shown in different aspects not always advertising the hard body, booty, or d*ck Harlem United X007: ok... (10:08 PM) MrJay2u: you could like you said regular guys, big guys, midgets. (10:08 PM) MrJay2u: etc (10:09 PM) MrJay2u: with clothes on Harlem United X007: ok... so showing a wider spectrum of blk men and men WITH clothes on... Harlem United X007: Now, what types of services would you like to see offered on this website? (10:10 PM) Paltalk: =================================== GO GREEN or BLUE to stop ads and support Paltalk! Subscribe today! ========================================== (10:13 PM) MrJay2u: where to get meds, links to resources, testing

appointment scheduler, online person to answer questions, definitions of medical conditions surrounding HIV or STD's. (10:14 PM) MrJay2u: support groups (10:14 PM) MrJay2u: FAQ's Harlem United X007: ok, support around what? (10:14 PM) Cutfriendz: handling the aftershock if your results are negative (10:15 PM) *** Cutfriendz has left the group *** (10:15 PM) MrJay2u: it can be a wide variety

of issues...homophobia, racism in the community itself, self-awareness, links to groups at the various centers throughout New York (10:15 PM) MrJay2u: such as GMAD, GMHC, groups at the center..definitely a search box would be required Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: now, my last few questions are around mobile testing... what are your thoughts on a mobile testing unit that will travel around the city administoring tests to people that log on to the website... (10:19 PM) MrJay2u: I think thats a good idea (10:19 PM) MrJay2u: just keeps things more organized Harlem United X007: ok... Harlem United X007: so what other services, would you like to see a mobile unit provide? (10:25 PM) MrJay2u: a referral program to incentivize visitors to the mobile unit to recommend others to come in and get tested. Harlem United X007: cool... (10:26 PM) MrJay2u: something small...usually works wonders Harlem United X007: so, now... let me explain what happens next. In a few days, our offices will be emailing you a movie pass for two for participating in this focus group... Harlem United X007: and we will continue to keep in touch with you on further focus groups and other events we would like you to participate in... Harlem United X007: and again, I thank you for your participation in the focus group... Harlem United X007: How was using THIS program for you? did you have any trouble finding the room? Harlem United X007: or accessing the features of this program? (10:30 PM) MrJay2u: no actually your instructions were exact to the letter Harlem United X007: ok... good... (10:30 PM) Paltalk: =================================== Please support our sponsors by clicking on banners. ========================================== (10:30 PM) MrJay2u: thanks again..anytime I can help look for me..bye

(10:30 PM) *** MrJay2u has left the group ***

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