,,,,,,,,,,,,, It always amazes me how hypocrisy will go unchallenged until someone decides to SPEAK UP… Well, this time… it’s gone on long enough There is an Executive Director who really doesn’t give a rats ass about the community who run an organization whos' sole purpose is FOR THE COMMUNITY. Staff competency is at an all time low. You have staff members who have relations with clients, an Executive Director who will interrogate and embarrass clients during business hours with nothing more then a, “ooh that’s just how he is… “ or the most common, “that’s just him, you know Tokes”. For those of you who KNOW/SEEN or HEARD this happen for yourselves and have not spoken up about it, SHAME ON YOU!! The longer you excuse it, the more liable you ALL are for his actions. I don’t know how GMAD continues to do business like this, but myself and growing number of community members will be cataloging all of these transgressions and will seek a public hearing. Yes, this letter has a mean spirit to it because when I meet up with a good friend of mine to go hanging out in the city, he tells me about meeting someone on 125th St from online and after telling me the story I realize that he met some gmad staff member @ the office during non business hours. I was totally disgusted. All the claims of inappropriate behavior is substanciated when he tells me that its some guy name Kyle who is the new youth coordinator. I would hate to think that he is having sex with young people coming through there, but how could someone NOT think it when this type of thing is happening. Now, if you really want to get to the bottom of this… here is one way you could head this off at the pass… because you have 1 wk before I report this to the board and my media sources… Check your security cameras of the elevator as well as who logged out of the office. My friend met Kyle in the office approximately 11pm on 11/25/06. I am sure if you check your security logs you will find this isn’t the only late night and unexplained access to the office during non business hours... Again, in the off chance this message crosses your desks and you say, shyt… if I do this, im going to expose myself, SHAME ON YOU… because on Dec 5th, this information
will hit media. I was thinking the Associated Press would be interested in this information since they so lapped up your “Party Protest”. So in closing, I would simply justify my actions as one community member who has had ENOUGH OF YOUR ORGANIZATION and will spend every ounce of my time to expose you people for the frauds you really are. Clocks Ticking… and KYLE SHOULD BE FIRED! Even now, hes still in the office... and I am sure his bounderies wont be held up by age, since decency has gone OUT the window. KylePhoenix
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