Uncovering the Truth with Tree Reading
Tree Reading • Psychological tests and techniques created for the sole purpose of discovering each individual’s behaviors and feelings • This uses a tree (drawn by the person) that is interpreted and analyzed by an outside source. http://treereading.org/
• Originating in Europe around the 1900s, this has been used and expanded upon by brilliant – Counselors, – Psychologists – Raphologists http://treereading.org/
• It uses concepts and ideas that are used in handwriting analysis • Professionals use these two tests simultaneously to better judge a patient’s personality http://treereading.org/
• Fewer people have a negative reaction when asked to draw a tree for two reasons: – a) there isn’t a negative stigma – b) they are assured that artistic ability doesn’t matter.
• There’s no right or wrong type of tree drawing (unlike in handwriting analysis), which means that the person will be less secretive and restricted when drawing the tree. http://treereading.org/
• Symbolically represents so much of a person’s emotional development and state • It also helps the analyst discover the drawer’s feelings and interests http://treereading.org/
• There is absolutely nothing mystical or spiritual about this practice • It’s also not as mysterious as you might initially think • There’s also nothing psychic about it. http://treereading.org/
• Dr. Crain, who has been working in the field of tree drawing to heighten its value within the psychological community • However, it is warned that you do not use this to understand a person’s individual problems or mental health. • This should only be done by those that are qualified to do so
FREE GIFT: See Tree Reading in Action! Visit (http://treereading.org/ss) and see Dr. Janet Crain demonstrate Tree Reading in action as she reads trees and interprets their meaning.
Watch a real-time reading now!