Ryton Holy Cross No. 4231 - Centenary

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Ryton Holy Cross Lodge No 4231

Centenary Meeting Talk on Monday 13th June 2022 Brethren, we are here to celebrate a momentous occasion, and making this interesting we will get through 100 years in about 25 minutes all being well. So can I invite W Bro. Malcolm Ormiston to join me on the floor. So, let’s start way back in 1921 when the lodge was consecrated. The Initiation fee was £10 guineas and that is the equivalent of approximately £517.00 today. Annual subscription was £2.12.6d or just over two and a half guineas about £125.00 today And if a Scotsman (or Scotch man as was stated in the minutes in 1921) wanted to join from a Lodge north of the border, the Joining fee was 10 shillings more than an English Joining member would pay! The Treasurer W Bro. T H Gass presented a silver plate to the Lodge for use as an Alms Plate, and I wonder, is this that plate? Bro. Charles Barnard Roderick Hunter, Chaplain of the Lodge and Rector of Ryton Holy Cross Church presented this wonderful King James bible which was printed in 1781 and is inscribed in gold lettering in Latin “To the Lodge of the Holy Cross of Freemasons” 1922 In February the Lodge purchased the 3 pedestals we have here at a cost of £24.15s, they also got an agreement with the Stella Coal Company for the hire of a harmonium for 2/6d per annum. 11th December saw Bro. Fellis and Bro. Wallace were prepared to be passed to the Degree of a Fellowcraft and retired. The Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree and Bro. Wilkinson and Bro. Fielder were prepared to be raised to the 3rd Degree and retired. The Lodge was opened in the 3rd Degree and Bros’ Wilkinson and Fielder were Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. The Lodge then resumed in the 1st Degree. And the Lodge still managed to close in Love and harmony at 8.38pm!

At the May meeting in 1923. W Bro. Thomas Renton stated that the Lodge was short of Squares for the use of the Lodge, he therefore presented 3 to the Lodge. 11th June. Bro. Thomas Shirley Seymour being in attendance was admitted into the Lodge and thereupon signified his allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England! Must have been a Scotchman! We move on to 1925 May 1925. Bro. C B R Hunter was given the honour of Provincial Grand Chaplain. 17th August 1925. An emergency meeting was called to Raise Bro. Thomas Buchanan. That was the only business minuted. December 1925. Brethren stood as mark of respect on the death of Queen Alexandra. Brethren also stood as a mark of respect for Bro. C B R Hunter and his family on the death of their son-inlaw Lt Charles Arthur Robert Thorpe who lost his life when the submarine, he was on was lost at sea. (Subsequent enquiries have discovered it was struck by the SS Vidor in the English Channel). W Bro. T E Brown asked the Worshipful Master to receive on behalf of the Lodge, a banner as a token of his appreciation for the kindly way in which he was always received by the Officers and Brethren and of their many expressions of goodwill and fellowship towards him. The banner was dedicated by the Chaplain Bro. C B R Hunter. The banner had been designed and stitched by W Bro. Brown’s wife. More on the banner later. 1926 12th July. The Lodge was honoured to receive the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W Bro. Cuthbert Wilkinson on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master the Lord Ravensworth, accompanied by several Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham (1st Official Visit from Province). After the candidates had been Raised the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and some of the Provincial Officers took their leave due to the difficulty of travelling. They must have caught the last train out of Ryton! 11th April 1927. A silver snuffbox was presented by W Bro. T E Brown after he had been presented with a Past Master’s Jewel. 8th October 1928. Bro. C B R Hunter resigned from the Lodge. This left the Lodge without a Chaplain for the ensuing year. The 1930s. 13th October 1930. The 1st mention of purchasing a property namely Dene Head House by the 8th December 1930. The idea of purchasing Dene Head House was dropped! 12th October 1931. The Asst. Prov. Grand Master W Bro. Lieutenant-Col. James Wardbury Thompson with other Provincial Grand Lodge officers paid an Official Visit (3 rd Official Visit). 11th January 1932. W Bro. Edwin Joicey Jnr. Immediate Past Master presented a maul to the Lodge for use in the Lodge. 14th November 1932. A letter was read out from the Provincial Secretary stating that Lodge funds should not be used for the purchase of P.M. Jewels, instead voluntary contributions were recommended! Oops!

10th April 1933. It was announced that the Grand Lodge building in Great Queen Street, London would be consecrated on 19th July 1933. 9th October 1933. Notice was given that a Special meeting of the Lodge would be held in the Church Hall on Monday 16th October to consider Lodge premises. 13th November 1933. Notice was given that the 1st Quarterly Communication at Great Queen Street was held on 6th September 1933. Notice of motion given that at the next regular meeting that the Lodge purchase from Mr Victor Stobie, a piece of land at Ryton for the sum of £1,200 (known as Oakfield). 11th June 1934. A tender for £1,383-15s-0d was accepted by the brethren. 2,790 square yards of land on the south side and 2,425 square yards on the north side be sold on the recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. This was agreed. 9th July 1934. The meeting of Grand Lodge would be held in Newcastle on 5th September 1934 in the City Hall. 22nd September 1934. The Masonic Hall was dedicated after which there was a high tea. 8th October 1934. The first meeting of the Lodge in the new building was opened by W Bro. I G Maguire, this honour was given, as he had been the first Worshipful Master. After which the Worshipful Master W Bro. T Greener took his place in the chair. 12th November 1934. The desk used by the Secretary and Treasurer was a gift from Mrs E D Forster wife of the Secretary. 14th October 1935. The Installing Master presented to the Worshipful Master, the Book of Constitutions, By-laws of Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham, By-laws of the Lodge, the Warrant, keys, the Inventory of the property of the Lodge and the Lodge Snuffbox. 11th November 1935. Mr Arthur Mullen was Initiated. Less than 10 years later he was to die in Burma! The Lodge fees were still two and a half guineas, the equivalent of a day’s wages in 1935. 13th January 1936. Our first Honorary member was made in the person of W Bro. T E Brown in recognition of his service to the Lodge since its inception. 12th October 1936. A Provincial visit on an Installation meeting, this must have been when representations were perhaps started. 11th July 1938. The Lodge was opened as usual and opened in the 2nd Degree, the candidate was entrusted and retired for preparation. Whilst he was out Provincial Visitors were admitted and greeted, after-which the candidate was raised to the 3rd degree. On that night 28 Provincial Officers tended their apologies. 8th May 1939. Mr John (Jack) McQueen was Initiated. He went off to war 5 months later. 3rd September 1939. War was declared. 4th September 1939. An Extraordinary meeting was called to announce that all Masonic activity to cease due to the outbreak of war. In October 1939 Grand Lodge announced that Masonic activity could start up again, so the Installation meeting took place on 13th November 1939. One steward was not invested as he was

away with evacuees in the Lake District. Lodges were informed that they should shorten the meeting so that the brethren could get home safely. The Installation meeting finished at 5:15pm. The 1940s From July 1940 to July 1941 a series of lectures were given presumably because of the lack of candidates in the early part of the war. During the war the subscriptions were lowered to £2 guineas. 8th May 1944. Bro. William Henry Savage a past member of the Lodge was put forward to re-join. 12th June 1944. Bro. Savage was blackballed. 6th July 1944. An emergency meeting was held. There is very little detail of why it was called, but it seems it was about the ballot held at the previous meeting! 9th October 1944. A ballot was held, and Bro. Savage was successful in re-joining. 8th January 1945. It is the first time the war has been mentioned and the Worshipful Master expressed the hope that this year would bring victory. 26th March 1945. An emergency meeting was held to Raise a Bro. Airey. He was leaving to go abroad for a few years. He was raised 2 weeks after his Fellowcraft degree. 10th September 1945. An emergency meeting was called to ask the brethren to loan monies in units of £1.0s.0d free of interest. 14th January 1946. Bro. Tench was passed to the 2nd Degree and afterwards Mr Robert Cecil Savage (Lewis) and Mr William Lawson (Lewis) were Initiated. And the meeting still finished at 8.30pm! 1st July 1946. An emergency meeting was held to Raise a member. But the writing is so bad in the minutes, the name cannot be read! 14th April 1947. The plaque to Bro. Arthur Mullen who lost his life in Burma was approved to be put in the Lodge. Although a few months earlier a proposal to put a plaque up to all those members who had fought through the war was dismissed! 9th June 1947. A petition for the formation of a new Lodge to be named “Ryton” was presented to the Lodge. The petition was duly signed by the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden. 14th July 1947. The Worshipful Master moved that “St Marys” be added to the name “Ryton” for the new Lodge. Shortly after our daughter lodge was born! 8th September 1947. An Extra Extraordinary Meeting was held to celebrate the 25 th Anniversary. Two lectures were given, first was a talk on 18th Century Masonry and the second was a talk on the History of Ryton Holy Cross Lodge. 10th November 1947. The third Honorary Member was approved, W Bro. E B Forster. 12th July 1948. The first time the Lodge fees are mentioned in the minutes. Initiation fee is £15.15s.0d (£15 guineas) and the Annual fees are £2.12s.6d. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ON 1 ST OCTOBER! The equivalent of £93.00 in today’s money. 8th November 1948. A Mr Joe Oliver was Initiated.

11th April 1949. It appears that this was the first meeting where the Past Masters took the degree which was a Third. The Grand total for the 1949 Festival was announced as £201,224.5s.10d. Ryton Holy Cross Lodge had raised £549.5s.0d. 13th June 1949. The Lodge opened and did a Third Degree then closed in the Third and proceeded to Pass 2 Brethren. Then did the usual June nominations, plus a ballot and still closed at 8.45pm! 12th December 1949. The Finance and General Purposes Committee had authorised the outside to be painted at a cost of £49.17s.6d. and a tender was accepted for the painting of the interior of £155.0s.0d. A piece of land to the north adjoining No5 Blackhouse lane was sold for £10.0s.0d. 13th November 1950. The Worshipful Master presented the Lodge with the Past Masters Board. A ballot was taken for a Joining Member from Clavering and was not elected! 15th May 1951. The brother from Clavering Lodge was proposed and seconded again. He was duly elected on 11th June 1951. at the second attempt. 11th October 1954. 6 Past Masters were presented with their Past Master Jewels. Don’t know why! 9th July 1956. The Treasurer proposed an increase in Lodge fees from two and a half guineas to four guineas and that to include the cost of the meals! After an extended discussion the motion failed and a special meeting be called to discuss it! 5th September 1956. A special meeting was held and it appears that the increase was because the Lodge was in need of raising funds. The Worshipful Master thought the fees should be raised to £4.10.0d a rise of £1.17.6d and the Initiation fee be raised to £20.0.0d from £15 guineas. The motion put forward at the special meeting was accepted. It was to be put to the Lodge at the Installation meeting and duly passed. And at the Installation on 8th October 1956, the Treasurer financial report stated that there was a balance of only £27.16.8d. 14th October 1957. The Treasurer reported that the Lodge now had a balance of £112.19.8d. It just goes to show that Treasurers increase fees for a good reason!!! 10th May 1960. Mr Harry E Rivers was Initiated into Freemasonry and 60 Years later we still have Bro. Harry as a member, and he received his 60 years certificate in 2020. And a year later 8th May 1961. Mr Donald Kerr was Initiated into Freemasonry and last year he received his 60 Years certificate. Sadly, due to the pandemic neither received their certificates in open lodge. 12th June 1961. A petition was presented by W Bro. Redpath for the formation of a Royal Arch Chapter to be known as Ryton Holy Cross Chapter. It was stated in the Provincial Gazette that Past Masters were not regarded as properly clothed if not wearing the appropriate collar when attending their own Lodge or visiting other Lodges and that the presentation of a Past Master's' collar to an Immediate Past Master might be considered preferable to the presentation of a Jewel! 9th October 1961. The Treasurer announced a balance of £333.12.10d. 9th July 1962. The first occasion that the time of opening is mentioned as 6.45. And apparently the Lodge is still open as it is not recorded that it closed on that date! 10th June 1963. The Initiation Fee was increased from £20 to £30.00.

8th July 1963. It was decided to have a Management Committee with Ryton St Mary's Lodge. 8th March 1964. It was announced in open lodge that the mortgage was finally paid up in full! 11th January 1965. A proposal form was read out for Mr Joseph Frederick Wilson for which a Special Dispensation had been applied for to Initiate as a serving brother, his address was given as the Caretakers House, Masonic Hall, Ryton. He was Initiated on 8th February 1965. 12th April 1965. The Secretary read a letter from Grand Lodge stating that the resolution of RW Bro. Bishop Herbert, the PGM of Norfolk had been approved, but was permissive. It appears that the resolution involved changes to the wording in the Obligations. It was decided by the brethren present to postpone a decision until the next meeting. Where upon it was decided by the brethren to continue with the original Obligations. 12th July 1965. It was recorded by the Secretary that Provincial Grand Lodge dues were increased from 3 shillings to 4 shillings per member. 14th February 1966. Mr Alan James Phillips was Initiated into Freemasonry and 56 years later it is nice to see him here in the Lodge. 14th March 1966. A 3rd Degree was worked and then the Lodge was closed down to the 1st and Bro. Phillips and Bro. Beaty were passed to the 2nd Degree and the Lodge still managed to close at 8.45pm. The Brethren approved the giving of £134.0.0d for the 250th Anniversary and the Lodge funds would be reimbursed by subscriptions from the members! 14th November 1966. It was minuted that the Lodge had received the 250th Jewel and this can be seen on the Worshipful Master’s Collar. 8th May 1967. Provincial Grand Lodge were to increase the dues from 4 shillings to 6 shillings! 13th November 1967. A certain Mr Brian Edwards was Initiated into Freemasonry. And if I can say that this lodge would not be here now if it was not for the support given by Brian to the lodge. He is without doubt a true mason in every regard. 12th February 1968. The 1st time that the Past Masters night was held in June to work a 2nd Degree. All others had been in the July doing a Third and also the elections. 13th October 1969. The Installation was witnessed by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro. S Hudson CBE PGD. 10th November 1969. Mr John Hodgkinson was Initiated into Freemasonry and it was pleasing to see him in November 2019 for his 50th Certificate. He has since resigned due to distance and health issues. 11th May 1970. Lodge fees were to be increased from £5.0.0d to £7.10s.0d in October. There was also a Notice of Appointment of W Bro. Rt Hon the Lord Barnard as the new Provincial Grand Master. 8th February 1971. Mr Charles Allen Robson was Initiated 10th May 1971. And this is of interest to me as Mr Bernard Sidney Martin was Initiated and why is it of interest to me? He was my proposer!

13th December 1971 W Bro. Billy Heron minuted that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master was welcomed into the Lodge along with a “Goodly array of Provincial Officers”. It being the 50 th Anniversary. 13th November 1972 W Bro. Dick Wood on behalf of Mrs H Redpath presented to the Lodge a Pedestal Cushion in memory of her late husband W Bro. H Redpath 12th November 1973 Mr William Henry Dawson was Initiated. 14th November 1974 Mr Brian Lancaster was Initiated. 14th April 1975 saw the Lodge fees rise from £7.50 to £10.00! 9th February 1976 Mr Kevin Stuart Eltringham was initiated, sadly W Bro. Kevin is unable to attend the Lodge nowadays due to his ill health and has been made an Honorary member for his many years of service 11th October 1976 Bro. Brian Edwards was installed as Worshipful Master. 13th June 1977 Lodge fees were raised from £10.00 to £15.00 and remember this at the time included the dining fee! 14th November 1977 Mr Raymond Quickfall was Initiated and to this day he has resisted the urge to climb the ladder and has remained a Master Mason. And it is nice to see him here tonight. 13th February 1978 Mr David Atkinson was initiated, he was later to become my Seconder and coincidentally it was the day my son was born! 12th June 1978 The Initiation Fee was increased from £30.00 to £50.00 and has remained at that since then, I’m slipping I haven’t increased it!!!! The equivalent nowadays is £252.00! 12th February 1979 Mr Derek Hawes was initiated and like Bro. Ray Quickfall has remained a Master Mason. 8th October 1979 The Immediate Past Master’s Jewel that was presented at the Consecration to W Bro. T E Brown was presented back to the Lodge by W Bro. Dick Wood with the proviso that it should be worn by each Immediate Past Master from the moment on to prevent it from just being put on display in a cabinet. W Bro. Bob Balmer was the first recipient. 11th February 1980 Mr David Cyril Peart was Initiated by his father W Bro. Cyril Peart and it is nice to see him here tonight. 10th March 1980 And W Bro. Cyril appears again in the minutes when he presented the 2 nd Degree Tracing Board to Bro. David. 14th April 1980 W Bro. John Forster the Deputy Grand Master of the District of Ontario presented to the Worshipful Master the gavel of St Andrew’s lodge No 560 in the Province of Ottawa, to be used for the evening, he also presented the 3rd Degree Tracing Board that night. So, when all comes to all I think W Bro. David’s memory of his 3 ceremonies will be well and truly implanted in his mind. 12th May 1980 Mr John Shield was Initiated, I had the pleasure of Installing him into the Chair of King Solomon in 1989. 13th October 1980 and the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master was unable to attend, so W Bro. Cecil Bell was delegated to take his place!

10th November 1980 and Mr Michael Greener was initiated and in a way, we are grateful that he moved to the other side of the country, not because we didn’t like him, on the contrary we all enjoyed his company. But his “Firing” left its mark should we say! And was and still is a talking point whenever we see him 8th June 1981 saw the Lodge fees increased to £20.00 and that still included the dining fee. 9th November 1981 and a very important night for me, because this was the night, I was Initiated along with Mr Stephen Walker by W Bro. Charlie Robson. That was the night I was led round the Lodge by the Senior Deacon Bro. Bill Dawson and we have been great friends ever since Oh, and it was the 60th Anniversary as well and because of the snow the Provincial team could not make it and the festivities were put back. 14th December 1981 It was announced that night that W Bro. Dick Wood who had been a stalwart of the Lodge has passed to the Grand Lodge above and it is said that his spirit still can be felt in the Lodge at times! 10th May 1982 Mr Malcolm Donald Ormiston was Initiated 14th February 1983 We don’t often get dissent in the Lodge, but the subject of electing a Provincial Steward raised an issue with one member who felt that the other brethren were not being considered for this position. It was decided that night to discuss it at the next meeting privately before any visitors were admitted. 14th March 1983 The subject was discussed because a member felt that the older brethren who were very good attenders were not being considered for the position, but it was put to the vote and a member was declared and the matter was settled amicably. 11th June 1984 The Lodge fees were increased to £25.00, and the reason given was to maintain the upkeep of the building. 11th June 1985 The Lodge was in receipt of a letter from Cathay Lodge in Hong Kong stating that an antique shop in Japan had a Masonic Jewel bearing the name of Ryton Holy Cross Lodge No 4231 and it was for sale at £85.00. 11th November 1985 Mr Wilfred Urwin was Initiated, possibly the only time that W Bro. Wilf has received his Sunday name! 10th November 1986 Mr James Jordan our Chaplain was Initiated. 11th May 1987 it was approved by the brethren that up to £20,000 be borrowed to meet the cost of substantial repairs to the Lodge building. It was also reported that through the assistance of W Bro. Norman Rose of Ryton St Mary's Lodge and Bro. K McQueen of Peel Tower Lodge, the Founder’s jewel discovered in a Nagasaki antique shop had been bought and returned to the Lodge and is on display in the cabinet outside the door of the Lodge. 8th October 1989 and I had the pleasure of Installing Bro. John Shield into the Chair of King Solomon. But on 11th June 1990 W Bro. John who always met everyone at the front door of the building collapsed and was rushed to hospital where he sadly passed away. I found myself back in the chair for the remainder of the year. 8th October 1990 and I had the pleasure of Installing W Bro. Wilf Urwin.

12th November 1990 and on this night 7 members were excluded for not paying their fees for 2 years. Sadly, my Proposer and Seconder were amongst them. 14th October 1991 W Bro. Michael Greener was Installed. 13th January 1992 It was announced that Bro. Bergstrand had passed to the Grand Lodge Above and his widow is still in receipt of her Christmas card and her Christmas gift cheque, so this Christmas it will be the 30th year. 12th October 1992 and the plaque at the side of the Master’s Chair to W Bro. John Shield was presented to the Lodge just before W Bro. Malcolm Ormiston was Installed as Master. 9th November 1992 Mr Michael Anthony Jackson was Initiated by me. 13th February 1995 Bro. William James Graham became a Joining member. 13th May 1996 and Mr Dean Anderson was Initiated by W Bro. Brian Lancaster. 10th June 1996 W Bro. Ian had the pleasure of Passing Bro. Dean on the occasion of our Past Master’s Night. 10th March 1997 W Bro. Norman Eric Heaviside being the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies announced that the Provincial Grand Master the Lord Barnard was demanding admission. He was here to celebrate our 75th Anniversary. On this night W Bro. Jim Brougham gave a personal view of the Lodge having been a member for 55 of the 75 years 14th April 1997 we had three official visits that night. Clavering Lodge, our Mother Lodge, Ryton St Mary's Lodge our Daughter Lodge and Rowlands Gill Lodge where a certain Bro. Brian Graham was the SWME. Although the minutes don’t say why Ryton St Mary's Lodge was here, I would think it was because it was just before their Installation and the SWME would be in attendance. And Clavering were here because on that night one of their brethren, Bro. Greenwood was being raised at our meeting. 12th January 1998 mention was made of the Boxing Night Dance that raised £600.00 for Lodge funds. Of course, now we don’t have such events, so we really miss that intake of funds. 9th November 1998 and Mr William Grey was Initiated. 9th October 2000 I took on the position of Secretary, little did I know what a commitment that is! W Bro. Malcolm took a back seat for a while apart from being instrumental in updating the by-laws that year. 12th March 2001 W Bro. Peter Jones was to take a set of gavels made by W Bro. R Cameron of Winlaton Lodge No 4546 to Granbury Lodge No 392 in Texas as gift from the Lodge. 14th October 2002 Bro. David Cyril Peart was installed as Worshipful Master. 14th April 2003 due to generous donations being given to the Lodge, a new set of regalia had been purchased. 10th November 2003 and the minutes mention that the lady masons in St. Helena Lodge were now using the Lodge Room. 8th December 2003 Mr Stephen Frank Ward was Initiated, W Bro. Steve sadly died last year and is still missed today. In his last weeks, he was very generous in donating towards the Centenary Warrant, the restoration of the banner and a generous donation toward the 2021 Festival.

9th February 2004 the Provincial Grand Master Dr Alan Martin Davison was present to witness the Dedication of the new Regalia, Kneeling Stool and Gavels. The gavels being a gift from Granbury Lodge in Texas. 14th February 2005 saw W Bro. Cyril Peart and his son W Bro. David Peart present a masonic Clock to the Lodge to mark the many happy and pleasant evenings they had spent here. It was originally hung above the Master’s Chair, but after the refurbishment of the Dining room it was felt it was better placed there. 11th July 2005 There was a break with tradition when W Bro. Dave Bilclough the Worshipful Master said he would be unable to attend the Installation in October due to work commitments and he really wanted to be the Installing Master that night, so the brethren agreed to move installation back a week to accommodate the request. 12th December 2005 the decision to be part of the TLC project was taken. That was 17 years ago and it has proved to be a very worthwhile and popular cause. 8th May 2006 Ryton Holy Cross Lodge moved into the 21st century on a new level when Bro. Graham was minuted operating the music system! This was due to us not having an Organist, we tried a minidisc system, but it didn’t last long and ended up in the dining room! We did however install a loop system for those hard of hearing. 13th November 2006 the Worshipful Master W Bro. Graham announced that he was going to give to give the past masters of the Lodge the opportunity to work the degree each month and so W Bro. Jordan occupied the chair for a 1st degree and W Bro. George Paylor stood in as candidate! 12th February 2007 W Bro. Ormiston the Lodge Treasurer said that even though the Centenary was some way off he would like to see money ringfenced, so that we could celebrate in style. And we have managed to do that, I think, and I thank him for his forethought. Over the years since then I have managed to add to the fund, so tonight we are dining on toast, a bit of jam and a glass of water. That’s each mind you! 12th April 2007 we had the pleasure of the company of W Bro. (as he was then) George Clark and W Bro. Denovan Keith Wilson two of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W Bro. Wilson gave a light-hearted talk on Freemasonry. 9th July 2007 Shock horror, the Treasurer proposed that the Lodge fees be reduced by £7.00 to £70.00. Naturally, it was approved! 8th October 2007 it was announced that Bro. Wilf Bell who had been our organist for 40 years had passed away. It was also announced that W Bro. Cyril Peart a stalwart of the Lodge had also gone to the Grand Lodge Above. 12th November 2007 and a proud moment for me when my stepson Mr David Ryan was Initiated. 14th July 2008 Election night and W Bro. Malcom was elected to go back into the chair, that of course meant there was a vacancy for a Treasurer and ever since that night nearly 14 years ago when I was persuaded by a very persuasive Scotsman to become the Treasurer. I have yet to discover the Masonic Secret that will enable me to relinquish the position. 13th October 2008 the Installation saw W Bro. Malcolm installed in the Chair of King Solomon, me as Treasurer and W Bro. Bill Graham as Secretary. And after a couple of changes in the position of Secretary Bill and I are back as the terrible duo!

11th November 2008 I handed over a cheque for £4231.00 to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W Bro. Denny to be accredited to the Festival Account. 8th February 2010 our website had gone live and Ryton Holy Cross Lodge had officially joined the 21st century! 10th May 2010 it was announced in the 3rd Rising that there was a requirement to have a “competent person” under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, nominated and identified, whenever the Lodge met (I think we are still looking for that “competent person”! 12th July 2010 Bro. Harry Rivers received his 50 years certificate and he is still enjoying his Masonry 12 years later. 9th May 2011 W. Bro. J. Nicholson, P.Pr.J.G.W. of St Michaels Lodge No. 6332 was invited to address the Lodge. W. Bro. Nicholson explained that, as a member of a Metropolitan Lodge in London he had been asked to deal with a set of regalia which was to be returned by the family of a deceased mason and which had, apparently, links to the Northeast. Before he could arrange to collect the regalia, the family had sent it back to this area. Undeterred, he pursued this case through various lodges in the Durham and Northumberland provinces before, finally, securing it. The case belonged to a Hugh Rochester and contained, within the case, was a Ryton Holy Cross Founders Jewel belonging to W. Bro. W. Rochester who, as our honours board showed, was Master of the Lodge in 1925. W. Bro. Nicholson asked that the W.M. accept the regalia and use it to the best Masonic purpose. 11th July 2011 Bro. Don Kerr made the journey up from South Yorkshire to receive his 50 years certificate from the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro. Dennis Lascelles and although we don’t see much of Bro. Don, we know he is still enjoying his Freemasonry today. 14th May 2012 W Bro. Paul Hetherington of St. Aiden’s Lodge gave a talk entitled “Penshaw Monument, Myth, Legend and Fact”. He commenced the talk by getting the brethren to sing “The Lambton Worm”! 10th June 2013 the Treasurer (me) gave a grave financial summary and concluded by saying that the members needed to pay an increase of £20.00 to make sure the Lodge stayed viable, this would set the fees at £105.00 and a straw poll suggested that £120.00 would be acceptable. I wonder if I can try that again this year!! Frankly, I was amazed that it was accepted the next month without a fight, but I think that proves how much members enjoy their masonry in Ryton. 14th October 2013 the Founder jewel that had been presented to the first Chaplain was found on E-bay by Malcolm and having been duly purchased it is on display in the cabinet outside the Lodge Room. 8th January 2014 it was proposed by W Bro. Charlie Robson that in principle a fund should be set up to enable the Lodge to purchase important items concerning its heritage, it was agreed, but I don’t think it was ever formulated. 13th October 2014 W Bro. Malcolm was invested again as Secretary and over the next 7 years we struck up a strong bond and we worked very well together. 10th November 2014 a new thing was tried out whereas 3 Past Masters presented the 1st Degree Charge, it worked very well. It was also tried at a later date with the 2 nd Degree Tracing Board.

9th March 2015 W Bro. Neil Walker along with 6 Grand Lodge Officers took over the duties of the Lodge Officers and gave a demonstration of a 2nd Degree and I do believe that it went down very well and not a single Tut was issued! 13th April 2015 The Lodge was opened and the Lodge business was conducted and then it was closed. This was to allow our Guests Rev. Tom Jamieson Rector of Ryton along with his wife Rev. Canon Lyn Jamieson to be admitted and welcomed by the Worshipful Master in due form. I gave an Introduction and a short talk on the lodge history and our Masonic ethos. Rev. Tom Jamieson then gave a fascinating talk on Ryton Holy Cross Church and in particular its apparently very influential past Rectors. W Bro Ronald Calderwood Black, Provincial Grand Chaplain then gave a talk on the relationship between Church and Freemasonry. W Bro Bill Dawson then rose to present Rev. Jamieson with the return of a refurbished Church Cross, which Lodge Brethren had somehow managed to acquire and spend some time restoring to its former Glory. Rev Jamieson and Rev. Canon Lyn Jamieson were astounded by the presentation and received it with great pleasure. A lively festive Board followed with the Worshipful Master presenting a cheque for £100 to the Church from the Lodge. Rev. Jamieson suitably replied, thanked the Lodge for the cheque and promised to site the Cross in a very prominent position within the church. He also commented on how much they had enjoyed the evening in our company as we prized the whisky glass from his hand at the door. saying they had learned so much. Something we can all agree with. It was certainly one of my highlights in the lodge. 13th July 2015 History was made when it was proposed and seconded that the building and land assets of Ryton Holy Cross Lodge 4231 Adjacent to Blackhouse Lane, Ryton should be transferred to Ryton Lodges Management Ltd. The ballot proved favourable and so the building no longer was in the hand of the Trustees. 9th November 2015 W Bro George Paylor the Festival Ryton Ambassador introduced W Bro John Thompson Festival Director, along with W Bro Paul Quinn Festival Secretary, and W Bro Ian Turnbull North Area Festival Director. W Bro John Thompson took the floor and gave a very informative presentation regarding the festival. A lively debate followed. (Whatever happened to him!) 14th March 2016 W Bro. Charlie Robson was made an Honorary member. Sadly, Charlie died a few weeks later. 11th April 2016 I had received a number of items from W Bro. Charlie’s family regarding Ryton Holy Cross including a gold 1921-22 Past master’s jewel and I said I would hold on to this and several item “in the short term” until the Lodge decided what to do with them. I still have them! We now have 13 founder jewels in our possession if we include the one held at Provincial Grand Lodge 13th March 2017 W Bro. John Watt the Assistant Provincial Grand Master was in attendance to present W Bro. Peter Jones with his 50 years certificate, but of course W Bro. Peter was by now living with his son in London. Undeterred W Bro. Watt said he would make arrangements with W Bro. Peter and present his certificate the next time he was in the capital and the photos are on the website to prove it. We thank you for going above and beyond! W Bro. Watt also gave us a very informative talk on the Northumbria Blood Bikes. 10th April 2017 on this night a brother by the name of Robert Lydon became a joining member from over the water in Northumberland. We were informed on that night by him that he doesn’t always answer to the name of Robert, so he has been Bob ever since. Also, on that night Mr Michael Scown was Initiated.

9th October 2017 and we were honoured to receive Rt W Bro. Norman Eric Heaviside, he was here to represent himself at our Installation. Mind you, we made him work for his supper as he delivered the Address to the Master who was W Bro. Phil Davis. 13th November 2017 we had another visit from W Bro. John Watt the Assistant Provincial Grand Master who had the pleasing task of presenting W Bro. Brian Edwards with his 50 years certificate. We also had the honour of hearing W Bro. Alan Errington of Benfeldsyde Lodge presentation of the Grand Lodge Certificate and an explanation of the Master Mason’s Apron. 8th January 2018 this meeting saw W Bro. Kevin Eltringham made an Honorary Member. W Bro. Kevin had for a number of years been unable to attend due to his illness and had expressed a desire to still be part of the Lodge. He still takes an interest, but sadly his condition has worsened, but he is still informed of what is going on and no doubt will be told of tonight’s meeting. 21st July 2018 and our Worshipful Master W Bro. Phil Davis was appointed PPGStwd. 10th June 2019 the minutes record that W Bro. Brian Edwards was made an Honorary member, he had been honoured in this way because of his exemplary work for the lodge and especially behind the scenes running the bar and day to day work on the building for many years. He has single handily cleaned the beer lines after every meeting, nobody told him he didn’t have to drink it all! 11th November 2019 this night saw W Bro. Michael Graham an Assistant Provincial Grand Master present a 50-year certificate to W Bro. John Hodgkinson, W Bro. John had travelled up from his home in Yorkshire along with his son for the evening. We all had a very good night, but it was almost spoilt when W Bro. Ian stood on his foot which was heavily bandaged. John donated £1000 to the Lodge and £1000 to the benevolence fund at Provincial Grand Lodge, a magnificent gesture! 9th March 2020 this saw us celebrate our 1000th meeting and a presentation of the first 50 years by W Bro. Ian and I, it was proved to be popular we were asked to do it all over again tonight and if you believe that you will believe anything! And that was our final meeting before the world succumbed to the Covid pandemic. But we kept the lodge alive for over a year where every member was invited to join in ZOOM meetings, we held 63 consecutive ZOOM meetings. While the Lodge was closed, the brethren and the Charity Steward got together and raised even more money to go to the 2021 Festival and Ryton Holy Cross Lodge reached their Platinum target. Altogether we raised the magnificent total of £20,684.16. 8th November 2021 and Bro. Gary Horn was finally raised after waiting over a year and his reward was to be elected to the Lodge Committee! Poor lad! And so distinguished brethren and brethren all, we have reached our Centenary meeting and hopefully we will go on for many years to come. At this time, because of the legacy of the pandemic we are short of members but going forward with the initiatives that are coming from Provincial Grand Lodge we are hopeful that things will improve. There are several things that have become apparent while I have been going through the Lodge minutes that cover the past 100 years. Firstly, and probably the most important is how Freemasonry has changed in Ryton and this is seen in the style of writing up of the minutes. For the first 50 – 60 years every single detail is recorded by the Secretary and the writing is superb considering the pens that were in use. And then we see that Secretaries are leading busier lives, so the style changes to recording the necessary details and the writing gets worse! We then come up to date and the secretaries are getting older and have more time, so we get back to more detail

and the minutes can be read, because they are printed. Then I noticed that from the period after the war until the mid to late 80’s it was the norm to put 2 candidates at a time, but since then it has been single candidate and indeed in recent years it has been stand in candidates. But the most important thing I have learnt whilst putting this talk together is the depth of friendship with your fellow Freemasons and that is something that stays with you forever. I think it would be fitting to remember all those brethren who thought to start Ryton Holy Cross Lodge in 1920 and also those brethren who have passed to the Grand Lodge Above. And can I thank W Bro. Malcolm for his assistance in putting this talk together and we hope you have enjoyed it, although I’m sure I heard a couple of snores!

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