Inspiration Planner

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Inspiration Story Ever since I fell in love with self-development, I had a dream. On 23 January 2019, I made a 100 year plan, I drew out the life I wanted one year from that day. Yes, I made a plan, but I knew I needed a structure to govern my mind, protect my time and energy - to make sure I do the right thing. Every. Single. Day. So, I incorporated daily time blocking and monthly review (inspired by Brendon Burchard), combined that with weekly schedule (inspired by Robin Sharma), morning routine (inspired by Mel Robbins), and daily quotes (inspired by Tom Bilyeu). As a newbie in planning, goal setting, and action taking, I knew that these practices would NOT be enough for me - I needed more bulletproof layers. A solid structure to follow. Then, I got myself a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly template. In the beginning, it was a mess. I set myself too many rules. But as time went on, through trial and error, reading, studying, and contemplating the world’s highest performers and innovators - I got my bits and pieces together. I figured out the exact structure to follow, and developed THAT into a strategic system. Then, I was able to solidly protect my time and energy for the most important things in life. And I achieved more. Because I’ve done a lot of things to strengthen my inner myself, I gained control of my life on the outside. I stopped living for other people’s expectations. Every morning, I was very excited. Every night, I felt fulfilled and at peace. I didn’t worry about things that were coming. No fear, no doubt, because I had NO time for those. I was fully present for almost 90% of my day. My heart just felt right. Because of that, right before my final university exams, I remained so calm. I didn’t worry, because I had studied since the first day of the semester. I did things consistently. And because I was super efficient, I had the time to freelance. Once my fellow freelancer Josh (now a friend) and I were talking about how to have a perfect work-life balance, and stay motivated when you don’t want to do things. I told him all my practices. Especially morning routine. Then, he asked me to text him the exact steps of my morning routine. Later in the year, I went to four business networking events - just to make sure I’m constantly learning, and growing. So I don’t become stagnant. There was this lady I met in her 30s. We talked for a while, and before she left, she told me this: “You are incredible! Putting yourself out there at such a young age!” I felt so blessed hearing that! And this week, I visited my local Toastmasters. I was given a table topic, and I did it. The result was quite surprising - they voted me as the best speaker of the evening! A young lady even thought I was an experienced public speaker but no, I was not. All I had was confidence, and courage.

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Then I thought, why don’t I turn everything I do into an official thing, so more people could benefit? If I can do it, anyone can. There’s a pattern. But I wasn’t sure if it was the right time. Luckily, I didn’t just let that inspiration go, I wrote it down. Then, I asked for my friends’, and a couple of strangers’ (most of them are my companions now) opinion. My idea passed. With a big, YES! Later that week, a like-minded, successful gentleman left me this message: “I think you will be doing everyone a disservice if you are not sharing that with others.” So now, in April 2020, here I am! Giving you everything I’ve got. I spent my whole January compiling all the templates I use from my yearly book, monthly book, monthly calendar, weekly book, daily journal and store-bought planner. Extracting insights from the world’s highest performers, innovators and great thinkers (such as “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, “Getting Things Done” by David Allen, “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra, and “Grit” by Angela Duckworth) into this ONE Inspiration Planner! To inspire you to design, and live EVERY DAY the way you wanted ---- towards your dream life! And that, is my dream.

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” - Napoleon Hill ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 1

Today's Date:

My 100 Year Timeline Imagine if you had all the people, the resources, and the money to live your dream life, what would your ideal future be like in 100 years? Use your right brain, don't think, just imagine, and feel. On the next two pages, from where you are now, 100 years out into your ideal future. You put every single life milestone on a single line. The first point is where you are now, then what’s going to happen next week, next month, next quarter, next year, three years, five years, 25 years, 50 years, 75 years, 100 years. You work on this line backwards, don't think, just write. Write exactly how you want your future to be like. You can even write down the date and your age next to each milestone. Use these 9 areas as a guide: Health


Intimate Relationship







"Start with the end in mind." - STEPHEN R. COVEY Now, set a timer for 45 minutes, ready? GO!

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 1

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Today's Date:

Day 1

Today's Date:

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 1

Today's Date:

My Life in a Year Now, on the next page, according to your 100 year timeline, draw out the life you wanted one year from now. Steps 1. Divide the page into 9 parts roughly. 2. With markers or crayons, draw out your ideal life in these nine areas: your health your mentality your intimate relationship your family your friends/social life your business/career your finances your spirituality your adventures Nine pictures in total. Draw them out, without thinking.

"World-class comes from instinct not intelligence. You get your best ideas when you get out of your thinking." - Robin Sharma Now, set a timer for 30 minutes, ready? Go!

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 1

Today's Date:

My Life in a Year

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 2

Today's Date:

My Yearly Goals By now, you've got your ideal life in pictures, for your right brain. So now it's time to turn it into words - for your left brain! You do this by turning those nine pictures into nine goals. Be specific, use measurable numbers (if possible) and write a deadline at the end of each goal, in this format: due @ time, day of the week / month / year. Set a timer for 10 minutes, ready? Go!

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 2

Today's Date:

My Quarterly Goals According to your yearly goals, what must happen in the next 3 months? Here, you don't have to have all nine areas, just the ones you want. Write them down. Be specific, with measurable numbers, and lastly, a deadline for each goal, in this format: due @ time, day of the week / month / year. Set a timer for 15 minutes, ready? Go!

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 2

Today's Date:

My Monthly Goals According to your quarterly goals, what must happen this month? Here, you don't need all areas in your quarterly goals, just the ones you want. Write them down. Be specific, with measurable numbers, and lastly, a deadline for each goal, in this format: due @ time, day of the week / month / year. Set a timer for 15 minutes, ready? Go!

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 2

Today's Date:

My Monthly Calendar Now, write down the current month on the black line, and put the dates on the top right corner. Then, put all your goal deadlines on this calendar. Next, write down all the MAJOR steps for accomplishing each goal. If your mind is unclear, you can spend 10 minutes planning and prioritising on the next page.

______________ SUN







â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 2

Today's Date:

Monthly Planning Sheet

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Today's Date:

My Monthly Tracker Before you move into weekly, you'll need to make your own monthly tracker. This is something you'll use daily. This tracker will help you to remember exactly how you went each day. So, you can improve on yourself and be more intentional the next day. How to make it? You can simply write all nine life areas on the left bar. Or you can break them further according to your goals. For example, health can be broken down into sleep, diet, and exercise. You can also add in specific areas that are important to your goals, such as: "daily practice for Spanish", you put "Spanish" on the left bar. How it works? You track everyday vertically:

One Tracking System you can use: 5 dots/a star = awesome! E.g. 5 dots on the health row on the 1st 1 dot = poor. E.g. 1 dot on the family row on the 21st 4 dots, 3 dots, and 2 dots are in between Or you can develop your own system, as long as you can track yourself.

â“’ 2020 Janice Li


_______ Monthly Tracker


â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Today's Date: Day 2

Today's Date:

My Weekly Goals According to your monthly goals and deadlines, what must happen this week? Here, you don't need all areas in your monthly goals, just the ones you want. Write them down. Be specific, with measurable numbers, and lastly, a deadline for each goal, in this format: due @ time, day of the week / month / year. And list them from the order of importance in the goal section in your Weekly Schedule. Weekly Schedule: A Weekly Schedule is where you plan your daily action. There are three important things you need to bare in mind about a weekly schedule: 1. You must set up a regular time, each and every week for 30 minutes to complete this schedule, before a new week starts 2. Use time-blocking to protect your time and energy for your goals 3. Write down the date (e.g. 01/02) above the days of the week What is time-blocking? Time blocking is when you block time for the things that matter MOST to you. For example, you might block time for work on Monday from 9am-5pm, school on Tuesday from 6-8pm, and deep work for your project from 8-9pm.

Kind reminder: don't block time right after you wake up or just before you sleep, you'll need that time for dream action realignment.

What is a NOT TO DO LIST? A NOT TO DO LIST contains the things (behaviours, thoughts and people) you want to avoid this week. You write anything KEY you learned from doing your last week's (weekly) reflection. Now, flip back to your Monthly Goals and Monthly Calendar, and go to the the next two pages for your Weekly Schedule. Set a timer for 30 minutes, ready? Go!

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

My Weekly Goals

Day 2


5.30-6.00 6.00-6.30 6.30-7.00 7.00-7.30 7.30-8.00 8.00-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00

10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 PM

12.00-12.30 12.30-1.00 1.00-1.30 1.30-2.00 2.00-2.30 2.30-3.00 3.00-3.30 3.30-4.00 4.00-4.30 4.30-5.00 5.00-5.30 5.30-6.00 6.00-6.30 6.30-7.00 7.00-7.30 7.30-8.00 8.00-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00


â“’ 2020 Janice Li




on Weekly Schedule FRI



Today's Date:



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Morning Routine What does it do? Your morning routine will set you a positive mind for the day - let you take control of your life, rather than your life controlling you. When to do it? You do your morning before REacting to the world - before reading your emails and reaching to your phone. This is your inner work, this is when you realign your action with your dream, your ideal life. How long does it take? Depending on your situation, a morning routine is usually 30 minutes to an hour. Here are the things you have to do, and things you can do if you want to gain greater control of your mind:

Musts: Gratitude journal - 5 minutes

Optional: Meditation, 20 minutes is recommended for beginners

Visualisation - 5 minutes Nature walk - 20 minutes Future self check in - 5 minutes

Yoga session - 10 minutes

Daily Dream Action realignment - 5 minutes

Stretches and jumping jacks (intense workout) - 5 minutes

Self-affirmation - 2 minutes Quote - 3 minutes

â“’ 2020 Janice Li

You can vary the time, the most important thing is: you do them, with FULL ATTENTION.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

- Marcus Aurelius â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 3

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 3

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say:

"I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 3

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 3

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 4

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 4

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 4

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 4

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 5

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 5

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 5

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 5

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 6

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 6

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 6

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 6

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 7

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 7

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 7

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 7

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 8

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 8

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 8

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 8

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 9

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 9

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 9

Today's Date:

My Weekly Reflection 1. Weekly goal reflection Did you achieve your weekly goals? And why?

2. Weekly life reflection What were the life areas did you work on this week? (Your monthly tracker will tell you this). They might or not not be your goals. Write each area in the box below, and rate yourself on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being awesome and 1 being improvement needed. Then write some comments about how you can improve on certain areas, or why certain areas went well.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 9

Today's Date:

3. Deep Self Reflection questions for growth What were the 3 great things that happened to you last week? Why are you most grateful for them?

What was the ONE obstacle hindered you from succeeding last week? And why is that?

If you were to advise someone facing the same obstacle, what would be your advice to them?

What were the top 3 things you learned about yourself? From what situation or with whom?

What were the top 3 things you learned about other people? From what situation you learned about them?

What would be the ONE thing you could've done to make your life much easier last week?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

My Weekly Goals

Day 9


5.30-6.00 6.00-6.30 6.30-7.00 7.00-7.30 7.30-8.00 8.00-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00

10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 PM

12.00-12.30 12.30-1.00 1.00-1.30 1.30-2.00 2.00-2.30 2.30-3.00 3.00-3.30 3.30-4.00 4.00-4.30 4.30-5.00 5.00-5.30 5.30-6.00 6.00-6.30 6.30-7.00 7.00-7.30 7.30-8.00 8.00-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00


â“’ 2020 Janice Li




on Weekly Schedule FRI





â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 9

Today's Date:

Daily Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 9

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 10

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 10

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 10

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 10

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 11

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 11

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 11

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 11

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 12

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 12

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 12

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 12

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 13

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 13

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 13

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 13

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 14

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 14

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 14

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 14

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 15

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 15

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 15

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 15

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 16

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 16

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” - Napoleon Hill Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 16

Today's Date:

My Weekly Reflection 1. Weekly goal reflection Did you achieve your weekly goals? And why?

2. Weekly life reflection What were the life areas did you work on this week? (Your monthly tracker will tell you this). They might or not not be your goals. Write each area in the box below, and rate yourself on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being awesome and 1 being improvement needed. Then write some comments about how you can improve on certain areas, or why certain areas went well.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 16

Today's Date:

3. Deep Self Reflection questions for growth What were the 3 great things that happened to you last week? Why are you most grateful for them?

What was the ONE obstacle hindered you from succeeding last week? And why is that?

If you were to advise someone facing the same obstacle, what would be your advice to them?

What were the top 3 things you learned about yourself? From what situation or with whom?

What were the top 3 things you learned about other people? From what situation you learned about them?

What would be the ONE thing you could've done to make your life much easier last week?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

My Weekly Goals

Day 16


5.30-6.00 6.00-6.30 6.30-7.00 7.00-7.30 7.30-8.00 8.00-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00

10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 PM

12.00-12.30 12.30-1.00 1.00-1.30 1.30-2.00 2.00-2.30 2.30-3.00 3.00-3.30 3.30-4.00 4.00-4.30 4.30-5.00 5.00-5.30 5.30-6.00 6.00-6.30 6.30-7.00 7.00-7.30 7.30-8.00 8.00-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00


â“’ 2020 Janice Li




on Weekly Schedule FRI





â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Day 16

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 16

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 17

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 17

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.” - Stephen R. Covey Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 17

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 17

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 18

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 18

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.” - Stephen R. Covey Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 18

Today's Date:

My Night Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Tomorrow's to-do-list

(2-3 minutes)

This is NOT a list for your goals. This is a list for other people's expectations of you, things or people that suddenly pop up in your agenda that you need to deal with immediately; and things you have to do but have nothing to do with your dream, such as house chores. You can leave it black if you don't have mini tasks.

My To-do-list

2. Prioritising for tomorrow (2-3 minutes) If your To-Do-List is too big, prioritise the tasks. Do the most urgent important ones first.

Not Important



â“’ 2020 Janice Li

Not Urgent

Day 18

Today's Date:

3. Monthly tracker (2 minutes) When you complete this, cover up the previous day's to avoid copying. 4. Visualisation (5 minutes) Visualise yourself already achieved a long term goal, or a short term goal. Feel it and use all your 5 senses. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and touch it.

5. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

6. Gratitude and Deep Self Reflection What are the 3 things I'm most grateful for today?

(5 minutes) Weekly Schedule

(15 minutes)

What has been my biggest achievement today? And why is that my biggest achievement?

What has been my biggest life lesson today? And why is that important to me?

How did I treat other people? What were my character strengths and character flaws?

What mistakes did I make today? How can I avoid them in the future?

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

Day 19

Today's Date:

My Morning Routine Tick the boxes once you've finished each one. 1. Gratitude Journal Write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life right now. This can be as little as the air, the roof over your head, or as big as your loved ones. (5 minutes) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. Visualisation Visualise and emotionalise anything you want in life. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it. (5 minutes)

3. Future self check in Go over: 100 year time-line

My life in a year picture

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Schedule

So today's focus is:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li

(5 minutes)

Day 19

Today's Date:

4. Daily Dream Action realignment

(5 minutes)

I learned from yesterday that ______________________________________ , and I'm going to apply what I learned by ______________________________ to become a better person. One thing I'm committed to change today is ________________________ , because ______________________________. If today was the last day of my life, I must _____________________________ to make it unregrettable.

5. Self-affirmation (2 minutes) Go to the mirror or get a mirror, look straight into your eyes and say: "I love you, I really love you, and I accept you exactly as you are". (You'll feel uncomfortable in the beginning, because your brain path has never been wired that way before. But science proves that, if you do it consistently, you can change your thought patterns, for self-love, and selfconfidence. So, fake it until you made it.)

6. Quote

(3 minutes)

“Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.” - Stephen R. Covey Copy that down, with your FULL attention and BEST handwriting:

ⓒ 2020 Janice Li


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