Hypnosis to Cure OCD

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Hypnosis is Effective in Treating OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

According to studies, one among 50 adults suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorders or OCD and with twice the risk of experiencing it at one point in their lives. The condition may range from a simple annoying behaviour to an emotionally destructive condition which can lead to problems in relationships, social life, work life and family life. When left untreated, it can leads to many other problems and complications. Generally, OCD is an anxiety disorder by which the person suffers from recurrent and unwanted disturbing thoughts or ideas or obsessions, causing the person to do repetitive or irrational behaviours and compulsions or both. Most people with this disorder suffer from a deep feeling of anxiety while trying to repress the compulsive behaviour. This in the end causes the persons to be stressed, depressed, and restless. The bad news about this condition is that about 2/3 of the people with OCD suffer psychiatric conditions such as eating disorders, depression, personality disorder, attention deficit disorder, and other anxiety disorders. With these complicated underlying problems, physicians and medical professionals find it hard to cure OCD due to the overlapping conditions. One condition that worsens OCD is major depressive disorders which appear to be the most common among patients, affecting about 55% of patients. There is wide range of things that causes OCD and these include heredity and childhood influences, conditions such as brain damage or encephalitis, and other psychological conditions. From significant psychoanalytic theories, it was found out that fixation in the anal level can develop a sort of obsession and this is created as a defence mechanism against the occurrence of aggressive and sexual conflicts. Obsessions as well as compulsions, in some cases, can lead to depressions and more severe psychological conditions such as schizophrenia. Compulsive and obsessive behaviour and thoughts may range from simple day to day acts like over or exaggerated cleanliness (e.g. making sure that there is no sign of even a minute grime or dust on the desk, floor, and everywhere inside the house). This compulsive behaviours must be evaluated as to what degree or extent it occupies ones time and how it limits ones normal functioning. For example, when you worry about dirt, washing one thorough hand wash is enough. But for someone with an obsessive behaviour, he or she reaches a point where no amount of hand washing is enough to clean. This is where the problem is. Hypnosis deals with OCD by simply accessing the patient’s subconscious mind. Most people suffering from this disorder know the consequences of their obsessive behaviour and how it impacts their daily life. However, because of that excessive compulsion, they still do the habit because they cannot control it. Therefore, with the help of hypnosis, this compulsive behaviour are being neutralized or managed in a gentle yet very powerful manner. Using hypnosis, the patient with OCD is being empowered to gain control over that unwanted or destructive behaviour. They themselves are encouraged to control their actions and totally stop OCD.

Hypnotist San Antonio aims to provide people suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with a solution to curb the unwanted habit. Hypnotherapy San Antonio also specializes in bringing positive changes to people who want to improve their lives and stop destructive habits.

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