How to write killer posts faster and easier

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How to write killer posts in less time?

Why write killer posts? Every blogger wants to write killer posts. WHY? Killer posts ~ Gain attention ~ Earn subscribers ~ Earn natural backlinks & much more‌‌

Why write killer posts? • Killer posts ~ boost your rankings ~ makes your blog popular ~ improve your credibility in your niche It is easy to establish your authority if you write a lot of Killer Posts!

So……What’s the PROBLEM? • Writing killer posts is not usually easy! • They just don’t occur quite often (or) • ….as often you want them to happen  Here is the MAGIC! Killer posts should HAPPEN

Killer posts‌..HAPPEN! I’m not saying that you should not plan your posts and you should only wait for the magic to happen!

What you CAN do? You can

~ Plan ~ Do mind maps ~ Collect resources‌. And ~ Prepare yourself to write that KILLER POST

What you CAN’T do? You can’t be sure that the result will be a killer post! You cannot use brute force to write killer posts

What happens when you “force” it? Then end product is HORRIBLE! This mainly happens with NEWBIES  No Offense!

Let’s do this Step 1: IDEA BANK Maintain a spreadsheet, text file, notebook, whatever…. To capture ideas!

No guarantee! Having an idea bank

writing a killer post! BUT

Makes the process easier!

How to capture ideas? • • Capturing ideas helps you write killer posts often and with ease!

Let’s do this Step 2: Exercise I didn’t mean this Train your brain to write fast

Exercise • Exercise your brain and fingers • Develop a habit of regular writing • Again – NO GUARANTEE!

Let’s do this Step 3: Read Killer Posts Simply reading a lot – doesn’t work Find out killer posts and read them!

How to find killer posts? • Visit popular blogs in your niche • Look for a popular posts widget on the sidebar or footer

WARNING! • Read the posts and learn • Don’t be a copy cat

Write killer posts fast - Recap • Have an idea bank (capture ideas) • Develop a habit of regular writing • Read a lot of killer posts

Takeaway Don’t be jealous on popular blogs that have lots of killer posts

Takeaway Its just a matter of time and practice Don’t be too hard on Yourself

Drop by and say hello Feel free to drop by to say hello ď Š - You will find useful information

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