5 minute read

A layman’s experience with AI

By Konrad Mech, Sales Director, Coasts, Ports and Inland Waterways Kongsberg

Maritime Canada Ltd.

Irecently participated in an American Society of Civil Engineers live webinar given by Collins Engineers’ Barritt Lovelace. Barritt presented his experience with the use of drones and Artificial Intelligence for bridge inspection. Many of the requirements and challenges of bridge inspection also hold for port infrastructure, for instance, the condition and defects of concrete decks and piles, the amount and rate of corrosion on steel structures, and the condition of coatings. During the discussion, Barritt mentioned he used an online tool called ChatGPT to help draft a presentation for a technical university. ChatGPT is a beta product from a company called OpenAI. Their website says Chat GPT is designed for optimizing Language Models for Dialogue.

“We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.”

As a sales director, I have to communicate effectively with clients to learn their needs, and then explain the features and benefits of our solutions for numerous maritime applications. This can be challenging when the market is conservative, multiple stakeholders are involved, and budget cycles are long. Any tool that can help me do my job faster and more effective is worth learning about. So, I took Chat GPT for a test drive. Below you will find my Q and A with ChatGPT. Have a read — at first glance it’s fascinating. Then consider my comments at the end. I think this technology still has a long way to go. Another point to note is that ChatGPT has a resubmit button. So, I assume if you click the resubmit button the software will generate a different response. I went with the first response given, just as if I was speaking with a live person.

ChatGPT transcript

Q: My name is Konrad. I work with Civil Engineers in the Maritime sector. Tell me a little about yourself and how you can help professionals like me do my job better.

A: Hi Konrad, nice to meet you. I am an artificial intelligence trained to assist with a wide range of tasks, including answering questions and providing information on a variety of topics. As a language model, I can help you find information and clarify concepts related to your work as a civil engineer in the maritime sector. I can also help you with research and information gathering, as well as offer guidance on best practices and industry standards. Please let me know if you have any specific questions or if there is anything else I can assist with.

Q: That was very helpful. Here is another question. Several trends are driving change in the Maritime sector. These include autonomous vessels with no crew, larger vessels which require infrastructure change on shore, fewer workers entering the maritime labour force, sea level rise, new fuels to decarbonize the maritime industry, and geopolitical conflict. How do you think these changes will impact the industry — will it grow or wither?

A. These changes are likely to have a significant impact on the maritime industry. The increasing use of autonomous vessels could lead to fewer jobs for crew members, but could also reduce operating costs for shipping companies and make shipping more efficient. Larger vessels may require infrastructure changes on shore, such as the expansion of ports and the construction of specialized loading and unloading facilities. Fewer workers entering the maritime labor force could also lead to a shortage of qualified professionals, which could impact the industry’s growth.

Sea level rise is also a major concern for the maritime industry, as rising sea levels could impact the operation and maintenance of ports and coastal infrastructure. Additionally, the need to decarbonize the industry by transitioning to new fuels could also lead to significant changes in the way the industry operates. Geopolitical conflict could also disrupt shipping routes and trade, which could impact the industry’s growth and stability.

Overall, it is difficult to predict the exact impact these changes will have on the industry, but they are likely to lead to significant changes in the way the industry operates and could have both positive and negative impacts on its growth and stability.

Q: OK, so lots for decision makers and policy experts to consider. My next question is this: Political tensions are rising between the United States of America and People’s Republic of China. At the same time, Port of Long Beach and Shanghai are cooperating on Green Shipping Corridors in order to decarbonize emissions from maritime shipping traffic. Please comment on how to reconcile the dilemma between political and economic priorities.

A. It is not uncommon for political tensions to exist between countries while still maintaining economic ties. In the case of the Port of Long Beach and Shanghai, their collaboration on green shipping corridors demonstrates that it is possible for economic interests to transcend political differences. Decarbonizing the maritime industry is a global challenge that requires cooperation and collaboration between countries. By working together to develop solutions that reduce emissions from shipping traffic, the Port of Long Beach and Shanghai are able to advance their mutual economic interests while also addressing a major global challenge.

There are a number of ways in which countries can reconcile political and economic priorities. One approach is to focus on areas of mutual benefit, such as addressing environmental issues or promoting trade and economic development. Countries can also work to build relationships and establish channels of communication that allow for the resolution of disputes and the continuation of economic cooperation. In some cases, international organizations and institutions, such as the United Nations or the World Trade Organization, can play a role in mediating disputes and facilitating cooperation between countries. Ultimately, finding ways to balance political and economic priorities requires careful negotiation and the ability to find common ground and work towards shared goals.

Q: That makes sense. But as you know, nation states can have significant differences within their borders that can create long-term outcomes for better or worse. Can you define what is the key ideological difference between the political philosophies of former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and which ideology has a bigger impact on the longterm economic trajectory for Canada?

A. Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau represent different political parties and have different ideologies. Stephen Harper was the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and held office as Prime Minister from 2006 to 2015. During his time in office, Harper pursued a more conservative approach to policy, including a focus on fiscal conservatism, reduced government spending, and lower taxes.

Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and has been Prime Minister since 2015. Trudeau’s political philosophy is generally more liberal, and he has pursued policies that reflect this ideology. This includes a focus on social justice, equality, and environmental sustainability.

It is difficult to determine which ideology has a bigger impact on the longterm economic trajectory for Canada, as both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages. A conservative approach may prioritize fiscal stability and lower taxes, which could be beneficial for economic growth. On the other hand, a liberal approach may prioritize social and environmental issues, which could also have positive long-term economic benefits. Ultimately, the most effective approach will depend on the specific economic and social conditions of the country and the goals and priorities of its leaders and citizens.

Q: Yes, it’s difficult to determine - that was a very balanced response, but real life rarely is. Speaking of real life and the

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