Top Ways To Perform Better At Work
1. Do Something That Makes You
Feel Positive
"You know best the kinds of activities that you find uplifting. Create a list and keep it handy, so you don't have to figure out what to do when you feel mentally exhausted.
2. Remember The Big Picture
"Focus on the why," "rather than on the how of a task or job. Understanding how your work connects to what you care about and to your values will restore your energy.
3. Practice Gratitude
"Research has shown that feeling grateful helps you replenish your energy in the face of fatiguing tasks. Let's say you don't like your job. Regardless, there are always things that warrant being grateful: You have a job when others don't. The reason gratitude has such a replenishing effect is that feeling grateful both increases positive emotion and helps you see the big picture."
4. Detach From Work When You're Not Working
People who do not know how to detach from work during their off time experience increased exhaustion over the course of one year and are less resilient in the face of stressful work conditions. Psychological distance from work is the fastest path to recovery and leads--surprisingly perhaps--to increased productivity