Finaljournal 523864 janice lobo

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SEMESTER 1, 2013

Design Studio





Contents EOI.1 CASE FOR INNOVATION Bio .......... 4 Architecture as a Discourse .......... 7 Exploring Timber .......... 8 Computerization in Design ........ 12 Parametric Structures ........ 17 Grasshopper Experiments ......... 23 Conclusion ......... 24 Learning Outcomes ......... 25



Design Focus ......... Moire Effect ......... Biothing Pavilion ........ Case Study 1.0 ......... Case Study 2.0 ......... Transition ......... Helicoid.......... Technique Development ......... Prototypes ......... Technique Proposal......... Algorithmic Sketches ......... Learning Outcomes .........

29 31 33 34 36 40 41 45 46 51 53 55

EOI.3 PROJECT PROPOSAL Design Concept ........ Design Process ........ Construction Process ......... Tectonic Elements ......... Final Model ......... Algorithmic Sketches ......... The Outcome ......... Further Exploration ......... Final Model ......... Learning Outcomes ......... References .........

58 61 63 64 68 70 72 73 76 74 86


Me Hello. My name is Janice Lobo and I am a third year architecture student at the University of Melbourne. I am of Indian origin, but was born and raised in Dubai., UAE Both these places have a big impact on the architectural style that I am interested in. The discourse in both those cities is vastly different yet interesting because where one is an old country with a history of precedents to look to, the other is young and uninhibited by it. The difference was obvious to me as a young age and I would try to understand the cultural and technological influences behind them. Being raised in Dubai during the boom of its architectural exploration and development really inspired me to study Architecture.





The Completed I first began my digital design journey by playing around in Illustrator and Photoshop. After I took an interest in architecture, I found AutoCad and 3D Max. These were the primary platforms that I chose to work in. In Semester 2, 2011, I took Virtual Environments at the University of Melbourne. This is where I was first exposed to parametric modelling . We used Rhino to create a structure that was to interact with our body and draw influence from nature. Through this project I got to experience using parametric modelling and studied the influence it is having in the current face of architecture. Even though I enjoyed using it on a digital platform, when it came to fabrication, I was unsure about the materials that would work most effectively with my design, and I regret not going through a trial and error process to fully utilize the properties of different materials into my design instead of trying to morph them to fit my work. This semester I would be interested in looking at how materials can influence design, but particularly how parametric tools could be used to most efficiently use the materials available.




Innovation through Materials “Free experimentation requires less detailed constraints and computation so architects may turn to simulations with accuracy levels that reflect the stage of design.” 1 Architecture is so embedded into our lives that we sometimes fail to see the effect it has on us. The creation and manipulation of space can inform our emotions, productivity and well-being. For example, an open plan space can prove to be more effective in increasing productivity in comparison to individual cubicle layout in some office environments. Therefore it is important for architects take responsibility for the responses their designs evoke in people. Architecture also has a big impact on the environment, built and natural. Computational tools helps us to maximize efficiency of materials by exploring their constraints and working within them to create new and sustainable design. Parametric tools allows us to design in a responsible way by creating individual panels that can be taken apart and transported easily. It also allows us to generate a multitude of designs based on the constraints of site, materiality and functionality. We can use it to create responsive architecture that uses materials efficiently and in new ways that are environmentally sustainable.

An ongoing discourse is how to make architecture more sustainable. A particular branch of this discourse that is captivating and offers possibilities for a variety of solutions is material efficiency. As we push boundaries and create structures that are more ambitious and more innovative that the next , we generate more discourse that leads to innovation. Discovering new material properties and structural technologies has always led to a change in architecture. When Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Edgar Kauffman House, he used concrete and steel to create massive cantilevered slabs that were not believed to be possible, but it was a success that led to other projects experimenting with these ideas. Similarly, material properties that are constantly being discovered allows us to push our designs to areas that we wouldn’t consider before. This semester we have been asked to look at the Western Gateway Project and use parametric tools create an optimum solution. I would like to explore the materiality through strips and folding to help me achieve this goal.

1. Fisher Al, “Engineering integration: Realtime Approaches to performative computational design.”, Architectural design, 82 (2001), 112-117 < courses/ABPL30048_2013_SM1/Lectures/Studio%20Air%202013%20-%20Lecture%2004%20-%20Performative%20 Design%20-%20slides.pdf >



Trada Pavilion, 2013



Exploring Timber Timber is a material that is usually used for frames and straight line structures. Due to its inefficiency under tension, and its tendency to warp and twist with changing weather conditions, it is not always the most ideal material to use for curved and organic shapes. But timber is a light weight, organic and renewable material. It creates an emotional response of warmth and can be designed to be fluid structures in nature. The Trada Pavilion designed by Ramboll Computational Design is scheduled to be built for at the Ecobuild Exposition 2013. It uses an algorithm to divide the structure into a planar three-valence mesh that can be constructed using flat panels. The advantage of using a hexagonal mesh is that it has greater structural efficiencies and requires fewer connections. The panels are 15 mm thick and were fabricated using a three-axis CNC router 2. The fabrication process included the drilling of holes for hinges, bolts and cutting the contours for the panels. Grasshopper was used to place the hinges in optimum locations 3. The pavilion uses ordinary flat timber panels and hinges, combined with an algorithm that provides the information required to design a free standing timber structure. This idea is can be easily applied in design temporary shelters quickly and efficiently in disaster zones. The showcase of this structure in an event such as Ecobuild generates discourse and allows this building technology to be studied and publicized. The pavilion was first built at the Timber Expo. The intention is to have it built at different expositions to promote the versatility of a material like timber. The pavilion goes beyond the expected and the standard. It takes a rigid material like timber and with the help of parametric modelling, is explored further. Curved structures can be panelled into flat volumes that can be easily laser cut and attached together using a large number of joining systems. These systems are lightweight and have to be joined at the ground.

2. Admin, “Parametric Timber Pavilion” in evolvo, <> [accessed 25 March 2013] 3. RCD, “Trada Pavilion” in Ramboll Computational Design <> [accessed 23 March 2013]



ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion , 2011



Similarly, the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart uses computer based design and computer manufacturing methods to create an ideal structure using complex geometry derived from bionic principles of a sea urchin’s plate skeleton. The structure is built out of thin sheets of plywood measuring 6.5 mm, fastened to the ground to prevent it flying away due to this extremely light weight. The joinery used in this structure was also derived from nature. Computational design tools were required in this project to derive the complex repeating geometry, where the hexagons change is size depending on what is most structurally viable and the local curvature. This structure also has the advantage for being able to take it apart and transport 4. Like the Trada Pavilion, this structure is light weight, made of a sustainable material and easy to construct. It creates a shelter space the evokes emotion through its repeated pattern and overall aesthetic. The cocoon like shape gives a feeling of protection, however it also shades from the views of the environment. This is compensated for by the large openings at the end which create a dramatic outlook. These ideas would be useful to the Wyndham project because they would help convey an emotion to the travellers. Because the moment is so brief and fleeting, we would need to encapsulate the drama that this structure has with an ease of construction.

4. ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion at the University of Stuttgart� in dezeen magazine, <http://www.dezeen. com/2011/10/31/icditke-research-pavilion-at-the-university-of-stuttgart/> [accessed 25 March 2013]


Computerization in Design “design computation is still only seen by many as ‘just a tool’ and remote from the real business of creative design” 5 Computerization plays an important role in responsive architecture. In the Al Bahar Tower designed by Aedas Architects, the skin of the building is a shading system that responds to the sun. The shades open and close to let in sunlight and provide privacy. It is designed for the hot UAE sun, so the entire skin moves along with the sun to shade different parts of the building during different times of the day. Even though this may seem inefficient and expensive, the shading system is expected to reduce the buildings requirement for air conditioning by 50%. This positive environmental effect is something we can hope to achieve through the use of computational tools that would be must more difficult, or even impossible to create without them. The form of the shading system is called a mashrabiya which is an Islamic shading system. Using this as an inspiration, the design was computed into a digital modelling software instead of computerized which is the creation of design in a modelling software. In this scenario, the benefits of the computed system, allowed the designers to panelize the facade in a way that can be morphed - moved, opened, closed - to respond to the environmental conditions. However the layout of entire skin and the forms it creates as it moves across the building was determined by computerization 6. This project is a combination of both computerization and computation, and is an embodiment of the idea that computer aided design leads to structures that combine aesthetics and functionality. This structure is almost fits into Louis Sullivans idea of form following function.

5. Frazer John H. (2006). ‘the generation of Virtual prototypes for performance optimization’, in GameSetAndMatch II: The Architecture Co-Laboratory on Computer Games, Advanced Geometries and Digital Technologies, ed. by Kas oosterhuis and Lukas Feireiss (rotterdam:episode publishers), pp. 208-212 6. Cilento Karen, “Al Bahar Towers Responsive Facade” in archdaily <> [accessed 28 March 2013]



Al Bahar Towers, 2012



The ContemPlay Pavillion is based on the principle of a three dimensional Mรถbius strip supported by a triangular truss. Digital modelling was used in this pavilion to ensure that the individual tubes do not intersect with each other 7. They use digital modelling to vary the thickness of the tubes. Grasshopper was able to predict every connection and joint accurately depending on the thickness of the structural members 8. In this way, computerization has enabled the designer to explore possibilities that would have been near impossible to do otherwise. It has opened up the possibilities for creation instead of taking away the creativity. Using Grasshopper, the team was able to change the variables in the structure, giving them control of the outcome. Digital software also helped bridge the cap between engineering and architecture. Engineering computational software was used to realize the stress of compression and tension that the structure would undergo and the information derived from this was inputed into Grasshopper that checked that there were no interferences with structural changes made. Computation has allowed for a platform and language that can be read across various professionals.




ContemPLAY, 2012

The ContemPlay pavilion was designed and constructed by Masters of Architecture students at the University of Mcgill. Their study into parametric modelling allowed them to build a structure of this scale and effect. This project is of particular interest to me because of the innovative way they have used timber to create a particular kind of effect. It must be noted however, that if one is unaware of digital modelling software, it would be much harder to read and understand the programming code than hand-drawn plans. But the advantages of using these software in a professional environment by trained designers is leading to a new wave of architecture that is only possible because of it.

7. Chang Lian Chikako, “ContemPLAY: Adventures in full-scale digital fabrication” in archinect < article/53814624/adventures-in-full-scale-digital-fabrication-interview-with-sophie-wilkin-from-mcgill-s-contemplay> [accessed 20 March 2013 8. Mingallon Maria, “ContemPLAY pavilion completes” in World Architecture News <http://www.worldarchitecturenews. com/index.php?fuseaction=wanappln.projectview&upload_id=20684/> [accessed 22 March 2013]


Parametric Structures

Computerization can be used to predict environmental patterns.It can also be used to predict the ways in which a space will respond to the environment depending on its wall thickness, height, etc. By treating the optimum environmental condition as a constraint in your design, you can use parametric tools to create a solution. This housing proposal in Oman utilizes a rhomboid framework within two strips to produce the model. The surfaces’ length, width and thickness is responsive to weather conditions, thickening up in high temperatures and moving the panels to allow for increased ventilation indoors 9.

This project requires a sophisticated amount of control and it attempts to manipulate a very harsh environment into become habitable and comfortable. It attempts to preserve the local identity and image, while still being innovative. The use of parametric tools allows us to set boundaries and constraints for the structure. It allows us to create a multitude of parts that can easily be sent to a local laser cutter to create stones of the extra shape and height. Because of the smooth nature of the form, the precision is very important here Using Parametric tools, has allowed them to also control the light and shadow patterns and let the design be changed and influenced by this. In Wyndham, this is what we hope our structure would do as well. It would constantly change, so that the way the users interact with it can also be a changing experience.

9. Admin, “Eco-Sustainable Housing – Parametric Design” in evolvo <> [accessed 21 March 2013]


Housing Competition, 2007 12



Bengbu Opera Music Hall




Parametric modelling can be used to create more sustainable and economical structures because it helps with increasing material efficiency. The basic structural system used in the Bengbu City Opera/Music Hall is a gridshell. The quadrilateral grid is comprised of steel tubes and stiffened by steel rods to maintain the systems stability. Using parametric tools, they were able to optimize the curvature of the gridshell to minimize the curvature of glass panels that are expensive to fabricate 10. This project utilizes the strength of steel as an informant for the design itself. The material performance of both steel and glass act as parameters allowing for various possibilities within their constraints. The exterior concrete shell is proposed to be constructed using a steel frame with lightweight concrete pre-cast concrete panels on the outside and acoustical panels hung from the interior of the frame. This would reduce construction time and avoid extremely large loads that would be created from a monolithical approach.

10. “Bengbu City Opera House Final� in [n]igma <> [accessed 30 March 2013]


Indigo Deli, Deli, Indigo 2010 2011




sp+arch are focused on challenging the existing discourse, particularly through changing the socioeconomic typologies. They used parametric modelling for their design Indigo Deli in Mumbai13. One of the parameters that had to be worked within was the brand image of this chain restaurant. The client wanted to maintain the aesthetic feel of the restaurant and insisted on using copper and timber elements14. It is a hybrid structure that uses the combination of structural elements such as quasi-dome and quasi-structure to maximize the structural efficiency within the constraints of the layout. The architects use intersecting strips of timber that have been solved in using parametric modelling softwares13. Parametric modeling was used here to create the three dimensional space for a restaurant. This discourse around this structure is that it symbolizes the retail culture and the trappings of the mall context. It was constructed using steel rods, fixed to plywood panels that allowed the leveling of the framework. The panels do not act purely as a roof covering and decorative element, it also merges into the ground creating a shelving system that can be easily used by the behind-the-counter staff. What inspires me about this is how it is unashamed in its usage of computer modelling. The curves and angles would be near impossible to create without the use of digital fabrication methods. It also reiterates how digital modelling is a new international design language. However, I don’t believe that it has led to a loss of culture in design. In this example the culture comes through the choice of material and layout of the space. 11. “Indigo Deli, Mumbai” in sp+a <> [accessed 15 March 2013] 12. Shah Dhanishta “sP+A Uncovered” in Home Review <> [ac8 cessed 15 March 2013]


ZA11 Pavilion, 2011


ZA11 Pavilion designed by students for the ZA11 Speaking Architecture event in Cluj, Romania. The purpose of the design was to attract people to the architecture festival as well as providing an interactive space that could also function as a shelter. The major constraints of the design was the budget and fabrication techniques. Parametric modelling tools were helpful in this aspect because it allowed for the logical labelling of individual strips that could be put together on site 11. The students used Grasshopper to create the individual panel strips that were divided into 746 unique hexagonal pieces. The panels were of varying thickness to reduce and increase loads in required areas. In this case, timber proved to be a viable lightweight material that allowed the construction process to take place without the use of heavy vehicles 11. This project is interesting because it uses simple manufacturing and construction techniques and an amateur knowledge of parametric modelling tools, but is still a successful temporary structure that functioned as a pavilion space during the festival. This contrasts Woodbury’s theory that parametric tools in that hands of amatuer uses leads to amateur design because the software controls the user 12, but in this case, proved to be the other way around. 13. Jett , Megan. “ZA11 Pavilion / Dimitrie Stefanescu, Patrick Bedarf, Bogdan Hambasan” 05 Jul 2011. ArchDaily. Accessed 04 Apr 2013. <> 14. Woodbury, Robert F. and Andrew L. Burrow (2006). ‘Whither design space?’, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 20 , 2, pp. 63-82




Following the weekly tutorials, I have chosen these 2 experiments because they are most relevant to my field of interest, even if they are not the most successful. Fig. 1 uses point attractors on delaunay mesh surface to create a series of cylinder of varying heights and diameters. This approach would be useful in creating my major assignment because it would enable my group to vary strips of thickness’ and widths at points for either aesthetic value or structural and material value. Fig. 2 also works on the framework of a series of curves. It uses a conditional statement that offsets there’s curves based on the length of the curves and forms a triangulated delauney mesh that is derived from the geometry of the initial loft and the offsetted loft. This experiment was based on the ContemPlay design, one that I would like to further explore using additional plug ins such as Kangaroo.



My design approach will utilize material properties as the primary constraints for my process, and by this, expanding the possibilities in which the materials can be used, as can be observed in the Trada Pavilion and ContemPlay, where the designers used the material strengths and weakness as constraints to create new and innovative designs. My approach will also be framed by exploring strips and folding methods such as the Mรถbius strip. It is significant to design in this way because it uses the knowledge of existing material properties and geometries to create a new and innovative structure that push the boundaries of the basic elements of the structure itself.


Learning Outcomes

I have always had an appreciation for computers as a design tool. This course taught us that are merely tools in the designers hands, the same way a pencil works as a tool and therefore does not control the design, merely guides it and helps to provide new outcomes. However learning about parametric modelling has changed my outlook towards designing. It has allowed my to realize that the computer can also be used to solve problems and force us to design within constraints which would cause us to push our creativity within possibilities instead of designing creative wonders that our impossible to construct and leading us to compromise further on in the design process and ending up with designs that are much less successful. By setting up the limits initially we can design structures that can be easily constructed and maximize time and material efficiency. This design approach would have been useful in past projects because it would allow me to make changes further on in my design process without affecting the overall constructibility of my model and drawings.




For the Western Gateway Project, we were put into teams with a particular research focus. My team will tackle this project from the perspective on Strips and Folding. However within the parameters of that topic, we have broken it down further to allow us to each focus on our own individual ideas and then bring them together to form a cohesive whole. This idea was derived from our understanding of how architectural practices work, and delegating the work, as well as inspired by the design process of a previously mentioned project, the ContemPlay Pavilion. In the ContemPlay Pavilion project they split the work into general aesthetic/design, structure, details and materials constraints. We thought a similar approach would function well for us, and the area I was assigned was material constraints. I went about this by conducting research on precedents, and through a process of fabrication with different materials. Using Computational software I attempted to generate a natural environment in Grasshopper to test the performance of materials under specific conditions such as the changing sunlight and wind. I believe this holistic view is ideal for Wyndham to take to best represent its city and create to generate a discourse about the place and ideals associated with it.


ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010



Design Focus This pavilion was designed and constructed by the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE). The structure aimed to portray recent developments in computational design in regards to material performance and new processes in fabrication. The structure is a system of very thin, bent plywood strips. This project is innovative and relevant because is demonstrates a new approach to design. It emphasizes the importance of considering materials properties as they are always a factor in built projects. In my Case for Innovation, I explored the new kinds of design and forward thinking approaches that result from considering material properties. This pavilion is an example of that approach. The design of the structure is driven by the performance of the materials - in this case, the elasticity of plywood strips. These strips are manufactured robotically and connected to allow for tension along their length. It was key to use computer software in this structure because depending on the stresses, the strips and joints were changed resulting in 500 geometrically unique parts. This approach however allowed for a very lightweight system that is constructed from 6.5 mm thin birch plywood strips. Using computer software in combination with fabrication, they tested the bending properties of different types of timber. Even though we do not have the se sophisticated tools available to us, we can visually observe the materials and try to generate the closest effect possible.

15. Menges, Achim. “ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010� 2010. University of Stuttgart. Accessed 06 May 2013. < >




Moire Effect The moire effect occurs when two sets of grid lines are overlaid on each other. It creates an illusion of depth and movement across the surface. By incorporating this into a method of strips that our overlaid, we can create a smooth and calming effect. The Moire effect created here is in the facade of the building. It adds a level of dynamism to the structure. An interesting point about this building is that it is windowless. There are vertical black stripes painted onto the facade, and then aluminium slats added over the top. This has allowed it to create different interference patterns as you move around the building. It also means that the moire is independent of light and shadow, but ingrained into the structure.


16. Brzezicki, Marcin. “Designer’s controlled and randomly generated moiré patterns in architecture.” 2011. GA2011 – XV Generative Art Conference, Accessed 06 May 2013. < marcin.pdf>



Biothing Pavilion



Before beginning our design process, we were asked to analyze and existing project and manipulate its computational data to create different iterations of the same structure. The project we shall analyze is the BIOTHING Pavilion. It utilizes a series of strips that make it easy to manipulate and help us understand different ways in which we can alter and play with stripped structures. This project uses electromagnetic fields as a basis for its shape. The intersecting fields create interference that would be interesting to look into for our design proposal.

17. Biothing. “MESONIC FABRICS�, 2010, Accessed 10 June 2013, <>


Case Study 1.0 Biothing Pavilion This project was good to explore because it was comprised of individual strips that could be changed. I experimented by changing the length of the strip, the Fline number, manipulating the nth strips in size and warping the entire surface around another shape. These particular influences were chosen for a reason. The strip elongation was to play around with the form to achieve an interesting result that would suit the material properties of timber - a material that I desire to construct my project out of because of flexible properties, performance in tension and sustainable source of material. I found 3 and 4 to be too short and therefore the stress is not distributed properly, 1 and 6 to be too long, required much more material that would make the structure heavy. Iterations 2 and 5 were most pleasing, however I would choose iteration 2 purely because of its orientation. The second test was to change the Fline number. This changed the overall size of the instances. The higher the number, the greater the size. Number 5 would be more interesting as it would for long strips that could act as a shelter and still be self supporting. The third test was to change every second strip to be a horizontal straight plane. This would create a dynamic effect and allow for every odd member to be utilized for another purpose, structural or aesthetic. It also allows you to play with the length of those strips independent of the others. I felt that all the iterations were successful in their own way, but number 3 offers potential to use the alternate strips for other purposes and generate a more complex lighting pattern. The fourth test is interesting because it allows us to change the form of the pavilion as a whole. Using the pull curve function, we could generate the natural environment and pull the curves to fit within it and even mirror the geometries.



Elongation of strips

Changing Nth strip in each instance

Fline N

Pull curves to a surface


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Case Study 2.0 To begin our design process we reverse engineered an exciting project in Grasshopper. The project my group chose was the previously mentioned Contem Play Pavilion. We chose this project because it combined our varied interests of material performance and spatial experience. The project is a Mobius strip - which is a strip with one continuous edge that runs along the entire shape. We created the strip using LunchBox. This overall shape is divided into equal strips, various methods of generating surface divisions were attempted but we decided to go with the one that would work best with treating the strips as individual panels. The third step was extracting individual panels from the strips. The final stage was creating the second layer and rotating it to achieve the Moire effect.




Initial Explorations - We first tried to play around with the MĂśbius strip, but dividing it up in different ways. Each iteration also led us to think about material. The ones we considered we metal, stone and brick, based on the shape we were getting. However we decided that we wanted a more lightweight structure , and more importantly, one that creates the moire effect, and it would therefore have to be long vertical strips. 27

Semi- Circle

Semi- Circle

We then tried to rive a form from couldn’t mimic the cided that future



Strips of changing width

Strips of changing width

Equal Strips

Equal Strips

add a wind element to the structure and hoped to dethat. Even though this produced interesting effects, we stiff joints and overall structure that we wanted to. We dewind experiments would be conducted once fabricated.



In our form finding process, we came across an idea of keeping the sides enclosed and opening the skies up. We experimented with an elongated strip form to generate this idea. 29

Strips - We then latched on to an idea of a bird taking flight, and using the form we derived from this idea, we attempted to use different methods of generating strips. We found the final version to be most effective in generating the effect we would like to create However we decided that this form was not idea for us, and therefore needed to do more research and form finding. 30


Transition Transition through Form 31

The concept we developed is the idea of Transition. Looking at the history of Wyndham and the values they are trying to create in the community. To passively deliver this message into the travellers mind we looked at forms that express this idea through the idea of transition. Sagrada Familia by Gaudi contains a series of helicoid shaped stairs. He uses the sinosoidal curve to represent the transition between spaces. We intended on using this analogy to create a continuous transition of space. The representation over a long area, combined with the moire effect that we intend on creating, will help deliver our message. That Wyndham has its own values of sustainable development and a strong sense of community focus . Transition through Material


Timber Timber is a light weight sustainable material. It has an aesthetic of warmth and creates an automatic link to the natural landscape. We feel like it is a material that could appropriately be used to describe Wyndham. Therefore we decided that the side of the structure facing Wyndham would be constructed out of timber.


Metal We want to represent the city as a place of industry and technology. It is a place of innovation. We don’t just want to create an excitement about Wyndham, but an excitement about moving through - transitioning - through these spaces and seeing the benefits of both. Therefore we decided to use metal on the side facing the city.

17. Sagrada Familia. “HELICOIDS AND CONOIDS ”, Accessed 05 May 2013. < instit/geometria5.php >


Helicoid 34

We created the helicoid shape using the Lunchbox tool in Grasshopper. We then applied the same paneling information that we had to the Mรถbius. We experimented with different panel widths, number of panels, and changing the widths at particular areas in the structure to achieve particular effects. 35

We attempted to copy the double layered Mรถbius strip seen in ContemPlay with the helicoid, but found it to be loud and distracting from the simplicity of our idea. However this meant we needed a new way to achieve the moire effect.



We experimented with turning the panels to the direction of the sun. This allowed us to experiment with different shadows created on the ground and change the direction of the moire effect was. Even though this experiment produced interesting individual results, it meant that the structure would only really be effective at a certain point in the day, and therefore we decided to go with the original helicoid structure.



We experimented digitally by applying wind through this structure as well. Similar to the other wind experiments, the entire structure was subject to it, like it was made out of paper. This struck a temporary idea to move in the direction of a folded structure that moves and bends with the wind. But our initial concept took over.




Technique Development We found that the solution around creating the desired effect throughout the day was in rotating the position of the structure on the site so it sits at a diagonal. This would mean that at particular points along the drive, the user would see a moire effect. This creates a dynamic element to the design, as well as opens it up for discourse . We also decided to use a double helicoid, but instead of layering one behind the other, we decided to inverse them, creating a long continuous flow. Through fabrication process we also realized that there is an interference pattern created on the ground that the users would drive through. This would create a passive relaxing effect. The individual panels would be constructed out to timber with each instance being an alternating material. The elements that are constructed out of timber would, by the nature of its material properties, be more flexible than the metal ones. We would create movement joints to allow the top portion of the timber to sway, but keep the metal steady and constant. This would represent a changing and dynamic Wyndham community. We believe that this movement would also localize the structure more. It would use the winds on site to produce an effect that would be unique to the site. On an open freeway, the change in materials would also instinctively let its users know where they are headed to.


Prototypes 39

We chose to conceal the structure by cantilevering the columns from the ground. We required a stronger ground for this. In order to get the angle of the columns correct, we came up with a double ground system, where would create two ground levels with slits for the columns. Therefore the columns would automatically adjust itself to the correct angle. This method proved to be very effective, however we are not sure of its success when we apply thicker materials.












Technique Proposal In designing this Wyndham structure we have always kept in mind that we are designing for Wyndham. The timber obtained will be locally sourced, to enrich the representation of Wyndham. We achieve this representation by elongating the sculpture to fit the entire site, creating significant time period where the user will experience the juxtaposition between the Wyndham community and the city. The contrasting materials act as an aggressive method of making the users aware of the place, but the more subtle moire effect that the would drive through would passively relax their sense. The tapering of the materials towards to respective side that they face act as arrows pointing the users in the direction of their transition. Further improvement we are looking at making is considering the experience of the sculpture at night; possibly by incorporating light, implementing a sustainable construction technique when considering the manufacturing of the panels in order to address Wyndham’s sustainable and environmentally ideals and improvising on the rudimentary movement joints that we have design at the moment to achieve a motion that is gentle and effective.




Algorithmic Sketches We were surprised at how much the computational tools used informed our design approach. Linking this back to my Case for Innovation where I discussed how the software is a tool that facilitates our design and creates new outcomes, Grasshopper and the plug ins we used in it allowed us to make design choices that we would not have before. The tools provided to use through the tutorials allowed us to consider different panelling systems, even through we chose to go with a basic stripped and divided form. We were able to apply real life conditions like sun and wind to test different effects that could be created through the natural environment. We were easily able to generate a helicoid form through the use of lunchbox, and this made us more inclined to test this shape that could have otherwise be an obstacle we would not have attempted to cross. I would son our

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Learning Objectives The feedback received during the presentation directed us in the direction of exploring the relationship of the structure to the site further. Unsure about how to approach this, we decided to look at the Wyndham area further. We decided that we need to change our method of construction. Currently our structure is comprised of unique members that would all need to be manufactured individually. This differs from the ideal sustainable solution that Wyndham is hoping to present. We considering standardizing our members, however this would loose the existing effect. We also considered creating frames and using a cladding system, but that would involve unrequired materials and complications. We are still in the process of coming up with the ideal solution, and hopefully by putting our heads together we will have one. The theoretical approach of studying precedents and understanding the way in which they used computational tools has been very useful in our design process. We have also attempted to use these tools to create and try methods that we wouldn’t have manually. This has taken our design further and made it more holistic. Using the tutorials on Grasshopper and Kangaroo provided to us in the course has been paramount in my understanding. I used it mainly as an outline or a referral when I got stuck in my design process instead of designing as I went along the videos. I felt that if I were to do that, my outcome would be identical to that of my peers, therefore I did not view the videos in a linear fashion, instead bounced around based on the stage of my design. A change I would like to make is to revisit the tutorials on data structures. Even though my grasp on Kangaroo Physics is better now, I still feel lacking in my understanding of the way the alligators views that data, and a better understanding of this, would lead to a better design outcome. The most important lesson I learn however was the importance of fabrication. The next stages of our design will include a much larger amount of fabricated models, tests for materials properties and structural issues to inform where our design goes next.





Design Concept


The feedback from the mid-semester crit directed us to look further into creating structural components for our design. So far we had only developed it conceptually, and there was a concern towards the constructability. A little research was enough to tell us that we could not have cantilevered beams that are 10 meters tall be as thin as .27 meters thick. Therefore we would have to create a base system that was functional but would not deter from the design. Our tutors encourage us to go with a web base support. This would increase the base area without leading to the overall thickening of our panels. It would accomplish this by only thickening the main component of the panel that goes into the ground, not the folded part at the top. The main component would extend into a triangle base that would comprise of two additional panels. However due to the varied support requirements of each panel as they are tilted to a different degree, determining the angle required for each panel would be a complex task that we intended to take upon. We then considered the unsustainable nature of this solution as each panel would need to be individual fabricated due to its particular size and angle. Instead, creating a uniform linear support that would extend to a common line would require the support panels to be cut only according to their varied heights. This more sustainable solution responds to Wyndham’s desire to become a more sustainable area and would generate discourse to highlight them as such.



We also decided to lighten the top portion of the structure by changing it from a solid structure to a frame, that would surround a waterproof canvas ‘sail’. This was done for various reasons: 1. to act as a lighting feature at night, that would be highlighted by the cars headlights as well as a large spotlight that would be used to pass light through the panels. 2. To lighten the load on the support structure. 3. To allow for a dynamic nature through the use of wind. The sail would be tight in the metal panels and loose in the timber panels to represent the rigid/flexible nature. We then considered our specific site conditions and how it would affect the design. There is a slight contour on the area of the site we would place our panels. Due to the scale of the panels, our design would only be minimally altered, however at some points where the panels were particularly small, we had to eliminate them. The main negative to doing this was that it altered the smooth transition of the helicoid, however I chose to view this as a new angle to view our design, as the visual representation of the community - that continues and exists even though you cant see it. It creates a illusion of a free flowing structure even though it isn’t.




Design Process

Our design process was altered with the addition of the supports and the sails. It required a greater understanding of the software we were working in to accomplish this across all the panels. Initially we added these panels in Rhino individually and fabricated them, however we found this to be problematic as we were constantly altering the form in terms of spacing and height and the supports had to be redesigned individually, which led to us parametrically modelling it. Depending on further structural research the design can be altered to be triangulated further to make the panels easier to transport, more rigid, cheaper to manufacture. At the moment we have chosen to divide it only once diagonally as this allows the structural properties of the material to be most visible (rigid in metal and flexible in timber).


Model Construction Process



Construction Process We based the construction process off our fabrication process as we felt that it was effective, and with the appropriate tools could be constructed quickly without disrupting the traffic along Princes Highway. On-site Construction Process 51


Tectonic Elements Structural Issues The next step we took was to address how this would be built. Due to the length of the beams and the slenderness ratio, it would not be possible for our structure to actually stand. Therefore we had to consider various options. Option 1 : Increasing width of panel This would be that we have panels that are approximately 1m thick to effectively balance the weight of the structure. This is deviates from the slender simplistic idea we had, and a few experiments in Rhino were indicated that the thickness of the panels would lead us to loose the moire effect we desire. Option 2: Shorten the panels We entirely balance the weight of the panels we would have to shorten them by a large amount, which would make our structure less prominent in the landscape and reduce the length of the shadows. Therefore this option was not ideal either. Option 3: Creating a new base system The structure currently receives support from the ground, but it is will not be able to support the entire weight and could therefore be subject to rotation and possible collapse. Therefore we looked at creating a web base to support the structure. This would increase the base area without leading to the overall thickening of our panels. A next step that would need to be taken would be to consult with a structural engineer, but I tried to develop the best possible solution but moving the location of the web base to create the best structural and aesthetic solution. The result was a combination of increasing the width of the panels, reducing the overall height, as it would not be possible to support panels 20m tall without thickening them too much and introducing a new base system.


Material and Light My group decided that they did not want to play with the movement of the individual panels due to complications in creating a support system that would allow for this. Instead, there would be an incorporation of sails into the design. The sails act as a solution to several of the problems we have faced thus far. They allow us to reduce the load on the top section of the structure and replace it with a thin waterproof canvas material. In addition they act as a lighting feature. We would use them to pass light through the structure and to create a dynamic effect when car headlights strike them. This helps to ground our design more in the site as it responds to the winds of Wyndham and creates a level of interaction with the cars. In our search for locally sourced timbers and their strengths, my group realized that it would not be feasible or structurally sound to create 10m high continuous cantilevered beams. Therefore we decided to create joints in the panels and divide them up. The sails act as a primary source for movement and light. However due to the slenderness ratio of our structure, despite the rigid supports, there will still be some minor movement experienced.


M o d e l s


D e t a i l

Full Support

1/2 Support

Panel Support





P r e s e n t a t i o n

M o d e l 55



The presentation model was made using 250 GSM card. We used 2 different colours to represent the 2 different materials. We used three 1.5 mm screen board bases. This as mentioned in Fig __ was used to create the accurate angle . This was our first model that incorporated the sails. We found that the shadows created by the sails as seen in the image above, did not vary our previous intersecting pattern. The outcome was not to our standards, and we found that in stretching the panels out and reducing the height, we had actually taken a lot of the moire effect away.



Algorithmic Sketches 5 8 Different iterations of the panels


Triangulate and Spread


Full Support Web

Half Support Web

Panel Support

Half Support Web

Panel Support



Triangulate and Spread


Full Support Web



Final Design


The Outcome

The feedback received from our final crit made us realize that we were had lost focus on our design while getting caught up in structural solutions. We did not solve several more pressing design issues and were instead worried about construction and structural issues, which while important, led us astray from our strong concept. It is at this point that I realized that we would have to re-design to a large extent. A crit that we received was that our project just didn’t work within the landscape. We were told that the design ideas we were arguing could not be observed in our design. This is partly due to the presentation technique adopted, however it made me realize that these were very real flaws that evolved due to the pragmatic approach we had adopted in the final stage. The design intent we had such as the calming effect and recollection through the moire effect with the shadows and the transition through the helicoid was lost due to the shortening of our panels and the spreading out of the entire model. The addition of the sail took away from the simplistic nature of our design and the very material focused idea that we had. At this point, we could have been at total loss to change our design to fit better to the brief and our intent. But we weren’t. And this goes back to the point made in my case for innovation. Because our design is computerized, because it is parametric, we could manipulate it and redesign it so late in our process. Which causes me to make this very bias statement : Designing Parametrically is Awesome.


Further Exploration I retraced our steps and tried to pick out our core ideas and experiment with them. 1. Transition - through the helicoid form. 2. Representation of the location - through the materials. 3. Creating a passive relaxing and changing effect - moire effect. The design needed to be reworked to maximize these key concepts. Issues that we faced in our current design were : 1. The helicoid form was lost due to the spreading of the panels and there was no longer the smooth obvious gradient. 2. The materials did not transition effectively due to the loss of the gradient and the addition of the sails meant that both our materials stood rigid, taking away from the poetic idea that we had. 3. The moire effect could not be experienced due to the placement on the site, the shortened panels not visually intersecting with each other to provide the desired interference pattern in reality or via the shadows created. Therefore my next stage of ing to maximize these effects

experimentation will involve tryto achieve the desired outcome.




I experimented with placing our structure in different layouts on the site to achieve maximum shadows and moire effect. The most effective version was the circle form because the does not break the flow of the helicoid and sits close to both sides of the road which would mean the shadows would extend to both sides. The moire effect was the strongest here as the panels overlapped as you drove past them and created an interference pattern as can be observed on the right. The main negative was that the simplistic nature of the structure was lost and the helicoidal effect of transition was not observed as the materials flowed around instead of acting as pointers to in the appropriate direction, and the idea was put aside.




Fabrication Files

M o d e l


F i n a l

Construction Process 65





The design used for our final model was similar to that for our presentation model. It was the outcome that we could agree on most as a group and we decided that using laser cutting and better materials we would be achieve our original design intent. It was a personal preference that we use less elongated version of our design, but my group felt that this was less realistic and could not be constructed easily. Another area on which we differed was the sails. I personally felt that the new structural system and shortening of that panels made it possible to eliminate the sails without facing issues of the load. I believed it added another layer to our design, but it also took away from the simplistic clarity that we were trying to achieve. In our final model we chose not to include the sails, due to the scale. We wanted to show the overall form and experiment with the shadows and transiston effects created. The materials used were 2.7 mm plywood and 1.5 mm screen board. These were laser cut at the FabLab and put together using the same technique as before. We faced some difficulties due to the nature of the plywood we were using, it would split and break easily when insert into the holes as it would need to be pressured at a particular angle. In reality however, we would use a more flexible timber, and a mould at the base that would prevent this from happening.








































E 83

Learning Objectives and Conclusion This semester has been extremely challenging and full of firsts. With the help of my tutors I was able to overcome the difficulties faced, particularly in breaking down the brief to find a solution that responds best to it. Even though I am not completely satisfied with our design outcome, I believe the process which got us here is one that can be used to find the right solution. Designing in a group environment was particularly challenging, but I feel I have come out of this project more able to handle it. I believe our project is innovative through materials as we used the properties of materials to make a connection to Wydnham. The size of our structure and the base system create allows us to explore the motion of timber while still keeping it steady. The best part of my learning experience was the introduction to the world that is parametric modelling. On initially learning about how it could be used to create a multitude of solutions, I did not quite comprehend how varied those solutions could be. Learning and using Grasshopper, Kangaroo and Lunchbox has been a frustrating yet constantly interesting experience.Looking at the process of parametrically planned projects has been an eye opener and I am certain that I will use this method of designing in future. I hope to develop my skills to be able to use it in a more practical sense as seen in the precedent projects.




Reference List Image Reference 1. Self Photograph 2. Virtual Model Photograph 3. Virtual Model Photograph 4. Trada Pavilion -> 5. Trada Pavilion - 6. ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion - icditke-research-pavilion-at-the-university-of-stuttgart/ 7. ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion - icditke-research-pavilion-at-the-university-of-stuttgart/ 8. Al Bahar Towers - 9. Al Bahar Towers - 10. Contemplay Digital Model -> [accessed 20 March 2013 11. ContemPlay Pavilion -> [accessed 20 March 2013 12. Housing Competition -> 13. Housing Competition -> 14. Bengbu Opera Music Hall - < CMTA-Bengbu-City-Opera-House-Final> 15. Bengbu Opera Music Hall - < CMTA-Bengbu-City-Opera-House-Final 16. Indigo Deli - 17. Indigo Deli - 18. ZA11 Pavilion - 19. Digital Experimentations 20. Digital Experimentations 21. ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion - > 22. Design Innovation Diagram 23. Moire Effect - pdf 24. Biothing Pavilion 25. Case Study Matrix 26. Case Study Development 27. Case Study 2.0 Explorations 28. Case Study 2.0 Explorations 29. Strips 30. Panel Exploration 31. Helicoid - geometria5.php 32. Timber 33. Metal

34. Helicoid Experimentation 35. Helicoid Experimentation 36. Sun Exploration 37. Wind Exploration 38. Design 39. Prototype Construction Method 40. Prototype 1 41. Prototype 2 42. Final Prototype 43. Final Prototype 44. Final Prototype 45. Final Prototype 46. Design Process 47. Design Elevation 48. Design Concept with Sails Perspective 48. Design Concept with Sails Front View 49. Design Process in Grasshopper 50. Model Construction Process 51. On-site Construction Process 52. Support Detail matrix 53. Support Detail with sails 54. Support Detail with sails 55. Presentation Model 56. Presentation model aerial 57. Presentation model perspective 58. Different iterations of the panels 59. Different iterations of the panels 60. Final Design 61. Circular experimentation plan 62. Circular experimentation front 63. Circular experimentation perspective 64. Fabrication File 65. Construction Process 66. Construction Process 67. Construction Process 68. Construction Process 69. Final Model Plan 70. Final Model Elevation 71. Final Model Perspective 72. Final Model Moire 73. Final Model Moire 74. Final Model Moire


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