MISSIONAL LEADERSHIP: A Report on the Life and Ministry of St. Andrew’s Hall
2014 – 2015
Table of Contents: Time for Change ……………………………………………………………………………… p 3
People A New Dean for St. Andrew’s Hall …………………………………………………… p 3 Goodbye to Stephen Farris ……………………………………………………………… p 4 Goodbye to Helen Anderson …………………………………………………………… p 4 Hello to Deanna Louie……………………………………………………………………… p 5 Goodbye to Roberta Clare …………………………………………………………….... p 5 Rev. Dr. Darrell Guder ……………………………………………………………………… p 6 St. Andrew’s Hall Graduates May 2015 ……………………………………………. p 6
PLACE The St. Andrew’s Hall Centre for Missional Leadership (CML) ………….. p 8 Time for Major Repairs ………………………………………………………………….... p 9
PASSION St. Andrew's Scholars Program ……………………………………………………….. p 9 St Andrew’s Hall Campus Ministries ……………………………………………….. p 10
Cover Image:
L-R : Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart, Director of the Centre for Missional Leadership, and Presbyterian Director of Denominational Formation at Vancouver School of Theology with recent graduates, Curtis Wilson, Al Brouwer, Ashley Tu, and Nam Ok Yoo relaxing in front of St. Andrew’s Hall.
Time for a Change! It’s time to say both Hello and Goodbye at St. Andrew’s Hall.
Hello to the Centre for Missional Leadership, to the nominee as new Dean of the Hall, Dr. Bob Paul, to Dr. Darrell Guder, Senior Fellow in Residence in the new Centre and to Deanna Louie, our new Director of Operations and Housing. It’s also time to say Goodbye, in this case to the Elders’ Institute in its present form, to Dr. Roberta Clare, the Director of the EI, to John Li of the EI, to Helen Anderson, long-serving Director of Operations and Housing, and to Stephen Farris who will shortly retire as Dean of St. Andrew’s Hall. Above all, it’s time to say Goodbye to five graduates who in very different ways will exercise leadership in Christ’s Church. St. Andrew’s Hall believes that effective leadership is God’s gift and God’s will for the church. We pray that God will use all these changes as a way of creating and developing effective leaders for the church.
A new Dean for St. Andrew’s Hall With the impending retirement of Dr. Stephen Farris as Dean, the Board of St. Andrew’s Hall engaged in an extensive search process for a new Dean. As a result of that search, the Board has presented to the 141st General Assembly, the name of Rev. Dr. Robert Paul as its nominee for the position. Rev. Dr. Robert (Bob) S. Paul is a gifted and experienced pastor, administrator, scholar and teacher. Bob is an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament, Presbyterian Church USA, having led congregations for most of the past 35 years, mostly as a senior pastor in Washington State, Oregon, and California. He also served for 13 years on the Committee on Preparation for Ministry in his presbytery while serving as Senior Pastor, West Side Church (PCUSA), Richland, Washington. Bob Paul received his M. Div and D. Min at Fuller Theological Seminary, the latter degree concentrating on leadership development for Christian ministries. He proceeded to obtain a Ph.D. from the University of Wales through the Oxford Centre for Missional Studies with a thesis focused on a theology of mission for postChristendom and postmodern contexts. Dr. Paul taught for 13 years at Fuller Theological Seminary in its D. Min programme a course entitled “Theology, Theory and Practice of Leadership” as well as teaching courses in Vancouver at Regent College and Carey Theological College on leadership and the missional church. He also taught a course at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia on Gospel and culture. Dr. Paul has also served parachurch organizations, including four years as President and CEO of Medical Ambassadors International and 19 years as President, Alongside Ministries International.
Goodbye to Stephen Farris The St. Andrew’s Hall community is saying farewell to Dr. Stephen Farris, who has served as Dean of St. Andrew’s Hall and Professor of Homiletics at Vancouver School of Theology since 2003. From 2011 to 2013 Dr. Farris also served as the interim Principal of Vancouver School of Theology. Most recently, Dr. Stephen Farris was elected as the Moderator of the 140th General Assembly in 2014. Dr. Farris was a congregational minister before entering the academic realm and has taught preaching and some Bible courses for more than thirty years at Queen’s University and Knox College, University of Toronto, before coming to Vancouver. He calculates that he has listened to more than 2,000 student sermons and claims to have fallen asleep in only three of them. Stephen was President of the Academy of Homiletics for the year 2002. He has served on many local, national and international committees including the Executive Committee of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. In that connection, he undertook some challenging tasks including the negotiations to assist the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa to repudiate apartheid. He has been invited to lecture and preach at a wide variety of events and churches in all ten provinces of Canada and on six continents. The Board of St. Andrew’s Hall has recorded that “Dr. Farris is a stalwart Churchman, a tremendous Dean, an accomplished professor, but most of all a wonderful man. Dr. Farris has embodied, for his students and all those privileged to work with him, authenticity, humility, kindness, sagacity, and winsomeness. His work at St. Andrew’s Hall has enabled it to make an important contribution to theological education within and beyond The Presbyterian Church in Canada. It is no exaggeration to say that without Stephen Farris and the difficult decisions he took, the health and even survival of St. Andrew’s Hall and Vancouver School of Theology would be very much in question. Instead, both today are financially stable and thriving.”
Goodbye to Helen Anderson Everybody who comes through the door of St. Andrew’s Hall meets Helen Anderson, the Director of Operations and Housing, and probably sooner rather than later. Helen will be leaving St. Andrew’s Hall after 27 years of service. Ms. Anderson came to the Hall in 1988 as “Administrator.” Over the years she has gained new skills, accepted new responsibilities and gained a more accurate title. During those years she has managed the finances, prepared the budgets, arranged for the upkeep and care of the buildings and grounds and supervised much of the staff of the Hall. “Ask Helen, she’ll know,” is a frequent response to questions in St. Andrew’s Hall. It would be a shorter list if one were to describe the things she has not done around St. Andrew’s Hall than to list her duties. She has been the primary liaison with the contractors through two building programmes and 4|Page
will cheerfully show visitors her pink hard hat. In many ways, Helen Anderson has been both the face and the heart of St. Andrew’s Hall. A host of residents and students will remember her fondly. Her final task at the Hall will be to help host the General Assembly and her many friends will be able to thank her personally. The Board prays God’s blessing upon Helen as she enters a new stage of life.
Hello to Deanna Louie Deanna Louie has been engaged as the new Director of Operations and Housing. Deanna is a graduate of UBC and holds Chartered Accountancy and Certified Internal Auditor designations. She is a member of Vancouver Chinese Presbyterian Church where she was baptized. Deanna has extensive accounting and audit experience and most recently worked at UBC Internal Audit. She has been very active in a number of different charities and knows the world of St. Andrew’s Hall well from her time on the Board of St. Andrew’s Hall. Deanna is married to Farrell and a year ago experienced the joy of the birth of their daughter Daphne. The operations of St. Andrew’s Hall are in expert hands with Deanna Louie.
Goodbye to Roberta Clare Since the activities of the Elders’ Institute are being included in the work of the Centre for Missional Leadership, St. Andrew’s Hall is saying Goodbye to Dr. Roberta Clare. Dr. Clare served as the Director of the Elders’ Institute of St, Andrew’s Hall from January, 2004 to May, 2015. As Director of the Elders’ Institute, Dr. Clare was responsible for leading the efforts of St. Andrew’s Hall to enhance and strengthen the ministry of ruling elders of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. As such, she was primarily responsible for producing resources that would help achieve that end. Dr. Clare also conducted workshops for elders, ministers and church members in congregations or church judicatories in all regions of the country. Dr. Clare was responsible for many years for the Elders’ Institute’s signature programme, the Pre-Assembly Workshop, a day long workshop held on the Saturday before the beginning of the General Assembly and was one of the most recognized and successful ongoing programmes in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. This programme had to come to an end, not because of difficulties in the programme but because of a significant change in the schedule of the Assembly. Another successful effort, initiated by Dr. Clare, was a programme to orient first time elder commissioners to the General Assembly. Dr. Clare also became a recognized expert in the new field of online mentoring. It should also be mentioned that Dr. Clare undertook further training especially with respect to intercultural relationships. St. Andrew’s Hall wishes to thank Dr. Clare for her past service, and to indicate that she takes with her St. Andrew’s Hall’s best wishes and prayers for the future. 5|Page
Rev. Dr. Darrell Guder Dr. Darrell Guder has agreed to serve as the first Senior Fellow in Residence of the Centre for Missional Leadership. Dr. Guder is a very experienced teacher, workshop leader, lecturer and author of many books and articles including the seminal work in Missional Theology, The Continuing Conversion of the Church. He is perhaps the world’s foremost thinker in that vital area.
St. Andrew’s Hall Graduates May 2015 Inspired and Inspiring Leaders for Christ’s Church of Tomorrow, Today
Curtis Wilson - M.Div. Home congregation: St. Andrew's/St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, North Vancouver
Nam Ok Yoo - M.Div. Home Congregation: Vancouver Korean Presbyterian Church
Al Brouwer - Diploma of Presbyterian Studies Home congregation: Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook, BC
Young-Geun Kim - M.Div. Home Congregation: Vancouver Korean Presbyterian Church
Ashley Tu - M.Div. Home Congregation: Chinese Alliance Church, Vancouver
The St. Andrew’s Hall Centre for Missional Leadership (CML) After
several years of faithful study, conversation and discernment, the Board of St. Andrew’s Hall has established the St. Andrew’s Hall Centre for Missional Leadership. The CML will be a place for equipping leaders in worshipping communities that help form missionary disciples who can bless and mend God’s world. The CML endeavors to form Inspired and Inspiring Missional Leaders for Christ’s Church of tomorrow, today. The structure of the Centre includes The Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart as Director as well as The Rev. Dr. Darrell Guder as Senior Fellow in Residence. Dr. Guder will be on site several times throughout the year to teach courses and serve as “Missionary Architect” of the CML. The CML will also include Senior Fellows drawn from across the country experienced in the theory and research of the Missional Church as well as Missionary Practitioners who are serving local worshipping communities and experimenting with mission and evangelism. In addition, the CML will provide the enhanced Master of Divinity program known as the St. Andrew’s Scholars programs to select candidates for Ordained Ministry as well as ongoing continuing education events for Teaching and Ruling Elders. Effective leaders of the church of the future will not be lone wolves but rather will have the capacity to work together with “The church participates in God’s a whole church and, indeed, with people of good will in other mission in the world because it can churches or beyond the church. Ministers and elders will work do no other; it was created for this together very closely and should often be educated and purpose….it is missionary by nature.” equipped together. Accordingly, the functions of the present Elder’s Institute will be combined into the new Centre. This – Van Gelder does not mean that St. Andrew’s Hall is abandoning the education of elders but rather that it is being more closely linked with the education of other church leaders. The CML takes seriously Craig Van Gelder’s claim that “The church participates in God’s mission in the world because it can do no other; it was created for this purpose….it is missionary by nature.” Therefore, the CML aims to be a place of research, teaching and practice that shares with the wider church its “petri dish ecclesiology” lessons in the years to come.
Time for Major Repairs The
Board commissioned a study of the condition of the residence buildings of St. Andrew’s Hall which were completed in 1995. The report stated that repairs were needed to the outer fabric of the building as a whole. As a consequence, in the coming year, the stucco exterior of the building will be replaced; new and more efficient windows will be installed and some piping will be replaced. The predicted life span of the roof was twenty years and although it would be possible to eke out two more years without repairs, it was decided to minimize disruption of the residents and take on that job also. We expect the projected repairs to take about 10 months to complete. We are thankful that the Hall is in good financial condition, having recorded a financial surplus in 2014. There will certainly be no surplus in 2015-16 but it is calculated that by extending the life of the buildings by even a few years, the project will more than pay for itself. The Board considers these repairs to be good stewardship
St. Andrew’s Scholars Program The Vision of the St. Andrew's Scholars program is an enhanced, year round Master of Divinity course of study and practice that aims to prepare evangelical, entrepreneurial and effective Teaching Elders for new and renewing ministries in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. St. Andrew's Hall is called by God to offer visionary leadership that is focused on responding to what God is doing in the communities where we live, work and play. We know that the traditional approaches of preparing people for ministry are not consistently producing the results we desire. Now is the time for "traditioned innovation." St. Andrew's Hall seeks faithful patrons with the capacity to see the vision and respond with generosity. If you have the passion for the future of the church and financial capacity to make something happen we would like to invite you to financially support St. Andrew's Scholars. Just us as we engage with the next generation to motivate and retain outstanding leaders for our church. Your financial gift enables the preparation and equipping of Inspired and Inspiring Leaders for Christ's Church of tomorrow, today!
St Andrew’s Hall Campus Ministries Sumarme Goble, Director of Campus Ministries
a safe and respectful environment where residents can make friends, learn from one another, receive compassionate support, and be greeted with the gospel is part of the mission of St. Andrew’s Hall. Supporting those goals were student chaplains Roberto DeSandoli, Janik Livera, Jake Taxis, and Sumarme Goble (Director). Together we provided opportunities for residents to foster community during soup night and special meal gatherings, inter-faith discussions, Bible studies, choir practices, parent and tot tea times, cooking classes, after school children’s events, movie nights, “Night Prayer” times, and coffee break moments with students. These simple acts of being together and sharing life are L-R: Student Chaplains Jake Taxis, Roberto DeSandoli, Janik important to Christian Livera and Director of Campus Ministries Sumarme Goble. communities because they remind us of the generosity of Jesus and our call to hospitality both to residents and guests in our community. The team also helped residents reach out and serve the wider community. We gathered three times to make sandwiches (150 each time) for people in need in the Downtown Eastside. We collected food and funds for the UBC student food bank. We invited neighbours to view a movie called “Transcend,” which portrayed a runner’s faith, service, and courage. Roberto formed a community running club that included a faith-based component to encourage community and spiritual reflection. We hosted a springtime barbeque for residents and their friends. Sumarme, along with 15 chaplains in the Multi-faith Chaplains’ Association at UBC, created events and provided resources for students to encourage them spiritually, to foster dialogue among differing faith traditions, and to make deeper interpersonal connections. SAH Campus Ministry joined the United Church Campus Ministry in hosting a three-week Yoga Chapel series inspired by the season of Lent. It was led by Rev. Bethel Lee, a United Church minister and certified yoga instructor. We are grateful for this place that enables a diverse and richly textured community to gather for worship, service, fun, and encouragement of one another. 10 | P a g e
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