Local regeneration through recreation of the
Part Two : Phase 1—Chirk to Pontfaen July 2010
Prepared by TIR Ltd for the Glyn Valley Tramway Trust
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Contents 5
Phase 1—Description
9 8 9 12 13 17
Drawings & Plans Technical Designs and Specifications CDM Environmental Study Archaeological Study Business Plan Capital Budget Revenue Forecast Revenue Expenditure Budget Staff Plan 5 Year Cash Flow
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Phase 1—Description The overall package The re-creation of a section of the original GVT should be seen as just one part of an overall package of tourist related projects in the Chirk area to include: • • • •
Chirk Castle (National Trust) Chirk Aqueduct and Canal (BWB World Heritage Team, Lion Quays and Chirk Marina) GVT (GVT Trust) Other Industrial History sites (GVT Trust and local history groups) RECOMENDATION: Although outside the specified remit of this report, it is the authors’ view that creation of a joint marketing project incorporating the above sites would greatly benefit the area beyond that which can be achieved individually. This could be delivered through a ‘Destination Chirk’ type marketing campaign. The GVT Trust would actively support such an idea. Further work will be undertaken in early 2010 to develop this idea. The Chirk and Ceiriog Valley Partnership would be an ideal vehicle to lead such a project.
Cantered around the Proposed Tourist Information and Community Enterprise Centre in the former Estates Office, visitors could be offered a variety of attractions ranging from Chirk Castle and the GVT to walks and historical trails complete with published guides and where appropriate organised guided walks using established local providers. (see course of old horse tramway to Gledrid below)
In addition telephone pre-booking and party packages can be marketed through such a facility and a Chirk ‘Access Pass’ could be created giving a discounted rate for visitors to all the attractions. Experience elsewhere has shown that such a discount scheme increases revenue to member attractions.
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Tramway Route: Distance: 1.7km Maximum Gradient: 1:60 The existing Station Site at Chirk, which is immediately adjacent to the Main Line Railway Station will form the starting point for the re-created Tramway. (see photo right, taken just after closure) A simple run around loop will be provided along with a re-built Platform and Station Building. Every effort will be made to ensure that this area is as close to its original appearance as possible including fencing and track work. Planning constraints may require retention of more trees on the bank to the west of the station than were present originally. The track will pass under the Hand Lane (Station Road) bridge (seen in the background above and left) along with a pedestrian walkway (fenced) leading to a Yard in the cutting immediately South of the Bridge. This Yard will incorporate the operational facilities required to run a railway including a storage and maintenance building in the style of the original Engine Shed at Chirk (sited where the Industrial Estate is now). There will be two sidings accessing the shed and an additional one which will lead up into the field to the West of the railway to provide a road/rail interchange facility. This facility will be used for routine maintenance and operations. It is not planned to undertake heavy engineering here as this will be unacceptable to the planning authority. An additional facility off-site has been identified. The Tramway then continues within the original alignment in firstly a southerly direction, then curving to the west through a deep cutting in the garden of Ty-Ririd, under a Public footpath at ‘Matchbox Bridge’ before appearing immediately adjacent to the B4500 on a shelf above the road. (see photo right) The Tramway then leaves the roadside after a few hundred meters and passes through the woods to the South of Chirk Castle, as it does, it crosses over an ancient track way known as ‘Ogilvie’s Way’ which was once the main route from south to north Wales. The Tramway eventually re-appears adjacent to the highway opposite the entrance to Chirk Fisheries. (see photo left) Here there was originally a level crossing of the highway and from there on the Tramway adopted a familiar roadside position. It is proposed to construct a simple Station on the north side of the road where there is a convenient level area. This station will consist of a basic Platform without buildings (dependant on Planning restrictions) with pedestrian access across the road to the Fisheries and Trout Farm.
From here visitors may return by train or take a walk along a variety of footpaths and trails including parts of the former Horse Tramway Route to Gledrid and thence back to Chirk along the Canal towpath NOTE: During Phase 1a, which only requires Planning Consent, trains will operate from a temporary Platform south of Hand Lane bridge to just short of Matchbox Bridge. Operation of trains into Chirk Station itself and all the way to Pontfaen will require a Transport & Works Order and is called Phase 1b
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Visitor facilities Visitor Centre It is proposed that the Trust will occupy Space in the former Estates Office in Chirk, which is being developed as a local initiative through a new Development Trust. This building will also house other activities including tourist information and catering which may or may not be operated by the Trust This building will provide space for Education rooms, Retail and Catering, in addition there is additional space to the rear which may be taken by the Trust to provide mess and support facilities for Members and working parties
Interpretation The original Station Building at Chirk will be re-built and will provide space for interpretive displays and a limited range of light refreshments such as hot and cold drinks and cold food.
Toilets These will be located in the rear of the new maintenance building located in the cutting to the south of the Station along with Staff facilities
Access Visitors will be encouraged to use Public Transport to access the Tramway which almost uniquely is provided with a regular and high quality Rail service from major conurbations including London. It is proposed to extend the existing railway footbridge across the GVT formation and to construct a sloped access path into the Station. This will provide disabled access to the GVT and if agreement can be reached with Network Rail, this could also provide disabled access to the Main Line Down Platform. There will be Car parking available at three locations: Station Car Park: limited space is available, especially at weekends Estates Office: New Car park due to be open in early 2010 Cadbury’s: Discussions are ongoing for a 50 vehicle plus coach extension to the Visitor’s car park out side the Cadbury factory in Station Road
Educational Activities & Facilities It is envisaged that a significant part of the Trust’s activities will focus on Education, through links with local educational Establishments and through offering workplace training and other opportunities for disadvantaged groups. The GVT through its original development and decline offers a microscopic insight into the dramatic changes that industrialization brought to communities such as Chirk in the second half of the 19th Century. The Trust has had contact with a many people, now in their eighties who can remember the original GVT and for whom it was a significant part of their lives. In today’s internet age it is difficult to comprehend that for many people during the life of the GVT, a visit from one of the valley villages such as Glyn Ceiriog to Chirk on the Tramway was special event and one undertaken only rarely. Before the arrival of the GVT, it is likely that many of the residents of the Upper Ceiriog Valley seldom if ever went to Chirk, let alone further afield in their whole lives. Prepared by TIR Ltd
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
The social changes brought about by the rise of the valley industries and their decline can be clearly shown through the life of the Tramway. An operating section of the GVT would offer educational establishments the following activities within the Statutory Frameworks:
Educational Outcomes Key Stage 1&2
Activities available in Phase 1a
Additional Activities available in Phase 1b
Background displays and interpretation
Costume wardrobe for visiting children
Guided tours
Hands-on demonstrations of operating the railway
Staff in period costume ‘Role Playing’ Visits to related Industrial Heritage sites 3&4
Web based information resources
Classroom with interactive whiteboard
Overseas Railway exchange opportunities
Operational Facilities Maintenance & Storage Building A building approximately 36m long x 6m (216m2) wide will be built in the cutting south of Station Road. The rear 36m2 will form a two storey Utility area. The ground floor will accommodate Visitor Toilets plus staff toilets and wash rooms. The second floor will accommodate a Staff Room including limited mess facility The main space will be open to the roof and accommodate two tracks in concrete flush floor for the storage and light maintenance of the rolling stock and locomotive fleet. There will also be an inspection pit to one road and a dedicated steaming area with roof extraction of smoke. The building will be a steel portal frame structure clad in vertical sawn and treated timber cladding and profiled composite insulated roof material.
Yard and servicing facilities Outside the building there will be two tracks for steaming and disposing of steam locomotives and facilities for replenishing coal and water during operations
Road-Rail transfer (see right at L&B, Woody Bay Station) A single siding will pass through the current western boundary of the Tramway formation (requiring a limited number of mature trees to be removed). This siding will terminate in an area of hard standing with anew splay entrance onto Station Road, immediately opposite the feeder road to canal Wood Industrial Estate. This area will allow transfer of rail vehicles to other sites and receipt of bulk materials (such as coal etc) required for the operation of the Tramway. The footprint of this area will be kept to an absolute minimum to prevent damage to valuable ecology in this field.
Engineering Facilities The Trust has secured agreement for the use of an off-site existing structure for the long term as an engineering facility for restoration and construction of vehicles etc. The Trust also wishes to make use of existing local engineering services where possible and so the facilities directly under the control of the Trust will be limited to that which is required for operation and specialist tasks. Prepared by TIR Ltd
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Equipment SEE STOCK SHEDULE ON PAGE 9 Locomotives The Trust does not intend within the first 5 year Business Plan to purchase outright any new or existing Steam locomotives. The Trust has identified a number of steam locomotives which would be suitable to hire on a long term basis. The Trust will invite open Tenders for the supply of such locomotives and has already been offered one suitable example (see below left) . However should funds become available through an additional source (such as a gift or bequest) the Trust would consider an appropriate purchase
In due course the Trust intends to launch a project to build a replica locomotive of the appearance of one of the original and distinctive Tram locos (see above right). Such projects are now well established in the heritage Railway movement. The Trust will Hire or buy a diesel locomotive as appropriate. A number of suitable machines have been identified.
Rolling stock The Trust will engage a Contractor to build initially 6 carriages of an agreed design and for which the Trust has received a Quotation, additional vehicle will be acquired as traffic / funds permit. The design is based on that of the original carriages (see photo below left) but with open sides above the waist in place of the windows with white frames and utilises existing chassis, of which the Trust has identified the required number.
The Trust has already identified a selection of suitable additional vehicles to operate construction / works train (see photo above centre) In the long term the Trust intends to commission further replica vehicles (see above right) so that a representative selection can form part of the interpretative activities and displays.
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen Proposed Rolling Stock Schedule To 2020
Description and Purpose
Vehicle Steam locomotive
Traditional steam loco fired on coal and /or wood waste Hauling passenger trains
Diesel locomotive
Ex-industrial loco operating on Red diesel or bio-diesel Standby passenger loco and works trains
Semi –open passenger carriages
Up to 6
Enclosed passenger carriages
Up to 4
Self-propelled bio-fuelled railcar Off-peak services
Flat wagon
Movement of materials during construction and for on-going maintenance
Storage and movement of materials during construction and for on-going maintenance
Replica vehicles
A representative selection of replica GVT wagons including stone and slate wagons
Replica Steam locomotive
Tram style locomotive to modern standards
1 1 or 2
Up to 6 1
The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Schedule of Drawings & Plans Doc no.
Overlaid Google Earth image of GVT Phase1 & 2 Overlaid Google Earth image of GVT Phase 1 Overlaid OS Sitemap showing detail of Phase 1
Detailed drawing of Chirk Station area Detailed drawing of Pontfaen Station Longitudinal Gradient Diagram: Chirk—Pontfaen Selected Cross-sections
1:500 1:500
Chirk Station elevations Workshop elevations Station Footbridge elevations
1:100 1:100 1:100
Route Commentary Chirk—Pontfaen Tree Survey
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Technical Designs and Specifications Overall Railway / Tramway Regulation Public Railways in the UK are governed by the Railway and Other Guided transport Systems Regulations ‘ROGS 2006’. These place the responsibility for design approval and verification with an ‘Independent Competent Person ‘ICP’ who will oversee the project as an external Contractor to the Trust. Overall standards are set by HMRI, a division of the Office of Rail Regulation ‘ORR’ The GVT will be operated as a ‘Minor Railway’ under the terms of the prevailing legislation and Regulation. A Safety Management System will be drawn up by Baseline Safety as part of the certification process The following written guidance will be consulted: Railway Regulation No 5 ‘Guidance on Minor Railways 2005/07’ published by ORR
Track All Track will be manufactured laid and maintained to the following Standard: NGS-T-09 ‘Construction and Management of Narrow Gauge Track 2009v1’ published by TIR Ltd (Updated version of ’NCB Publication ’Narrow Gauge Track for underground haulage’ (licensed from UK Dept of Energy))
Structures All Structures supporting or associated with the construction and operation of the Tramway will be governed by the following regulations: ISO 93/100 ’Construction of railways / Tramways and Light rail systems’ published by ISO
Buildings All Buildings will compliant with the following Regulations where appropriate: Part A ‘Structure’ Part B ‘ Fire safety (non-dwellings)’ Part C ‘ Site Preparation and resistance to Contamination’ Part D ‘ Toxic substances’ Part E ‘Resistance to sound’ Part F ‘ Ventilation’ Part G ‘Hygiene’ Part H ‘Drainage & Waste’ Part J ‘ Combustion appliances & fuel storage’ Part K ‘Protection from falling’ Part L ‘ conservation of energy (non-dwellings)’ Part M’ Access’ Part N ‘ Glazing’ In addition Electrical Installations will be compliant with IEE Standards for Industrial / Commercial buildings.
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
CDM A full Construction Design and Maintenance Safety plan will be drawn up by Baseline Safety once final detailed designs are submitted as part of the Planning Consent. This work is underway and will be completed pending the Full Building regulation Plans being available.
Environmental Study An initial environmental assessment was undertaken by Julia Drage of ECOCON Consultants, the following preliminary outputs have been noted: • • • • • • •
Ancient woodland surrounding entire site Lesser horseshoe bats PSAC designation at Chirk Castle Estate. Flight lines cross GVT—retention of marker trees very important. Great Crested Newt pond near reservoir wood. land within 500m may require further survey. Bridge by station potential bat roost.—no actual presence noted Station within designated Site of Biological Interest. Individual potential bat roost trees along line, cracks, holes, rotting timber and dead wood. Possible 10% of trees for removal will require Tree survey and further investigation. Field adjacent to (SW of Hand lane Bridge) tramway is of ancient unimproved meadow and rare and unusual flora was identified. Further study required in Spring / Summer
The following Additional Reports have been commissioned in support of the Planning Application: • Tree survey • Flora survey in Field A Full Report including consultations with local Special interest Groups and CCW will be compiled when additional information is available.
Archaeological Study An initial site investigation has been undertaken by CPAT and no significant unexpected archaeological features have been identified. An additional Survey has been commissioned to precisely determine the horizontal and vertical location of the capped shaft within the Canal Tunnel and to assess any impact it may have on the Project A full Desk Search, Schedule and Report will be completed when the location of the Shaft has been determined. It is likely that Consent will be required from CADW
Additional reports In additional to the above reports the following Reports have also been commissioned: • Tree management plan • Landscape Plan • Design & Access Statements to cover Stations as well as Structures • Contamination management Scheme
Business Plan Prepared by TIR Ltd
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Capital Budgets Operating Expenditure Budgets Revenue Forecast Staff Plan Debt schedules 5 Year Cash Flow Balances
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen
Notes to accompany Spreadsheets Capital Budget: Phase 1a All Quoted Prices at 2010 prices Volunteer labour calculated at EARDF approved rates Does not include costs of Planning work, which will be funded separately by the Trust (Jan-March 2010) and Wrexham Key Fund Grant
Capital Expenditure Summary: Phase 1b All Quoted Prices at 2010 prices Volunteer labour calculated at EARDF approved rates Does not include costs of preliminary work, which will be funded through ‘Project Development’ item in Cash flows
Operations Costs All Quoted Prices at 2009 prices
Loan: Phase 1a A Loan will be required to provide bridge finance for the construction of Phase 1a and will then be used as working capital once all Grant sums are received Interest is assumed at worst case value The period is 6 years, with first year interest rolled-up into loan at start of year 2. repayments conclude in Yr6 (Operational Fy5) The trust may choose to convert loan into an overdraft facility when trading
Loan: Phase 1b A Loan will be required to provide bridge finance for the construction of Phase 1b and to cover part of the capital cost The amount of the Loan (£250k) is sustainable by the increased turnover generated by Phase 1b Interest is assumed at worst case value The period is 6 years, with first year interest rolled-up into loan at start of year 2. repayments conclude in Yr6 (Operational Fy5)
Staff Plan Wages uplifted by 2% p/a Wages in line with local wage rates and above minimum wage levels Hours will be used differently for different roles—GM etc may be spread over whole year, while other roles will be concentrated in season
Revenue: Phase 1a—assumes that physical operation is constrained to Hand Lane—Matchbox Bridge section Rate of endogenous growth is conservative It is recognised that this limited operation will restrict opportunity for revenue and forecasts have been adjusted accordingly No revenue is forecast from members Donations or gifts / Covenants.
Revenue: Phase 1a&b—Line extended to Pontfaen in Yr 4 Rate of endogenous growth is conservative Average fare at end of 5 year period is comparable with local comparisons Track length increases to 3 times original (1a) operation. Prices are lifted to reflect this No revenue is forecast from members Donations or gifts / Covenants. A boost in membership is expected as a result of opening Phase 1b.
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The Glyn Valley Tramway—Phase 1: Chirk to Pontfaen 5yr Cash flow: Phase 1a only—assumes that physical operation is constrained to Hand Lane— Matchbox Bridge section The project is self sufficient and profitable in Year 3 Gross Sales calculated at conservative rates Sales cost calculated at 70% of gross receipts Membership administration forms part of the overall admin item Depreciation has been included as a charge on the P&L to ensure good fiscal management of the long term assets, it does in effect form a reserve fund and should be under the control of the Trustees, not the Directors of the CIC. This will not commence until Yr4 Cost inflation is calculated at Bank of England forecast CPI (June 2010)
5yr Cash flow: Phase 1a&b —Line extended to Pontfaen in Yr 4 The project is self sufficient and profitable in Year 4 and overall financial performance shows a considerable advantage over 1a only Sales calculated at conservative rates Sales cost calculated at 70% of gross receipts Membership assumed to grow from 200 (Jan 2010) to 800 by Yr5 Membership administration forms part of the overall admin item Depreciation on both asset bases has been included as a charge on the P&L to ensure good fiscal management of the long term assets, it does in effect form a reserve fund and should be under the control of the Trustees, not the Directors of the CIC. The Reserve fund could be used to fund expansion but at the expense of the long-term Cost inflation is calculated at Bank of England forecast CPI (June 2010) plus 3% to account for greater wear and tear associated with longer operation.
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