Healthy Women March 2017 Issue

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HEALTHY WOMEN Secret Keys to Beautiful Skin


Healing Power of Sleep!

"Stay In Your Lane Stay In Your SEASON"

A Heart to Health Talk

Editor's Note


t's hard to believe, that in a few days, I'll be 48-years-old. Where did all the years go? I'm having the best time of my life, and I want to help you do the same. Divorce, heartache, loss, unemployement, relocation--God brought me through it all! And He'll do the same for you. In this issue of Healthy Women, I will be sharing routines and techiques that help me maintain spiritual and physical wellness.

Photo By Nikeya Williams NSW Photography


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Keeping up With the Vitamins The Secret Keys to Beautiful Skin Healing Power of Sleep Stay In Your Lane..Stay In Your Season

FEATURES 12 Will You Marry Me? 14 No Side Door Entry 18 A Heart to Health Talk


Independent Wellness Advocate Yvette J. Wright

J&J Floor Care

Jesse and Jane Coppedge

Feature Story:


hy a multivitamin? Let’s face it—most of us don’t receive the complex variety of vital nutrients from our diets. Without these nutrients, our bodies can become deficient. Therefore, a multivitamin is one of the most important supplements that everyone should have in their vitamin cabinet.

Keeping Up With The Vitamins In 1935, David Shakarian opened a small health store. Within six months, he opened a second. By 1941, his franchise had grown and he opened five more. During WWII, Mr. Shakarian began expanding his profession, by using the mail order business. By the 1960s, Shakarian changed his store name to General Nutrition Center (GNC). Today GNC has over 7,400 stores and over 13,000 employees. Recently, I stopped by my local GNC Store to pick up a few vitamins. I spoke with Courtney Depianta. Depianta is a friendly, beautiful, and excited GNC employee. I enjoy talking with her each time I visit the store. She was more than willing to share her knowledge of vitamins with me. I asked Depianta why do we need multivitamins.? She stated, “Your multivitamin has everything you need in your diet. So, when you don’t eat right, or have gasps in your diet, the multivitamin fills it.”

Depianta shared a common deficiency in most people. Iodine is found naturally in sea vegetables such as kelp and seaweed. Per Depianta, “Not many people eat these vegetables, and this causes iodine deficiency. Multivitamins contain the iodine needed.” Iodine is an element that is needed to produce the thyroid hormone. The body does not make iodine, so it is an essential part of your diet. In 1924, iodine was added to salt to help combat this deficiency. Multivitamins cover the basic nutrients the body needs. The levels found in the multivitamins are average. If a person needs additional doses of a specific vitamin, i.e. iron, vitamin A, or vitamin B-12, these can be purchased separately.

“Your multivitamin has everything you need in your diet.”

Multivitamins are a great way to help the body maintain the proper nutrients needed to complete all the tasks in a normal day. It’s the first thing we should take each morning. It aids in quicker recovery from workouts, sickness, and maintains healthy skin, nails and overall health.

"Multivitamins cover the basic nutrients the body needs."



ore than the latest wardrobe trend or skilled make-up artist, glowing skin turns heads.


The Secret Keys to Beautiful Skin "Beautiful skin is about good skin care habits practiced day in and day out"

Diana Martin, a 63-year-old, wedding consultant, mother and grandmother knows this well. She regularly fools strangers with her age. Her seemingly poreless, litfrom within complexion is more than genes. She wasn’t simply “born” with beautiful skin. She works hard to maintain it. We asked Diana what's her secret to beautiful skin? She states, “beautiful skin is about good skin care habits practiced day in and day out.” “Some people are born with beautiful skin and have to do little to maintain a healthy glow. Others, such as myself, have to work at maintaining beautiful skin.” Diana shared these six keys tolooking and feeling your best.

1. Smoking and Sunscreen By Janice McDonald - Smoking and being outdoors without sunscreen is a great way to look ten years older. People who smoke and spent time outdoors

BEAUTY without wearing sunscreen looked years older. They had more fine lines, deeper and more plentiful wrinkles, and skin that was more spotted. Smoking is not only bad for your overall health, it also affects the appearance of your skin. If you want to look and feel younger, it's best to avoid smoking. 2. Keep Skincare Simple - Using a lot of different products on the skin can do more harm than good. It’s best to keep your skincare routine simple. The products needed for beautiful skin are a simple cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer, and a retinoid or retinol. More, is not always better. If your skincare regimen is simple, you are more likely to stick with it.

were, have a positive outlook on life. Good skin is linked to positive attitudes. So, increase the positivity and the smiles.

3. Eat Healthy – Eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables does wonders for beautiful skin. Its best to stay away from processed foods. Try adding a fresh smoothie mixed with berries, spinach and mangos. It’s not only delicious. It supplies your skin with vital nutrients to maintain its healthy glow.

5. Get Plenty of Rest - Good sleeping habits optimizes the natural secretion of the human growth hormone, which promotes cell turnover and collagen While there's no fountain production. It also reduces dark of youth for radiant skin. There are some simple steps circles underneath the eyes. that you can take to maintain healthy and glowiing skin.

4. Get Moving – Exercise is not only good for your heart, lungs and mental health. It increases circulation and the flow of nutrients to the skin. This helps give you a more youthful appearance. It also helps keep stress in check, which in turn reduces the release of stress hormones that worsen conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea.

6. Smile – Being happy and having a positive attitude is more powerful than you think. Many women who look 10 or more years younger than they actually

Attitude and Aging

Healing Power Of Sleep


hen was the last time you actually were able to turn off all of your electronic gadgets, turn off all phones, have the house quiet, and enter into deep enriching and nourishing sleep? If you achieved this goal for one day out of seven that is great. But how many more days out of the week have you made it your goal to achieve sound nourishing sleep? I spoke with Holistic Lifestyle Coach and owner of Relax & Be Well Coaching Services, Yvette Wright. Yvette is a Registered Nurse. I asked her why is sleep so essential? She states, "sleep is a healing balm for our bodies. It helps with weight manag-

ment, helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels and reduce stressors." Without sleep your body has trouble balacing hormones, managing other body systems, and won't allow your body to repair itself or heal? Wright explained that "many people overlook the power of sleep and don't make the necessary plans to get quality sleep on a regular basis." Sleep is not only a critical component of our physical needs, "it is also a necessity for us spiritually." In Genesis 2:21 God caused a deep sleep to come over Adam. He then performed an otherwise painful procedure of removing one of Adam's ribs to create woman. It is in sleep

where God has the ability to go to a deep place in us, and perform surgery removing what is no longer needed. He also uses sleep and our dreams to reveal things that will happen in our future. God did this through Joseph's dreams in the Bible, and many others.

Psalms 3:5 indicates that sleep is to refresh and sustain us and Psalms 4:8 lets us know that God gives peace when we sleep and God causes us to

to live in safety. So overall, sleep is vi- C. Silence and turn off all electrontal to our life's physical and spiritual ic gadgets 1-2 hours before bedtime sustainability. (cell phones, laptops, tablets, I-watch, etc). You would be surprised at how Psalm 127:2 states that it's vain to get much of an effect these gadgets have up early and stay up late, but He gives on your sleep. sleep to the one He loves. The Message Bible says, "It's useless to rise ear- D. Avoid caffeine and stimulants, ly and go to bed late, and work your spicy foods, sugar, alcoholic beveragworried fingers to the bone. Don't you es, and exercise 2 hours before bed know He enjoys giving rest to those time. Your mind needs time to relax He loves?" God enjoys giving all of and calm down before laying down to us rest. He cares about everything sleep. concerning us, even quality sleep. E. Use an essential oil that promotes Here are some steps Registered quality sleep like Serenity, CedarNurse Wright gave us, to help us ob- wood, or Lavendar to help promote tain a peaceful nights rest: relaxation before bed (*ask me about doTERRA certified pure therapeutic A. Set a bed-time that is conducive grade essential oils). to getting 7-10 hours of sleep. F. It's ok to use ear plugs and eye B. Prepare your bedroom to become masks to further enhance your sleep (I a quiet, serene place to receive quality personally use ear plugs to drown out sleep. background noise since my bed time greatly differs from my husband's).

G. Pray for God's peace while you sleep and expect Him to enhance your sleep experiences with dreams, visions, prophetic direction, and visitation from Him. H. Wake up feeling refreshed and maintain your new sleep routine. Your body and spirit will be forever grateful. Yvette is an RN, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, the owner of Relax & Be Well Coaching Services and a doTERRA Wellness Advocate. She provides education on use of essential oils and private coaching services to women who are challenged with stress, and health related issues. She helps empower and improve the overall well-being of her clients. She can be reached at relaxandbewellcoach@ or relaxandbewell By: RN, Yvette Wright and Janice McDonald

Peacful Sleep Prayer

"Father, thank You for peaceful sleep and for Your angels that protect us. Praise the Lord for angels who are mighty and carry out your plans. They listen for Your instructions and obey Your voice. You cammand Your angels to protect us wheever we go. We capture every thought and make it obey You, Father. I thank You that Your Word says that we can go to bed without fear and we can lie down and sleep soundly. Praise You, Lord for being our guide. Even in the darkest night, we feel Your leading. We will always look to You as You stay close beside us and protect us from fear. With all of our hearts, we rejoice and are glad that we can safely rest. You give sleep to Your children. Thank You, Father, that we can sleep soundly because You keep us Safe! By:Germaine Copeland

"Stay in Your Lane Stay in Your Season"

"God wants us to stay in our Season.” H

ave you ever heard the being single. This is a great focus for phrase “stay in your lane?” singles. But my friend and I realized that the season we are in at this moWell, I believe that God has a season ment is “preparing for marriage.” for every event in our lives (Ecclesi- We had our time when the focus astics 3:1-8), and instead of staying in was about us, and enjoying our lives our lanes, God wants us to “Stay In as single women. But now we find Our Season.” He doesn’t want us to ourselves in a different season, and move, or go back in forth changing it’s a season of relationship. Even our minds just because we are afraid, though we knew this, it still didn’t uncomfortable, can’t see our victories, stop us from contemplating on goor because we find ourselves waiting ing to the conference, just to have a little longer than “we” intended. fun. However, in the end we both agreed that we need to “stay in our I remember visiting Florida with my season” and in position for what we best friend in October 2012. It was believe God is about to do for us. a faith trip. You see, I had been preparing spiritually and emotionally To stay in your season it’s good for a relocation for years. We visited to have these three things: the college I wanted to attend and an apartment complex. We laughed 1. Communication with God. I and took pictures—all in faith. Eight wanted to give up on relocating to months later, not only did I com- Florida many times. I cried. I argued plete my first semester at that same with God. I doubted. But when I college, I was traveling in a new vehi- prayed, God always comforted and cle (I had lost my other one) and on reassured me that I wasn’t crazy, my way to occupy that apartment as or hearing incorrectly. Florida was well. There was a season of prepa- still His Will for my life, and deration. A season of being still, and spite the delay, or what I saw with a season of action. I had to learn to my own eyes, it would come to pass. listen to the Holy Spirit, be patient, and know which season I was in. 2. A circle of people who will not only listen to the vision God gave Recently, my best friend and I were you, but will hold you accountable to looking at a conference for singles. following through with it, and supEach conference is different. The fo- plying the faith God requires to obcus of this particular conference will tain it. I’m thankful for parents, sibbe learning to be happy with yourself lings, and a sister-in-Christ like Diana. (not looking to be with someone at this time), and being spiritually and 3. A willingness to do self-invenphysically healthy, in your season of tory, and an adjustment if necessary.

I couldn’t have it both ways – Delaware and Florida. There came a point in time where I was either going to hold onto to my security blanket or let God have it. I’d had to choose to grab hold of God’s Hand, and jump over that cliff of uncertainty. For me, this meant not making any more plans to stay in Delaware. Though the future was full of unknowns (I had no job prospects in Florida and I was leaving a good temporary job which paid me $34.00 an hour. This was hard to leave for Jesus…lol – just being real) I had to stop riding the fence, accept God’s Will, venture past my comfort zone and give up some things–like that $34.00 an hour. Seasons can be challenging. Most of the time they aren’t flawless, and they test our faith. They have instruction periods, preparation periods, waiting periods, and action periods. Don’t let fear our doubt stop you from moving into your season. Maybe it’s your season for a new position, promotion, house, marriage, to start a business or ministry, be still, move, or to be single

and attend a singles conference like we discussed. The important thing is to know your season, verbalize it, embrace it, own, and live it. So, don’t just stay in your lane….“Stay in Your Season!” By: Janice McDonald

Today, I spoke to Diana of Martin of Martin & Martin Exclusively Yours. Diana is a wedding and event planner. I asked her what made her pursue a career in the wedding and event planning field? Martin explained, “I have always enjoyed serving.” As a child growing up in the church, her passion was to serve the Lord. She states that she, “started this business to help people fulfill their wedding dreams, in an exquisite, yet affordable manner. I asked her to explain the importance of a wedding ceremony, and her role as a wedding planner. Martin states that "the wedding ceremony is meant for two people who have fallen in love and plan to spend the rest of their lives together." The two make a covenant, or a promise

to the Lord to unite until death. Martin’s job is to serve the couple to the best of her abilities. She creates a unique and long lasting experience for the couple. She takes the anxiety out of wedding preparation. She incorporates her desire and love to serve others through her wedding and event planning business. Martin shared the following tips for planning this special event: • Budget and Guest List: The budget and guest list go hand-inhand. Make sure you plan these lists together. • Engagement: Most engagements tend to run from Thanksgiving through Valentine’s Day. This is the time most couples are with family and friends. It’s the best time to ensure everyone is around for the announcement. Tip: When you are

ready to ask to ask “will you marry me?” Try to make it special, by making this a private moment. Afterwards, share the wonderful news with everyone, and then call us. • Organization – The more organized you are the less chance there is something will go wrong. Tip: If you are someone who likes to handwrite your plans, pick up The Knot Ultimate Wedding Planner & Organizer. Keep all your wedding information in it (receipts, contracts, ideas, dates, times and, locations). You can also download the Knot for your smart phone.


oors are protective partitions that keep up safe from outside threats to our home, possessions and family. We have a keen sense of security when doors are properly locked and secured. Open doors are open invitations to criminals, squatters, trespassers and all kinds of imposters. As a sense of peace and serenity, we often take the extra precaution. We purchase alarm systems to better secure our goods. Appearing at the top of the habitual criminal list of thieves is Satan. He is the most infamous invader of all. His biblical biography reads that he comes to steal kill and destroy. Beware he is a professional home invader.

In general, when there is an intruder, emergency alerts warn us to find the deepest corner of the room, turn the lights out, be quiet, and lock the door. Daily we are confronted with the news of intruders. We are perplexed by their ability to infuse their way into our space. It is vital that we are aware that there are intruders who are robbing us daily, and how we may have left ourselves open to the culprit. Satan, the most notorious thief has stripped us of your quiet tie to the Most High God (our intercessor), our families, finances, rest and peace. Satan sometimes masks himself as a job, hobby, habit, and sometimes people. He is a very subtle invader. He is so cunning, we don’t even realize he has stolen anything or perhaps everything until it’s too late. The bible warns us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices in 2Cor2:111. His devises are designated to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). In 2017, it is time for us to secure our house, the temple of God. It is time to arm ourselves with the word of God as proclaimed in Ephesians 6:12-13. Close and secure all the side doors as there are many entries that Satan maneuvers. Here are the three major side doors that we must make sure are closed:

ENTRY 1. 2. 3.

The Lust of the Flesh The Lust of the Eyes The Pride of Life

We have to put a lock on these doors, secure them through the Blood of Jesus, and shut down Satan's entrance into our hearts, minds and spirits. We must close the side door to the enemy and let Jesus enter the front door of our hearts, so that He can come in and fellowship with us. He will lead and guide us, and give us peace (1 John 2:16). JESUS is the security that will never leave or forsake us. He will give His angels charge over us, to keep us in all our ways. By: Matilda Madrick


A HEART TO HEALTH TALK God made us with an incredible organ called the heart that has a huge responsibility of not only pumping blood through our circulatory systems, but also navigating oxygen and nutrients throughout different parts of our body, and into our brain. It assists in removing metabolic waste from the body through our kidneys and our liver. Our heart sits in a central location behind our chest walls, as if to declare to us that it’s centralized location has high value and

importance to our bodies. This declaration is a powerful and important for us to recognize, adhere to, and no longer ignore. Some of us understand the impactful role the heart commands inside our bodies; others have not. Because the heart is such a power player, it’s extremely vital that we treat our hearts with more respect than we may have previously. It is the lifeline and heartbeat to the other bodily systems and when it malfunctions, other organs may follow suit.

Cardiovascular disease has been a longstanding problem for many. Globally, it accounts for 30% of deaths. Risk factors that contribute to heart disease include: smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, artery disease, irregular heart rhythms, congenital heart problems, unrelieved stress, poor eating habits/diet, age, menopause and poor hygiene, to name a few. Our hearts are not only comprised of a physical nature, but an emotion-

al and spiritual nature as well. Our hearts are linked to our moral principles, intellectual capacities, emotional stability, rational/non-rational ability, thoughts and actions, desires, loyalty, and our obedience. Our hearts think, understand, makes commitments, plans, and decisions. Our hearts remember, reflect, and meditate. With so many contributing heart characteristics and risk factors that can lead to heart disease, it is

important that you implement great self-management tools to keep your body in agreement with the heart’s declaration of its vital role. Lifestyle changes are a part of great self-management and is necessary for all health matters, including taking care of your heart. In ancient biblical times, people understood the physical dynamics of the heart and made sure to eat to strengthen the heart, and revive the body. There are numerous scriptures in the bible that discuss how our hearts function physically, emotionally, and spiritually. For example, Genesis 18:5 indicates that food is to sustain the heart. Ancient people, although not challenged with our super-charged and fast society, understood the significance of their lifestyle and self-management skills in taking exceptional care of their hearts. It’s definitely time for us to create an environment of self-care within ourselves so that our hearts can function not just as they were physically designed to, but also

to function in the spiritu- Some alternatives to usal and emotional manner ing sugar are using Stevia, they were created. So let’s Yacon Syrup, and/or Agave. stop making our hearts cry! 3. Get Moving—physical Lifestyle & Self-Manageinactivity has been a mament Tips: jor player in the deterioration of health for many 1. Eat Clean—clean eating is of us. It’s important for all the rage, or is it? Clean your heart to start an exeating has been around ercise program, walk more since the beginning of time with a goal of 10,000 steps but in today’s society it has a day, and/or incorporate become very commercial- some physical activity that ized, and with good reason. you find fun, and that you Clean eating in a nutshell will commit to sticking is nourishing your body with daily. Many jobs have with whole, fresh, unpro- made people sedentary. It’s cessed foods. Eating more time to get moving again. fresh or frozen vegetables, fruit, meats, nuts, seeds, 4. Eliminate Unhealthy and adding in superfoods Habits—there are resources like chlorella, spirulina, for those that are smokers moringa, etc., can signifi- and/or excessive drinkers. cantly boost your health. Find a resource in your The goal in clean eating is area. Smoking is a major to limit or avoid processed risk factor for heart disease food and sugary items. because it clogs the arteries. Consider a smoking cessa2. Eliminate Inflamma- tion program today. Limit tion—SUGAR is the big- your alcohol consumption. gest culprit in everyone’s diet that affects not only 5. Practice Good Hytheir hearts, but also their giene—Brush and floss bodies. Sugar causes in- your teeth daily, and make flammation internally, to sure to perform good every organ and system. hand washing techniques




6. De-Stress—Stress is a major contributor to poor heart function. If you find yourself under great amounts of stress, then take time to consider what is causing the stress and make some positive life changes. Put yourself first. 7. Manage Your Weight— Obesity puts a huge strain on your heart and how it functions. Make plans to lose and manage your weight to stop overloading your heart. A BMI of less than 25 and a waist circumference of 35 inches should be your goal for good heart function. 8. Realign Your Heart—We were created to connect intimately and relationally with God the Father. Put God first in all things you do. Realign your heart with His, follow His commands, and allow Him to heal you, and give you the desires of your heart. By: Yvette Wright

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