Function newsletter GCDPi AIESEC DUT, 08/11/2013

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13 0 2 / 1 1 08/

N ew s l e t te r i G C D P, I D evelop

What have we done?

 1. first letters/ interview to different EPs .  2. local schools.  3.IEKA CSR / cooperation analysis / plan book .  meeting / function meeting to kno w more about AIESEC (goal ,business mo del ...)


 1 设计海报  2 设计文化衫  3 写 first letter  4 做 proposal  5 联系面试 EP  6EP Match


 1 the basic things of autism by talking an d watching movie  2 match / team regulation/ gmail / aiese c.Net / useful tools / combine charity with business / Inner communication  3 RIC


Learning Point !

 autistic are the same as us , we shouldn’t tr eat them differently , they are cable of telling good and bad , but they just a little shut-down .  In fact, most autistic’s family can not afford th e large amount of money to take care of them . So there are a lot we can do.  we should make sure that our EP will learn so mething by our project , tr y our best to make b oth of us benefit from this.

Project idea!!

 jump out of your comfort zone, try someth ing challenging and new.  aiesec is a great stage , it cannot give us anything ,but we can seek everything.  work hard play harder  Something about how to match, how to se nd email to EP, and some basis things in AIESEC’ s daily work. Besides, well-known with these friends.

Personal idea!!

 About function meeting, I know more detail information about the work.  From RIC, I like the sentence’ every e xperience matters’, we should catch e very chances to challenge ourselves, i f you challenge yourself something m ust be change. Besides never give up to be a leadership.  About function meeting, I know more detail information about the work.

Project idea!!

 We learned roll call.  We learned to manage time well .  We learned to research information in dif f erent ways .  Jump out of the comfort zone .  Do welfare in business model .  Some members went to RIC ,and learned details about AIESEC .

Learning idea!!

 leadership is 负责任。 每一个小的工作都要负起 责任来  敢于表达自己的想法  Review  公益和商业结合  接到 EP 的信息后一定要第一时间发邮件  在回复 EP 的过程中需要周旋,为自己留余地  一定要尊重 DDL  每个 AIESECer 都需要不断地学习来变得更加有能力  大家是一个 team 的,所以有什么问题一定要提出来 大家一起积极讨论。

Personal idea!!

 做事的目的,或许参加 AIESEC 会有许多出来 公益以外其他的想法,比如锻炼自己。但是当 我们加到了这个组,做着这样的事情我们就应 该不一样,我们就应该是因为公益因为热爱这 件事去做。带着这样的初心为了这个项目付出 自己能付出的一切吧!  即使项目有些地方你会想不通,但是当大家一 起讨论开会的时候你就应该把你的思路先放在 一边,先积极的参与到讨论中。等之后再想你 自己想不通的地方,不要因为自己主观的一些 错误的想法导致自己错过了很多重要的东西。

Project idea!!

 面对 EP 时,一定要懂得呵护,应为他们只身 一人来到一个陌生的国度,我们作为他们的 partner 一定要让他们感受到温暖,所以在回 复邮件时一定要注意语气问题,而不是简单 的去回答对方的问题。  要学会倾听,在小组开会或者什么时候一定 要认真听每个人的分享并且积极参与讨论。

Project idea!!

Idea Sharing

 How about we hold some meetings for the parents of autistic and volunteers, and by communicating we can learn some valuab le information from each other!!?  找 homestay 时可以联系一些沙发主(即为 沙发客提供住宿的人),原因如下。  1 、沙发主通常有较强的包容性,对于外来 文化所持态度与常人家庭不同  2 、沙发主的思想通常相对前卫,且大部分 都热爱旅行,热爱交友

Project idea!!

 Do the right thing at right time  Turn of f electronic devices and be absorbed in the work  Finish tasks as soon as possible  Create realistic expectations  Take the blame though you are not wrong a nd keep the program moving until success  Maintain self-confidence  Building and maintaining healthy and stabl e relationship with commercial partners

Personal Idea!!

 Any.DO app  If you want to do something, just off-line. It is really important to improve efficiency .  If you want to sale your product, you shoul d extremely know it first, know every aspe ct in detail. Maybe you can think more fro m the client, thinking about what is the b enefit to them, and deeply dig the reason why they should accept us.

Efficiency work!!

 1 . Tr y eve r y me a ns to re s e arc h i n for mat i on (For exam pl e , Abby t rie d to u se in te r n et , t r i e d to con t act l a st te am l ea de r , to g et a pict u re of our prog r am .

B i g sun use d

i n te r n et a nd c ont a cte d m an ag e r s to kn ow mor e about I K EA )  2 . M ake g ood us e of t ime . (Eve n i f u j us t h ave a br e a k , u can u se t he t ime to do some par t s of t h e t h i n g . )  3 . Set D D L a he ad o f t he t i m e g i ve n .  4 . B e l i eve in your par t ne r s , an d h e l p e a c h ot h e r .  Taki n g t he t im e to ask custome r s your prosp e ct q ue st i o n s an d re ally liste n to th e a n swe r s

Efficiency work!!

 在面对包括作业和工作任务以及日常计划等一系列 的问题要处理时,就我个人而言,我会按照任务和 事件的紧急性强弱顺序去完成。这样做的好处不仅 在于可以使我在规定的期限内及时完成应做的工作 ,也在于可以使我们拥有良好的头 绪和适度的压力 ,从而更有利于我工作效率和工作质量的提高。  在完成任务的过程中,避免网络等外界因素的干扰 是尽可能在短时间内以较高效率和质量完成任务的 一个很有效也是很必要的措施。  记录每一笔时间的去处,观察自己的时间流向,及 时地 review

Efficiency work!!

 设计方面,你在设计之前一定要弄清楚你为什么 要做这个设计,这个设计需要包含什么元素以及 这个设计想要达到怎样的效果。想清楚这些再把 自己心目中的作品用技术展现出来。  举例:我们做海报时就无法把中国文化和大连兼 顾总是会偏重一方  Ps :在设计方面的教训   多个图层时一定要注意图层添加的顺序   用美图秀秀作图放大了会导致图不清楚  有时间观念, respect DDL  设计要从多方面考虑,要独特有见解

Efficiency work!!

 当大批任务袭来,可以用一张便签把所有任 务及 DDL 列出来,贴在桌子上或自己能看见 的地方,这样每天都看见可以提醒自己按时 完成。  做一件事的时候,可能会受到许多其他东西 的影响,比如微信等,所以,决定要开始做 的时候就把干扰源全都隔开,等做完了这件 事再去处理。

Efficiency work!!

 下载了一个软件: ,把需要完成的 事列在上面,没完成一件事就勾掉,这样能 帮助我在一段时间只干一件事,而不是忙着 这件事想还有那件事没做,提高效率。  PPT 设计方面,懂得先去分析这次 presentat ion 需要讲的纲领,然后统一 PPT 风格,这 样 PPT 会很炫。  想要休息的时候一定不能顺从,一旦顺从, 就 over 了

Efficiency tools!!

Star Member


Let’s wait for the next one ‌. Rules: 1. Each team have one newsletter every 2 weeks edited by one member, who must collect all the information from his/her teammates, edit, and produce one newsletter of this whole team with the newsletter model. 2. Team Leader should recommend one STAR MEMBER to Bob and Jancy each time, who will be rewarded and announced in the newsletter. 3. Photos are required and perfect. 4. Remember to show the truth and facts of your team. 5. Most important: Have fun and Learn together!

The End iGCDP I Develop!

Created by iGCDP Editor: Jancy 2013.11.08

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