The MARS Project Magazine
This contract employs _______________________________________ to produce 12 consecutive (monthly) magazines (35 pages) specifically for youth. This magazines primary, but not limited to, focus is to youth of color 16-25. The magazines vision will be to present news and information that effect/affect youth of color, their families and their communities. Articles will highlight health, education, recreation and other youth specific topics. To help complete this vision, The MARS Project will lease for (3) months/issues, a complete computer system which includes: monitor, cpu, keyboard and mouse. Software includes: Windows XP, Microsoft Office, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PageMaker. Once the (3) months/issues are complete, the lease will be renewed for the remaining (9) months/issues. The magazines first (3) issues will be distributed electronically, with each following issue both electronic and in print. Tasks:
Graphical and visual lay out Create youth specific images that are culturally relevant New design and layout per issue Generating interest and recruiting other visual artists to contribute to the magazine Generate revenues but selling ad space by the 6th issue Proficient usage of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe PageMaker
Editor Research news and information related to target population per issue Conducting interview regarding relevant subject matter Article layout and placement Proficient usage of Microsoft Office, Adobe PageMaker Generate revenues by selling ad space by the 6th issue
Contractual obligations are fulfilled once (12) months/consecutive issues have been created and the tasks outline for your assigned positions have been carried out. Compensation: At the end of the completed contract, you will be monetarily compensated with an unspecified amount. The computer will become your personal property and will be upgraded with ram and hard drive space.
Default on Contract: Default on contract happens when: Software is added to the computer that impairs/disable or infect computer preventing it from carrying out its “primary” purpose Careless usage Unstable living environment or shelter status Failing to deliver monthly issues of the magazine Damage or destruction of computer Failure to have computer serviced in a timely manor Failure to take delivery of equipment within 5 days of signature date Should contract be in default, ALL equipment must be returned to The MARS Project IMMEDIATELY. By signing this contract, you accept ALL terms and conditions expressed in this contract. Contract becomes active 5 days after date of signature. Position:______________________________ Signature_____________________________________ Date_____________ The MARS Project Coordinator Signature_____________________________________ Date_____________