Lawn Care Arnold Mo: Dealing with Lawn Diseases If you are always looking at Lawn care Arnold Mo, you will surely understand the different diseases of lawns. They are not humans but they also have diseases caused by various factors. These diseases can cause serious problems to your lawns and it may damage them permanently if you will disregard these facts. If you want to find out the different diseases of lawns and the proper treatments that you need to do, here are some of them.
Dog Urine
If you have a dog in your house, they are probably loitering around your lawn the whole day and there is a big chance that they will pee on your lawn. For some people, it is not a big issue because they think that it is better than letting them pee inside the house. The only problem is that the urine of dogs has compounds that can damage the grass in your lawn.
The best thing to do is to get a hose and focus the water on that area. Make sure to wash it thoroughly and completely remove the urine. Once it is cleaned, the grass will heal itself.
Chemical Spills
Most of the chemical spills used in plants like road salt, herbicides and fertilizers may cause problems to your grass. You have to remember that fertilizers are meant for the soil and herbicides are for plants. If these chemicals are accidentally spilled in your grass, they will surely be damaged. It is best to use water again to remove the spills right away because they can cause withering in the grass. Your grass will have spots of brown when they withered so it is best to look at your lawns frequently.
Fungi and Pests
Most of the damages on your lawn are caused by fungi and pests. This is a bit hard to fix by yourself so you will always need the help of a Lawn care Arnold Mo. These professionals know how to remove these pests and fungi, though they cannot really stop them permanently. This is the reason why you need to ask these professionals to check your lawns every once in a while to make sure that pests and fungi are not living in it.
Other Outside Factors
There are a lot of outside factors that you also need to consider like the kids destroying the grass, the smoke from cars and other vehicles and more. All of these can be dealt with effectively as long as you will put some appropriate signs in your lawn to keep off kids from playing in it. As for the smoke and dust, you can always wash it with soap and water to remove them.
Always remember that with the help of lawn care Arnold Mo; all these lawn diseases will be removed effectively. They have all the tools and knowledge that they need to make sure that all these diseases will be dealt with accordingly. It is best to ask for their help or advice if you wanted to remove these diseases right away.