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w i n t e r / S p r i n g 2 011
A special interest publication, bringing you features, stories and articles from around the Kootenays. volume 3 issue 1
Janet CrandallSwaffield “On Turning Forty” See story, page 4
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
home decor
Efficient light bulbs a bright idea By Kim Magi With the recent news that retailers will not be able to get incandescent light bulbs in the near future, Carol Pears, owner of MountainHigh Lighting in Castlegar is educating her customers on alternatives. The prohibition, which came into effect on Jan. 1, is a green initiative put forward by the province. “They’re trying to conserve energy,” Pears said. “Australia has been incandescent free for a number of years.” Currently, the regulations are only in B.C., but Pears said the rest of the country is set to follow suit shortly. As an easing-in process, right now the only bulbs affected are 75 and 100 watt bulbs manufactured after Jan. 1, 2011, but by the end of the year 60 and 40 watt bulbs will be part of the ban too. Pears said her last shipment of the 75 and 100 watt bulbs will likely be around May. In the meantime, she said many customers have been stocking up. “A lot of people feel they’re affected by [fluorescents],” she said of why people don’t want to make the switch. Common complaints she’s heard are headaches and irritation from flickering lights. “Many people are really frustrated at being forced into compact fluorescents.” However, there are alternatives. LED lights are available, and Pears said they’re a popular choice among professionals at lighting shows. “They are a pricier alternative but they tend to last 15 to 20 years,” she said. Another option is a double envelope
halogen bulb. Usually used in keyless sockets and anywhere you need a lot of light. They are energy efficient and run warm (unlike an LED bulb which runs cool) and they’re not as expensive as LED bulbs. “I think people are used to paying for an 80 or 90 cent bulb and that’s it,” Pears said. “We have to change our attitude towards higher efficiency bulbs. As a society we just hate being told when and how to do it!” One complaint Pears hears often regarding florescent bulbs is their seemingly short life span, but she said it depends on how you treat the bulb. She explained that you get the most bang for your buck if you screw the bulb in right side up, instead of a fixture that needs a bulb on its side or upside down.
g n i t h g g n i i t L h h g Hig igh Li H n i a ount
g n i t igh h H g i h L untain g i H Mo
“That’s usually why we see a shortage in life span,” she said. There are special bulbs available that are made to sit on their side or upside down too, she added.
One complaint ... is their seemingly short life space, but she said it depends on how you treat the bulb. Not all incandescent bulbs are affected, though. Pears said tri-lights (with low, medium and high settings), appliance bulbs and coloured bulbs are all safe for now. MountainHigh Lighting is located at 301 11th Ave. in Castlegar. Find them online at mountainhighdesigns.ca. •Large
Layout and Design
ng i t h g Li
Fixture Selection Repair and Parts
Gift Ideas
Big City Selection....Locally!
301 - 11th Avenue (at 3rd St.) Downtown Castlegar
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
6 - Celebrating women around the world 100 years of International Women’s Day
10 - Black Star Studios Get Inspired, Get Creative, Get in Here!
13 - Music Illuminata With music, we connect to our inner selves
23 - Staying grounded through flight Cheryl Wyers, a Grand Forks councillor and pilot
25 - Toastmasters An organization that offers so much more than speaking skills
31 - Recipe: Corn Chowder Easy to make, warm and comfortable
The roar of women...
RoaringWomen.com kW Roaringwomen.com offers more resources and how-to’s than any other site in North America. We are truly a business support organization offering everything a business needs to succeed. Instead of telling business owners WHAT they need to do to succeed – we offer the WHAT’s and the HOW TO’s. Our substantial number of articles and newsletters are merely resources – but the real meat is in the area called Business Growth.www. roaringwomen.com/business_growth) Here we offer DIY Marketing – over 15 pages and 20 online workshops on how to market effectively – including definitions and step by step directions. (for free members and higher) www. roaringwomen.com/diy_marketing We also offer a free business assessment in this area – helping business owners to see what they might be missing or need to tweak in their businesses. (free to everyone) www.roaringwomen.com/business_ assessment Community forums for posting information and asking for assistance are available to the general public. And finally, how can I forget the great meetings across Canada – including yours and the ROAR Boards – Advisory boards for business owners with the determination and drive to succeed! www. roaringwomen.com/roar_boards (this level also has an additional 20 workshops – more indepth). One more great benefit is FREE COACHING Fridays – where our business coaches offer free 15 minute consultations and laser coaching for members. (Bronze members and higher) www.roaringwomen.com/ free_coaching_fridays
Our vision is to assist women worldwide in attaining and maintaining healthy self-esteem, building a business or career that supports her values and her financial goals and gives her the ability and means to effect change in her community, family and the world making it a better place - ripple by ripple.
table of contents ...
"Nutter's; looking after you from the inside out." SENIOR'S DAY
Vitamins • Supplements • Nuts • Sugarfree & Celiac Products Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:30 - 5:30
1107 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC • 426-5519 Toll Free 1-888-426-5519 winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
A milestone is defined as an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development. At some point in one’s life you have to come to terms with getting older. As I move closer to 40, I realize it’s all a slippery slope from here. Yikes, time keeps marching on, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Some say life begins at 40, and rather than avoiding the issue, like if I close my eyes it will all go away, I thought I would start the celebration a little early. My birthday isn’t until August, so there’s plenty of time. In a recent series of leadership courses, I learned about some things that make me tick, my driving forces, so to speak. Well, near the top of the list was a strong need to connect with people. People I know, people I have yet to meet, and so on. I’ve also learned that a common characteristic of the female communication style is that it’s community based. Women can and do connect quickly and comfortably on common ground. For example, if I walk into an elevator and notice someone wearing great shoes, or a cool pair of jeans, I simply have to compliment her and ask where she got them. I just can’t help myself. Or inquire about where someone went to school, or how they volunteer their time, or ask about their special interest or hobby. I’ve come to know that everyone has a story, and I’m fascinated by people’s experiences. Months ago, I received a call from a lady in Balfour, she had read and enjoyed an earlier issue, and wondered where she could pick up the next one. I popped a few in the mail to her, and received a special thank you card from her shortly after. It made my day. Back to my birthday. I’ve been known to come up with some wild ideas from time to time. Here’s what I’m thinking. I wonder if I could be so bold as to ask for something from you. What I mean is, would you consider sending me a tip (don’t run with scissors), a piece of advice (don’t go to bed angry), or a recipe (like the corn chowder recipe on page 31, and tell me where it came from or why it’s significant to you), something like that. I’ve always believed that experience is the greatest teacher, and I’d love to hear from people as to your life lessons, or things that you consider valuable. For
woman Publisher Chuck Bennett Photo by dibble photography
On turning forty
example, what would have gone around among the friends around the table come coffee time at Jean Pare’s house? I’ll bet those girls knew the best way to cut an onion (I still have to get Steve to do it, otherwise my eyes are running for an hour), or what to substitute for a missing ingredient. How about a great no-fail dessert recipe for entertaining, that’s a situation that still makes me nervous, and it’s easier if I’m confident in what I’m cooking. Of course, the conversations were likely about more than just food. I imagine there was lots of living done at that table. I wonder what David Black would tell me, the owner of our company (hence the Black Press logo at the bottom right of this page). Here’s a guy that built success from the ground up, someone that has generously given a significant amount of leeway for special projects like Kootenay Woman. Maybe my grandparents, Bill and Barb Crandall, who are in their 90s, will surely have something to offer. I’d like to thank all of you in advance, for participating in this little birthday game. We’ll print a selection of them, with your permission of course, in our August issue. How exciting. E-mail me at editor@ kootenaywoman.com, or drop it in the mail to: Kootenay Woman, c/o The Golden Star Box 149, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 Perhaps my boss, Chuck, will have some words of wisdom to offer. It would very likely be along the lines of stop driving me crazy, Crandall ... I’m looking forward to hearing from each of you.
Editorial and story inquiries:
• Janet Crandall-Swaffield editor@kootenaywoman.com Advertising inquiries:
• Ellen Hatlevik advertising.east@kootenaywoman.com • Eileen Barber advertising.west@kootenaywoman.com • The Golden Star, (250) 344-5251 • Invemere Valley Echo, (250) 342-9216 • Free Press (Fernie), (250) 489-3455 • Kootenay Advertiser, (250) 489-3455 • Creston Valley Advance, (250) 428-2266 • Trail Daily Times, (250) 368-8551 • Rossland News, (250) 362-2183 • Grand Forks Gazette, (250) 442-2191 • Castlegar News, (250) 365-6397 • Nelson Star, (250) 352-1890 Kootenay Woman is published quarterly by Black Press 413A 9th Ave. N. Golden, B.C. Tel: 250-344-5251 Fax: 250-344-7344 Distribution free to households in the East and West Kootenays. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.
A true reflection of our western mountain culture ...
direct from the artist to you. Come in and browse our selection of fine art and home-grown gifts that give everyday pleasure and support the community from more than 80 local and regional artists. Bridal registry available.
Art Gallery of Golden & Studio Gift Shop 516 9th Ave. N. Golden, BC - (250) 344-6186
Owned and operated by Kicking Horse Culture - a nonprofit arts council Visit us online for info on cultural events in Golden
www.kickinghorseculture.ca 4
fall/winter 2010 • kootenaywoman.com
Over 80 artists from all over the Columbia Basin share a piece of their creativity in the Art Gallery of Golden (AGOG) & Studio Gift Shop. Kicking Horse Culture (KHC) and Gallery staff have travelled up and down the valley and over the mountains to find artisans and bring their work back to Golden’s downtown art gallery. First opened in February 2007, the AGOG is a public art gallery established by KHC. Moving down the street in June 2008 to an enlarged and newly renovated space on the main street of Golden, the AGOG and the new Studio Gift Shop are a primary outlet for the visual arts in Golden and the Columbia Valley. Walk into the Gallery and you’ll find everything from pottery to photography to glass jewelry. There’s even a rack of chic purses made out of old bike tires. Besides learning what regional artists are creating, a visit to the AGOG will expose you to the ever-expanding art and culture scene in Golden, whether that be an intimate concert at Bacchus Books and Café or the magic of KHC’s annual winter MasqueParade. “The community support is fantastic,” said Bill Usher, Executive Director of KHC, explaining that locals come in time after time to buy gifts and items for their homes. AGOG is proving to be
We’re all AGOG Art Gallery Of Golden
a hub for visitors too, with over 13,000 visitors stopping in for a browse in the past year. AGOG also hosts regular exhibitions
“T he community support is fantastic” ~ Bill Usher
to showcase regional talent, the latest being a creation by Nelsonbased artist Natasha Smith called “Joining Worlds”. The exhibition features a series of runes or hieroglyphs — inspired by the drawings of her son, Dylan — which form a visual language between mother and child. The mural on the side of the AGOG building helps visitors and locals tap into Golden’s artistic history. It was created to feature on one of the town’s first
artists, William Wenman, a photographer and leather-worker who arrived in Golden in 1900 and operated a shop across from the current day Town Hall for 68 years. “Folks today can fondly recall the welcoming smells of leather, sweet pipe tobacco and the fire burning in the woodstove, with the vision of Billy at his shoemaker’s anvil, pipe ever present in his mouth, discussing the day’s coming and goings as he works,” it says in Adventures and Settlers, a highly visual book (sold in the AGOG) that honours families who came to the Golden area before the 1920s.
The AGOG & Studio Gift shop is a unique resource in downtown Golden; one that helps locals and visitors discover the town’s artistic depth and view the little mountain town through a variety of lenses. Drop in and see for yourself.
dare to be different! 906 - 7th Avenue . Invermere . 250.342.3330
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kW culture
by Nadine Sander-Green
March 8th is International Women’s Day. It is a day to celebrate and recognize the contributions of women around the world. It is also an occasion to look back on past struggles and accomplishments and to look ahead with optimism to opportunities that await future generations of women. While International Women’s Day has a long history, starting at the turn of the 20th century in North America and Europe, the historic date of March 8th it began in Russia in 1917. With the First World War causing great hardship, women in Russia chose to protest and strike for ‘Bread and Peace’ on the last Sunday in February (which fell on 8 March on the Gregorian calendar). Four days later, the Czar abdicated and the provisional Government granted women the right to vote. Here in the Kootenays, the women’s movement has had a long and vibrant history. In 1972 the Nelson Women’s Centre opened and worked on issues like welfare rights, birth control education and women’s health. Within a very short period of time there were also women’s groups in Castlegar, Trail, & the Slocan Valley. Together these women helped create vibrant and socially aware communities. Since those early years, International Women’s Day has taken on a truly global character. Let us honour the work of the women that have come before us, but let us resolve to work together to build stronger communities and a stronger society with equal rights and opportunities for all.
W men
celebrating women - 100 years of International Women’s Day
This year is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. In looking at our “her”story, we have come a long way. We have the right to vote, run for politics and legally we are persons. We can work as CEOs, doctors and engineers. We can marry a man or a woman if and when we choose, and we can also choose when we want to be parents. We can expect police officers to arrest men who commit acts of violence against us, and further expect those men to be prosecuted. Our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers made this all possible. Without their perseverance, determination and belief in equality, we would not be where we are today. For all our achievements, there is still further to go. Until we are 50% politicians, CEOs, doctors, engineers, police officers and lawyers; until we have fair and equitable healthcare; until we end all forms of violence against women; until we can walk the street at night and not worry about that man up ahead; until we have equal pay for equal work; until then, the dream of 100 years ago continues. The women’s movement is a powerful force that sashays, stomps, dances, walks and runs its way to human equality. We move for ourselves. We move for our sisters. We move for our daughters. But most importantly, we move. And in so doing we make the world a better place for everyone. Here’s to 100 years of International Women’s Day. And here’s to 100 more! Michelle Mungall, MLA Nelson-Creston
Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West
Women in the Kootenays
Nelson-Creston 1-877-388-4498 Michelle.mungall.mla@leg.bc.ca www.michellemungall.ca
Kootenay West 1-888-755-0556 Katrine.conroy.mla@leg.bc.ca www.katrineconroy.ca
Michelle Mungall, MLA
Katrine Conroy, MLA
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
Change your tune and your hair
kW beauty
The Bass Player’s Daughter salon
New Year, new you, new stylist? • Let us match you to the perfect stylist! • Flexible hours available to accommodate your schedule.
• Great selection of hair care and styling products & tools. • Amazing conditioning treatments for every hair type.
Shannon Koochin
Shannon has been hairdressing since 2002. Specialties include curly hair, colour, colour correction and is loved for her women’s cuts and fringe techniques. She is a trained colour educator for La Biosthetique colour.
!"#"$%&'#"%(%)'*%&'+$%,'-%(.'+/0% 1"2#"%345%647$%85-9+:5% By Eileen Barber
<)11)#$&8-)BB,C#$% D,)6)&!C,,% !"#$$%$&'%%(")$% ;)(%1,&<04-=%>)/2% !/01)2/% &!/01)2/.&?#=,4@& *+$,-.!/01)2/.3%1%4-& !/01)2/.&?#=,4@& NO4A%4D%5;"%P9'::Q%>?R?% A,("$)()#$% 564(#/%-% A,("$)()#$% 8"9L+$L%P499"."@%% &"+*+%;':%<""/% 8;'//4/%;':%<""/% !+=49"%;':%<""/% 3+99+'/%;':%'9$"'*-%A$4#"/% ;'+$*$"::+/.%:+/="%RSST@%%% ;'+$*$"::+/.%:+/="%>??>@%Nicole has ;'+$*$"::+/.%:+/="%>??I@%%% been hairdressing since 2007. 54%<"%'/%'::"5%54%47$%5"'F@% 8;"%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%F"/2:% %8A"=+'9B":%+/=97*"%=7$9-% 8;"%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%D7/C% She specializes in fun, trendy custom colouring 8;"%+:%'%/'57$'9%'5%E;'5% =75:% ;'+$C%=4947$C%=4947$% 5$"/*-%=7:54F%=4947$+/.%% and short textured cuts for men or women. :;"%*4":% %U'L"7A%(AA9+='B4/%'/*% =4$$"=B4/%% '/*%:;4$5%5"K57$"*%=75:% VAM,42:@% current with the'/*%94#":%D7/L-%'$B:B=% new make-up '/*%+:%94#"*%D4$%;"$% Nicole is always D4$%F"/%4$%E4F"/@% :5-9":%'/*%;45%/"E%5$"/*:@% &"+*+%+:%#"$-%W"K+<9"%'/*% E4F"/2:%=75:%'/*%D$+/."%and hair!+=49"%+:%'9E'-:%%=7$$"/5% trends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“Top of 3+99+'/%;':%'9$"'*-%A$4#"/% the Class” 2010 Selkirk College. Gillian has 8;"%94#":%*4+/.%=4947$%% ;'+$*$"::+/.%:+/="%RSST@%%% ;'+$*$"::+/.%:+/="%>??>@% ;'+$*$"::+/.%:+/="%>??I@%%% !! Let us match youproven to thetoperfect stylist! 8;"%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%F"/2:% be an asset to our team. She is a '/*%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%L+*2:% %8A"=+'9B":%+/=97*"%=7$9-% 8;"%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%D7/C% already54%<"%'/%'::"5%54%47$%5"'F@% !! Flexible hours available to does accommodate schedule. 8;"%+:%'%/'57$'9%'5%E;'5% =75:%'/*%:4X%A"$F:@% =75:%your ;'+$C%=4947$C%=4947$% 5$"/*-%=7:54F%=4947$+/.%% natural at what she and loves funky artistic :;"%*4":% %U'L"7A%(AA9+='B4/%'/*% =4$$"=B4/%% '/*%:;4$5%5"K57$"*%=75:% !! Great selection of hair care and Gillian styling products & tools8;"%'9:4%4H"$:%D'=+'9% styles and hot new trends. is available '/*%94#":%D7/L-%'$B:B=% E'K+/.@% VAM,42:@% '/*%+:%94#"*%D4$%;"$% !!D4$%F"/%4$%E4F"/@% Amazing conditioning treatments for every hair type. P'$F"/%+:%'#'+9'<9"% through Saturday. :5-9":%'/*%;45%/"E%5$"/*:@% &"+*+%+:%#"$-%W"K+<9"%'/*% E4F"/2:%=75:%'/*%D$+/."% !+=49"%+:%'9E'-:%%=7$$"/5%Wednesday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et us match you to the perfectHeidi stylist! '/*%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%L+*2:% 8;"%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%F"/2:% has been hairdressing since 1995. She %8A"=+'9B":%+/=97*"%=7$9-% 8;"%:A"=+'9+J":%+/%D7/C% 8;"%+:%'%/'57$'9%'5%E;'5% =75:%'/*%:4X%A"$F:@% ;'+$C%=4947$C%=4947$% 5$"/*-%=7:54F%=4947$+/.%% !! Flexible hours available to accommodate your cuts, schedule. specializes in=75:%men’s Makeup Application and :;"%*4":% THE 8;"%'9:4%4H"$:%D'=+'9% %U'L"7A%(AA9+='B4/%'/*% =4$$"=B4/%% '/*%:;4$5%5"K57$"*%=75:% Up-Do’s. Heidi is very flexible and E'K+/.@% is available for !!D4$%F"/%4$%E4F"/@% Great selection of hair care and styling products & tools BASS '/*%94#":%D7/L-%'$B:B=% VAM,42:@% '/*%+:%94#"*%D4$%;"$% PLAYER’S :5-9":%'/*%;45%/"E%5$"/*:@% evening and weekend appointments by request. !! Amazing conditioning treatments for every hair type. 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Nicole Gyurkovits
beautiful feathers that attach in the hair Stylist/ Makeup Technician for six to eight weeks. “Growing up with the nickname The salon proudly carries the La ‘The Bass Player’s Daughter’ made it the Biosthetique products, and feature the natural choice for naming my salon,” La Biosthetique Natural product line said Shannon Koochin, owner of one (or La Bio for short.) The La Bio Natural Gillian Briggeman of Castlegar’s newest salons. Having products are created in France and Stylist graduated from the renowned Selkirk manufactured in Germany with the College Cosmetology program in 2002, Ecocert Canada certification. “These Shannon hit the ground running by products are so natural you can basically operating a small home-based salon eat them. They even have a recycling from 2003 until 2005. When the salon plant at the factory (which operates Heidi Smee outgrew the space, the family moved using only solar/wind power), because Stylist/ Makeup Technician out expanding the salon into the entire La Bio is that conscientious about the upper floor. In January of 2010, the Bass environment,” Shannon explained. La Player’s Daughter opened its doors in Bio is so serious about their business their current location at 1010 3rd St. there is a 24-hour hotline for questions in Castlegar. With an eye for design, !"#$$%$&'%%(")$% day or night. Promotion, training and Shannon and her realtor, also known*+$,-.!/01)2/.3%1%4-& staying current with the trends are such Carmen Fair 564(#/%-% as Mom, saw the possibility of creating8;'//4/%;':%<""/% a focus for the La Bio line, a company Stylist ;'+$*$"::+/.%:+/="%>??>@% a relaxing yet trendy salon that could%8A"=+'9B":%+/=97*"%=7$9-% owner recently paid a visit to the salon ;'+$C%=4947$C%=4947$% serve a diverse clientele. for quality customer service. Shannon is =4$$"=B4/%% '/*%+:%94#"*%D4$%;"$% Cutting hair for the majority of E4F"/2:%=75:%'/*%D$+/."% also a trained colour educator for them, 5"=;/+G7":@% a decade, Shannon has seen many which takes her into other salons to 8;'//4/%'9:4%4H"$:%5;"% 78-#9)1)#$&81%+%4/:% styles come and go. “Today people that teach stylists how to use the product. Featherlock Hair extensions come in are much more aware of the With three generations of Shannon’s Long beautiful feathers that attach !! Let us match you theshe perfect stylist! product in the hair for 6-8 weeks. health and integrity of their hair. That family living in to town, is grateful !! Flexible hours available to accommodate your schedule. For more information see www.conditionculture.com is probably the biggest change I have for the support from her community, THE !! Great selection of hair care and styling products & tools BASS seen in 9 years,” Koochin remarked. !! Amazing family,conditioning husband and three sons, ages PLAYER’S treatments for every hair type. DAUGHTER HAIR STUDIO “We cut hair for entire families from 11, 5 and 16 months. Her venture into Kootenay Business grandma to mom to granddaughter, we becoming a business owner in Castlegar Magazine Platinum can switch gears to serve any customer,” has been very rewarding and Shannon Award Winner said Shannon. Since each of the five is excited about what the future holds. stylists in The Bass Player’s Daughter’s The Bass Player’s Daughter is a welcome Become a fan of The Bass Player’s Daughter on facebook salon have some curl to their hair, they addition to the downtown core of to keep up with all the current news and specials! are experts in cutting curly hair. The Castlegar. To schedule an appointment Phone and make your appointment today! salon also specializes in colour, colour with Shannon or another stylist, please correction, and the staff is very excited call 250-365-3082 or email tbpdhair@ 250-365-3082 about their newest addition Featherlock telus.net. or email tbpdhair@telus.net Hair extensions. These are long 1010 3rd Street t Castlegar, BC
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winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
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winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
Lumenis One Laser is recognized as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;GOLD Standardâ&#x20AC;? within the Laser industry. Giving exact, consistent, reproducible results with every single treatment. There has been a great deal of progress with Laser treatments over the last decade. They are main stream and accessible to the aver age person, more now than at any other time. Technical advances as well as a broadened knowledge of the capabilities of the latest Laser equipment has brought us to the present. With these improvements Lasers can be used to treat many skin concerns for both women and men, including acne / acne scarring, rosacea, sun damage and irregular pigmentation, to name a few. Benefits of Laser Treatments: â&#x20AC;˘ Minimal discomfort â&#x20AC;˘ Short treatment times â&#x20AC;˘ Virtually no recovery time â&#x20AC;˘ Provides the patient observable, consistent, excellent results â&#x20AC;˘ Non-Ablative Effectiveness has never been gentler with the Lumenis One Laser. With laser hair removal there is an abundance of safe and effective op tions for the reduction and permanent hair removal for all skin types including IPL, ND Yag Laser and Light Sheer Diode, the gold standard in hair removal. At SkinBliss we offer all three technologies, covering a large spectrum of hair removal needs for all clients, including both women and men. IPL (intensed pulsed light) is non-ablative meaning that it does not damage the surface of the skin. The intense light is delivered to the deeper parts of the skin (dermis) and leaves the superficial aspect of the skin (epidermis) untouched. The thermal
kW wellness
Laser Treatmentsâ&#x20AC;Ś What can they do for you?
effect of IPL also causes production of new collagen, leading to improvement in wrinkles (smoothing and tightening of the skin). Acne, usually treated with topical or oral medications which are not long term, can raise a few feelings of uneasiness. Topical medicated treatments can damage the epidermis (scarring, raw skin, over drying and ultimately more breakouts) and taking oral medications can cause other complications and are not recommended for long term use -- bringing a question to mind as to what you are putting in your body and what the side effects are. Treatments like IPL and Mild Chemical Peels on the other hand have minimal discomfort with high success rates, for short and long term positive results. After one treatment you will see the difference in your skin with no unwanted side effects. Laser Treatment for rosacea has also proven to be extremely effective with results that can be immediate. In studies, 83% of patients who had this
treatment reported reduced redness, 75% experienced fewer instances of facial flushing, and 64% reported fewer acne type breakouts. Approximately 50% to 60% of men and women have unsightly leg veins. While sclerotherapy was considered the treatment of choice for the removal of superficial leg veins, many vessels may be too small to inject or patients may have an aversion to this invasive procedure. The ND Yag laser and IPL system can provide an alternative method of treatment that requires no painful injections, with great results. Is it painful? The cooling tip has a mild anesthetic property, which allows tender areas to be treated in a relatively painless fashion. You will feel a tingling or stinging sensation during the treatment, but most people tolerate the procedure well. Topical anesthetic is available to increase your comfort, if you choose. Following your treatment, you may experience a sunburn-type sensation in the treated area for several hours.
From hair removal to acne, to rosacea and vein reduction, SkinBliss is equipped with a Laser that can improve it. We also offer skin improvement / rejuvenation and anti-aging options as well as full Esthetics and various types of Massage Treatments. In March 2011 we will be adding Permanent Make-Up (tattoo) to the many services offered at SkinBliss. We believe in continually educating ourselves and being on the cutting edge of all new treatment options and technologies available in the market place. Join us on Facebook or visit our website to read more about our laser treatments, spa services treatment options and more, as well as take part in the monthly specials. Giving back to our community is important to Rebecca and Colleen at SkinBliss. Please check out the many local charities, fundraisers, and local events in which we take pride in supporting. At SkinBliss it is not just about making you look good, it is about making you feel good, inside and out.
beautiful body, beautiful skin, beautiful soul
Professional and Reasonable Laser & Spa Services for both Men & Women
t t 'SPOU 4U /FMTPO t TLJOCMJTTDMJOJD DPN winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
Think of the coolest girl you know. Your older sister, your favourite cousin, youngest aunt… you know the one I mean. She’s that girl in your life who always has the best music, (usually before anyone else has even heard of it) her own sense of style and she’s way into art. Now multiply her by three and you’ve got the owners/operators of Black Star Studios in Invermere. Jen Abra, Cajsa Fredin and Natalie Ruby are three artists that saw a niche in the Columbia Valley’s contemporary art scene and decided to fill it. Out of their shared vision Black Star Studios was born. Black Star Studios is a unique combination of working studio and art gallery. Unique, because it houses five working studios while displaying art, giving you the chance to see art and art in the making. Walk in to the gallery and you’ll be confronted by beauty. Art, mostly local to the Columbia Valley, all from within Canada, is displayed however its medium dictates. You’ll browse jewelry, sculpture, handbags, clothing, paintings, and more – each piece more interesting than the last.
Black Star Studios Get Creative, Get Inspired, Get In Here
One wall in the gallery is dedicated to “Rising Stars” and displays the art of local children. Prints of the children’s work can be purchased in the form of postcards. Proceeds from the sale of the postcards will be used to purchase art supplies for local children’s groups. Seriously, how cool is that? As you walk further into the gallery you will see the five studio spaces. The owners occupy three, one holds a permanent artist in residence and the fifth is available to rent. Studio one belongs to Natalie Ruby of Ruby Designs. Natalie designs and creates glass jewelry and sculpture. Her work requires the use of a flaming torch and the process is almost as beautiful as the finished product.
Studio two is where you’ll find Cajsa Fredin of Matsdotter Metals. Cajsa is a metal worker who creates sculpture as well as functional pieces like the sconces that deck the walls in one of Invermere’s fine dining establishments. Studio four is the workspace of Jen Abra aka babe*ra. Jen designs and fabricates one of-a-kind handbags. Chances are good that you’ve admired one on the arm of that cool girl we talked about earlier. Caren Gibb of Silver Spoon Studios is a silversmith who works out of Studio three. She originates from Toronto and is the permanent artist in residence at Black Star. Studio five has been home to a
wide variety of artists and is often available for rent. The Black Star girls love hanging out with other artists. They’ll let you have the studio for a day at a time or you can book it longer term. Artists interested in working out of Studio five should contact the girls through their website. So, if you’re in Invermere, stop by Black Star Studios at their new location on Main Street. If you’re not in Invermere, visit the next best thing www.blackstarstudios.ca and “Get Creative, Get Inspired, Get in Here.” - submitted
Black�Star�Studios�offers�one�of�kind�handmade pieces�and�a�one�of�a�kind�experience!
Get�Creative!���Get�Inspired!���Get�in�Here! www.blackstarstudios.ca studios�.�artists�.�gallery 10
Located�Downtown�on Main�Street,�Invermere,�BC
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
give the girls a call
foundation for success Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s little debate about what may be the most challenging cosmetic purchase, foundation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Instead of the trial and error many women experience when buying foundation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; sometimes bringing home three bottles from the store and hoping that one will work for them,â&#x20AC;? says Lynda Rose, Vice President, Sales & Marketing for Mary Kay Cosmetics Canada, in a recent article in the MK Applause publication. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Customers can simply tell their needs [to their independent beauty consultant] and be confident the recommendation is the right one.After all, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s backed by the best assurance in the business, the Mary KayÂŽ Satisfaction Guarantee.â&#x20AC;? Consider the results of a recent survey: ¡ 58% of women arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t confident theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re wearing the perfect foundation ¡ 68% of women have a problem finding the perfect shade of foundation ¡ 91% of women would love it if someone would help them find the perfect foundation match. In February 2011, Mary Kay launched an exciting new line of Foundations and supporting products. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With new limited-edition Mary KayÂŽ Liquid Illuminator* ($23), now you can maintain the luminous skin you love, all year round! This sheer, creamy, pearlescent formula contains multi-reflecting powders that provide illuminating power. Silky and lightweight, it glides on smoothly and dries quickly. Shade 1 adds luminosity to ivory and light beige skin tones, while Shade 2 acts to illuminate dark beige and bronze skin tones and acts as a bronzer on ivory and light beige skin tones. â&#x20AC;˘ TimeWiseÂŽ Luminous-Wearâ&#x201E;˘ Liquid Foundation, $23 A luminous-finish, moisturizing foundation formulated to fight the signs
of aging. â&#x20AC;˘ A moisturizing complex enriched with skin-loving jojoba delivers lasting comfort and hydration. â&#x20AC;˘ Skin looks luminous, radiant and immediately brightened as skin texture appears visibly improved. â&#x20AC;˘ For normal-to-dry skin. â&#x20AC;˘ Provides a luminous/dewy finish. â&#x20AC;˘ TimeWiseÂŽ Matte-Wear Liquid Foundation, $23 A matte-finish, oil-controlling foundation formulated to fight the signs of aging. Special microspheres work all day to absorb oil and control shine without a heavy makeup look or feel. â&#x20AC;˘ Visibly reduces the appearance of pores, fine lines, wrinkles and skin imperfections. â&#x20AC;˘ Provides immediate mattifying benefits and leaves skin with a satin, matte finish. â&#x20AC;˘ For combination-to-oily skin. Very few of us are born with perfectlooking skin â&#x20AC;&#x201C; not even fashion models! But you can achieve that look with Mary KayÂŽ Foundation Primer ($20). Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the secret to creating an even, flawless canvas and it works with any Mary KayÂŽ foundation! Liquid foundation, mineral powders and colour products go on smoother and perform better when you prep your face with foundation primer. The lightweight, gel-like formula glides on effortlessly and absorbs quickly to even out the skinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s texture and tone so foundation applies smoothly and blends easily. It also extends the wear of foundation and is suitable for all skin types. Use it all over the face, or just in the areas where you need longer, stronger foundation coverage â&#x20AC;&#x201C; like the t-zone.â&#x20AC;? Call your MK consultant today!
a flawless
Looking for a fun way to enjoy a little girl time? Plan a Mary Kay party! Invite your girlfriends. Enjoy free makeovers. Exchange beauty tips. Call me today to schedule the fun. Business opportunities available!
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winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
By Kerstin Renner
When it comes to combining her love for travel and foreign cultures with her passion for the beauty of the Kootenays, Jacqueline Pinsonneault has carved a unique niche for herself. For the past year, she has been operating Pathmaker Immigration in Invermere, using her talent for problem solving to help people reach their goal of living in this amazing part of the world. “A couple of years ago, a recruiting company in Calgary asked me to travel to Mexico to help them open a number of offices,” Pinsonneault recalls the moment when the idea was born. Returning home, she did some more research. “I was a bit daunted by the fact that I would have to go back to school and write some serious exams in order to become certified,” Pinsonneault admits, “but I just knew that this was where I needed to go.” Immigration consultants must have a university degree and go through rigorous training. Also part of the certification process with the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) are exams as well as background
Helping you find your path
and police screening to ensure integrity and professionalism. As immigration law and policy is constantly changing, Pinsonneault regularly attends seminars to ensure she is up to date. Anybody who has ever dealt with the immigration process will know it is a complex web of requirements. “Oddly enough, I love the challenge of dealing with the complex bureacracy of our government,” Pinsonneault laughs. Her license permits her to practice all areas of immigration law, however, Pinsonneault’s specialty has quickly become the BC Provincial
Let change improve your health, well-being and performance.
Nominee Program. This program allows employers to sponsor foreign workers for permanent residency in our province. “I love it because it allows businesses to hire and/or keep these outstanding employees who have the skills and commitment to add so much to their business,” Pinsonneault explains. Another part of her practice that Pinsonneault finds really gratifying is assisting people who are in love and need to deal with immigration in order to be together. “I truly love helping people, be they
an employer from Cranbrook who is looking for a skilled worker or a newlywed from Australia,” she adds. Many immigration consultants work abroad, help foreigners enter Canada. The ones who practice in the country are predominantly located in large centres and communicate with their clients via the internet. Pinsonneault meets all her clients face-to-face. “Immigration is often stressful, so this personal connection is very important to me,” she states. Every application Pinsonneault has submitted on behalf of her clients so far has been successful. Navigating Canada’s complicated immigration system can be confusing and timeconsuming. With the help of a certified consultant, Pinsonneault believes, it will go faster and people will have better results. Pinsonneault says she has had many sleepless nights, going over cases in her head to ensure she has done everything possible. Sometimes the immigration system frustrates her. “But when I get to see my clients’ faces as they hear that there application has been approved, that’s when I know I am in the right business!”
Pathmaker Immigration BUILDING FUTURES IN CANADA Whether your goal is: • to obtain permanent residency in Canada; • a temporary work, study or visitors permit; • to sponsor a spouse or family member; • whether you are an employer looking for the skills and commitment of a foreign worker. Pathmaker Immigration can help you or your business reach your goals. “Canada’s complicated immigration system can be confusing and time consuming.” Pathmaker Immigration provides a personalized immigration service tailored to the needs of each individual. “Helping my clients navigate this complex system is very gratifying.”
Only Certified Immigration Consultants are Authorized by the Canadian Government to provide Immigration advice.
Pathmaker Immigration Jacqueline Pinsonneault, BA, CSIC, FCMI 505-7th Ave. Invermere 250-688-1399 Jacqueline@pathmakerimmigration.com
Nathalie Bertrand, NHPC book@goldenvalleymassage.com
(250) 439-7090 12
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
Music Illuminata By Nadine Sander-Green When some people think of classical music often the imagination that graces their mind is a frantic composer sitting alone beside a candle in a dark room, piecing together music only a composer can comprehend. But the fact of the matter is, classical music is not
only considered as some of the most soothing and complex music on earth, but it is a type of music that can be found in Golden, BC. They call themselves Music Illuminata; a classical music ensemble that produces some of the most fantastic
t. 250 344 4636 www.musicilluminata.com classical music ensemble voice studio
sounds in the Kootenays. There diverse style is fronted by soprano, Barbara Ulrich. A native of Switzerland, Barbara has been blessing the Columbia Valley for some time with her musical background. Accompanying Barbara in Music Illuminata are three renowned musical artists that have earned their stripes in some of the most prestigious music programs in North America. Irene Rioux, violinist in the ensemble, claims “music is the vocabulary of the heart, that can be understood when spoken words fail.” Jackie Ohnander, pianist with the group, has attained training from a pair of well known schools in Canada, and is now teaching children with her Music for Young Children program in Golden and Invermere. Lastly, but certainly not least, is Jeff Moss, cellist and all-round musical talent. Jeff’s music has been and still can be heard in numerous acts in and around the Golden area. Music Illuminata performs a wide array of repertoire in different settings such as: restaurants, churches, house concerts, weddings, family celebrations, corporate events, and pretty much anywhere that needs the gift of great music. Some of their featured repertoire boasts pieces from some much admired, timeless composer from around the world. For instance: J.S. Bach, G.F. Handel, Gabriel Faure, Franz Schubert, Henry Purcell, Johannes Brahms, Antonin Dvorak, George Bizet, and Cesar Frank, just to name a few. “The group has been playing
together for just over a year now. It is truly amazing how far we have come in such a short time. We have established a lovely synergy as a group,” musician, Barbara Ulrich said of the group. It has been this serious involvement in music that has spurred on yet another musical idea for Barbara Ulrich. Barbara has recently created her latest program in the Golden area, Music Illuminata Voice Studio. Music Illuminata Voice Studio has been created to assist anyone who professionally sings, is an amateur, or anyone interested in singing to become better in the difficult form of art. Barbara’s calm demeanor and classical background is what certainly makes her the right woman for the job. “As a teacher, you have to be openminded. You never know what type of music your student may be interested in learning. But, the basics of singing, no matter what genre, are very similar. Regardless of my student’s musical preference, I will work with them on posture, details of vowels, breath control, and voice expression without straining your vocal chords,” Ulrich concluded. Barbara’s voice studio is located at 529 8th Street South in Golden. Lesson times and cost may vary, but as of now the rates are: $52/60 minutes, $45/45 minutes, and $38/30 minutes. For more information on Music Illuminata, as an ensemble or voice training, visit: www.musicilluminata. com or call Barbara at: 250-3444636.
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
Janet and Katie Anderson have a lot in common. The most obvious is their similar DNA: Janet is Katieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother. Both women were both born and raised in Golden, have powerful, positive personalities and feed off the energy of an adrenalin rush. This, combined with the desire to give back to the community and join another â&#x20AC;&#x153;familyâ&#x20AC;? outside of their own, lead both women to become volunteer firefighters with the Golden Fire Department. Janet is a Special Needs Teacher Assistant for the school district. She describes the volunteer fire department as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;phenomenal second familyâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had always wanted to become a volunteer firefighter, and finally I just did it,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had an interview, was accepted in October of last year and have loved it ever since.â&#x20AC;? Katie graduated from GSS three years ago and is now figuring out what her next step will be. She won the Rookie of The Year award this year, an award based on drive, passion and hard work. The only thing that would hold her back from moving somewhere else, she said, is the Golden Fire
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Family Affair ... by Nadine Sander-Green
Department. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love the adrenalin rush when weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re called to a scene. I start to play out the scenario in my head as the captain starts assigning tasks,â&#x20AC;? said Katie, explaining that she gets incredibly excited on the inside but needs to stay cool and collected on the outside. Volunteers for the Golden Fire Department are on call all the time. Sometimes three people show up to the fire hall and sometimes almost everyone responds to the call. Volunteers respond to building fires, chimney fires, car fires and vehicle accidents.
They meet every Tuesday night for training. Out of the 33 members, only three are female. That doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to matter, though, to Katie, Janet and Karina Van Halen, a lieutenant for the department. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Being here youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not a girl, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re treated exactly the same as everyone else is,â&#x20AC;? Katie explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And, if that starts to change, you just put them in their place,â&#x20AC;? she continued, laughing. One of the most challenging parts of the job for Janet is seeing people deal with such loss, whether that be in
a personal accident, the loss of a home or something else. Firefighters are well aware of the psychological impact of their work and often carry out debriefing sessions when they return to the hall. As for working with her mother, Katie admitted that it took a little while to accept Janet as her superior, something she has been challenging her whole life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I quickly realized that thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not even an option here,â&#x20AC;? said Katie. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You fall into order and listen. If you have to question a superior, you do it very politely.â&#x20AC;? Firefighting, according to both women, is a careful balance. The adrenalin of an emergency causes a major increase in energy. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about funneling that energy into the task at hand, which, according to Katie, takes a lot of work Janet agrees. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You really have to use your energy wiselyâ&#x20AC;?. So how long do Janet and Katie plan on firefighting? â&#x20AC;&#x153;It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter where we go,â&#x20AC;? said Janet, â&#x20AC;&#x153;as long as thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a volunteer fire department, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be there.â&#x20AC;?
College of the Rockies - Golden Campus
Create your own journey ... 2VBMJUZ 4UVEFOU 4FSWJDFT t 2VBMJUZ 1SPHSBNT BOE 'BDJMJUJFT Quality Instruction Ă&#x2018;
with years of education and work experience. Most have their Masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Degree and many have their PhD.
Ă&#x2018; Instructors are available after class for extra help Ă&#x2018; Instructor-led tutorials, peer tutoring and writing labs provide students with additional learning support. Ă&#x2018; Smaller class sizes provide a more personalized and friendly learning environment where instructors get to know their students as individuals. Ă&#x2018; Online courses are instructor-led with full instructor and Information Technology support for students.
winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
Golden Area initiatives (GAI) have hired a new manager who started work at the end of January. Suzanne McCrimmon just relocated from Bethany, Ontario and has held the position of Senior Business Development Officer for the Town of Markham, ON, since 2008. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I commuted on average two and a half hours a day to the High Tech capital of Canada,â&#x20AC;? said McCrimmon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was the most diverse community in all of Canada and offered amazing cultural experiences. The municipal staff that keeps the engine of the town running is 900 strong and I was privileged to be a member of the Economic Development Team.â&#x20AC;? During that time, she established and maintained solid relationships with the Real Estate Community and launched a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Real Estate Symposiumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for an alliance of developers, site selectors, and real estate brokers. McCrimmon was also instrumental in implementing the 2020 Strategic Plan and Markhamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Green Printâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Plan. McCrimmon was proud to call Bethany, Ontario home.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Whether you were a mechanic, local store owner, a stay at home parent or an executive that commuted to downtown Toronto - at the end of the day, it was the people that created the town and that is why I was proud to call it my home,â&#x20AC;? she said. Previous to her position in Markham, as Business Development Manager for the Clarington Board of Trade, Suzanne became a founding member of the Durham Strategic Energy Alliance where she worked with the private and public sectors to position Durham Region as leader in providing sustainable energy solutions. She was also a key player in establishing the Newcastle Farmersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Market that has proven to be an outstanding success for the community. McCrimmon has a fine arts degree and a C.I.T.P. (Certified International Trade Professional) Certificate from Ryerson University in Toronto. She is a graduate of the BR&E (Business Retention & Expansion) Certification Program and she has completed 2 years of the EDAC (Economic Developers Association of Canada) Certification Program at the University of Waterloo. She is thrilled to have had LEED
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Golden, it just fitsâ&#x20AC;?
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification Training. So why did she choose Golden? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Three words,â&#x20AC;? said McCrimmon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It just fits. From the minute I took that last swooping curve on Highway 1 and caught my first view of the town, to Highway 95 that took me into downtown, I felt a sense of belonging. The Town of Golden had met my expectations and I knew that I had found balance.â&#x20AC;? McCrimmon came to Golden with drive and focus. Some of her goals include enhancing community partnership through a collaborative approach, like the Home Seekers initiative, providing a long term vision and
direction where people come together to build our community of Golden and creating a Strategic Plan that reaches out and listens to people of all facets in different ways, including public meetings, focus groups, round-tables, online surveys. McCrimmon also wants to incorporate a Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) program into the Goldenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s overall strategy and develop solid relationships with all levels of government to ensure the Town of Golden is included in any dialogue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Community is about harmony,â&#x20AC;? said McCrimmon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Connections make everything work, stronger connections make everything work better.â&#x20AC;? So far, Suzanne has met with the Town of Golden to look at the Townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strategic plan, been a guest at a Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce Mingle, met with a group of women at the Golden Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Resource Centre to discuss financial literacy and been to â&#x20AC;&#x153;a lot of meetingsâ&#x20AC;?. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s looking forward to getting out in the Golden business community in the coming weeks and meeting as many people as she can. Welcome, Suzanne.
Live the Kicking Horse Country Lifestyle ...
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Experience the wonders of our real mountain community lifestyle - as a resident, business operator / owner and contributor to an exceptional quality of life. With a commitment towards balanced growth and environmental sustainability, we are proud to share our enviable lifestyle.
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Helping XPNFO ... ... help UIFNTFMWFT Visit our website at www.kickinghorsecountry.com for more information winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
kW business
by Nadine Sander-Green
Kootenay woman extraordinaire hailing from Revelstoke, BC, Stephanie Ballendine, is known for her keen entrepreneurial spirit, fierce independence and passion for life. She has spent the last 6 years lovingly maintaining her heritage mansion built in 1897 in Revelstoke. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The house has been like an artists canvas for me and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been so fortunate to be the current owner and caretaker.â&#x20AC;? Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hosted thousands of guests from around the globe and her attention to detail awarded Amble Inn B&B a 4.5 star rating for 3 years in a row by Canada Select, a prestigious quality assurance panel governed by Tourism BC.. . . but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not all that this energetic woman is up to. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If ever there was a positive example of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), then Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be a prime candidateâ&#x20AC;?, she laughs. Perhaps you can just say that I am a chronic multi-tasker so if you want to hang out with me, hold your breath and hang on!â&#x20AC;? Stephanie has a passion for music and hosts private house concerts for travelling musicians. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have had some big talent grace my stage such as Shari Ulrich, Poâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Girl, Victoria Banks and
Meet Stephanie, a sister girl
and maintenance projects on her own. Stephanieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest business venture (as if she didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have enough to do) is called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your Keys Pleezâ&#x20AC;? , a professional designated driver service in Revelstoke. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With BCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new tougher drinking and driving laws, I saw a need in the community for this service.â&#x20AC;? She is licensed and insured to drive people home in their own vehicle if they feel that they may be over the limit after a meal at a restaurant or pub.
amble: to walk
many more.â&#x20AC;? She also sings harmony and plays keyboard, banjo and harmonica in a ladies folk/country band called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sister Girlâ&#x20AC;? based in Revelstoke. They are recording their 2nd CD and are planning a tour of the Kootenays in 2011. One of her dreams is to complete the restoration of her 1951 Buick hearse and use it to tour with the band. Check out http://sistergirlmusic. com at their website. It comes as no surprise that she
hosts international young people that travel to Canada to experience our culture and natural heritage. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love to take them hiking and backpacking if I can get awayâ&#x20AC;? as she has hiked and climbed in the region for years. These days, though, the climbing gear is used for safety equipment when she is painting the house or cleaning the chimney. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve become somewhat of a handywomanâ&#x20AC;? as she stubbornly tackles the majority of her home reno
or move at a slow or relaxed pace, especially for pleasure Stephanieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future includes travel and exploring the world â&#x20AC;&#x201C; sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s looking forward to visiting many B&B guests and students that she has hosted. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The world has come to my doorstep for over a decade and now I feel that it is time for me to venture out - but I know that the Kootenays will always draw me back when it is time to come home!â&#x20AC;?
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winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
Premium Denim ... comfort, quality and great design
and classic sophistication in mind. Styles include semi-contoured waistbands and forward-sitting side seams to elongate legs and slim hips while strategically placed pockets perk up the rear end. Paige and Fidelity each specialize in diverse fits and washes to compliment many figures. Visit Summit Footwear & Apparel today, try on a pair of Paige or Fidelity and experience the difference.
Summit Footwear & Apparel, located on main street in Invermere, is a boutique that is devoted to helping locals and valley visitors with all their fashion needs. Summit’s knowledgeable staff are proud to provide an extensive selection of unique fashion brands recognized for comfort, quality, and design. Shoes, handbags, and now premium denim are their specialties. Premium denim has recently been introduced to the design lineup at Summit. Customers will find denim that is different from anything else found in the valley – premium jeans that fit real women’s bodies. Two brands, Paige and Canadian-designed Fidelity, have been selected after careful market research and evaluation. Jean lovers will not be disappointed! So what is premium denim? The difference between premium and regular denim is the quality of the fabric, fit and finish. Premium jeans are created from Japanese or Italian denim and contain at least two percent stretch fibres. Every cut is designed with clean
Our Card Bar is now open! Photoprinting available! Walk in and walk out with your handmade card in just 5 minutes!
407-9th Ave N • 250 344-5551 Golden, B.C.
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
Allergies? Do you experience symptoms of being unhealthy, did you know that allergies could be the cause. Some common symptoms of food and environmental allergies include: â&#x20AC;˘ Acne (especially around mouth and chin) â&#x20AC;˘ Abdominal cramps, Anemia (low iron), Arthritis â&#x20AC;˘ Asthma, Colitis â&#x20AC;˘ Cough, Eczema, Dark circles under eyes â&#x20AC;˘ Depression/mood swings, Diarrhea, Digestive disorders â&#x20AC;˘ Fatigue, Fluid retention, Food cravings â&#x20AC;˘ Gas/Bloating, Headaches or Migraines, Hemorrhoids â&#x20AC;˘ Hyperactivity, Insomnia or restless sleep, Itching / rash or hives â&#x20AC;˘ Learning disabilities, Nasal congestion or sneezing, Nightly urination â&#x20AC;˘ Obesity, Phobias, Poor memory or concentration â&#x20AC;˘ Psoriasis, Rectal itching, Red rosy cheeks â&#x20AC;˘ Reoccurrences of illnesses,
Got allergies? Sensitivity to light, Severe menstrual problems â&#x20AC;˘ Tickle in throat or catchy throat, Weight gain or loss, Watery itchy red eyes My name is Kory Monteith, in 2003 I was diagnosed with celiac disease. After a life time of suffering with many chronic and random symptoms of illness, I was completely unaware I had any allergies. As I watched friends around me suffer, I always thought I was healthy. I never thought that my aches and pains and other symptoms were really because of an underlying
A powerful new approach that uses a safe, simple and highly effective method to radically eliminate all symptoms of allergies - with no needles and no drugs! safe and accurate with Holistic allergy testing immediate results (Bio Feedback Analysis) and BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination Treatment Available for in-home appointments across the Kootenays. Offices in Golden, BC and NW Calgary, AB
condition. After I had holistic allergy testing done I found that I had over 100 food, environmental and chemical allergies. I had to completely change my life style to gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, corn free and soy free, with many more restrictions. For three years of my life it was a frustrating struggle personally and for my friends and family. Allergies of any kind affect not just the person with the allergies, but everyone in that personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. Three years after being diagnosed with celiac disease, I was blessed to find a treatment method that was able
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to eliminate my allergy symptoms. I no longer suffer from any allergy symptoms and my symptoms of celiac disease are gone. I am now able to eat all wheat products, dairy, sugar and much more. After this treatment method worked for me I switched careersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to become a Holistic Allergist and a Certified Nutrition Consultant and a BIE practitioner, so I can help other people with allergies who no longer need to suffer. BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination (BIE) is a powerful new treatment method that uses a safe and effective state of the art device to radically eliminate any and all allergy symptoms. At Golden Clear I offer holistic allergy testing with immediate and accurate results. I also offer BIE allergy treatment to safely and effectively eliminate all symptoms of allergies with No Needles and No Drugs! Completely safe for anyone, even babies and pets. Contact Kory Monteith, 250344-9855 or 250-290-1922, kory@ goldenclear.com. Visit us at GoldenClear.com
Š Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2011.
winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
Red Mountain Resort - Putting in turns since the late 1800s
alike flock to the Rossland area. “Red is the kind of mountain that truly has something for every skill level. 15% of our runs accommodate beginners, 40% are for our intermediate visitors, and 45% of the runs will challenge even the most experienced of skiers/riders. Saying all that, we also have plenty of tree skiing as well…we are renowned for that,” Hakkola explained.
Once in the Rossland/Red Mountain Resort area, many visitors often have a difficult time leaving this beautiful area of British Columbia. “It is not an uncommon occurrence to have visitors love the area so much, that they actually decide to stay. The skiing is great, but the people are even better,” Hakkola added. The resort has also just completed
a large-scale renovation of the Day Lodge at the foot of the mountain, bringing more leisure and great food to the already bountiful chalet. “The Day Lodge renovations have gone really well. We increased our deck space by 400%. The inside has basically been redone, adding a conference room, Keen on Red (gourmet coffee shop/ wine, cheese and meat dining area), and much more. You’ll have to see it to appreciate all the work that has been done,” Hakkola said. Another added feature to the resort is some freshly added Slack Country skiing areas. The new 300-acre area will allow skiers/riders the opportunity to cruise some new terrain. The list of events taking place at Red Mountain Resort this winter range from a BCSA Snowboard Cross competition (March 9th-12th) to a Kokanee Spring Fest (March 12th-20th) to the Kokanee Slush Cup and much more; simply put, there is fun for the whole family. For more information on the resort find them on Facebook or ski over to their website at www.redresort.com.
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
kW feature
Red Mountain Resort is a ski resort that has truly withstood the test of time. In fact, skiers have been putting in turns in the area since the late 1800s, a time when snowboards were inconceivable. But today, the resort is still going strong, and is as popular as ever; Forbes Magazine has named Red Mountain Resort one of the Top Ten Resorts of North America. “I think the location of the resort has been the backbone of the success that we have had here for such a long time,” Marketing/Communications Manager for Red Mountain Resort, Mika Hakkola said. The resort is only a ten minutes drive north of the Canada/US Border, a 2.5-hour drive from Spokane International Airport and a 3.5-hour drive from Kelowna International Airport. The easily accessible resort draws thousands of snow-lovers each and every winter. With 890-metres of shear vertical, 88 runs (not including a plethora of “local favourites”), six lifts, and an average snowfall of 30-feet, it is no wonder why skiers and snowboarders
If you are walking down lovely â&#x20AC;&#x153;mainâ&#x20AC;? street in Golden, BC and you begin to smell something along the lines of burnt toast, fear not, you are not having health complications. In fact, what may be wafting up your nostrils may not, at the time, smell the most appealing, but if you were to follow your nose, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be pleased once you arrived at the doorsteps of Bean Bag Coffee Roasters (BBCR). Operated in the beginning as an at-home coffee roasting business by Heather (Lim) Whittaker in 1999, it took some time before BBCR became the â&#x20AC;&#x153;place to goâ&#x20AC;? for coffee in downtown Golden. Fast-forward to 2005, and BBCR morphed from a small athome business into a large, full service coffee bar, all the while under the care of new owner/operator/roastmaster and mother to Heather, Patti Lim. Pattiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passion for coffee is evident when she speaks of the roasting process; all which she does in-store with 100% Arabic Beans. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I truly enjoy the roasting process, especially the end result. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fun for me. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rewarding when I receive comments and compliments about the coffee both in person and on our
T he perfect cup of coffee
starts with the perfect
website,â&#x20AC;? Patti Lim said with coffee flowing behind her smiling eyes. Shortly after taking over BBCR from her daughter, Patti decided to equip her modern coffee bar with a sophisticated, burnt toast smell-producing coffee roaster; a machine that not only transforms green coffee beans into unbelievable coffee, it is also a machine that
roast ... Patti adores. When Patti speaks of her roasting techniques, it is immediately evident that she has discovered her true passion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I take pleasure in roasting the beans just right, producing the best cup of coffee possible. Everything is done fresh; we roast and package our beans fresh to order.
Our coffee is not only popular here in Golden, but across the country... and world. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve shipped our beans to Australia, Florida, Hawaii, and pretty much all across Canada too,â&#x20AC;? Lim explained. From true connoisseurs to your everyday â&#x20AC;&#x153;joeâ&#x20AC;? drinker, the consensus is that the coffee at BBCR is delightful. Be it with a hint of brown sugar, a splash of cream, or frothed-up in a latte, the coffee is enjoyed by anyone who follows their nose to the roastery. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One time a few Italian tourists came in after smelling our roast outside; they knew what the smell was. They thoroughly enjoyed our coffee once they sat down with a cup. I guess that says something about our product...Italians know their coffee,â&#x20AC;? husband and co-owner, Stan Lim added with a chuckle. So, when wandering about in Golden, or when you become tired of grocery store coffee, stop by Bean Bag Coffee Roaster for some great coffee or tea at 521 9th Avenue North (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Main Streetâ&#x20AC;?). Or find them online (www. beanbagcoffee.ca) and order yourself some coffee, no matter where you may call home. - by Kirk Verner
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Do you have a special event this year? Prom? A wedding? Special anniversary or holiday? Black tie gala? Come in to Lori Baxendale Formals and see our huge selection of party and cocktail dresses, wedding, formal and ball gowns. As well as evening tops and jackets, shoes and handbags.
Bean Bag Coffee Roasters
521 9th Ave N. Golden, B.C. t CFBOCBHDPĂľFF DB 20
250.344.3111 509 - 9 th Avenue N.
winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
by Nadine Sander-Green
If Shawna DeGagne could tell someone who is going start their own business one thing, it would be this: you are going to be working a lot of hours. A lot. Shawna, who now owns and runs Kicking Horse Embroidery in Nicholson, bought the business five years ago when it was located in downtown Golden. It had been running for five years previous to that under a different owner. Shawna then ran Kicking Horse Embroidery from the downtown location for two years and then realized she had to make a decision. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I worked for seven months without a day off,â&#x20AC;? said Shawna. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some days would be 15 or 16 hour days. I have three sons. A husband who works out of town. I had to make a decision: expand or back off and focus on family.â&#x20AC;? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when Shawna decided to move her business into an extension of her house in Nicholson. Strangely enough, her sales didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go down at all in the first year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I made a point of calling and emailing my clients to tell them I was moving away from the downtown
core,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I told them I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going away and this was just tweaking the business; a way for me to do my job better.â&#x20AC;? Shawna explained that it turned out to be one of the best business moves she could have made. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The year after I moved the economy slowed. If I made the move any later it may not have worked out
as well, I may not have had the money for renovations. â&#x20AC;&#x153; Kicking Horse Embroidery is now the place to go in Golden for custom embroidery, printing and logo design, corporate and team apparel, quilting fabrics, notions and a variety of clothing and hats. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One one side we do the embroidery and corporate apparel and that
sort of thing, and on the other side we sell thread and quilting products,â&#x20AC;? she said, explaining that it seems like a natural crossover to sell both the finished products and the craft materials. The business is also the only place in Golden that sells fabric. Kicking Horse Embroidery also offers quilting classes on Wednesday night at Golden Secondary School and long arm quilting services by Trena Morency. Working at home allows Shawna to volunteer with the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce, her sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school and with the annual Golden Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Show. She has family and friends to help in the store and her mother has been a huge support in many ways. Shawnaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goal has always been to find a healthy balance between work and lifestyle. And has she found it? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some days I have and some days I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t,â&#x20AC;? she said, laughing. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Kicking Horse Embroidery Shawna will be having a sale on the weekend of March 5th. Stop by 800 Nicholson Frontage Road to check it out.
Kicking Horse Embroidery
Celebrating 10 Years!
Goldenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1st Custom Embroidery Store
Quilting Fabrics Notions
Custom Embroidery Printing & Logo Design Corporate Apparel Sports Teams
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800 Nicholson Frontage Rd, Golden, BC
250 344-9888
H e l p i n g B u s i n e s s T h r i ve I n G o l d e n B C
winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
kW business
Kicking Horse Embroidery celebrates 10 years
By Kim Magi
home decor
Paint ~ Window Blinds ~ Home DĂŠcor. Oglowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Paint in Castlegar has greatly evolved over the years. Carol Oglow, sister to owners Tom & Dave Oglow, has been a big part of that. The brothers have been in business since 1977, and Carol came on board in 1989 for what was supposed to be a three-week stint while Dave helped care for his newborn son, Brenden, who now along with Kris have become the highly valued part time staff. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We all have the expertise,â&#x20AC;? Carol said. This includes how to select the right tools and paint for your painting job, how to install wallpaper, advice on the best window blinds, home dĂŠcor choices and colour consulting. In fact, Tom refers to Carol as their resident â&#x20AC;&#x153;colour consultant.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some people are surprised because we ask so many questions,â&#x20AC;? Carol said, explaining in order to offer the best colour consultation, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to get an overall feel of what the customer is trying to achieve. Along with General Paint, Oglowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also carries Para Paints, making them
Colour your world at
Oglow Paints
the only Para Paint dealer in the West Kootenay. The Para line features products such as the Elite Suede glossfree washable finish, and the durable Ceramic eggshell finish, which can be tinted to the Heritage, Classic and Designer Favorite colours. The expanded colour tower offers an incredible range of the most current and fashionable colours. Colours can be overwhelming
when looking at so many choices, though, and Oglowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also has a colourmatching computer to help match a paint colour to the colour you saw in a magazine, or even the colour of your favorite toothbrush. Oglowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also offers a unique line of home dĂŠcor. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a decorative inspirational collection of home accessories,â&#x20AC;? Carol said. It changes all the time,
and includes glass, ceramic, pillows, afghans, platters and trays, providing a unique shopping experience for the customers. Another Oglowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s specialty is custom window blinds. Their extensive instore window blind display for home and commercial use highlights the newest and most innovative blinds from Shade-O-Matic and Hunter Douglas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Before they buy it, they can touch it and operate itâ&#x20AC;?. Tom explained that window blinds are a fashion statement, and when people invest in them, they become an asset and increase the value to the home. Not only that, Carol said, but people see their energy bills decrease dramatically after blind installation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in both the hot and cold months. Serving the entire West Kootenay area, the family business is proud to have installed blinds in the smallest apartment to the newest show home. We pride ourselves on customer service and look forward to helping customers bring their dream to reality. Oglowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Paint and Wallcoverings Ltd. is located at 611 Columbia Ave. in Castlegar.
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winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
by Karl Yu While Cher Wyers has to stay grounded as a city councillor in Grand Forks, she doesn’t mind having her head in the clouds. It’s not that she daydreams and ignores life’s problems; rather she is a licensed private pilot and enjoys taking to the skies every so often. She says that she first took an interest in flying to impress husband Ron back in 1984. “I decided to take a ground school course through Okanagan College to surprise him (and show him) that I would know what’s going on in the cockpit,” Wyers reminisces. “That led into my keen interest in flying. Once you’ve been up there and you’ve got it, you’re hooked.” She has had her private pilot’s licence (PPL) since April 1995, says she enjoys the solitude of recreational flying and says that it helps calm the nerves. “You’re up there, you’re thinking
about nothing else and you’ve got everything below you.” This is Wyers’ first term in civic politics and it is something she never dreamed she would be doing but it is something she says appealed to her. “After moving to Grand Forks in 1997, I’ve taken a great interest in our community; it’s very vital and vibrant,” she explains.
“Through working with the Grand Forks Chamber of Commerce (as manager from May 2006 to 2010), hosting the forums for the different elections, federally, and provincially for those candidates, I saw an opportunity and I thought it was a time in my life to give back.” She says she is currently looking forward to running again in the city
election this November. While flight and politics are seemingly unrelated, Wyers says there are skills from her piloting that transfer over to her role as a councillor. “You have to be aware of your surroundings and know what you are doing. You have to be organized, very open-minded,” Wyers says. “The flying is very relaxing and it prepares me for the political; it grounds you, ironically.” On top of her duties as councillor, Cher Wyers works with her husband in the family business, Western Aviation Services Ltd., which is involved in aircraft building and sales and service. “Working with Ron allows me the opportunity to fit in my council duties which can be quite demanding and challenging,” says Wyers. “It’s difficult to hold a full-time job if you want to give it that full commitment.” And it is that commitment that enables Cher Wyers to keep her feet on the ground.
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The finest selection of Elegance, Quality & Comfort in Bras and Lingerie. Petite ~ Plus We also offer a complete mastectomy service
Hi! I am Carol of Fashion Foundations in Castlegar. I started with Fashion Foundations in Kelowna September 1999. I was a single Mom with three children, so my need was to have a satisfying job that supported my family. The longer I worked the more I Loved it! Daily I receive gratification, helping women with their desires – Petite to Plus and Young or Mature. Bringing a smile to a lady’s face is the best feeling! In 2003 Dave came into my life and later moved our family to Castlegar. He has shown me, I can have a successful business and a loving supportive partner at the same time. Our store in Castlegar has been open almost 4 years – and with the growing number of satisfied customers coming to our boutique I’ve pulled my Mother (Sophie) out of retirement to join me part time and have also hired 3 other gals! We work with all types of figures – some life changes we face are surgical and require special care. Fashion Foundations also excels at post mastectomy fittings and is registered with Pharmacare. Come in and check out the world I call HOME! We make bra shopping fun!
“Our Business is Uplifting” www.fashionfoundations.ca
233 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. 250.365.1474 winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
kW feature
Cher Wyers: Staying grounded through flight
home decor
Putting on the
Brenda Christensen is a warm and inviting person and her home is a reflection of her personality. It is also an extension of the philosophy she holds when it comes to her new home-based business, Finishing Touch by Brenda. While undergoing an extensive home renovation project, Brenda seized upon the idea to create her business after she put her decades of sewing and home decor skills to work. “Your home decor should be an extension of you and your family’s personality and style,” Brenda said. However, Brenda is all ears when it comes to a client’s individual needs. “The customer’s vision is my focus, so we will take the time to discuss your vision and the materials needed before purchasing materials and beginning work,” she said. “My work encompasses all kinds of custom sewing for the home, RV or commercial space. So whether you need window treatments, slipcovers for your chair, a duvet cover for your bed, decorative pillows, seat cushions, or any other home decorative sewing for your home, contact me to discuss the vision for your project,” Brenda
finishing touch
explained, adding, “ Along with patterns or floral, Brenda works with upholstery we can make it all come your taste and surroundings. “I love together for you.” especially with spring around Finishing Touchfloral, Brenda Whether your preference is solids, theby corner. Floral patterns make a
great addition to any home. It can really brighten up a room and add visual interest. You could also use floral patterns in throw pillows, slip covers, drapes or on a footstool. Floral can take on many different looks from vintage to modern. There is something for everyone that will make the finishing touch complete,” she said. Do you have a piece of furniture that is sitting in the basement, shed or in storage? You could be using that piece of furniture and enjoying it by bringing new life to your surroundings. Updating a piece of furniture brings new life to your surroundings, Brenda said, and she has plenty of ideas to help clients along. Brenda’s services include a wide array of custom home decor sewing projects from chair, couch and ottoman slipcovers, duvet covers for the bed, placemats, table runners, valances, curtains, cornice boards, headboards, decorative pillows, bed skirts, Roman and fabric blinds and more. Brenda can be reached at 250421-7557 or you can check her out on Facebook to see more before and after results.
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At Finishing Touch by Brenda, your Custom Home Decor & Upholstery needs are created to complete the look of your personalized space whether it’s at home or business. I will take care of you “One Stitch at a Time.” • Fabric Roman & Roller Blinds • Custom Draperies & Valances • Furniture Slip Covers • Placemats & Napkins • Throw & Chair Cushions • Duvet Covers • Bed Skirts • Upholstery • Drapes/Curtains for hard to find sizes, unique windows • Custom Draperies for RVs & Boats • Upholstery for co-ordinating projects
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
By Kerstin Renner The room is filled with hundreds of strangers, they watch intently as you make your way to the stage. All eyes are on you as you climb the steps. At Toastmasters. the podium, you straighten your jacket, “Right now, a District 21 member lift your head and then... is the current International president,” To some this might sound like the adds Port. She had a chance to meet beginning of a terrible nightmare, but Pat Johnson of Victoria at the spring Toastmasters across the country see conference last year, just before she was it as a great opportunity to improve elected as president. Johnson is the first their speaking skills, gain confidence Canadian woman to hold that role. and enrich their lives. From May 6 to 8, An international speech competition Toastmasters and friends will gather at the Spirit Ridge Resort in Osoyoos for the as well as an evaluation competition will Well known for its fruit and berry farms for more than a also be part of the conference and Port century, the picturesque Creston Valley now boasts its own District 21 Spring Conference. says a winner will go on to regional and winery and vineyard – Skimmerhorn. “Stepping outside your club will potentially international competitions. We’re a small, family-operated winery located in the Kootenays show you the vast opportunities of Competitors will be determined over where we enjoy a unique climate perfectly suited to the Toastmasters,” promises Cyndi Port publicity chair for the conference. District the next couple of months, first on the production of the cool-climate wines in which Skimmerhorn club level and then in Area and Division specializes. 21 encompasses all Toastmasters clubs in British Columbia and Port believes the competitions. As publicity chair Port will not be central location of the conference will Operated by the Bryden and Wallace families. We are a small competing this year, but since joining allow members of clubs to attend that production winery producing quality wines in the Kootenay previously have not had the opportunity Toastmasters four years ago, she has region of British Columbia. placed in several competitions, her due to long travel and expenses highest achievement being a third place We are the first commercial sized vineyard and winery in associated with it. the Kootenay region. The 50 in the District table topics. Port admits Port is a member of the Cranbrook acre property on which we are for her as an ambitious person it was Phoenix Toastmasters. She has attended located has been in our family hard at first to accept she had “only” two District conferences and even the since the 1930’s and has seen placed third. In the end, she believes it International conference in 2008 in many changes over the years made her stronger and more aware of Calgary. She says that usually only a few from vegetable farming to cattle other Toastmasters from the region were the reality of life. “I can relate with not and hay farming and now a winning a lot better,” she says, “because able to attend with her. She is excited vineyard. there’s more people who haven’t got the that this year, there will be at least eight members in Osoyoos, three from Creston gold ring than those who have. Port hopes others have seen her grow and five from Cranbrook. over the last four years. She feels blessed Port says the conference will be a to have had the opportunities that meeting of like-minded individuals, have presented themselves to her and all wanting to improve their Perched high above Okanagan Lake, our winery is located believes she has become more confident, among the rolling hills of Naramata Bench Road. Here we have communication skills. There will be a better speaker as well as listener and the most inspiring views you could possibly imagine. Which is keynote addresses, education sessions, an encourager for others. speaking competitions and plenty of probably why we tend to look at things a little differently. “Even if they can’t get to the time to socialize and network with Our engaging and, at times, offbeat approach gives a certain conference,” Port says, “I encourage Toastmasters from around the province proud flair to everything we do. Not surprisingly, our wines people to check out the various clubs consistently receive top honours at major wine competitions and even beyond. in the area.” Toastmasters provides around the world. Not to mention, the 2008 Lieutenant The keynote speaker on the something for everyone, she adds, from Governor’s Award of Excellence. Saturday of the conference will be U.S. a stay-at-home Mom who wants a Toastmaster Jana Barnhill who in 2008 meaningful social outing to the business was elected as only the fourth woman GREAT CANADIAN woman looking to build confidence for to serve as Toastmasters International her public presentations. Everyone, Port president. During her term, the states, can grow to their full potential, organization set record numbers for WAREHOUSE surrounded by positive and uplifting membership and passed important people. governance changes. Barnhill has Cranbrook Fernie HO For more information on the 9 a m - U RS placed second and third at the World Next to Next to 11 p m Toastmasters District 21 Spring 7 days Championship of Public Speaking and Wal-Mart Best Western a we e k Conference in Osoyoos, people can go to she will use her experience as speaker www.district21springconference.ca. 250-426-2338 250-423-6522 and trainer to inspire the District 21 winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com 25
Quality Kootenay Wines
Family owned winery
Above all, we make great wine
kW feature
Toastmasters more than just speaking skills
Meeting every womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs
Aspire 2b Fit
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BILL HUGHES CFP Regional Director
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winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
3D has come to Pincher Creek!
3D 4D Deluxe $140
3D 4D NOW available in Pincher Creek! Single visit pkgs $90-$140
in 1993. Ultrasound Preview Ltd was the FIRST non-diagnostic company in Canada. Rhonda Hamilton RDMS, owner and operator of Ultrasound Preview, now resides part time near Pincher Creek Alberta. Rhonda has over 25 years of ultrasound scanning experience, and has been doing 3D scans in her Calgary clinic for nearly 10 years. There is no one that can match her knowledge and experience, combined with the latest in 3D technology now offered in Pincher Creek! In Pincher Creek the single visit package range from $90-$140 which is the same service as the Calgary Clinic provided, but with a 30% reduction from the “big city prices.” The Pincher Creek office is open on Friday and Sunday afternoons from Noon till 4:00. Book ON-LINE today www. ultrasoundpreview.com or call toll free 1888-SCAN ME 2 (1.888.722.6632).
2D/3D/4D Open in Pincher Creek Friday and Sunday afternoons 12-4:00 Book your Preview “On-line” www.ultrasoundpreview.com or call 1.888. SCAN ME 2 Ultrasound Preview in Ranchland Mall (down the mall from The Brick) 1300 Hewetson Ave., Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
The child bearing years are a special time in a woman’s life! They pass by quickly, and before you know it you have moved into the next stage of life. Ultrasound Preview Ltd offers a unique way to observe prenatal life during your pregnancy and preserve the experience forever with a DVD, CD, and sonograms. You not only have the opportunity to share the initial ultrasound experience with family and friends, but with the keepsakes provided, you can share with your unborn child in years to come. What better way to preserve your child bearing years? At Ultrasound Preview this timeless keepsake video captures the sounds in the room - the technician’s narration, conversations in the room, and even the beating of the fetal heart. Pincher Creek Office now offers photo realistic 3D and 4D imaging along with the origional 2D “Tour” which began in Lethbridge, Alberta
What are you
dreaming of?
We all have dreams. They may get interrupted by relationships, work, children and we may end up stalled, but those dreams are still there, buried deep inside our minds. We may not even remember that we had that dream. So it has been for me. I began my committed lifetime relationship at the tender age of 17. I am still in that relationship with a man who will never really understand me, but will support me in whatever wacky direction I go.
Over the past 28 years, he has always gone along with my erratic ways. Recently, I was fortunate enough to be involved with several other women in a project, to work through a book called “The Artist’s Way”. Through the thirteen weeks we read the chapters, did the tasks and wrote every day with the goal of unblocking our creativity. Through this process, I began to seriously dream again, and to remind myself of the endless possibilities open to me. What creative outlets were now available to me? Could I be a painter, a musician, a chef or a writer? The dream that came up for me was to write, possibly for a newspaper, about things I love – such as travel or cooking. When I started to spin out this dream to my partner and my daughter, they both said “you should write a book – a self-help book”. My response
was similar to the years before: “I can’t, I don’t have enough knowledge to write a self-help book”. But, then, as often happens, serendipity threw the how in my way. I was chatting to the editor of the local newspaper and she reminded me that she is also the editor of Kootenay Women’s Magazine. “Leslie”, she reminded, “I still wish you would submit articles for the KWM.” Well, as often happens when your dreams start to come true, I denied my abilities and told myself “impossible”. I returned to my comfort zone and continued my work through the tasks in the “Artist Way”. While I worked I remembered how earlier in the book, the author reminds the reader that often what we need or ask for is offered, but frequently we are too afraid to reach out and take that which is provided. My secret dream for many years
was to do a self-help or advice column. When I started to imagine the possibilities again, the door opened, but I just about said “no thank-you” and pushed it shut! Why, you may ask, would I do that? The answer is because I am scared, scared to try, scared to fail and scared to succeed. So instead, I opened the tool box and grabbed my most reliable tool, which is to ask “what is the worst thing that could happen?” I could fail and things would stay the same. Or, I could succeed and things would change, my dream would come true. Either way, the dream is over, there may be a void. But I have chosen to say yes and see what happens next will you take the journey with me? You can reach Leslie Adams at Inside Out Coaching & Consulting at www.coachinsideout.com.
knowledgable contemporary tasteful high quality adult and general giftware bachelorette/bachelor party gifts and favors a friendly, fun shopping experience for women, men and couples
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
Cleaning Hockey Equipment – A Challenging Task concerns, so we must get rid of the bacteria to solve both problems. Over the past few years, I am sure you have noticed machines popping up at local rinks and pro-shops that promise to get the odor out of your equipment in just a few minutes. Several of these machines use Ozone technology which kills the bacteria and helps to eliminate the odor. Ozone is powerful and effective, used in water treatment for years, and is proven to eliminate 97-99% of bacteria living on your equipment. Ultimately, it is important to get your hockey equipment sanitized at least a couple of times per season to avoid the health risks of infection. In addition, it will likely gain some brownie points with other members of your household by keeping the hockey smell out of the house. In recent years, professional and amateur athletes alike have been assaulted by bacteria like the invisible superbug MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus), a bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans. Athletes are particularly
susceptible to contracting infections due to the nature of the sports industry, which includes hands-on contact between players, close proximity among teammates, and inadequate personal hygiene in relation to dedicated cleaning and maintenance of sports equipment. Sani Sport helps to decrease this risk by directly attacking the bacteria and germs harboring in sports equipment, while also working to remove odors and extend the life of the equipment. “Our patented sanitization process was a result of customers inquiring how to get rid of the smell in their hockey gear. The answer was simple— address the bacteria, kill the smell,” said Sani Sport Founder and President Steve Silver. “It is a simple and effective way to help reduce the spread of germs caused by bacteria.” Sani Sport works by vaporizing unwanted harmful micro-organisms and eliminating odors. Multiple sports equipment pieces, including pads, skates, helmets, and jerseys can be placed on the grill shelving inside the stainless steel Sani Sport
decontamination chamber. An ozone generator floods the chamber with photon bombarded oxygen (ozone) for 12 minutes while counter rotating fans circulate the air to ensure maximum penetration of equipment. The last four minutes of the sanitation process engages the patented Sani Sport spray mister to coat the equipment with a disinfectant. ~ NHL Digest, Feb, 2011 Who uses the Sani Sport machine? 1. Professional sports teams use the Sani Sport process to keep their athletes safe. 2. Military and police units keep their ballistic vests and helmets bacteria free with our process. 3. Hockey wives and moms breathe better after the gut wrenching stench is removed from their husbands and childrens hockey gear. 4. Anyone who needs to clean sports equipment, reduce bacteria and remove terrible odours from protective equipment that can’t be washed in a traditional washing machine.
sourceforsports.com The Sani Sport machine will clean sports equipment and sanitize protective gear. Sani Sport is used by over 90% of all individuals and businesses in the protective equipment cleaning industry
The most widely used cleaning and sanitizing technology in the world. open 7 days a week
winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
kW sports
If you’ve played hockey for any reasonable length of time, you will no doubt be familiar with the ‘unique’ fragrance produced by well used hockey equipment. A quick wiff of a skate, glove, or heaven forbid a shinpad, can often be enough turn the stomach of even the most grizzled veteran. And while most players and parents make an effort to wash the equipment that can be washed in a regular washing machine, it still leaves a lot to be desired. The odor causing bacteria that resides in equipment that can’t be traditionally washed such as gloves, skates and elbow pads not only stinks, but can be dangerous. In fact Joe Thornton and other NHL players have missed several games due to an elbow infection caused by bacteria from equipment. Some, including Thornton have even required surgery for Staph infections. Often we don’t think of the health consequences of having such bacteria lingering in our equipment, but are mostly concerned about the smell. The truth is that the bacteria are the cause of both the stench and the health
home decor
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Chair and a Half ... ONLY $699 Ottoman ................ ONLY $399 SAVE $45 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Karliâ&#x20AC;? Occasional Chair .. NOW $569
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Just a hop, skip, and a jump across the addition of Carpet One Floor and the U.S. Border is a small town named Home, the largest flooring-buying Ponderay, Idaho; the quaint commugroup in the world. A few years later, nity rests one mile north of Sandpoint. the boys bought an old auto parts store It is a town with a big heart, a heart across the street and put in a Clearance that beats loudly to the tune of friendCenter, which serves as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Clearing ship, loyalty, and family. The conductor Houseâ&#x20AC;? for all discontinued, returns, of such a tune and at the focal point of etc.; everything is priced to sell quickly. the community is Sandpoint Furniture After the massive amount of expan/ Carpet One. sion, the company decided they were Sandpoint Furniture\Carpet One has still not ready to stop growing and in been the â&#x20AC;&#x153;go-to-placeâ&#x20AC;? for fabulous April of 2007 they opened Selkirk Glass home furnishings, beautiful floor & Cabinets. And all of this is on an coverings, and just recently a stunning 83,000 square foot campus includnew custom cabinetry shop that also ing their state of the art distribution features the latest in energy efficient centre; it is all under the umbrella of windows and doors. With five profesthe Ponderay Design Center. sional Interior Design professionals With the many options and the on staff, they can help you take your knowledgeable, friendly staff, there project from â&#x20AC;&#x153;Concept to Completionâ&#x20AC;?. really is no other place like it in the Sandpoint Furniture was first American Northwest or the Kootenays established in 1945, and today they in Canada. still believe in their heritage of quality With six of their children in place and small town customer service. as owners and managers, Sandpoint In 1984 the current senior partners, Furniture \ Carpet One is firmly comcomprised of Dale Jeffes, Dwight mitted to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making Your House A Homeâ&#x20AC;? Sheffler, and Mike Gunter, purchased for now and well into the future. With Sandpoint Furniture with the vision of their top quality brands, great prices, keeping that legacy and taking it well and friendly, family-style hometown into the future. All three senior partservice, you can plan on them being ners are third generation hometown around for another 70 years. guys that attended school and played For more information on Sandpoint sports together at Sandpoint High Furniture/Carpet One, or to take a look School. at what they have to offer, visit their 1993 was the year when the expan- website at: www.ponderaydesigncension of the company first took off with ter.com. - by Kirk Verner winter / spring 2011 â&#x20AC;˘ kootenaywoman.com
Photo by dibble photography
Corn Chowder
Comfort food, according to Wikipedia, is defined as “food that brings some form or measure of comfort, sense of well-being, or easy satisfaction. Such food choices may consist of the simple and familiar.” The definition went on to explain how the list of items varies from person to person. I suppose we look to comfort food often in the winter because it tends to be cold and dark. Our favorite foods are what make us feel happy, and well, comfortable. Flipping through some old cookbooks and recipe collections recently, I came across a couple of what seemed to be photo albums. The pages were not filled with photos however, rather favourite old recipes handwritten by my grandmother, Edna Anderson, known to us kids as simply “Gram”. It’s interesting how someone’s personality can be so accurately portrayed by their handwriting. In fine penmanship, the recipes were neat and tidy, quietly determined, tucked in between newspaper clippings and grocery store recipe cards. Nothing too extravagant, just down home cooking with simple ingredients and good taste. Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Upside Down Hamburger Pie, Creamy Rice Pudding, and so many more. (Even a Starch for Doilies recipe, which is unlikely to be used by me.) Flipping through the pages, it was as though I could hear her voice, like she was right there at the table with me. I have such fond memories of her, and don’t get me wrong, she didn’t hold back when I needed to be scolded for some mischief that may or may not have been orchestrated by me. It’s evident that Gram loved to cook, it was such a big part of her, and in fact, she cooked at the hospital in Invermere for many years. Back to the Corn Chowder, I’m not really sure where the recipe came from originally, but it’s definitely a favorite in our family. Each of us seem to put our own twist on it, depending on what we like most. It’s easy enough to put together without too much attention, while folding laundry and listening to one of the kids recount their day at school. Warm and comfortable, just like my Gram.
kW food
Recipe: • 2 tbsp butter • 1 medium onion, chopped • 1 - 2 cloves garlic • 2 cups frozen corn • 2 cans mushroom soup (add 2 cans milk or water) • 1 tsp. oregano • 1 cup diced potatoes (cooked) • 1 or 2 cans mushrooms (or saute fresh mushrooms if you prefer) • salt & pepper to taste
Directions: • Over medium heat, saute onions and garlic in butter, add mushrooms if using fresh. Add frozen corn and potatoes after a few minutes. • Add soup and milk (or water) and stir in oregano. Salt and pepper to taste, and voila, corn chowder. You’ll want to let it simmer over low heat for a while to allow the flavours to blend, up to an hour. Careful to keep an eye on it so it doesn’t scorch on the bottom, it is mostly mushroom soup after all. (Learned that the hard way.) Here’s a tip - plant your corn early. There’s lots of variations for this soup, it’s so easy to personalize it to your own taste. • corn - if you don’t have frozen corn, use whatever you have in the cupboard - canned corn, creamed corn, you could even use fresh corn, just scrape it off the cob. • mushroom soup - try a homemade mushroom soup if you want, or use a different kind of canned soup, like Wild Mushroom, Cream of so many different things - Asparagus, Potato, Chicken and so on. • potatoes - you can use any kind of leftover potato you have in the fridge, or try frozen hashbrowns, that’s pretty easy. Or you can substitute any kind of rice or pasta, I used left over Kraft Dinner once, the kids loved it.
This feature sponsored by winter / spring 2011 • kootenaywoman.com
Foods Golden 31
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