Activator: Emanuele Coccia
Cosmic Avatar Kitchen
Zhuoan Dai_965631
Kilimanjaro Volcano
Cocon of Possibilities
Real Death
Power Source & Furnace
Digital AfterLife
Physical Death
Cocon of Possibilities
Digital AfterLife
Physical Death

Cocoon of Possibilities
Continuity of life is made possible by the digitalization of the human brain, but do we still what to be us or we want to be someone or something else? At Kilimanjaro Volcano, you are able to rechoose your life. With your body melted into Volcano facility lava as part of the energy source, your mind was upload to the Cloud Server -- “Cocoon of Possibilities” you can experiment inside, being a new person or even animals, trying the combination of different traits, and in the end back to the ground rebirthing by incarnation your soul into your idealized digital body into the real world as a part of the artificial spirits to provide consistent new insights for mankind.

Politecnico di Milano | School of Design | CdLM Interior and Spatial Design | Periscope_HUB | Interdisciplinary Workshop | Nature & Artifice
Professors: G. Piccinno, E. Cattaneo, E. Coccia | Assistants: A. Zingales, E. Dinarama, D. Mazzinghi | Consultants: G. Gerosa, M. Barsottini, C. Morbi
Field of Rebirth

Activator: Andrea Branzi
Fabricate Biodiversity

help of artificial intelligence developing its own new biosystem, and invite and produce new habitants, with the ultimate goal to change the harsh environment into a livable city. The wheel has different size with the ability to move to other places in need to coordinate with nature and the experiment the way it wants to instead of being programmed by man. A cradle to unexpected lives and form of living.

Activator: Francesco Micheli
Relational Media Space
The “discovery wormhole“ is a place you can enter at any time and space, a thrilling express, which gives an overview of all the possibilities. Your personal totem and your free-will will navigate to your interests or something new for you to discover, connect and resonate.

We are the explorer of the world but also the performer, Only by showing your thoughts and voices, we are able to see this magnificent orchestra of the world. Your personal totems will transform itself during the time.
It’s an idea of valuing individual efforts and knowledge of all, which allows you to dream bigger and to build the world together.
Voices from the Earth
Explorers/ Performers
In a world which each individual’s voice is respected and welcomed to the stage. And everyone’s personality is transformed into metaphorical totems, that are unique in composition yet classifiable. Thus no matter who you are, you are a part of the community,
Activator: Bruno Zamborlini

Primitive Calligraphy
Student: Zhuoan Dai_965631
Taklimakan Desert
Emotion Landscape
Metaphorical colore shape and light represent the energy of each (emotion, thoughts, reaction) in a primitive and direct visual form.
Emotions Waves
The audiences can visit through a virtual reality experience of flying simulation.
represented by the abstractness of emotion itself in constant movement like a flock of birds in a sandstorm, various in color, shape and form.
Figurative Reactions
Digitized simulated human images, amplified in a way to create empathy with the audience.
Thoughts Pulses
represented by the shooting star, comes and goes, a form of enlightening and unexpected various in brightness and colors.

Incoming Data
Emotion Reaction Relection
1. Brainwave data input
3. Stage of Inspection/Analise Audience Specialists Participants
2. Visualization of the spectacular
The A.I is trained to translate this 3 aspect of human status into a visual language, as a society mental indicator. The data can be divided into different groups to present the visual (which is a sensual data) will helps even a child to feel what’s happening and provides resources to be studied and thus drive social changes.
Politecnico di Milano | School of Design | CdLM Interior and Spatial Design | Periscope_HUB | Interdisciplinary Workshop | Nature & Artifice
Professors: G. Piccinno, E. Cattaneo, E. Coccia | Assistants: A. Zingales, E. Dinarama, D. Mazzinghi | Consultants: G. Gerosa, M. Barsottini, C. Morbi
Activator: Matteo Ghidoni
The island of a life time.
Chronotropy Paradox
Student: Zhuoan
your way towards the island Destination Start
The island is a metaphor of an ultimate destination you will or want to reach -- an ideal situation, a goal you set for your life, your perfect dream, or in reality the end of life.

The island morphs in time.
The Metephor of an island.

Once on the path there is no going back, the ritual is the pure state of marching towards.
The Ritual of Discovery
“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.”
The End
“Death is the only ending”
The Process of Persuing
when thinking about an ideal island, I can’t describe it in a certain form nor point out all that need to compose one. For me, it’s all about the discovery of the island itself, and during which you make it your home is the most fun part. And the rituals came naturally when you encounter certain unexpected and have the need to celebrate, to remember or to pray.
If we have to ask ourself what’s the ideal situation, but there is none, as the fact of our death is inevitable, I would prefer to celebrate the process, the process of pursuing, creating from scratch. In the matter of fact, you are your own walking island, your home is where you are.
“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.”
“If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.”
-- Anatole France
are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue these.”
Activator: Quiet Ensemble

Alienism Walk
Student: Zhuoan Dai_965631
The Stage of the Forest Fire.
Carbonized Wood Ceiling
To extand the sensation, the scent of the buring wood is emitted from the ceiling, made of the burnt wood from the forest.
Situation Streaming Live
The live video is projected in the arches to broadcasting the real world situation, let people know exactly what and how is happening.
Sound of the Burning Forest
Consists of live audio coherent with the image, with the sound of burning plants and animal screaming or moaning.

Smoke Effect
Together with the wood smell, simulating the scent and creating visual effect of real situation.
The project is trying to bring out the serious issue of the more and more forest fire in the world because it usually happens in remote inhabited places, people are unaware of it’s happening, or unable to comprehend the real situation
By using the sound, smell and visual effect, the project simulates the feeling and brings the burning forest in right front of peoples, acknowledging the seriousness, thus incent more actions towards forest protection and climate change.

Fire Mapping

The metallic map of Siberia forest is carved on the ground, connected with gas tubes in small holes creating fire effect wherever an incarnation is happening.
Politecnico di Milano | School of Design | CdLM Interior and Spatial Design | Periscope_HUB | Interdisciplinary Workshop | Nature & Artifice
Professors: G. Piccinno, E. Cattaneo, E. Coccia | Assistants: A. Zingales, E. Dinarama, D. Mazzinghi | Consultants: G. Gerosa, M. Barsottini, C. Morbi
Immaginative Interface

Semicircle sound installations

When people talking or performing instrument in front of the installations, the multi-layered semicircle and quarter circle create a dynamic echo effect, that becomes playful and evocative.
Located in different parts of the desert, when touching them, the tower will generate a unique vibration wave that evokes other towers to vibrate and create special sound effect together.
Activator: Campari
Topology Pattern

The new 2021 campaign for Campari has been adapted to the current situation that people are unable to go to the bar for aperitivo. But the pleasure of going out drinking together with friends doesn’t have to end, “STAY HOME STAY CAMPARI” is a slogan to tell the people around the world to stay safe at home, and continue to celebrate on any occasions. Being at home, people can be more relaxed and have “no reasonability” of warring about going home too late or being too drunk. So the slogan plays with the attitude of “safe” care free drinking at home.

The new bold visual is also adapted to combined both the classic futuristic characteristic of the movement, and excitement of digital age, creating a strong visual impact, as eye attracting, call for impulsive decisions, and recall a little dizzy feeling. With a single click the Campari product will be added to the check out basket for further selling and shipping.
Safe Aperitif at Home
Activator: Saraceno + Napolano
The Conscious Planets
Rising Mass Scape
The conscious planets are created by using the Nasa gis images, magnifying a local geography and ecosystem into an entire planet, changing the perspective of the scale of the earth and showing the diversity of the life on earth,

Conscious Planets

The mission of searching for new life carries on, as we are eager to know if we are alone, and more importantly, having the “comparative reference”.
Equations of Earth Life
The Voyager
Equations of Quantum Physics
In the development of modern technology, with the help of advanced quantum computer we might be able to simulate the life and understand better the relationship between human, animal, plants and earth, to see what’s essential when comes to building a new ecosystem in the future of space colonial age, and know better about what kind of system we want to create.
Mass Space Energy
Politecnico di Milano | School of Design | CdLM Interior and Spatial Design | Periscope_HUB | Interdisciplinary Workshop | Nature & Artifice
Professors: G. Piccinno, E. Cattaneo, E. Coccia | Assistants: A. Zingales, E. Dinarama, D. Mazzinghi | Consultants: G. Gerosa, M. Barsottini, C. Morbi