3 Myths to Bust When It Comes to Hypnotherapy If there's one thing that destroys the reputation of hypnotherapists, it’s the toxic reputation that hypnosis had back in the day. There were professionals who proved that hypnosis can be used as a force for good, and there are those who end up using it as a way to trick people. Needless to say, there are a handful of great hypnotherapists out there who’ll do anything to help people live better lives. But unfortunately – again – the stigma thanks to the mythos about hypnotherapy Adelaide often get in the way when there’s a lack of information. What are these myths about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you ask? Here are a few of them: Myth #1: Hypnosis Lets You be Controlled When a hypnotherapy practitioner works with you, they're your guide. They'll guide you through the process of relaxation so your subconscious mind comes to the fore and it's able to make changes you have agreed to during the initial consultation. If the hypnotherapist suggests something that goes against your morals or something you don’t ever want to do, your subconscious will simply throw the idea away. Think of your subconscious mind as your health and safety team. At the end of it all, your morals and beliefs will remain unchanged. Myth #2: There are People Who Don't Wake Up After Hypnotherapy There are people who enjoy staying in the state of relaxation for longer periods of time, but no one has done such a thing! As a matter of fact, if a client is enjoying the relaxation stage they find themselves in, it can take a little while to encourage them to come back to full, conscious awareness. However, the subconscious mind is there to help keep you safe. Just implying that there's danger would cause it to snap you back to full consciousness. Of course, screaming “FIRE!” will wake just about anyone, though it’s not the greatest way to end a relaxing session. Myth #3: You Won't Remember Anything After the Session You’ll actually be able to remember what was said without any extra effort – whether you realize it or not. For example, there are things in your past best left alone but which the hypnotherapist may ask about during the initial consultation. You’ll remember being asked about them. However, the hypnotherapy for weight loss or quit smoking practitioner will simply add a few words to help you move on.