Top Tips To Improve Brain Health
1. Limit Multitasking
Multitasking diminishes mental productivity, elevates brain fatigue and increases stress.
2. Get An Adequate Amount Of Sleep
Make sure you regularly get seventoeight hours of sleep. Information is consolidated in the brain at a deeper level of understanding during sleep.
3. Commit To An Exercise Routine
Get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times a week, to improve memory and increase attention and concentration and brain blood flow in the brainmemory area.
4. Construct BottomLine Messages
Abstracting novel ideas, versus remembering a litany of facts, builds a brain with an enhanced longterm memory for global ideas and the ability to retrieve fundamental facts.
5. LaserFocus On Important Tasks
Block out information that is relatively unimportant. Limiting the intake of information is a key brain function associated with brain health.
6. Stay Motivated
A motivated brain builds faster and more robust neural connections. Identify your passions and learn more about them.