4 minute read
The Ceremony Explained
You were blindfolded so that you entered the Chapter in a state of darkness, just as you will enter upon eternal life not knowing what to expect; and, you were about to be admitted to a f ull participation of the secrets of a Master Mason and so receive the light of a Master Mason, both of which were promised to you at your Raising, but not revealed.
Having confirmed that you still relied on God f or support and protection, you were conducted round the Chapter on a circular path which was meant to represent your journey through life. Figuratively speaking, you demonstrated your faith in God by committing yourself to the protection of your conductor.
You were directed to advance towards the “Sacred Shrine” upon which the secrets are deposited, by seven steps, and in a particular manner, to ref lect the number of steps you advanced to the pedestal in each of your Craft Degrees, i.e. three in the First, five in the Second and seven in the Third. You bowed to the Sacred Name after three steps to acknowledge and confirm the Obligation you took at your initiation; after two more, (i.e. five) in reference to your Obligation when you Passed; and you bowed after two more (i.e. seven) to confirm your commitment in the Third Degree when you were Raised.
After removing two of the Arch Stones you figuratively descended into the vault and listened to a portion of Scripture that point out that the happiness brought about by the knowledge of God is greater than that obtained from material possessions. In the vault, you found a scroll but were unable to read it because of the darkness, so you returned to the surface. The importance of that scroll encouraged you to widen the opening and re-enter the vault where you listened to another Scripture reading, in which Haggai exhorts the builders, who had become discouraged when they realised that the new Temple was not going to be as big and resplendent as its predecessor, to build a house to the glory of God. You then took the Obligation of a Royal Arch Mason. Do not forget the promise you made there!
The blindfold being ceremoniously removed and you being admitted to the “Light of the Order” was intended to be a defining moment in the ceremony. Hopefully, the sight that met you was so impressive and unexpected that it will live with you for the rest of your masonic life, and it is redolent with meaning; before you lay an allegorical pattern of your progress through life. Immediately in front of you were the stones which represent the obstacles that you had to overcome in your search for life and truth. The chequered flooring represents the mixture of joys and sorrows encountered on your journey and it also guides your eyes to the Pedestal, its top still veiled to indicate knowledge yet to be revealed. The crow, pick and shovel are to remind you that further work and effort will be required of you. The sword and trowel point out that you should build soundly and be ever re ady to defend what you build. T he book, square and compasses remind you of the Craft Degrees which led you here.
The Volume of the Sacred Law is essential and ever-present in our ceremonies and you took your Obligation on a hand-sized version of it. To the right and left of you were the “former companions of your toils” ref erred to at your Raising and with whom you are now reunited and who will support you on your journey; at the opposite end of the Arch from you, the three Principals stood with their scep tres forming a triangle, the most sacred symbol in modern times, and you were able to read the scroll which had stimulated you to such further exertions that you were led to discover the long-lost, genuine secrets of a Master Mason.
The remainder of the Exaltation Ceremony was a more detailed explanation of how those secrets were discovered and the procedures employed by the Sanhedrin to establish the veracity of what had been found and to reward those who had discovered them.
Where Should You Look for Further Guidance?
It is appreciated that the Ceremony of Exaltation may well seem strange to you and that the Chapter environment may well be different from the one you have been accustomed to in the Craft. In order to help you to assimilate, the Province of Durham has a mentoring system in the Chapter, which has many similarities to the one you have probably become accustomed to in your Craft lodge. Within your Chapter there is a Mentor and he may well have made contact with you even before you have read this Guide. He will try his utmost to facilitate your entry into the Chapter and will offer you much guidance, and any questions that he cannot answer he will try to have answered f or you by ref erence to someone else. You too, should take advantage of what other, more experienced, Companions can offer; they will be very happy to assist you.
Your proposer and seconder should not be missed out! They will have much to contribute, and will be able to direct you to others who can help in situations where they cannot.
Please read this Guide caref ully, and seek explanations of any aspects of it that you find difficult. Visit a neighbouring Chapter or Chapters. This is probably best done in company with a Companion(s) from your own Chapter, and talk about what you see.
W hen you get the opportunity to hear the Three Lectures of the Chapter, listen caref ully and try to understand the explanations that they give. The Symbolical Lecture may well afford your first opportunity to be involved in delivering Chapter Ritual. Take it when it comes along.
The Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Durham is a very special occasion. Take the opportunity of absorbing the atmosphere and enjoying the experience.
Most new situations can be daunting for many of us but, if you take the help and guidance that is available, the Holy Royal Arch Chapter will prove to be a very rewarding step in your Masonic progress.
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