Kawasaki The condition mainly, but not exclusively, affects those under 5 years old. 1 in 10,000 children are diagnosed with it and if treated early chances of permanent damage to the children’s heart can be avoided. Ultimately if left undiagnosed for any significant time the condition can be fatal. Isabelle had several trips to A & E before the condition was diagnosed and is happily stabilised but as Carol states “The issue is that the condition is little known and good at disguising itself. It’s only when several symptoms come together does it become apparent” If a child has a persistent high fever and two of the following symptoms then think Kawasaki Disease: Reddened Hands and Swollen Feet Dry sore Mouth, Cracked Lips or Strawberry Tongue Bloodshot Eyes or Non-sticky Conjunctivitis Rash Swollen glands often just on one side As Carol says “early action could save a child’s heart. she is actively seeking support for fund raising to allow her to increase the profile of the disease and Isabelle’s Story can be followed on https://m.facebook.com/isabelleAwarenessofKD/