Free report weight loss tips for women

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Easy Weight Loss Tips For Women Published by Jane Paynters

1. Eat Breakfast Starting the day with breakfast is an important tip to losing weight and keeping it off. If you eat breakfast regularly you’ll be twice as likely to exercise daily and women who eat breakfast tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day. Eating breakfast is also a great way to kick start your metabolism in the morning. Opt for a healthy low-carb breakfast full of high fibre. Here are some breakfast examples: Porridge/Rolled oats with low fat milk or almond milk Poached/boiled eggs on wholegrain toast Fresh fruit with low fat yoghurt Egg white omelette with chopped vegetables

2. Short Workouts

Short high intensity workouts are just as effective as longer less frequent periods of exercise. Even just 20 minutes a day is better than not at all. Add just five minutes of ab exercises a day to see results. Tip: Check out high intensity workouts on YouTube. There is a lot of variations to choose from so you’ll never get bored. Page 1

3. Old Habits Die Hard

When trying to lose weight you may have to kick old habits to make room for new ones. Let’s face it, you want to look forward not backwards. Try sitting down at the table to eat instead of in front of the television. Switch to using smaller plates so you can control your portion sizes better. Make your lunch at home to take to work rather then slipping out to buy convenient takeaway meals. And most importantly don’t bring those tempting foods into your home such as ice cream and chocolates. Save them for when your out at a restaurant or on a special occasion.

Drink water before and after a meal as this will help you feel a bit more fuller and you will tend to not over eat. Your body will feel more refreshed and hydrated and this could help you to exercise longer.

4. Drink, Drink, Drink

You should aim to drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking a glass of water when you feel like snacking but know you shouldn’t, will help the craving pass and if you choose water over a caloric beverage it will help trim your calorie intake.


5. Watch The Alcohol An alcoholic beverage can soon rack up the calories at the same time do nothing to quench your thirst. Try to limit the amount of days per week that you consume alcohol and if you must drink, try wine, vodka and soda or a light beer as these drinks contain fewer calories. When you have a healthy liver it is easier to lose weight as this particular organ has an important job of breaking down food and helping your body to get rid of waste. Regular drinking can cause liver disease and fatty liver andi in some cases irreparable damage.

6. Get Some Zzzzz’s Lack of sleep can sabotage your health and waist line. Going to sleep half an hour early and waking an extra half an hour later can help your body a lot. When we are tired we tend to make poor food choices and exercise less often, therefore putting on those unwanted pounds. Ideally we should be getting at least 7.5 hours of quality sleep per night.

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