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The Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England

Deputy Grand Superintendent Paul Philip Paterson, PGSwdB Second Provincial Grand Principal Gordon Brewis, PGStB

Provincial Grand Chapter of Durham E Comp Norman Eric Heaviside GRAND SUPERINTENDENT

Third Provincial Grand Principal Michael Stuart Shaw, PGStB Provincial Grand Scribe E Thomas Fred Gittins

Provincial Office: 8 The Esplanade, Sunderland, SR2 7BH, Tel 0191 567 5365 Fax 0191 567 1276 - st

1 April 2017 Dear Sir and Companion

Annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter Wednesday 24th May 2017 The Annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter will be held at the The Lancastrian Suite, Lancaster Road, Dunston, th Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11 9JR on WEDNESDAY 24 May 2017. All Principals and Past Principals of Chapters of the Province and those who have duties to discharge are expected to be in attendance. In addition all other Companions in the Province are welcomed and strongly urged to attend. Each Chapter in the Province MUST be represented at the meeting and Lodge Scribes will be asked to confirm the name of that person in a separate communication. The Chapter representative must also apply and pay for a meal if they intend to dine. This year, current Installed First Principals of Chapters are to be received into the meeting by the Grand Superintendent as part of a separate formal procession and it is hoped that as many as possible will attend. General Information:  A Signature sheet must be signed on entering Provincial Grand Chapter.  Dress to be Dark Clothes, Royal Arch Regalia - gloves are NOT required.  Companions must be seated by 3.30 pm.  The Processions to start at 3.45 pm.  The Chapter will be opened PROMPTLY at 4.00 pm.  Dinner will follow the meeting, to be held in the Lancastrian Suite at approximately 6.30 pm. Proceedings should be concluded by 9pm. Booking details and deadlines:  Letters to those individuals receiving honours will be posted to arrive by 1st April 2017. In order to be fair to those st companions, they will be guaranteed a dining place if they book by 1 May 2017.  Other bookings including those for Grand Chapter Officers and Acting Provincial Chapter Officers need to be made th before Wednesday 17 May.  In the unlikely event that you are unsuccessful, you will be advised accordingly.  You do NOT need to apply if you are attending the meeting only and do not wish to dine.  No tickets will be issued - bookings for all MUST be made using the attached form which can also be downloaded from our Website. Application(s) for places with remittance of £27.00 per place can be made either by BANK TRANSFER to Sort Code: 20-25-29, Account Number 93883027 (quote letter ‘C’ - helps us to identify the event as Chapter not Lodge, followed by your SURNAME AS A REFERENCE) or by cheque, made payable to “DPGSL EVENTS” to: Gavin Rowell, Banquet Secretary, Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham, 8 The Esplanade, Sunderland, SR2 7BH, Where a bank transfer has been made the form can be completed and sent by email to . Yours sincerely and fraternally

Thomas F Gittins Provincial Grand Scribe E

Office Use Only: Form received: Banked: Bank transfer confirmed: Initials: Comments:

Provincial Grand Chapter of Durham Annual Convocation Banquet Application May 2017 Please reserve me …………….. places for the Banquet at the Lancastrian Suite on Wednesday 24th May 2017 at £27 each. Please note the Banquet will take place at approximately 6.30pm following the conclusion of the meeting. No tickets will be issued. FULL Name of Companion Applying (PRINT IN CAPITAL LETTERS) …………………………………………………………….……… Current Provincial Rank: ……………………………………

Grand Rank:

I am receiving Provincial Honours: YES / NO

My New Rank will be:


Chapter Name:

Chapter Number:




Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………….…………… Postcode: Email address:

…............................. ……………………………………………

Telephone: …………………..…………………………………… Signature: …………………………………………………………

TOTAL Companions in my party (including myself) to sit together if possible - MAXIMUM tables of 10: Name of Companion (include applicant)

Chapter Name and Number


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Special dietary or other requests: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I enclose payment of:

£…………... Cheque payable to: ‘DPGSL Events’ OR

I have paid by bank transfer:

£…………... Date transaction made was

..… / ...... / 2017


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