Combined heat and power chp biomass boiler system

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Cogeneration/ combined heat and power(CHP) biomass boiler Cogeneration, also known as Combined Heat & Power (CHP), is an inherently high-efficiency family of technologies to use fossil or renewable fuels to supply energy locally. Heat, power and cooling energy can be supplied to users ranging from individual homes up to large industrial sites and even areas of cities. The biomass boiler with this type has a good popularity in the world industries. Biomass boiler for CHP Biomass boiler are widely using in big industry like power plant, chemical industry, paper mill, milk processing plant etc. CHP biomass boiler is widely favored in Southern country and areas. ZG boiler has made 35MW Bagasse and coal CHP plant boiler in Mauritius. This kind of boiler can be used in many sugarcane producing countries such as Reunion Island, India and Brazil. Sugarcane in the form of power generation offers renewable energy options that promote sustainable development, take advantage of domestic resources, increase profitability and competitiveness in the industry, and cost-effectively address climate mitigation and other environmental goals.

ZG Biomass Cogeneration Plant parameters The ZG biomass boiler combined heat and power (CHP) plants can be designed for all types of biomass. The high efficiency, very stable electricity production and extremely high availability ensure a good business case for you as the investor. The design parameters below form the basic platform for our plants:

1. Fuel heat input: 25 – 170 MWth 2. Net electrical power output: 7 - 60 MWe 3. Net plant efficiency: A. 45 - 90 % depending on steam requirements and process integration b.7 0 - 105 % depending on district heating requirements and process integration 4. Boiler design A. Water tube boiler with natural circulation b. Single pressure or double pressure (reheat, e.g. 140 bar and 25 bar) 5. Operating time: At least 8000 hours without shutdown for manual cleaning 6. Boiler efficiency: 91% - 94% depending on fuel moisture 7. Emission values:Better than European requirements (large boiler or WID) 8. Fuel flexibility:Fuel moisture content: 10 - 55 % 9. Availability: Better than 96 % For 70 years, ZG boiler is on the way of innovation and persistence to be a professional boiler manufacturer and supplier in the world. We provide various industrial boiler such as industrial steam boiler, horizontal water tube and fire tube boiler, waste heat recovery boiler, coal fired boiler and biomass boiler with a multi-biomass fuel energy use. E-mail:

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