Durham Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No. 9833 Training and Education Team
PREPARING FOR THE CHAIR th WORKSHOP Tuesday 8 November 2016 FERRYHILL MASONIC HALL, 34 North St, Ferryhill, County Durham DL17 8HX. The aim of this workshop is to make attaining and occupying the chair of your lodge an easier experience. It will be delivered in a relaxed manner and give practical guidance and advice on the work and organisation required before, during and after the ceremony of Installation, and to answer any questions you may have. The workshop is not restricted to Masters Elect, but is open to ALL MASONS who aspire to becoming Master of their Lodge.
Dress code is informal and light refreshments will be provided. The workshop will start at 7:00pm prompt.
Members of the Provincial Executive will be in attendance, so this will be an opportunity for you meet them in a more informal context. To book your place please contact - Andrew Watson – AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Email – aw301261@ntlworld.com or Text – 07527 274379