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Albion Marine Solutions
NEW MEMBER PROFILE Albion Marine Solutions
The Association of Pacific Ports is pleased to welcome Albion Marine Solutions as its newest Associate Member. In joining the association, Sergiy Yakovenko, Director, noted that he was eager to engage with the Pacific Port community. “With project managers and engineers experienced in a diverse range of services throughout many sectors, the Albion team is at the forefront of many disciplines, including all fields of marine, offshore, and oil the foremost authorities in the industry on ballast water manand gas activities,” he said, adding that membership within agement systems. “One of our projects involved the instalthe APP aligns with their own efforts of expansion into new lation of BWM systems for a fleet of 23 vessels for a major regions and new projects, including terminal infrastructure shipping company. In this example, we recommended the development. equipment to use, carried out the engineering design and proBackground vided site supervision during the retrofit.” In addition to project management and superintendency
Albion Marine was established as a superintendency agency services, Albion is frequently contracted by ship owners to in 2000. And while it was formally incorporated in early provide onboard ship inspections, investigations or dam2017, Yakovenko’s reputation as a leading expert in a number age assessment surveys; and they continue to provide on-site of disciplines dates back much further. With over 35 years of supervision services for new builds and dry-docking in ports practical ship industry experience in project management, he around the world. “It’s not uncommon to have, for example, spent over 15 years with Teekay Shipping, seeing him in such a client based in the U.K. call us to do an inspection in roles as Manager, Technical Quality Assurance, Maintenance Singapore, Florida or Montreal and we’ll be able to get it done Optimization; Project Manager, Innovation, Technology and within 24 hours,” said Yakovenko. Projects; and Project Manager, New Build and Projects. He received his Master’s, Marine Engineering, from the Odessa Forward looking State Marine Academy; his Master’s Degree in Patent Studies “We’re at the front edge of legislative solutions that address from the Odessa Patent Institute; and his Diploma in Ship sustainability and a desire for a clean environment,” said Superintendency, Maritime Ship Management from Lloyd’s Yakovenko. “We’re excited to be involved in the environMaritime Academy. If that’s not enough, Yakovenko is fre- mental aspects of some of these projects; they’re part of a leadquently called upon by marine regulators such as Transport ing edge of innovation in environmental engineering.” With Canada, Environment Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard that comment, Yakovenko sees a number of opportunities to for his knowledge on upcoming legislation and technologies. expand services given the team’s experience, including LNG
The combined experience of the Albion team is equally terminal development and other potential oil and gas infraimpressive. Project managers, supported by designers, tech- structure projects on the West Coast. “We have experience nical and support staff, all have hands-on experience that goes with similar projects, including FSO conversions, in other beyond operations. “Generally, we’re at the junction of oper- areas of the world which could easily be applied here.” ations, manufacturing and legislation and we support all of Another service area Yakovenko and his team are looking that with project management,” he said. Offices and agents in to expand into is their 3D modelling capabilities that are India, Shanghai, New York as well as representation through included in design services. “The technology can be easily joint venture agreements in places like China, Singapore, applied to industrial areas with the same principles used for Croatia, Poland, the U.S., and Canada, make Albion a “local the maritime, offshore and oil and gas industries.” Using 3D company with a global footprint.” CAD modelling and AutoCAD software, Albion prepares Solutions concept models and detailed fabrication drawings for ship conversions and plant upgrades. They also use the technol-
“Our forté is as a turnkey solution provider,” said Yakovenko. ogy to scan plant, machinery, electrical cabling and piping “We provide an entire range of services — from business case systems as well as to develop engineering design packages.development and feasibility studies, to engineering procure- Noting that Albion provides “the entire package of project ment, supervision through the implementation phase as well management, engineering and superintendency services,” as after-sales services like maintenance, management and crew Yakovenko is very optimistic about the future. “It’s an excittraining. It really depends on the needs of our client but we’re ing time to be a part of the maritime industry.” able to offer the entire range of project management services.”
To give just one example, Yakovenko is considered one of For more information, visit http://www.albionmarine.com/