Photo by Eugenia Porechenskaya
The world of food
Photo by Jana zaben
Have you ever though about where the food or drinks you eat and drink come from?
Photo by Jana zaben
Well.. Lets find out together where all these delicious things come from
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Coffee, Coffee Comes from Brazil with excellent quality and adorable smell !
Wheat, Wheat comes from USA in a huge quantities and very high quality. Perhaps you had some bread for breakfast this morning. Well, the wheat was probably American .
Black tea, Black tea comes from India with excellent quality. When you next go shopping, look at some packets of tea. You will probably read that the tea is from India.
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Olives and olive oil,
Olives and olive oil of course comes from our adorable country Palestine, We produce and export a lot of olives and olive oil, and the quality is excellent!
Green tea, Green tea comes from Japan with high and excellent quality
At the end, We must thank god for all the blessings and appreciate them all so that we do not regret when we lose them
Made by : Jana Zaben