1 minute read
JoAnne Hoffman
There are so many hard truths I could have chosen, but this one hits me in the gut every time there is another killing spree somewhere in the United States. It continually makes me aware that we, my loved ones, my friends, and my fellow citizens, are not really safe on our own streets, in our schools, our supermarkets, our movie theaters, at concerts – anywhere. At any time, someone has easy access to weapons of war, weapons only designed to do one thing: kill human beings. Kill as many people as possible in as extremely short amount of time. Rapidly fire bullets that tear people apart. It’s not a pretty picture and I don’t intend my representation of this problem to be pretty either. No other nation on earth has the gun violence deaths that we have here in the United States. There is no need to have assault style weapons available anywhere. They are not used for game hunting, they are only used for people hunting. We need to reinstate the ban on assault weapons now.
I have only been an art quilter since 2020. I love this medium and the choices of techniques it gives me to represent whatever I want, be it social issues, nature, people, animals, or abstract design. I have been an artist in one way or another my whole life, first as a jewelry/metalsmith artist, and then as a painter. I grew up sewing, so now art quilting brings all these skills together. I am particularly pleased when I can use my artistic voice to call attention to social issues.

America Assaulted 24.5” X 35” Art Quilt 450. JoAnne Harris Hoffman jojojewel@comcast.net www.myvisionartquilts.com