Dialogue Magazine, Vol.35,No.1, Winter 2021-22

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Print Edition

VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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In This Issue… • Michael Spencer: A Greater Reset: Matriarchy and Mother Earth, 6, 30 • Katie Weston: With Freedom Comes Responsibility, 11-14 • Anthony J. Hall: Connecting the Dots- 9/11,Wall St, The Fed, BlackRock, Covid, 22-29 • Herb Spencer: Review Essay… • Opposition to the ‘Covid/Banking/Big Pharma Op’ – see Index below Cover Stories Abandon Fear, 6 Holding The Light, 4 Winter Solstice, 81

Opposition to the CovidBanking-Big Pharma Op Technocratic Dictatorship, Claudia von Werlhof, 5 WestJet terminated employees, 8 Study of “Covid” cases and 5G, 8-9 Documents on Pfizer vaccine data, 9 Gibraltar proves they are wrong, 10 Freedom and Responsibility, 11 MPPs Speaking Out, 15 The Free North Declaration, 16-19 Lawyers Stand Up, 19-21 Peckford Recommendation, 20-21,84 Mounties For Freedom, 21 Tony Hall: Connecting the Dots, 22-29 James Corbett & Mattias Desmet, 29 Intro to Agenda 21, 30 The Great Climate Deception, 30 Reiner Fuellmich, Catherine Austin Fitts: The Game Plan and how to thwart it, link to video, 32 Busting the “Omicron” story, 33 Jeremy Arney: Here we go again, 36 Peter Weygang: Nanoparticles, 41 Vaccine Passports will lead to a Totalitarian Surveillance State, 44 Removing parental consent, 52 Hub for Pilots & Passengers, 67 Jerry Flynn: Wake Up Canada, 75 Rancourt et al: Study of Mortality, 80 ARTICLES IN THE DIGITAL ADDENDUM, 83

Canadian Politics Rick Nicholls, MPP, Independent, 15 Randy Hillier, MPP, People’s Party, 15 Canada becoming a Fascist State, 33 Erik Andersen: My letter of hope to my M.P., 35 Robin Mathews: Damned Lies, 38 Stop Rewriting History, 40

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Tony Hall: A Canadian Institute of National Integrity, 44 The Peace River Valley, 50 CFPI: Canada and the Five Eyes, 52

Money & Banking Connecting the Dots: Wall St., The Fed, BlackRock and C19, 22-29 Global Economic Meltdown, 29 Catherine Austin Fitts (video), 32 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, 34 Erik Andersen: Price volatility, investment risk, 34

Personal Stories Steve Clarke, Haliburton Highlands,10 Mike Nickerson shares his story, 11 Katie Weston: Freedom & Responsibility, 11-14 Erik Andersen: Lessons Learned, 32 Jeremy Arney: Operation Trackshoes, 37 Alexandra Morton: Update, 51 Franklin O’Connor: In the Mystery, Magical Moon Lake, #8, Wayne Russell: Coal Collectors, Laughter & Lightenment, 57, 58 About getting older, 58 Paul Bowles:Tales From Fruitvale,59 Magical Moon Lake #9, 62-65 The Vagabond Writer, 66-67 Feudal Fiefdoms: pending, 79 Susanne Lawson: Winter Solstice, 81

Environment & Health

Winter Solstice, 81

Philosophy & History Holding the Light, Susanne Lawson, 4 Toward a deeper understanding, Mike Spencer, Matriarchy & Mother Earth, 6 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, 34 Patricia White: Turtle Woman and Plant Beings, 47 Alice Walker Quote, 47 Christina Stafford: Place, Person-hood and the Hippocampus, 49 In the Mystery, 61 The History of Civilizations, 68-75 Winter Solstice, Susanne Lawson, 81

Art & Poetry Eva Lyman, We, the wounded; and On Liberty, 46 On Love… And Chocolate, 48 Poetry from Laura Augustine, 49 Paul Bowles: What Is, 60 Bonna’s Poem: The Old Plate, 61

Books-Videos-Film Catherine Austin Fitts, 32 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick, 34 Lonsdale: A Nutritional Approach to a Revised Model for Medicine, 53 Magical Moon Lake (series), 62-65 Immoderate Greatness, Reviewed by Herb Spencer, 68-75

[See also Philosophy] Living on Earth as if we want to stay (video), 11 FDA Attack on Ivermectin, 34 Alexandra Morton: Update, 51 A Geopathic Stress Solution, 52 Dr. Lonsdale:Your Health Matters,53

Christmas / Winter Solstice WestJet Christmas Story, 8

WINTER 2021-22, VOL. 35, NO. 2

Print Edition


Welcome to the Winter 2021-22 issue

dialogue is...

Honouring the memory of Maurice J. King, 1927~2019

Yuletide Greetings! It is hard to believe that it is already two years since Maurice passed on. I hope he would be pleased with what we are accomplishing together! This is again a very “full” issue. The print edition differs from the digital edition, which featured an Addendum of 50 extra pages of articles and reports shared by readers. [If you would like to receive the Addendum, printed or as a pdf, please let me know: dialogue@dialogue.ca There is an index of the Addendum on p.83]

There are probably more lengthy reports & essays in this Dialogue than in any previous issue. Some are the expression of dedicated research and others more philosophical in nature. Many blend both! Each of us is “walking our path” – with our own perspective. This issue includes insights from a father, Herb (p.68) and son, Michael (pp.6,30), each looking at our human experience and addressing facets from historical to psychological/cultural. We are also pleased to welcome two new writers with essays in this issue: Katie Weston (p.11) and Roxanne Davies (p.50) Inspiration for the cover came from a serendipitous visit to a website where the Persian “Path” proverb was featured (abbeyretreatcentre.ca/). Perhaps this Dialogue will help each of us to walk a path of protecting our humanity – and all Nature – against the onslaught of technocratic totalitarianism. There are many articles in this issue that alert us to what Canadians are doing – and what we can do – to co-create a better, life-enhancing future than the “Covid-Bank-Pharma-Tech” Agenda. Catherine Austin Fitts reminds us of “The magic that comes in dangerous times … Never underestimate what the human race can accomplish when pushed to the wall.” [Video link, p.30]. This quote aligns nicely with a Charles Eisenstein quote that serves as the title for Susanne Lawson’s essay, “Reality shifts to align with brave choices” (p.4). I am sure we are all thankful for the quality and variety of ideas and expression that people share in these pages. May you find unexpected treasures on every page! Thank you to every one of Dialogue’s readers and writers – May we all have compassion for our own and each other’s journeys of understanding, wherever we may be. As always, please read with heart and an open and discerning mind! We look forward to hearing from you. Wishing you an inspiring Yuletide and a healthy New Year, Janet Hicks King, volunteer editor (& Lucky!)

Thank you for your donations to the Legacy Fund in Maurice’s memory, to ensure that Dialogue lives on; and Thank You for continuing to be part of this venture of dedicated writers, poets, artists and readers who are envisioning – and working toward – a better world. And much gratitude if you are able to donate toward the rising printing/mailing & website costs to keep Dialogue going. [Please forgive my errors and omissions.] PLEASE RENEW! To ensure your subscription is up-to-date, please LOOK AT YOUR ADDRESS LABEL to find your EXPIRY DATE. There is a slip enclosed at

the back of the print magazine – and subscription details on page 82.♣


Print Edition

…an independent, Canadian volunteer-produced, not-for-profit quarterly, written and supported by its readers – empowering their voices and the sharing of ideas. Now in its 35th year, dialogue provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and an antidote to political correctness. We encourage readers to share with others the ideas and insights gleaned from these pages.

If you would like to share your ideas and become a writer/artist in our magazine, please consider this your personal invitation to participate! We also need your support as a subscriber, to help us continue (See P. 82 for details) Your donations and Gift Subscriptions are also vital to keeping the magazine going! We receive NO government funding and no advertising revenue. We rely on the generous support of our readers & subscribers. Thank You!


was founded in 1987 and is now published quarterly. Maurice J. King, Publisher-In-Memoriam Janet K. Hicks, Volunteer Editor

Print Issue: Dec 18, 2021 Also available at www.dialogue.ca Annual subscription: $20.00 [including GST, # 89355-1739] Canada Post Agreement No. 40069647 Registration No. 08915 ISSN: 1184-7042, Legal Deposit: National Library of Canada (409731)

The views expressed in this publication are those of their individual authors. Reprints of published articles are included for their educational value.

6227 Groveland Drive Nanaimo, BC, Canada V9V 1B1

Tel: 250-758-9877 E-mail: dialogue@dialogue.ca WEBSITE: www.dialogue.ca Deadlines: Sep. 1st - Dec. 1st March 1st - June 1st

VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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“Reality shifts to align with brave choices” What A Mess We Are In... Susanne Lawson, Nov 25 susannelawson@substack.com

“Holding The Light” Finding peace within is more important than ever in order to hold that doorway open for oneself and for the good of all. In a fracturing society, perhaps if we didn't hear or see the news or pay any attention to socalled government edicts, we might be going about our daily business as usual, without much tension or unrest. However, we are in a digital global age of transition and communication. Probably, even away from humanity's struggles and the insanity, one would feel, vibrationally, the chaos that is taking place. It doesn't matter though; it takes strength, courage and discipline to delete the negative and bring in the light. When the mind is occupied with losing one’s job, or disease, corruption, climate disasters, lockdown, loneliness, corporate takeover and destruction, etc.... well it's time to scan for something better. "Science and technology have outpaced morality" ~ Gregg Braden Alexander Solzenhitsyn said..."Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me." This is a tremendous time for positive change and each one of us is going through the process of making that happen. Even the dark forces, that resemble Hitler without a mustache, are doing their part to awaken and kindle the fire within – in order that we may see the light. The sun comes out and brings color and vision to a grey world… and we are it. It is us, our inner heat and fire. Energy is accumulating ~ in order to awaken the sleeping masses. I heard an Australian Aboriginal Matriarch commanding her people to ‘get up, don't just lay 4 dialogue

WINTER 2021-22, VOL. 35, NO. 2

there!’ ...with fire in her voice and heart. We are not machines or robots, you cannot hack the human heart. “Empire” This present society is a construct that is crumbling so let the pieces fall away, imagine and then create what good can be ~ for oneself and for all ~ because everything is connected. Love in our heart, mind, body and soul needs nourishing. Fertilize the garden of our being, inside and out; the mycelium of the world wide web is reaching into the far corners, bringing the flowering of wisdom and knowledge like a mushroom cloud of enlightenment over the planet. It is an exciting but challenging time. [As the mock-Latin pun says] ...."Non carborundum illegitimi" ...don't let the bastards get you down!

“Reality shifts to align with brave choices” ~ Charles Eisenstein I am tending the garden, fertilizing the fruit and nut trees, watching the deer feeding on kelp and enjoying fresh kale and pure, sweet water which is incredibly abundant and plentiful after three months of drought this summer. For it I am grateful but it is having devastating effects on land where logging and encroachment has imbalanced and eroded once-forested slopes, causing landslides and destruction.

George Orwell once wrote... "The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: don't let it happen. It depends on you." … me, us, we... can do it!... (my note) – Susanne Lawson ♣ SEE ALSO: SOLSTICE, P.81 Print Edition


The Technocratic Dictatorship: Sacrifice or Revolt? Why the “Why-question” Is Not Asked By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, Global Research, December 06, 2021 https://www.globalresearch.ca/sacrifice-revolt-why-why-question-not-asked/5763661

Every child asks questions. Questions on the why of things, the when, the who, the where and the how. Adults do not so often ask such questions. Especially not, when these are of utmost significance and urgency – such as in today’s comprehensive crisis pertaining to nature, society, civilization and life itself. Why not? occurrence and species? To unhinge and transform Prof. Claudia von Werlhof them via technological inventions so that man may One example of this lack of questioning can be seen in the movie “Technocratic Dictatorship.” [LINK BE- be adapted and custom-made to fit into the “megamachine”? LOW] This too seems true when it comes to deep reflection and highly critical analysis, offering, one One has to ask oneself: Is this achievable? Can it be would hope, more than just scepticism on the current possible that anyone is desiring such an experiment? situation, but also outrage. Is it even possible anyone could have this as an aim? Those interviewed in this movie, myself among them, It seems the technological progress of today has led to an altered perspective on life and even human describe in various ways the dilemma of our times, beings that most people are not yet aware of. which is the undisputable progressive destruction of the environment, nature and life on earth. What would such a development toward “beyond Primarily, the interviewees analyse modern natural sci- human” look like in reality? The current propaganda advertising of such continued progress promises the ences and technology as the main contributors to this destruction. The mechanistic world view of the modern ‘improvement’ and higher development of humanera and its subsequent technology are seen as the major kind, to become even “god-like” – a homo deus (Harari). And in continuation of this sort of thinking, cause of this destruction, its technology being broadly the ‘merging’ of human beings with the machine conceptualized in terms of machine-technology. (Kurzweil) is considered an advanced development, They agree: contrary to all predictions and promises, allegedly leading to a new level of “evolution.” so-called progress has not resulted in the improvement How is one to imagine this? Or: what does the logic for humankind, for life itself, nature and the environof invention of a “post”-human “machine-being” – or ment. Quite the contrary, it has instead led to a situaa “human machine” – have to do with the sacrifices tion which threatens to become a technocratic dictademanded for centuries from nature and all other life torship, as the movie’s title aptly indicates. forms in the name of progress? From destruction of nature to the Are we experiencing the creation of the promised destruction of the human being? “brave new world,” with an equally “brave new Alongside the destruction of nature, the possible human being” … (Sorgner)? [Or is it] rather an destruction of the human being itself seems to be actual human sacrifice, being started under the the agenda. guise of technological progress by the big players For the last half of a century, the process of “depopuof our civilization themselves, possibly already on lation,” i.e. the reduction in numbers of humans living a global scale? on the Planet, is repeatedly mentioned in correspondWhat monstrosity! Where have we got to, if we ing publications, especially among “techno-fetishists,” have to ask such a question? But, no one seems as a declared necessity. Is this a “logical” continuation to be asking! of the hitherto existing destruction of nature and life Watch the movie: TECHNOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP: itself since the beginning of the modern era? https://tinyurl.com/Why-no-Why [1hr 30min] Eng. subtitles [YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yEZi60Ul6U ] Is the often-discussed project of so-called “transhumanism” a continuation of the technological progress Why no one is asking “Why?” “beyond” nature and humans? Our movie shows that so far there is no reaction to the planned politics of implementing these …/ Is it part of the agenda to abolish humans as a natural www.dialogue.ca

Print Edition

VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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depopulation fantasies and the intended de-, trans-, and post-humanisation of the human being. Are people willing to put up with this? Do they believe – as is often the case – the promises made from above? Or: Do they not (yet) understand

what is really approaching them? Professor Claudia von Werlhof READ 32-PAGE ESSAY IN FULL: https://www.globalresearch.ca/sacrifice-revolt-why-whyquestion-not-asked/5763661 ♣ [If you would like to receive

a pdf file of the full essay, email: dialogue@dialogue.ca ]


The Maternal Reset… Matriarchy and the Authentic Self Exploring the ideas of Joseph Chilton Pearce and Claudia von Werlhof ~ Inspired by reading the essay by Prof. von Werlhof (extract and link above) Michael Spencer, New York, US

I’m struck by the intersection between Werlhof’s ideas here and those of Joseph Chilton Pearce. Pearce says that from infancy all humans experience a split in their identity between what he calls our “authentic self” – a self-identity experienced viscerally from birth through what he calls “body knowing” – and an artificial thought-based semantic self, constructed from language in response to our experience from infancy of an “objective” reality existing outside our body. Pearce argues that our semantic self is an artificial self-identity that we construct for ourselves in response to the mirror reflection we receive from our interaction with other people in our semantic social reality (aka our family/culture). Pearce highlights the importance of “goals” to the construction of our semantic identity and surrounding semantic social reality: we set goals for ourselves in relation to our semantic social reality. For example, if our semantic social reality says we should get a university degree then this becomes a goal we set for ourselves in the hope that other people in our shared semantic social reality will validate our semantic selfidentity, if and when we achieve this goal. Pearce says that by setting such goals and striving towards them we are at the same time erecting and reinforcing these cultural tent pillars for others in our shared semantic reality, thus forming the culture that acculturates us. Pearce explains that whether we achieve our goals or not is irrelevant, what is important to the propagation of the evolving semantic social reality is the setting of the goal and the striving towards it, and that when the goal is achieved or dismissed, we set another one. It is the 6 dialogue

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continuous setting and striving of goals, contextualized within our shared semantic reality, that keeps our shared social semantic reality tent standing around us. Combining Pearce’s ideas with Werlhof and this video [Technocratic Dictatorship], one can see how the ideas of patriarchy have become foundational tent pillars to our shared contemporary semantic reality: tent pillars that so deeply inform our goal setting that we are oblivious to their influence. As humans, our entire semantic self-identity is shaped by ideas of patriarchy – as we construct our self-identity through childhood and adolescence, guided by our semantic identity-validating interactions with parents, teachers, peers and others in our shared semantic reality. By the time we reach adulthood we cannot even recognize how these ideas have influenced who we have become to ourselves. And so it is perhaps unsurprising that most adults are unable to challenge a patriarchal conception of progress, let alone progress itself, because by adulthood such thinking is so completely foundational to our artificial semantic self-identity that we cannot even recognize how deeply and unconsciously we embrace it. Solutions found in turning toward bodyknowing, instinct, intuition? I find it interesting how both Werlhof and Pearce recommend as a solution turning away from mind and thought towards the body, towards body knowing, towards instinct and intuition, towards our authentic selves that we were so connected with in early childhood, and that most adults have completely forgotten. Personally, I find meditation is a helpful pathway to reconnect with my authentic self, though at times it feels impossible to escape the all-encompassing toxic patriarchal semantic social reality that surrounds us. Print Edition


Pearce observes that FEAR is the primary mode of acculturation, from early childhood, that motivates all children (and later adults) to progressively deprioritize their authentic selves – in favor of their artificially constructed semantic self-identity. He elaborates that fear shows up in many forms including guilt (fear of something done to others), resentment (fear of what others did to us), hostility (fear of something being done to us in the present), anxiety (fear of what might conceivably be done to us in the future). Pearce says, "Most 'training' of children depends on a willful, specific employment of anxiety inducement. This consciously-perpetrated crime is 'guilting,' an activity with which we are all involved throughout our lives." He adds that "Culture-as-guilting must keep an unsureness in the young; otherwise motivation to accept acculturation would break down" and, furthermore: "Persuading the child to accept the inauthenticity of his/her natural state and move from centeredness to the peripheries of a social semantic has been the job of education to this point." Consider what is perhaps the clearest example of this cultural conditioning: a seemingly innocent question asked to most children by practically all parents, teachers and authority figures: “What will you BE when you grow up?” This question is a direct attack on the child's authentic self - of course the child doesn't need to BE anything because they already ARE. What this question is insidiously imposing on the child is the horrible idea that the authentic self they are experiencing as a child is NOTHING and that the child will only BE something when they construct for themselves their artificial semantic self-identity: an artificial self-identity shaped and validated by other people in their artificial semantic reality (parents, teachers, peers, boyfriends/girlfriends, employers, etc.). And so the deprioritization of our ‘authentic self’ progresses down a lifelong road of setting and pursuing culturally-approved goals – to reinforce our artificial semantic self-identity until we can someday BE something! And so, from the earliest age, we are frightened away from our authentic self – frightened away from our original harmonious oneness with nature, our bodyknowing, our instinctive experience of a maternal natural reality – and frightened towards mind, towards a thought-based, artificially-constructed semantic selfidentity. Fear is the driver. And this fear is extended to www.dialogue.ca

Print Edition

our natural world. We are acculturated to believe that our natural world is hostile. That it must be controlled. That it must be manipulated for our safety and protection. I believe this FEAR of the natural world is where patriarchal thinking first shows up – fear is the stick. Supporting this motivating Fear are the twin motivating carrots of Security and Convenience. As we grow up we become addicted to the perceived security and convenience that comes from "progress" – from mankind's control and manipulation of nature. We deny any destructive collateral damage of this control and manipulation (e.g. waste, environmental destruction, species extinction, toxic conditions for human health) because we are so utterly addicted to the perceived security and convenience that our control and manipulation of nature affords us. We enjoy the convenience of flying from New York to London in five hours and so deny the jet pollution this creates. We enjoy the feeling of freedom and independence we gain from hopping in our car and driving to the shop, denying the incredible manipulation of nature required to manufacture the car components, fuel the car, etc. We value the security we gain from owning and operating a house, denying the clear-cutting destruction to the land and forest (not to mention habitat for animals, birds, fish, insects) required to locate our beautiful house on this idyllic plot with such a spectacular view. And so we have both the carrot and the stick leading us: away from our original authentic self and its direct body-knowing relationship with Mother Nature, and towards an artificial, thought-based semantic reality constructed from patriarchal notions of controlling and manipulating a hostile natural world. Since humans are a part of the natural world, we are acculturated to experience humans as part of our ‘hostile environment;’ humans are increasingly viewed, within our semantic reality, as objects to be controlled and manipulated – like the rest of nature – much to the detriment of human relationships and, in the extreme, leading humans into murder, war... depopulation. How does it all stop? In my humble opinion, the stopping starts by rewiring our acculturation process to prioritize our authentic selves and our authentic relationship to Mother Nature (and other humans) above our semantic self identities and semantic social reality. This starts by parenting with less guilting, less anxiety inducement and greater validation of every child's authentic self. It continues with lifelong reinforcement of VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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our own authentic selves and authentic relationships to nature and people: through body-knowing, as facilitated by play, spontaneity, meditation, living in the moment and enjoying direct social interaction (hugging, laughter, joy, vulnerability, love, nature walks). It continues by recognizing the costs to our authenticity of embracing perceived security and convenience benefits of new technologies (e.g. video conferencing vs meeting in person, online

shopping vs communal shopping in stores, driving alone in a car vs walking with the crowd). Perhaps the big changes many of us are seeking to our civilization can be achieved by each of us making small changes in our daily lives? Happy New Year, everyone! Michael Spencer, michaelhspencer@gmail.com ♣ [Michael also discusses “Climate Change” on p.30]


A Spiritual Perspective on The Big Picture From: Jean Hudon, QC, EarthRainbowNetwork globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com

It’s been several years since I last sent you anything else other than the invitations to the global solstice and equinox meditations. Now I feel prompted, because of a unique opportunity being presented to us all, to send you more than the usual fare. As we all know, our world has been going through something pretty unusual over the past couple years. The life experience of most people has been set upside down because of the fear generated by a threat that has been wildly exaggerated, and which is being used to fulfill an agenda that many believe will entrap most of the socalled civilized world into a regime of full control and surveillance that could lead to a dystopian transhumanist future that will look like nothing we have known so far. Even the much-maligned social credit system in China would pale in comparison. This massively distracting staged event is set on the backdrop of a series of profoundly disruptive trends that are still largely unaddressed, with decisions at both the individual and collective levels not yet on a par with what is required to shift those trends toward a healthier, safer direction. For years, I’ve covered in my book-size compilations the various military, economic, environmental, social and human rights challenges that have only become more daunting since I stopped chronicling them for you. Most people receiving this may probably still remember what it was like following these compilations. Nowadays, there are countless sources, for those curious enough to try to keep track of all that happens. But hardly anywhere will you find a perspective that strives to encompass The Big Picture: that proposes to step back enough from the daily dribble of news, to get a sense of where we are going and, most importantly, to ponder about what all that means. 8 dialogue

WINTER 2021-22, VOL. 35, NO. 2

I’m now going to present you what I see and sense from where I stand at 69 years old – or young, depending on how you feel about the aging process. What is Life for? Yeah! Why not start with this age-old conundrum. What is this all about anyway?! Are we set on a treadmill from birth to death that is meant only to give us the opportunity to get the best out of a too-short lifespan — and enjoy life if we have the good fortune of being born at the right place and time, if we are reasonably healthy, physically and mentally — while often creating a considerable ecological footprint and thus leaving behind an impoverished planet that is increasingly less able to sustain the large number of us putting too many demands on our Mother Earth’s resources? Or, for many, is it instead about enduring excruciatingly difficult circumstances in a state of permanent misery and want, which billions of our poorest fellow human have to face from the get go and till their last breath? Spiritual paths and religious traditions of all kinds have proposed a host of bright answers or fossilized ideas to those who, faced with some existential crisis, are forced to make time to think about the possible meaning of their existence and that of their fellow passengers on spaceship Earth, as we hurtle in space and time towards an uncertain and potentially frightening future. But for most others, caught in the rat race for survival, all they can do is run on their respective treadmills and hope not to be ejected out in the void of oblivion. Sounds dark? It need not be. … I’m going to share with you how I see things, as guided from Within [ ] Jean / Amanumenoum (soul name) READ JEAN’S MESSAGE IN FULL at


Key info about the upcoming solstice meditation, Dec. 21st, including a video : https://youtu.be/2TPGcvp1qPA ♣ [IT IS A BEAUTIFUL & INSPIRING VIDEO! – Janet] Print Edition


Identifying False Post-WWII Narratives Matthew Ehret, Montreal, Dec 18, 2021

WW2 vision.


What if everything you’ve ever been taught about the causes of the Cold War were a lie? What if leading Nazis like Reinhardt Gehlen (chief of Nazi intelligence) and his entire network were reconstituted in West Germany by leading figures running the CIA? What if these same agencies also created a nihilistic cult of ugliness in literature, film, painting and music in order to destroy the deeper German cultural heritage of Bach, Beethoven, Schiller, Lessing and Mendelsohn in order to enslave society both in Germany and more broadly? This week I had the pleasure of moderating a lecture delivered by renowned peace activist and historian Irene Eckert who shed light onto these questions and more, starting with the untimely death of Franklin Roosevelt and the destruction of his anti-imperial post-

Irene Eckert is a teacher of German literature and history. She has also served as Editorin-Chief of Arbeitskreis for Peace Policy and Nuclear Free Europe (http://akf-europe.org/) VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TbONrHARe8 ESSAY based on the material in her lecture:


“Where there is danger, the healing forces are growing, too.” – Irene Eckert ♣


Study compares 5G exposure & ‘covid’ cases, deaths Dec 12, 2021 by: Ethan Huff, www.naturalnews.com www.naturalnews.com/2021-12-12-5g-significantfactor-higher-covid-cases-deaths.html

(Natural News) The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)* has published a new study* warning about the dangers of 5G technology, including how it directly contributes to the symptoms commonly associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). For the study, Beverly Rubik & Robert R. Brown referenced an earlier paper published in May 2020 that showed a “statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radio-frequency radiation and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world.” They also highlighted a U.S.-based study showing that areas of the country with 5G infrastructure already in place and operating showed significantly higher rates of serious illness and death attributed to covid, all independent of population density, air quality and latitude. Only 5G matched three different causal analyses used in the study. Population density, air quality and latitude, meanwhile, only matched one or two analyses each, meaning 5G was the verified culprit in negative covid outcomes. Rubik and Brown used these findings to draw a comparison between the bioeffects of WCR (wireless communications radiation), including 5G, and the symptoms commonly attributed to covid, which they then used to create a list of overlapping physical effects. “Symptoms from both WCR and COVID-19 included www.dialogue.ca

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blood changes such as short-term rouleaux (blood ‘clumping’), and long-term reduced hemoglobin (in severe COVID-19 cases); oxidative stress and injury in tissues and organs; immune system disruption, including suppression of T-lymphocytes and elevated inflammatory biomarkers; increased intracellular calcium, which facilitates virus entry and replication; and arrhythmias (heart beat irregularities),” reported LifeSiteNews. Wireless radiation exposure reduces levels of “master antioxidant” glutathione One particularly disturbing finding in Rubik and Brown’s study is the observable decrease in glutathione, the body’s “master antioxidant,” upon exposure to 5G and really all wireless radiation. At least two other studies have found that WCR exposure correlates to greatly diminished glutathione levels, the symptoms of which just so happen to match those of the Fauci Flu. Rubik and Brown made specific notes in their paper about how “the finding of low glutathione levels” in Chinese Virus patients “further supports oxidative stress as a component” of covid infection. WCR is already widely recognized as a “physiological stressor” that causes detrimental health effects ranging from increased cancer risk and DNA damage to learning and memory problems. […] Ethan Huff, NaturalNews.com More news about the health effects of 5G at: 5Galert.com. * (NCBI): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ [PUBLIC SERVICE EXTRACT] From John Shadbolt ♣ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Boom!!! Gibraltar Proves That We Were Right And They Were WRONG... In Other Words: You’ve Been Had! Video Link rec’d from: Steve Clarke, Haliburton, Ont. with his intro (below) [clarke_404@hotmail.com]

The Houndog YouTube.com Channel: LINK: https://tinyurl.com/YT-houndog

I am now fully retired. I sold my house this year and I am now managing/house sitting a 50-acre Spiritual Retreat. I feel very lucky to suddenly be financially free and clear and living Off Grid with my dog in the Beautiful Haliburton Highlands. Very rural... and private. We are starting local Emergency Preparedness Groups to cope with anticipated service interruptions going forward and possible food security issues. This may be a difficult Winter.

Houndog Steve, 22.7K subscribers Thank you so much to all my subscribers. I started this Channel to start a conversation about things that effect all of us. Why? ... Because it effects all of us. We all have differences, which is Great, but it is the rules of Society that allow those differences to flourish. Things like Freedom to speak about important issues even if we disagree on what those issues are or how we solve them. That Foundational Right is at the core of building the kind of Society we all want to see. The antidote to bad ideas is more ideas!

Anyway I`m in good spirits and anticipating that this narrative will seriously fall apart over the next 4-6 months (see article/link right: my YouTube channel) We have a great opportunity here to change the way we go forward. About 20% of the Pop will not get vaxxed... that is a serious number of non-compliants! It’s also why the Gov. suddenly announced something like a 2/3’s exemption because critical staff were about to walk out! This is the time to set up groups of change... now that people see more clearly where all this is going.

Gilbraltar cancels Christmas despite 100% vaxxed population https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNR35sczwiQ – 12 min. VIDEO: Gibraltar is 100% Vaxxed, yet is cancelling Christmas to stop the surge of new cases..... Give me a break!... Am I the only one who is questioning the strategies put forth by the Powers that shouldn’t be? ♣


Mike Nickerson: Living on Earth as if we want to stay From Mike Nickerson, Lanark ON, Sustain5@web.ca

“The non-profit and voluntary effort is the natural immune system of society.” – Mike The things we do with life – learning, love and laughter, appreciation, sport, music, and the like – require only our attention. They are fun and they are uplifting. They increase our satisfaction, our spirits, and our health. And they leave few marks on the Earth. In the video – of a zoom presentation discussing sustainability [at https://tinyurl.com/v27zbb5c, 1hr 22m] – Mike Nickerson presents biological partnerships and economic alternatives that offer a fresh approach to living. Mike tells stories about different styles of mutual provision (economic systems), about perpetual biological cycles and about what it means to be a good person. Mike offers a portal through which to glimpse a sense of something else – a direction in which to aspire. Today, we are deeply immersed in stories about earning and spending as much as possible and it is hard to see past the vast array of industrial products and images that enchant our consciousness. As the world prepared for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), most of the 10 dialogue

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possibilities being discussed were technical adaptations aimed at continuing the system that brought us to our present crisis, including the continued use of vast quantities of energy. While governments have a role to bring legal structures into balance with the limitations of the Earth, individuals need a sense of direction in which to move when circumstances of climate, conflict and inequality get us down. In a sustainable world, good people live lightly and gather as much fulfillment as they can from living. They manage the Earth in the interest of future generations. To this end, consider “More Fun, Less Stuff.” Take a look at the above link. If there are questions or conversations to be had, let's organize a live Zoom and take on the topic “in person.” It may be a long time before the main stream promotes anything besides a re-tooled convention. It is up to us to grasp and share the possibilities of a truly sustainable future. Let’s go for it! – Mike N. [Author of Life, Money and Illusion: Living on Earth as if we want to stay, 2009] 7th Generation Initiative / Sustainability Project http://www.SustainWellBeing.net / sustain5@web.ca

If you would like to be added to Mike’s list, send a note to: sustain5@web.ca ♣ Print Edition


From COP26 to COVID19: Two Sides of the Same Lie A Stiftung Corona Ausschuss presentation Matthew Ehret, Montreal, 31 Oct. 2021 VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8p2JF1xX_0

Too few among today's citizens have come to the realization that the very same tactics used to spread fear of global warming and the demonization of CO2 as the causal agency for climate change, is identical in principle to those techniques used to spread hysteria over a new pandemic. In both cases, the same sleight of hand was deployed by the same imperial interests designed to persuade humanity that our survival is threatened by a non-existent danger, while our salvation is found in a poison.

In this presentation, delivered to the 76th Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, Canadian Patriot Review's Matthew Ehret lays out the fallacy of statistical thinking, the fraud of computer models, manipulated data sets and false consensuses used to get seemingly educated people to turn off their own powers of thinking. Not only is the history of the Anglo American promotion of eugenics (pre and post WWII) featured in this lecture, but it also sheds light on the causes of today's manufactured energy crisis, the ugly agenda behind the Great Reset and also debunk the belief that CO2 has any causal connection to climate change. The full event in English can be found here: https://t.me/s/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/184 Supplementary Reading material: 1) https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/from-cop26-tocovid19-the-fallacy 2) https://canadianpatriot.org/2021/08/11/in-defense-ofco2-astro-climatology-climategate-and-common-senserevisited/ Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. ♣


With Freedom Comes Responsibility Katie Weston, Newmarket ON

In March of 2020 the world changed forever and, like everyone else, I was living in a state of fear, confusion and disbelief as a pandemic was announced. Today I possess a completely different inner state, because I have realized that I am sovereign, free and responsible. Let me share the essence of my story and what I have learned. Perhaps you will catch the spark. In early April 2020, it was my daughter’s eighteenth birthday and she came to visit and open the time capsule we had saved since sealing it on her first birthday. It was a much anticipated day, and a very special celebration. We decided to meet at a local park. Just a few minutes after finding a spot under a tree, we were approached by a man and a woman in uniform. “Hello there, we are here notifying people about the state of emergency and the new bylaws in place.” “Oh?” “This is a public park and in order to keep everyone safe we need to ensure the bylaws are followed. www.dialogue.ca

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“Visitors to the park are not permitted to sit down or stand in the grassy areas. It’s fine to be on the path, but you must be in motion.” they ordered. I replied, “Wow, that’s pretty drastic!” “Yes, and there is a $600 fine for people who disobey, so please get up and feel free to use the path.” I was completely baffled and asked them for some more time, mentioning it was a birthday celebration and we wanted time to open the gifts. They replied, “Well OK, we’ll give you twenty minutes, but then you’ll have to get up and move along.” I thanked them for their lenience and they moved to the other side of the field, looking occasionally at their watches. Twenty minutes later they came back with ticket very tense event: not at all the celebration we wanted or expected... …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Katie Weston, With Freedom comes Responsibility, contd.

This single event spurred a mountain of learning and awareness on my part – about the law, authority, my identity and the amount of fear and control in society. I had a burning desire to understand what was happening in the world, and like everyone, I read articles and watched videos. I quickly realized that my desire to understand went a lot deeper than most, though. I wanted to know how a man in a uniform could tell me to get up and start walking, and how a website or a sign could require me to stay home or wear a mask. My questions and comments on social media were not generally welcome and so I exited the major platforms by summer. I then started a blog to write about my discoveries and post some of my favourite music and quotes, too: Facebook withdrawal was real! In the vacuum left by the absence of posting and liking and commenting, I got busy nurturing real friendships. I also accessed the websites where experts were speaking out – ones who, curiously, were being censored by mainstream media. What did they have to say that was so dangerous? I had to hear the information for myself and make my own mind up about what felt true. (In school, I learned about book burning and communist state control of the media but never imagined that I would be affected by censorship in my lifetime!) And so I became much clearer about what was likely going on and slowly found my place in the big picture. I refused to practise “social distancing” (humans need physical contact) or wear a face mask while healthy (oxygen deprivation causes health problems and reduces brain function); some of my friends were offended by my choices and exited my life. Sadly, some family members called me a conspiracy theorist and would only visit me outdoors, keeping their distance. That really stung; it was painful to be prohibited from hugging the ones I love, out of fear. I know now that a majority of young adults especially, experience great internal dissonance, where they believe ‘love equals restriction.’ Love never feels bad, of course – in fact it feels good and must be expressed through care, vulnerability, emotions, tenderness and fun. The absence of love is expressed through fear, judgment and control. The words of St. John of the Cross resound in the chambers of my heart:

“Where there is no love, put love. And then you will find love.” 12 dialogue

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Before being able to love others, I had to learn to love myself, and this is a continuous activity. One of the most loving things I have done is to give up my judgment of others’ beliefs and choices and choose to love, no matter what, even people I don’t particularly like. Loving myself also means having strong boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others. Also I spend time connecting to Nature, eating healthy foods and taking time to rest. This is a fairly radical shift for me. All my life I’ve felt a bit like a slave. I resented having to do work I didn’t enjoy to cover my expenses and pay the mortgage. And there were so many expectations of me, like enrolling my children in the public education system, when I really wanted to home school them; and paying taxes which supported programs I didn’t believe in. I felt trapped. I know now, that I was a slave to social pressure and modern society and I had unknowingly given away authority over my life and my children’s lives as well. I did the best I could with what I had, which is what all mothers do. Fast forward to the fall of 2020, when the Government of Ontario instituted a complete lock down, in which very few businesses were legally able to stay open. The places that were open enforced strict requirements for mask-wearing; and I started taking some online classes being offered by the leaders in the freedom movement in UK. For the first time, I learned about the difference between legal and lawful. It totally blew my mind. Question: Would I have to pay a $600 ticket because I didn’t get up and walk when the bylaw officer told me to? Answer: Yes, but only if I believed I had broken the law and given away my authority to the man who issued me the ticket, thereby playing his game. As responsible citizens, don’t we all have a duty to obey the law? That’s what I used to think, until I became aware that a massive trick has been played on us; and most people have no clue about what Law really means. To illustrate, I’ll use the example of the popular board game, Monopoly. Imagine you are playing Monopoly with your friends. Your little token on the board moves around collecting money and buying buildings and you try to win by owning the most real estate. It’s all a bit of Print Edition


fun and you are laughing with your friends. You land in jail by a roll of the dice and wait for your turn to pick up a card and hopefully get out. Image that when you turn over a card, it tells you to cut off your thumb... Do you do it? Of course not, because doing that would cause you harm! Naturally, you’ll either tell the other players that was a good joke and you’re going to choose a different card. Or you’ll walk away from the game – no harm, no foul. This example may sound a bit macabre and ludicrous, yet it’s a fairly accurate illustration of what’s happening, now in real life! As employees, as tax payers, parents, licensed drivers and more, we have been somewhat happily playing along, moving our tokens from square to square, receiving the benefits and privileges our tokens afford us. The “employee” token gets us pay, the “tax payer” token gets us healthcare, education, garbage collection and national defence, and the “licensed driver” token gives us and all other “licensed drivers” the ability to buy insurance and benefit from policing of speed limits. There are, in fact, hundreds of tokens or “titles” under our control as human beings. Beware though: for this game is one that we have neither opted in, nor do we have any option to stop playing (without some very harsh penalties). In fact, it’s not even a game. What is another word for a lifestyle not of your choosing, from which you have no chance of escaping? I call it slavery, but you can decide for yourself. The stakes of our slavery game have recently been raised and many are waking up to the reality that our titles are being used against us as weapons now, and there is a claim on our property: not just the fake money and property on the game board but our actual property, including our livelihood, our bodily autonomy and even our children’s bodies and minds. As I write this, the so-called authorities require that we enter stores wearing a face mask and sometimes pass a medical screening. Incredibly, we may not attend a concert or even work in our jobs without a showing a vaccine passport! Is this freedom? Only you can answer that. Check in with your heart and find the answer there. A seeming majority of people on the planet have no problem at all wearing a face mask, taking a pharmaceutical substance into their bloodstream, or pressuring their employees, customers, friends and www.dialogue.ca

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family to comply with the government mandates. There are many, though, who believe these activities are harmful – even more so than the threat of a socalled virus. Many of us have been raising the subject of human rights and freedom because we smell something foul. A year ago, would you have believed that employers in Canada would be requiring staff to disclose their medical records as a condition of employment? I could imagine this happening in a poor nation where corruption is rampant, but never in my Canada, “glorious and free”... yet here we are. And the average citizen is totally blind to the usurping of rights and freedoms that is taking place around the world, in every town and family. We are being ripped apart by a force nobody really understands. Thousands of Canadians, who were proud of their “strong and free” country, are prohibited from air travel and weddings; and their children are being barred from sports teams. Some people are even losing their jobs – and all this because they can’t tell the difference between themselves and their token or “title.” It’s an ingenious trick that’s been played on humanity. I won’t get into a history lesson about the Magna Carta, the Great Plague, or give a dissertation on how your birth certificate is connected to your straw man, or even the real danger of your smart phone. All we need to know is what, 200 years ago, the average 12year old knew: the Law for Mankind. (There have been other names used for something similar to this very pure term, such as Common Law and Natural Law, which I’m not using because there have been some differing ideas attached to them.) The Law for Mankind is natural, and simple. Keep your oaths. Do not harm your fellow man. Do not steal or murder or commit perjury. Breaking the Law is a trespass: a scar on your soul. The highest wrong that one of mankind can do to another. All trespasses may be forgiven, even if not forgotten. And this is not biblical, it’s just Nature. Most of us live with a great deal of inner controversy that stirs up anger and addictions to numb the pain, because our minds tell us something different than our hearts. When there’s conflict, remember this: If it feels wrong and looks right, it’s wrong; If it feels right and looks wrong, it’s right. …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Katie Weston, With Freedom comes Responsibility, contd.

Our bodies tell us all we need to know, because we are part of Nature: we don’t actually need any “authorities” to tell us what to do, but we have become so disconnected from our inner source and spark of infinity, that we seek out and even crave instruction. This is just the slave portion of ourselves though, the part that has no faith in his own wisdom, and doesn’t know his identity. We have all been so heavily programmed by society and its institutions that we can no longer tell what’s real and what’s not, and we experience depression and illness because of that. As the frequency of the Earth rises and institutions crumble, now is the time to intentionally tune in to our inner knowing and tune out the messages propagated by the media on behalf of corporations, government and religion because who knows what’s true, or whom to believe? This is important because we were born free, and slavery is not right. And we’ve become so heavily laced in to the slavery game that we don’t have a clue how to stop playing, even though it may be causing us harm. Any time we believe an external authority without also checking inside, we stay enslaved: we imprison ourselves out of not knowing how to trust our inner heart wisdom. Let me attempt to distill the approach I am following: as I mentioned previously, there is a big difference between legal and lawful. I’ve already explained the Law for Mankind and it’s very simple. Keep in mind that Law only applies to living, breathing humans (the ones moving token(s) around the board, who can choose to play the game or not, as you’ll soon see, is possible in real life). Legal is just the game rules, and its Acts, Codes, Statutes only apply to the tokens – not the players themselves unless they choose to play. Here’s the linchpin – legal is assumed and Law is expressed. A quick illustration: Imagine you are told that it’s the law to crawl on all fours every Friday because the Get Down Friday Act has been passed by Parliament. If you comply, then you have just expressed your decision to accept that as your law by doing what you were told! You obeyed without thinking for yourself, whether it felt right or not, just wanting to be a good citizen through compliance. If you do not want to crawl on a Friday, or you know that crawling would harm your knees, you can simply 14 dialogue

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walk. In doing that, you are expressing your law and therefore you are not subject to the Get Down Friday Act. It is not law for you because you don’t consent and it does not harm any other man, is not stealing, perjury or murder, so there is no problem. If others who are crawling look at you and complain that they shouldn’t have to crawl when you walk, then that is not your problem either. They can choose to educate themselves about the Law and you can even help point them in the right direction. What should you do if a policeman comes up to you and issues you a ticket for not “getting down”? That’s simple too, but beyond the scope of this article. It’s important to know the function of public servants and to understand the oaths they have taken, and become confident that you are not breaking any Law, because an Act only becomes Law with the consent of the governed. It’s a big paradigm shift to realize that Acts, Codes, Mandates and Policies are just suggestions, offers, cards on the game board. Your token can accept or reject these as law as long as there is no harm being done and you wish to reap the benefits and privileges of that offer. There is a small and mighty group of me and women who call themselves ‘sovereign’ because they know the difference between lawful and legal. They are standing in honour, removing controversy, making remedy and forgiving trespasses whenever they occur, “standing on guard for me and thee”. Sovereignty is a powerful freedom; it’s exciting and it comes with a great deal of responsibility as well. As a sovereign, I know that a bylaw officer is just a man acting as a bylaw officer and it’s my responsibility to uphold my rights and express my law firmly and with kindness, if I sense there is a wrong being done to me. I know that the only authority he has over me, is that which I give to him by following his orders. I am the sole authority of my life and I live by my law. I am living honourably, not harming others, and offering a hand up to those who wish to resolve their inner conflict, as others have done for me. With freedom comes responsibility. Katie Weston, Newmarket, Ontario www.katieweston.ca ♣

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Rick Nicholls, Member of the Provincial Parliament of Ontario [Independent, since Sep. 2021] Chatham-Kent-Leamington riding. DEC. 1, 2021: IN THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT: Rick Nicholls, MPP, Chatham-Kent-Leamington: “Make the pharmaceutical companies liable NOW! Do not extend the Emergency Orders.” Frederick R. Nicholls, MPP, is a Canadian provincial politician. He has sat in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario since 2011 and presently represents the riding of Chatham-Kent-Leamington. Nicholls was originally a member of the Progressive Conservative Party – and Deputy Speaker and Chair of the representing his riding. He continues to speak his Whole House – before he mind about the critical issues of Emergency Orders, was removed in SeptemVaccine Mandates, the removal of Pharmaceutical ber 2021, due to his oppocompany liability for damages, etc. in the Ontario legsition to vaccine mandates. islature, despite efforts to bar his presence. WEBSITE: https://ricknichollsmpp.ca/ He now sits as an Article submitted by John Shadbolt, Ont. ♣ Independent Member **************************************************************

Randy Hillier: pro-freedom, anti-mandate MPP announces run in 2022 for Ontario Premier under new People’s Party

MPP Randy Hillier is ready to lead a 'war' against 'the enemy of big pharma, big corporate interests that are profiteering through these 20 months' as well as 'big government' and public health. PHOTO: Ontario MPP Randy Hillier addresses crowd at 'No More Lockdown' rally at Queen's Park, Toronto, November 26, 2020. Lianne Laurence / LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch, Nov 9, 2021 TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) – A leading Ontario politician known for speaking out against COVID jabs and mandates announced that he will run for Premier in the 2022 election under the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) banner. www.dialogue.ca

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“The purple wave is coming to Ontario … so come and join us, we want to fight for freedom for justice, for democracy, for fairness. We have to fight this everywhere. But this is a cultural war and how we win cultural wars is also at the ballot box,” independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier said at a rally on Sunday. “So join with me, sign up the Ontario First Party paperwork, PPC Ontario, and the purple wave is here, it will be on the ballot box, and I’ll be leading them for the June election in 2022.” Hillier, who has been an MPP since 2007, has been a fierce opponent to mask and COVID-19 jab mandates, having spoken at many anti-lockdown and pro-freedom rallies for well over a year. After being tossed from the Ontario Progressive Conservative (PC) by Premier Doug Ford in 2019, Hillier has sat as an independent for the riding of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. On Sunday, Hillier said that the people are in a “war” against “the enemy of big pharma, big corporate interests that are profiteering through these 20 months” as well as “big government” and public health. “To win this battle, it only takes one thing, and for all of us, to be …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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honest, all of us to have this courage, the conviction, to speak truthfully and honestly, we’re going to fight this politically as well,” Hillier said. “We’re are doing this for sons, our daughters, our grandsons, our granddaughters. Let’s do it and make sure that they have just as much freedom as when I was when I was that little boy back in elementary school. And let’s have a culture that reflects our faith, our freedom, and our family. Thank you very much.” Hillier is not the only independent Ontario MPP who will be running in the 2022 provincial election under a new party. Cambridge MPP Belinda Karahalios, who was ousted from Ford’s PC party for voting against extending lockdowns, started a new conservative Ontario party with her husband Jim called “The New Blue Party of Ontario.” The New Blue Party of Ontario will be a “true blue” party with “blue values,” the couple said. The [Federal] PPC was founded in 2018 by former federal Conservative Party of Canada MP Maxime Bernier.

In 2017, Bernier narrowly lost to Andrew Scheer in a race to become the CPC party leader. Since founding the PPC, Bernier has been an outspoken advocate for Canadians constitutional freedoms, especially soon after COVID lockdowns gripped Canada in the spring of 2020. Bernier offered hope to Canadians weighed down by draconian COVID rules, saying the “future is ours” because “freedom” will win in the end. In the fall 2021 federal election, Bernier ran a campaign on freedom, fighting against vaccine passports, mandates, and masks as well as government overreach. He was the only party leader to do so. While not winning any seats, the PPC managed to almost quadruple their total vote tally and took home around 5 percent of the popular vote overall. […] READ IN FULL AT:

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-freedom-anti-covidjab-mandate-politician-announces-he-will-run-for-premierin-ontario/ REPRINTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE. ♣


The Free North Declaration – A call to defend civil liberties in this country COVID has cost Canadians their freedom. It must be restored – Bruce Pardy Lawyers launch the Free North Declaration – a call to defend civil liberties in this country [RECOMMENDED BY GLADYS FREER, ON]

Author of the article: Bruce Pardy, Special to National Post. REPRINTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/bruce-pardy-covid-hascost-canadians-their-freedom-it-must-be-restored

Bruce Pardy, professor of law, Queen’s University, Kingston ON

Many years ago, as a new law student, I had a moment of disbelief. “Surely it doesn’t really work this way,” I thought to myself as I sat in an early class. The law, I discovered, is not a set of immutable rules, predictable and secure. Instead, it is rife with ambiguity, riddled with uncertainty, and subject to the whims, temperaments and follies of human beings who make and apply it. And yet, as I also came to realize, it has often worked well. The Western legal tradition, upon which the Canadian system is based, has protected individual autonomy better than any other legal system in history. The problem is that for decades that tradition, and the culture from whence it came, have slowly been eroding. And now, during COVID, when 16 dialogue

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the law has let us down, there is a tide in the affairs of Canadians. Late last week, three colleagues and I launched the Free North Declaration , a call to defend civil liberties in this country, which lawyers and members of the public are invited to endorse. So far more than 6,000 have done so, including over 100 lawyers. The declaration outlines the ways in which legal authorities — legislatures, governments, public health officials, professional regulators, administrative bodies and public institutions — have restricted Canadians’ liberties during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have done so shrewdly, to attempt to remain inside the strict letter of the law and to avoid triggering protections in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Over the past year and a half, legal challenges to lockdowns and quarantines have mostly failed in the courts, whose decisions have largely embraced governments’ COVID narratives. Canada was in trouble as soon as COVID hit. “Crises are an ideal time for the state to advance into territory from which it will not wish to retreat,” I wrote in the Financial Post in April 2020. “In this new era, we will discover that leaders of all Print Edition


political stripes have more than a little Lenin in them.” It is 20 months since “two weeks to flatten the curve,” and Canadians’ liberties are under siege like never before. Canadians’ liberties are under siege like never before It may not seem that way if you are double-vaccinated and going to restaurants and concerts again, but keeping your hall pass will require booster shots on schedule. The caring arms of the pharmaceutical industry and public health are now reaching out to protect kids from nonexistent risk. The purpose of vaccine passports, authorities have acknowledged, is not to control spread of the virus, which vaccinated and unvaccinated both can do, but to pressure people to get jabbed. How much and for how long vaccines reduce the risk of infection are in dispute. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has no record of any unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from it. Masking persists everywhere, along with the idea upon which this tragedy began: Governments must keep us safe from viruses and the vicissitudes of life. The panic-demic did not start the fraying of the Western legal tradition, which has been underway for decades. In 1975, Prof. Harold Berman lamented that the idea that law transcends politics and is distinct from the state — a feature of that tradition — had “yielded to the view that law is at all times basically an instrument of the state, a means of effecting the will of those who exercise political authority.” The instrumentalist, managerial state runs on the arrogance of experts, who believe that ordinary people cannot make their way in the world without direction from them. As Friedrich Hayek wrote, “there could hardly be a more unbearable — and more irrational — world than one in which the most eminent specialists in each field were allowed to proceed unchecked with the realization of their ideals.” But experts now have

control, and they do not plan to give it up. No longer does the individual have the right to act without regard for “public good.” Instead, authorities will return the freedom to make your own choices only when it is safe to do so. While we were sleeping, the individual became subordinate to the collective. People are apt to believe that the law will save them when things go bad, but simply taking cases to court won’t fix this. The law is subject to cultural tides and currents, and when the culture goes askew, the law will provide little refuge. Alone, the Free North Declaration will change nothing. It will not influence omnipotent moral busybodies exercising tyranny for the good of its victims, as C.S. Lewis put it. Nor will it move people comfortable with giving up responsibility for their own decisions. Instead, the declaration is for those who see that something is not right in this country, and who need to know that others see it, too — and that there are still lawyers who will stand up for their freedoms. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote, let each of us make a choice: “Whether consciously, to remain a servant of falsehood — of course, it is not out of inclination, but to feed one’s family, that one raises his children in the spirit of lies — or to shrug off the lies and become an honest man worthy of respect … And he who is not sufficiently courageous even to defend his soul — don’t let him be proud of his “progressive” views, don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a merited figure, or a general — let him say to himself: I am in the herd, and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and warm.” When the tide comes, we must take the current or lose the country. Please join us in the voyage of our lives. Bruce Pardy is the executive director of Rights Probe and a professor of law at Queen’s University. Twitter @PardyBruce Shared from The National Post, as a public service ♣


The Free North Declaration - https://www.freenorthdeclaration.ca We are Canadian lawyers. In our country, civil liberties are under unprecedented attack. Governments, public health authorities, universities, public and private employers, municipalities, and businesses are trampling Canadians’ rights and freedoms. Our free society is at risk. www.dialogue.ca

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COVID rules restrict citizens’ abilities to work, shop,

travel and socialize. They erode civil liberties strategically, attempting to not run afoul of the law or to trigger protections in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms such as liberty and security of the person, the freedoms of association, assembly, expression, …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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conscience, religion, and mobility rights. Where COVID rules appear to have violated the Charter, courts have deferred to the state to take whatever measures it deems necessary, whether demonstrably justifiable or not. Legislatures have passed statutes that delegate broad discretionary powers to unelected public health officials, who then create draconian legal restrictions by fiat, without public scrutiny or open debate. These directives give private and public employers cover to suspend and dismiss workers who insist on their right to decide their own medical treatments. In our system of law, no principle is more important than the right to control your own body and to make your own medical and health decisions. An anxious populace, swept up in a deliberate campaign of fear, now believes that individual liberties upon which our liberal democracy is founded are dangerous and selfish. A growing collectivism that demands safety at the expense of autonomy shapes public policy. Courts have embraced the pandemic narrative, some taking judicial notice of the nature of risks of the virus and safety of vaccines to adults and children. But the facts are anything but settled. Courts are supposed to be neutral. On COVID, as on any other contentious subject, their mandate is to find facts exclusively upon the evidence adduced by the parties in the courtroom. Instead, courts appear to have taken a side on COVID. Access to justice and the rule of law are now at risk. Unvaccinated persons are banned from juries, throwing into question the ability of all to obtain a fair trial heard by a jury of their peers. Irrational policies born of panic affect no one more than disadvantaged communities who already suffer from lack of access to justice. The right to privacy and control of personal medical information has been abandoned. Disclosure of vaccination status is becoming a requirement for working, travelling, entering public and private establishments, crossing the border, and sometimes medical treatment. Those who cannot or will not disclose face aggressive social disapprobation. Vaccine passports create the infrastructure for a global digital surveillance system. Institutions that last year were prohibited from collecting individual medical history 18 dialogue

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now demand it as a condition of employment or admission. University and college students are being denied their education for refusing to disclose their own medical choices. Medical regulators have become dictatorial. They have warned doctors not to express medical opinions that might conflict with official COVID policies, effectively censoring them, and directed them not to certify grounds for medical exemptions from vaccination requirements, rupturing the physician-patient relationship and breaching the principle that only a practitioner who has examined a patient is equipped to give a diagnosis. Human rights commissions, which until recently championed expansive interpretations of human rights, have issued edicts narrowing grounds for accommodations. COVID rules are inconsistent and irrational. Authorities enforce them selectively and preferentially, coming down hard on common people while turning a blind eye to the privileged. COVID vaccines do not prevent people from becoming infected or from transmitting the virus to others, but only unvaccinated persons are banned or required to undergo testing. People who have recovered from COVID and therefore have natural immunity are still subject to vaccination mandates even though the purpose of vaccination is to mimic natural immunity. Governments, public health authorities and employers advise that COVID vaccinations are safe, but pharmaceutical companies have been granted immunity from liability and no employers will accept legal responsibility for side-effects or adverse events, whether minor or serious, suffered by their employees who take a vaccine that they do not want. The risks posed by COVID vaccines may be in dispute, but they are not zero. Particularly for children and healthy young adults, they may be riskier than the virus. We fear the erosion of our free society. We question the single-minded fixation on a virus that poses little risk to most people. We protest the uncalculated harms that COVID policies are causing to people’s health, livelihoods, relationships, and mental states. We oppose the mass hysteria and anxiety that governments and the media are fuelling. Most of all, we Print Edition


object to the deterioration of our civil liberties and the failure of our legal institutions — legislatures, governments, administrative bodies, and courts — to protect them. We are appalled by what is happening in our country. We call for the immediate end of vaccine passports and mandates. We propose a public inquiry into the

handling of all aspects of the declared pandemic. Canadians should have control of their own lives and have the right to make their own decisions about their health, medical treatments, personal information, travels, and associations. Canada is supposed to be a free country governed by the rule of law. Restore it now or risk losing it for good.

Original signatories: Bruce Pardy, LLB, LLM Lisa Bildy, JD, BA W. Christopher Nunn, BA (Hons), LLB Stephen J.W. Penney, JD, MA To inspect the full list of lawyer signatories, or to sign the Declaration,

Visit: https://www.freenorthdeclaration.ca CITIZEN SIGNATORIES TO 13 DEC.: 54,235 LAWYER SIGNATORIES TO 13 DEC.: 455 LINK TO THE ARTICLE:

https://nationalpost.com/opinion/bruce-pardy-covid-hascost-canadians-their-freedom-it-must-be-restored ♣

Above article recommended by: Gladys Freer, Ontario, with her note: Here is the article… that was published in the National Post on November 20th, 2021, which you will find very interesting. At the bottom of the article is a button to click to sign, endorsing the declaration. I have saved the article onto a Word document and stored it on a USB stick for myself and will print it out to keep it handy to re-read. I have made a copy and attached it to this email and cut out all the ads for easier reading, but, you can also check the National Post article itself. – Gladys Freer ♣


Lawyers Stand Up: Website: https://lawyersstandup.ca

Our Declaration of Principle 1. We are a collective of vaccinated and unvaccinated lawyers who, in the spirit of respectful civility, devoid of political partisanship, and regardless of immutable characteristics, stand together in respectful opposition to forced and coerced vaccination legislation, regulation, and policies including the use of commercial COVID-19 vaccine passports and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements for employees in Ontario and across Canada. 2. The effect of these laws and policies serve to create a segregation in the participation of society on the basis of a forced or coerced medical treatment and will unquestionably contribute to systemic societal denials of human dignity, individual autonomy over bodily integrity, freedom of conscience, mobility, creed, and the right to be treated equally before and under the law in the absence of discrimination – all of which are guarded under Human Rights Codes, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 3. We acknowledge no right or freedom in Canada is absolute, however the Supreme Court of Canada has www.dialogue.ca

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affirmed time and time again that any such legislative infringement upon a Charter right or freedom “should impair ‘as little as possible’ the right or freedom in question” (R. v. Oakes, [1986] 1 SCR 103 (SCC), at para. 70 citing, R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd., [1985] 1 SCR 295 (SCC), at p. 352). 4. This is clearly articulated in section 1 of our Charter which guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it are subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. 5. The onus to justify any such limitation rests upon the government that seeks to uphold the limitation (Hunter v. Southam Inc. [1984] 2 S.C.R. 145 (SCC); R. v. Oakes, [1986] 1 SCR 103 (SCC), at para. 66). 6. There is another way forward marked by true tolerance, informed consent, inclusivity, individual conscience, and the ability for individuals to exercise private autonomous choice free of reprisal, all of …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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which lie at the heart of our rich democratic political tradition. 7. We need to revive and awaken true freedom of speech, inquisitiveness, and the cultivation of dissent which is core to both our adversarial legal system and the scientific method. The pernicious development of paternalistic censorship in Ontario and Canada that seeks to silence, punish, and defame professionals for their opinions and research must stop. 8. As lawyers we publicly bring forth these concerns in good faith, motivated by our duty to carry on the practice of law with honour and integrity in relation to the public and are respectfully calling for immediate legal reform or a referral of these laws, regulations, and policies to the Ontario Court of Appeal for judicial scrutiny concerning their constitutional validity or invalidity under section 8 of the Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c C.43. 9. I adopt this statement in my individual capacity absent any broader affiliation or specific partnership with any other signatory to this statement.

What We Believe We believe in the rule of law, and that every decision made by our elected representatives needs to start and end with ultimate compliance to our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We are asking every elected representative to take a principled stance for the people of their communities by supporting the referral of all COVID-19 measures and workplace policies to their Court of Appeal by way of the Reference procedure to determine if they are contrary to the law and, in particular, our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Prime Minister of Canada can also use a Reference procedure to have a determination of the constitutional validity of federal COVID-19 measures by the Supreme Court of Canada. We are your neighbours, we are members of your community, and we are lawyers. We are asking our fellow lawyers and all Canadians to stand with us by signing your name (on our website): at LINK : https://lawyersstandup.ca/


From LawersStandUp.ca: What is the Peckford Recommendation? ARTICLE RECOMMENDED BY SUSANNE LAWSON.

We are very fortunate to have one of the original creators of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms with whom we can consult regarding important issues that are coming to the forefront of our culture in these unprecedented times. We were privileged to be able to meet with The Honourable Mr. Brian Peckford to discuss many issues affecting our society today, and to hear his views. He is recommending that the Premiers each seek a Reference to the highest Court in their province, as they have the power to do, to determine whether their COVID-19 measures are constitutionally valid. He is recommending that the Prime Minister also have a determination made by the Supreme Court of Canada as to whether federal COVID-19 measures are constitutional. This is what is referred to as The Peckford Recommendation. He will be updating us as he receives responses from each Premier in Canada, and we will post this information for fellow Canadians in future. You can help us by contacting your elected representatives to also find out where they stand, and by sharing this website with our fellow Canadians. 20 dialogue

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In the meantime, it is helpful to review the videos at the link below regarding The Peckford Recommendation and the Reference procedure The Hon. Mr. Brian Peckford allowing the Premiers to obtain an expedited answer from their provincial Courts of Appeal to determine whether the COVID-19 measures are constitutional. We extend a sincere thank you to fellow lawyers and concerned citizens for your signature in support, and we have also been asked to extend a sincere thank you from The Honourable Mr. Brian Peckford. VIDEO: THE PECKFORD RECOMMENDATION LINK : https://lawyersstandup.ca/the-peckfordrecommendation/

Interview with The Hon. Brian Peckford From: Eva Lyman, evalyman@gmail.com LINK: https://rumble.com/vpno97-c3rf-in-hot-interview-withthe-honourable-brian-peckford.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2 C3RF "In Hot" interview with the Honourable Brian Peckford (56 min) ♣ Print Edition


Brian Peckford Speaks in Victoria BC, at 75th Anniversary of Nuremberg Doctor Trials: 9 Dec. 2021 – From PeoplesWorldWar.com Photos from Ralph Van Walleghem, Cedar BC From: https://peoplesworldwar.com/ [EXTRACT] We are gathering to honour the Nuremberg

Code’s 10 medical principles, and our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Former premier of Newfoundland, Brian Peckford, the only premier still alive today that helped to craft the charter document, will be one of the honoured speakers. A number of doctors have been invited, including Dr Daniel Nagase whose video from our previous October 1st in Vancouver at the art gallery went viral. (Please watch it you have not yet.) And also, Dr. Charles Hoffe, from Lytton, BC one of the first doctors who courageously came forward early on. And other notables will also speak. […] We demand that all Canadian governments honour our civil rights by obeying the law. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is Law. There will be four people reading in their mother tongue: the first Nuremberg Code principle in their

languages… Then a sunset ceremony will commence. From https://tinyurl.com/BP-victoria-9dec [The first Nuremberg Code principle is “informed, voluntary consent” prior to participation in medical experiments. Other principles are more ambiguous.]

People gathering in Victoria to honour the Nuremberg Code’s 10 medical principles.



MOUNTIES FOR FREEDOM – YOUR FREEDOM IS OUR FIGHT MISSION To serve and protect, we stand united against the forced and coerced medical intervention of Canadians and against the discrimination faced by those who have exercised their right to decide on their bodily autonomy. WHO WE ARE As dedicated Mounties, we all come from different ranks, levels of experience, cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, vaccination statuses and communities across the country. As police officers, we collect evidence in search of the truth. We do not support those who silence the truth, science, and evidence from world renowned experts. From the Website: https://www.mounties4freedom.com/ This website was formed from the collective thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of actively serving Canadian www.dialogue.ca

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police officers from across the country. We have a wealth of policing experience which includes, but is not limited to, General Duty, Federal Serious and Organized Crime, School Liaison, Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT), Uniformed Gang Enforcement Team, National Security Enforcement Team (Anti-Terrorism), Interview Team, Prime Minister Protection Detail, Emergency Response Team (ERT), Traffic, and Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU).

Together we are Mounties for Freedom. We do not claim to speak for any police agency, nor do we claim to speak for any particular membership. WHAT WE STAND FOR We believe in democracy and defending the principles under which our country was founded and operated, and we are committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of choice for every Canadian. We support the millions of Canadians who believe that all forced Covid mandates and Vaccine Passports are crimes against humanity. …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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doctors, front line workers and freedom of rights organizations. SEE ALL PARTNERS:

WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER Together we fight to defend our Charter Rights and Freedoms of choice, to ensure that we're all treated with the same respect, dignity and consideration without discrimination or segregation today, tomorrow and for all future generations. PARTNERS: Our strength in numbers is growing daily in partnerships with all first responders, nurses,


Together we stand united with one common goal – freedom of choice! SEE FULL OPEN LETTER TO THE RCMP COMMISSIONER IN THE ADDENDUM TO THIS WINTER DIGITAL EDITION, ON P.89 OR LINK TO THE LETTER ONLINE : https://mounties4freedom.ca/open-letter/ ♣


TONY HALL: CONNECTING THE DOTS… Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, BlackRock and COVID-19 Out of Africa on Black Friday: A Boost for Omicron Booster Shots? By Anthony James Hall

Boosting the Boosters On Black Friday, alarmist media commentaries on rising COVID “cases” converged with dire reports of falling prices on the New York Stock Exchange. The plunge was attributed to claims that a new COVID “variant” was emerging in Southern Africa. Building on this news, the televised talking heads covering stock markets were suddenly pressed into duty as number-rattling promoters of the latest stage in the ongoing COVID Reset. The large amount of ink and airtime devoted to explanations of the investment implications of the new African variant add more evidence to the contention that the COVID Reset is mostly about banking, finance and debt manipulation rather than health care. Crucial to the success of the emerging scheme to keep the COVID Reset in overdrive is the growing boosterism to promote booster injections. Boost the boosters seems to be the new advertising mantra of the vaccine obsessives. Injection manufacturers are already lining up sequences of booster shots being designed to meet misguided expectations that yet more rounds of injection will protect humans from the incursions of one variant after the next of COVID-19. It seems so-called COVID variants are now being presented to the public by Covid Officialdom as receptacles for bundles of mutations. Coronaviruses have long been deemed valuable for medical and military research because they evolve quickly through inevitable and rapid mutations. Patent lawyer David E. Martin has highlighted the commercial value of this fast-evolving category of viruses by pointing to at 22 dialogue

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least 4000 patents claiming monopoly rights to coronarelated products and procedures. [See this] For at least two decades, bioweapons and vaccine manufacturers have built up a thriving coronavirus industry which is now becoming a core feature of the ascendant pharmaceutical industry. As carefully detailed and documented in Robert F. Kennedy’s new blockbuster, The Real Anthony: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, the pharmaceutical industry also has close ties to the intelligence agencies and to Pentagon programs for “biodefense.” A fresh surge of fear mongering is being launched by the vast media apparatus channelling the pronouncements of Covid Officialdom. The new twist in the old false narrative comes once again from the operatives of the World Economic Forum who mostly take their orders from the Wall Street and Geneva Lords overseeing the manufactured COVID crisis. Geneva is the global headquarters of the WHO, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and of Bill Gates’ Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, GAVI. According to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, “GAVI is the new NATO.” Like NATO, GAVI sometimes governs governments. GAVI’s founder and primary moving force has been granted diplomatic immunity by the Swiss government. Indeed, it seems that Gates and his close partner, Anthony Fauci, also have immunity from the criminal laws of the United States. [See this.] Wall Street’s home stock exchange is being manipulated to keep the viral hysteria alive. One spinoff is to transform the latest iteration of the celebrity virus into a speculative platform for small investors. When COVID

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patients die, some stock speculators will benefit while others will lose in the zone where short and long bets compete for traction. The one constant in this gambling process is that those running the rigged stock market casinos always come out ahead. On November 26, “Black Friday,” the Dow Jones average lost almost 1000 points. The public was told a tall tale that this dramatic drop came about because a new and particularly “concerning” variant of the celebrity virus was poised to renew the spread of infection throughout the world. The stock market plunge was timed to coincide with a day known for conspicuous consumption on steroids. Market Watch hinted at the manipulation when it reported “Black Friday is Fertile Grounds for Scams.” Indeed, the sudden materialization of a new variant on Black Friday could well be part of a scam timed to coincide strategically with the run up to Christmas, 2021. Many large and small businesses depend on robust Christmas sales to survive economically. Apparently the economic survival of small business is no longer seen as beneficial in some elite circles. [See this.] Hours before Wall Street introduced the newest COVID hysteria on the New York Stock Exchange, the World Health Organization highlighted the new variant by giving it a simple name. That name is Omicron, a word that identifies the fifteenth letter in the Greek alphabet. Caught up in the initial burst of Omicron hysteria, the Prime Minister of Belgium proposed that the change in nomenclature should extend to christening the new variant as COVID-21. [See this.] Up until the eve of Black Friday, the new variant was named B.1.1.529. The former B.1.1.529 is said to emanate from the southern portion of the African continent. Generally speaking, Africa south of the Sahara is not a region where large sectors of the population have been snared into the frenzy of the media-generated COVID panic. Nor have most people been lured into the false apprehension that COVID injections represent some sort of “safe and effective” health panacea. [See this.] It is being reported by the media minions of Planet COVID that the Omicron variant has its origins in the region of Botswana and Johannesburg. On Black Friday there were many reports that the supposed COVID variant is spreading from throughout South Africa and to neighbouring countries. The initial rationale for pushing the panic button on Black Friday was that single cases said to be infected with the B.1.1.529 variant were identified in each of Hong Kong, Belgium and Tel Aviv. www.dialogue.ca

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What is never discussed in mainstream media is how the different variants are identified in a system of COVID “testing” that has yet to earn any points for honesty and reliability, let alone for scientific rigor. There is nothing in the current round of reports to suggest that anything has changed. The makers of the Omicron scare seem not to have transcended the appalling record of Covid Officialdom. The resort of the Team Covid to fraud and fakery has, from its inception, been an essential strategy in manufacturing the crisis in public health. Once again extravagant conclusions are announced without the provision of any supporting proofs. Once again, the COVID media minions are pointing their cameras at TV doctors whose ignorance and/or dishonesty is invariably well rewarded. For almost two years these TV doctors and the government health officials beside them have been integral agents in driving the hideous unfolding scandal. This scandal purposefully involves deceiving the public in many ways – to persuade or bully them into taking COVID jabs. The evidence is now incontrovertible that the clot shots are having lethal or horribly injurious effects on millions of jab recipients. The supposed discovery of individual cases of Omicron in Europe, the Orient and the Middle East was deemed to be sufficiently grave to shut down a number of international air connections. The news of many grounded flights led to a particularly precipitous fall in the stock prices of already-bankrupted airlines. Are plans underway to crash the airline industry even deeper into debt so that the remnants can be picked up by members of the multi-billionaires club for a few cents on the dollar? Against the advice of the WHO, the governments of UK, Canada, France, and Israel shut down flights to and from a long and growing list of counties mostly in the southern region of the African continent. Switzerland widened the net, imposing new quarantine requirements for air travellers coming in from Britain, the Czech Republic, Egypt, the Netherlands, and Malawi. Omicron is said to emanate from South Africa and also from Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Angola and Mozambique. Hence the plandemic is being reconfigured yet again to present Africa south of the Sahara as a major new source of novel infection. Are the plandemic’s planners and operatives playing the race card yet again, this time on a global scale? In announcing the transformed situation, the BBC pronounced from the lead bully pulpit of Covid Officialdom, “World Races to Contain Omicron.” [See this.] …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Reporting on a Possible New Plague Emanating from Africa On November 25 in the British journal Nature, Ewen Callaway introduced B.1.1.529 and the investigation of it in South Africa. He wrote, “Researchers in South Africa are racing to track the concerning rise of a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The variant harbours a large number of the mutations found in other variants, including Delta, and it seems to be spreading quickly across South Africa. “A top priority is to follow the variant more closely as it spreads: it was first identified in Botswana earlier this month and has since turned up in a traveller arriving in Hong Kong from South Africa. Scientists are also trying to understand the variant’s properties, such as whether it can evade immune responses triggered by vaccines and whether it causes more or less severe disease than other variants do.” [See this.] Many of the early reports in mainstream media emphasized the concentration of mutations in the notorious spike proteins of the Omicron variant. The effort to alter and manipulate spike proteins is a major facet of the coronavirus industry including in its bioweapons branch. For instance, at the end of January 2020, the University of New Delhi’s Kusuma School of Biological Sciences identified a genetically-engineered spike protein with HIV-related inserts – in what was then described in the scientific literature as 2019nCOV. [See this] The Kusuma School’s report was widely condemned at the time. This important pioneering study was dismissed because it was declared to be out-of-step with the nowdiscredited theory that the celebrity virus had its origins in a chance transfer of the viral pathogen from an animal to humans in a Wuhan wet market. [See this.] In 2021 much of the controversy swirling around the inadequately tested COVID jabs highlights the genetic inducements to produce proliferations of pathogenic spike proteins throughout the vascular systems of injection recipients. This pathogenic feature of the clot shots is causing some to see them as bioweapons instigating, for starters, heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, infertility and hemorrhaging. Most of the reports of Omicron emphasize that the South African variant hosts many mutations, most of them concentrated in spike proteins. Accordingly, NBC News may be laying the groundwork for many new panic-inducing stories to come when it cites the words of, for instance, Pasi Penttinen. Penttinen is the public health 24 dialogue

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emergency response manager at the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. He told reporters, “It looks like this particular [Omicron] variant has a very concerning set of mutations especially in the spike protein.” [See this.] On 27 November, the Daily Express reported, “South African scientist Tulio de Oliveira said, at a media briefing, the Omicron Variant contains a collection of 50 mutations. More than 30 of these, he emphasized, are in the spike protein that interacts with human cells upon entry [including through injection].” ABC’s News’ spin was introduced with the pronouncement that “Experts peg Omicron as the ‘worst variant that we have come across.’” As if to address the growing constituency of skeptics who well understand that Junk Science is regularly deployed to generate viral hysteria, the headline writers added, “Scientists say Omicron has 50 mutations. To put that into perspective, the highly transmissible Delta variant has 19.” [See: New Delta Virus Variant Escalates Lockdowns]

See the video of Anthony Fauci on CNN in a classic presentation of slippery deceptiveness disguised as science. The Omicron commentaries include a statement by Prof. Willem Hanekom. Prof. Hanekom is a compliant alumnus of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One of Prof. Hanekom’s custom-made titles just happens to announce he is “co-chair of the South African COVID Variant Research Consortium.” [See this.] This Gates-funded vaccine promoter declared, "The variant is mostly in Gauteng province, the Johannesburg area of South Africa. But we’ve got clues from diagnostic tests [please explain]… that suggest the variant is all over South Africa [scientific conclusion?]… This is a unique opportunity. There’s still time for people who did not get vaccinated to go and get the vaccine, and that will provide some protection, we believe, against this infection, especially protection against severe infection, severe disease and death,” he said. “So I would call on people to vaccinate if they can." [See this.] Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, BlackRock and COVID-19 It would be perfectly in character for the corrupt leadership of many Wall Street institutions to deploy the New York Stock Exchange as a launching pad for the Omicron variant scare. As chronicled by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, in their daily missives appearing in Wall Street on Parade, the Federal Reserve has blamed many financial woes for which it was responsible on the Covid-19 pandemic. Slowly, however, the credibility is breaking down of …/

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all those who justify their actions by dependence on the official COVID narrative. This narrative initially presented the rise of COVID-19 as the outcome of an act of God that could not have been predicted or planned for. Thankfully this fairy tale is now being more widely exposed as the misleading myth it is. This process of widened critical thinking is being helped by the startling revelations emerging from Robert F. Kennedy's magnum opus. [Book: The Real Anthony Fauci ] In May of 2020, the Federal Reserve reported it had entered the year “in a healthy financial condition.” This characterization covered over the fact that the Federal Reserve “for the second time in 12 years, had to engage in trillions of dollars in Wall Street bank bailouts after assuring Congress for years that the financial system was fine.” The Fed needed to adopt the narrative of the COVID pandemic as a random act of nature “in order to cover up its own negligent supervision of the behemoth banks.” [See this.] The May 2020 article in Wall Street on Parade draws on an earlier article dated March 20. The earlier article highlights the stock market crash where the New York Stock Exchange lost more than a fifth of its value. The headline reads “The Fed Has Pumped $9 Trillion into Wall Street Over the Past Six Months.” This money was secretly dispersed to big banks at near zero interest. One of the biggest of these, JP Morgan Chase, gave Jamie Dimon, its Chairman and CEO, a $30 million pay package after he oversaw the guilty pleas to three of four federal felony charges against his bank. [See this.] The Federal Reserve, like the Bank of Canada, operates under a shroud of veiled obfuscation. Especially in the era of the manufactured COVID crisis, the public is kept mostly in the dark of how much new money is being created in the name of helping people to ride out the COVID crisis. What is being mostly kept from public view is how much of the new money is secretly going into slush funds, many of them to reward friends/cronies for political services rendered. Accordingly, the ‘claims of emergency measures’ are being malevolently deployed so that we are left largely in the dark about where the new debt-laden money is going. As the Martens (in Wall Street on Parade, see above) explained on 20 March, 2020: “Since the Fed turned on its latest money spigot to Wall Street [in September of 2019], it has refused to provide the public with the dollar amounts going to any specific banks. This has denied the public the ability to know which financial institutions are in trouble. The Fed, www.dialogue.ca

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exactly as it did in 2008, has drawn a dark curtain around troubled banks and the public’s right to know, while aiding and abetting a financial coverup of just how bad things are on Wall Street.” A new financial crisis broke out on Wall Street in September of 2019, months before the celebrity virus began to monopolize headlines in the winter and spring of 2020. This crisis resembled the first indication in late 2007 that something was drastically wrong on Wall Street prior to the deep stock market crash that came subsequently. The crisis in 2007 was a freezing of credit in the so-called Repo market, where big Wall Street institutions borrow and lend money over short periods like one or two days. This freeze in the viability of the Repo market signalled a breakdown of trust between financial institutions. As I described it in August of 2020 in an article entitled, “Lockdowns, Coronavirus and Banks: Following the Money,” [In Dialogue, Vol.34-1, Autumn 2020,p.27] : “It was in this atmosphere that the Repo Market became problematic in December of 2007 just as it showed similar signs of breakdown in September of 2019. “In both instances the level of trust between those in charge of financial institutions began to falter because they all had good reason to believe that their fellow bankers were overextended. All had reason to believe their counterparts were mired by too much speculative activity enabled by all sorts of novel experiments including in various forms of derivative dealing. “In December of 2007, as in the autumn of 2019, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was forced to enter the picture to keep the financial pumps on Wall Street primed. The New York Fed kept the liquidity cycles flowing by invoking its power to create new money with the interest charged to tax payers. “As the financial crisis unfolded in 2008 and 2009 the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank of New York stepped forward to bail out many financial institutions that had become insolvent or near insolvent. In the process precedents and patterns were established that are being re-enacted with some modifications in 2020. “One of the innovations that took place in 2008 was the decision by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to hire a large Wall Street financial institution, BlackRock, to administer the bailouts. These transfers of money went through three specially created companies called Maiden Lane. Replicas of these companies are now referred to as Special Purpose Vehicles in the course of the payouts of 2020.” …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Pre-planning for the “Crisis” and “the Great Reset” In August of 2019: BlackRock organized a meeting of central bankers and their advisers in Jackson Hole in Wyoming. This meeting was planned and implemented well before the Covid crisis reared its head. In retrospect, the timing and content of the meeting signifies that the current crisis began with a plan to reorganize global banking and finance, not attend to a public health problem. Pam Martens and Russ Martens introduce their article on the Jackson Hole meeting with the headline: “BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a [Health] Crisis.” [See this.] One way to see this meeting is as an introduction to some of the core concepts of the so-called “Great Reset” that were later promoted most zealously by the likes of Karl Schwab, Justin Trudeau and the officers of the International Monetary Fund. The BlackRock plan was entitled Dealing With the Next Downturn. The report was authored and presented at Jackson Hole by Stanley Fischer, former Governor of the Central Bank of Israel; Philipp Hildebrande, former Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank; Jean Boivin, former Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada; and Elga Bartsch, Economist at Morgan Stanley. The plan called for a further merger of monetary policy and fiscal policy, in other words a further merger of private central banks and governments. Monetary policy determines the size of the money supply and debt rates. These powers are exercised by private central bankers who were well represented at the Jackson Hole event. Fiscal policy involves spending decisions and such. This area of jurisdiction is usually retained as the formal domain of government authority. Reflecting on the animosity generated in 2007-2010 by the $16 trillions of socalled “bailout” money that went to “too-big-to-fail” financial institutions, the bankers proposed “going direct” with government payouts of “helicopter money” to small businesses and to members of the general public. BlackRock Investment Institute distributed copies of Dealing With the Next Downturn to the VIPs assembled at Jackson Hole. The subtext of the document's title called for a transition From Unconventional Monetary Policy to Unprecedented Policy Coordination. One of the core themes of the essay was the importance of learning from the Bailouts of 2007-10 to keep to a minimum the public animosity against the reset being planned. The authors wrote There is growing political discontent across major economies – and central banks 26 dialogue

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are one of the targets. Widening inequality has fostered a backlash against elites. There are many drivers of inequality, including at its root technology, winner-take-all dynamics and globalisation. The global financial crisis and the resulting forced bailout of financial institutions deemed too big too fail has added fuel to this backlash. Not acting during the global financial crisis would have almost certainly led to a Great Depression-like outcome – much higher unemployment and even worse inequality. Yet that counterfactual provides no solace to those feeling left behind. And the monetary policy tools themselves might have increased inequality – and are certainly perceived to have done so – by pushing up the prices of assets owned by only a fraction of the population. Governments, not central banks, are ultimately accountable for issues of inequality and redistribution. And a greater use of fiscal policy tools is needed to offset the impact of central bank policies on inequality, including the impact of monetary policy. [See this.] Once the anticipated economic downturn came in 2020, BlackRock was hired by the Federal Reserve in the US as well as by the Bank of Canada and the Swedish Riksbank. The financial devastation was caused primarily by the ruination of many small businesses and supply chains through the forced subversion of “lockdowns.” BlackRock took on government-like powers as a powerful participant in several financial resets. Generally speaking, BlackRock was in demand to valuate and oversee the purchase of corporate bonds. Many varieties of corporate bonds are often prominently included among so-called Junk Bonds. In a column originally published in the Prince George Daily News, Peter Ewart observed that the remnants of free-market capitalism are now being eliminated altogether. As it stands now, governments take their signals more and more from the likes of BlackRock, whose executives decide what businesses should or should not be bolstered with government backing. The government financial favours extended to the largely unregulated manufacturers of the COVID injections, offering a telling example of monopoly capitalism at work. Ewart writes, The situation also shows how the economic system in both Canada and the U.S. is not classical capitalism but rather state monopoly capitalism, where giant enterprises are regularly backstopped with public funds and the boundaries between the state and the financial oligarchy are virtually non-existent. [Ewart cited here.] Another preparatory assembly that occurred in 2019 is Event 201. This meeting of insiders in and around Print Edition


the orbits of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Johns Hopkins University, and the intelligence agencies was organized as a simulation exercise. It just happened that the simulation exercise basically went live in the weeks that followed. The simulation turned out to be very much like the manufactured COVID crisis that gathered momentum in winter and spring of 2020.

transhuman enslavement. The opening stages of this new form of enslavement involve inserting bio-digital nanotechnology into our persons so we can be better monitored and controlled. Looking to the future of society where much more of the work will be done by robots, some are trying to bring humans into conformity with the rhythms and demands of far-reaching robotization.

Less well known is the pandemic simulation, Crimson Contagion, organized by Robert Kadlec. Spanning a period from January to August of 2019, Kadlec invited many officials to join in a scenario where a contagious disease spread from China to much of the rest of the world. [See this.]

The current round of injections reflects a desire on the part of Bill Gates and others of his ilk to reconstitute humans as a new variety of GMOs. The creation of genetically modified humans will make them more susceptible to monitoring and external manipulation through advances in the techniques and technologies of Artificial Intelligence, AI. The creation of so-called vaccine passports should be seen for what it portends in terms of integrating humans more deeply into expanding networks of increasingly powerful Artificial Intelligence. The introduction of vaccine passports opens the door to the creation of a standardized system of collecting and instrumentalizing data to increase the means of tyrannizing humanity under private and central authority. Such a development would take the private and central control of banks one giant step further. [See this.]

As Robert F. Kennedy documents in his book, Kadlec long worked closely with Anthony Fauci who has derived much of his budget and clout in government from his role in processes resulting in the US design and development of bioweapons. This military research and development often proceeds with the development of vaccines as antidotes to the illnesses caused by bioweapons. Kennedy’s disdain for Fauci is palpable. He writes in his new book, “Tony Fauci does not do public health; he is a businessman, who has his office to enrich his pharmaceutical partners and expand the reach of influence that has made him the most powerful— and despotic—doctor in human history.” [Cited here fauci-as-darth-vader-of-the-covid-wars/] Another indicator of prior knowledge of the coming pandemic was evident in the actions of many at the upper end of the US business community. As reflected in the surge of 1500 resignations of prominent American CEOs, many corporate executives may have been well aware in 2019 and that something very disruptive was being planned to begin in 2020. Many of the resigning executives also cashed out their stock portfolios. [See this and this.]

Vaccine Passports & the Growth of Tyranny The engineered stock market plunge on Black Friday was part of a long saga that is coming to constitute the most elaborate instance of psychological warfare ever mounted. This psychological warfare is inflicting enormous damage on the mental health of large swaths of the population, but especially on children. The frequency throughout the plandemic of many forms of child abuse, including injections and forced masking, is not to be taken lightly. This hybrid war on humanity is at once psychological, biological and financial. One aim is to depopulate the planet and plunge the survivors of this atrocity into new forms of www.dialogue.ca

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The advancement of this scheme requires the collection and organization of great masses of data on every human on the planet. By combining financial data, medical data, human genome data, police data, travel data, contact data, and much, much more, the private owners of this hugely valuable information resource would acquire many new and unprecedented levers of power. They would be well situated to achieve mastery over the survivors of the depopulation scheme. Even from the distance of their remote locations, the future masters of the world’s primary data cache would be in a powerful position to reward us, penalize us, torture us, impoverish us, or even shut down our lives altogether. One way of picturing their power is to imagine the implementation of a cashless money transfer system, an outcome already being associated with the elaboration of vaccine passports. This kind of system could be deployed to deny to individuals displaying attributes of disobedience and non-compliance, the capacity to, for instance, purchase food. Humans would become subject to determinations made on the basis of digitalized social credit scores potentially far more ruthless in their intent than anything that now exists in China. This effort to universalize and standardize a single worldwide system of data passports creates in the twenty-first century a movement that draws on precedents established in the history of banking during the …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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every day. Governments of first world countries are going the way of third world countries. Canada, the United States, UK and Europe increasingly face the same kind of unscrupulous creditors’ tactics described by John Perkins in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. [See this.] Throughout the world, our governments are falling more deeply under the self-interested sway of private central bankers. These private central bankers are more than happy to use their ill-gotten powers over the creation of money to facilitate the fast growth of national debts. These national debts are of course payable with compound interest charged ultimately to increasingly rare middle class taxpayers. Such taxpayers generally lack the access that rich people enjoy to tax havens and high end accountants.

nineteenth and twentieth centuries. There is much potential for continuity in the transition from control by centralized and privatized banks to full-blown tyranny through the provision of private and centralized health care. This continuity is reflected in the current genesis of a world where huge masses of data are coming to be seen as the new universal currency, the new gold. It seems that those who have emerged victorious from this banking history have seized on the exploitation of so-called public health as a new means of making themselves even richer and more omnipotent. They are engaged in removing the few remaining checks and balances on which the fragile viability of our imperfect democracies and recognitions of human rights have depended. By bringing human survivors of depopulation under the authority of private and central systems of “public health,” the process continues of privatizing and centralizing power. The greatest mass of humanity would be placed under the iron grip of a tiny minority.

“Cradle-to-Grave subjection of humans The move to subject humans to cradle-to-grave programs of mandatory vaccines would destroy the autonomy available to those with healthy systems of natural immunity. The imposition of extortion, like the crimes being expressed in jobs-for-jabs ultimatums, is forcing many segments of the work force towards new forms of coerced submission. The resulting demoralization of many is one of many factors pushing skyrocketing rates of suicide, domestic violence and addictions. New forms of oppression are coming into existence by treating immunity to disease into a commodity. Our oppressors are implicitly telling us that this commercialized immunity is henceforth to derive exclusively from the spout of injected needles. The cost of industrially narrowing the spectrum and vitality of natural immunity comes at a very high human price. Natural immunity would be destroyed from endless rounds of required vaccines as administered through the control device of socalled vaccine passports. “Fingers Crossed”… OR: “Hold On To Your Hat!” Quite clearly stock markets have long since ceased to be some sort of self-sustaining instrument of free market capitalism. Stock markets, like the economic structures that contain them, are notoriously subject to manipulation by those that control large concentrations of wealth. Indeed, in the fast-moving course of the gruesome COVID Reset, the extent of the power invested in private central bankers is being illustrated with greater clarity 28 dialogue

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As governments fall more deeply under the control of the private central bankers whose core institution is the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements, they become more and more subject to external control over what they can and cannot do in the name of their citizens. Everywhere this process is unfolding it is average citizens who are losing out as the bankers gain more and more new ground. Thus it is that the little that remains of free market capitalism is diminishing every day along with the dwindling middle class. Given this background it is not a stretch to posit that the New York Stock Exchange runs largely as a scripted spectacle serving the interests of wealth and power. The stock market crash of Black Friday supposedly on account of Omicron hysteria was quite likely a classic display of show biz razzle dazzle meant to keep in business the COVID machinery of fear mongering. The Wall Street leviathan, BlackRock is a proxy of the money-creating Federal Reserve and a go-between with the US Treasury branch. BlackRock is also a major facilitator of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wish to run up the national debt as quickly as possible as he rushes towards the phantom oasis of the Great Reset. BlackRock’s silent partner is Vanguard. Together these monopolistic enterprises have a significant stake in almost every major company on earth. BlackRock emerged from the Wall Street giant, Blackstone, the firm that financed much of Lucky Larry Silverstein’s lucrative bets that reaped for him huge insurance payoffs from the events of 9/11. [See this.] Meanwhile many small investors were left sitting in front of their TVs on Black Friday wondering what to make of the banner headline proclaiming, “Stocks Sink Amid Fears of New South African Covid Variant.” How would this statement affect the modest retirement

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savings of TV viewers feeling cast adrift by this news that a new wave of COVID pandemonium might be on its way from Africa? Those tuned in to Yahoo finance commentator, Simeon Hyman, might have found some assurance in his advice. Hyman began his commentary by advising his viewers that in spite of the dip in stock prices, he would stick with investments in corporate shares, equities, rather than purchase government bonds. [See this.]

Hyman continued, “You have to look to the equity market and you just have to cross your fingers and hope that this variant isn’t another wave.” Perhaps crossing one’s fingers as an investment strategy makes about as much sense as heralding a new Omicron variant said to host a big bundle of mutations. Anthony James Hall, antoniusjameshall@gmail.com ♣ SEE TONY’S ESSAY RE 9/11-COVID CONNECTION [NEXT] – AND A PROPOSAL FOR CANADA ON P.44



The 2020 Covid Global Economic Meltdown: “Political Trickery” and the Relevance of 9/11 Prof. Anthony J. Hall, Global Research, Aug 23, 2020

The execution and spinning of 9/11 were instrumental in creating the repertoire of political trickery, wealth appropriation and strategic patterns of kleptocratic activity [including the “disappearance” of $21 Trillion from the U.S. Pentagon/Dept. of Defense]. https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-2020-covid-globaleconomic-meltdown-political-trickery-and-the-relevanceof-911/5721860 [EXTRACT/LINK] The world economic

crisis of 2020 is creating the context for large-scale repeats of some key aspects of the bailout of 2007-2010. The bailout of 2007-2008 drew, in turn, from many practices developed in the period when the explosive events of 9/11 triggered a worldwide reset of global geopolitics. While the events of 2008 and 2020 both drew attention to the geopolitical importance of Wall Street, the terrible pummelling of New York’s financial district was

the event that ushered in a new era of history, an era that has delivered us to the current financial meltdown/lockdown. It lies well beyond the scope of this essay to go into detail about the dynamics of what really transpired on 9/11. Nevertheless, some explicit reckoning with this topic is crucial to understanding some of the essential themes addressed in this essay. Indeed, it would be difficult to overstate the relevance of 9/11 to the background and nature of the current debacle. The execution and spinning of 9/11 were instrumental in creating the repertoire of political trickery presently being adapted in the manufacturing and exploiting of the COVID-19 hysteria. A consistent attribute of the journey from 9/11 to COVID-19 has been the amplification of executive authority through the medium of emergency measures enactments, policies and dictates. […] READ IN FULL AT: https://www.unz.com/rpaul/coronavirusis-the-new-terrorism/ ♣


Vital Messages from James Corbett and Mattias Desmet From: Bob Hansen, hansen.bob5@gmail.com

Hi Janet, I hope you are well – at a time of reflection... 'Dialogue' is very effective, and I thank you for continuing with its purpose, needed more now than ever. I've been thinking of an article on 'law' in Canada, and its relationship to First Nations from the beginning of European influence in 'Canada', however, I'm so involved with Jade Baby Elephant, my next memoir, that I cannot give that work the attention it deserves. That will be in early 2022. For the Winter issue of Dialogue: I feel that the two links that follow, to a journalist, James Corbett, and to a psychologist, Professor Mattias Desmet, are hugely www.dialogue.ca

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important at this time, & that they reinforce each other. Corbett Report - #SolutionsWatch, Dec.1 2021: https://tinyurl.com/CR-writing-new-narrative [Video: 34 min] QUOTE: “Do you know the story of the most powerful

weapon in the world? It's used against you every day. You use it yourself, even if you don't do so consciously. And it can change the entire world.… Storytelling” – James Corbett Corbett is ringing all of my bells. What he is saying is the crux of our present situation. View his key video at: https://tinyurl.com/CR-writing-new-narrative The next link to Desmet is the trail to how that works VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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psychologically, and then he offers the best solution for defending against it. It's key to recognize that the period in human history that we are experiencing is not novel. Professor Mattias Desmet talks to the Children's Union, Sep. 24, 2021: https://tinyurl.com/MD-sep24-2021 [Video: 38 min]

[Professor Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium, has identified support for illogical and counterproductive healthcare measures as a function of psycho-

logical phenomenon called mass formation.] The psychological aspect of our times is very important because we are all, today, uniquely positioned to rationally examine how the present political/economic situation, globally, is contributing to the suffering of humanity, along with the imperilment of Earth, largely due to the dominant doctrine of 'smash and grab capitalism', intimately connected with the financial weapon called 'compounded interest'. Thanks, Bob Hansen, Ladysmith BC ♣



ORIGINAL SOURCE: https://doctorspeakout.ca 5-minute Video: https://tinyurl.com/ag21-in-5min

The NEW WORLD ORDER is a totalitarian state to be developed – right now, all over the world AGENDA 21 EXPOSED BY AN INSIDER:

It is the inventory and control plan: inventory and control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world. And this is a plan that was agreed to by 179 nations back in 1992, it’s a United Nations plan: It’s called “The Agenda for the 21st Century.” And so many of us around the world think that “Well, Sustainable Development: it just sounds so great. Isn’t it about recycling, creative reuse, and creating

energy and food resources for everyone?” AND THE ANSWER IS NO. It really is not. It’s about moving populations into concentrated city centers, clearing them out of the rural areas. […] And the goal of Agenda 21 is one-world government and total control from a central unit. Every nation that signed on to Agenda 21 has its local Agenda 21 Plan. […] ♣ SEE A DETAILED REPORT ON AGENDA 21 BY PATRICK WOOD, IN THE ADDENDUM TO THE DIGITAL EDITION, P.113.


The Great Climate Deception An Overview by Michael Spencer New York, michaelhspencer@gmail.com

Will Africa’s rare glaciers disappear? If the climate were actually changing there may be some validity to the report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) [which notes “glaciers of Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya and the Rwenzori Mountains are retreating faster than the global average due to the continent warming at a dramatic rate.”]

Unfortunately for the credibility of the report, all data from the official global temperature measurement sources shows the climate is NOT changing and so this type of “news” is instead propaganda to 30 dialogue

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further the climate deception and motivate the gullible to support the controlled demolition of our global economy. To be clear, I’m all for greater energy efficiency and less ecological destruction, but I’m not in favor of a global political conspiracy that transfers more power upwards – and that is what I believe the climate deception has been about since the Rockefellers started this big lie in the 1960s. To understand the origins of the climate deception watch this, it will surprise you: https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-averageglobal-temperature/ …/ Print Edition


To understand that the climate is NOT CHANGING watch this: https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-averageglobal-temperature/ And to investigate the official climate measurement data yourself: check the links to UAH, HadCRUT, RSS, GISS and NCDC here: LINK: https://climate4you.com/

Now connect the dots – recognize that the people who have been trying to persuade us for the past 50 years to be more “sustainable” by reducing our consumption are the same people now exponentially accelerating our reduced consumption by intentionally crashing our global economy with covid1984. Why would the rich crash the global economy when they own all the businesses that are making them so much profit? Because they don’t need more profit anymore and instead want to consolidate their existing power. Accumulating money is only necessary to accumulate power. Once you have all the power, you don’t need more money. At which point, the goal changes from accumulating more money to consolidating and maintaining the power you are already have. I believe this is where we are now. The rich are intentionally destroying the global economy, along with their own businesses, to eliminate opportunities for the public to have economic independence. The rich don’t need more economic independence. We do. When the public can no longer earn their own living and when they can no longer afford to own anything, then they are completely dependent on the rich for everything. The rich will gladly support the public with handouts (e.g. increased wealth taxes to support universal basic income) and will generously satisfy all their service economy needs with new technologies (robots and AI) – but all this generosity will be conditional and we know it. The public will have no economic freedom, no free speech, no ability to resist. The power will be totally consolidated in the form of global technocratic totalitarianism. We will he ruled over by forced compliance with algorithms and surveillance. We will not even know who our rulers are. It’s all there in plain English... WORLD ECONOMIC forum + great RESET = WORLD ECONOMIC RESET “Reset” means return to the start and do it again – I believe returning to the start means returning to the www.dialogue.ca

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VERY start – not pre covid, instead: pre modern industrial liberal political economy. To reset, we must DESTROY what exists in order to start again. How do the rich destroy a global industrial liberal political economy? They have the public willing do it themselves under the guise of protecting themselves from a false global health threat – It’s called “covid response” – it involves social distancing and lockdowns to make business difficult; it involves mask mandates to degrade public participation so less visits to the shops, restaurants and sporting matches; it involves paying people to stay home – so generated labor shortages and supply shortages; it involves fake coin shortages and promotion of contactless payments – to accelerate the transition to a more controllable money supply; it involves employer vaccine mandates to force the large vaccine-hesitant population to voluntarily quit their jobs increasing the labor shortage; it involves closing borders and requiring inconvenient and intrusive tests to travel, thereby crashing the global travel, transportation and hospitality industries... we could list examples all day. Indeed, the global economy has been doomed since a debt-based currency was introduced by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, then forced onto the world as the world’s reserve currency through the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, then magically transformed into a fiat currency in 1973 when Nixon closed the gold window. Our money supply is a Ponzi scheme that world leaders have known for 100 years would fail, well before the 2008 subprime lending crisis. They have used this time wisely to leverage this doomed monetary system into a totalitarian control structure. If the rich have known for 100+ years that a global economic collapse was inevitable, do you think they might have planned for it? Do you think they might have used all means available to leverage the existing corporate and monetary systems to transfer wealth from the masses to the top 1% of the 1% – with global corporate governance in the hands of a single asset management firm (Vanguard) so as to maximize their power? Do you think they might have planned to complete this consolidation of power BEFORE the forecasted global economic collapse? And do you think they might have planned to CONTROL the collapse by triggering the detonation themselves, just as the …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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seams were coming apart, with, say, a globally coordinated “pandemic”? Do you think they might want to control the official narrative during the collapse/demolition so as not to alarm the public and also leverage the public to implement their agenda by brainwashing them to willingly participate in the destruction of their own economic independence? Do you think the planners would make it appear all random and bumbling and unplanned, with figurehead leaders such as a known con artist and aging dementia patient as Presidents? Do you think

the planners would want to remain hidden: behind their implementing partners in the media, corporations, foundations, and government orgs? What do you think? Will Africa’s rare glaciers disappear? Unlikely. Will humanity’s rare flirtation with freedom disappear? All signs indicate our freedom is melting away as you read this. Michael Spencer, Oct. 21 2021 michaelhspencer@gmail.com ♣


“Never underestimate what the human race can accomplish when pushed to the wall.” C.A.F.

“MUST-WATCH” OPEN SOURCE INVESTIGATION with Reiner Fuellmich and Catherine Austin Fitts (PHOTO) From C.D.S.A.P.I., Vancouver, cdsapi@alternatives.com [Dec. 13, 2021] To all my email recipients: This is a

"must watch!" People around the world are beginning to realize the cataclysmic diabolic nature of the controlled GAME PLAN that is systematically unfolding before our eyes, under the direction of "Mr. Global." (Catherine Austin Fitts’ name for the power behind current events and the Transhumanist Agenda). This is an unbelievably infor-mative interview - you may

have to watch it more than once to comprehend its depth & implications. – Inge Hanle LINK: [1 hr. 19 min.] https://tinyurl.com/BIN-CAF-RF MENTIONED IN THE INTERVIEW: Catherine “The Wim Hoff Method.” Austin Fitts Review by Catherine Austin Fitts: - https://home.solari.com/book-review-the-wim-hofmethod/

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COMMENT FROM ERIK ANDERSEN RE CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS [VIDEO, above]: Interesting discussion about global financial concentration and C-19 jabs. Catherine is no light weight person on the US financial topics. What she says could explain why Andrew (then senior management of pension regulators) told UK pension fund investment managers in 2012 they would be called upon to save private banks from insolvency should there be another 2008 need. What Catherine had to say was a revelation for me. It was like in the 80s when a friend, at the prominent law firm Bennet Jones in Calgary, used the phrase "the securities industry eat their young." Allen said that, when I told him I was signing on to Nesbitt in Vancouver. I was then not understanding the way he meant, but immediately started getting lessons. My first lesson started in Montreal. WardAir's lender banker invited me to lunch to ask me for ideas of how WardAir could escape a $50 million negative equity hole. Six months later I listened to Dominion Securities try selling WardAir equity across Canada 32 dialogue

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where no disclosure was made of their financial plight and that PWA was guaranteeing their fuel bills. They failed spectacularly. It is called "marketing out." In the end a bailout was arranged where WardAir shares got excessive valuation for a takeover. This raided the "retained Earnings account" and the PWA credit rating, so Max could walk away with millions and I suspect some "front running" also happened. The PWA work force were robbed of their job security and PWA shareholders of their investment in the shares. None of this story seemed to register in any Securities Commission in Canada even though they were supposed to exist for defending the public investor. This was but one example of lessons learned over the next decade and how I got better at understanding what Allen said to me in the early 80s. The scale of what Catherine describes is way beyond what I thought it could be. Even Thomas seems to miss the scale of corruption . Yanis V. and Anthony Perkins are perhaps the two closest to understanding Catherine's story. ♣ [More from Erik on P.34]

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Ten OMICRON "variant" predictions for 2022 and beyond (Mike Adams) From: Inge Hanle, CDSAPI - Citizens Demand Scientific, Academic & Political Integrity cdsapi@alternatives.com Foundation website (2010); and got all their legalistic Inge’s Added Comment re link: The Global Elite ducks in order, and this time they plan to "Come in for Criminal Syndicate is following the same playbook the Kill" – via the COVID-19 PLANdemic. (COVID-19 that has been followed by every dictatorship that has means Certification of Vaccine ID – via (‘1’) Artificial ever vied for World Totalitarian Dictatorship, with (‘9’) Intelligence) themselves at the helm. Covid "Nu" (Omicron) variant a COVER The big difference today is that these criminal Elites now STORY for accelerating wave of vaccine have at their disposal technologies – especially redeaths... mote, digital, wireless technologies – to which neither LINK: https://www.afinalwarning.com/574550.html Stalin nor Hitler had access – and an almost totally By Mike Adams, Health Ranger Report, 2021/11/27 Corporate-owned Mainstream Media, that uses 24/7 QUOTE: The omicron "variant" media hysteria is pure fiction. fear-mongering to brainwash and whip the public into It's nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the popuobedient compliance. lations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist The implanting of digital control ingredients via "injecgovernments carry out their global depopulation / genocide tions" – masquerading as fictional VaXXines – was tried programs. […] in the H1N1 Pandemic – which was exposed in Europe SEE MIKE ADAMS: P.131, ADDENDUM, DIGITAL EDITION as a gigantic W.H.O. Fraud-SCAM. The serious infection- VIDEO: www.brighteon.com/049472b3-a836-4aeb-8e81152d5c2146d8 ♣ panic mysteriously disappeared as fast as it began. They reorganized – as documented on the Rockefeller * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


A POISON WITH AN AGENDA From: Inge Hanle, hanle@alternatives.com Please take 10 minutes to get this essential information. https://new.awakeningchannel.com/vax-to-kill-offwithout-anyone-suspecting-it/ [13min.] Full Video starts at 3 min mark, after summary.

Dr. Shankara Chetty – A Poison with an Agenda In just a few minutes, a central part of the COVID

Agenda is laid bare. This presentation provides the scientific information that is essential for everyone to understand if we are to get a handle on the insane “COVID shenanigans” that are being foisted on entire populations by compulsory mandate. Another arm of

the Agenda, of course, is the injecting of ingredients needed for remote, digital, Artificial Intelligence, biological surveillance, tracking, and control. These are the proverbial Marks of the Beast – and the reason they are accompanied by “proof of injection certification.” Everyone has to become “tracked and controllable”. This is the reason for the PUSH to inject children with "experimental, genetically engineered" substances, when children are actually not threatened by these “supposed” viruses, because they are protected by their innate immune system – which this "injection" aims to destroy. But the “injections” will sacrifice the lives of thousands of these “criminally assaulted” children. ♣


Canada is becoming a Fascist State From Jack Etkin, Victoria BC

Canada is becoming a Fascist State ... and it has been in the works I guess for quite a while. Our 'free press' disappeared a long time ago. We now have a Corporate Media. Our democracy has almost completely disappeared, to the point where we citizens have been demoted to being 'taxpayers' and we are totally irrelevant in any decisions made in the running of our country. Our governments are run by – and for – the .01%. Meanwhile millions of www.dialogue.ca

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Canadians honestly believe that we ARE a democracy. And now they will give us a vaccine passport, and the rules will be slowly tightened so you have to “play the rulers’ game” ... more and more, to keep your “pass.” Interesting times coming. I think we should fear our own corporate ruling class; this is an enemy much closer to home and much more responsible for our problems than China. Our rulers always want us angry at 'someone else'.... We have to stop believing their lies. The Media …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Secret Documents Reveal FDA’s Attack on Ivermectin

and the Governments lie to us all the time, and it's very dangerous to ever trust them. We've basically lost any semblance of democracy now, we live in a Corporate Industrial State, and they are playing some big games with us. It's a dangerous time. The vaccine thing is criminal. Lots of people injured and killed by the vaccines I think. They are hiding those stories and pushing for total insanity. And a lot of people believe it and have complete faith in them. Which is fine, I also used to believe it all. Our rulers are brilliant in their evil way ... we just have to realize they don't give a damn for us. They only care about themselves. And they're happy to kill us by the millions when it suits their purposes. jetkin@hotmail.com ♣

David Hill, Bowen Island BC, drh@firethorne.com

I am pretty sure that the most important reason that all known treatments are denied is that if there is an effective treatment option for Covid-19, governments cannot invoke the emergency-use legislation, so they would have to stop jabbing. Therefore they must deny that Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or any other substance is a treatment for Covid-19. I only found out about this little-known provision in the last day or two. Link to article: https://clarion.causeaction.com/2021/10/25/secret-documents-reveal-fdas-attack-on-ivermectin/ by Dr. Mercola ♣


Everything is a Rich Man's Trick Recommended by L. Yarbrough Authoritatively written and narrated by Francis Richard Conolly, the film begins its labyrinthine tale during the era of World War I, when the wealthiest and most powerful figures of industry discovered the immense profits to be had from a landscape of ongoing military conflict. The film presents a persuasive and exhaustively researched argument that these towering figures formed a secret society by which they could orchestrate or manipulate war-mongering policies to their advantage on a global scale, and maintain complete anonymity in their actions from an unsuspecting public. Conolly contends that these sinister puppet masters have functioned and thrived throughout history – from WWI to the build-up and aftermath of September 11.




Price volatility and investment risk Erik Andersen, Gabriola Island BC twolabradors@shaw.ca

Serious money prefers to avoid risk when making investments with their own money. This motive gets demonstrated in many ways. The first and obvious way is the monopoly, where the public have little say over pricing/costs. A second way is where a few providers form an association with the intent to function like a monopoly. A good example of this format is OPEC. Other examples would be banks: where the costs of their services and the markup of loan rates are uniform across the industry. Canadian Banks would be good 34 dialogue

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examples of this condition. A third and growing way of getting a monopoly would be through the use of contracts, especially with governments and crown corporations. To escape accountability for ‘unfair-to-the-taxpayer’ contracts, a number of political areas have made contracts secret. For example, the public here in BC is not allowed to see/read the BC Hydro contracts for electricity production by Independent Power Producers. And these totalled over $60 billion in 2017! A big part of the reason for smart money to go after monopoly status is that normal "open market" investing is high risk because of price volatility. A good current example of why price risk-avoidance is

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so important is the recent pricing record for "West Texas" crude. In October just passed, it was close to or at US$80 per barrel. Now, less than 2 months, later it is under US$70 per barrel. That price swing, in not even 60 days, is approaching minus 15%. Because the public have been schooled to not ask awkward questions of their governments, the pattern

has emerged that high-risk ideas, like Site C, are to be financed by the ignorant and unsuspecting public, while all the low risk investments are to be only available to “the 1%.” John Perkins described a variation of this process in his 2016 book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. –Sincerely, Erik Andersen; Economist ♣

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My Christmas Letter of Hope to My Member of Parliament From: ERIK ANDERSEN, twolabradors@shaw.ca To: M.P. Lisa Marie Barron, lisamarie.barron@parl.gc.ca

Hello Lisa Marie: Attached [below] is my Christmas message of hope. Thomas Piketty is my hero in this troubled world of today but in spite of all the push-back, he continues to deal in hope. I am asking you and your colleagues to try doing two simple things. The first is to dust off the Carter Royal Commission on taxation in Canada and then follow the yellow brick road. Despite the word "fairness" appearing in the mission statement for the CRA, I have in a letter from a CRA lawyer saying that they do not "do fairness, only precedence." Taxation unfairness in Canada is not a speculation, it has been and is a fact.

The second, and equally important, program is to do everything possible to invest in education of Canada's youth. The dividends from this investment would be an increase in per capita GDP that would make many other socially beneficial ideas feasible. The research on this matter is extensive and Thomas has references in his books. The cost of doing the first suggestion is minimal to none because an extensive report exists. The cost of the second suggestion is as an investment in Canada and a lot better than buying F-35s. Merry Christmas, Erik Andersen [Letter below]


CHRISTMAS LETTER OF HOPE TO MY M.P.: Erik Andersen, December 12, 2021 To: Lisa Marie Barron, Member of Parliament 495 Dunsmuir St. Nanaimo, B. C. V9R 6B9

Dear Lisa, I wish to suggest two ideas that would help the Canadian population better weather the financial/ economic conditions that are likely in our future. As documented by Thomas Piketty and fellow travellers, economic power has been concentrated into fewer and fewer hands over the past 4 or 5 decades. The two World Wars of the past century were fueled by this same wealth concentration in the 1800s, as we are experiencing today. It seems ignorant to make the same mistakes again. In his new book [Capital in the Twenty-First Century], Thomas has a chapter titled “On Productivity in France and in Germany.” He and his associates use the Gross Domestic Productivity (GDP) metric, combined with population statistics to get a measure of population productivity. Clearly the higher the value, the wealthier the nation. The increase of this www.dialogue.ca

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value for the United States is very impressive. In 1981 the per capita value was US$14,000 and the value peaked in 2019 at US$65,000; with a slight drop in 2020 to US$63,500. For Canada it has not been so spectacular. In 1981 the per capita GDP value was CD$12,337; from there rising steadily to 2008/9 where global financial matters hit troubled waters. Then we had a “live cat bounce” to CD$52,669 in 2012 – where a turning took place to CD$43,242 by 2021. What Thomas and crew don’t do is an examination of how the GDP is determined and thereby not folding into the discussion how much borrowing is being used to juice the GDP value. Yes the GDP looks good, but is so because a lot of borrowing and contracting is how one gets a bigger GDP per capita value, much like what has been done in BC. In the early 80s, I was hired by the International Civil Aviation Organization to write a report on the obstacles and opportunities for civil aviation to-andfrom Central and South America. ICAO, as a UN …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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subsidiary, held the view that more people and goods travel was/is good for global harmony. I wanted to have a chapter on the inability of the populations to participate in global air travel and commerce because most of the populations did not have the discretionary money needed to travel internationally. My director/editor said absolutely no, because the matter called into question wealth distribution and taxation in specific countries. This reluctance to discuss unfairness is a huge part of the difficulties we seem to be soon faced with. In Canada we saw this in spades when the Carter Royal Commission made its report in 1967. So we come to the question: Are we at an economic/financial major turning point? And: What can be done?

My guess is that the 2008/09 was an early warning moment that most did not wish to heed. Since then our economies have sort of flourished by living off of debt. Perhaps the C-19 process, coupled with global weather bombs, will force us to a new and different reality. As I mentioned there are two options that would help escaping from future violence. The first is education. Increase in investing in good quality education for everyone would definitely start an increase in GDP per capita. The second is reforms in taxation designed to reverse wealth and income concentration. Sincerely, Erik Andersen, Economist CC E. May, M.P.


“Have Computer Will Write” ~ Jeremy Arney

Well, here we go again...

Jeremy Arney, Langford BC, jemaisme@gmail.com

Another variant of a nonexistent virus is introduced. How many more to come do you think? Down goes the stock market and then up it goes again. Reminds me of what Rothschild did after the battle of Waterloo. Sent word back to England that Napoleon had won the battle of Waterloo and watched the stock market in England crash only to buy up everything and make a killing thus creating his financial empire. Who is doing it this time around and around? Only this time the fear, indeed panic, is worldwide, and now I am told that many old folk fear for their lives from the danger of non-jabbed children! What? The next thing will be the fox fearing the rabbit! Fear and panic are not new weapons but are now being used to a much more deadly effect than back then, and indeed ever since the Fauci/Gates computer-generated virus was introduced to the world 18 or so months ago they (fear and panic) have become the driving force behind what is going on. While the CDC admits (as of October 2021) that they have not been able to identify or isolate the “COVID 19” virus, and organizations such as Health Canada have had no more success, there is nonetheless widespread fear of 36 dialogue

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something that does not exist. Meanwhile influenza has seemingly disappeared. How many times have we been warned not to drink the kool aid and yet that is the current fad. Propaganda has made the unjabbed second class citizens, unable to travel, eat at restaurants or even meet with their families; and yet the jabbed who are protected from nothing can not only do those things but also attend sporting events among crowds of people who can not only get but also transmit this fake virus!!! How can you catch and transmit something which has not been shown to even exist? Even more importantly, how can you die from it? Worse yet soon 6-month-old babies will be injected with the fake vaccine with the full compliance of terrified parents. I suppose the argument can be made that the natural immunity they should have is compromised by mothers who have been jabbed and therefore can only pass on “spike protein” immunity to their babies. How can politicians who were elected to work for us, and the unelected health officials justify their actions? The answer lies, as it always does, with "follow the money." Under the guise of philanthropy, the health organizations of the world from the WHO down have been bought and are now controlled by someone who openly said he is making 20 times as much money Print Edition


from vaccines as anything else he has invested in! The people of the world are lining up to help him in that venture, little realizing that his aim is to reduce the world population whilst he makes obscene profits. I am an old man who does not want to take part in this experiment, who is hoping that as this is still a trial there are some placebo shots and that my family won the lottery and received those placebos. Haven't won the lottery yet but I can dream. Every day I watch with amazement and disgust as CBC promotes the new variants, broadcast biased so called medical experts proclaiming that there is a new god to be obeyed and that we should all bow down and submit to never ending jabs. I watch to compare what the paid media is expounding while also watching the other side of the issue; doctors and nurses who have been de licensed for telling another story; reporting on the effects of these jabs not only on ordinary recipients (both young, old and in between) but also on the healthy, fit athletes who collapse performing their sports, or airline pilots who die in flight – so who wants to fly today anyway? A sure fire way to get fired or disbarred is to proclaim that there are ingredients in these jabs that have no

reason to be there – graphene oxide for example, or in one jab ethanol, and that there are better, cheaper and way more effective ways to deal with a real virus. Science was always meant to be questioned and examined even if only to prove the case, but not now. It is the money way or not at all and never question money. How many jabs will people accept before they question what they are doing? I am not an exponent of world order or government (W.H.O. is a perfect example of that), but rather the introduction of a concept that has never really been brought into effect in the western world, that is democracy. That would be BUILD BACK BETTER for humanity. How far away from that we are now. – Jeremy "The true civilization is where every man gives to every other every right that he claims for himself" – Robert Ingersoll (1833-99)

Are Peace & Health a possibility in Canada anymore? Jeremy Arney, Langford, BC, 250-216-5400 Letters at: https://jeremyarneysblog.com/ And at: iamjemaletters.wordpress.com ♣

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OPERATION TRACKSHOES Back in 1996 I was introduced to a fantastic event started in Victoria and run by Victorians of all stripes. The brain child of Judith Armstrong and others, it is an event which started in 1971 to bring developmentally challenged people of all ages together once a year to participate in athletic events designed for all levels of ability. The event is hosted by the University of Victoria and held at their facilities in Gordon Head. It is sponsored in part by local businesses: a Credit Union, a local Grocery outlet, Service Clubs, local TV station and a local FM radio station, and a local pizza supply company to pack lunches for everyone on Saturday. Then there is Judith’s army of red hat officials to deal with emergencies from lost articles or competitors or even their misplaced belongings. There are nurses to look after medications and apply sun cream, or to hand out ponchos when it rains. There is an announcer to remind all when an event is taking place; a marching pipe band to open the event, and an orchestra on Sunday morning. There is www.dialogue.ca

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an array of students from the University to man the equipment and swimming events, and to cook meals; and of course a local army of volunteers to look after the dormitories for the out of town athletes and to act as councillors for both out of town and local athletes as needed. Marshalls to organize the events. These range from early teens to old people such as I. There are running races, high jump, long jumps, swimming and a multitude of activities involving sporty themes. There is room for old and young and for those in wheelchairs of various levels. There are clowns, stilt walkers, balloon creators, and face painting sometimes. It is an event for those from all over BC who come year after year to reconnect with their friends and have fun competing, laughing, catching up with each other and boasting about the amount of multi coloured ribbons they have won at the events. On Saturday nights there is a dance for the athletes which, unfortunately, I was never able to attend. At the close of the event at about noon on …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Sunday, there are trophies to be handed out to competitors and teams for the best this or that; and, of course, the singing of “In his Hands” followed by the last lunch, when the last intermingling is done before ferries have to be caught, or buses boarded for up-Island. I was invited by a friend, who was involved with The Garth Homer center here in Victoria, to come along and help. In doing so he gave me a gift I will always cherish. I had had little exposure to such amazing humans and was almost immediately taken with the concept and the spirit of the competitors. They were and are humans just like me but with differing abilities yet with a huge appetite for loving, living and competing and a seemingly complete lack of feeling sorry for themselves. Such a lesson. For 25 years I have been a day councillor most often working both Friday and Saturday nights at my job as well but it has been a highlight of my year, showing me that friendly but genuine love, friendship and

competition is alive and well everywhere. It has been exhausting yet exhilarating for me to take part. Then in 2020 it all changed as large crowds were not encouraged, and again in 2021 it had to be cancelled. I can only imagine the disappointment of the participants when they could not make the journey to Victoria again, that they would not meet their friends from across the province. I know it affected me especially as my days as a day councillor were coming to an end. If and when the event starts again, I will find a way to be there, maybe sit at a table handing out ribbons and seeing the look of pleasure and accomplishment on the faces of the competitors. However, I am not holding my breath as I see what our politicians and health officers are doing. Life goes on, but I sure miss my annual fix with some of the greatest humans on earth. WEBSITE: www.trackshoes.ca Jeremy, granpaiswatching@gmail.com ♣


Robin Mathews Uncut


It occurs in a nearly full-page Globe and Mail report of the death of Francoise Laporte (Nov. 22, 2021)… wife of the assassinated Quebec cabinet minister in 1970 (and – at the time – Acting Premier of Quebec), Pierre Laporte. The murderers of Pierre Laporte were never apprehended, let alone tried in a Court of Law. But Monte Stewart, author of the Globe piece, is confident in naming the killers and knowing all the unknown things necessary to write the piece he has written with unwavering confidence. Canada does not know who killed Pierre Laporte. (And so Monte Stewart’s attribution of the murder to the FLQ is historical slander… at the least.) But Canadians know that Pierre Elliot Trudeau, prime minister, was determined “to put Quebec in its place” …and with a still-untold-story of RCMP involvement… “managed”… the aftermath of the death of Pierre Laporte to advantage. What else he managed… we do not know. We are told that the British Trade Commissioner kidnapped shortly before the death of Pierre Laporte and held for nearly two months was in a place known to police … who chose not to liberate him. 38 dialogue

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Indeed, Monte Stewart adds to the story (to make it more acceptable to Canadians???). He “reports” (?) that “Pierre Laporte was buried in a simple ceremony that captured the country’s attention. (Mrs. Laporte had refused a state funeral).” BUT… Madame Laporte wanted a simple ceremony (for a hundred legitimate reasons!). But Pierre Trudeau took over, WOULD NOT ALLOW A SIMPLE CEREMONY and staged (with a Prince of the Church officiating) a grand funeral for Pierre Laporte!! WHERE do people like Monte Stewart get the files

they use to “make” stories like the one in the GLOBE AND MAIL??? (I might have written “to make up” stories … but I chose not to do so.) Who, one might ask, is Monte Stewart serving when he “creates” his piece for the G and M? Mr. Stewart doesn’t tell his readers, for instance, that when the Quebec government decided to conduct an investigation into the whole affair that was highlighted by the murder of Pierre Laporte, the Pierre Elliot Trudeau federal government struck a Commission of Inquiry (only days later) and did everything it could to frustrate the Quebec Inquiry. Nor does he mention that when the British Trade Commissioner, Print Edition


James Cross, was kidnapped (some days earlier than the Laporte murder… and held for almost two months) the federal forces knew where he was the whole time. Finally – to keep the doors of investigation WIDE OPEN – when three doctors met over the body of Pierre Laporte in order to make the first full Report of the causes of death, etcetera, for authorities… one of the doctors refused to sign the Report prepared – and never did. If that suggests some kind of collusion in the reporting of the death of Pierre Laporte … the suggestion is backed up by an interview held with the doctor who refused to sign the official report …some months later. Though he didn't condemn the process (he didn’t need to), he spoke (in relation to the Laporte postmurder investigations) of the messed-up post-John F. Kennedy assassination investigations in the USA…. (If a person can catch a net of falsehoods, as I have here, by merest accident … what others DO WE NOT CATCH when we read the Globe and Mail ? ? ? ) Robin Mathews, Vancouver BC rmathews@telus.net

PostScript: Remember the Felquistes were independence fighters … and the federal government, of course, wanted to dismantle them quickly…. And also, I am convinced, Trudeau gave the RCMP more than a free hand … with the expected results … (criminal actions) and then the Quebec RCMP inquiry was met with the federal inquiry,.. to muddle the picture …. purposefully …. (To protect Trudeau’s Dirty Tricks!!) Much of the latter Inquiry was held in camera (I knew the major appointee). A Public Inquiry … that was to be kept (mostly) from the public. (You explain.) And it was used to discount the Quebec Inquiry. So it was a game of shadow-boxing and of hiding evidence that would damage the Trudeau government. One wonders…. how much is ineptitude and how much is policy??? The writer of the G and M piece messes up the reporting so well it looks intended … but could be sheer incompetence…. As in the USA there is the real 9/11 story and the official one, so in Canada there is the real FLQ story and the creation of the Trudeau fantasists of an FLQ story that is fantasy … which is why much of the www.dialogue.ca

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“Public Inquiry” by the federal government was held in secret with secret reports handed to (a few in) Cabinet…and never made Public! ! ! (How’s that for a Public Inquiry???) Trudeau couldn’t announce a “secret” Inquiry, so he announced a Public One that was mostly secret – and got away with being mostly secret because of our lily-livered press and media. I often wonder when the bold, serious, real Canadian historian will appear and decide to research and Report the whole true story. Knowing the Canadian academic historian club… I don’t expect sudden and wonderful action!!! It may be surprising to English Canadians that our Quebecois brothers and sisters are equally as hesitant to really go at the story. That has always surprised me – except there is no reason why the Quebecers should be any less brainwashed than nous autres (Brainwashed… and fearful of what would happen to them if they set about telling the real story!!! – and telling it fully!!!). “OH!” you say… “there is surely not THAT KIND of censorship in Canada….” Well, think again. Surely one of the biggest and most all-involving stories of Canada’s 20th century was “the FLQ Crisis”. Kidnap. Murder. Invocation of the War Measures Act. Troops flooding into Quebec. Soldiers sent to guard every MP in Ottawa. (Mrs. Diefenbaker told me about that.) CIA all over Montreal… (Hugh MacLennan told me about watching that). Etc. Etc. F U N !! And absolutely MADE for the young Canadian Historian who wants to do something great and big and important and fascinating – and work-fora-lifetime!!! But none has taken up the challenge…and knowing (alas) the character (I think I do) of the Canadian Historical Association … I am not holding my breath – awaiting the bold, fearless, wonderful, exciting, revelatory Canadian Historian determined to tell the truth and reveal one of the greatest stories of Canada’s twentieth century… alas. Robin Mathews is a retired professor who taught English literature at Carleton University in Ottawa and at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. He is well known for his campaign to Canadianize the faculty and curricula of Canadian universities. ♣ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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STOP REWRITING HISTORY! A LETTER TO ALBERTA EDUCATORS From: Gunther Ostermann, Parksville BC To: ae.minister@gov.ab.ca ; premier@gov.ab.ca Cc: cs.minister@gov.ab.ca ; ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca culturetourism.minister@gov.ab.ca Subject: Change must occur in all parts of society at once, not one institution at a time.” – H. G. Wells.

Dear Mrs. LaGrange, I hope the teachers will find their backbone. What's next? Is there only one side to a coin? From a Very concerned human being, speaking for those who cannot do it for themselves.

Letter Sent to Editors and to Teachers of Alberta Nov.12. 2021

Adriane LaGrange reveals herself as a very prejudiced, but very powerful person, who can change history with a single tweet. Since 1984, teachers in Alberta taught the positive & negative aspect of the Nazi Germany Regime. But now, Education Minister Adriane LaGrange says there is nothing positive of the German Regime and, “the reference (to it) that existed since 1984, was as wrong then as it is now and is being expunged.” Wow, Mrs. LaGrange sounds just like a dictator, who decides what people can read and think. Obviously, Mrs. LaGrange doesn’t know that the German government in 1933 changed their monetary and economic system. Germany had 6 million unemployed and impoverished people, and this change allowed them to rebuild and prosper, while other nations were languishing in poverty for another 6 years. Was it stupidity of the Canadian, British and the US Governments

to just watch, instead of copying, as Germany’s example was for all the world to see? One of the most influential and widely read American economists of the twentieth century was John Kenneth Galbraith. He was an advisor to several presidents, and for a time served as US Ambassador to India. He was the author of several dozen books, and for years taught economics at Harvard University. With regard to Germany’s record, Galbraith wrote: “...The elimination of unemployment in Germany during the Great Depression, without inflation – and with initial reliance on essential civilian activities – was a signal accomplishment. It has rarely been praised and not much remarked. The notion that Hitler could do no good extends to his economics as it does, more plausibly, to all else.” “No objective observer of the German scene could deny Hitler’s considerable exploits,” noted American historian John Toland. “If Hitler had died in 1937 on the fourth anniversary of his coming to power… he undoubtedly would have gone down as one of the greatest figures in German history and throughout Europe.” There is plenty of supporting evidence still on the internet, which a 10-year-old can understand. Hopefully the teachers will find their backbone and question the mentality of their education minister. Sincerely, Gunther Ostermann, ♣

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Only with Honesty, Truth and Justice can there be a future for our species [SENT TO THE EDITORS OF THE TIMES COLONIST AND THE TYEE] – July 14 2021 By Gunther Ostermann

RE Articles in the Times Colonist ISLANDER:

Pacheedaht Elder Statesman Bill Jones, who spent many years as a logger, made a soul and gut wrenching confession. “My personal view now, after years of mulling over those two experiences, (See July 11 of the same paper) “I feel that you have to be desensitized to be a logger. You have to be numb to the environment, numb to what you’re doing.” In the same paper and date, Professor Trevor Hancock from the University of Victoria, made a similar statement, “This is a deeply immoral economy driving a deeply immoral society.” This makes it clear, that we can produce plenty, 40 dialogue

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enough for everybody of everything, but have not devised a just and intelligent system to distribute it. Only then, will/can people not be forced to destroy precious resources, needlessly. – Gunther Ostermann Germany’s New ‘Green’ Foreign Minister Baerbock threatens Russia and China with nuclear weapons Gunther’s comment re this headline: [LINK FOLLOWS’]

In view of all the man-made problems that humanity is facing, I find it irresponsible of Germany – that a naïve person, like Annalena Bearbock, as Foreign Minister, can determine the end of life on earth, with her aggressive nuclear provocation against Russia and China. She actually belongs behind bars, a.s.a.p. Günther Ostermann, Parksville, BC LINK: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/12/08/baerd08.html?pk_campaign=newsletter&pk_kwd=wsws ♣ Print Edition


Nanoparticles By Peter Weygang, Bobcaygeon ON

Nanoparticles are small. An average size is 50 x 10-6 mm. Over 1000 will fit across the inner diameter of an average hypodermic needle. Nanoparticles have been used for a decade or so to treat rheumatic diseases, malaria, asthma, and HIV/AIDS Gold Nanoparticles {AuNPs) have been used in diagnosis, drug delivery, and treatment. However, these nanoparticles accumulate in an animal’s liver, and spleen, with little elimination. These accumulations of nanoparticles may be toxic to the patient, thus additional materials must be added to the vaccine to keep the nanoparticles flowing. It reminds me of my time as a petroleum engineer, when it was vital to correctly ‘dope’ the drilling mud. If the formulation was not correct, the debris would sink down the drill hole, and jam the drill bit. An article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal notes that: The recent use of Aluminium nanoparticles in vaccines are reported to cross the blood-brain barrier, and harm the brain cells because of molecular mimicry. Therefore, efficacy of vaccines needs to be monitored, including safety measures, before one embarks on vaccinations. That has not happened, and many people have criticised the very short time taken from the original laboratory formulation of the vaccine to the jab in the arm. The results of this undue haste are beginning to appear. Public Health Ontario {PHO} tallied the number of people in the province who have presented to hospital with heart inflammation, {myocarditis/pericarditis}, following mRNA vaccination, and it skews heavily towards young people. There have been, in total, 202 emergency room visits across all age groups, for such issues following vaccination, with 146 leading to hospitalization. Three of these have led to ICU admission. The BBC also picked up on this same problem occurring in the UK. [https://www.bbc.com/news/health57781637 ]. The USA has already recognised heart www.dialogue.ca

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inflammation as a side effect of vaccination. Nanoparticles present a real danger to health. The consequences of the shape, size, and metal used, are still being discovered. It is argued that the benefits outweigh the dangers. That is a matter of debate. It is known that breakthrough infections are thirteen times more likely to occur in people who have been doubly vaccinated, compared to those who have acquired an immune response via infection. This seems more likely to be a result of the nanoparticles, rather than other substances in the vaccines. As I write this, September 25, the media reports that Covid infections in some provinces are breaking all records. It is also known that about 80% of the population have been vaccinated. It follows that the remaining 20% of the population is being infected at a rate that is far higher than when the whole Canadian population was unvaccinated! That is hard to explain. The Israel Times reported in September that: Data showed that of the serious cases being admitted to hospital, around 60 per cent of patients were people who had been fully vaccinated, though most were over 60 or with underlying health conditions. In Ontario it is reported that 75% of infections occur among those who have not been vaccinated. I admire the skilful rhetoric. It really means that 25%, one in every 4, of the cases were in people who had been double vaccinated. That is an appalling statistic. There are many possible explanations for this conundrum, including the possibility that the vaccines are not very effective against the delta variant. The data from Alberta in late September, showing a large spike in cases, suggests that something odd is happening. Steven Riley, a professor at Imperial College, says: The Delta variant is known to be highly infectious, and as a result, we can see from our data and others that breakthrough infections are happening in fully vaccinated people. …. the researchers estimated that fully vaccinated people in this testing group had a 50% to 60% reduced risk of infection. That is a paltry fifty-fifty chance, which cannot justify the lives lost in collateral damage from the imposition of lockdowns, and other measures. …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Peter Weygang, Nanoparticles, contd.

I would have expected rates of close to 100% for any worthwhile vaccine; ergo, the vaccine is not doing the trick. There have already been eleven mutations of the original virus. Dr Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical chief, said that: It’s certainly possible that you could have mutations that will evade our countermeasures… It is possible, even probable, that corona virus variants will number more than 24. At that point, the zeta variant, we will have come to the end of the Greek alphabet. The WHO, with unusual anticipatory planning, suggest that new coronavirus variants could be named after star constellations, once the letters of the Greek alphabet are exhausted. Why is it that I do not feel a great sense of relief, and security? I think that a future mutation will make the present vaccines completely useless. Then we are back to square one. The total global annihilation of this virus is impossible, as with another well-known corona virus, the common cold. Electromagnetic radiation damages animal tissue. Skin cancer is caused by excess radiation from the sun. On the good side, microwave radiation can reheat our cup of coffee. In 1976 the US Defence Intelligence agency was concerned that the Russians might have microwave weapons. It did not find any, but it did discover research in which microwaves were pulsed at the throat of frogs until their hearts stopped. The report also reveals that the US was concerned that Soviet microwaves could be used to impair brain function, or induce sounds for psychological effect. Their internal sound perception research has great potential for development into a system for disorienting or disrupting the behaviour patterns of military or diplomatic personnel. It seems that this system has now been developed. The recent interest in the Havana Syndrome shows that the physical, and mental, dangers of electromagnetic radiation are, at last, being taken seriously. "The brain is being seen as the 21st Century battlescape," argues James Giordano, an adviser to the Pentagon and Professor in Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University, who was asked to look at the initial Havana cases. "Brain sciences are global. It is not just the province of 42 dialogue

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what used to be known as the West." Ways to both augment, and damage, brain function are being worked on, he told the BBC. But it is a field with little transparency or rules.  He says China, and Russia, have been engaged in microwave research, and raises the possibility that tools developed for industrial and commercial uses - for instance to test the impact of microwaves on materials - could have been repurposed. But he also wonders if disruption and spreading fear were also the aim. The best way to control people is with electrodes implanted in their brains, connected to small external antenna, or another device. These deep brain stimulations are used to treat Parkinson’s, epilepsy, and other disorders. The comic-book aliens from Mars are often depicted with a TV antenna sticking out of their heads. Could that be in our future? Probably not, but the apathy we see today concerning tracking via smartphones, and low-profile hacking, makes it a possibility. This control-at-a-distance can also be exerted by having magnetic materials deposited in the brain cells, and activated by electromagnetic waves. The modern material of choice is magnetic graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is made with the same atoms as our organs, tissues and cells, its bidimensional nature causes unique interactions with blood proteins, and biological membranes, and can lead to severe effects like thrombogenicity, and immune cell activation. This control-at-a-distance feature has been demonstrated in the laboratory, using mice. [https://seek.rockefeller.edu/flipping-a-switch-insidethe-head/ ] Flipping a Switch Inside the Head With new technology, scientists are able to exert wireless control over brain cells of mice with just the push of a button. The first thing they did was make the mice hungry. – By W. Wayt Gibbs; April 1, 2017 This article was written before graphene oxide was readily available. The researchers used other ways of making the brain cells responsive to radio waves. More recently, an article in NanoToday, August 2021, includes a video of a mouse reacting to a Print Edition


radio-controlled input. Typically, a hungry mouse will turn left, or right, with equal frequency as it forages for food. After the switch was flipped the mouse always turned in the same direction. This is frightening stuff. [ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1748013221001122 ]

According to Dr. Robert Young, graphene oxide is part of the four main vaccines. [https://www.europereloaded.com/dr-robert-young-finds-graphene-oxide-inall-four-vaccines-and-other-nasties/ ]

The vaccine manufacturers, and their government lackeys, deny any use of this substance. That means that they must have deliberately decided not to use these magical materials that are at the leading edge of their branch of science. I do not believe that. Japan rejected 2.6 million doses of vaccine because they found contamination in the phials. TOKYO: Public broadcaster NHK reported on Sunday that contaminants were found in Moderna Inc’s COVID-19 vaccines at a large-scale vaccination center in Japan’s Okinawa prefecture, suspending inoculations. An investigation by Moderna, Rovi and Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., which is in charge of the vaccine’s distribution in Japan, is ongoing. The foreign material is “a metal that reacts to a magnet.” I tracked down the following two headlines on the internet. “Moderna says COVID vaccines sent to Japan contained stainless steel particles.” “Okinawa finds contaminants in Moderna COVID-19 vaccines – NHK.” In both cases, the substance of the article has been removed, and replaced with: “Comments have been disabled. You can no longer respond to this thread.” Further digging revealed that Black substances were spotted in syringes, and a vial. Graphene was only

discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim, a physics professor at the University of Manchester. At the time, it was said Graphene may be the most remarkable substance ever discovered. But what’s it for? Now we know! Nano graphene oxide also has a good side, and many important uses. For example, NGO sheets are found to be photoluminescent in the visible and infrared regions, which is handy for live-cell imaging. This is the dilemma we often face in science, where a new advance in technology has both good and bad applications. Unfortunately, in my reading, I have never discovered a beneficial scientific advance that was not quickly followed by an evil application. People are rightly concerned about what is going into their arm, not only because of possibility of mind control, but also because the long covid illness may well be a result of nano particles, rather than the virus. In the future we may see jabs replaced by nasal sprays, and skin patches. Nano particles would see no difference. Human tissue is, to them, open as wide as the prairies are to us. The pandemic provides a golden opportunity to get nanoparticles inside all of us, and fulfil the dream of Bill Gates, to vaccinate the world. To what end, you say? That remains to be seen. I believe that the incredible gulf between the elite few, and the overwhelming billions of proles, is reshaping the future of humanity. I see evil, fuelled by greed, the lust for power, and megalomania, stomping throughout the world, controlling our very existence, while crushing freedom, and humanity, under its heel. Peter Weygang, September 25, 2021 Note: The italicised material was taken directly from scholarly research papers, and official reports. Peter Weygang, peterweygang@gmail.com ♣

“THE GREATER RESET – in Austin, Texas and Online, Jan.26-30, 2022 FROM: https://thegreaterreset.org/ The Greater Reset is the world’s collective response to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative, The Great Reset. We offer an alternative to the WEF’s top-down, central ized, authoritarian vision. Our desire is to help all people find community and liberty by providing practical steps and knowledge for co-creating a world that respects


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individual liberty, bodily autonomy, and choice. We invite you to join us for 5 days of discussion about the diverse opportunities available for those who seek to live in harmony with humanity and the planet, while respecting our innate freedom. “5 days of activation.” Over 35 speakers planned, including Derrick Broze, James Corbett, Robert Kennedy, Jr., and Catherine Austin Fitts. VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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This Pivotal Moment -- Episode 1


Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Vietnamese.

The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It's time to stop this plan in its tracks. Video Subtitles are now available in Brazilian and European Portuguese, Catalan, Dutch, Finnish, German,

Thank you to all those who have independently decided to translate the text of this video so that it can reach a wider audience. If you'd like to provide subtitles for this video or do a voiceover in your own language, please join the Telegram channel @ThisPivotalMoment where you'll find the necessary resources. ♣

Why Vaccine Passports will lead to a Totalitarian Surveillance State From Susanne Lawson 312,591 views – Nov 24, 2021 This Pivotal Moment 8.85K subscribers


A Canadian Institute of National Integrity Proposed manifesto of CINI... “The imperative to resist the illegitimate is now upon us” From Anthony James Hall, Lethbridge AB antoniusjameshall@gmail.com

Our governments in Canada have lost their way. They are no longer legitimate. At all levels our governments have joined an international conspiracy against the people.

Our societies are being plunged into chaos born of a contrived mass hysteria. Our public services no longer serve to protect people. Instead they do the opposite. They hurt and kill people. Our health care systems are being made to break down. They are becoming sites of unnecessary deaths and injury. Similarly, our schools, our courts, our transportation infrastructures, and our life-supporting supply chains are being made to break down through the malevolence of our discredited and compromised public authorities. Moreover, our public and private systems of media have, with some few exceptions, becomes sources of disinformation, deception and censorship. They withhold the truth in ways that imperil the sanity, discernment, safety, public health, and economic viability of whole populations subjected to an unrelenting barrage of psychological warfare. As a result the mental health of a sizeable portion of our population has been permanently undermined. The principles of informed consent in governance have been bulldozed aside. Our government officials have empowered themselves to declare states of emergency that they then deploy to make of themselves authoritarian despots. These same government potentates refuse to provide evidence to the 44 dialogue

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courts that would justify the states of emergency they declare. Even experts in their fields are censored when it comes to debating the medical substance of the claims and assertions imposed from above. Tragically the courts are playing along with the charade and chicanery. The judiciary is refusing to live up to its responsibilities as a check on government overreach into tyranny. As is the case in most of the other countries suffering the same plague of despotism, the constitutional protections for the rights and freedoms of citizens are being regularly and systematically violated. Increasingly threatened is our capacity to even present our grievances to the alien governments stolen from us in this international coup. The arbitrary creation of mandatory regimes to force tainted Covid shots into Canadians have transported us all into an era when the imperative to resist the illegitimate governments is now upon us. We can no longer tolerate the malevolent actions of the dictatorial cliques that have malevolently forced their unfounded authority upon us. As much as our governments and their media accomplices are trying to hide the damning information from us, the tainted content in these forced injections is well known to cause high numbers of deaths and injuries. Significant portions of these deaths and injuries are being caused by the fact that the Covid shots stimulate the proliferation of pathogenic spike proteins throughout the vascular systems of their recipients. This result is causing all manner of blood-related maladies including Print Edition


myocarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and infertility issues in both females and males. The evidence is overwhelming that many top-ranking scientists warned of the health problems that would arise if the notoriously-corrupt regulatory agencies bestowed emergency measure approval on the clot shots. Nevertheless, the regulatory agencies gave their approval based on accepting a well-documented complex of lies meant to make it seem that no effective alternative remedies existed. Ever since early reports began to circulate about the extent of injection-related deaths and injuries, many high-ranking medical professionals have been urgently calling for the complete withdrawal of the dangerous Covid jabs from public distribution. No matter how esteemed and distinguished the reputations of these medical whistleblowers, their professional opinions have been consistently ignored. The deaths and injuries being caused by the tainted injections are becoming major factors in the disarray that is taking hold of many hospitals. Many health care professionals, but especially nurses, have become aware of the dishonesty reverberating throughout many emergency rooms and intensive care units. They are fleeing the sites of murder and mayhem-- of deception and malfeasance-being perpetrated under the now-discredited banner of fighting Covid-19. Now we are seeing the imposed regime of mandatory vaccines causing many hospital workers to refuse the jabs. As a result they are being pushed out the door causing our health care system to crash under the oppressive weight of purposeful government sabotage. The chaos in our health care system is being replicated across many sectors including air transport. The aviation industry is an especially fraught field for the imposition of tainted vaccines. Blood clotting combined with pressure differentials at high altitudes put aviation workers and passengers at added risk. This pattern applies also to those already-high-risk groups engaged in military aviation. The result is that air transport is falling into a condition of disarray similar to that currently plaguing our hospitals. It seems that governments are not only allowing this crisis to develop, but are actually stimulating it in order to advance aims and objectives whose true nature is being withheld from the public. There is growing awareness that something is terribly amiss and that the official narrative of Covid-19 is specious. Many fundamental questions are being raised by www.dialogue.ca

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the severity of the Covid cult’s ruinous agenda of imposing injection mandates on millions of working people as well as on students. The extremism of Covid Officialdom is leading many to the conclusion that the havoc being wrought is being done purposely rather than inadvertently. The force being applied in the imposition of injection mandates goes way beyond the realm of coercion into that of extortion. Like the citizens of many countries, never before have Canadians en masse faced anything like the ultimatum to choose between taking a “product” or losing one’s job or one’s educational opportunities. In this case, the loss of jobs involves the penury that comes from the loss of economic viability as well from a further set of prohibitions, hardships and indignities. The so-called vaccine passports are being designed to create a new class of Canadian lepers excluded from participation in a society now reserved exclusively for vaccine-compliant people. It would be bad enough if this agenda was being pushed forward on the basis of the dissemination of medical products that were, in fact, safe and effective. But there is a large and growing body of evidence that the Covid clot shots are anything but safe and effective. How are we to explain our governors’ infatuation with the misguided goal of universalizing cradle-to-grave programs of vaccines, as they lionize the pharmaceutical industry and downgrade the Godgiven gifts of natural immunity? It is for these reasons that the Canadian Institute of National Integrity is being founded. CINI is being established with the explicit goal of calling attention to the illegitimate nature of the current crop of Canadian governments at all levels. The levers of power must be removed from these illegitimate entities. Measures must be put in place as a bridge to a new era when governments are structured to be genuinely accountable to the people of Canada. The fact that we have so quickly descended into the current plight can be taken as proof that our system of checks and balances is illusory; that we lack safeguards against severe abuses of the machinery for declaring and exploiting public emergencies. As part of the process of moving forward, we are putting Justin Trudeau on notice that he has made himself into a caricature of the malignant forces that must be resisted and controlled. Trudeau junior has fashioned himself as one of the world’s most reviled symbols of the Great Reset and the atrocious conception of transhumanism. …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Both these interrelated globalist objectives are being promoted unrelentingly by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. The WEF, which meets annually at Davos, has displaced the role of Canada’s parliament and that of many other legislatures around the world. Canadians

are rising to reclaim the national integrity of our country that has been betrayed by the treasonous agenda that Justin Trudeau has come to embody. Anthony James Hall, Lethbridge antoniusjameshall@gmail.com


Eva Lyman, West Vancouver

On Sadness

A few lines for Dialogue…

We, the wounded...

On Liberty

July 9, 1995

November 11, 2021

We are all wounded in the battles of life, some have no arms, no legs; and others no soul. But the wounded fight on. In the dark night they murmur and cry out in pain, their pleas rise up, but who hears them, and when, how many light years away? The howls of the corrupt pursue their victims in pain, and some are fighting on while others have fallen by the wayside of folly; And none are spared, all have been wounded in love, greed or hate, but some struggle onward to higher visions -The fatally wounded will forever rise and struggle, to defeat the darkness: yes, we, the wounded march on!

Detachment and more love So wisely said but hard to do When humans have been Changed to dogs to beg for scraps — Their former freedom rights! The profits rise for profiteers, But darkness shrouds our liberties! How fast we’ve fallen trustingly Into their traps sneakily laid Like sheep to slaughter meek we go Of their deception unaware! From near and far for liberty We’ve come and brought conformity And trust in leaders good and bad It seems your roots you can’t escape, And trust will often seal your fate For freedom was not ever given But fought and won in places few With blood and tears And Dignity!


When sadness grips me Like a millstone round my neck I ask for God’s help!

But keep your focus on the things of real value. Remember we are, in effect, spiritual beings getting perfected in life on this earth. Discern what is right, and what is fake. To do that, we need to meditate and ask the higher Power in prayer for help. All my relations. – Eva Lyman, evalyman@gmail.com ♣


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FROM SHUSWAP, BC - SECWEPEMC TERRITORY Turtle Woman and Plant Beings Patricia White, Lee Creek BC, pwhite.red@gmail.com [November 11, 2021] How many

people are able to see beyond the man made sandbox which has defined ‘reality’ for 6,000 years? We are witnessing the unfolding of the plans put in place long before our time. When we say ‘Love is the answer’ how many hear the true Patricia with Peanut, meaning of these words? one of her 3 canine companions. “Their" leaders, and “our" leaders charge ahead - one side trumpeting the virtues of their New World Order; other side trumpeting the virtues of ‘Freedom’ Is the THINKING of these leaders any different? To many of us it feels like two sides of the same coin. It takes time to Listen and Learn – I was told by one of our ‘leaders’ that he doesn’t have time for that. So the tires keep spinning in the sandbox and chances are if the ones chanting ‘Freedom’ get a foothold, they will repeat the same patterns of top down hierarchy and produce the same disastrous results. As a result of choosing not to Listen. Because mankind is not superior. In fact the human is the weakest, most needy Creature in all of Creation. With the least humility and comprehension of the Natural World Order. Plants teach us about plants. Water teaches us about water. Babies and pets teach us about Love. Love makes us into the Warriors we need to be. What difference does it make exposing ’The Real Anthony Fauci’ or any other psychopath? Continuing to talk about what is wrong is not going to lead us into remembering what is right and working together to bring back justice and balance and harmony with each other and Mother Earth. We know who they are in our local areas and we need to get out and arrest them and put them in jail Including the school boards, the regional districts, the mayors and chiefs and councils, the MPs and MLAs, the doctors, teachers, social workers … all the corrupt ones; all responsible for crimes against www.dialogue.ca

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humanity and now child abuse and murder via the lethal injections they call ‘vaccines’. Last night on ’the news’ it said happily that 900,000 children have been jabbed in the US since it became available. Putting something in their bodies which I believe will kill them to ‘protect’ them from something that can’t kill them. I am convinced that this is a Spiritual Battle. Life against Death. Good against Evil. Truth against Lies. There is no political solution. The only solution that I have come across is a total handover of power to Mothers. How many men will be able to hear these words, share them with their male friends and family, and understand that for we Mothers to do the work of birthing a world of Peace, Love, Harmony, Beauty - the men must step back, get off the stage, be quiet, allow us to do what comes naturally to us: Clean up messes and organize things. We don’t operate in the same sphere of reality that this pyramid of power operates. We can’t. It is like a fish trying to swim in dirt. The only thing preventing us from cleaning up this biggest mess ever made is men insisting on ruling. We need our Men to tell the men to sit down and be quiet and listen. In Edmonton we Mothers were held up, supported and protected by the Men. All kinds of Men. Rednecks, Indigenous, Bikers, Sons, Husbands, Brothers, Friends … this is only the second time in my life that I have experienced such an occasion. The Edmonton legislature is being occupied as a resistance camp to support an 83 year old Clan Mother while She is calling for Trudeau to come into her Tipi and acknowledge the original Queen’s Bargain from 1665. Until we return to the Matriarchal Circle everything will continue to die. [October 20 2021] Patricia White pwhite.red@gmail.com ♣


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."

– Alice Walker

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Poetry On Love… And Chocolate… The Romanticist and the Scientist were discussing the Nature of Love, They both agreed is does exist and is worth speaking of. They grappled a while with the tangled skein of lovers and what each expects, And agreed at last they would try to explain the mystery of Love beyond Sex. They agreed on the bonds of family regard, and love of a parent and child, And the love that is built upon mutual reward, and the love of a man for the wild, And the love of the poet in painting his words, and the sailor’s love of the sea And the love of the rancher tending his herds, and familiarity. But the nature of Love in the prime of youth, when their spirits soar to the skies Where lovers believe in a mystic truth, a brightness shines through their eyes… That was a topic they couldn’t resolve; they argued vociferously. That was the love most valued of all in Western Society. Such was the view of Romantic Man who sought this love when he could Yet knew it would fade in spite of his plan, and was baffled that always it should. He knew he’d be crushed and depressed and down But believed the effect to be good. A masochist’s belief in a thorny crown And a cause of his volatile mood. The Scientist wasn’t at all convinced that love of this kind was good. He searched with his science and finally evinced it was something let loose in the blood. He tested the plasma of normal folks, and of star-struck lovers too And abandoned wives with their broken lives, and he found the answer true. A chemical substance made in the brains of infatuated youth Released in the blood for joy or pain, and something to crave again. And where in the world can you find this power, this potion of boundless worth, This substance that fuels each love-charged hour, and inspires some to conquer the Earth? There is only one other place I can cite where it’s found in Nature so far, And that, to the jilted lover’s delight, is the lowly Chocolate Bar. So eat my dears of the cocoa bean and ingest the drug you crave Your ‘fix’ of phenyl-ethyl-amine to replace what love alone gave. Yum yum.

(Watch the ‘get fat meter’. Always too much bad sugars) From the desk of David M. Foster davidmuir.foster@gmail.com ♣

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Poetry from Laura Augustine What if we were all flowers Each just as beautiful as the last. Different colors, seasons, and blooms, Connected by humble beginnings, Each just a seed in times past.

When we meet another in our path, Someone we don't understand or even fear, Think of the garden, before worry becomes wrath. This isn't the future, or a far-off land, The time is now, the place is here.

We'd live in a harmonious garden, where each plant gives to the other. Some blessed with strength for others to climb, The tall shields the small from winds and weather. Some need shade, and need little water, Some plants heal, and some have zeal. Some are from lands far away, Some we see everywhere, every day. In a garden there is no judgement. There's no sneer from flower to shrub. Purple blooms don't disparage The yellow buds along the border; There's no God given pecking order.

Remember that we are all part of a global garden, Planted by our own creator, a gardener who wanted us to love our neighbour. Remind yourself that nature is splendid when it's full of colour, And an ecosystem thrives when plants of all shapes, sizes, needs and strengths, work together. With our hearts, minds and souls linked as one, We as humanity, can decide racism is done. ~ Laura Vero-Augustine The CLIC Society, www.theCLIC.ca

Roses don’t call daisies other, And early risers don't steal from their late blooming brothers. Being a good neighbour is how to belong. It's cooperating and cohabiting that helps a garden last long. Though flowers have no audible conversation, We as humanity communicate and reorganize our stations.

The CLIC Society - The Canadians Locally Improving Communities Society – is A non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of damaged land, supporting sustainability, and empowering Canadians to connect with and improve their communities. ♣


Place, Personhood and the Hippocampus – by Maria Popova From Christina Stafford, Nanaimo BC www.dailygood.org/story/2804/place-personhood-andthe-hippocampus-maria-popova/ (www.brainpickings.org)

I was glad to see this article that was finally discovering the value of our older brain parts… that help us to perceive life in a more organic and interrelated way (on the same lines as Betty Kovacs, who wrote The Miracle of Death, was saying)… And the article talks a bit about the remarkable ability of migrating birds and animals to find their way home. Here’s something fascinating about inner timing that other life forms have… “Perhaps the most astonishing internal clock belongs to the bioluminescent Bermuda fireworm, which swarms the tropical waters precisely fifty-seven minutes after sunset on each third evening after the www.dialogue.ca

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full Moon in the summer. Such a feat suggests that this tiny marine organism, with a fraction of a fraction of the cognitive capacity of a human, is internally equipped with three different timekeeping devises: a regular twenty-four-hour diurnal clock, a lunar clock with a 27.3-day cycle, and an interval timer to tick out the exact minutes past sunset. “Here’s something else: animals (probably) have a bio-compass that can “read” the earth’s geomagnetic field…. Carp floating in tubs at fish markets in Prague spontaneously align themselves in a north-south axis. So do newts at rest, and dogs when they crouch to relieve themselves. Horses, cattle, and deer orient their bodies north-south while grazing, but not if they are under power lines, which disrupt the magnetic field.”♣ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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It Isn’t Easy Being Green . . . or a Catholic By Roxanne M. Davies, N. Vancouver

Whether praying for Heaven or building a heaven on earth, the search for absolute answers is often the search for unhappiness Our chubby, jolly parish priest, who bears a striking resemblance to Friar Tuck, once asked if I knew the three big Catholic mysteries. “How wealthy are the Franciscans? How many orders of nuns are there in the world? And … are the Jesuits really Catholic?” he chuckled. As I pondered his three questions I thought there is one rather serious mystery left unsolved. Why do some priests and other people of the cloth, feel they have the right to mentally, physically and sexually abuse little kids? Every day we hear heart-wrenching stories about what happened in Canada’s residential schools. The most chilling story I heard was of the little Indigenous boy who said he shuddered every time he heard the swish of the priest’s habit coming toward his bed. After he had had his way with him, the priest would make the child kneel down to ask God’s forgiveness for making the priest do what he did. O dear Lord! I hope that priest has gone to meet his Very Disappointed Maker. And yet . . . I remain a Catholic. So many of my skeptical friends just shake their heads at my naïve commitment to Catholicism, to what they believe is a vastly corrupt organization. Why don’t I “convert” to the nice, intelligent and worldly Unitarians or the spiritually peaceful Baha’i? The fact remains that many, if not most, of these newfound spiritualities have their roots in, or are connected in some way, with the traditional faith-based vision of committed believers. I tell myself that the sign of maturity is the ability to hold two disparate thoughts in your mind without the top of your head popping off! All religions are manmade. People are flawed …and so are the organizations they create. You don`t throw out the baby with the holy water. I tell them that the Catholic Church, one of the oldest successful corporations in the world, does not promote or condone pedophilia, but sadly it 50 dialogue

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seems to attract men and some women who have pedophile tendencies. Is Catholicism the biggest religion in the world? With an estimated 1.345 billion baptized members, Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity and the Catholic Church is the largest among churches. The total figure does not include independent Catholic denominations, numbering some 18 million adherents. Does the Church need my money? Perhaps not. Many churches and religious orders are exempt from paying federal tax. There is no tax class for churches and so it would be difficult to tell, after all, how much churches would be required to pay. How many angels dance on the head of a pin? It’s a reduction ad absurdum, a challenge to medieval scholasticism in general and its angelologists in particular as represented by Thomas Aquinas. How many lawyers and accountants needed to keep track of the Church’s vast financial empire? Bankers estimate the wealth of the Vatican between 10 and 15 billion dollars. I would kindly suggest the Catholic Church sell some of it underperforming real estate to honour their financial support towards First Nations reconciliation. Buildings that were once used for spiritual purposes are sold all the time. Concordia’s beautiful student residence once housed the Grey Nuns Convent. There is an old, dignified Protestant church on Montreal’s Ste. Catherine Street now housing a circus school. Bread and wine and circuses, indeed! Is it time for a church reformation 2.0? Absolutely! Another brave insider like Martin Luther is needed to challenge the financial, moral and administrative abuses of the Church. It might be unavoidable if the Church doesn’t want to risk losing any more parishioners. I had great hope when Francis, also called Francis I, original name Jorge Mario Bergoglio, became the first pope from the Western Hemisphere, the first from South America, and the first from the Jesuit order. The Jesuits, are not your garden variety clerics, which is why I admired them. As my professors in Montreal’s Loyola College, claim, “Give me a child before he’s seven and he or she is mine forever.” I agree. When I returned to grade two after my mother’s tragic death, my classmates never spoke to me about my Print Edition


mother. Perhaps they thought losing one’s mother could be contagious. All I remember of those first school days post-my-mother’s-death was losing myself into the dusty, black serge folds of Sister Mary Flora’s habit as she gave me a big hug every time she saw me. The darling hockey-loving nun lived to be 100, cheering on her beloved Montreal Canadians. What I experienced in childhood I would carry with me into adulthood. Those memory images blended with the present. I would experience in the present with the help of the past that lingered in my nervous system. Personally, I like the mystery, ritual and familiarity of a church I have known since elementary school. Often I would attend Sunday Mass all by myself. I was raised in a family of Ukrainian immigrants who settled in Canada before WW2 and who studied and worked hard to become successful intelligent professionals and entrepreneurs. In fact, my folks often debated whether Christianity was the best deal for Ukraine, which had a sophisticated spirituality going back centuries before a tragic, well-meaning prophet called Jesus whose birth we celebrate, walked the dusty streets of Galilee. (I was astonished to learn about the Aratta civilization situated north of the Black Sea in present day Ukraine. I invite anyone who wants to know more about this archaeological discovery to watch the Tim and Heatherlee Hooker “Megalithomania Interview” on YouTube [www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-zfEPKbL2E ]. The discovery of Aratta, emerging from the shadows, has turned Middle Eastern archaeology upside down. Check out the story of Aratta civilization. Amazing!) Now … why did I choose the title for this article? In so many ways, being a devoted environmentalist is a little like being a devoted Catholic. How, you may ask! I would say they share the same three time-worn virtues . . . faith, hope and charity. Faith: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something divine. Faith in an environmental roadmap to get us out of the unholy mess we’ve created. Hope: A feeling of expectation and trust, to cherish a desire with anticipation, wanting something to happen. Who hasn’t fervently hoped world leaders and the 40,000 official participants gathered in Glasgow at COP 26 would agree on successful plans to bring down man’s carbon footprint? It was billed as the last www.dialogue.ca

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chance to a save the planet, yet at times the participants seemed to be playing a game of virtual reality. Many countries could not adhere to any plan that would come at the expense of economic development. Charity: Sometimes it is interchangeable with the word “Love”. Generosity and helpfulness, especially toward the needy or suffering. Effective altruism is the use of evidence and reasoning to determine the most effective way to help others. What are we willing to give up to and how much money are we going to contribute to make the planet healthier? A co-worker said her son worked for a summer in a garbage recycling plant. In large cities the line at the recycling depots processes up to 12 tons of waste an hour. The myth of recycling. Reduce, reuse recycle. Faith, hope, and charity. The US, the world’s most wasteful nation, produces 2 kg of waste per person per day. Her son confided much of the stuff that gets “religiously” sorted into the blue box often heads straight to landfill. Sorting out glass containers? Peanut butter in a glass jar is the worst culprit, he said. What could be recycled used to be loaded onto container ships and sent to Asia and Europe. Then in 2018 China, the world’s largest market for recycled waste shut its doors. What we were sending was too contaminated. A ship with dirty diapers circled the ocean for months. We want our waste hidden, but it has to go somewhere. In many places in the western world it is popular today for people to proclaim that they are “spiritual” but not “religious”, interested in things that go beyond the mundane without accepting systems of doctrine, worship or behaviour. Adhering to a formal religion like Catholicism requires discipline. Great discipline. In Matthew, a rich young man asks Jesus what actions bring eternal life. ... When the man responds that he already observes them, and asks what else he can do, Jesus adds: If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. I call myself an “Amateur Catholic” (Some Professional Catholics are Mother Theresa, JRR Tolkien and GK Chesterton). For those of us who find life and inspiration in our relationship with God, it is of paramount importance to make sure that we are not reducing our understanding of who God is, and who we are before God, to …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Roxanne Davies, It Isn’t Easy Being Green… or a Catholic, contd.

something that is not, in the end, true. Faith is not based in magic or fantasy or a desire to escape reality. It is about the truth. It is about what is really real, sometimes beyond surface appearances. And yet… so what! Global warming is real. Stronger and stranger microbes will flourish in an over-heated environment. Covid 19 is an opening act. Are we on the verge of the Apocalypse as the Bible predicted? How does the apocalypse start in the Bible? It begins with John, on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea, addressing a letter to the "Seven Churches of Asia". He then describes a series of prophetic visions, including figures such as the Seven-Headed Dragon, the Serpent, and the Beast, which culminate in the Second Coming of Jesus. Personally I take some comfort from a recently published optimistic book entitled, Apocalypse Never, Why environmental alarmism hurts us all, by Michael Shellenberger. It has been called an ‘extremely important book’ by Richard Rhodes, American historian, journalist, and author of both fiction and non-fiction, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Making of the Atomic Bomb (1986), and most recently, Energy: A Human History (2018). For decades, Shellenberger was a fervent environmentalist fighting for a greener planet until he realized that while climate change is real, it’s not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious

environmental problem. Another sign of a mature mind: if you never change your mind, then you love yourself more than the truth. [Check out the long interview between erudite, polarizing academic Dr Jordan Peterson and author Michael Shellenberger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLxZF_EWaLE ]

They posit the controversial idea that Europe has jumped on the climate research bandwagon because that’s all they have, to compete against China and Russia who were notoriously absent at COP26. They also blame environmental oppressors for the alarmism that hurts us all. I have the greatest respect for teenage Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. Her synopsis of the results from the COP 26 is brilliant. More Blah, blah, blah. She is also quoted as saying, “When people come together we can achieve almost anything. Instead of looking for hope, let’s start by creating it.” If I could offer a suggestion for the intense teen phenomena, I think she could adopt a piece of music to use as her trademark song, something inspiring to accompany her powerful talks. As in the best churches, beautiful music soothes the troubled soul. Roxanne M. Davies, roxannemilanadavies@gmail.com Roxanne Davies is the author of “Orchards, Crossroads and Dreams, A Ukrainian Memoir”, and co-author of “Olga, The OK Way to a Healthy, Happy Life” and coauthor of “Inside View, the Eye Behind the Lens” ♣


Do You Like Being Old? From: Ken Davies, kend@mor-net.on.ca

So many profound things in this short video ~ all true. [PHOTO, right, is from the video*] I can say that I like being 85, for I have no desire to live much longer in the world we see developing today. We seniors of my generation know that we can say and do things that we would never have dreamt of saying or doing in earlier times. We are free, devoid of feelings of embarrassment or reprisal because we have the experience and wisdom to know that we are almost always right! We lived in the best of times before all the rules and regulations that take the fun out of life today. Some would say we were careless, but we got through a 52 dialogue

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multitude of incidents and events that would scare most people today. Most of all, and this is for the younger generation of politicians, doctors and patients: we survived a lot of virus’s and disease without lockdowns, masks, bubbles, standing six feet from our friends and relatives, etc. And we are here today to tell the stories. – Ken D. [* See video transcript on P.58 of the Digital Edition] Print Edition


BC Health Officer Bonnie Henry speaking about children needing NO parental OK to get vaxxed On Nov 22, 2021, From: Eva Lyman, evalyman@gmail.com

Did we know Bonnie did this: removing parental consent for medical procedures on children? “In fact, we may see clinics popping up that don't require informed consent in the 5 to 11-year-old group. Let me just mention that the chief medical officer in Canada's British Columbia said they have brought laws that allow children of any age to

consent for themselves. Think about that. A baby can consent for vaccinations for itself. It would be funny if it wasn’t so diabolical.” (From Mercola’s “What you need to know about (Pfizer’s) Comirnaty”. Nov. 21 newsletter). Isn’t this criminal? I have a copy of her

announcement on my screen which I filmed with my cell phone. – Eva ♣


Canada and the “Five Eyes” “The most influential intelligence alliance in human history” – Bianca Mugyenyi, CFPI From the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute: www.foreignpolicy.ca/ The US-UKalliance has been at the centre of Washington's

New ZealandAustralia- and Canada “Five Eyes” is a sevendecade-old intelligence-sharing framework. With 2,700 employees and a $700 million budget, the Communications Security Establishment is Canada’s main contributor to the Five Eyes. Recently, the NSA-led

growing conflict with China. On Dec. 15th, a zoom webinar was presented by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, to learn more about the Communications Security Establishment and Five Eyes. Below is a link to the replay of Dec. 15th panel, "Canada and the Five Eyes" which featured Bill Robinson, Radhika Desai, Yves Engler and Joshua Klein. LINK: www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=e_ga3Pa8VyI&t=2267s ♣


A Geopathic Stress Solution From: Anna Christine Doehring, Nanaimo

You will be surprised about this geopathic stress solution. Chronic health problems might be connected to geopathic stress caused by grid lines, geopathic structures, or water veins under the building. To check the sleeping space in her house a friend had hired a specialist to find out the sleeping space is affected. Geopathic stress can be measured with scientific instruments or by dowsing. The result in her house: there was a problem in the basement and on the first floor but not on the second floor. The specialist checked again. The result was the same. On the second floor was on each night table a photo of Bruno Groening. Despite not knowing anything about this man the dowser asked to remove both photos. And ... to their surprise the bed on the second floor was also affected by geopathic stress after the two photos of this man were removed. www.dialogue.ca

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There are different possibilities to help in a situation like this. • One can move the bed, • Or use energetic tools to neutralise the space. • My mother often checked the beds of friends who had sleeping problems by dowsing. When there was geopathic stress, she put a 30 cm long magnet under the bed. I forgot how it was positioned • Or, as In this case two photos of Bruno Groening are sufficient. More about this man, Bruno Groening, you'll find at the website: www.bruno-groening.org/ According to him there is nothing incurable. Beside 84,000 friends worldwide, over twenty thousand testimonials and the involvement of about 6000 health professionals worldwide are proving this. On my night table is a photo of Bruno Groening. . Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP energyallaround@shaw.ca ♣ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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“Your Health Matters”

Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, Strongsville, Ohio EDITOR’S NOTE: We are grateful to

Derrick Lonsdale and his publishing company, Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co., for their express written permission to serialize and reprint this ground-breaking book.

A Nutritional Approach to a Revised Model for Medicine: Is Modern Medicine Helping You? © 2013 Derrick Lonsdale M.D. All rights reserved

E Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. 12620 FM 1960, Suite A4-507 Houston TX 77065

www.sbpra.com -- ISBN: 978-1-63135-336-9 (hardcover) 978-1-61897-092-3 (softcover)

A Nutritional Approach to a Revised Model for Medicine: Is Modern Medicine Helping You? By Derrick Lonsdale M.D. DEDICATION To my late wife, Adele; (and) The late James P. Frackelton M.D., Partner and friend who taught me much in the practice of Alternative Medicine. CONTINUED FROM THE LAST ISSUE; SERIES STARTED IN THE SUMMER OF 2020.

SEGMENT 6 – WINTER 2021-22



FIGURE 1: Diagrammatic representation of brain/body model A Revised Paradigm Shift In Thinking In chapter two the present disease model described is that of “killing the enemy,” whereas the model described here pays much more attention to the way we adapt to the various environmental stimuli encountered on a day-to-day basis throughout life. Understanding the development of Complementary 54 dialogue

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[ Installment 6]

Alternative Medicine requires a paradigm shift in thinking. Figure 1 represents the simplest presentation of this model. Although we each have only one brain anatomically, it is divided conceptually into two functional sections. Figure 1 does not take anatomy or structure into consideration. Freud recognized the subconscious mind, but did not understand that it was really a computer since computers had not been invented at that time. The cognitive or conscious mind is still poorly understood, although great strides have been made in research. We do not understand completely the mechanism of intelligence and there is some doubt as to whether we can truly exercise “free will,” defined as possessing an ability to take complete control over all our conscious actions, make choices, or change our minds. The alternative to that, of course, is the idea that the brain is a “black box” which arranges all the complexities of human behavior at a highly organized reflex level. The expert neurologists presently studying the brain deny that the cognitive brain is a computer, but the lower brain works below conscious level and computer seems to be the logical explanation of its function. Sanity and rational behavior is a complex dialogue between the two brains. The lines drawn between the cognitive brain and the computer in Figure 1 represent the continuous communication that goes on between the two at all times when we are conscious. The lines drawn between the “autonomic” and “endocrine” systems, body organs, and the computer represent the dialogue that must exist between them throughout life. This is the brain/body machinery that enables us to adapt to the constant …/ Print Edition


Dr. Lonsdale, Nutritional Approach, contd.

environmental changes that we encounter. In the newborn infant the lower brain is the functional one and the cognitive, although anatomically present, is not. Thus, we have no conscious awareness at birth. We have a computer that is programmed, enabling us to cry, to be soothed, to express anger by the nature of the cry and express all the limited emotional reactions of such an infant. The newborn, at this stage, is purely automatic, because the connections have not yet been completely hardwired. Whether he feels pain in the same way as an older child or not is a moot point. He certainly cries in response to painful stimulus, but it is probably purely reflex. It may well be “remembered” in the form of a “file” incorporated into the “hard drive” of the computer. This is probably the way that something as devastating as child abuse is retained. It is never erased as a “file” and will continue to interfere with the normal dialogue between the two brains throughout life. It is important to remember that our perception of the world depends upon all sensory input that is interpreted by the brain. If those mechanisms of interpretation are immature, non-functional, or distorted, the interpretation will be abnormal. Philosophers throughout the ages have asked whether the world in which we live is really there. At first sight, this seems to be absurd but we “see, hear, smell, and touch” the world in which we live and our perception of it depends upon how it is interpreted in our brains. The body is nothing without the brain. The infant urinates and defecates into his diaper and has no conscious awareness of the act. These are functions that will be overridden later by the cognitive brain when a dialogue has been established. As this awareness develops, it is a process of biochemical and electrical maturation and has little to do with so-called toilet training. Of course, the growing child is introduced to the toilet as the proper place and becomes aware of its use. But it is strictly a developmental phenomenon and would take place in any normal child, whether toilet training is instituted or not. Occasionally, an infant is born with a normal looking head but the only brain within it is the brain stem. If a light is placed behind the infant’s head, it will glow because it contains only the guidance system that we are referring to as the computer. The rest of the space www.dialogue.ca

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in the skull is taken up with fluid. It is, of course, incompatible with ultimate survival. The initial impression is that the infant is quite normal. He looks normal and he cries. He will suck from a bottle or the breast and he can be soothed. His brain contains the machinery that presides over purely reflex function but it has no capacity at all for the maturation required to grow towards childhood and adult status. After a short while, it becomes obvious that there is no further development and the infant must eventually die. During the first six months of life, brain growth in the human is phenomenal and this is best seen by examining an infant head circumference chart as used in a pediatrician’s office. The growth is exponential and the curve of the chart is almost vertical initially, gradually sloping off to the age of about six months. During the second six months the slope is quite gradual. The increase in head circumference is closely related to the growth of the brain as its complexity increases. Brain cells increase in number and become more specialized. Increasingly complex electro-chemical reactions and cell specialization form the basis of maturation. One day, this sophistication reaches a point when a message coming into the computer from the bladder is passed on to the cognitive brain. In effect, a dialogue begins between the two brains and the higher brain is being asked, “What shall we do about this message from the bladder?” The answer is dependent upon whether the infant has been introduced to the practical use of a toilet, and whether maturation has proceeded far enough to inhibit the normal reflex that would be initiated by the computer. It is failure of this maturation that is responsible for bed wetting (enuresis). The more primitive lower brain dominates function in a young child and it is obviously important to understand the gradual electro-chemical process by which more and more advisory action is required from the cognitive. It is amazingly similar to the increasing complexity that is introduced into a man-made computer as more and more software programs are added to the hard drive. The Computer Calling part of the brain a computer appears to conflict with the philosophical notions of the “spirit” and the “soul.” People say that there has got to be more to humanity than whirling electrons and complex chemical reactions. There is no practical evidence for the existence of either the soul or the spirit. Philosophers VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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have used them to explain much that we do not know about ourselves, dismissing them as that part of a dying person that flees the body toward a new life. The role of a physician as a teacher, however, is to try to get his patient to understand the fundamentals of brain/body machinery that has to be serviced to maintain mental and physical health. The limbic system brain is a complex computer that reacts to input stimulus. It is constantly receiving all the communication signals from both the outside environment and from the body. The “personality” of an individual is partly inherited and partly programmed by upbringing and experience. Emotional reactions will be predictable, to a large degree, by understanding the nature of this personality, but it is not a thinking process. It is an automated, biochemically driven reaction to a stimulus and we are all programmed to react in a similar way to a given stimulus. For example, we smile in response to a pleasant stimulus and frown when it is unpleasant. If a person receives a telegram giving bad news, the computerized reaction is a predictable emotion. This is the result of a chemical reaction in the computer. The conscious brain can override the “commands” of the computer for a lot of our behavior. This, however, means that there has to be an appropriate dialogue between them. For example, although breathing is a purely automatic process, governed by the computer, we can override it voluntarily, requiring an effort of will that is determined by the cognitive. When we are asleep, the automatic control mechanisms must take over this vital process. If it becomes dysfunctional, as happens when the electrochemical mechanisms in the brain stem are affected, breathing is compromised and we get sleep apnea, a common problem in the world of today. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also still too common, is in the same category and could easily be prevented by understanding and using what we know about the chemistry related to energy metabolism in those vitally important brain cells. Emotions, governed automatically by the limbic brain, result from various stimuli and are associated with predictable reflex changes of a physical nature in the body. For example, anger will be associated with a typical facial expression and other changes by which we can observe it in an affected person. Such complex reactions are built into our genetic makeup and the pattern of associated behavior is appropriate. It is not a 56 dialogue

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thinking process and it is maintained by normal brain chemistry. It is modified by properly introduced training and experience that might be compared with the addition of software to a computer. We know, for instance, that our assumed gender roles are programmed into us within the first two years of life. It is taken for granted that a person with male genitalia is to be raised as a boy and one with female genitalia as a girl. It is possible, however, to raise a normal boy as a girl and vice versa, simply by training the individual to assume the gender role. Such a role-training is entered into the “hard drive” as a permanent “file” and cannot be erased after the second year of life. Laughter is appropriate under predictable conditions, but an abnormal response is inappropriate as in the case of a man recorded in medical literature who would begin to laugh helplessly when having sexual intercourse. Abnormal chemistry gives rise to abnormal behavior. Both mental and physical stimulation are forms of “stress” and our adaptive responses are automated, but can be modified cognitively. Thinking and conscious awareness are much more complicated phenomena, about which we know very little as yet. Computer scientists are, however, trying to build a robot with artificial intelligence, implying that it may be possible for a man-made computer to perform in an intelligent manner and to make choices if enough complexity is introduced. Certainly, an important function of the cognitive or conscious brain is to advise the more primitive brain computer that an action is permissible within the confines of contemporary society. When the dialogue between the two is functioning normally, we have sanity, but when the computer “takes over command” it exposes the primitive person within each one of us. The resulting behavior may be irrational to observers but not necessarily to the perpetrator, potentially important in trying to understand behavior like violent crime and vandalism. The cognitive brain may be aware of the action, but powerless to stop it. If it can be proved in an Ohio court that a crime was committed by someone who knew what he was doing but was powerless to stop, it can come under the heading of “temporary insanity.” This is extremely difficult to prove, particularly in our present attitude toward crime being considered to be a purely voluntary act that must be punished.

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Dr. Lonsdale, Nutritional Approach, contd.

“Blind anger” or “seeing red” may be a real phenomenon. Perhaps a person can become so berserk that he can commit a violent crime without cognitive awareness. There is a precedent in the so-called Twinkie case, tried in California. A man committed murder and his defense rested on the plea that his criminal act was brought about by the state of his brain induced from a craving for that particular commercial brand of sweets. One cannot help wondering whether the murders alleged to have been committed by O.J. were performed in a state of blind anger. Could it be that such a person is so deranged at the time of the crime that he actually did not know that he was committing it? If it were so, he would have been “insane” at the moment of the crime. One also wonders whether he consumed a great deal of the soft drink that he advertised on television commercials. This may seem to be too far-fetched, but as an example, sleep walking is an extremely complex act while maintaining unconsciousness. It would have to be shown that the brain was in a state of biochemical abnormality and that it could slip back into a normal state of balance (homeostasis) afterwards. Homeostasis is the intermediate state of mind between two extremes of possible behavior, perhaps fury on the one side and exaggerated tranquility on the other. Depression is one extreme and euphoria the other, the personality characterized by Pagliacci and known to be the behavioral characteristics of many comedians. We might say that homeostasis is the correct mixture of yin and yang while at rest. The limbic system computer might be compared with a radio. The incoming sensory input is data processed and the reflex emotional state and actions induced. On completion the brain approaches an intermediate state of balance. If the volume control on a radio is increased to an extreme, it becomes an unpleasant experience for the listener. Could it be that the mechanisms of violence in human brains are dependent on “volume” of input and the threshold of limbic system reaction? High calorie malnutrition, particularly the ingestion of simple carbohydrates, certainly induces a lower threshold of reaction by the limbic system and the emotional reactions are increased in volume. Whether it can overwhelm the cognitive supervision to the point of violence is unknown, but temper tantrums in children are exaggerated by high calorie www.dialogue.ca

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malnutrition and they can quite commonly be associated with minor acts of violence, such as kicking a wall. Turning back to the process of thinking as performed by the cognitive brain, it is possibly brought about by a mass of reflexes that connect and deliver an eventual conclusion that reaches a new plane of understanding. It might be illustrated by the persistence of Edison when he tested thousands of materials that would glow with sufficient brilliance to shed light when an electric current was passed through it. There was a logical sequence in the brain reactions that we might identify as thought. We know also that some very complex problems have been solved by a person when asleep. A scientist goes to bed with the problem “on his mind” and awakens with the solution. It is as though the brain works on its own and that is really not any different from putting complex information into a mainframe computer which “data processes” it and arrives at a solution. END OF INSTALLMENT 6

Dr. Derrick Lonsdale “Everything is connected to everything else.” TO BE CONTINUED IN THE NEXT ISSUE

Serialized reprinting of Derrick Lonsdale’s book: A Nutritional Approach to a Revised Model for Medicine Softcover version published in 2013. Hardcover version: 2014. Thank you to Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. for permission to reprint the chapters of Dr. Lonsdale’s book. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the permission, in writing, of the publisher, Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. ISBN: 978-1-61897-092-3 (softcv); 978-1-63135-336-9 (hard) Dr. Lonsdale retired in 2012 at the age of 88 years; he is a retired Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and a Certified Nutrition Specialist. Dr. Lonsdale is also author of: Why I Left Orthodox Medicine. And his 2017 book: Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition, explores thiamine and how its deficiency affects the functions of the brainstem and autonomic nervous system by way of metabolic changes at the level of the mitochondria… This book represents the life work of the senior author, Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, and a recent collaboration with his co-author Dr. Chandler Marrs. ISBN: 0128103876 / ♣ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Laughter & Lightenment

From Herb Spencer and Peggy Hall:

14. One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people. 15. How is it possible to have a civil war? 16. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? 17. Whose cruel idea was it for the word 'lisp' to have 's' in it? 18. Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead of "assteroids"? 19. Can an atheist get insurance against acts of god?

Ambiguity & idiosyncrasies For those who love the philosophy of ambiguity, as well as the idiosyncrasies of English:

1. One tequila, two tequila, three tequila... Floor. 2. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 3. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "where's the self-help section?" she said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. 4. What if there were no hypothetical questions? 5. If a deaf child signs swear words, does his mother wash his hands with soap? 6. If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? 7. Is there another word for synonym? 8. What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? 9. If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages? 10. Why do they lock gas station toilets? Are they afraid someone will break-in and clean them? 11. If the police arrest a mute, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? 12. How do they get deer to cross the road only at those yellow road signs? 13. What was the best thing before sliced bread? _______________________________________________________________________________________

From Sammy Camilleri, Sault Ste. Marie ON

You gotta love Grandmas! A doctor that had been seeing an 80-year-old woman for most of her life finally retired. At her next checkup, the new doctor told her to bring a list of all the medicines that had been prescribed for her. As the doctor was looking through these, his eyes grew wide as he realized Grandma had a prescription for birth control pills. "Mrs. Smith, do you realize these are birth control pills?" "Yes, they help me sleep at night." "Mrs. Smith, I assure you there is absolutely nothing in these that could possibly help you sleep!" She reached out and patted the young doctor's knee and said, "Yes, dear, I know that. But every morning, I grind one up and mix it in the glass of orange juice that my 16-year-old Granddaughter drinks. And believe me it definitely helps me sleep at night."

He got an A+ Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question was: 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk.' The question was worth 70 points or none at all. One student was hard put to think of seven advantages. He wrote: 1) It is perfect formula for the child. 2) It provides immunity against several diseases. 3) It is always the right temperature. 4) It is inexpensive. 5) It bonds the child to mother and vice versa. 6) It is always available as needed And then the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell rang indicating the end of the test he wrote: 7) It comes in two attractive containers and it's high enough off the ground where the cat can't get it. He got an A+. ♣ MORE ON P. 83

You gotta love Grandmas! 58 dialogue

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Tales from Fruitvale…

Giving Thanks

Paul Bowles, Fruitvale BC, scribepoet@hotmail.com

We might be reticent to say ‘Thanks to the Earth’ at this time, in B.C. anyway, for all the crisis and loss of life from fires and flooding and highway mudslides all within a few months, but, people help, and we can say thanks for that. Saving horses by helicopter sling, feeding stranded cows that were up to their necks in water, boating around to salvage things and rescue people, feeding truck drivers who were stuck somewhere on washed-out mountainside roads. Has a lesson been learned from draining Sumas Lake a hundred years ago and expecting nature to be continually benign? We might not say thanks for all the thousands of hogs and chickens washed away when those prodigious rains descended on the unexpecting peaceful prairie, but we could say thanks for a brighter day when there is recovery, and a new resiliency built with some riparian considerations. In Abbotsford there is a Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy; the process began with the 1990 flood which is described as a 35-year event. I have read that they had 35 planning years, over which there have been 24 engineering studies and agency reports. Nevertheless, the three levels of government responsible for mitigating flood risk had failed to come up with a plan. “The whole project of preparing for floods, handed off to an endless procession of agencies and study panels, bogged down in stakeholder issues and a multitude of interests.” Perhaps there was not enough unity in all that diversity. We might give thanks in advance for some new ideas and to bring our minds together as one. This last week, my wife and I travelled to Kelowna where our daughter Hannah and grandson Malachi live, not too far from the washed out Coquihalla highway. I am reminded, in passing, to be thankful not to have been caught in a mountain slide en route. On our return we crossed the scene just outside of Grand Forks where in the snow, a fully loaded logging truck had jackknifed on a precipitous edge, blocking the entire highway and was hung up across the median. We www.dialogue.ca

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give thanks for the median being there. Soon after arriving at Malachi’s house the wind began howling and blowing with fury, trees arched over like soaked flowers, and rain blown sideways soon became waves rippling down the street. Malachi said that, “the God of Hell has arrived.” Then the power went out and remained out all night. It was unsettling but eventually passed and normality returned. When Kye was at school, my wife sorted out his entire room, piecing together all the mixed up games and Lego pieces into a coherent order. I did not remain unaffected by this ardent purge but I had nothing to do anyway. One day later, Malachi mentioned soccer… so I mentioned Alphonso Davis and we checked out (online) some of his moments on the field, particularly his world cup goal that gob smacked everyone. Being suitably revved up by those video highlights, we both went outside to play soccer in the driveway. After ten minutes of showing him how to dribble the ball around a player, I withdrew, limping and suffering a bruised heel for the next three days. I knew I was pushing it before I went out, but I was thankful that at least I made the effort. Also in Kelowna on the other side of the lake is our other daughter Ella. During this visit I was able to hand over to her my latest calligraphy piece, a shortened version of the Haudenosaunee ‘Thanksgiving Address,’ – ‘First Nations, Giving Thanks for the Cycles of Life,’ to celebrate her new job in Ottawa with the Wildlife Service, where she will be working with Indigenous community-based monitoring programs. Our next destination was Pritchard, near Kamloops, where we spent a few days at our son’s farm with the family of six. This time I had the opportunity to bond with three-year-old Nash who has, since our last visit, become considerably more verbal. He had a marble, which was lost under the fridge; with my help, employing a makeshift tool, we got it out. Soon after that, Nash was enlisting my aid again, and in spite of expressing my doubts that it was actually under there (again!), he insisted and so we both lay flat out on the floor, poking around and peering with Dad’s flash- …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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light and enjoyed once again the extraction process. In fact, that marble was repurposed on another occasion. Nash rolled the small glass sphere along the length of the dining table. An uneven surface of roughly built boards was an unpredictable path, but one which made the journey along it more interesting with dips and edges to deflect it. I returned the marble with a flick of my little finger and the game was on and which lasted for at least half an hour. The attention span of this little fellow amazed me. It was a joyful time spent. The game even diversified when someone else needed a bit of table, and we had to move to play across the table with the marble instead of along its length. For this, against-the-grain challenge, I employed some recycled cereal boxboard and streamlined the route, but also providing some edges to buffer against. This latest development was a big hit, juicing up the enthusiasm, so when my wife moved in to study the game, I was able to tempt her to take part and take my leave, while giving thanks for the unique experience. I didn’t want to leave before an essential mission was accomplished, so I suggested to Nash that we suit up and head out into the snow and make a snowman. I soon found that the snow was too fluffy and did not roll well, although, with substantial shovelling and much patting I did manage to create a resemblance of a snowman and obtained a carrot and a pipe which

made it more persuasive. We then went inside to warm up but before long, the dogs came along to examine our ‘snowman’ and the pipe and carrot were the first to be plucked out and then one of them decided to climb up on it as we watched, on edge, from the window. Nash didn’t care much, he hadn’t invested the same span of time as I had on it, in fact he had spent most of the time sliding down and clambering up the hill nearby. Nash’s brother Corbin, now seven, got 15 out of 15 on his spelling test, we all said great job and that his mum should get some thanks for coaching him the night before on when and where to use an ‘e.’ We all examined the spelling list upon the table. Under the table, it was so comforting to see younger brother Easton lying motionless, being very tolerant of the young babe Piper standing with splayed little legs and beating on him for all she was worth. He took it like a man. We were thankful to have arrived home safely, driving the worst part of the journey through the mountains in the dark and with headlights dimmed from the snowy spume kicked up and caked on, which wasn’t realised until later. Cleaning them could have saved our eyes from popping out of our heads to see the road. But we made it and said thanks again, to The God of travellers and to Mother Earth for seeing us safely home and a handy pizza for supper. Paul Bowles, scribepoet@hotmail.com♣

WHAT IS I stand at my window and watch the light and cloud interweaving, colours spread on a drifting panorama until darkness displays the sparkling field of cosmos. Here on Earth is beauty and diversity, the human body, the furry caterpillar, each as perfect as the other as if imagination spawned creation. Beyond our view electrons spin, atoms into molecules turn, acids form bases and D.N.A. sequences, the memory code of life transmits. But, from where do the messages come? Dreams of action stir the system from a secret source of mind; wavelengths are the keyboard of light, which plays the song of time. Paul Bowles, 2nd December 2021 ♣ 60 dialogue

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Memories from Owen Sound…

Eleanor Reed, Owen Sound

Bonna’s daughter Kathie gave me a couple of items for keep sakes. One was the poem she wrote; it was in a frame. It is dated May l7, 1904. The minister's wife read it at Bonna's burial. It is called The Old Plate.

A Poem by Bonna Rouse… From: Eleanor Reed, ejreed@rogers.com Bonna Rouse (June 4, 1933 - September 24, 2021), Owen Sound, ON

THE OLD PLATE The gold is gone from the edges The Roses are faded as well. But if the old plate could speak, A life time of tales it would tell.

Most of the old plate's companions Have shattered and gone by the way. Though worn and dim, it is cherished, And sometimes it brightens my day. For I too remember the old times, The blessings Wayne said o'er the food, The love that surrounded that table, The thankfulness God was so good.

It is part of a setting of dishes, Bought for her home by a bride. Her dreams of a dining room table Done up with silver and china and pride. Christmas and birthdays and parties, Does the old plate remember the years? Birth of a baby, the loss of a loved one, Smiles of joy, laughter, sadness and tears. In that home there was always a welcome, For friends from the past and the new, The door was wide open for company, We were always so glad to see you!

All the chairs now stand empty, So many have passed on from here. But I'll sit 'round a table in heaven, In the company of those I hold dear. We'll laugh and we'll clatter the dishes, My loved ones again I will see. My father, mother, and husband Are saving a place at that table for me. Bonna Rouse was a member of the Grey Bruce Writers Club ♣


“In the Mystery” Franklin O’Connor (“Stan Smith”), Nanaimo

Theoretical physicists have a consciousness of MYSTERY, which motivates their constant search. They are an example to all belief systems (religious and atheist) – Never to forget that “All is Mystery.” In other words, we know absolutely everything about absolutely nothing.(*) That is, avoid fundamentalisms (and ‘experts’). Muslims and others are just as fanatical as Trinitarian Christians. So the strife of the millennia continues in our time. Enough! www.dialogue.ca

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Believe what you want, but keep it out of politics. This is metaphysical, transcendental, an openness to the totality of reality. It could take humanity 1000 years to come to its senses about MYSTERY and PEACE. Our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-greatgrandchildren, and on… deserve better. Franklin O’Connor ♣ * An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.” ― Nicholas Butler

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Magical Moon Lake – The Story Continues…

Over the years, Dialogue has featured several of Karl Backhaus’ stories about his home, Moon Lake (Holland Centre, ON) – as featured in his book, Magical Moon Lake… This story about how it all began is continued from the last issue.

Karl Backhaus, February 2006

Meet the animals, insects, trees and stones of Moon Lake, my home –and make unusual and unexpected discoveries along the way. With complementary insights. Written for my nieces and nephews and their children and anyone interested in the magic of life. In Episode 1: How It All Began – and Arriving in Canada: We arrived in Montreal by freighter from Hamburg… Our adventure continued when we took the night train to Toronto; Episode 2: Arriving in Toronto. Episode 3: The Cabin. Episode 4: The Lake (Pt.1); Episode 5: The Lake (Pt.2); Episode 6: Moon Lake and the “Elephant.” Episode 7: Ch.3, The Dream Hare-Telepathy-The Moon.

Episode 9: CHAPTER ~~~ 4 ~~~

The Story of a Lost Comb and a Muskrat SEGMENT 8 – WINTER 2021-22 ~~~ 4 ~~~ The Story of a Lost Comb and a Muskrat A muskrat triggered this next story where its amazing responses to my thoughts and needs was like a wakeup call that alerted me to watch-out and observe many of the animal experiences that follow. This story touches the child within and makes us aware of a divine spark we may often have searched for. Perhaps we don’t realize that this divinity is all around us in many unsuspected ways. I came to ponder the magic of life, of God, and of myself as a human being. Native tradition interrelating people and animals is expressed through totem poles and stories. Whole Tribes are given animal names. My own animal encounters that follow this first one make me wonder if animals are not people on their way towards a higher consciousness. Perhaps animals are trapped souls that in many guises and forms experience all kinds of conditions, circumstances and a full spectrum of emotions. They are learning about loyalty and love, about fear, bravery, pride, humility, pain, sickness, weakness and patience and also about the strength of the body – small or tall – and the interconnectedness of all beings. Many may view the human species as at the top of this ladder of evolution, which is perhaps true. Still, 62 dialogue

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we cannot deny that animal traits surface in human behaviour, feelings and actions. Let us see what the animal called "muskrat" has to say. The story begins with the visit of my dear sister Liesel to Moon Lake a few summers ago. Often we do not know that a memorable experience is waiting for us. In hindsight the wonder I felt is difficult to express in words. I was little prepared, as you will see as the story unfolds. My magical encounter with an elusive muskrat happened at the boat dock at the far side of the lake. The place is very protected, with cedar trees giving shade. On one side are the bulrushes and cattails where the water is shallow. Here the water soaks up the summer heat. On the other side a hill rises with pine and cedar trees, and there is a path along the edge of the water. And of course the dock is next to the open lake. It is easy to walk into the water on a short stretch with sandy bottom or one can jump off the dock into deep crystal-clear spring water. This is everyone’s favourite spot for sunbathing, swimming or just to hanging out and enjoying the scenery. It was here that Liesel during her visit spent most of her time. Liesel, tall and slim with a lovely smile, looked much younger than she actually was. She came from a busy life in Germany. Here at Moon Lake, Liesel could relax, read or chat with my friends who came to visit during weekends. It was a beautiful summer with

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near-perfect temperatures most of the time. Our daily routine began with a swim and a wonderful breakfast, including plenty of fruit, at the lakeside by the house. The friendly chipmunks and chickadees were already waiting when we set the table. They knew that we always brought out a small jar with sunflower seeds, their favourite food. I often put an extra handful of seeds into my pockets. The chipmunks knew this too, and sometimes stuck their heads into my pockets to see if they had missed out on an additional treat. The chickadees waiting on tree branches also took every opportunity to land on a stretched-out hand with seeds and pickup as many as three seeds at one serving. These animals were so much a part of our daily activities that they were like members of my family, always eager, giving special performances, which meant to them extra food, to the amazement of Liesel or anyone visiting. For Liesel to rest in Nature was a blessing, enabling her to re-charge her batteries. Liesel enjoyed our little wild pets, about which you will hear more in later stories. These very tame wild animals are quite a contrast to animals in general. Originally, they were quite shy and only accepted me as time went by. Of all animals the muskrats are the most shy. It is no surprise that they are afraid of people for they have been hunted and trapped for their pelts, their famous musk oil and also because of their bad reputation for weakening dams in ponds – but none of these reasons apply at Moon Lake. Their only natural enemy is the resident mink that will hunt their young. You may have seen a muskrat swimming in the water at a distance and soon disappearing under water, but very few people ever see them on land. Muskrats are one foot in length with a rich-brown, dense, water-repellent coat and a hidden white belly. Their tiny furry ears look almost half-moon shaped, and they have a very special flattened tail, perhaps eight inches long. Muskrats love the water and with these special tails can propel themselves and steer. They are master swimmers, very streamlined in their element, and can dive for very long distances. At any sign of danger they dive under water and swim very fast but generally they are happy mammals that like to work at a steady pace. I have watched them many times when they gather grass from the banks. With a big load of grass in their www.dialogue.ca

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mouths, like a huge long green beard, they swim for perhaps fifty to one hundred and fifty yards to their home, a place at the edge of a dam with an underwater entrance. At the end of each trip a muskrat will dive and then disappear, only to repeat its journeys that may go on all day long. When muskrats sense the slightest danger they will change their trips from above to below water level, only occasionally surfacing briefly for breathing. With a very wide, natural-looking dam and banks at Moon Lake, muskrats are no cause of concern for me as far as weakening the dams. Actually they are very useful. They keep the lake bottom clear of pondweed, a problem many pond owners battle without success. Even in winter muskrats are active, traveling under the ice. Every fifty to one hundred feet they need to breathe, leaving small open water holes in the ice surface. I have watched two muskrats from inside my house during a snowstorm. They were at the edge of the ice by the main spring where a small section rarely freezes. On a stormy day like this the weather did not interfere with their happy spirits. These muskrats seemed to play a game or competed to see who could find a sweet water clam underwater first. They then opened the shells by smashing them onto the ice. The competition went on and on. Falling snow made them look like little snowmen. Clams seem to be their favourite food, for I can trace a muskrat by the pile of cracked shells left under the water beside their dens in the dam. Many times I have watched muskrats from my living room, the deck or when walking around the lake. They must know me, for quite often I have looked into their tiny, clever, shiny brown eyes at close range. They don’t rush away anymore as they did in the beginning. Often a muskrat on land at the water’s edge will just freeze like a furry rock if it is on my path and I am slowly passing by. I had always hoped that one day we would become friends. That the muskrats actually considered me …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Karl Backhaus, Magical Moon Lake, contd.

their friend and demonstrated this to me in a memorable way, I would never have thought possible. But the sequence of circumstances led me to believe that muskrats could telepathically read my thoughts. This was new to me then. Let’s see what happened. During Liesel’s visit she used a special comb for her hair. This fairly large comb came from their family drugstore in Germany. I had mentioned to Liesel that this type of comb was not available in Canada and it would be just the right size for giving myself a haircut. They had many similar combs in their store so she promised to give me her comb at the end of her visit. In October, two months after Liesel had left, I was due for another haircut and I decided to give myself a trim. For this I always use the scissors I still have from my father’s barbershop in Hamburg. Only now I wondered for the first time about Liesel’s special comb. Where was it? I could not find it and perhaps she had forgotten to give it to me. Actually I now remembered not having seen the comb since the summer. Somehow I felt that this comb would have made it much easier for me to cut my hair and it was disappointing not to have it. That same day in late October, when I walked the half-mile or so around Moon Lake, as I often do, I reached the rear dock where Liesel and I had spent many happy hours. The dock is a focal point, breaking the distance of my walks into two. Usually I step onto the dock and watch the everchanging sky reflections in the calm water. The dock points due west and is ideal for observing the changing locations of the sunsets during various seasons. Not expecting anything unusual, I went to step onto the first log of the dock. I had to look twice before I realized what I saw right in front of me. It was impossible to miss a small, almost rectangular bunch of fresh pondweed – still damp. My eyes focused on something that lay right in the centre, very neatly placed, as in an open gift-box. Yes, it seemed impossible, but here was my missing comb. I picked up the comb, touched it and made sure it was real. Then I looked at my gift package, where and how it was placed. I was full of wonder when I considered the fact that I had been alone all day long. Nobody knew that I needed the comb. 64 dialogue

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I looked again at the damp, almost rectangular shaped pondweed, and now I noticed next to it like an embellishment a little clamshell, the trademark of muskrats. I had the strong impression that a muskrat was the appreciated benefactor. The nearest muskrat-den is about thirty steps away from the dock, but it could have been no other animal that had delivered the comb in such a memorable way. Turtles that often rest on the dock or lay their eggs near the banks do not carry pondweed or clamshells in their mouths. Turtles had long gone into hibernation in October. I was touched that a muskrat had made this incredible gesture of friendship. Only gradually I recognized this as a profound animal communication experience. I tried to re-construct why the comb had ended up at the rear dock where the muskrat had placed it. With Liesel spending most of her time at this dock it was likely that, unnoticed by her, the comb had fallen through a crack between the logs that made up the surface of the dock. The comb had sunk to the bottom of the lake and then disappeared into a thin layer of sediment. During the day when I was inside the house and remembered the comb, the muskrat must have picked up the images of the comb, likely coming through my thoughts as pictures. Then, as a friend, the muskrat must have sensed my disappointment, and knowing its territory, located the comb without a problem and responded in this touching manner. I will tell about my telepathic experiences with other animals in later stories, but the muskrat-comb story is not quite finished. The very day in February when I re-wrote this story of the muskrat was the first time during the winter that I had walked across the ice to the rear dock. It was a bright sunny day, but cold and very windy. Muskrats are still active under the ice. I know this from encountering several breathing holes I have to watch out for scattered on the surface of the ice. Now while walking across the ice I did not expect that another memorable surprise would be waiting for me. But first I have to tell you what triggered this surprise. Three years after Liesel’s visit I noticed that several of the old logs of the top part of the dock were pretty worn and needed to be replaced. When four friends

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plus their daughter Anna, only 8 years old then, arrived from Germany for an extended visit, we made it a project to re-do the rear dock. We replaced all the logs with new cedar planks. It took us several days to do the sixteen-foot length of the dock. When the job was completed the dock looked beautiful. We celebrated with a bottle of champagne. As we opened the bottle while standing on the dock, the cork popped with a loud noise, flying high into the air, landing in the water, soon disappearing out of sight. Since then, another two and a half years passed. I was not thinking of this celebration when I reached the dock in February. The snow on the dock had partially blown off or had melted away from the sun. When I came across the ice to the edge of the dock where we usually jump off, I did not notice or even expect anything unusual. Only when I walked the length of the dock and came to the spot where five years earlier the comb had been neatly placed, I noticed a very small amount of pondweed, something unusual to see during this time in winter or any time on land. The pondweed was partially frozen with a clamshell next to it. What really surprised me was what lay on top of the pondweed – our missing champagne cork. The cork was swollen and still had its metal cage around it. I found the cork not on the first plank of the dock where the strong wind would have blown it off, but immediately next to it, protected from the wind at the spot I remembered well, where I had found my lost comb. The way the muskrat communicated amazed me, but I could not help but smile when it now placed the longforgotten cork here on the day I was writing the comb story. I had the impression that someone was constantly watching me here at Moon Lake, and perhaps not only the muskrats. In May a few years later the muskrat demonstrated to me that it really trusted me when it swam by my side within a few yards for 250 feet or more while I walked along the rear dam. It knew I would come to the rear dock and it swam ahead of me taking a shortcut. Briefly it swam to our comb-cork spot and then in full view while I stood on the dock circled it, looked at me for a while and then without haste swam on the surface of the water to its den about 80 feet away. It could not be more obvious that the muskrats here were my friends, who had opened a door for www.dialogue.ca

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better understanding the animal world. The muskrat-comb-cork story has come to its end, but not quite the story of the comb. With the comb there was still a tiny, for me almost magical incident I would like to share. One day, while traveling, I noticed among my toiletries, that my special comb was damaged. About two inches of the small teeth of the comb, that were close to its end, had broken off. I was not happy about my damaged comb. The surprise came when I was cutting my hair the next time. I noticed that it handled even better than before. For me this was not a mere coincidence, this was another magical experience of life that just seemed to happen at the right moment. The more I become aware of these small wonders in life the more they seem to happen to me and the more I realize that not only muskrats and animals are watching us, that there is a world of the unseen we often seem to dismiss. As my understanding of communication between animals and people grew, as well as our link to the spiritual world, another story with animals was waiting to unfold. This time a large beaver with his partner chose Moon Lake as their residence, something many property owners with a stream or lake would be very concerned about. This beaver couple did not pick the spot for their den at the far side of Moon Lake, but within thirteen steps of my living room. When I am telling my stories to friends they often respond with their own incredible animal experiences. Usually they keep these stories for themselves for they may sound hard to believe. Karl Backhaus, Ont. STORY CONTINUES NEXT ISSUE, WITH EPISODE 9 of MAGICAL MOON LAKE BY KARL BACKHAUS [Chapter 5]

The stories you will hear will comfortably fit into this frame where time is not of the essence. They will repeat themselves, in various guises, at Moon Lake, long after we are gone. When you open the doors to your imagination, my stories can become your stories. Gradually as we enter the world of Moon Lake, you are on your way to becoming part of this magical world, entering the gates of wonder we all knew as children. ♣

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“The Vagabond Writer” Wayne Allen Russell Clearwater BC slyolfart@gmail.com

I hope readers enjoy these stories, they will bring laughter and a few tears to you. Taken from truth, but the “ Family Weed” is fictitious.

BANDY ROOSTER’S-STRANGE CATCH Bob was a tall, lanky boy with oiled-down hair that was always shining. We called it Patent leather hair. He was probably the best looking of the lot of us, with those locks of hair hanging down on his forehead and always a smile on his face. The girls liked being around Bob, I guess for this reason. This story will tell you how he got his nickname. Who knows why young boys do some of the things they do? One day Bob, for some unknown reason, stuck his pecker through a knothole into the chicken coop and started to pee. A bantam rooster must have been attracted by the stream of pee and, as we soon found out, thought this must be one big fish-worm. Bob started to yell and holler to the point of screaming. The boys with him didn’t have any idea what was happening, they just knew he was in trouble and came running on the double. Bob yelled, “Some monster has hold of my dinky on the inside of the coop and he’s tearing it off my body.” Two of the boys crept cautiously along the wall of the pen so the monster wouldn’t get them. Peeking into the coup, all they found was a bantam rooster with a good hold on Bob’s foreskin. He was pulling with all his small weight trying to get that big dew worm into the coop. They swore to us that Bob’s pecker was stretched a foot long. With the sides of their feet, they kicked the rooster away but he was not about to let this good, big dinner escape, so he went right back and grabbed it again. This time he was pulling so hard his feet were slipping on the floor. Dry chicken dung and dust were just a’flying. A good thing for Bob the rooster didn’t get a grip on solid floor. Bob’s screams got louder so one of the boys ran outside and told him, “It’s a rooster, as soon as we pull 66 dialogue

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“THE GOOD WEEDS” - The family: Archibald Tyrus Weed (Pop), January 10, 1901 Mary Elizabeth/Loretta (Cook) Weed (Mom), Dec. 19, 1905 Married: August 17, 1923 Children: Juniper Shirley / June (Grouch), May 19, 1925 Patty, Patricia Ann (‘Sweet Pea’) Dec, 21st.,1927 George (‘Donkey’), August 17, 1930 Ben (‘Shooter’), April 2, 1932 Bob (‘Bucky’ then ‘Stretch’), October 10, 1934 Adam (‘Flyer’), July 30, 1936 Tom (‘Weasel’), June 4, 1939 Cousins: Marian (cousin), August 21, 1925 Sam (‘Punch’ - cousin), December 26, 1931 Bobby (cousin), May 3, 1935 Ray (my buddy) Joe (Ray’s brother)

him off, you pull that damn dinky of yours outside. That little bugger just won’t give it up.” They pushed the rooster away again and yelled to Bob. He pulled his pecker the heck out of there. It was stretched and swollen by this time and he left a lot of skin on the edge of that knothole. Hey! There’s pain, and then there’s ‘PAIN.’ Bob was really embarrassed but he allowed Mom to put some of her cure-all iodine on his swollen pecker. He screamed and tears came to his eyes. He would walk bowlegged for about a week. George already had the nickname Donkey, so for Bob we thought of Dinky and settled on ‘Stretch.’ Later on in these stories you will find that Bob was the Don Juan of the neighbourhood. I wonder why!

SNEAKY SNAKES For almost a month, we boys were complaining about those darn big flies brushing our butts whenever we went to the outhouse. One rainy, May day Mom didn’t even get all the way into the outhouse when she started to yell. Boys came from everywhere. If Mom was in trouble we were all to her aid as fast as our legs could take us. Mom yelled, “There’s a big black and white snake in the outhouse; get him out of there you boys.” Sure enough, crawling up the wooden walls in the back corner of the outhouse was a big black and white snake. We had not seen one of these guys but knew from Pop and the other farmers that they must be ‘Milk Snakes!’ These snakes were reported to climb up the cows legs, round and round, until they reached the teats. They would then, as the name Print Edition


indicates, suck away until they were full. We took the snake out and killed it. We went back in and checked out the holes and sure enough, there was another one. We dug it out and killed it too. We kept them until Pop confirmed that indeed they were milk snakes. Think of this: all these boys with everything manly hanging down there and two milk snakes brushing their butts for four to six weeks. To my knowledge none of us ever went out there again without looking down that hole first. Snakes will stay away from the pig run, I know not why. Because of this, Mom made us move the

outhouse – over backing the pigpen fence. Snakes in the outhouse never again bothered us. In later years I was told that milk snakes don’t live in British Columbia. I checked this and found it to be true. In fact, they were probably racer snakes which are big, fast, and good climbers. Also, snakes do not milk cows. With the shape of their teeth it would be impossible to do so. Let anyone try to tell us boys this, we sure as hell would not have believed you. Wayne Russell, Clearwater BC (slyolfart@gmail.com) ♣


Received from Wayne Russell…

Thousands of Canadian Aviation Professionals Join Hub for Pilots and Passengers Against Mandatory Vaccines https://truthcomestolight.com/thousands-of-canadian-aviation-professionals-join-hub-for-pilots-and-passengers-againstmandatory-vaccines/

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth, November 5, 2021

Free To Fly is a group of more than 2,500 aviation professionals along with over 35,000 passengers who’s goal is: “To unite people through one of the most cherished freedoms of modern civilization – the freedom to travel great distances safely, quickly, and in comfort.” In 2021 the Covid-19(84) nightmare took a turn for the worst when vaccines became mandatory for travel in Canada leaving many to feel like prisoners in their own country. Many pilots are now losing their jobs because they refuse to be coerced into getting the experimental mRNA shot. Free2Fly was created by former pilots whose lives have been changed forever due to Covid-19(84). In this video, Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with the founders of Free2Fly, Matt Sattler and Greg Hill, Shared by Wayne Russell on Facebook, 7 Dec. 2021 about the organization they’ve created, who’s involved, what their aspirations are and most importantly what you as an individual can do to help gain back your right to travel unmolested by the government. Dan Dicks is an investigative journalist and an award winning documentary filmmaker. He is also the founder of an independent media outlet known as Press For Truth which produces videos and documentary films about issues that the mainstream media often fails to report on. Connect with Free2Fly: https://www.free2fly.info/ Connect with Press for Truth: https://pressfortruth.ca www.dialogue.ca

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HUBRIS: A Review/Essay of "IMMODERATE GREATNESS" by William Ophuls (2012) © H. J. Spencer [06 Nov. 2021] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Here’s my latest (dark) forecast based on a superb little book that can be read quickly and may save your life. – Herb Spencer

ABSTRACT This 116-page powerful, short book explains how a civilization’s very magnitude conspires against it to cause its downfall. Civilizations are hard-wired for self-destruction. Ophuls abstracts from the long and historical record, the six major factors that drive civilizations to defeat. He identifies the inexorable trends and claims that complex adaptive systems (like societies) are ultimately unmanageable. Societies are organisms that evolve organically; (unlike machines) they are not invented deliberately or imposed by prescription. All Civilizations travel an arc from initial success to terminal decay and ultimate collapse due to intrinsic, inescapable biophysical limits combined with an inexorable trend toward moral decay and practical failure. Because our own civilization is global, its collapse will also be global, as well as uniquely devastating owing to the immensity of its population, complexity, and consumption. To avoid the common fate of all past civilizations will require a radical change in our ethos—to wit, the deliberate renunciation of greatness—lest we precipitate a dark age in which the arts and adornments of civilization are partially or completely lost. Perhaps, the technocrats planning our current 'virological' crisis have read this book and tried to short-circuit a radical solution?


William Ophuls (born in 1934) is the pen-name of Patrick Ophuls; he is American writer, political scientist, ecologist, independent scholar and writer. Ophuls obtained his AB in oriental studies from Princeton University in 1955. In 1973, he obtained a PhD in political science from Yale University. After his graduation from Princeton, Ophuls served in the US Coast Guard as an officer for four years. After his discharge, he served for the next eight years in the US Foreign Service at embassies in the Ivory Coast and Japan. After his graduation from Yale in 1973, he lectured at Northwestern University and Oberlin University for short periods. He then settled in as an independent scholar and author. 68 dialogue

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Ophuls played a part in the emergence of the modern environmental movement. AUTHOR'S BIBLIOGRAPHY Ophuls has written three other books of non-fiction, including: (1977) Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity. {Awarded Sprout Prize & Kammerer} (1997) Requiem for Modern Politics: The Tragedy of the Enlightenment (2011) Plato's Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology.

REVIEWER'S WEBSITE All of Herb Spencer's prior essays and other reviews (referenced herein) may be found, freely available at: https://jamescook.academia.edu/HerbSpencer

1 INTRODUCTION: IMMODERATE GREATNESS Ophuls introduces his study with a quote from Machiavelli that those who wish to foresee the future must consult the past; this arises from the fact that historical events are produced by men, who ever have been, and ever will be, animated by the same passions: with the same results. Ophuls is a pessimist that humans cannot change their own passions, so we are trapped into making the same mistakes: [sadly, I must agree with him.] Ophuls borrows the phrase "Immoderate Greatness" from Edward Gibbons' monumental study of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, who shared the view that Rome, like Athens, exemplified hubris: "overbearing pride". Civilization is a recent (less than 10,000 years old) bold attempt to rise above the natural state in which the human species lived for over 300,000 years on Earth, living in small Hunter-Gatherer (HG) groups. Over 6000 years ago the first walled cities were established, where thousands of strangers would live peaceably together, living off the agricultural efforts of the nearby hinterland. Civilizations are social organizations that bring together many strangers in a mutually beneficial, localized, fixed area (a city) that share a common culture of beliefs, behaviors and language [see my Politics essay*]. 1.1 TOOLS Humans are very imitative creatures: if they see another benefitting from a new innovation (like hitting rock to extract flint) then they will try to copy the activity themselves. This explains the temporary edge gained by Print Edition


most inventions, like knives, arrow-heads, spears [as described in my Violence essay*]. 1.1.1 TECHNOLOGY Simple objects, like swords can be readily created once the techniques of melting iron have been mastered. Slightly more complex tools, like scissors need the addition of a pivot-screw. Eventually, we can evolve to rotating tools, such as lawn-mowers, that are easily constructed from machine-made parts. Machines can be complicated (i.e. constructed from very many parts) but the parts are inert, exhibiting no dynamism directly; this is the distinction of adaptive systems: they can evolve but are rarely designed, as their parts are usually alive. 1.2 SYSTEMS 1.2.1 SIMPLE SYSTEMS The idea of systems arose when engineers realized that more utility is achieved when several parts are designed to work together to achieve a desired result; the parts reinforce the whole: they are far more than the sum of its parts. A complex system can never be understood just by examining each of its parts for there may even be subsystems: a good example is a bicycle with its sub-systems of gears and chains. 1.2.2 COMPLEX ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS For systems that learn and adapt, the growth and the degree of adaptation depend upon how well the system is engaged with its environment. Some systems support other systems; maintaining the other system to prevent failure. The goals of systems theory are to model a system's dynamics, constraints, conditions and to elucidate principles (such as purpose, measure, methods, tools) that can be discerned and applied to other systems at every level of nesting and in a wide range of fields for achieving optimized behavior. In reacting to change, sub-systems (also called agents) may alter their linkages dynamically within the whole, and thereby completely alter the overall system dynamics. Most examples of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) are alive, such as animals, brains, organs, human institutions, etc. Separate animals are referred to as Organisms, when different types interact they form ecologies, especially when they are open-ended systems that must interact with their common, shared environment. When parts of a system have memory, their future evolution cannot be predicted; this is the major distinction between adaptive systems and machines, whose 'dumb' parts are simply in mechanical contact with other parts [See my Memory essay*]. There can be no internally generated changes. Mathematics fails when mapping any adaptive system, when access to the memory mechanism is excluded www.dialogue.ca

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because feed-back/forward results in non-linear, inter-related sets of equations that defy analysis.

2 BIOPHYSICAL LIMITS Ophuls admits that he is not trying to propose another theory of historical cycles but rather to isolate the ecological, physical, psychological and practical factors that drive the dynamics (a deeper level). He claims that these factors interact with geography, culture and historical circumstances to create a unique trajectory for each civilization. At last comes the implosion, as the "stupendous fabric" of an over-stretched, hollowed-out and corrupt civilization yields to its own contradictions. As historian Will Durant concluded: "A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within." 2.1 ECOLOGICAL EXHAUSTION A city is an ecological parasite as it takes resources from its hinterland. It is this exploitation that supports the higher levels of social and economic complexity that characterizes civilizations. By their very nature, parasites debilitate or even destroy their host as the outcomes of these one-sided relationships is bound to be damaging in the long-term. Civilization is the child of the Neolithic Revolution, the large-scale adoption of agriculture as a major mode of food production. Agriculture necessarily causes leaching and loss of the topsoil that takes many years to form. In addition to calories (food energy), a city needs water, so it must build dams and aqueducts, especially as its population expands. It needs wood for fuel and timber, so it must chop down forests. It needs stone to erect major structures, such as palaces and bridges and defensive walls. It needs metals for tools, ploughs and weapons, so it must dig mines (and usually enslave people to do this dangerous work). So, in short, a city lives by both consuming and damaging a wide array of ecological resources. If ancient cultures had stayed as small, independent farming communities that peacefully co-existed, the ecological damage might have been limited by the modesty of their small sizes. But the agriculture mode of production necessarily entailed the formation of aggressive city-states that inexorably grew into empires by conquering near-by city-states and growing ever larger as they ruthlessly mined conquered provinces for their natural and human wealth (like the Maya), so as to increase the "greatness" of the central metropolis. In a ‘positive’ feedback loop, agricultural success breeds more people that consume more, as the generations keep on getting larger. Like all biological organisms, it is our nature to keep growing to exploit the available resources, just as a bacteria in a Petri dish grows until it has consumed all the available nutrients and then dies in a toxic soup of their own waste…./ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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So, for a few thousand years, humans have been a notable success: dominating most of the planet. Few think of the future (or the consequences); life is short, so just "live it up" while we can until the ecological 'credit' becomes exhausted. As each civilization encounters emerging limits, it will make every effort to innovate its way around them but the costs keep accumulating, while the civilization's 'indebtedness' keeps growing larger. Unfortunately, the benefits accrue immediately but the debts only come due later, so the momentum of development continues. In short, on a finite planet you cannot grow forever or violate the laws of nature. If we use renewable resources faster than they can regenerate, they will ultimately disappear; if we produce waste faster than it can be rendered harmless, it will poison us. Worse, if we use non-renewable resources to fuel current consumption then they will eventually run out. There is an ecological principle called the Law of the Minimum, where the factor in least supply controls the process. For food, the most critical factor is water that is vital to all life. Advanced civilizations also damage watersheds by cutting down the forests that moderate climate, promote rainfall and store water. So, consistently pressing ecological limits is risky to the point of being suicidal, as the Maya discovered around 1200 AD. A major problem in our commercial culture is that we do not reflect full ecological costs in our economic transactions. Some ecological assets take centuries to grow so that their consumption is an act of asset-liquidation, fossil fuels took millions of years to form, so their consumption is economic madness. As money is an abstraction, rather than a counter to something concrete, then an economy can go through a money-boom as the ecology vanishes. Today, we are worrying about Climate Change; this is just a major part of our interface with our natural environment: Our collapse will probably solve this problem. 2.2 EXPONENTIAL GROWTH Ophuls bravely tackles the problem of exponential growth, knowing that most readers avoid all mathematics. The problem is that we have spent millennia subsisting in a simple Hunter-Gatherer (HG) world where direct, linear thinking is quite adequate; but civilization introduced non-linear complexities that cannot be avoided. Here, Ophuls bites the bullet and defines the challenge that any quantity can grow exponentially when its increase is proportional to what is already there. Thus, the number of children in the next generation is directly related to how many adults are choosing to become parents. Bankers know the power of exponential growth by charging compound interest on their loans: each unpaid amount is added to what was loaned and itself demands its own interest payment. Bacteria utilize this 70 dialogue

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function as they keep dividing while conditions permit. For example, if a bacteria divides in two after ten minutes, then ten minutes later there will be four units, and so on. Ten more doublings turn a thousand into a million and ten more after that explodes a million into a billion. Thank goodness we have an effective immune system that can intervene early, as the bacteria invade our bodies [see my essays, BioWars 1 and 2*]. Thus, if a city of ten thousand inhabitants has cut down three forests for fuel since its founding and wants to keep growing, it will have to fell three more on its way to a population of twenty thousand. This effect can work in reverse: if the inflation rate of money is 3.6% then in 100 years from now, the purchasing power of a $1 bill will be the equivalent of only three cents today. Resources are depleted in the same fashion: a mine containing a million tons of ore will last a century but if production continues then continually increases, the ore will be exhausted in a few decades. 2.2.1 OLD ROOTS Ophuls reminds us that the human mind is still fundamentally Paleolithic ('Old Stone Age'); it was hardwired by evolution for the life of a hunter-gatherer on the African savannah, a life centered on day-to-day survival in small bands of intimates and kinsmen. This implies that human beings excel at concrete perception (with a limited form of memory) but are less adept at imagining the future (or thinking abstractly). So, we are quick to perceive threats (and immediate opportunities) but likely to overlook longterm trends and consequences. Most people (90% today) are strongly present-oriented and tend to neglect or devalue the future or possible results. Returning to the prior inflation example above, at a discount rate of 3.6%, the "present value" of a dollar in a hundred years from now is only 3 cents; anything that far in the future is practically worthless and even events just a decade or two away are heavily discounted by a 'rational' economic actor: thus, the rationalist joins the savage in devaluing the future. As Ophuls concludes, the flaw in our reasoning lies in the term "present value" which reveals that "the economist is still a caveman at heart." 2.3 EXPEDITED ENTROPY Ophuls builds his argument on strong science by introducing tough concepts like the Second Law of Thermodynamics [see my Energy essay*]. Although this insight was gained as humans invented the steam engine, its application is much broader than technology. As we discovered over the last 200 years, energy is the basic unit of all activity: it is needed to transform the world. The First Law of Thermodynamics claims that energy is always conserved: it can be transformed (from heat to electricity, for example) but it can be neither created nor destroyed. Fortunately, we exist Print Edition


near a huge pool of energy (the Sun) that keeps giving us energy to maintain all life forms as it goes through its atomic transformations, burning hydrogen into helium. However, nature exhibits a quality aspect as well as a quantitative simplicity. We can only extract energy (i.e. when we do useful work) when we move in the desired direction (like the force of a piston on a steam train or we lift a weight straight up). But the molecules of the world are free to move in three dimensions (or directions), so as they bounce around, we must inevitably lose some of our forwards direction. Engineers call this randomness entropy and it always increases. In layman's terms, this implies that as we exchange energy, it tends to 'decay' into less and less useful forms. The quality of energy inevitably weakens over time: this is the nature of the universe and 'Father Time' always wins in the end (sad but true). Unfortunately, civilization generates entropy. Even agriculture only mines the hidden quality energy in the topsoil as virgin soil is a complex ecosystem developed over millennia that contains a myriad of chemicals; energy growing from complex creatures using complex molecules in a highly structured form. Over centuries, some farmers have learned to counteract the worst entropic consequences of agriculture by various means like crop rotation, fallowing, terracing, manuring and the like that can slow down the degradation. Given favorable circumstances, it is possible to construct systems of sustainable agriculture but these are often labor intensive (like rice farming in Asia). Given the propensity of civilizations to grow both in population and appetite (wanting more), demand for agricultural products is bound to increase. So, external energy must be applied to boost yields artificially, increasing entropy. This has peaked with industrialized agriculture, which is a biological machine that turns petroleum into calories at a ratio of about ten to one. In other words, we have to supply ten times as much energy to gain one unit of food energy. Even when coal is burned to produce electricity, only about 35% of the energy in the coal is converted directly: the rest becomes waste heat, noxious gases, particulates and ash. Ophuls concludes that the only way out would be to radically transform civilization so that the human economy resembled the natural economy, which is highly efficient. 2.4 EXCESSIVE COMPLEXITY Complexity is generally understood to refer to such things as the number and variety of its component parts. In societies, this will be reflected in the variety of social roles, the number of distinct social personalities present, and the variety of interactions between all of these as needed, to organize them into a coherent, functioning whole. HG societies contain no more than a few dozen distinct social personalities, while modern European cities recognize ten to www.dialogue.ca

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twenty thousand unique occupational roles and modern industrial societies may contain more than one million different kinds of social personalities. Species, families, firms, institutions, societies and governments are all complex organisms that must survive in dynamic environments that evolve over time. These are all examples of self-organizing, non-linear, feedback systems (all with various forms of memory) that are inherently unpredictable and only understandable in a most general manner. Even our science, from quantum theory of many electrons to the mathematics of chaos [see my Chaos essay*] leads us into irreducible levels of uncertainty. Civilization may be a problem too hard for the human brain to solve. Our Paleolithic nervous system was slowly adjusted by evolution only to meet the relatively simple demands in small bands of hunter-gathers, most of whom would have been related by blood, so they got to know everyone over a full lifetime. Because we are a clever, generalist co-operative species, we managed to adapt to simple city life, relying on physical violence to keep most people under control [see my Violence essay*]. However, once civilization became too complex, the adaptation began to break down: politically, socially and managerially. Ophuls makes this point by examining a juggler who can manage several balls at once but fails when a few more are added to his load. Managing complexity is faced with the inevitable problems of growth: more and more balls need to be juggled at once; add in the difficulty of dealing with ecological exhaustion and diminishing thermodynamic returns; it becomes apparent why most civilizations rarely last longer than 250 years. Investing in primary schools to produce a literate and numerate population costs little compared to the enormous social and economic benefits that result. But highly specialized and technical post-graduate education (needed to manage the increasing complexity) is both far more expensive and much less beneficial in proportion to the expense (indeed, much of it is self-serving for the lucky insiders). Similarly, relatively simple and inexpensive public health measures dramatically increase lifespans (although even these were strongly resisted at first by many of the better off), whereas high-priced medical technology may extend the life of a few (lucky) individuals but provides little benefit to the general population. One of the worst consequences of growing complexity is the cancerous growth of bureaucracy, as was seen by the explosion of paper-pushing in the British Admiralty as the number of ships diminished in the Royal Navy. Initiative and enterprise diminish, as risk is avoided by careerists aiming for comfortable pensions. Over time, a complex system evolves into chaotic scenarios, where too …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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many feedback loops develop and strangle global understanding and comprehensive actions. Indeed, complex adaptive systems cannot be managed as they grow in complexity as more and more happens at once (in parallel), while our minds and language remain linear and sequential. Senior managers retreat to their simpler youth, as they live more and more in their fading memories. Our ongoing financial crises remind us of the foolishness of attempting to "beat the system" as cracks interact and spread across the whole system. Suddenly, ‘out of nowhere’ appears a major crisis (like 2008): Boom!!

3 HUMAN FACTORS Most historians have tended to emphasize the psychological factors as causal contributions. Will and Ariel Durant, in their Lessons of History, echo Machiavelli as man always reacts in stereotyped ways to hunger, danger and sex. As civilization is not natural; sustaining it entails a continuous input of matter, energy and morale, without which it would necessarily decline or even collapse. This is an insidious process; decay creeps in unnoticed. It is only late in the game (usually too late to do much about it) that those living become aware of a gradual and imperceptible transformation that has rendered the civilization increasingly tired, depleted, impoverished, vulnerable and ineffectual. 3.1 MORAL DECAY The fact that civilizations decline has been noticed since ancient times. Many historians, philosophers and poets have attempted to describe the cycles of history. There is a wide level of agreement that the decline is tightly related to the decay of the civilizations moral core or guiding ideals i.e. values [see my Values essay*]. Ophuls then describes the thinking in this area with Sir John Glubb's essay The Fate of Empires (1976). In Glubb's view, the history of civilizations describes an arc that starts with an Age of Pioneers (or Conquests) and then moves successively through the Ages of Commerce, Affluence and Intellect before terminating finally in an Age of Decadence. Each age creates socioeconomic conditions favorable to the emergence of the next. As each new generation grows up in altered circumstances that fosters a changed way of thinking and acting. This positive feedback loop, in which changed material conditions engender mental changes that foster still more material change until the civilization declines into decadence. The Age of Pioneers is characterized by energetic effort and fearless initiative, abounding in courage, energy and daring, pioneers overcome every obstacle… founding an empire. Achieving success, they maintain their virtues: optimism, confidence, devotion to duty, a sense of honor, a shared purpose and adherence to a strict moral code; so 72 dialogue

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morale is high and consensus strong. This success generates a favorable situation for manufacture and trade, so the merchant class grows wealthier, gradually appropriating more and more of the prestige and power originating with soldiers and statesmen. Thus, an Age of Commerce succeeds the Age of Pioneers. As wealth piles up, the populace is gradually seduced by riches and softened by luxury. Money replaces honor and adventure as the objective of the best young men, so an Age of Affluence succeeds the Age of Commerce. The civilization peaks but, beneath the surface, greed and selfishness crowd out the ideals of duty and service. Success breeds hubris in the form of complacency, arrogance, self-righteousness and over-confidence. A spoiled society begins to rot from within. A major symptom of the rot is increased defensiveness; the population thinks primarily of hanging on to what they already have. Also, there is an increasing focus on welfare: social insurance, medical care, charity, etc. The civilization softens further as the Age of Affluence transitions into an Age of Intellect, so the excess wealth is poured into advanced education and the pursuit of knowledge. However, public affairs drifts into a cacophony of argument, leading to a growth in civil dissention, leading to acute political polarization. An Age of Decadence inevitably follows; frivolity, aestheticism, hedonism, cynicism, fatalism, narcissism, pessimism, materialism and other negative attributes, attitudes and behaviors suffuse the population. Politics is ever more corrupt: a cabal of insiders accrues wealth and power at the expense of the citizens, fostering a fatal opposition of interests between the haves and the have-nots. In theory, says Glubb, a wider knowledge of this historical trend should enable societies to make different choices and so forestall the descent into decadence. In reality, he sees no escape from the trend-lines. Each new cohort grows up in altered circumstances that incline it to move further away from the original virtues. Other thinkers only differ in the metaphors they use. For example, Spengler uses an organic model [one that I too use] to depict the same processes: a civilization is born in spring, flourishes in summer, decays in autumn and dies in winter. Toynbee makes practical failure the crucial factor rather than moral decay. Whatever causal factor they assert as the most important, the terminus is always the same. The inspiring ideal that impelled the civilization to greatness has been lost. What remains is decay and decadence. Ophuls summarizes, to claim that the social order is also governed by a force that he calls "moral entropy." …/

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3.2 PRACTICAL FAILURE One of the major factors that destroys every civilization is the arrogance of those who choose to rule: they are engaged in a war against reality that they cannot win, because a series of insidious transactions has rendered their society dysfunctional and unmanageable. The society lacks the ecological, social, financial and intellectual capital required to solve its problems. Since humans are more focused on the present than the future, and complex adaptive systems are unpredictable, decisions at all levels are increasingly 'sub-optimal' as a civilization grows in complexity. In earlier times, when affairs are comparatively simple and morale is high, a united populace will tend to think and act with prudence, foresight and due respect for nature and the interests of posterity. In later times, the growth of selfishness crowds out sacrifice; the interests of the masses and elites diverge; and even the elites themselves become divided into competing factions. Planning for the long-term becomes an unaffordable luxury, so society drifts; following the line of least resistance (the Easy Way) by taking merely expedient actions that postpone rather than resolve problems. As it develops, a civilization accumulates a growing investment in physical and social infrastructure that increasingly limits its freedom of choice. These entrenched structures, habits, patterns, institutions, ideologies and interests prevent adaptation to changed conditions. Societies, like all organisms must decay and die: just like all individual animals. 3.2.1 INSTITUTIONS Institutions, by design (and the local memories) are very resistive to change, as their function is to establish firm foundations to preserve the past. As time goes on, institutions therefore grow steadily more hidebound, inflexible and unresponsive. As historian, Barbara Tuchman noted: "inertia in the scales of history weighs more heavily than change." Enmeshed in this legacy of the past, a civilization cannot save itself. The managing elites may well understand that the system has become dysfunctional but fundamental reform would require major sacrifice on their part, so they fight to preserve their privilege and power instead. In the end, the elites prefer an advantageous present, however problematic, to an uncertain and possibly disadvantageous future. Worse, institutions inevitably operate as bureaucracies that become self-serving and strangle society in layers of bogus red tape, claiming these new rules are needed when they are just an excuse to keep these parasites in a paid position. Rent-seeking insiders batten on a growing list of victims, such as the poor who cannot afford to buy homes or even fully pay for their own transportation. Selfish elites feather www.dialogue.ca

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their own nests increasing the gap between rich and poor. The populace and many members of the inherited elite lose all faith in the system and its leaders, who are seen as ineffective at best ("just talking"), incompetent and corrupt at worst. Incompetent leaders seek out any form of action (to demonstrate their abilities) but often resort to old stupidities (doing again what has never worked in the past) such as engaging in distracting wars (like Iraq), buying off the populace with sports (Olympics) and guaranteed incomes ("Bread and Circuses"). Finally, they can never resist inflating the currency to pay off their accumulated public debt; alternatively, they keep down interest rates on credit, to boost bogus borrowings to feed artificial stock-market 'booms' that bedazzle the naive, middle-class 'investors'. In spite of warnings from some of the shrewdest economists, like Maynard Keynes, that these methods punish prudence and thrift, the Fast-Buck artists drive on regardless. This emphasis on the artificiality of money only increases the distance between the reality of nature and the delusions of symbols. Inflation is not the most monumental stupidity of which human beings are capable: war is the more immediately and directly destructive to civilized life. When the largest economy today is built upon building war weapons and the Pentagon is the largest employer of manpower, then bad investments grow even when there is direct, minimal killing from these massive bad investments.

4 THE IMMINENT END-TIMES and FINAL COLLAPSE As Gibbon said, instead of asking "why Rome fell?" we should rather ask: "Why did it last so long?" Today's hegemon (the USA) has grown so vast that its tentacles reach around the globe. It still desperately seeks to preserve its dominion by pursuing the three suicidal tactics: war, debt and inflation. All of the world's civilizations are now interconnected into one vast interdependent and complex world system far beyond anyone's ken or control. We must therefore confront a potential worldwide collapse as a cascade of failures bring down a global order that is now about 250 years old (taken from Watt's steam engine that launched the Industrial revolution). Before civilization became universal, the consequences of decline and fall may have been catastrophic for a particular society and most of its inhabitants, but they were NOT fatal to all civilizations. There were always others to keep the flame burning – somewhere. However, now that a highly interdependent, global, industrial civilization extends its monopoly across the globe, there are no others to pick up the torch to relight the flame. The next collapse will be global and uniquely …/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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devastating, especially as we have forgotten (or destroyed) the methods and materials of traditional agriculture; so any viable agrarian civilization capable of supporting large numbers and a reasonable level of complexity is extremely unlikely. Some students of history have predicted that the collapse of today's highly developed societies would almost certainly entail vast disruptions and huge loss of life; not to mention a significantly lower standard of living for the survivors. Even a return to a hunting and gathering lifestyle would be a challenge as there are very few tribes left in the world still living like this (perhaps in darkest New Guinea). Some students of civilization have suggested that our present "Titanic" needs more lifeboats to be constructed now, to salvage as much as possible while we can. Indeed, James Lovelock has suggested we start compiling a 'Book of Gaia' while we can, but critics have suggested this would at best create another culture of scholasticism that would just become another Holy Book. Others have suggested we need preserve the methods and mindset of science but I am not convinced. Most science is trivial, academic and needs a technological culture to sustain it. I even despair for preserving any significant level of industrialism that would be misused again to support a militaristic society as before.

5 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW Ophuls has certainly done his homework on the threats to civilization. He also offers a quick summary of his major sources that is worth repeating here, so that readers (like me) can extend their personal knowledge. He begins with Will and Ariel Durant's The Lessons of History (1968) as a succinct, readable and wise guide to the historical process. He goes onto Ian Morris's Why the West Rules - For Now (2010) describing our current situation more readily. He adds John Michael Greer's assessment of our demise in his The Long Descent (2008) that describes a more extended version of decline rather than a precipitous collapse. Ophuls found that Thomas Homer-Dixon's The Upside of Down (2006) combines interviews, anecdotes and observations with an in-depth analysis provided a rich and detailed portrait of the End-Times. Joseph A. Tainter's The Collapse of Complex Societies (1988) sets forth his seminal and pioneering theory of declining returns on human investment in complexity. Ophuls also includes Jack A. Goldstone's Revolution and Rebellion in the Early Modern World (1991) showing how popular grievances, fiscal crises, factional infighting and elite disaffection prepare the ground for eventual revolution by exposing the State as unjust and ineffective. Ophuls gives a brief nod to Donella H. Meadows' Thinking in Systems (2008) as an excellent primer into systems thinking. He also read Melanie Mitchell's Complexity (2009) to understand an important topic. He warns the reader that Complex Adaptive Systems (2007) by John 74 dialogue

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H. Miller and Scott E. Page is even more challenging while still accessible and offering an abundance of realworld examples. John Gribbin's Deep Simplicity (2004) is a short and readable introduction to Chaos. He modestly recommends his own Plato's Revenge (2011) as a broader criticism of Hobbesian political economy. Finally, he [and I] strongly recommend Ronald Wright's A Short History of Progress (2005) as a short, pithy summary of the fallibility of man.

6 CONCLUSIONS This is a tough book to read, as its message will be resisted by almost everyone as our global civilization faces terminal collapse and our elite rulers try to dramatically reduce the global population through viral scares and bioweapons. This is the final and desperate move to simplify the challenges they face. I, like Ophuls, suspect they will fail: humanity will undoubtedly survive: civilization as we know it will certainly not. 6.1 BOOK WEAKNESSES Almost no one anticipated that the Global Elites would plan a Malthusian Collapse of the world's population. So, noone suspected that a "vaccine" bioweapon would be used to poison such a high percentage of the population based on false rumors of health threats from a common-cold-like minor infection (covid) that only killed old people who were already dying from prior health conditions. The power of the media to convince the ignorant to conform to medical opinions on the risks involved illustrate how weak are normal convictions in the general populations. The book fails to discuss the poor roads taken to getting here, including the huge error of industrialism that enabled mass-killing and pharmaceutical research that has given us an instrumental (artificial) approach to good health instead of living with nature (i.e. not trying to ‘fix it’ after the damage is done). Ophuls hints at the major error we made in the Agricultural Revolution that enabled us to readily outbreed the natural limitations of the HG life-style. 6.2 BOOK STRENGTHS The most impressive fact about this book is how the author has resisted the publisher's pressures to expand this book into another "fat" (important) book. He has boiled down his points to a few lines per paragraph. Ophuls has done his homework: he has read many of the latest books on Social Collapse and organized their diverse messages into a coherent story to warn the few (who listen) to "abandon ship" now before we hit the rocks. 6.3 REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS I must confess that I selected this book to read based on the recommendations of a man I greatly admire, Iain McGilchrist, the author of The Master and his Emissary [see my review Split-Minds*]. This is one of the most

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influential books I have ever read, so Iain's views carry much weight with me. We are both pessimistic about the survival of civilization. He lives on Skye while I live in British Columbia. We both believe that a major regression is needed to survive the overdue apocalypse; I recommend retreating to Canada's West Coast, where many can learn from the remaining native people, who still remember some of the Old Ways and proven Values respecting Nature. We must finally admit that our experiment with civilization has been a failure and we will face a global collapse. So, humanity will survive but not in highly concentrated urban setting but in smaller, diffuse groups that resemble the few native tribes that

still survive today. This is a harsh book that must be read for its necessary message to stop fighting nature. Ophuls' writing is tight as he demonstrates how to merge successfully information from several diverse sources. Some people will benefit greatly from reading and owning this important book, especially if they quickly plan for their survival. Herb Spencer, Surrey BC, spsi99@telus.net * Herb Spencer’s essays and other reviews may be found, freely available at: https://jamescook.academia.edu/HerbSpencer

Immoderate Greatness Why Civilizations Fail – by William Ophuls Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (Dec 28 2012) Paperback, 116 pages ISBN-10: 1479243140


Wake-Up Canada! The Truth about the “Covid-19 Global Pandemic” Prepared by J. G. Flynn, Captain (Retd) Research compiled and presented by Jerry Flynn November 16, 2021

The “Great Barrington” Declaration Authored and signed on Oct. 4, 2020 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, United States, by three of the world’s most respected experts in their fields: Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University; Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, “As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies …” signed by over 870,000 people worldwide. https://gbdeclaration.org/

Proof of Corruption 1. Nov. 2, 2021 – Dr. David E. Martin PhD - “Arrest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau”! Trudeau gets a kick-back on every Pfizer and Moderna vaccine sold around the world! Which is why he ordered 10X more vaccines than there are Canadians! Even the CDC’s own VAERS numbers indicate that there have been more deaths from COVID vaccines than all deaths from vaccines in past 20 years! All Canadian policemen need to unite to this tyranny! https://rumble.com/vomyay-justintrudeau-needs-to-be-arrested.-proofright-here.html (AwakeCanada.org)

2. Dr. David E. Martin PhD. Global expert in patents talks with German/American trial lawyer, Dr. www.dialogue.ca

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Reiner Fuellmich (who is leading what is expected will become the largest Class Action lawsuit in human history) exposes the mind-boggling corruption (criminal evidence) dating back to 1999, involving Dr. Anthony Fauci and NIAID who ultimately MADE and patented it on Apr. 19th. 2002! (-1:1:30). (-49:00) (-46:00) The script of this was written on Jan. 6, 2004 (-40:30). Population control (-31:00). Anthrax (-6:00) https://www.facebook.com/randy.hillier/videos/530142078244383/

3. Just six (6) élite ultra-rich Jew-Zionists (NOT your ordinary peace-loving Jewish families) own and/or control 96% of the world’s media – https://polskainfo2.tripod.com/248_SIX.html – including Canadian-owned Thomson-Reuters Corp. and Canada’s national broadcasting corporation: the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). “The Jewish control of the American mass media is the single most important fact of life, not just in America, but in the whole world today. There is nothing -- plague, famine, economic collapse, even nuclear war -- more dangerous to the future of our people.” This small group of élite ultra-rich Jew-Zionists includes Canada’s own Bronfman family, who are the principle fund-raisers for Canada’s Liberal Party and its leader, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. https://www.stormfront.org/jewish/whorules.html

4. Oct. 23, 2021 – World. Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD, Former Pfizer VP & Chief Science Officer, Timetable to Tyranny. Phases 1-6; we are approaching Phase 5: VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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a net worth in 2015 of $1.5 million that somehow grew to $10 million in 2021! https://theex-

Establish Chaos and Martial Law (Nov. 2021–Mar. ‘22). Compare his timetable to that which the entire world has experienced. https://www.henryma-

pose.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/A-Canadian-Critically-Thinking.pdf (Page 8-9 of 12).


 Nov. 12, 2021 – Canada: Could authorize vaccine for kids 5-11 in ‘one to two weeks!’ Under-12 age group continues to have Canada’s highest incidence rates of COVID-19 across all ages.

5. Aug. 2, 2021 – The World: Former Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston confirms graphene oxide (poisonous to humans) is in Pfizer, Moderna and other Covid “Kill Shot.” Video. “One of the most evil agenda mankind has ever been exposed to.”



6. Apr. 12, 2021 – The World: Former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, said: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’ “They are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.” https://tapnewswire.com/2021/04/exclusive-for-

 Justin Trudeau’s Communist crusade to destroy Canada from within: www.bitchute.com/video/9BFvNhXmPbdC/

 Sep. 29, 2021 – Evidence that Justin Trudeau, with the help of cohorts within both the Federal and Provincial Governments, has perpetrated intentional fraud against the citizens of Canada in the form of collusion and racketeering. https://theex-


7. Jan. 12, 2021 – Peru: The Chicha and Pisco Criminal Appeals Court Rules Pandemic was “Created by Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller Family.” https://verietyinfo.com/argentinaeng/peruvian-


 Aug. 27, 2021 – Justin Trudeau promised $1 Billion to help provinces create vaccine passports.


Historical Data  Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau: - is an undeclared Zionist or Globalist; and - is a member of the Trilateral Commission (whose ultimate goal is to have a One-World Government with a total population of 500 million people – meaning the destruction of Canada and the killing/murder of its people). His Liberal Party’s chief fundraiser, Peter Bronfman, is an élite wealthy Jew. His personal financial backer has been and is another élite Jew Billionaire George Soros (who is a member of the Committee of 300 and Council on Foreign Relations). [The Committee of 300, headed by Queen Elizabeth II, is the parent organization of the CFR, TC, Bilderbergs, United Nations, the WEF (World Economic Forum), all of which aspire to a One-World Government in a world having just 500 million people.] One needs to note George Soros’ role in Canada’s ongoing corruption. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/05/justin-trudeau-adviser-stephen-bronfman-offshore-paradise-papers and also: http://themillenniumreport.com/2019/03/pm-justin-trudeau-a-soros-puppet-hellbent-on-destroying-canada/

 Readers need to be aware that Justin Trudeau (with his prime minister’s annual salary of $270,000) had 76 dialogue

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 Aug. 18, 2021 – Justin Trudeau says people who are not fully vaccinated won’t be able to travel on domestic planes or trains! https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-trudeau-says-people-whoare-not-fully-vaccinated-will-not-be-able-to/

 Feb. 24, 2021 – The World: There is plenty of evidence for an interest in transitioning the world order. Angela Merkel (Germany), Emmanuel Macron (France), Justin Trudeau (Canada) and Joe Biden (USA) have all repeatedly stated this, often referencing the associated ‘build back better’ slogan. https://www.anhinternational.org/news/revisiting-the-great-reset/  Dec. 2, 2020 – The World: Let’s talk about the Great Reset. Political leaders like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, U.S. president-elect Joe Biden, and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson have announced their endorsement of the plan. https://thecord.ca/lets-talk-about-the-great-reset/

 Jan. 25, 2018 – Justin Trudeau’s and the Liberal Party of Canada’s then billionaire Jewish fundraiser Barry Sherman and wife were both found dead/murdered in their home. LINK FOLLOWS: Print Edition



https://www.macleans.ca/politics/barry-shermans-deathcuts-short-the-lobbying-probe-against-him/ -- and: https://www.timesofisrael.com/canada-police-identifyperson-of-interest-in-deaths-of-billionaire-jewish-couple/

 Oct. 10, 2020 - How Justin Trudeau bought Canada’s media. The overwhelming bulk of Canada’s media is bought, and paid for, by the federal government. In particular, by the Liberal Party which has extended generous taxpayer subsidies to outlets that comply with its diktats. https://www.pugetsoundradio.com/2020/10/16/howtrudeau-bought-the-media/

 Jul. 9, 2020 – Canada: Constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati filed a Lawsuit re COVID-1984 against Trudeau, his Health Officials, Premier Ford, CBC, etc. https://iamexempt.ca/registry/2020/07/09/galati-cv-20-00643451-0000

Canada’s Deputy PM, Chrystia Freeland: She is the ONLY government minister of ANY rank of ANY government in the world selected to be on the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees (whose ultimate goal is also to have a One-World Government with a total population of just 500-million people) https://stateofthenation.co/?p=44305 [where she sits alongside élite Jewish Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab; élite Jewish David M. Rubenstein (Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group)]; Mark Carney, a member of the Committee of 300, is UN Special Envoy; élite Jewish Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum and Trilateral Commission) - https://stateofthenation.co/?p=44305 along with 16 other people. Then there is her decadeslong friendship with élite Jew Billionaire, George Soros, who is said to enjoy a long standing relationship with Canada’s Liberal Party. https://niagaraindependent.ca/george-soros-and-hiscanadian-chess-game-part-3/

More Headlines/links Oct 14, 2021 – The World: VACCINE DEATH REPORT – Millions have died from the injections https://assets.gnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/vaccine-death-report.pdf

Oct. 6, 2021 – The World: The Covid Criminals will be tried for Crimes Against Humanity. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the family physician who treated then US President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and other heads of state with Hydroxychloroquine successfully, says www.dialogue.ca

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“This is a civil war!” https://stewpeters.podbean.com/e/exclusive-specialbroadcast-dr-zev-zelenko-smashes-globalists-exposesglobal-genocidal-event/ Oct. 2, 2021 – The World: German/American trial Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and lawyer Viviane Fisher talk with Jewish electrical engineer, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz, in Israel, about Covid. All agree that this is the greatest crime against humanity – ever! https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/2545272981/Israel or https://www.bitchute.com/video/sYVLwDBv1ytT/

Sep. 24, 2021 – The World: Dr. Zelenko testified before an Israeli Rabbinical court that the majority of those “vaccinated” (which is over 80% of the Israeli population) will likely be dead within 3 years. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-vladimir-zelenkotakes-a-big-risk-by-telling-all/

Sep. 15, 2021 – The World: German/American trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich gives an update on the largest class action lawsuit in human history for Crimes Against Humanity. See Minute 34.30, where he mentions Klaus Schwab’s students in 1992 as Bill Gates and Angela Merkel, as well as Macron and Justin Trudeau, etc. He spells out the goals of the Globalists. https://tinyurl.com/RF-update-15-09-21 Aug. 11, 2021 – Israel: ‘World War Three’ said outspoken Dr. Vladimir Ze’ev Zelenko in his testimony before the Ma’aleh Adumim Rabbinic Court regarding the COVID-19 shot. He said: “Look at the Rabbinic leadership.” “There is no need for this vaccine; I presented this information to Netanyahu in April of 2021 and every single member re level of malfeasance we have not seen in human history. Israel is leading this.” https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/frontlinenews/poison-death-shot-dr-zelenko-testifies-before-israeli-rabbinical-court/

Aug. 7, 2021 – The World: Dr. Judy Mikovits explains to Mike Adams the scam! Dr. Anthony Fauci knew exactly what was in the vaccines - and when! She explains the involvement of both Fort Dietrich and Wuhan labs. Names the guilty and states that “Covid was nothing more than the common flu.” https://www.brighteon.com/dc43ea4a-e64b-42a4-87371efb436751b5

Jul 21, 2021 – The World: End times: Global depopulation by the Cabal. Their goal of world population is 500 million only. That is approximately 7.4 billion less than we have now on earth! https://biblescienceforum.com/2021/07/21/end-timesglobal-depopulation-by-the-cabal/ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Jul. 10, 2021 – The World: Dr. David E. Martin in an interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, blows the lid on the Covid fraud and the Covid Vaccines. There has never been a novel Corona virus! “We made SARS and patented it.” People are being injected with a bioweapon. This is a case of “criminal conspiracy, racketeering and collusion.” (Minute 22:50) Lambasts Fauci and Gates! https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/forums/topic/drdavid-martin-gives-evidence-to-reiner-fuellmich/ and: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/there-is-no-variant-notnovel-no-pandemic-dr-david-martin-with-reiner-fuellmich/

Apr. 27, 2021 – Canada: Celebrated Canadian Constitutional Lawyer, Rocco Galati, discusses Trudeau’s leaked Covid agenda. LINK: https://vladtepesblog.com/2021/04/27/canadian-lawyerrocco-galati-on-trudeaus-leaked-covid-agenda/

Wireless Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) Radiation This was added because most people don’t appreciate that EMFs are integral to today’s global corruption. People need to realize the hazards of non-ionizing, non-thermal EMF radiation – because it is silent, invisible, tasteless and odorless - which is emitted by ALL operational wireless radio devices, but none more-so than the “5G” technology. Unlike previous technologies, 5G EMF radiation will be emitted by not only telecom companies (who locate their micro-mini cell towers not further apart than every 12th house – in every significant community on Earth), but also by satellite companies (such as SpaceX and OneWeb, etc.) who plan to also irradiate every inch of space on Earth with hazardous microwave EMF radiation from their many tens-of-thousands of low orbing satellites to bring you (whether you want it or not) broadband Internet service. Currently, it has been estimated that ‘smart cities’ will require a total of some 2.5 Billion connections, and that the 5G industry will generate some $17-trillion! People need to realize that: 1) all of the above EMF radiation will be in addition to the enormous (but invisible) ‘cloud’ that already plagues planet earth from 2G (‘G’ is for generation), 3G and 4G wireless devices; and, 2) readers need to note that not a single frequency, not even 60 Hz (household electricity), has been independently tested by experts (having no ties to industry) and proven to be SAFE to humans of all ages and all levels of health. Consequently, the following statement concerning cell phone radiation is 78 dialogue

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extremely significant; I personally fear that 5G will bring about the end of all life on Earth! May 2, 2018 – Canada’s Dr. Anthony Miller, MD, a long-time advisor to the WHO and Sr. Advisor to Environmental Health Trust (EHT) said that, based on the $25M NIH/NIEHS National Toxicology Program, Cell Phone Radiation is a category 1 human carcinogen and can cause cancer. http://www.sbwire.com/press-releases/cancer-researcher-states-that-25m-nih-study-confirms-that-cell-phone-radiation-can-cause-cancer927339.htm

Conclusion In conclusion, Justin Trudeau – fixated as he is on destroying Canada and killing off its people, as is evidenced by his actions and his absolute control of mainstream media, thus ensuring that the truth (the true science) regarding any aspect of COVID or vaccines is never allowed – should immediately be arrested, incarcerated and tried in an appropriate International Court of Law for Crimes Against Humanity! If found guilty he should face the maximum penalty possible! Similarly, sycophants like John Horgan, Adrian Dix, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and other like-minded government and/or health care leaders, and all of the other unbelievably evil Zionists/Globalists in the Cabal who selfishly want the world to themselves – a world having just 500 million people (including Cabal members and those selected to be their ‘SLAVES’) must also be stopped NOW, arrested, incarcerated and tried in an appropriate court. Those found guilty should face the harshest possible punishment! J.G. Flynn, Captain (Retired) Comox, B.C., Canada wbjf85@protonmail.com

Military BIO - Captain (Retired) J.G. Flynn Serial No. 25614-G I am a retired Canadian Armed Forces captain (commissioned from the ranks in what was then the Royal Canadian Navy) who spent 22 of my 26+ years in the ‘Forces’ in Electronic Warfare (EW) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), the former of which included two years in National Defense Headquarters (NDHQ) Ottawa, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare (DEW). In EW I worked closely with U.S. and NATO armies and, of my own initiative, attended a major NATO army EW officers’ course in Anzio, Italy, and participated in a major NATO army EW field exercise in Germany. I accepted invitations to visit both the U.S. Pentagon and, subsequently, Fort Bragg, North Carolina (the US Army’s principal EW base). Earlier still, I Print Edition


conducted Radio Warfare/EW at sea aboard two Canadian warships. In SIGINT, I was the Executive Officer and Operations Officer for two years at one of Canada’s largest and most sensitive radio intelligence-gathering stations, where I employed some 200+ specially-trained radio operators who conducted both COMINT (Communications Intelligence) and ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) under my direction. Throughout this period, I worked closely with the USA’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ. Although I finally retired in 2005, since 2008 I have spent most of my time researching, writing and speaking out publicly on all aspects of this unbelievably evil issue caused by the corrupt US military-industrial complex. History will record that this ongoing corruption now literally threatens all life on earth! Tragically, too few Americans heeded then U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1961, when he warned them to be on guard against the emergence of a corrupt US M-I-C! On leaving the Forces, in my second career, which also lasted 26-years, I was extremely fortunate to have a client list that eventually included the Saudi Arabian government plus other large multinational corporations who collectively had major operations and/or projects in various countries on five continents. Consequently, I quickly embraced all things

wireless: a Blackberry cell phone, Wi-Fi routers (in the office and at home); cordless phones (both locations), microwave ovens (both locations), laptop computer (wireless, of course), Bluetooth cell phone and heated seats in my vehicles, electric in-floor radiant heat in my homes, not to mention the silent and invisible EMF (electric field and magnetic field) radiation I was exposed to in my working and living environments. In the fall of 2016, cancer very nearly took my life! Out-of-theblue, I was suddenly stricken with a particularly virulent form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma – which, in hindsight, I attribute solely to my own indefensible stupidity and naiveté in presuming that Health Canada had tested and verified that all wireless electronic products on the market were ‘safe’ for the public to use! My weight quickly dropped from about 175 lbs to less than 130 lbs, and I required an oxygen machine to breathe day and night! In retrospect, were it not for an excellent medical team and for my beloved wife’s tireless attention and endless nursing, and for her stubborn determination not to let me go, I would not be here to fight this, what has become, the Mother of all Crimes - which now, unbelievably, threatens all life on earth! – Jerry G. Flynn, Comox, BC


The Feudal Fiefdoms of Saskatchewan: POSTCRIPT TO PART EIGHT

Local Governance gone awry From Norm Zigarlick, SK, normzig56@gmail.com In the Regional Parks of SK, people own their homes, on land leased from management Boards that operate at a frightening level of autonomy, enabled by political interference and wilful blindness from municipal and provincial governments. Five seniors represented themselves in Court of Queen’s Bench against a Board-initiated Writ of Possession application. This is a Postscript to the 8th Installment of the story from Norm Zigarlick and friends on the idylls of Park life and their search for ‘justice.’ [Story began in Autumn 2019, Vol.33-1]

The latest legal cases are currently before the Court, so we hope to have an update by the Spring Issue. – Norm ♣ **************************************************************

SASKATCHEWAN EMERGENCY POWERS SEPT 13 2021 – received from Bill Woollam PDF available online at: https://truth11.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/martial-law-.pdf

Wording in documents received via a link from Bill Woolam, if legitimate as they appear to be, indicate the absolute powers allocated to the Saskatchewan Premier, according to the declaration of emergency made for the Province of Saskatchewan www.dialogue.ca

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on Sep. 13, 2021. The precise and all-inclusive wording that states that these powers, in Sections 18 and 18.1 of the Emergency Planning Act “prevail in the case of any conflict with any other Act, regulation, order, collective agreement, other agreement or other law.” ♣ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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DENIS RANCOURT ET AL: STUDY OF MORTALITY USA MARCH 2020 TO OCT 2021 The Nature of the COVID era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data From: Intersaepio, intersaepio@protonmail.com Sent: November 28, 2021

For anyone still fearing viral respiratory infection may I recommend this study – Denis Rancourt, LINK: https://tinyurl.com/Rancourt-et-al

This highly detailed study of all-cause mortality and excess death data in the US during the covid era clearly shows there was no covid pandemic of any kind, let alone one caused by a respiratory virus. Instead there were unusually high numbers of deaths from bacterial pneumonia in America’s warmest states affecting mostly people with obesity and other immune compromising factors and exacerbated by covid response measures like lockdowns. I believe it is case closed on covid and all covid variants. Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the

USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data October 2021 DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.11570.32962 Project: Science reviews relevant to COVID-19 Authors: Denis G Rancourt Marine Baudin Jérémie Mercier - Mercier Production This article has not been peer-reviewed by a journal. It is published simultaneously at the following websites. https://ocla.ca/ https://denisrancourt.ca/ https://archive.today/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marine-Baudin https://www.globalresearch.ca/


Abstract and Figures 25 October 2021 We investigate why the USA, unlike Canada and Western European countries, has a sustained exceedingly large mortality in the “COVID-era” occurring from March 2020 to present (October 2021). All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting true catastrophic events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge in deaths from any cause. The behaviour of the USA all-cause mortality by time (week, year), by age group, by sex, and by state is contrary to pandemic behaviour caused by a new respiratory disease virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population. Its seasonal structure (summer maxima), age-group distribution (young residents), and large state-wise heterogeneity are unprecedented and are opposite to viral respiratory disease behaviour, pandemic or not. We conclude that a pandemic did not occur. We infer that persistent chronic psychological stress induced by the long-lasting government-imposed societal and 80 dialogue

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economic transformations during the COVID-era converted the existing societal (poverty), public-health (obesity) and hot-climate risk factors into deadly agents, largely acting together, with devastating population-level consequences against large pools of vulnerable and disadvantaged residents of the USA, far above pre-existing pre-COVID-era mortality in those pools. We also find a large COVID-era USA pneumonia epidemic that is not mentioned in the media or significantly in the scientific literature, which was not adequately addressed. Many COVID-19-assigned deaths may be misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia deaths. The massive vaccination campaign (380 M administered doses, 178 M fully vaccinated individuals, mainly January-August 2021 and March-August 2021, respectively) had no detectable mitigating effect, and may have contributed to making the younger population more vulnerable (35-64 years, summer-2021 mortality). LINK: https://tinyurl.com/Rancourt-et-al

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Winter Solstice 2021 ...... Freedom......

Susanne Lawson, Dec 15, 2021

Freedom from fear, hate, division and prejudice.... Freedom to feel the magic & power of being fully alive. Freedom……. When speaking recently on a zoom interview with a student on the opposite side of this country who is doing his doctorate on wolves and humans in the environment, I recalled what living with the wolves and the ancient Indigenous practices here have taught me about freedom. In the old story of wolf and dog... both of them saw that man had fire and they wanted it. Dog said "I will go and get it" and he went and man fed dog and dog didn't return to the wild. That was the end of the story. Wolves choose to be free, unafraid and wild, not conditioned or confined. Indigenous societies understood freedom when doing the giveaway at a Potlatch... they knew the true power of giving everything away, knowing that energy was circular and what goes around comes around. The missionaries didn't understand that and were afraid of the Potlatch and it was banned. It is time to empower oneself to be truly free to be who and what we were born to be, to feel the magic and power of being alive... speaking one’s truth with care, respect and lucidity, not subject to anyone or anything, honoring the diversity and our own ‘algorhythm’ without fear. What we have each been given, being different and unique individuals, has been repressed far too long under a burden of collectivism, where conforming has been overwhelming to the point of self imprisonment and self-destruction. These are times to step out, speak freely despite the narrative or limitations, to courageously be one’s self, wholly without the strictures and structures that have confined us. That structure is coming to a close, but there are still bullies and intimidators who try to control it all, due to their fear of freedom and their efforts to hold onto their so called, “wealth and power”. True prosperity and power is freedom from the burden www.dialogue.ca

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of wealth and control. In the teachings of the ancient Dur Bon wisdom out of the mountains of Tibet, it was taught that… ”you only have that which comes to you.” Each being that we are is a prism of light, shining on the whole like facets of a diamond. We were born to be fully alive, excited by living, not shut away in fear of recrimination or criticism by a society that has run its collective gamut. That story, or what is currently called "the narrative," is over, crumbling away like a time-worn outer coating, over-used, imbalanced and corrupted by its own inner stagnation. It is out of sync with the universal energies of who we truly are and what we are presently encompassing. True power is within – and with the Earth and the natural forces that make it all possible. Fear is just another form of energy which can be transformed into something to be used for common good. Everything is energy and it is time to let go of unskillful energies and find the great circle of life, the truly sustaining circular energy that makes us and the world go around. It is time to live fully, with passion, integrity and dedication to who we are and what we are meant to be. Shine the light on the darkness and where evil is hiding in the corners. It is time to be free to live…. and to live freely and in peace together. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” ….Edmund Burke

Remembering the ancient Hawaiian teachings of “Huopenopeno” …the four healing sentences one says are (in any order you wish)….”I’m sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you.” This can be done in private just thinking about someone or something. To brothers and sisters out there who know the old teachings of the Anasasazi; It is a powerful time to be drawing the healing circle and lighting a candle in the center of it to focus good energies for the Earth and for All our relations. May peace and love uplift our hearts and minds. Happy Full Moon and Solstice! ~ Susanne ♣ VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

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Contributors in Adyashanti [QUOTE]…….…..81 Andersen, Erik, BC…..32, 34-36 Arney, Jeremy, BC………36-38 Augustine, Laura, BC (CLIC) 49 Backhaus, Karl, ON……...62-65 Boon, Ken, Peace River, BC 50 Bowles, Paul, BC…….......59-60 CDSAPI, I. Hanle, BC 32,33,82 Camilleri, Sammy, ON……..58 Cdn. Foreign Policy Institute 53 Chetty, Dr. Shankara (link)….33 Clarke, Steve, ON…………..10 Corbett Report.…..29,31,43,125 Davies, Ken, ON (from)……..52 Davies, Roxanne, BC…50-52 Desmet, Mattias (links) 29-30 Dicks, Dan, Press for Truth…67 Doehring, A.C.,BC…………53 Ehret, Matthew, QC……..9, 11

dialogue, Vol. 35 No. 2 ~ Winter 2021-22

Etkin, Jack, BC………………33 Fitts, Catherine Austin (link) 32 Foster, David Muir, ON……..48 Fuellmich, Reiner (videos) 32 Flynn, Jerry, BC (from)…..75-79 Free North Declaration 16-19 Freer, Gladys, ON…………19 Global Research:……...5,29,83 Hall, Anthony J., AB.....22-29,44 Hanson, Bob, BC…………….29 Hill, David, BC……………..34 Hillier, Randy, MPP-ON(about) 15 Houndog YouTube channel 10 Hudon, Jean, QC [Extract]….09 Huff, Ethan (Reprint/link)……08 Knight, Marianne, (next issue) Lawson, Susanne, BC 4,44,81 LawyersStandUp.ca……..19-21 LifeSiteNews, ON (Reprint) 8,15

Lonsdale, Derrick, M.D…..54-57 Lyman, Eva, BC………….46,53 Mathews, Robin, BC………...38 Mercola, Dr. J (extract)………83 Mounties For Freedom……...21 NaturalNews.com……........8,33 Nicholls, Rick, ON……………15 Nickerson, Mike, ON………...10 O’Connor, Franklin, BC……...61 Ostermann, Gunther, BC……40 Pardy, Bruce, ON (Reprint) 16 Peckford, Brian, BC (RE) 20-21 Rancourt, Denis, ON………...80 Reed, Eleanor, ON………..…61 Ross, June (A Quote)……….47 Rouse, Bonna (1933-2021)…61 Russell, Wayne, BC……...66-67 Shadbolt, John, ON….……9, 15 Spencer, Herb, BC..58,68-75,83

Spencer, Michael, NY…….6, 30 Stafford, Christina, BC…...49,83 Vaccine Choice Canada, link 83 Van Walleghem, Ralph….21,84 Weston, Katie, ON……….11-14 Von Werlhof, C.(extract-link) 2,5 Weygang, Peter, ON…….41-43 White, Patricia, BC…………..47 Woollam, Bill, BC (link)…..30,79 Yarbrough, Y, US……………34 Zigarlick, Norm, SK….............79

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WINTER 2021-22, VOL. 35, NO. 2

Print Edition



Healthy Kids - Healthy Choices Dr. Bryam W. Bridle, PhD, Viral immunologist, Guelph University ONLINE: https://thecalm.ca/wp-content/up-

loads/2021/11/Healthy-Kids-Healthy-Choices.pdf P. 85-90 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

MOUNTIES FOR FREEDOM OPEN LETTER TO THE RCMP COMMISSIONER From: https://www.mounties4freedom.com/ P.90-97 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Letter from Vaccine Choice Canada to BC Civil Liberties Association:

re BCLA’s support for Vaccine Passports https://peoplesworldwar.com/letter-to-bc-civil-liberties-ass/ P.98-99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Declaration produced by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/ P.99-101 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

From Concerned Health Professionals in The Okanagan Valley Voices of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals

https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/open-letterto-dr-bonnie-henry-adrian-dix-premier-john-horganand-attorney-general-david-eby/ P.102-108 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A BRIEF HISTORY & RECORD OF VACCINES How Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark A Totalitarian Nightmare

By Lee Hieb, M.D., Global Research, LINK: www.globalresearch.ca/how-vaccine-hysteria-couldspark-totalitarian-nightmare/5430900 P.109-112 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

UK Court Rules Julian Assange Can Be Extradited to US: The Same Country That Plotted to Assassinate Him

https://www.activistpost.com/2021/12/uk-court-rules-julianassange-can-be-extradited-to-us-the-same-country-whoplotted-to-assassinate-him.html P.112-113 www.dialogue.ca

Print Edition

The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth – by Patrick Wood, www.Technocracy.News https://www.technocracy.news/unblueprint-exposed-the-takeover-of-allgenetic-material-on-earth/ P.113-117 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A Note On My Absence

ActivistPost Op-Ed by Brandon Turbeville www.activistpost.com/2021/11/a-note-on-my-absence.html P.118-120 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Time is Now: Differentiating “Force” from “Choice” – Corey’s Digs https://www.coreysdigs.com/opinion/the-time-is-nowdifferentiating-force-from-choice/ P.121-122 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mainstream Economists Are Struggling to Hide the Incoming Economic Collapse - By Brandon Smith, ActivistPost

www.activistpost.com/2021/12/mainstream-economistsare-struggling-to-hide-the-incoming-economic-collapse.html P.123-125 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Who’s the Real Anthony Fauci?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, About Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Research & Book [No longer available at Mercola.com] P.125-128 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Climate Lockdowns Are Coming: Part IV By Matt Nilsson, writer, editor, and webmaster of WhatAboutTheRoads.co. Nov. 22, 2021 LINK: https://whatabouttheroads.co/author/matt/ P.129-130 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Globalist authoritarian playbook stripped naked by Mike Adams LINK: https://www.healthrangerreport.com/ P.131-132 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- https://home.solari.com/book-review-the-wim-hof-method/ P.133 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


https://www.globalresearch.ca/latest-news-and-top-stories P.134 VOL. 35, NO. 2, WINTER 2021-22

dialogue 83

84 dialogue

WINTER 2021-22, VOL. 35, NO. 2

Print Edition


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