Gazette, Issue 36

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What’s inside

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GNR 3 Province Pedal Dragons Provincial Christmas Party WINTER 2020 | ISSUE 36

Epic charity donations at Beamish Museum 1

Editor’s Notes

What’s Inside Page 5

With the 2021 Festival about to enter its 5th and final year the efforts of the Lodges and their members in raising funds to reach their own targets continue at a frenzied pace. Many Lodges have celebrated reaching Gold and indeed Platinum status and at the Promotions meeting in Dunston the Provincial Grand Master was delighted to announce that the Province had reached its original target and now stood at over £2,750,000. He urged all Lodges to continue their efforts into the final year and wholeheartedly thanked each and every member for their contributions so far.

A Run in the Sun

Page 9 Cancer Connections

The Communications team has been re-structured and will continue to cover as many news items and events that are reported to them for publication online at the Provincial website and in the Gazette. Please contact any member of the team if you think you have an event that may be of interest to the members and indeed the public as a whole.

Page 15 Heart of the house

The Provincial Grand Master wishes all members along with their loved ones and friends a healthy and prosperous New Year. To ensure your area of the Province is covered in future issues, please email The editorial team are always on the lookout for volunteers who would enjoy reporting on interesting events within their area by submitting short stories and photos. If this sounds like it is something you would enjoy, why not get in touch with us.

Page 18 Provincial Christmas Party

Editor Michael Graham

If you know of anyone who might prefer or benefit from an audio version of this Gazette then email: to order a copy for them now!

Solomon QR @PGLDurham



Benevolent Youth Fund Boosts Expedition Funding

In July 2020, students from Hermitage Academy in Chester-le-Street are being given the opportunity to join a self-funding research expedition to Indonesia, with Operation Wallacea. North Buton Nature Reserve and Opwal Marine Research Centre in Indonesia will be the bases for research for the volunteers taking part. The aim is to gather data from trekking in rain forests and diving in an area of reefs for conservation purposes.

Two students, James Hall and Harrison Gerrard, applied to the Benevolent Committee of the Freemasons of the Province of Durham for Community Support Grants to assist with their fund raising. Being advised by local Freemason Alfie Fox, James and his Grandmother, Frances Hall, were guided through the application process. Harrison had heard locally about how the Freemasons were always willing to help with worthy causes, not only locally, but nationally, so he used his

initiative and made a visit to the Provincial Office in Sunderland with his mother, Deborah Gerrard, where experienced Benevolent Committee staff were on hand with guidance and support. Both students were awarded £500 from the Youth Fund. Alfie Fox was on hand to deliver the grant to James and his grandmother, while Stewart K Bell made Harrison and his mother’s day with the presentation of his grant.

James and Harrison have been furnished with contact details and have agreed to send feedback, via social media, to all their sponsors. Both students have sent a big ‘thank you’ to the local Freemasons for their much valued support in giving them a boost in raising funds to reach their goal.

“The Freemasons were always willing to help with worthy causes, not only locally, but nationally”


The Joseph Miller Cup “Competition played between teams of 12 players from the Provinces of Durham and Northumberland” The Joseph Miller Cup is a golf competition played between teams of twelve players from the Provinces of Durham and Northumberland and was last played for in 2015, when the Cup was won by Northumberland. After a gap of four years, the competition was revived this

year and held at Garesfield Golf Club, Chopwell, on Friday 13th September 2019. The event was jointly organised by Eric Longstaff of Northumberland Masonic Golf Society and Martin Rankin of Durham.

the winners of the ‘4-ball, betterball’ Stableford competition with 224 points, against Northumberland’s 213 points. The prize for ‘nearest to the pin’ went to Bill Baty, whose drive was only 6 feet from the hole.

Friday 13th was not a lucky day for Northumberland as Durham extracted their revenge, being

A great golfing day was enjoyed by all and the competition will be held again next year in

Northumberland, on a date and at a venue yet to be arranged. Thanks go to Geoff Dunn, who acted as starter and his wife who acted as host and sold raffle tickets, both of whom are members of the Garesfield Golf Club. The raffle raised £72 which will be donated to the Durham 2021 Festival.

Expedition Borneo “ The aim is to help students to understand differences across the world in regards to culture” 4

Lucy McMullan, a student at the St Anthony’s & St Aidan’s Academy based in Sunderland is fundraising to go on an expedition to Borneo in 2021. The aim is to help students to understand differences across the world in regards to culture and the importance of working within communities. Lucy applied to the Freemasons of Durham for

a Community Support Grant to cover costs for accommodation and transportation while in Borneo, ranging from £40-£50 per day. Lucy and her parents, Tony and Helen thought Christmas had come early when local Freemason Kevin Carter came calling with a Youth Fund Grant of £500 which has boosted Lucy’s fund raising substantially.

A Run in the Sun for Durham Freemasons

On Sunday the 8th September Tyneside was bathed in sunshine to welcome some 57,000 runners from across the globe, all eager to take part in the world’s greatest half-marathon. Once again, amongst the throng of participants, a number of Durham Freemasons were proudly pounding the tarmac thereby raising over £7,500 in donations and pledges for the 2021 Festival; all were wearing their distinctive MCF Festival shirts.

“A number of Durham Freemasons were proudly pounding the Tarmac thereby raising over £7,500 in donations”

Along with the Durham contingent were many more of our brethren, their friends and families, who were raising funds for individual charities and we, of course, equally applaud their exertions and congratulate all of them on having successfully completed the gruelling 13.1mile transition from Newcastle to the coast at South Shields, where thousands of spectators applauded their triumphant efforts.

We now look forward to September 2020, when the GNR will celebrate its 40th Anniversary; to mark this milestone in the history of the iconic event we, as a Province, are hoping to encourage 40 Durham Masons to enter. Feeling inspired to take on #GreatNorthRun 2020? Sign up to the reminder service and be the first to get our updates for 2020 at and remember to tell Paul Quinn you’ve done it at paulquinn@


“Lest we forget” Cockerton is a village suburb of Darlington, Co. Durham. Local people and businesses have come together to form the Cockerton Community and Business Group (CCBG), Their aim is to create a more engaged local community so that companies and residents may share ideas and hold events to benefit the local area. Local people will work together in collaboration with local business to promote the community and understand what the community wants.

“Is to install a memorial for fallen soldiers on Cockerton Green”

One project, which is very close to the hearts of the local community, is to install a memorial for fallen soldiers on Cockerton Green, which will remember those affected by past and modern-day conflicts. CCBG, who are running the project, are seeking donations from the public and local businesses to make the idea a reality. The group has said that “We don’t have anything on

show, there’s nothing outside which remembers the fallen and we think it would mean a lot to many people in the community.” CCBG have had consultation with a local stonemason to construct the monument and are currently at the planning permission stage. Local butcher Nigel Alderson, whose business is situated on the green, in his capacity as CCBG Treasurer, applied to the Freemasons of Durham for a Community Support Grant. The project being of a nature close to the heart of many a freemason received overwhelming support and local Freemason Duncan Maw was entrusted with the pleasing task of presenting Nigel with a grant of £750. On behalf of CCBG, Nigel sent thanks to the Freemasons for their generous donation and said that an invitation would follow in the near future to join with them to celebrate the unveiling of the memorial.

The Bells are Ringing in Tanfield Following an appeal which was set up by parishioners of St Margaret’s Church in the village of Tanfield, Co Durham, £127,000 was raised through donations and sponsorship to restore the bells and renew the framework within the belfry. The Freemasons of Durham awarded the appeal a Community Support Grant of £1,000. The organiser and Bell Captain Andrew Wallace issued an open invitation to the Durham Picture L-R Bell Captain Andrew Wallace, Dennis Geer (Back) The Right Reverend Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham, Parish Priest Rev Dr Andrew Miller, Stewart Bell & Robert Nicholson.


Freemasons to come along on Saturday 30th November 2019 to join in the festivities of the bells being rededicated by The Right Reverend Paul Butler, The Bishop of Durham. Freemasons, Stewart Bell, Robert Nicholson and Dennis Geer accompanied by their families attended the choral evensong and witnessed the rededication while the Bells rang out heralding a new dawn for the Bell Ringers of Tanfield.

“And witnessed the rededication while the Bells rang out heralding a new dawn”

Chester- le-Street PALS CIC

“With a ready access to many older freemasons and widows who will initially form the core of the target demographic”

Operating from Chester- le-Street Masonic Centre, Chester- le -Street PALS CIC is a Community Interest Company with a mission to tackle the growing tide of loneliness sweeping the older generation, many of whom feel isolated particularly following the death of a partner. The group are in an ideal town central position with a ready access to many older freemasons and widows who will initially form the core of the target demographic, generally over the state retirement age. This initial audience will be expanded using targeted advertising particularly to existing local organizations which serve this age group. The Strategy is initially to run an event at the Masonic Centre on the last Friday of each month commencing at 10.30 am. The first part will consist of an educational element with topics and demonstrations which are appropriate e.g. Age Concern, NHS Community Health Providers or (CAB) Citizens Advice Bureau.

A subsidised lunch will follow provided by the onsite caterer and then organized entertainment e.g. screening black and white movies, a tea dance or a professional entertainer. The company have been awarded a grant of around £6,000 from Chester-le-Street Area Action Partnership Older People isolation Fund and one of the main organizers and fundraisers, local Freemason Ian Heaviside applied to the Benevolent Committee of the Durham Freemasons. The company aim is to supply and install a digital projector and screen which will allow them to provide high quality demonstrations and information. Freemason Stephen Willis, was delighted to present a Community Support Grant of £750 to a grateful Ian who said that this will enable the group to purchase the required equipment and together with other funding cover the expenses for year one of the project.

One in the net for the Freemasons Durham Palatinates Netball Club are based in Bearpark and provide opportunities for girls to play netball at all levels, from entry to national standard. The club has members ranging from 5 years to 50+ where training and competitions are played all year and with the club running a successful league throughout County Durham.

The teams compete in competitions both nationally and internationally. Team fundraiser John P Jackson is seeking donations for the club to travel to Singapore for competitions and applied to the Freemasons of Durham for a Community Support Grant. Local Freemason Stewart Bell put one in the net for Durham Freemasons Benevolent Committee when

“Teams compete in competitions both nationally and internationally”

presenting a £500 grant to John. The team sent a big thank you to the Freemasons of Durham for their generosity and funding towards their participation in the sport that they enjoy.


The Three Province Pedal “The weather began to close in,and after donning their waterproofs the team were off again this time towards Scarborough Masonic Hall” This year’s sponsored cycle ride, in aid of the Durham 2021 Festival, saw a team of 34 riders, ably supported by 6 support drivers, take on The Three Province Pedal. This was a 180 mile ride, from Leeds to Hartlepool via York, Beverley, Scarborough and Whitby, with the small matter of two days of climbs onto the North Yorkshire Moors along the way. Friday morning saw the riders set off to Beverly with a lunch stop in between at the Masonic Hall in York. Saturday morning at 8.30am saw the team setting off to Whitby


with a lunch stop at Hunmanby provided by our very own Paul Quinn, ably assisted by his sous chef, Harry Prince, during which the weather began to close in, and after donning their waterproofs the team were off again this time towards Scarborough Masonic Hall and meeting up with the Provincial Grand Master of Yorkshire, North and East Ridings, Jeff Gillyon. After a brief presentation the team were back on their bikes and to their overnight accommodation in Whitby, where they were met by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Stephen Walker, and his wife.

Sunday, the final morning of this year’s event, was undoubtedly the toughest section of the 3 days, involving some steep climbing out of Whitby and up onto the top of the North Yorkshire Moors. Eventually the team reached the summit and enjoyed a wonderful downhill ride to Guisborough Masonic Hall, where Zetland Lodge, their family, and their friends had put on a wonderful lunch for the weary group. There had been a couple of injuries along the way, but the final afternoon saw the full team back on their bikes and heading for the finish line. Crossing the

Tees via the Newport Bridge, returning to the Province of Durham, they made for The Headland at Hartlepool, where they were met by their family and friends. After three days of arduous riding, the team congregated on the Pilot Pier and were delighted to announce to John Arthur, who was once again on hand to meet them, that their collective efforts had raised £25,000 for the Durham 2021 Festival in aid of the RMTGB/MCF. Well done team, and many, many thanks, to all who supported them.

Cancer Connections Cancer Connections is a charity located in South Shields and is dedicated to serving individuals and families suffering from cancer and its after-effects. Although treatment in the NHS is very good, it rarely provides the emotional and practical help people need when trying to return to a normal life after cancer. About 650 local people each year are told they have cancer and this has a profound impact on the whole family. Cancer Connections was formed in May 2007 and since that time people with 30 different types of cancer have come and sought help. The charity offers, Counselling, Complementary Therapies, Family Support, Information and Welfare Benefits Advice. There is no waiting list and help can be given straight away if needed. Many of the volunteers have

experienced cancer themselves and help others in a similar situation. There is no charge for the help that they offer; they depend on local fundraising to cover running costs together with individual and corporate donations. They offer a real ‘Home from Home’ for anybody affected by cancer. Manager and co-founder of Cancer Connections, Deborah Roberts applied to the local freemasons of Durham for a Community Support Grant to assist with their fund raising. Freemasons Kevin Carter and Lawrence Nolan (also a cancer patient) were delighted to present a grant of £1300 to Deborah who said, “Over 500 people come through their doors each year and this grant will assist 85 people to have treatment.”

“Emotional and practical help people need when trying to return to a normal life after cancer”

St Luke’s Appeal St Luke’s Church, Framwellgate Moor Durham use the adjacent Church Hall for the benefit of the local community. Various social groups use the hall for many activities. The Church have been raising funds to remove potholes on the access route which have formed over many years hindering wheelchair accessibility and recently at a funeral the hearse’s wheel entered a pothole causing the coffin to move.

Following guidance and advice from local Freemason and parishioner, Raymond Botone, the Team Rector, Rev Caroline Dick applied to the Durham Freemasons for a Community Support Grant. Raymond was blessed with the task of presenting a grant of £500 to Church Wardens Connie Parkinson and Richard Abernethy who were gratified to receive the grant on behalf of the local community.

“Raymond was blessed with the task of presenting a grant of £500 to Church Wardens”



The Freemasons of Durham throughout the Province joined the many thousands who attended organised parades and ceremonies which took part on Remembrance Sunday. Wreaths were laid as a mark of gratitude and respect to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in the two Great Wars and conflicts around the globe. “Lest we forget.”

Rangers Turning Out in style Leam Rangers, Under 7 Boys Football Club meet at Hilltop School Gateshead and Freemason Bob Nicholson is one of their most enthusiastic supporters as his grandson Oliver is one of the team. Rangers allow local youngsters to enjoy football in a competitive environment at a very young age. They provide accessibility to football coaching enabling them to enjoy the game whilst keeping fit. With guidance from Bob, the team applied to the Benevolent Committee of the Freemasons of the Province of Durham for a Community Support Grant to purchase new football strips and training jackets. On the 18th June, 2019 Stewart Bell representing the local Freemasons had the pleasure of presenting a grant of £500 to Team Coach, Ronnie Quinn and made arrangements to visit the training ground on the 25th September to see the team in action proudly wearing their new strips. Stewart was delighted to receive a thank you card on behalf of the local Freemasons, signed by the boys who gave a hearty cheer of thanks during the photoshoot.


“To see the team in action proudly wearing their new strips”

Freemasons do rattle tins for charity It is said that you will not see Freemasons rattling tins for donations in aid of charity. Well, they do at Phoenix Hall, Queen Street East in Sunderland. A Food Bank Collection Point has been set up at the Hall for a trial period, in conjunction with Sunderland Food Bank which is a Registered Charity, as part of Freemasonry in the Community. In a minute book of Phoenix Lodge No 94 it shows that in the 1850 - 60’s brethren of the Sunderland Lodges had regular collections to pay for breakfasts for poor children. After 160 years things do not seem to have changed as there are still families going hungry.

“After 160 years things do not seem to have changed as there are still families going hungry”

Support for Kyosho Karate

In the last year Sunderland Food Bank has given out over 6000 three-day emergency food parcels with 28% gave out to children. Users cannot just present themselves to the food bank, they must have been referred by frontline professionals and agencies who will give further advice and counselling In the dining hall at Queen Street you will see a bright yellow mini wheelie bin displaying the Food Bank Logo into which can be deposited non-perishable foods, toiletries etc. So Freemasons do rattle tins when making their donations.

Towards the end of 2019 the Kyosho Karate club, who meet at Hurworth Primary School near Darlington, had reached out to local Freemasons for a donation to support their club towards the cost of a trailer. The trailer will enable the club with moving necessary equipment as there is no storage available at the school where they train.

Kyosho Karate is a none profit set of Karate Clubs whose students range from the age of 5 up to adult and have specialised classes to suit different ages. The Hurworth club is one of two with the other Kyosho Karate club meeting at Barrow-in-Furness. The club was initially formed in 1982 in Hurworth by Denis Slater (Hurworth Chief Instructor & 4th Dan), formerly of Darlington Lodge and now a member of Strathmore, who meet in Barnard Castle. Denis has enjoyed being part of the club over the years since it was formed and it has supported members of all ages, being an asset to the local community. On the 7th of January Kevin Williams, a local Freemason, went along to meet the members of the Kyosho Karate club at Hurworth at their first training meeting of the new year. Kevin explained to the instructors, members and parents of some of the students how local Freemasons support the community and went on to present them with a cheque for £750 towards the cost of the much-needed trailer.


“Men Extant in Harmony”

In October 2020, the Felling Male Voice Choir will be holding a Centenary Concert at the Sage Gateshead. Over the last 99 years the Choir has grown in numbers and has competed in, and indeed has won, many music festivals around the country. The highlight of the Choir’s achievements was in 1951 when, against competition from all over the UK, the Choir won the “Festival of Britain Trophy”. This was against fourteen Choirs and took place in the Royal Festival Hall. The skill of the conductor, Tom Mearis, was demonstrated not only in the wonderful singing of the Choir, but by his excellent ear for music. Tom, like many of the founders of the Choir, was a Freemason from the Lodge of Industry. The trophy has a place of honour in the Gateshead Mayor’s Parlour to this day.


“Tom, like many of the founders of the Choir, was a Freemason from the Lodge of Industry”

The Secretary of the Choir, Michael Scott, applied to the Freemasons of Durham to assist in their fund-raising towards holding their Centenary Concert. On Friday 11th October, Freemasons Ian Self and Stewart Bell were invited to attend the Choir’s Patrons Concert at the Felling Methodist Church. Before the concert started, Ian and Stewart, representing the Freemasons of Durham, were introduced to the packed hall by Choir Chairman Stuart Dearlove and Ian was honoured to be able to present a grant of £750, which was received with a rousing round of applause. The Choir often holds concerts for charitable purposes and regularly contribute to designated charities. They aim to interest the public in the art of

singing, taking part in concerts and similar activities. The Choir are looking to recruit new

members, and so whether you are tenor, baritone or bass, they would love to hear from you.

Fluffy Bear When Isabelle Davies, a 5 year old girl was rushed into the Children’s Accident and Emergency Department at University Hospital North Tees in March 2019, she was surprised to receive one of the TLC Teddies. Mum Carol, was so taken with the local Freemasons generosity in providing them and she helped Isabelle post a picture of herself and the Teddy on Facebook, thus gaining entry into a draw for a Very Large Teddy. In this the first Big Ted draw, Isabelle’s name was pulled out of the hat and on 4th November 2019, along with mum, she was welcomed back into the Paediatric Accident and Emergency Department for “some blood Tests”. On arrival she was completely surprised to be met by the TLC Coordinator in the Province of Durham, Duncan Maw, Big Ted, Emergency Paediatric Doctor Andy Simpson and several other members of the Paediatric A & E team. Isabelle quickly recovered from the surprise and a big smile spread across her face when she was presented with a Large Teddy which she has since been named “Fluffy Bear”. Dr. Andy Simpson said, “I was keen to be part of the presentation team. We see the joy the distraction Teddies bring to the children when we are able to hand them one should they be distressed. It is impossible to over emphasise the assistance they provide the medical team in calming the children down and thereby allowing quicker diagnosis and treatment”

It is impossible to over emphasise the assistance they provide the medical team in calming the children down”

Carol also took time to share Isabelle’s Story and she asks that we also share it with our Brethren. Isabelle has been diagnosed with a rare condition called Kawasaki Disease.


Durham’s Masonic Dragons Roar

Four Teams from the Province of Durham competed in the 3rd Tees Dragon Boat Festival which took place on Sunday 1st September 2019, raising money for the Durham 2021 Festival. Each Dragon Boat can carry a maximum of 16 rowers plus one drummer and is steered by a helmsman provided by the event operators. The format of the event involves each team competing in three races, with the four fastest teams then competing in the final. This year 20 teams took part. Our Teams were: The Chester le Street Masonic Dragons 1 & 2, The Billingham & Castle Eden Freemasons Dragon Boat Squad and the Paddling Peddlers, a team drawn largely from those who completed this year’s 3 Province Charity Cycle Ride. Incredibly, three of our Teams, CLS 2, the Peddlers and Billingham & Castle Eden managed to hold off the competition and reach the Final. In fact we also had the 5th fastest time from CLS 1, who only missed out on a place in the final by 4 hundredths of a second.


As the four boats lined up on the start line the Masonic Teams knew that Dave’s Dragons were the team to beat. There was also however some healthy rivalry between our squads as they all competed for the top spot. In what proved an amazingly close race (apart from Dave’s Dragons who, as expected, left the other three teams in their wake) it was the Peddlers who managed to steal second place with their fastest time of the day, 1 min 2 seconds, beating Billingham & Castle Eden by a very short nose and with CLS 2 very close behind. After cheering their competitors and receiving their trophies from the Mayor of Stockton there was just time for our teams to cheer all of the supporters who had turned up, particularly those from Billingham who had manned a TLC Teddies stall throughout the day. Freemasonry in the community at its most enjoyable - well done to all involved.

“Some healthy rivalry between our squads as they all competed for the top spot”

ROLL OF HONOUR The following Brethren qualified to receive certificates to mark long service to Freemasonry.

Epic Charity Donations at Beamish Museum A cold but sunny winter’s morning on Monday 9th December saw the Provincial Grand Master, John Arthur accompanied by the Provincial Charity Steward, Andrew Thompson arrive at Beamish Museum to meet up with representatives of local Hospices to present them with grants awarded by the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF). Arriving in the Old Town by tram they all made their way to the magnificent boardroom above Barclays Bank where

the Assistant Director of Beamish, Sally Dixon gave a talk outlining the progress made by the Museum over the years and their development plans for the future. John and Andrew then introduced themselves explaining the involvement of local Freemasons in fundraising for the help of their communities with particular reference to the Hospice movement which they

60 YEARS CRAFT: Norman Hunter Constance 2135 Anthony Jameson Agricola 7741 Ian Muir Ryton St Marys 6550


have supported for many years. A brief outline of each Hospice by their representative gave everyone in attendance an insight into the way in which much needed funding was used to benefit their particular unit at the conclusion of which they were presented with their respective cheques.

“St Cuthbert’s Hospice are incredibly grateful for the ongoing support provided by the Masonic Charitable Foundation ......... and it is thanks to organisations like the Freemasons that we are able to make a very real impact to the lives of local families” Laura Barker St Cuthbert’s Hospice “This donation is vitally important to Willow Burn and the services our nursing team provide to patients in Derwentside. Each year it costs £1.5million to operate Willow Burn and we need to raise 77% of this through donations, grants and fundraising. Our friends at the Masonic Charitable Foundation make this so much more attainable with their support – thank you” Rachel Todd Willowburn Hospice “We’re very grateful to Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham Freemasons for their generous grant, which will help to ensure we can continue to provide our range of services to patients and families living in the communities of Hartlepool and East Durham” Anita White from Alice House “The donations are gratefully received and will go straight to the hospices allowing us to continue our work, by adding life to days when adding days to life is no longer possible” Patricia Boynton Fundraiser

John Praill Fawcett 661 Kenneth Howe Old Dunelmian 8100 Robert Bruce Ravensworth 2674 Brian Wood Earl of Durham 1274 Derek Bell St Marys 4864 John Hetherington St Aidan 4080 Alan Drummond Gateshead Fell 4349 David Graham Avalon 7647 Alan Kirkwood Sancroft 4347 Ralph Walton Sancroft 4347 Dennis Robinson Beacon 6891 Neville Curtis Civic 5841 John Hodgkinson Ryton Holy Cross 4231 Thomas Powell St Bede 1119 William Urwin Restoration 111 Norman Johnson Caradoc 4749 Barry Smiles Caradoc 4749 Alan Wright Mowbray 5373 John Joicey Achates 9465 Gamet Summerbell Moseley 3105 Albert Robinson Hetton Lyon 6533 Lawrence Bell Lord Barnard 2935 Frank Harrison Bernard Gilpin 3076

50 YEARS ROYAL ARCH: David Grice Penshaw 3194 Brian Sutton St Helens 531 John Chisholm Williamson 949 Lewis Reed Williamson 949 Eric Nelson Babington Boulton 1121


Freemasons “Dive in” “Every penny received takes us one step closer to making this ambitious project a reality” Pioneer Care Partnership (PCP) is a leading third sector organisation working in the North East, primarily in the County Durham and Tees Valley Area. They focus on health improvement and reducing health inequalities. The Pioneering Care Centre in Newton Aycliffe welcomed local freemasons to see at first-hand the work needed to renovate the centre’s Hydrotherapy Pool. Carol Gaskarth, PCP Chief Executive said, “As a registered

charity without statutory funding, PCP is reliant upon grants, donations and community fundraising to help reach a target of £410,000 to replace the Hydrotherapy Pool. Every penny received takes us one step closer to making this ambitious project a reality. We have raised about £300,000 to date but cannot rest on our laurels; all contributions are very gladly received.” After a chat with Robbie Davison, a local freemason, an application for a Community Support Grant

was made to the freemasons of Durham. Barry Knevitt, PCP’s Chairperson added, “The hydrotherapy pool is particularly well-used by older people, those with physical disabilities, children, young people and adults with learning disabilities. After 20 years of use it is now in need of a total overhaul. Not only do we need to install a new pool and plant room, after listening to what users want the plans include a larger pool, more changing facilities, improved sensory equipment and better

ceiling hoists. Not cheap but much needed.” Christos Katsambis, Jack Richardson and Stewart Bell, representing local freemasons were delighted to present a grant of £1,000 to Carol and Barry. They were keen to hear about the therapeutic benefits of Hydrotherapy and to learn that during the period of 2018 - 2019 over 19,000 Hydrotherapy Pool appointments were offered to people without the need for a medical or GP referral.

Clip on and away we go Cathrine Kirkston who lives in South Shields heard how the Durham Freemasons help local charities and individuals with assisted funding for good causes and to fulfil dreams. Catherine’s son-in-law Peter Craig, who lives in Grange Villa, Chester-le-Street is raising funds to purchase an electric wheelchair attachment. The Firefly is a powerful compact


electric power attachment for use with manual wheelchairs. It gives users the ability to go anywhere they want including over rough terrains and up steep gradients. It simply clips on to a manual wheelchair and converts it into a powered trike in seconds. Peter applied to the local Freemasons of Durham for a

Community Support Grant and was emotionally moved when local Freemason, Stewart Bell turned up with a grant of £500. Peter, wife Jemma, son James and Catherine were ecstatic with the generosity of the grant and sent grateful thanks to the Freemasons of Durham for making this a very special Christmas.

Woodwork and Crafts

“It is for adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues and provides training and education in woodwork and crafts”

Endeavour Woodcrafts CIC, is a day care service based in The Old Fire Station at Ferryhill, Co. Durham. It is for adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues and provides training and education in woodwork and crafts. This also includes designing, producing and marketing handmade, quality wooden items, while at the same time providing a safe and happy environment for all to work in. It enables attendees to develop and encourage respect and dignity for each other, promote equality, inclusion, the right to say, speaking up, and sharing skills, while being valued as an individual and as part of a team. These principles are an

integral part of the working day and the mainstay of the business. Other activities include art, craft, gardening, cooking, numeracy and literacy skills Local Freemason Norman Dunn had been speaking with a neighbour who happened to mention that Endeavour Woodcrafts, being a non-profit organization, were trying to raise funds to recruit an ‘Independent Living’ Tutor, to offer very vulnerable individuals specialist one to one support when required. Following advice and direction from Norman, the Day Care Manager Louise Killip applied to the

freemasons of Durham for a Community Support Grant. It was with great pleasure that Norman, accompanied by Christos Katsambis, another Freemason, presented a grant of £750 to Louise. Norman and Christos were greeted by an enthusiastic workforce who were keen to show the visitors their own individual working area and exhibit goods which they are currently producing for the forthcoming festive period. Centres like Endeavour Woodcrafts serve the local community by assisting adults who often find integration and social inclusion difficult and the local freemasons were delighted to be able to assist.


Provincial Christmas Party The Annual Provincial Promotions meeting or the Provincial Christmas Party as it has now become known, took place at the Lancastrian Suite, Dunston as the winter skies gave way to a blaze of sunshine to welcome the throng of Freemasons from across the Province. The greatly anticipated event provides the backdrop for our members to renew acquaintances and make new friends as we celebrate together, not only those who are to receive their well-earned Provincial Promotions as a reward for their continued service to Freemasonry, but also the many initiatives and achievements we have made together throughout the year.


Cathedral Joy

On Thursday 19th December Durham Cathedral was once again the setting for the Provincial Carol Service, and despite appalling weather was yet again attended by large numbers of Masons and their families filling the pews to almost capacity. The Dean, Andrew Tremlett led the procession which included the Provincial Grand Master of Durham, John Arthur into the Nave of the Cathedral after which the Dean welcomed all present and hoped they would all enjoy the following hour. What followed was a feast of music, prayers and readings, the music provided by the Cathedral Choir who were magnificent and lessons/readings. Credit to Daniel Cook, Master of the Choristers and Cathedral Organist who led the Choir with so much energy and enthusiasm. The quality and

acoustics made this a very special occasion which would long be remembered by all present. The hour long service flew past and before retiring from the Nave the Dean took the opportunity of once again thanking all for attending and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Readers :George Clark Clinton Leeks David Mathews Paul Mundell Helen Walker Martin Talbot John Arthur Well done to all of the organisers and the Provincial Grand Stewards who were magnificent on the night.

“What followed was a feast of music, prayers and readings� 19

21 21 20 20 AM AM RH RH DU DU

2020 EVENTS 2020 EVENTS Join in or lend your support Join in or lend your support


If you would like more information please contact Paul Quinn our Festival Secretary ormore follow us on socialplease mediacontact and ourPaul website: If you would like information our Festival Secretary or follow us on social media and our website:

The 2020 Grand Raffle The 2020 Grand Raffle£5,000 first prize. £1 per ticket, 19 Prizes,

01/02/20 to 2 7/11/20 01/02/20 to 2 7/11/20


Tickets to be 19 sold in lodges ticket sales are allocated to lodge targets £1 per ticket, Prizes, £5,000Allfirst prize. Tickets to be sold in lodges All ticket sales are allocated to lodge targets Archery Shoot 15/04/20 Archery 15/04/20 Shoot 100Shoot points in 1 hour, includes 30 min training.


Dene Sports Hall, includes Peterlee,30 SR8min 5RLtraining. ShootAcademy 100 points in 1 hour, Dene Academy Sports Hall, Peterlee, SR8 5RL Festival Easter Ball Festival Easter Ball Hosted by Eanred Lodge at The Swan, Billingham.

£20 £20

18/04/20 18/04/20


26/04/20 26/04/20

£15 £15

Hosted by Eanred Lodge at The Swan, Billingham.


Walk along the tracks Walk along the tracks 12 mile Lanchester Valley Railway Path Walk. 12 mile Lanchester Valley Railway Path Walk.

Spring Plant Sale 23/05/20 Spring Sale Lodge, starting at 9.30am at Shildon Masonic 23/05/20 Hosted Plant by Corinthian Hall. Hosted by Corinthian Lodge, starting at 9.30am at Shildon Masonic Hall. Cycle from London to Paris 27/05/20 £300 Cycle from London to Paris 27/05/20 Starting from UGLE and finishing at the Eiffel Tower, 4 days including travel and£300 cycling. Support crew UGLE £150. and finishing at the Eiffel Tower, 4 days including travel and cycling. Starting from Support crew £150. Ladies that Leap (men also welcome) 12/06/20 £195 Ladies Leapskydive (men also welcome) 12/06/20 £195 10,000ftthat Tandem at Peterlee Parachute Centre. 10,000ft Tandem skydive at Peterlee Parachute Centre. 3 Peaks Climb 14/06/20 £30 3 Peaks Climb 14/06/20 Yorkshire Three Peaks route is 24 miles (38.6km), and includes 1585m (5200ft) of£30 ascent and includes the peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough in one Yorkshire Three Peaks route is 24 miles (38.6km), and includes 1585m (5200ft) of day. ascent and includes the peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough in one day. 40th Great North Run 13/09/20 £58 40th Greathalf North Run apply now 13/09/20 £58 The iconic marathon, Ballot closes 9thmarathon, February apply 2020. now The iconic half Ballot closes 9th February 2020. Dragon Boat Racing 13/09/20 Dragon Boat Racing per boat. 13/09/20 River Tees 15 entrants

£30 £30

River Tees 15 entrants per boat.

Contact Paul Quinn Mob: 07946419224 | Email: Contact Paul Quinn Mob: 07946419224 | Email:

The deadline for issue 37 is 29th February 2020. NEWS@NEWS.PGLDURHAM.ORG Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham, 8 The Esplanade, Sunderland, SR2 7BH. T: 0191 5675365.

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